arrestedass · 8 months
Welcome to the American Cable Commercial Break:
Junk Food ad
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Candy ad
Insurance ad
Junk food ad
Junk food ad
Medication Ad
Medication Ad
Junk food ad
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No context or spoiler at all, just: ASHAHAHAHASHAHAAHAHA I KNEW IT!
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 301
Ellie, during one of her stints of what do I do with my life right now, decides to, with the help of her Original Dad-Person (Look he’s aging and she’s not and it gets less questions the older he gets if he says daughter instead of sister with how the Fentons are getting older too) creates a Boo-Tube channel. No, not a Youtube channel, those are stuck to a single dimension.
Bootube on the other hand? Due to being through the Realms (and wow is Tucker getting so much income from creating it) is interdimensional. Which is so cool honestly. And she doesn’t know what to do at first, and honestly there’s already so many travel blogs that she kind of just… decided to do something that she wished someone had done for her and her brothers and Danny when she was new to the world. 
So she creates the channel CAAW: Clone Awareness, Accommodations, and Welfare. They had to learn things through trial and error, but maybe she can help someone out there learn how to find their own selves, or even help someone not melt. 
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cawcaw caw caw caaaaaaaaw caw caw caaw!!! caw caw caw....cawcaw? cawcaw caw caw caw CAW CAW caw caw caw (caw caw caw caw) caw caw, caw, cawcaw, cawcaw.
cawcaw caw, caw caw caw caw caw! caw caw caw.
-caw 𓄿𓄿
i really wish i could still understand you
<O Monty
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comfybutter · 2 months
have you ever talked to a bird? if so, what did it have to say?
i talk to a bird everday! it mostly says "im sleepy" or "caw CAW *flap flap* caAW CAW... coo.. *click click* hr-r-roooo" or "i want sushi tonight"
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lava-slug · 14 days
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Jery...jerry..jeri..jeer..in.innnib innnii cawo caawe coew ww ccoew... cow ssiuto ..ssuit suite....suit
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jellyfishrui · 10 days
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emu, this is fuyumerica..........
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gimmick-thief · 7 months
Caws to the tune of never gonna give you up
Caw caw caw caw caw caw caw
Caw caw caw caw caw caw caw
Caw caw caw caw caw ca caaaaaw, caw caw caw
Caw caw caw caw caw caw caw
Caw caw caw caw caaaaw ca cawwww
Caw caw caw caw caw caw caaw
Caw caw caw
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asklynxnip · 11 months
you should talk about crows...or whatever
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”AHHHH, THANKS FEATHERRIDGE!! Did you know that —
It is a common bird found throughout much of North America. American crows are the New World counterpart to the carrion crow and the hooded crow of Eurasia; they all occupy the same ecological niche. Although the American crow and the hooded crow are very similar in size, structure and behavior, their calls and visual appearance are different.
From beak to tail, an American crow measures 40–50 cm (16–20 in), almost half of which is tail. Mass varies from about 300 to 600 g (11 to 21 oz), with males tending to be larger than females. Plumage is all black, with iridescent feathers. It looks much like other all-black corvids. They are very intelligent, and adaptable to human environments. The most usual call is CaaW!-CaaW!-CaaW!. They can be distinguished from the common raven (C. corax) because American crows are smaller and the beak is slightly less pronounced; from the fish crow (C. ossifragus) because American crows do not hunch and fluff their throat feathers—-“
(/american crow wiki page lmao)
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postalvalhalla · 27 days
Nameless Raven
Valen the wizard entered Medea's tower. "Hello nameless bird!" she called out to the raven perched on a skull.
The bird ruffled feathers. "I have no human name, but I am not nameless."
"Oh? You have a name?"
"Yes," said the bird. "but in the raven tongue, which you can't pronounce."
"Aw, give me a chance! Tell me!"
The bird sighed. "Very well. My name is… Caaaaw."
"Not. Even. Close."
Valen laughed. "Then I shall call you Midnight."
Medea's Raven said nothing.
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court-of-owls-who · 2 months
Caw caaw
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glutenfreehimbo · 3 months
I have a personal theory that crow’s have already developed language and its based on rhythm and tempo rather than different syllables.
In my birdwatching I’ve noticed different patterns of crow calls and they are all variations of the same sort of patterns. Caws in 2’s-4’s in different tempos. You got ones in 3’s almost like “Caw!Caw!Caw!” In short bursts. Or you have more drawn out ones “caaaaw caaw caaaaaaw”
Its possible that pitch also playing a part in it similar to the Mandarin tonal system?
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sharkddless · 1 year
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Caaw! Caw!
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discourse-slenderman · 4 months
Caaw Caw
*morphs into a fighter jet*
12 minutes late, now.
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kanglo · 7 months
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3月6日に開催した第2回CAA(Creating Art Awakening)講座のダイジェスト版動画です。森夕花先生の3ステップワーク。今回もとっても楽しい有意義なプログラムに仕上がっています。ご興味のある方は、ダイジェスト版をご視聴ください。いつも有難う御座います。#art  #自己探求 #アート思考 #アートシンキング #アートセラピー #森夕花 #カングロ #ヒューマンスケール #自己探求 https://youtu.be/VwHPO-Ivhjs
【ダイジェスト版】本当はすごい自分を発見する〜アート de 自己探求/3回シリーズの第1回目/森夕花(2024年2月21日) https://youtu.be/ti5VbtQhpPE
更新しました!【フルバージョン】Creating Art Awakening ワークショップ by Philoarts研究会(Vimeo:有料コンテンツ) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/caaw
「やりたいことはなんですか?」 このシンプルな問いに、多くの人が困った顔をします。子どもの頃にあったたくさんの夢や希望は、大人になってどこかに置き忘れてしまったようです。アートというと学校教育の影響なのでしょうか、多くの人が美術館に飾られている作品をイメージします。実は、アートは、太古から存在し、人びとがお互いに結びつくために、そして自然の力とつながるために用いられていました。踊りと歌は感情やエネルギーを解放し、コミュニティーの精神的な結びつきを強め、視覚芸術は、イメージとメタファーを伝えるものでした。アーティストの千住博氏は、「芸術とは分かり合えない人たちと分かり合う手段であり、本来人間がする行為はすべて芸術的行為である」と言っています。アートは生きる上で無くてはならない大切なものなのです。アートを表現する方法は、「創る」、「描く」、「奏でる」、「書く」、「動く」、「分かち合う」、などさまざまですが、これらの方法を使って、見えない何かを感じるままに表現することで、本来備わっている創造的な能力を再発見し、自由な自己表現で創造性を探求する世界がひらかれていきます。この講座では、アート表現をつかってひらく潜在意識の世界を、私の実体験などを含めた話と、今回は3つのテーマで3日間、イメージを使ったアートワークやイメージ誘導、エクササイズを体験していただきます。イメージは、心の声、無意識につながるドアのようなもの。ふと浮かんだイメージは、潜在意識からのメッセージ。イメージのエネルギーは非常に強力で、即物質化する道具になります。普段、触れることのない自分の心の奥に眠る「何か」を感じて、まだ気づいていない素晴らしい自分を発見して、人生を豊かに創造的に生きるヒントをつかみましょう!
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little-eye-guy · 2 years
found a random village and the quest they gave me was to find the pitcher of their famous guy (CAAAAAAAAW-caw-caw-CAAW-caaaw-caaaaaw-caaaw-CAW-ca-CA-caaaaaw-CA) and drink from it. just on the honor system i guess
well i found it and there was oil in it. "disgusting," my character said
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