musical-avery · 11 months
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musical-avery · 11 months
Anger was simmering in Avery's eyes. Not the fiery, impulsive kind but the hard and cold as steel kind. Why would she listen to anything Aubrey had to say? It all felt too little, too late. For years she had struggled on her own. With their mother. With making ends meet money wise. With staying sane in a world that her sister had personally made cruel and lonely when she left her behind. Why did she even care now? She had left without looking back. They had barely spoken in years and years.. and now it suddenly matter? Now she wanted to apologise? Had to be some AA bullshit.. she could just smell it. "Coffee in the park, 45 minutes on my break. Take it or leave it." She responded with a shrug, exuding the 'I don't give a rats ass'. But no she was not coming to dinner.. what kind of flicked up Brady bunch shit was that?
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Aubrey had lots of regrets and since going to AA meetings again, she knew she needed to make a few changes in her life along with some serious amends. On the top of that list, there was her little baby sister who deserved an explanation and a sorry from Aubrey. The redhead was relieved when Avery agreed to listen to her. "I won't force you to do my nails, and I am not going to talk to you surrounded by strangers who simply aren't part of it...can I offer to go to dinner? My treat of course, I just need to explain everything, and even if you decide that you still want me to fuck off or whatever, I'd understand but I want to give you what you truly deserve, Ave..." She said quietly.
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musical-avery · 11 months
This day at last was a calmer one than the ones that had come before it. Avery had no clue why everyone went nuts once the second week of October hit, but this week she'd had clients at the nail salon go crazy wanting Halloween and autumn designs and her nightly clients had doubled as fights about kids and Christmas had apparently started two months early. The men wanted comfort, and their female partners wanted to vent over nails. She'd been about to exit the coffee shop when a guy about her age came over rambling about pumpkin spice. Arching an eyebrow in faint amusement, she waited until he was done. "People go nuts over anything orange related this time of year. Can't be avoided." She responded with a shrug. When he offered her the cookie though she smirked a bit. There it was. "I best say yes lest you head over to the next innocent bystander with a new pumpkin spice ramble attack." She said in a teasing tone.
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"I have to say, one of the good things this country has, has to be pumpkin spice. I swear you guys throw it on everything as soon as October hits. Almost like tradition." Joshua rambled as he approached the woman with fire red hair. No he didn't approach her to talk about pumpkin spice, though it was somewhat related. It was just a side effect of his nervous jitters. He wished it was otherwise. "Sorry, I mean.. I got free cookies with pumpkin spice icing on them. It was one plus one free. Would you like it?" @musical-avery
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musical-avery · 11 months
Avery was in a foul mood. First, her mother had asked her for money this morning. Then a client had lost her shit because of a slight color change on her nails. And somehow her sister had gotten ahold of her phone number and was trying to make nice. She didn't care for any of ut. She'd left the saloon early needing to calm down by walking around before getting ready for her night job when a yellow disc had landed on her feet. The kid who had thrown it had taken one look at her and bolted. Feeling her frustration reach a boiling point, she'd picked up the disc and thrown it after the kid with all her might. That it would hit someone had been the last thing on her mind. "Hope it didn't hit too hard.. s'not mine. Some stupid jerk almost hit me with it first. Didn't plan on returning the favor on someone else.."
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Apollo was taking a break from the Center, having had his fill of working for the day. He trusted his staff to handle it and to call him if they needed him for any reason. He was heading to the cafe to grab a bite to eat before heading home, trying to figure out exactly what it was he wanted when he felt something hard hit him right in the forehead. "Ow!" He yelled, grabbing the spot where it had pelted him. It had been thrown with some force and he knew it was going to leave a mark but he still chuckled and shook his head. "I think this belongs to you." He said, bending down to pick up the yellow disc. "That was a hell of a throw. You must have played sports as a kid."
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musical-avery · 1 year
There were two people on this planet Avery wanted to be as far away from as she possibly could. One was her train wreck of a mother. The other was her selfish bitch sister.. For the longest time East Haven had been her prison, but also the one place where she knew she was safe from her relatives. She only saw her mother when she had to.. and Aubrey had been living elsewhere since she bailed on Avery years and years ago. When the older redhead did not seem like she knew what to say, her gaze flared with indignation. Why on earth would she come here if she wasn't even capable of speaking her mind? Far back in her head, there was a small voice that insisted Avery be just a touch kinder. This is your only sister, your family, she deserves to be heard. But did she though? It was not as if she could make up for the abandonment and the years of suffering and loneliness that she had caused by leaving. Hell, she probably had no idea just how badly she had screwed up.. "Fine. Let's get it over with.." she relented, though with a poisonous tone. The only reason she was agreeing was so that she could tell her sister to fuck off once she had poured her heart out as she was likely to do.
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Everything was kind of falling onto Aubrey's lap lately. She got the most disturbing phone call from her ex-husband whom she absolutely despised, she finally felt like she had a real relationship with her mother just to find out that she simply left out the part where her baby sister was still living with her and basically just avoiding seeing Aubrey, and not even mentioning the shitshow that happened to her about a month ago with the assault. Aubrey was feeling helpless which was the worst thing to feel for a sober person. While trying to become a better person, one of the main things she tried to do was to put her past behind her and make amends for the people she hurt or let down before. And here she was standing, waiting for her sister to take her in as a client because clearly, she couldn't get a hold of her in a different way. As soon as Aubrey sat down in front of her younger sister she didn't see her for over a decade. She could feel the chills all over her body and for a moment she just stared at the younger woman, "Avery...I-" She didn't even know what to say because she felt so much, "Please, can we talk?" Aubrey said as she tried not to get emotional like she seemed to do a lot recently.
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musical-avery · 1 year
About Avery
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Full name: Avery Marie Miller Nicknames: Aves, Miller Age: 27 years old Place of Birth: East Haven  Occupation: Escort, Barista and Nail technician Education: High School Diploma, training as a Nail tech. Languages: English Basics
[ Sophie Turner | 27 | female | she/her ] Hey, look! It’s [Avery Miller ] at [The Pink Ladies&The Quick Stop Motel&The Human Bean]. Did you know they [work] there as a [Nail technician&Escort&Barista]? I guess they’re from [East Haven] and have been in town for [all her life], living in [Happy trails in Southerland park]. I also heard they’re a little [Resentful], but also very [Persistent] which definitely makes sense.
More Information TW: abuse, rape, drugs 
Avery grew up with her older sister Aubrey and her mom. Her father left before she was born, or so her mother told her, leaving her without a father figure. Since her mom had an all day and night kind of job as an escort her older sister mainly raised Avery until she was 12 years old. 
When Audrey fully left their home, got married and pregnant, Avery was left behind, and its something she has always resented her sister heavily for. Left in East Haven, taking care of their alcoholic, serial dating mother fell to twelve year old Avery. It was a heavy burden to bear and most days Avery felt like she was drowning. 
At 14 Avery tried to run away, to find her sister and get away from the increasingly bad home life she had, but when she was found sleeping on a park bench a few towns over she was driven back to her mothers trailer. 
She tried again to run away when she was 18 years old, but once again the police caught her and brought her back home. This time, what prompted it was that her mothers boyfriend had raped her for the first time, and he continued to do so for two years until their relationship imploded. That was a very hard time for Avery and laid the foundation for the hopelessness and negative world view she has to this day. Believing that she’s worth nothing to others and that there is no escape for her from her home town. 
Her grades were in the toilet, though knowing that she needed to graduate to be able to support herself, and her struggling mother, Avery pushed trough high school. She was known as a trouble kid. The kind that started fights, smoked on school property, had sex in bathroom stalls, with foul language and inappropriate relations to teachers and students. 
All trough her life the only solace Avery has truly had is her music. She is a singer and self taught guitarist who joined band simply so she could sing in a choir but quit in high school because her older friends thought it was lame. 
While both her mother and sister has struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, Avery has somehow managed not to fall of the wagon. She’s had periods in her life where she has self medicated with alcohol or partied too hard with coke, but she has never fallen completely into the depths of addiction. These days she prefers to smoke weed and indulges with alcohol when she has the time off. 
To keep her mother and herself afloat after high school Avery interned at The Pink Ladies where she became a nail technician. Unfortunately the money she was making was not enough, and so her mother pushed her into escorting. These days she is also working as a barista in the mid afternoons until early evening, hoping to eventually be able to afford a small place of her own. 
Her biggest dream, apart from becoming a singer songwriter or get a record deal with her band is to have a place of her own. To be able to move out of her mothers house and be as free of her as she can be. 
Avery holds a lot of grudges and resentment towards Audrey for leaving her, for not helping out and falling off the wagon when she needed her the most. In her mind Audrey is selfish and got the picture perfect life out of East Haven, with a man who loved her and a family of her own. All the things Avery never got. And she blames Audrey for what she did not have and to a degree believes she will never have. 
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musical-avery · 1 year
Coming back from lunch was never supposed to be easy in this place. Or so Avery thought as she came back in with her coffee and took in the packed locale and one of the girls gesturing for her to re-check her schedule. Of course she had gotten bookings while out.. No peace or rest for the wicked. Stepping over to the computer, she took in the names on the list. Naturally, the one with her own last name on it made the girl frown. "Tilly, did you put in the wrong info? Says I have an appointment with myself in five minutes." she prompted her co worker, who chuckled in response. "No silly. Your sister specifically asked for you." she said, making Avery's already non too colorful face ashen further. "You... oh shit." she bit back the urge to yell at the other. She had no desire what so ever to see her sister, much less at work where she couldn't possibly loose her temper and had to make sure no one else was listening in. What the fuck did Aubrey want anyway?
Muttering profanities under her breath, Avery went to double check that her station was clean and set up right before taking a seat in her chair, closing her eyes for a minute and trying to take some deep breaths. Her attempt at serenity was quickly squandered when the bell over the door rang and the redhead in question walked in. Getting back up and walking over, Avery decided to try and nip this in the bud. "You don't need your nails fixed Aubrey. Do me a favor and walk back out. Now."
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musical-avery · 1 year
Avery would have easily spent some good money here if she'd had some. She might not be dedicated to a ton of fandoms, but there were a few that she held close to her heart. Regardless though, she was not in here for herself today, not even to look. She had a friend who's birthday was coming up and they had made it quite clear that they would be stoked with anything Stranger Things related. Which was why she was in to see if there was something she could afford for them. She'd been slowly browsing the shelves when she noticed a familiar backhead of hair. "Shouldn't you be engrossed in the comic section?" she asked with an arched brow. When he hadn't heard her and was asking about closing time, she rolled her eyes a little. "Nah believe its open until six Mitch." A smart girl would stay away from him.. far away.
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location: critical roll status: open
It felt like forever since he'd visited Critical Roll. Even though Mitch had spent the whole summer in town he often found himself working, moping around, or playing Baldur's Gate in his apartment. Though he wasn't buying anything other then one pack of magic cards, Mitch had decided to stay a little longer. Feeling the need to get away from Pizzagedon when he could, now that he was renting the tiny apartment above the pizzeria. Looking over his shoulder to the person who'd spoken, he arched his dark brows and peaked over the thick dark rim of his glasses. "Are they closing down already?"
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musical-avery · 1 year
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