stoneward-princess · 4 years
Whatever road they’d been put on, Josefin was staring it down and in so many ways, she was unsure and scared. She was normally so much more careful, the ritual she’d tried with Kirian hadn’t had nearly the outcome they’d expected and Josefin supposed she should have taken more precautions. But she was dying anyway, why did it make a difference? She hadn’t asked where he’d gotten the spell from and she knew she should have, she just had so much faith in that man. But perhaps that was her problem, she believed in him above everyone else. So when he said he had something to help, she wanted it to be true, she wanted him to be true, and he was. She realized he’d believed it would help, too. Especially when the ritual had some disastrous results against him as well. But she should have been more careful regarding the people around him.
And now she was on an island… what did they call it? Kadayam? The locals had said it meant ‘Step lightly’. Named so as so few had made it a home. It was beautiful, all sunshine and warm breezes and a golden coast. It was picturesque and if she didn’t have responsibilities and duties, she would have been tempted to stay there with Kirian and Keeva. It felt safe, hidden, untouched, it felt… free. For once.
But that was the last thing that they were.
With whatever curse hung over her, poison, whatever they wanted to call it, she would never be free. Hell, once she did die from it, she wasn’t sure what the After would hold for her. Maybe she’d be stuck in her own mind forever. She’d gotten a bit better at blocking people out, or at least she thought she had, after working with Riza a time or two as well. But there was still no way to tell if the woman was helping her or not.
She did; however, know that Keeva was not an enemy. Probably one of the only ones she could be sure of. After all, why would a dragon join the side hunting their own kind?
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The white-blonde haired woman was pacing about outside the little cottage they’d been staying in. It was a little strange, she had to admit too, staying in a cottage with Keeva and Kirian, cooking for them, working with the magaesterium nearby, trying to figure out how to ‘fix’ herself. And Kirian, too. It almost felt domestic, whatever that was to them now. But as she strolled up to the dragoness, she let the silence linger for a while longer before finally asking, “How are you? You’ve been pacing for half an hour while I’ve been cleaning…”
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dragcnburned · 4 years
tw: blood, tw: violence
They said violence was like something snapping inside you. It had never been like that for Kirian. It was a peaceful, all-consuming, like drowning and finally taking a breath underwater, letting it fill your lungs.
It was tranquil. All thoughts went silent, no sound but the pounding of his heartbeat.
No connection to this world at all, save for his fist cracking open skin. Save for the blood seeping through his knuckles, the man he’d pinned to the ground begging for mercy.
But Kirian had no more mercy left. He’d already been hollowed out. He had only had hatred, coursing through his veins like fire. No. Like power. Like magic.
Sadness made you cold, but hatred? Hatred cradled you.
And how he hated. How he hated the world for taking and taking. How he hated the rebellion for hurting Josefin, for hurting Avi. How he hated them for taking the little love Kirian had ever known and poisoning it. How he hated them for taking his home, for those two years on the run, like an animal.
You beat an animal long enough, it’s going to bite your fucking hand off.
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He knew more than he heard it that people were screaming, voices blurred in the background. But they felt it too -- that he couldn’t be stopped. That he wouldn’t be stopped. That there was only one end to this, and it was when he’d left nothing but a bloody smear on the ground.
But then someone broke the spell. Someone ripped him away, even as he struggled to get back to the twitching man on the ground, the grass red with blood. But the hands around his waist were iron bars. He made a sound almost like a growl, too raw to be called anything human, venom dripping from his lips, kicking and struggling to be freed.
To finish what he started.
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse:
“Oh no. She looks lost. Are those horns? Definitely a dragonkin. Does she know how dangerous this is. Wait what if this is a trap. Better watch her. Oh crap she’s just a cinnamon roll with no clue what she’s doing.”
Current impression:  
“It.... has not changed. She’s still a cinnamon roll with only a little clue what she’s doing.”
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
Jo is not attracted per se, but she finds her beautiful. She needs a very drastic level of trust and connection to be attracted to someone.
Something they find frightening about your muse:
That roar. Jo knows she was protecting her but at the same time, she would hate to be on the receiving end of that.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
Let’s be honest, Keeva’s pretty adorable overall.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
Uh. Duh.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
Possibly either, definitely platonic.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?:
Depends, does she need to be slapped for something? In an argument or something no.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
🥀…. a complaint. 🌺... a secret. 🌻... a suggestion.
🥀…. a complaint. 
“There are so many things to complain about but I’ll tell you one that isn’t as obvious. I think it sucks utter horse shit that women don’t get trousers with pockets.”
🌺... a secret. 
“I had a bill written up and drafted that would provide job training and establish a network of sorts to get people apprenticeships and education and find work and those that couldn’t work, it would establish a fund set aside from taxes to provide them with a basic income. I didn’t get a chance to lobby for it before we were attacked but if we live through the next few months I plan to try to convince parliament to pass it.”
🌻... a suggestion.
“My suggestion to you... be unafraid. You’re a great one, a dragon. You have strength and speed and powers no human or elf ever will. Use them.”
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
Fuck, kill or marry: Keeva, Kirian, Alek
Fuck - Alek I suppose.... maybe? I don’t know.
Kill - Alllll of Keeva’s insecurities?
Marry - Kirian... maybe... probably... I don’t know. Can I change these answers......... I don’t know. I don’t know...
@dragcnburned @alekashcraft @keevathescaledshadow
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