caba-111 · 10 months
What's biggest gathering of lizards for a public art show? Do they have concerts, art galleries, or sports events that draw in massive crowds?
Even if they usually have art on a much smaller level I want to know what the largest congregation of lizards has ever been.
The biggest public exhibition in the Shell is the All-Heartland festival, which is held every 6 years in a massive festival grounds designed by the Federal Family. The All-Heartland festival is a gathering on an absolutely massive scale, attended, on a good year, by as much as Half the Heartland's population. Some estimates say it's the largest gathering of lizards there has ever been.
Festivals, a fixture of Family culture, are usually held on the city-level, but the Federal Family, in their Sisyphean quest to unify the Heartland, thought holding one on an intercity-level might be a good way to bring people together.
And bring people together it does! During the festival, the rules of social hygiene are relaxed, and everything and everyone in the Heartland briefly touches. It contains the Shell's largest art show, as well as sporting events, public forums, and trade exhibitions in everything from plumbing to embroidery.
Essentially it's a giant exchange of information. For 18 days, people swap countless tangible and intangible things. Recipes, gossip, trade secrets, songs, vocabulary, etc etc etc. Then, when it's over, people part ways and go back to their siloed little lives for another 6 years.
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caba-111 · 2 years
could you tell us more about memory pools ? :D
I sure can!
The memory pools are a series of lakes in the Shell's Southeast. Located in the middle of the ceramic blight, they would have been buried long ago if not for the Sisyphean efforts of an army of custodians working to push the sand back. These custodians are ragged looking and unusually tolerant of free lizards.
The Federal Family first settled the pools as a research outpost, but it has evolved into a kind of resort. Lizards travel from all over (though most commonly from Duhr) to bathe in the pools, for fun or for a spiritual experience. They pay for the privilege, forming an important source of foreign currency for the Feds.
More details in the infographic!
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caba-111 · 1 year
Hello! I'm sorry to bother you but do you have any advice for worldbuilding for someone who's never really done it before?
I think your art and world are absolutely fantastic and you're a huge inspiration!
Hey there and thank you, glad my work can inspire! My advice for worldbuilding...
First of all, don't worry about what you're supposed to have in a setting. Start with what's interesting to you, whether that's countries or tide pool critters.
Secondly, predictable systems interacting with each other in unpredictable ways is the essence of worldbuilding.
Consistent rules let a person make predictions about what will happen. Predictions are gratifying if they're right, and surprising/exciting if they're wrong... as long as the way they're wrong also plays by the rules.
"Realism" only matters if you want it to.
Finally, learning about a topic is a great way to inspire yourself. Reading a book, an article, or even a Wikipedia page might get you excited about those ideas.
Hope that helps! This approach works for my brain, but your own mileage may vary.
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caba-111 · 11 months
What kinds of tensions emerge between larger powers?
How does this effect an average lizard?
Do other forms of organization exist outside of the 3 main powers and the families that comprise them?
There was a sketch that burrowed in my memory of kind lizards giving what they could to lizards banished from their family. It makes me think about what exists in the backgrounds of this world and has kept me super interested in your work!
Hey there, thank you for the kind words and thoughtful questions!
What kinds of tensions emerge between larger powers?
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All kinds and lots of them.
The Federal Family and Duhr compete for influence over the frontier. Duhr is engaged in a low-level trade war with the Temple States even as it takes their business. Duhr loves the Heartland but the heartland is uneasy with Duhr. The Federal Family eyes the Temple States suspiciously. Pirates are a problem for everyone, but never get stamped out because that would take coordination and coordination is not the Shell’s strong suit.
How does this effect an average lizard?
Depends on the lizard! It probably impacts the people living in contested areas the most. They end up pawns in distant governments’ games, and they’re the first ones to get hurt when conflict breaks out.
Do other forms of organization exist outside of the big three?
Absolutely! There are many hybrid forms of organization, but there are also a few that bear no relation to the “big three.” Most significant of these is the secretive communes of Daedt, located in the heart of the Stone Forest.
There was a sketch that burrowed in my memory of kind lizards giving what they could to lizards banished from their family. It makes me think about what exists in the backgrounds of this world and has kept me super interested in your work!
Aw I’m very glad to hear that! Background bits are what I enjoy making the most, and I’m very thankful I have this little audience for what I’m still shocked anyone other than myself has an appreciation for.
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caba-111 · 2 years
I'm curious about Lizard food, you posted a bit about family mealtimes and Lizard streat food a long while back, but whats food culture like in duhr and the temple states?
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Family Culture doesn't have a strong culinary culture. Meals are more about spending time with people + nourishment, not being wow'd by what you're eating. Their food typically isn't bad, but it is often pretty simple. There's a lot of fresh bread, insect meat, eggs. They like fermented foods and pickles.
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Temple States has a rich culinary culture. Eateries are funded by the state. Most people "go out to dinner" all the time. Kitchen staffs compete viciously to be the best in their niche. Lots of mushrooms, fruit, sweet + floral flavors.
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In Duhr, there's a mixture of practical home cooking, as well as fine dining for people who can afford it. You can find skilled chefs cooking up treats from the Temple States or the Heartland, but native Duhr foods are lots of simple grains, brown bread, fish, shellfish, nuts.
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caba-111 · 11 months
What's going on with the Dueling Blights Lake and the Red Mass Station?
Dueling blights lake is the site of a slow-motion battle between two rival organic growths.
The Red Mass is a giant multicellular organism. It doesn’t behave intelligently, so despite its odd appearance and unclear taxonomy, most people accept it as a very large, strange plant (or fungus, or tumor, or whatever it is).
The black goop is the Red Mass’s opponent. Its tendrils are composed of fungus-like tissue similar to the stuff in lizards’ channeling system. It grows thick in the mounds beneath the Great Plateau. It seems to be consuming the red mass, or at least trimming it back. Red Mass station is an oil-rig-like research outpost that’s keeping tabs on the situation.
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caba-111 · 11 months
Ancient Ceramic
What is the ancient ceramic? Is it really a ceramic? Some of the art has the lizards directly interacting and 'using' the surface of the material, what's up with that? Is there an use for salvaged or reclaimed ceramic?
Ancient ceramic is definitely a material with properties. It occupies space and possesses mass. It's... probably made out of particles, but lizards aren't actually sure. It's called a ceramic because it's neither organic or metallic, but that's where the similarities to pottery end.
Looking at it with the most powerful microscopes they have, all lizards can see is a single unbroken surface. Chromatography techniques aren't helpful, as nothing in the stuff can be burned or dissolved. Most other material analysis techniques fall flat or give nonsensical results.
Whatever the mechanisms behind it, the material properties of ancient ceramic are that it's superhard, heavy, and conducts flux exceptionally well. When in it's "natural state" as part of an ancient structure, ancient ceramic doesn't just conduct flux, but it consumes it as well. When it's cut off from sources of flux, it slowly "dies," losing it's exceptional strength and hardness. It eventually dissolves away like a sand castle in the sun, leaving fine dust or microscopic, sharp-edged fragments behind.
Salvaged ceramic is rarely used, because it takes constant, concerted effort to keep it alive, and it's too heavy for most applications anyways.
The dust it breaks down into is more useful. It increases the flux conductivity of whatever you mix it into. Lizards often make concrete with it, because the small, fine particles make a great aggregate. As a bonus, it increases the flux conductivity of whatever you're building. Watch out though-- you want to make sure you're building with the dust, and not the carcinogenic, razor-edged fragments that it can also leave behind.
Flux perception is one of lizards' most important senses, and because ancient ceramic is so conductive, laying your hand on it means you can sense a larger region around yourself. Lizards may also be searching for input or output nodes, or perhaps energizing a specific piece of ancient technology connected to the surface they're making contact with.
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caba-111 · 1 year
what inspired the worldbuilding of the Shell and the space beyond? any book series, films, artists, short stories, ttrpg modules, webcomics, comics, indie worldbuilding projects etc etc~?
Some big inspirations:
Rain World
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
The Nausicaa Manga
Hollow Knight
Ori and the Blind Forest
Work of Evan Dahm, including Rice Boy + Vattu
Those Star Wars cross section books
Work of other people on the r/worldbuilding community + discord server
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caba-111 · 11 months
what does "ascention" in the temple states actually entail? i know many "opt out" to stick around and teach, but what is it that they're opting out of? is it just death, or is it an active process?
What ascending means is leaving the cycle of reincarnation behind, and taking your place as a heavenly master of whatever it is that you're best at. It's less about escaping death and more about escaping the struggle. Graduating from the mortal world and getting to turn your attention to things besides obsessively studying.
The process of ascension is seen as a violent and fairly literal struggle upwards. Your spirit-- a visceral, bestial entity-- wields the skills you develop in life as a weapon against challenges set out by the masters of heaven. You only have a chance of succeeding if you've perfected your abilities over multiple lifetimes.
Even if it's probably impossible, trying to ascend is worthwhile in and of itself. It's life's final exam, and the harder you study, the better the next incarnation of yourself will do.
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caba-111 · 1 year
what are the cultures of duhr and the temple states exactly? religion, customs, general deal, etc
Man, that's a big question!
The short answer is Temple States are centralized, authoritarian, technocratic (sort of), collectivist, and religious.
They're populous and have sophisticated technology. They're on the decline after their empire collapsed a while back, but still the most powerful group in the setting. They have a high standard of living. Their religion believes all lizards are stuck in purgatory until everyone can collectively perfect themselves. The religious/bureaucratic elite, the generational "high scorers" on the placement tests, are called the Temple Caste, and rule over society from the Temple. Their economy is meticulously planned.
Temple States folks are stereotyped as snooty, smart, two-faced, elegant. Tall assholes in beautiful clothes. Very proud of their achievements. Well educated.
Duhr, long ago, splintered off the Temple States, and they've been resentful about it ever since.
Duhr is decentralized, individualist, capitalist, but funky about it. Also more culturally diverse than other places.
Duhr itself is a giant walled city. They have wide-reaching and powerful trade networks, and a bunch of smaller and culturally similar city states within their sphere. They believe that spiritual energy is constantly circulating through the world, and money is just a permutation of it, a way for mortals to keep track. Business transactions are conducted with people in the same way they're connected with the spirits of the world... the soil, the sky, X specific river, etc. Duhr is prosperous but very unequal with it. While their influence is large, and they have trade relationships with all the other groups, they have a relatively weak military and are bad at (and not interested in) direct power projection.
Duhr folks are stereotyped as cold and emotionally reserved Fewer friends, but strong and trusting relationships with them. Individualist in a way other lizards find strange, and good with money. Calculating, usually not in a good way. Always worried about the consequences of things.
Duhr has different relationships with different Temple States, but generally distrusts them, and doesn't like their politics.
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caba-111 · 1 year
Not sure if Ive sent you something like this before or not, but just in case, youre one of my favorite worldbuilders, and a massive influence on what I like in worldbuilding. You were one of the first worldbuilders I saw, and i was amazed by how your art and rich world is so cool and detailed. Made me want to do something like that. So thanks for being one of the people to really solidly give me the worldbuilding bug. Love your lizards.
Thank you for the kind words! It means a lot to me knowing I was able to pass my love of world-building on to you! Glad you like my work + good luck in your own creative endeavors!
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caba-111 · 1 year
What is the indominable freehold (amongst other titles).
The indomitable freehold is an individual-liberty-over-literally-anything-else freeport patronized by Duhr pirates and scummy business interests. Nobody in the Shell, including the Heartland pirate community, likes them very much.
They have two things going for them. The first is they're perched on an ancient tower on the edge of the world-- too much of a pain in the ass to get rid of. They've been there a very long time. The second is that a valuable growth agent wells up from beneath their tower, giving them a source of income in the world so long as there are entities morally bereft enough to do business with them.
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caba-111 · 2 years
Very curious setting! I have so many questions!
Hope it doesn't annoy you if I ask some, but:
How long has the Lizard Civilization existed so far- from the founding of the First Nest City until the present?
How big is The Shell, and how much of it is habitable land?
I really enjoy your art by the way! Love to see it!
Hi there and thank you for the kind words!
There are around 1500 years of recorded history, but evidence of settlement around the first nest stretches back further. Where lizard civilization actually "starts" is a matter of academic debate.
The Shell is around the size of earth. The aperture (the big hole lizards reside in) is less than 1/8th of its surface area. And of that, a lot of it is uninhabitable wasteland. There may be other openings, but they remain undiscovered and out of lizards' reach.
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caba-111 · 1 year
re: Rash Falls and the Complicated Political Position. What abouts does that mean? And how much does it have to do with being "within Duhr's Sphere of Influence?"
Basically, there are competing influences at work.
Duhr has soft power and economic influence over the chunk of the frontier that Rash Falls sits in. Majority of Rash Fall's imports come from Duhr. Many Duhr merchants and contractors do business there.
The Federal Family thinks that, as a town with a Family Culture majority, it ought to fall under their sphere instead. They're trying to achieve this goal by opening a school and a post office... trying to court Rash Falls with the benefits of their system, hoping to integrate it more with Heartland trade networks.
Problem with the Federal Family's pitch is they're expecting Rash Falls to really care about their political project... And make some sacrifices for the privilege of joining it. Kind of a hard ask.
Duhr, meanwhile, has lots of cash and cheap goods for trade, and isn't asking for anything beyond Rash Falls' business.
The town isn't like, big or strategically important enough for this to be a high stakes conflict, but in short, it's a place that two powers are fighting over, and that makes things funky.
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caba-111 · 2 years
ah, how would you abridge the introduction to your setting for a newcomer? your archive spans oceans!
So, What is The Shell? The Shell is a planet that was "roofed over" in the ancient past, casting the surface into shadow. AI's called Management Engines were created to run the place. Cyborg servitors called custodians did the labor.
Time passes. The people who created the Shell gradually disappear. Management Engines have no choice but to do their jobs. The Shell spins purposelessly into the future.
Then, something tears a hole in the Shell. Light and heat reaches the surface, and life flourishes. Lizard history begins.
Over time, lizards differentiate into three societies:
The Temple States, communalist, religious, technocratic, centralized, inheritors of the legacy of First Lizards and their empire of the First Nest.
Family Culture: communalist, syndicalist, implicit, decentralized. Farmers who broke away from the Empire of the First Nest around the time of its collapse. Grow much of the Shell's food.
Duhr: individualist, capitalist, decentralized, isolationist. Miners + political prisoners who broke away from the Empire of the First Nest around the time of its collapse. Mine much of the Shell's metal.
Lizards fight among themselves, and face a constant threat from the slowly-dying management engines and their remaining custodians.
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caba-111 · 11 months
What does the growth agent the Indomitable Freehold has do? Is it a fertilizer? Some form of liquid KISS?
It's not actually that esoteric! It's a fertilizer that works on the algae that lizards process into liquid fuel. While it's not used as a fuel in and of itself, it gives the Freehold an economic role similar to a petrostate, as what it produces is crucial to lizards' energy economy.
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