#c; vax'ildan
hcpefuldreaming · 3 months
@hxlcycnx (Keyleth & Vax)
Of the people in Keyleth's life that she cared deeply about, the friends she had made at the Slayer's Cake were rather high up there, especially Vax. He was incredible in her eyes, but she kept quiet about her thoughts as she entered the bakery and waved in greeting to a regular she usually had at her floral shop before she walked over to the counter and smiled warmly at the familiar face. "Vax, I'm glad you're here because I have something for you." She muses, holding out a pot with a snapdragon standing in the middle of it. "It's just a little thank you for the kindness you give me, and to everyone else, I'm sure." She quickly adds with a blush as she puts it down gently. "If you don't like it, that's also okay, I just wanted to repay you in some way."
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galaxydrcaming · 8 months
vax  smiled  softly.  “he  has  a  good  mom.  he’ll  know  better.”  he  knew  because  his  mom  raised  him.  vax  didn’t  want  to  think  about  the  person  he  would  be  if  his  father  had  raised  him.  his  mother  was  kind,  and  expected  kindness  from  her  children.  he  always  thought  the  other  was  kind  like  that,  surely  her  son  would  be  too.
 “cheer  up.”  vax  nudged  as  he  got  started  on  the  pasta.  “you  aren’t  going  to  die  an  old  maid  with  a  bunch  of  cats,  mel.  i  don’t  know  much  about  much,  but  i  do  think  good  people  find  good  people.”  after  all,  he  found  vox  machina,  hadn’t  he?  he  wished  that  kind  of  luck,  that  found  family  for  everyone,  but  especially  his  friend.  “we  should  go  out  soon,  go  to  the  bars,  set  you  up  with  a  nice  person.  i’ll  be  your  wingman.”  he  teased.
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Melinda smiles sheepishly as she looks down and nods in agreement, hoping that he was right. "You're a good friend, Vax, you know that?" She asks, honestly hoping that he did know that. With a small sigh, she grabs a pillow and puts it in front of her, resting her chin on it. "Okay, but having a bunch of cats doesn't sound like a bad idea, old maid or not." Melinda admits with a laugh, her smile faltering for a moment as she remembers something. "The women in my family never had the best of luck with men, unfortunately, but sure, once I'm free and have a babysitter for Phoenix, we can do that! How will you be my wingman though, what would be your approach there, because now I'm curious."
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“hey  listen,  free  food  is  free  food.  he  could  have  offered  to  pay  for  you  to  have  an  actual  meal  though.  is  chivalry  dead?”  vax  huffed,  sad  that  his  friend  didn’t  get  the  date  she  deserved.  “come  on,  i  don’t  have  much,  but  i  can  make  us  some  pasta,  probably  some  wine  in  here  somewhere.”  vax  scrambled  around  the  small  apartment,  prepping  the  meal.  “you  are  not  an  object  mel,  you  are  a  beautiful,  sweet  girl  who  deserves  much  better  than  that  piece  of  shit.  i’m  sorry  you  had  to  go  through  all  of  that….makes  for  an  interesting  story  if  anything.”  vax  laughed,  trying  to  make  light  of  it  all
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"Yeah, I guess I could have been grateful about that, but again, wasn't the point here and yeah, sounds like it is dead, I just hope that I can help Phoenix know better than to do something like that." She admits with a small shrug, before looking back down. "Pasta sounds good, so thank you in advance." Mel says as she laughs at the compliments and clears her throat. "I do appreciate that, you're a good friend, Vax, and not just because you were just now complimenting me." She muses with a laugh. "No, I know that later on, I can laugh about this, but right now, I'll sulk and move on from it afterwards because you're right, I do deserve better, who knows though, maybe I'll be a cat lady once Phoenix gets older." 
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
“and  what?  you  think  i  have  anything  better?”  vax  replied  sarcastically,  offering  the  other  a  drink  and  assembling  his  fine  gourmet  dinner  of  cheese  and  crackers.  “that  bad,  huh?  did  he  at  least  pay  for  your  breadsticks?”
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"Oh, of course not, I just needed someone to vent to." Mel teases as she plops onto the chair, taking the drink with a small 'thank you', grateful that she had a friend looking after Phoenix. "He heavily implied that I was more of an object, than a person, so yeah, it was rough and no! That might be the funniest, but worst part about this, the breadsticks were free!" She says through her laughter, still in disbelief over the disaster date.
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