#c. geonwu
dioneq · 2 years
* starter privado para : @geonwv​
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el pitudo suena al compás de apertura de la puerta, permitiéndole el  acceso al interior de la habitación, concurrencia que ha evitado en lo que wolfe y beverly se apiadaron de su alma, llevándola al almorzar con ellos luego del largo trayecto, pero los tres saben que hay otros asuntos por atender. estancia huele a salitre y sabanas limpias, aroma bienvenido, nostálgico, que grita vacaciones de verano, que grita puedes olvidarte de los problemas un rato, sin embargo, eso todo lo que atormenta en la mente, y cuando se adentra un poco más, no sabe si se sorprende al encontrarle o si quiere encontrarle siquiera, quizá subconsciente que le traiciona, en busca de un trato amable, el que le ha mostrado siempre, aunque probabilidades van despiadadamente en su contra, sería ingenuo, estúpido de su padre añorar algo diferente  “geonwu” pronunciación falta a aire, quejada tensa que prosigue, vocablos que se le escapan, quiere decirle algo que ni ella misma entiende, entonces retrocede. “no tengo intención de quedarme” aclaración que busca alivio ajeno, claramente avergonzada por su propia presencia.
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magicshcp · 5 years
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“¿Entonces estamos de acuerdo que el choque no fue intencional y no hace falta hacer ninguna  denuncia? Digo, el auto está impecable” señaló la parte trasera como queriendo evidenciar lo que decía y así largarse pronto. No era bueno para lidiar luego con la burocracia, mucho menos si tocaba su bolsillo. Bolsillo de un estudiante universitario que, claramente no le sobraba nada. “Quise salir del estacionamiento y se me fue la mano, te lo juro.” ( @loteoscu​ ) 
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The Fire in Apartment 2.3, The Man who lived there, And the girl who lived next door - Part 1 ~ The Second Floor Squad
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Chatroom: The Second Floor, B Wing
Jihun: I heard there’s someone moving into 2.4 Hyunwu: Yeah, I saw boxes being carried there this morning. Minjae: You were up this morning?! Hyunwu: YA! Don’t be such a brat! Minjae: Mian Hyung. Yoongi: Someone’s moving in next to me? Minjae: Ah, the famous Min Yoongi is up. Praise the Lord! Yoongi: Do you have a death wish? Jihun: Anyway, someone is moving in. Should we welcome them? Hyunwu: Shouldn’t we ask the whole second floor? Minjae: Why is Hyunwu even in this group anymore? He moved to the C Wing.
Chatroom: Second Floor
Minjae: Good diddely day my friends! Minjae: Someone is moving into apartment 2.4 Namjoon: I saw. Poor person. Right next to Yoongi Hyung. Yoongi: Ya, you wanna die? Jihun: Two death threats before noon. This must be a new record. Jimin: Leave Yoongi Hyung alone. Hyunwu: Ah, Jiminie-ah, always here to save our poor Yoongi from a mental breakdown. Jimin: Aish, don’t put it like that. Hoseok: Someone new is moving in? Geonwu: We of the A Wing have no interest whatsoever in meeting someone of the B/C Wing. Taehyung: Who said I didn’t want to meet someone from the B/C Wing? Seokjin: Yeah, who said that? Jungkook: Geonwu is just being salty because his girlfriend broke up with him last night. Geonwu: Consider yourself a dead man Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook: It was nice knowing you guys. Jihun: What the … What is going on here? Hyunwu: Someone is moving into 2.4 Jihun: I know, but who is the lucky person that’ll get daily death threats from Yoongi? Geonwu: We don’t know. Taehyung: We don’t know. Taehyung: YA! I wanted to say that. Namjoon: YA! DON’T TALK TO YOUR HYUNG LIKE THAT. Taehyung: Mian Geonwu Hyung. Minjae: IT’S A GIRL Minjae: THERE’S A GIRL MOVING INTO 2.4 Yoongi: How do you know? Minjae: I talked to her. Kinda. Tried to. Jungkook: I know your struggle. Seokjin: LET’S GO SAY HI
Minju’s POV
Why must moving be such a struggle? If there’d be a way to just teleport myself and all my stuff to a different location, I’d sell my soul for it. With all my boxed finally in the apartment and the last box in my hands I step out of the elevator and run right into someone who was a little too excited to get into the elevator. ‘Aish, watch where you’re going,’ I whine as I pick myself up from the floor. ‘Ah, mian,’ he says, trying to help me. He looks a bit younger too me, and also a bit clumsy. ‘I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.’ ‘Because I just moved in,’ I say as I wipe some dust off my bum. He looks a bit confused by everything. The situation, me, that one piece of dust. Everything. Like the world has just made a full 180 turn for him. ‘Earth to stranger,’ I say as I snap my fingers in front of his face, ‘you okay dude?’ ‘Oh, right, yeah. Are you moving into 2.4?’ he asks. ‘Yeah, you live on this floor too?’ I ask him. Ugh, stupid question. Of course he lives on this floor, why else would he have asked? ‘Yeah, apartment 2.1,’ he says, trying to sound a bit smoother than before. ‘Nice. I guess I’ll see you around,’ I say and walk past him to my apartment. Cute, but clumsy. Also, quite a bit younger. Nope, not interested. ‘Ah, you do know there are only guys on this floor right?’ he asks as if it’s the most important thing in the world. ‘No, but I’ll manage.’
Yoongi’s POV
A girl. Just perfect. Just when I thought I’d get some rest. Though, I am not really sure if girls are louder or more silent than guys. I hope more silent. I am kind of done with sleeping at 2 am because my neighbor can’t keep it down, but then again, I’d probably stay up even if he didn’t play his music. It’s just annoying. He’s a nice guy though. A few knocks on my door force me to get out of bed and open the door. They’re all here. Are the seriously doing this right now? ‘I’m not going,’ I say and try to close the door, but they hold it. ‘Please, pretty please Yoongi Hyung?’ Jimin tries. ‘Fine, but I’m not staying longer than five minutes,’ I claim before stepping out of my apartment dressed in sweats and a white tee. ‘Aren’t you going to get changed?’ Geonwu asks. ‘No, why would I? She’s my neighbor, she’s going to see me like this more often,’ I say and close the door behind me.
Chatroom: Seoyoung and Minju
Minju: I just found out about something. Seoyoung: What? Minju: You know the building I am moving into? Seoyoung: Ye? You got that apartment because my brother moved across the hallway. Minju: Did your brother ever tell you that there are only men living on that floor? Seoyoung: No, he managed to keep that out. Seoyoung: I AM GOING TO KILL HIM, THIS IS SO AWKWARD FOR YOU, I AM SO SORRY. Minju: Please, these boys are more awkward than you trying to talk to your cute neighbor. Seoyoung: That’s pretty bad. Seoyoung: Oh, talking about neighbors, my brother did mention that you might get into some trouble with your neighbor because he likes things his way. But he’ll warm up to you and he’s a nice dude. Minju: Thanks for the heads up. By the way, do I see you tomorrow? Seoyoung: For sure. I’ll take the crew. Minju: You shouldn’t call them crew, it sounds lame. Seoyoung: I know. Minju: Someone’s at the door. GTG
Minju jumps up from the couch, walking to the door dressed in just a big, white shirt and her underwear. Her messy hair sticks into all kinds of directions as she ties it into a bun, yet it has a certain appeal to it. She opens the door and looks right into a crowd of men. ‘Hi?’ she says a bit confused. ‘Annyeonghaseyo, we’re your neighbors,’ Seokjin, the handsome one at the front says. Actually, they’re all pretty handsome to Minju. ‘Cool,’ she says. The boys are a bit confused by her awfully calm attitude. ‘Is Hyunwu-ah with you?’ He steps ahead. Minju hits him in the face. ‘You could’ve told me that I was moving into a floor with only guys. I had to hear it from your sister. Jerk,’ she says in a calm tone and slams the door shut. ‘I think we should let her calm down for a while,’ Hyunwu says as he puts his hand to his cheek, his face shows his pain. The others start scolding him right away, but there is one person who can’t believe his ears and eyes. Min Yoongi.  Is he really living next to that brat?
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dioneq · 2 years
#  ALREDEDORES: para un starter donde nuestros personajes se encuentren en los alrededores del campus.
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no resulta sorpresa que los jardines en la periferia se encuentran desiertos a esa hora de la mañana, cuerpo estudiantil atareado recibiendo y entregando regalos, invitaciones y declaraciones esperando ser recitadas. “¿harto de los adornos de querubines” entona, trinar que no es demasiado alegre, acompasado por los sucesos de la semana, acortando la distancia que los separa, le tiende un vaso termino, bebida caliente esperando en el interior para combatir los efectos de pasar el rato en la intemperie “o de que te pregunten qué se siente compartir equipo con un desquiciado?” que ambas situaciones comienzan a pesarle, supone, le gusta creer, que geonwu comparte el sentimiento.
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dioneq · 2 years
#ESTUDIO: para un starter donde geonwu & dione se encuentren estudiando.
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mirada que se intercambia entre párrafos desbordantes del grueso tomo de biología a lo del   compañero, es el imaginario de moléculas, la creación del universo, lo que le genera una absurda sensación de estupor, quizá el hecho de que nunca tuvo que reflexionar a profundidad acerca de su existencia, del origen de las cosas  “lo tuyo luce más estimulante” reconoce, labios que se curvan en una sonrisa “¿historia del arte, cierto?” . / @geonwv​
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dioneq · 2 years
❛ sigue con lo que estés haciendo, me gusta mirar. ❜  //  @geonwv​
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la interrupción le provoco un respingo, propio de una persona que no espera espectadores, por pura inercia cubre los labios con su mano, ahogando lo que estuvo a punto de ser un chillido, aun con el sobresalto adornando sus facciones, levanta la mirada a geonwu, pómulos calientes, avergonzada por ser tan tonta al creerse sola, de poco en poco la mueca poco amigable se hace propia de su rostro, un mohín entre triste y enfadado “¿cuánto tiempo llevas ahí?”  apenas la pregunta sale de sus labios sabe que no quiere la respuesta   “juro que-”  el resto de la frase se esfuma en el aire, juro que no estaba asesinando recreaciones de nuestros compañeros en los sims, pero era lo que estaba haciendo y con mucha satisfacción.
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magicshcp · 5 years
dxspatch ha dicho: slap ♡
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“Puedes pegarme todas las cachetadas que quieras, no cambia el hecho de que soy el único dando la cara” buscó en su celular las pruebas que respaldaran lo que decía y se lo enseñó. Decenas de capturas de pantalla de mensajes donde su propio novio le contaba cosas íntimas y se mofaba de haberse  « comido »  a otras. “Es mi mejor amigo, me crié con él, compartí mis veintitrés años a su lado. Pero si estoy acá es porque quiero que abras los ojos, nada más.” Geonwu estaba de pocas pulgas, tenia un sinfín de cosas que hacer y estudiar para el parcial. No podía andar en el campus de la uni resolviendo problemas amorosos ajenos. Pero le pareció lo correcto, por alguna jodida razón.
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