#cámara de usar y tirar means disposable camera
mxntbreath · 3 years
Cámara de usar y tirar
hhhhh misleading title haha, blog is in english, as usual.
lowercase is intended, it’s my way of typing. now, with that out of the way, let’s get to it shall we? god i hate that phrase so fucking cliché, so overused, so useless. reminds me of something, huh.
you guessed it, this is yet again another edition of mint crying on the internet cause they’re denied of mental health woo !! but this is not the blog where i’ll complain about my family and how i’m tired of it, no, this one is dedicated to me *surprise noises* specially how much i hate myself and, well, others do as well.
me, me, me what a fucking narcissist am i right? who would write about themselves thinking anyone in the world would care the slightest bit about it? only a narcissist that’s who.
okay- this fells like a fucking filler episode, all words no actual meaning to them.
let’s do this in order.
when i was little i thought of myself as this cool ass kid who everyone would love to be friends with since i was super creative and had lots of talents, wouldn’t take long to realize i was wrong. i was fat, that doesn’t mean anything to anyone now, but back then that defined my entire existence, the fat kid. the one no one wanted to hang out with. i remember looking at myself, barely a tween, and just absolutely hating the way i looked. i remember a kid, i’ll call her victoria, telling me the way i dressed would just drive the boys away. i remember being chosen last at any and every game. i remember being just, there, to fill in the fat kid role every school needs. it’s not like i wanted to kill myself over that, i just found it distasteful, sad, ugly. i wouldn’t care though, after all, there was a random fucking creep on the internet who liked me. i’ll never forget him for all the wrong reasons.
as i entered my teenage years (still a teenager but who cares) my body went through a shit ton of changes, most important of all my period which made me lose a lot of weight. i wasn’t skinny but i wasn’t fat either. i turned 13 and i started getting catcalled and followed on the street, it was terrifying, but i couldn’t complain right? i mean, boys were definitely noticing me, complaining would be dumb. then i started dating this girl, nice girl, everyone thought the same as me being in a relationship with a girl made their sick fucking brains think about us in private situations, i hated that, i hated men. we broke up, after that i got into a lot more relationships that lasted a few weeks, the latest one being the best and worst of them, after all i was just una cámara de usar y tirar and he threw me away when i wasn’t of use. what did i do wrong? i did all he wanted me to.
no. what did i ever do wrong? why were people so fucking mean to me? am i not enough? i don’t even wanna keep writing all that’s happened to me, triggering myself lol.
tldr; i’m just here to make other people feel better about themselves and bring them entertainment for a short while, have been for years. beep boop.
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