#and geonwu IS funny
dioneq · 2 years
❛ sigue con lo que estés haciendo, me gusta mirar. ❜  //  @geonwv​
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la interrupción le provoco un respingo, propio de una persona que no espera espectadores, por pura inercia cubre los labios con su mano, ahogando lo que estuvo a punto de ser un chillido, aun con el sobresalto adornando sus facciones, levanta la mirada a geonwu, pómulos calientes, avergonzada por ser tan tonta al creerse sola, de poco en poco la mueca poco amigable se hace propia de su rostro, un mohín entre triste y enfadado “¿cuánto tiempo llevas ahí?”  apenas la pregunta sale de sus labios sabe que no quiere la respuesta   “juro que-”  el resto de la frase se esfuma en el aire, juro que no estaba asesinando recreaciones de nuestros compañeros en los sims, pero era lo que estaba haciendo y con mucha satisfacción.
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triptychexe · 4 years
1, 3, and 19 for babie teo 🥺
1. Who's their favorite member in their group?
[#TEO] Zim. She’s been my best friend since we started training together. I don’t usually rely on people but I honestly think my life would be an absolute mess without her. She’s funny and crazy but she’s also the best friend anyone could ask for and I’m really grateful to have her in my life.
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3. Someone they look up to?
[#TEO] In the industry, I really look up to Geonwu from Vice. He’s kinda who I wanted to be when I started training at HBH. Geonwu is really cool, witty, and kind of snarky, but he’s also a really good person and does a lot for other people. He’s what I think the perfect idol should be.
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19. What stereotype would they be in a fanfiction? (example: the one always throwing parties and appearing in every fanfic ever, etc)
[#TEO] For some reason, I am always the nerd. In every high school alternate timeline or whatever you call it, I am always the anxiety-ridden nerd who can bake or cook. I don’t know where this came from, especially since I cannot cook or bake well, but I have had this stereotype attached to me my whole career. Oh and I’m also always either Zim or Asa’s boyfriend. 
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viceprints · 6 years
The Babysitter
Summary: Minho calls Solji to help him take care of a 2-year-old Eunhyuk while Geonwu and Yikyung are out. Pairing: Solji x M.H Word Count: 0.8k
Solji was just applying her face mask when her phone rang. Noticing it was her boyfriend, Minho, she blushed before picking up her phone.
“Hey baby.” She grinned, turning around to lean her back against her bathroom countertop. “Babe, I need your help.” Minho’s voice sounded desperate.  Solji smirked before running a hand through her hair. “You can come over if you need to baby, I live alone now, remember?” She said in a seductive tone.
“What? Oh, no, I don’t mean that kind of help, but thanks for the reminder.” Minho chuckled on the other end. “I’m babysitting Eunhyuk right now and I need help. I don’t know how to be a babysitter.”
Solji sighed, the mood completely lost. “Don’t worry, I’ll be over soon.”
When she arrived to Minho’s apartment, it looked like a Babies ‘R Us exploded inside. There was an open pack of diapers on the floor, play dolls in heaps, and what Solji hoped was an apple juice stain on the carpet. Her boyfriend was nowhere to be seen until he skidded around the corner, a frantic look in his eyes. “Have you seen Eunhyuk?” He asked.
“What do you mean, have I seen Eunhyuk?” Solji’s eyes widened. “I can’t find him and-” Minho ran a nervous hand through his hair just as a high pitched giggle rang out. Solji turned and saw a naked two year old boy giggling and running towards her. Solji smiled and picked up the toddler, planting a kiss on his cheek.
“He likes you so much more than he likes me.” Minho frowned. “Maybe that’s because I always remember to put a diaper on him.” Solji arched an eyebrow. Minho took Eunhyuk from her arms. “He’s having a bath. He ran away while I was trying to get the bubbles to foam.” He explained. Solji followed him into the bathroom and helped him get Eunhyuk into the lukewarm water. Eunhyuk was still in play-mode, so he started splashing at the water, giggling uncontrollably.
“Ah! I think I got Mr. Bubble in my eyes!” Minho shut his eyes tightly and moved his head away from the toddler and the tsunami-like waves she was causing in the bathtub. Solji thought it was kind of cute, how Eunhyuk seemed so pleased with the chaos he was causing. “Don’t be so dramatic. Here, I’ll wash him, you play with him.” She offered, taking a rubber duck out of the tub and handing it to Minho.
Solji started lathering the toddler’s hair with strawberry scented shampoo, but she was slightly distracted by Minho. She’s never seen him this soft. He was talking in a high-pitched baby voice and placed some bubbles on his face, recreating a beard. This made Eunhyuk laugh even harder, especially if he made a funny face. Solji smiled fondly at the sight as she started carefully rinsing out the soap from the boy’s hair.
After a few minutes, Eunhyuk was finally squeaky clean and smelling like strawberries. Solji wiggled the toddler into onesie pajamas and brought him out of the bathroom.
“Geonwu and Yikyung should be back soon.” Minho said, looking at the clock. “Until then, Yikyuung said that the Lion King is Eunhyuk’s favorite.”
The three of them sat on the couch and watched the Lion King together, even though Eunhyuk ended up falling asleep on Minho’s lap only twenty minutes into the film. Solji turned down the volume so the boy could sleep and then reached over to fondly brush a lock away from his forehead.
“He’s such a beautiful baby.” Solji said softly. Minho hummed in response.
“You’re going to make a great mother someday.” Minho thought out loud. Solji looked up at her boyfriend with a smile on her lips.
“You think?” “I know.” Minho grinned before kissing Solji on the lips. “Our kids are going to be so lucky.” “Our kids?” Solji chuckled, even though she’s always imagined a family with Minho. She just wanted to give him a hard time.
“C’mon, don’t embarrass me.” Minho rolled his eyes.
Before Solji could respond, the door opened and they could hear footsteps and light chatter in the hallway. “Oh, how precious!” Yikyung whispered with a hand over her mouth. “Stay still, I need a picture of Uncle Minho and Aunt Solji!” The woman fished around her bag for her phone. She snapped a couple of pictures before coming over and taking the sleeping toddler from Minho.
“Thank you for watching him.” Geonwu said to Minho, clasping a hand over his leader’s shoulder. Geonwu turned to Solji and winked. “And thanks for doing most of the work.” He teased.
“I-!” Minho protested.
“Sh, you’re going to wake the baby.” Geonwu said, trying to get Minho to stop talking. The couple said goodnight to their friends before walking to the parking lot together.
“Drive safe, okay? I’ll call you tomorrow.” Minho said, pulling Solji in for a goodbye kiss.
“You did great tonight, by the way.” Solji said before Minho could walk away. “Our kids are the luckiest.”
Minho blushed at her words before pecking her lips one more time.
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