stoneward-princess · 4 years
[[A week or so prior to the eclipse]]
The magaesterium had an abundance of little trinkets and toys and accoutrement to help with spells or absorb energies or enchanted with different things to make life easier. One such object was a mirror in a tucked away study. The magi that had shown it to Josefin had told her other magaesteriums had similar things, or they had pools of water, or shiny clear crystal balls, and they used them to communicate and speak with the other mage towers. And every magaesterium worth their salt had one.
She had sent a letter a few days prior, addressed to Alek Ashcraft. She hadn’t the slightest clue if it would reach him but she had to try. She couldn’t risk contacting her family, for fear of information or secrets falling into the wrong hands. But if things went well with Alek, she would try to contact Adaline or her parents, or even Theo. And if the ritual went well… she might not have to worry about those secrets getting out for much longer.
She was escorted in by the magi who performed the spell to open a channel to East Reach. Thanking her, Jo watched as she left the room, telling the princess to call for her when she needed to close it. The mirror itself was cloudy, as if it hadn’t been used in an age. And as she peered through it, she could make out vague robed figures, tutting off in the distance, going about their day. It seemed none of them were paying much mind to the princess on the other side. “Alek?” She asked quietly, hoping he had indeed gotten her letter and would respond. Perhaps it was a foolish hope, he had responsibilities and he’d promised her he’d look after their people. She stood in front of the mirror for longer than she’d care to admit. At least it worked, so she had some way to contact her family. But she had turned to leave when she heard a voice call her name through the other side. She turned back quickly, bracing her hands on the side of the mirror. It shook slightly and the image shifted for a moment but as it settled, she smiled. “Alek… you got my note.”
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
Fuck, kill or marry: Keeva, Kirian, Alek
Fuck - Alek I suppose.... maybe? I don’t know.
Kill - Alllll of Keeva’s insecurities?
Marry - Kirian... maybe... probably... I don’t know. Can I change these answers......... I don’t know. I don’t know...
@dragcnburned @alekashcraft @keevathescaledshadow
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
“You’re going to do this right now?”
“You’re going to do this right now?” Josefin asked Alek, pulled close into his arms. His strong, waiting arms that had never abandoned her when she needed a friend, when she needed to tell someone the darkest parts of her.
They ducked behind a cart in the little square in the middle of the village they’d been caught in as shouts boomed nearby. She’d thought he was foolish when he’d insisted on coming with her, knowing neither of them would be safe. But he had insisted and she would admit she was glad he was there with her. But finding someone who knew how to cure the magic coursing through her veins, quite literally keeping them blackened, was proving harder than she’d have thought. Her heart jumped at the sound of a magical explosion and she pressed herself against the cart, hoping the rebels wandering the town were just a group of a few and would pass quickly. “I’m sorry I drug you into this...” She brushed a hand down his collar, smiling gently.
Reaching over, Josefin pressed a kiss to his brow and sighed. “Alek I love you so much. You are the best friend I have ever had... and you have so much life to live.” She paused, shifting a bit, “I’m dying... you knew that though didn’t you?” She leaned her head against the cart and sighed. They were stuck between a vendor’s cart and the side of a building but at least they wouldn’t be seen. “And you still came with me anyway...”
She felt so weak. And if it had been anyone else with her, she wouldn’t have shown it. She would have pushed it all back. But it was Alek, the boy who knew her best. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she sighed quietly,��“I think you’re going to have to find a new knight...”
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse:
“He seems so nice. He’s an older kid but he isn’t pushing me around like some of the other kids. And he said I could be a knight! I always wanted a sword, should I ask him if he can be my princess? Isn’t that how the stories go, every knight needs a princess? Does that mean he’s my knight when we’re not playing?”
Current impression:  
“Alek is one of the most thoughtful and kindest people on the planet. He is compassionate and capable and cares so much for his people. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s him.”
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
Yes. Yes she is. He’s one of her closest friends and before the explosion at the palace, she had started to consider what a life with him might look like.
Something they find frightening about your muse:
How he’s always rushing in to save others and defend other people. She’s terrified it’s going to get him killed. (She’s one to talk).
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
Whenever he finds something extremely funny, he tends to throw his head back when he laughs. His whole presence seems to light up when he does that and it’s adorable.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
Absolutely. Without question.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
Both, 100%.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?:
Only if the situation was dire and for some reason it was the only solution.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
Absolutely. Both.
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stoneward-princess · 4 years
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
“Our feudal system. It isn’t right that one group of people is privileged beyond reason and doing little if anything about the disparity while there are still those out there fighting to survive.”
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
“More of those enchanted pearls Avitej has. It would make communication so much easier.”
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
“Alek calling me his knight so often... it’s something that happened once or twice when we were kids and he’s never stopped. I don’t really mind, though. If I’m his knight he can be my princess.”
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