joiesomer · 5 years
a distraction | Rainmel
Who: Somer Rainault & Topher Hummel ( @topherxhummel )
Where: Schuester 107, Somer’s room
When: 28 June 2019
Notes/Triggers: N/a so far
Somer glanced around his room, trying not to think about the possibility (probability, the bad part of his mind whispered) that Topher wouldn’t come. He hastily shoved yesterday’s shirts in the laundry bag in his closet and pulled up the windowshade so the room seemed bigger. Twitch the coverlet up over the bed ... shit, no, don’t think about bed and Topher in the same five seconds.
He had to be careful around Topher. Benji and Topher were still going to be close, so he had to be so careful, not leave any more spaces for Benji to come in and cut him up again. But he and Topher had so much in common! Somer unlocked the door, then threw himself back at his laptop so he didn’t look like he was impatiently waiting for Topher to show up.
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xxelijahxxscottxx · 5 years
Dude, if these people keep popping in, then send 'em my way. Like to see if they'd follow through and come have a chat with me instead.
I don’t need your help Topher.... I already told you I can fight my own battles... You might have been right. You can have Benji, I already ruined his life enough and he’s already kissed you so... It won’t be any different for you.
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sixthfloorsouls · 6 years
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Topher could only hear small bits and pieces of what seemed to be growing into a bit of an aggressive conversation. He could tell that one of the bartenders hadn't exactly been keeping an eye on this guy who'd obviously had a few too many to drink. "Hey, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Topher walked to where the man stood, near a group of young women who looked very uncomfortable. "Sir, you're no longer welcome here." The man just kept ignoring Topher. "Hey asshole!" Topher pulled on the man's arm so he was facing him. "I said get the hell out of my bar." Topher stood his ground staring at the man who now had all eyes on him. He moved to punch Topher, but was too drunk to land a punch. One of the bouncers came over and pulled the man outside. Topher went back to the group of women, "I'm sorry ladies. Your next drink is on me, and if I can get you anything else, the name's Topher, I hope that guy didn't ruin your evening." He threw on his cheesy customer service smile and turned to head back behind the bar.
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joiekurt-blog · 5 years
I think that I lucked out and got the best brother ever.
Thanks Toph.
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I might go home for a few days soon... You wanna come?
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joiesomer · 5 years
group nerd chat
[to sam, jeff, austin, topher, spencer]
Somer: so I got the last expansion of Sentinels of the Multiverse (early birthday present)
Somer: it's got a universe-level threat in it, OblivAeon
Somer: idk
Somer: so who wants to come on friday night and play it with me?
Somer: (also I want to meet more girl gamers)
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joiesomer · 5 years
@topherxhummel from here:
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So far it just gives me sleepless nights and anxiety attacks.
So, um, what kind of stories do you write?
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joiesomer · 5 years
Who: Somer, Jeff ( @xjefferxx ), Topher ( @topherxhummel )
Where: Somer’s room
When: Oct 2
Notes/Triggers: Topher has a confession. Somer gets put back together. tw depression
If there was one word that was even close to describing what Topher was feeling, it was nervousness. He knew there wasn't much reason to worry or any reason at all, yet the idea of coming out to his loved ones still felt rather daunting. But they deserved to know the truth which was why he'd texted and arranged this little hang out. Besides, Jeff already knew so technically Somer was the only one he had yet to come out to when it came to them.
Once he arrived, he raised his hand to tentatively knock on the door. "It's your friendly neighborhood dork," Topher called. And with that, he started to wait and removed his phone in order to fiddle around with it for a few moments.
Somer lifted his head from the back of the papasan. "Jeff, what did you do? I can't people ... " He sighed unhappily, still feeling very depressed from Mercedes' remarks.
Jeff kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "Topher needs friends right now, this is about him and I know you're a good friend to him, plus you do people. You went to class and I've been here..." Opening the door, he smiled to Topher. "Come on in, panic pants." he stated once the door was shut.
Topher lightly poked his tongue out at Jeff as he entered the room "Panic pants?" he chuckled. "Lemme just light up the blinking neon sign real quick," he continued with another light laugh as he mimed turning something on. "But hey there. How are you guys doing?"
"You don't count as people," Somer muttered, but Jeff was already opening the door. Topher wasn't so bad. Somer just didn't want to have to deal with anybody who might have any expectations of him. He wanted complain about how he needed friends right now, and where were they? but he couldn't. If Topher needed him ... he would just have to be there. What he was feeling didn't matter.
Jeff chuckled at Topher. He came back to sit by his love. "We're doing. How you doing? " He asked offering him a spot to sit on the bed with them.
"Just trying to chillax for once. Also been trying to resist the urge to fight a few fellow students," Topher responded as he moved to join them on the bed. "But that's not why I'm here. Just wanted to tell you guys about a recent development then can we make this a normal hang out? Or if you want me to leave, just tell me, alright?"
Somer crumpled up smaller in his chair, trying to pretend to be invisible. He knew why Topher was fighting other students. It was his fault. It was all, always his fault. He was a bad person ...
Only, when Topher said 'a recent development', the red head came up again. "You've admitted it to yourself, haven't you?" Somer said softly.
Jeff picked up Punkinpi as she came out and up to him. Holding the kitten curled up in his arms, he nodded. Doing his best impression of a Bond villian. "You've come here to tell us you're in love with Benji, didn't you? Punkinpi and I knew you'd come to us with this. Hmmm."
Topher playfully flipped both of them off before his serious demeanor returned once he'd scrubbed a hand over his face. "Jeff, you already know this, but I feel like it's only fair that you know too Somer," he replied before he took a deep breath. The courage almost abandoned him completely yet just a little shred remained behind long enough and he added in a low tone, "I'm gay."
Somer rolled his eyes at Jeff. "Punkinpi knew nothing of the sort." His gaze flicked over to Topher. "I know," he said as gently as he could.
Jeff smirked and stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend. "She so did, why do you question her?" he chuckled again. "Yeah, we all kind of knew Topher but glad to hear you say it yourself out loud."
That earned a tiny eyebrow raise from Topher and his curiosity got the better of him. "Well, I told you straight up. Somer, are you secretly Sherlock Holmes or something?" he questioned.
Somer shook his head. "I'm just really good at reading people," he said, then made a face and hung his head. "Most of the time, anyway." After all, he'd been spectacularly terrible at reading Mercedes. He had thought she was his friend, that she cared about him, (that he was worth caring about) -- and all of that had been wrong.
Jeff grinned to him and nodded. "he's good like that. So how do you feel not that you told someone in person?" Still petting the kitten that was now trying to play with jeff's fingers.
"Better, that's for sure," Topher responded. "But now I kinda just want to play video games with you guys and just generally hang out, get to know the adorable little kitten that seems to have magically appeared."
Punkinpi growled squeakily and bit Jeff's fingertip. Somer just sighed quietly, squirming his shoulders down into his chair again. "This ... isn't a good time for me, Topher," he said softly. He looked at Jeff. "You two can do whatever you want."
Jeff smiled a bit then shook his head. "Somer, baby, you know I'm not as good as you and I'll just get creamed at the game. Come on, it will help you feel better." Looking to Topher, he smiled once more. "This is Punkinpi, she is our child and she looks just like her daddy Somer."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Punkinpi," Topher gently stated with a light smile before his attention flicked to Somer. "I mean, if you guys want to kick me out then I got no problem with that. No problem with staying either, but don't let me put you in a tough spot, alright?"
That made Somer feel guilty all over again. He pulled the blanket over his head, hiding in it. "I can't," he whispered. "I don't want to decide things. I don't want to think."
Jeff sighed and set Punkin in Somer's lap before picking him up and moving to have him sit on the bed with them. He smiled to Topher. "Mind helping me hang this?" Holding up a couple blankets.
Topher nodded then arched an eyebrow as he moved to help out. "Are we on the same wavelength here? Or am I a complete idiot for thinking we're making a blanket fort?"
Somer thought about fighting Jeff, but then Punkinpi might fall and anyway it was too much effort. Instead he flopped out on the bed, then rolled over and curled into a ball around the fluff of orange fur.
"Yeah we are..." jeff whispered. "And I need you to stay, he's still down from all the stuff and just needs to see that she is wrong." Getting the blankets up, Jeff crawled in and picked his boyfriend up to have him in his lap as he kissed his hair. "I love you." he whispered to him.
Topher nodded in agreement then took a seat once they got the blankets up and made sure they were secure. "Well, long as we're taking things easy, maybe we could watch something? Or I could look up some random, hilarious fun facts to share with you both?"
Without speaking Somer shifted around until half of him was in Jeff's lap and the other half of him was curled around Topher. He did need them. Both of them, in different ways, but he couldn't say it right now. It felt too selfish, and that sensation only made him feel worse since Topher had come here to be comforted himself. But he could touch. He could feel them there, with him, and press himself against Jeff and against Topher and be reminded that they were there, and real.
"Princess Bride?" he whispered.
Jeff smiled, kissing Somer's cheek. "As you wish." Pointing to the laptop, "Wanna put it on for me dear Buttercup?" he chuckled as he teased Topher a bit. His grip on Somer a bit tighter but not too much, just wanting to reassure him.
Topher lightly poked his tongue out at Jeff in a joking manner when the nickname hit his ears, yet complied all the same. He got the movie set up then played it right before he moved back to his original space. A gentle smile appeared on his face, equal parts grateful for their support and one that hopefully displayed the fact that he cared about them too.
The redhead couldn't really see the movie, curled up the way he was, but that didn't matter. He knew the whole thing by heart practically, and he could hear it. That was all he needed. Part of him wished desperately for the rest of the usual gaming group, but he fought to control and suppress that. Selfish. He had no right to expect people to pay attention to him because he was feeling a little sad.
Jeff watched the movie, whispering Wesley's lines to Somer every chance he got. When it came to Ingino's lines, Jeff smiled and changed them a bit. "My name is Jeffery Sterling, you hurt my Somer, prepare to die." Hoping to earn even an eye roll then he spoke to Topher. "So since you came out and all, any boys you looking at?"
"My name is Christopher Hummel. You hurt my friends, prepare to die," Topher stated with a light smile of his own. But he gave a tiny shake of his head that ended almost as quickly as it started. "I honestly don't know if anything will come of this and would be surprised to hell and back if anything did, but does the name Sebastian Smythe ring any bells with you guys? But other than that, just gonna keep flying under the radar like I have been."
Somer lifted his head from Jeff's lap, his face working. "What even," he said, with a watery, half-strangled chuckle. "Really? No. No hurting people. No killing." Feebly he whacked Topher in the back with a shin.  "Stop that."
Jeff made a face to him. "We're being honest, gingerbread....thats all." With the name drop, Jeff turned his head slowly to look at Topher. "You could say I've heard of him, yeah. So you're into Sebastian?" Trying to hold back a bit as he didn't know Topher didn't know yet.  "You really should try getting out there more some and I mean, still offering to help you with the dancing."
Topher held his hands up in surrender then let them flop back onto his lap a few moments later. "I mean, kind of?" It was phrased like a question because he didn't really know how he felt. "He's handsome as hell and I get along with him pretty well. Then I'll take you up on the dancing offer sometime in the future if that's cool? Like I said though, I'd be intensely surprised if anything came of that. Or any other crush that pops up and I'd rather focus on my friends anyway."
Once again Somer whacked Topher in the back with his shin. "Stop that," he mumbled. "'s my turn to be self-deprecating. You can have yours next Nevermas."
Jeff chuckled some, "Sebastian is an ass too so if he's being nice to you, you're good... I should mention I've know him since I was born.. He's like my big brother. And somer is right, no being down on yourself "
Topher's hands went back up in the surrender gesture before he answered, "I'll do the best I can with toning it down. Then fingers crossed with that trend continuing. Got a feeling it will though since like with you guys, you've been treating me well so I'll return the favor."
Somer's head dropped back down; he didn't have enough spoons to hold it up after the last two days. "I thought you were into Benji," he muttered. "Did you give up on that?"
Jeff's brow raised. "Yeah what about that? What about your love of your roommate and best friend?"
That earned an arched eyebrow from Topher himself before he questioned, "Can we please not talk about that? I just want to hang out with you guys."
The redhead yawned, snuggling closer to Jeff. "I thought that was why you were comin out, so you could confess to him."
Jeff's brow was raised in a question. He had thought the same if he was honest about it. "Well, inquiring minds are wondering..."
"No, it's not. Just wanted to tell you straight up," Topher chuckled a hint at the unintentional joke. "But that's the story in all seriousness. Just wanted to let you guys know."
"There's way more story there and you know it," Somer said, distracted from his own thoughts by irritation. "Come on, Topher."
Jeff kissed Somer's hair and stayed quiet. He just gave Topher a look as he knew that Somer was right about all this and it was time he just fessed up.
Topher bit his tongue as he shook his head ever so slightly then turned his attention back to the laptop while the movie started to wind down. "You guys want to watch something else?"
Somer pushed himself up, whacking Topher in the back accidentally this time. "No, I want you to tell the whole story. You know better than to tease me with just the summary, come on." He folded his arms, bits of his hair sticking up from where he'd been lying in Jeff's lap, and glared.
Jeff wiggled his brow. "We know you're in love with him, why do think I made you work together with Daffodil?"
"What can I say other than he's my best friend? We met as eleven years old at a gaming tournament where he admittedly kicked my ass in DDR. But he was a worthy opponent as well as the first person outside of my family that I felt like I could trust, even if our friendship was only three days old by the time we separated," Topher replied. "We lost contact then by some fucking miracle of epic proportions, we reunited here at Joie. As roommates nonetheless. He's my right hand man and I'm his, simple as that, you know?"
"Uh-huh. Sure, and you thought about him for ... almost a decade. Before meeting him again. Here." Somer leaned closer to Topher. "Where he promptly hooked up with a guy almost twice his age. Tell me that didn't sting."
"And you're in love with him." Jeff nodded to Topher. "You can't say you're not because you look at him the way I look at Somer, hes got a part of you that you're not sure you want back."
It took every ounce of self control Topher had to not facepalm on the spot. "Guys, can we please just watch another movie? I legit only came here to say hello, come out to you guys, and hang out for a little bit. Don't want to talk about my love life or lack of one or anything along the lines of that. Just want to hang out with two of my best friends."
Somer looked at Jeff, trying to keep his expression still, but a twinkle that had been missing for several days lurked in his eyes. "He didn't answer. I think that means yes. It means yes, right Jeff?"
"I think he does protest a lot, yes." Jeff purred, his forehead to his boyfriend's, then looking to Topher. "Topher, we wouldn't be your good friends if we didn't push you to be honest about your feelings and about how much it sucks to find the one you want with someone else...I mean, does Benji even know you're gay?"
Topher shook his head as he tapped his fingers against his leg for a few moments. "No, he doesn't. I've tried finding the best time or whatever, but we're just busy with our own things. Or it's been a long day and I don't want to drop a coming out speech on top of that. So, that process is an indefinite work in progress."
The redhead leaned back against Jeff. "Excuses," he said succinctly. "Valid ones, but you're still just making excuses because you're scared of how it might come out. You're scared he doesn't feel the same way."
"Nothing in life that is worth having, doesn't come without a risk. Some times you gotta take the leap and hope you can fly.' Jeff shrugged. 'We love you Topher, you know that right?"
"I do know that you guys love me. I hope you know that I love you guys too," Topher answered before he gave a shrug of his own. "Cool if we fire up another movie now?"
Somer tipped his head back to look at the blond. "Have we tortured him enough?"
Jeff kissed Somer's nose. "I think so, yes. So its time we let him choose a movie and just relax." Pressing a kiss to his lips now.
"Alright, what kind of movies do you have on here?" Topher questioned as he shifted in order to inspect the selection on the laptop. "You guys in the mood for either Deadpool or Hellboy?"
"I have John Wick," Somer offered diffidently. He honestly wanted to watch something that was a bit violent, so he could pretend the bad guys were the people he didn't like for a little bit.
Jeff shrugged. "I don't mind, whatever you  two choose is fine with me. I got my friend and my boyfriend, I'm good."
"John Wick it shall be," Topher agreed as he got the movie started then shifted back to his original space. "I can never get enough of movies like this."
"I'm looking forward to four," Somer said. "Maybe it will make more of Parabellum make sense."
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joiesomer · 5 years
PM: So, rumor has it you've had a wild day. Want to talk about it?
I want to not think about it. I want to not think at all. I want to, like, punch something. Or scream. Or -- fuck I don’t even know. First there’s Benji is just, like, boring in on all my scars, and then Jeff kissed me but he’s not interested, and apparently I’m bi now?
I’m so wound up I think I might actually throw up.
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