little-earthquakes-rp · 2 months
Random HeadCanons Absolutely No One Asked For...
Subject: Unplanned Pregnancy
Boden: He's likely to know before even his partner is aware. Picking up those small cues of being sensitive to taste, warn down, and slightly more irritable. After much debate he'd come out and ask about their last period, and if there was even a question he'd be on his way to the pharmacy to grab the test. Once that positive pops up she's found herself next to the golden retrievers of father's to be. He's running out to get those pregnancy cravings, every ultrasound appointment he'd be there, and reading What to Expect When You're Expecting to you in bed each night. Boden being an orphan always dreamed of having a family of his own and would go into dad mode the moment he found out you were carrying his child. (Bodad)
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Alex: If someone were to find themselves in the situation with Alex things would be tense. He would never pressure his lover either way, but he'd make it crystal clear that he wouldn't be able to be a traditional father. If they wanted to continue the pregnancy he'd provide monthly financial support and set up a trust for their future. He'd also make the child a beneficiary of any insurance policies he carried. He'd watch from afar, but wouldn't want any contact with the child. Alex's father was a monster leaving him with deep-rooted concerns he might become one. Truthfully, he's hoping his bloodline dies with him and his tormented siblings. ***(I've thought what it would be like for a long lost kid to find him...DRAMA).
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Lou: He'd likely know before his partner. He'd pick up a different scent from them, but wouldn't say anything. He'd ask around to the other dads in the pack to verify what he assumed. Suddenly they find him ALWAYS around. He'd act completely surprised when you suggested or announced the pregnancy, and he'd wait until they shared their thoughts about what they wanted. Secretly he'd be hoping to start a family. He'd be all in at 100% to be a dad, and he's going to propose and try to marry them before the baby is born. It would also (verse dependent) encourage him to challenge the current alpha and take back his father's pack.
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Gus: Hey, who's to say this already hasn't happened to him. The news would hit him like a brick and he'd be in complete shock for the first twenty-four hours. He'd try to mask it saying he just needed some time for the news to settle in. Within a few days, he'd come back to let them know he'd support them with whatever choice, and sincerely mean it. Granted, it was never a life ambition to be a father, his life has taken so many twists and turns this would just be another. As the months pass by he'd become anxious about their comfort and safety, and have the nursery set up before the last trimester.
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Cianan: "Come now darling, are you sure I'm the dad? Unlikely." He's lived over a hundred years and never left lives in the chamber. Cianan would be suspicious at first because he's a careful witch, but if it were to come to pass he'd likely try to support the mother financially and emotionally to the best of his ability. I think he'd plan not to be hands-on, but when he holds that little baby for the first time that goes right out the window. Shite. He'd change his mind, and insist on playing the role of a proper father that his child deserves.
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Val: "Not remotely possible." states the wrath demon.
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Skye: The man would immediately empathize and try to figure out exactly what their headspace was on the subject. He'd offer support and assure them no matter what was decided he'd be there every step of the way. He'd also stress he'd be ready to help bring this baby into the world and would love to be a father. The moment they both decide to move forward he'd be out buying a new home to accommodate mommy and baby. The kind of home he used to dream of as a kid.A big yard with plenty of trees so he can get going on building the tree house. He'd be dotting probably to the point of annoyance at times, and the moment his child is born he'd pledge his life to protecting them and being the best dad. He'd also be sure to take care of Mama not wanting her to get overwhelmed. Taking on those night feedings proudly.
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jeanpalfroix · 6 months
Where: Berkeley Manor, post plot drop When: March 22, 2024
Jean pushed through the crowd, his eyes peeled for any sign of Val. His blood was still pumping from the fight with Maksim Kurylenko and his glare fucking dared anyone to try him at the moment. But, as much as he ached to continue fighting, orders were orders and getting their own out came before his ego.
He released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding when he finally found her, seemingly unhurt. "Val, there you are. Are you hurt?"
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mcnstercus · 8 months
closed starter - valentina & bliss ( @nctural )
"I think you should really take a break, baby," Valentina said, looking over her partners shoulder. "If you keep staring at it, you're going to start seeing double or something."
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rohanxwalsh · 8 months
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"I hope you are not hurt or anything," the detective spoke as he walked toward the other and let out a sigh. This had been one of the worst storms that Rohan has had to endure and he was looking toward the damage it would cause. He was glad that he was able to help and a lot of the people here were safe.
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petalsinmoonlight · 1 year
Closed starter for @superswonder​
“Go away.” Valentina said sat against her door. Her hands will covered in blood as she watched the box across the room. The box with his.....she couldn’t even think it. The knock came again. “I SAID GO AWAY!” she yelled this time. When the door opened she grabbed her fan blades, rolling onto the other side of bed. “Leave. Now.” she said to Daphne, putting her hands behind her. She was far from in control....and daphne didn’t need to see what was in that box either. “Now Daphne. Go.”
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It wasn’t until Val attempted to drag him outside for the day that Felix realised just how little time they spent together beyond the man’s frustratingly beautiful apartment. It made sense. Their friendship was founded upon smoking weed and needing a place to crash, but he was enjoying this more than he probably should. It had felt a little strange at first, being driven around by a stranger, making conversation with Val far from the usual teasing and THC induced tangents, but he actually felt like he was getting to know him now. He was seeing a side of him that he hadn’t seen before. He honestly couldn’t tell you which errands Val had needed to run, apparently he was easily distracted, but he could tell you that after a day of driving around the city and stopping at various intervals, they were done. Finished. Sitting with an iced coffee on a clifftop overlooking Chicago below them, he felt more content than he had in a very long time. Val’s driver was waiting for them, reading in the parking lot, and they had been left entirely to their own devices. His arm resting against his friends so that he knew how close he was, he hummed quietly to himself. “There’s a cloud directly above us that looks like a penis and it’s incredibly important to me that you know that.” @valentinexdupont​
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wren-bishop · 4 years
Wren hopped out of his truck and headed to her front door and knocked. He genuinely had no idea what they were going to do, but here’s to winging it.
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mariguinto · 3 years
"y'know, kass and i are already making summer plans after catching each other crying." she brings up kass as a cop out, definitely, because she doesn't want to just immediately bring up cole. "and i'm just saying there's always room for my favorite sutton."
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joshua-buckley · 4 years
JJ had somehow managed to find himself stuck in a less than interesting debate with an overly passionate freshman. He was a photography major, he’d gathered. Not that he was paying much attention, he’d repeated the fact a number of times. At least seven by his count. Something about the inflated prices of vintage film gear and how people like him were to blame. He hadn’t actually been bothered enough to reply for some time and had actively walked away from the conversation, but the guy seemed perfectly happy to continue the debate uninterrupted, following close behind him. When he caught sight of Valerie walking ahead, he figured she was as good of an excuse as any to shake off the unwanted parrot on his shoulder, shouting after her. “Val! Hey, so sorry it’s taken me so long to find you.” He quickly caught up to her and threw an arm over her shoulder, hoping she’d play along. “What was it you needed to talk to me about? Privately?” He spoke loudly enough that he hoped it would dissuade the freshman from following. Immediately relieved as the monotone drawl he’d been subjected to seemed to silence behind them. @valeriekline​
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ariabeck · 4 years
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“you’re a second year now, look at you!” she exclaimed with pride. aria was now a fourth year, and she couldn’t help but feel a little bit of fear and nostalgia about the idea of leaving her friends in less than a year. || @valeriasfm​
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dcrbyalbright · 4 years
Arm looped through Val’s, Darby was the picture of Tuscan elegance, the sunshine doing wonders for her mood. It seemed she had brought nothing but a collection of white lacy dresses to Italy, the floor-length dress she had on now grazing the grass. “Val, come on, faster!” she shouted, letting out a laugh like chimes, letting go off her arm to skip ahead, weaving through the branches of the vineyard they had decided to visit that day. Darby had half-drained her bottle of white, chilled white liquid dribbling down her chin as she took another sip. “What do you think? Does this look like a good spot?” She asked, picnic blanket tucked over her arm, gesturing to a grassy spot for them to sit. @valeriekline​
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jaimitchell · 4 years
“VAL!” He jogged to catch up with the brunette just a few steps away from him. It was always nice to see her, made his stomach warm, and his brain a little foggy. It was like being high, but in a good way because he could remain sober. “Hey! I– I didn’t know you’d be coming to Roseville! I mean... who wouldn’t, honestly, but– yeah, whatever. You down here with somebody?” || @valeriasfm​
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shh for Val
When Val first landed in this realm despite his humanoid-like appearance he stuck out like a thousand dollar bill. He lacked human mannerisms and was unable to read cues from others around him. The first few weeks were spent wandering and mimicking the behavior of others. There were times he utterly failed at it and left a few bodies in his wake. No worry, not a soul was wasted. Even now he slips up from time to time if he becomes distracted enough. 
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
Who do you want to see more of around in Dayton?
“I want to see Val. She’s back in town. Cause some problems. I want Mckenna back! I want more Luna, I want more Chastity! Show me something!”
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farplane · 6 years
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juin 2018: 18
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solarad2 · 7 years
After Sierra was finished with the snares and traps station, she managed to back up a little while rolling her shoulders in a circular motion and giving her back and neck a little stretch as well, managing to crack some joints in the process. 
That was when she looked over to her far left and noticed him. He was standing by himself, probably just having completed a session at one of the stations himself. She recognized him from television on the train ride to the Capitol when they were airing reruns of the many reapings taking place across Panem that day. 
She noted his face. Eye candy. 
Not to mention that he was fresh from the Capitol himself. It was then that she took into consideration the sudden thought and desire of building a possible alliance. He looked strong and seemed as though he can do some damage. Not to mention his build. 
She then tilted her head as she thought this, a smirk rising from the right corner of her mouth. Sierra walked over to him, his back to turned to the side, “You must be the tribute from the Capitol,” she claimed, quickly scanning him up and down, “I’m Sierra, from District 4.”
She extended her hand out toward him to shake his as she said the last part. 
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