#c. aubrey01
musical-avery · 1 year
Coming back from lunch was never supposed to be easy in this place. Or so Avery thought as she came back in with her coffee and took in the packed locale and one of the girls gesturing for her to re-check her schedule. Of course she had gotten bookings while out.. No peace or rest for the wicked. Stepping over to the computer, she took in the names on the list. Naturally, the one with her own last name on it made the girl frown. "Tilly, did you put in the wrong info? Says I have an appointment with myself in five minutes." she prompted her co worker, who chuckled in response. "No silly. Your sister specifically asked for you." she said, making Avery's already non too colorful face ashen further. "You... oh shit." she bit back the urge to yell at the other. She had no desire what so ever to see her sister, much less at work where she couldn't possibly loose her temper and had to make sure no one else was listening in. What the fuck did Aubrey want anyway?
Muttering profanities under her breath, Avery went to double check that her station was clean and set up right before taking a seat in her chair, closing her eyes for a minute and trying to take some deep breaths. Her attempt at serenity was quickly squandered when the bell over the door rang and the redhead in question walked in. Getting back up and walking over, Avery decided to try and nip this in the bud. "You don't need your nails fixed Aubrey. Do me a favor and walk back out. Now."
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