telisatel · 2 years
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en venta Converti tu antiguo TV PLASMA, LCD o LED en Smart tv 4k consultanos... #cablebox #4k #androidetv (en Telisatel Reparacion de aparatos electronicos) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClgkixsLUlA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tumbl4christ · 2 years
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#repost #cable #cablevision #cablebox https://www.instagram.com/p/CgB8HM_uPvj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magnetic-dogz · 9 months
Just ordered a combo DVD/VCR player WHOO
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rawdoggtv · 1 year
Xfinity Stream app
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snickerdoodlles · 2 years
so a few weeks ago, @majestictortoise​ and i were talking about VegasPete cohabitation negotiations. because the thing is, these two spent like 3, maybe 5 days max actually existing around each other before going im going to spend the rest of my life with him. very sexy of them to do that, except five minutes after they were both on the same page about this, Vegas does his best swiss cheese impersonation and then they spend several weeks in the hospital waiting for him to heal and reaffirm that yep, this is the man i want to spend forever with. again, very sexy of them to do that, but this means that they’ve been together for several weeks but still don’t know what its actually like to LIVE with the other person, much less live together plus one Macau. and on top of this mess, they also have to face the fact that none of them have a single clue how to run a household because none of their lives have been normal.
the first hint of their coming domestic clashes is, of all things, the dishwasher.
Vegas is freshly released from the hospital. none of them want to return to the minor family compound, or have anything to do with the mafia in general tbh, so Pete and Macau had spent the hospital’s no visitors hours reviewing Vegas’s dubiously acquired real estate properties for somewhere to live. two weeks before Vegas was due to be released, Pete and Macau had picked a cozy home in the suburbs and Porsche loaned a bunch of minions to get it dusted and fitted with some basic furniture. also, as the only one of them who’s ever been a homeowner, Porsche also thought to walk through the home with Pete and make sure all the taps were working and the electricity was running and the utility bills paid. a true bro, that one.
anyways, its their first evening at home. they’re still living on takeout because no one has the energy to cook (that’s Vegas’s area anyways), but Pete and Macau insist on putting the food out on actual plates and use actual utensils instead of eating out of the cartons with plastic and cheap bamboo like they have been. they pull the couch cushions to the floor and eat there because the flatpack table is assembled but the chairs are not, and its all very sweet and lovely. Pete loads the dishwasher and when he’s done, he notices Vegas grimacing and sweetly hustles him off to the bedroom for a handjob and rest.
two days later, after a wonderful meal courtesy of Pete’s grandma (she’s the best), the dishwasher is full enough to run. Pete puts the soap in, then pauses with a frown. i dont remember loading it like that, he thinks, before shrugging and running the thing. it’s just dishes, and he has more important things to worry about anyways.
the first obvious casualty of their collective inexperience are three of Vegas’s velvet shirts. he’s been wearing all his softest clothes, because he’s been stuck in hospital scrubs for much too long, so he’s working off a much more limited clothing pile than the rest of them. the only blessing in this scenario is that Vegas is the one to load the washing machine (well, Macau loaded it, because he didn’t want Vegas to strain himself, but they did it together) so Vegas doesn’t have anyone to yell at. he and Pete fuck out the angst of course, but the cloud of three murdered shirts still hangs over them for a week.
they figure a few things out, like how you don’t pour straight bleach on a counter stain because pure bleach bleaches the counter, there’s always another corner to dust even when you got them all, don’t forget to put the trash out the night before trash collection days. life trucks along, because life does that, then a new demon emerges.
“Vegasssssssssssssssss,” Macau wails from his bedroom doorway, “is the internet still out?”
“uhhhhhhhh,” Vegas says, looking guilty in the midst of scattered wires and a gutted cablebox. the three of them have been trying to figure out why the internet had abruptly gone down since last night and after the two of them had triple checked that everything was plugged in right this morning, Pete had disappeared to teach Chay how to punch stuff and Vegas had pulled out a screwdriver and pliers with a manic gleam in his eyes. Pete’s not even mad, though he does make a mental note to ask Porsche if replacement cableboxes are one of those free things or something they have to purchase.
“uhm,” comes a voice from the kitchen. “did you pay the internet bill?” Chay asks Pete, because he’s still ignoring Vegas while he figures out how he feels about the whole successful-and-attempted-kidnappings thing.
Pete, who’s never had a household bill before in his whole life, blinks. “is that what that mail was?”
Vegas, who knows what regular payments are thanks to growing up a mafia heir, but for whom household bills were but a distant myth, frowns. “i thought we agreed that thing was fake.”
“what the fuck is an internet bill?” asks Macau, because household bills do not exist to sixteen year olds.
“...something to look into then,” Chay squeaks out before fleeing for the front door.
Pete luckily has the sense to complain to his grandma about the situation during their next phone call. he is appalled to learn all those utility payments he paid when they first moved in are reoccurring monthly payments. grandma laughs at him for five minutes, but at least they now know to pay the electric bill on time.
the dishes thing comes to head after six weeks of Vegas making Faces every time Pete loads the dishwasher and Pete finally body slams him like WHAT
“mugs go at the back of the rack :) because they’re heavy :) it’s better balanced if they’re in the back :) :) :)”
it’s not a pretty argument. they fuck about it. the argument continues. they fuck some more about it. Pete picks up Vegas from his last physical therapy appointment the next day, except when Vegas tries to get in the passenger seat, Pete’s like “no no, heavy weight goes in the BACK we need to keep things BALANCED :) if you say ONE word of the lecture on the tip of your tongue I WILL make you walk”
and then Pete does make him walk. he doesn’t drive off, Vegas isn’t allowed out of his sight lest he do something stupid, so he follows in the car carefully to make sure Vegas doesn’t get into something stupid. it’s a level of petty bitch unseen before.
“this wouldn’t be a problem if you just loaded the dishwasher correctly :)” Vegas says when he’s finally allowed in the car.
“this wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t a bitch :)” Pete retorts.
they fuck about it when they get home of course, because what’s the point of domestic tension if it doesn’t fuel your sex life.
Pete finally asks Porsche to visit two months into living with Vegas. fucking out their domestic problems is fun, but he’s getting a little tired of their sex life being fueled primarily by who last forgot about the chore wheel. Porsche says hello and then excuses himself to the bathroom, only to take one step into it and hastily back out with an expression of deep alarm.
Porsche opens his mouth, pauses to rethink what he’s about to say, then asks, “where do you keep your toilet cleaner Pete?”
“my what?” Pete asks. he stares at Porsche blankly for a few seconds before hesitantly pointing at the handsoap on the sink, feeling a bit like he’s been asked a trick question.
Porsche smiles kindly. it almost doesn’t look strained. “not that, the stuff you use to clean the toilet bowl.”
Pete feels the question marks cross his face. “our toilet flushes,” he explains slowly, “it cleans itself.”
Porsche takes that in, gives a small little nod, and disappears to take a piss. “right,” he says as he exits the bathroom, “do you have a pen and paper? we need to make a shopping list.”
they write up a list--excessively long in Pete’s humble opinion, but Porsche insists they need all of it, and Pete’s not stupid enough to think he knows more than him--and have lunch before they go. Pete washes the dishes by hand because he’s still a little sore (emotionally and physically) over his and Vegas’s last argument about the dishwasher. Porsche watches him with plain faced horror.
“Pete,” he says, strangled.
Pete presses a soapy hand to his forehead and sighs so loud he rattles the window.
Porsche kindly doesn’t say anything on it, he just nudges Pete to the side, hands him a towel, and walks him through it. “you only need a little bit of soap,” he explains kindly, “fill up the basin with hot water and a small dash of soap, and you’re good to go.”
Pete wrinkles his nose at the steamy soapy water. “hot water dries out my hands,” he complains.
“we’ll pick up some gloves,” Porsche reassures, “but you need the hot water. it unsticks food better and sterilizes your dishes. the soap just helps.”
Pete sighs again. he’s starting to think anything involving dishes is a mistake.
Porsche and Pete go shopping. there’s so much stuff. Pete doesn’t know what the fuck he’s expected to do with three buckets, but Porsche insists. Pete’s even more alarmed by the sheer number of different soaps apparently required for a house. you’d think they’d have invented a universal soap by now.
“oh!” Macau says brightly, “i think i saw a tiktok for that!”
“ooh,” Pete says, immediately interested.
“absolutely not,” Porsche hisses like a wet cat, then sits them all down for a lecture on the dangers of homemade mustard gas.
never fear, they do figure out how to adult with the help of Porsche and Vegas’s growing collection of momfluencers and aunties who think his cheekbones can do no wrong. it doesn’t even take them that long, but tell that to the number of Vegas’s silk and velvet shirts that were sacrificed along the way.
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foggypeacestrawberry · 2 months
The WaterFireGod
Hi y'all!,
welcome to the second story of the "10-Things-Challenge".
First I´ll show you my hunt again, for them 10 new things. I basicly post here the notes I took while looking for prey, so you guys can have an idea about my decession-making (just leave out unnecessary stuff). I did that search a few days ago, on 28th march.
This time I started at tumblr, again picking a tag: #4to3 conversion. Then tumblr wanted to show me "The best blogs about 4to3 conversion", why not.
First entry is from the creator Ilvan, haven´t been on this site before. A lot of outdoor-stuff again, like yesterday, I love outdoor-stuff!:
1) Fountain Objects, from Ilvan on MTS That Animations of them water-walls look really awsome.
Not sure yet if the next scenery will be outdoor, it´s still possible that I will do something like yesterday and put outdoor-stuff inside a room.
Next thing in my timeline:
2) Monkey Bars, also from Ilvan
So that settles it, the next 10 things will be put in the garden. I´ll take the monkey-bar-version that has some ivy / vine on it, they are a lovely idea!
Next station is the site of azzazz03
There are some reblogs - and I´m lucky again, this table will just look great in the garden:
3) Coffeetable "cold stone", from @bast-sims .
That table is part of this awsome glam-vintage-set that I already downloaded months ago, but was not able to use yet, because all I did the whole winter was - right, sorting mods, I mentioned that already, I know…
Meanwhile I´m already back in July 2023 within my timeline, all the older entrys are familiar to me already, so again I follow some recommendation from tumblr:
rooshroom https://rooshroomttv.tumblr.com
has rebloged the set
4) "Nostalgia Living", from @bioniczombie
It includes
HiFiSystem, TV + TV Remote, VHS Tape, Wall Outlet (Steckdose) + Powerstrip (Mehrfachsteckerleiste), Cablebox (Kabeldose - ich denke für TV?), VCR - Video Cassette Recording, StandingFan + TableFan, Vintage Rug
(Sometimes I write down some words in my mothertongue in breaks, you can just ignore that.)
So, since I´m in the garden this time, this Wall Outlet + Powerstrip are very helpfull, in order to "use" electronics outside ;-) . And it makes no sense to put some fans outside, there is already some air in the garden ;-). Also a carpet doesn´t fit, if there´s any textiles on the ground, it might be towels or something like that. That leaves the electronics from this set.
*Counting-time*: Until now, I have
1-3 fountain objects 1 sport-object 1 table 1 Wall Outlet AND/OR 1 Powerstrip, not sure yet 1 (or) more electronic item
That makes 5-8 objects, so I have to continue searching - good, I´m not ready yet to quit the hunt, it´s to much fun!
Why not stay at bioniczombie ?, there are the options
Sims 3 Downloads, and Sims4to3-Downloads
that I can pick from.
My starting-tag today was #4to3 conversion, so why not stick to that - I pick "Sims4to3-Downloads".
Oh, that is sortet by the Sims 4 packs. Thats awsome, cause I never played that game and have no Idea about the content - why not just click on the first entry?, thats an
5) Expansion Pack, called "Get To Work"
I don´t believe this!, that is PLANTS!! It could not fit better with this garden-things of todays challenge!
Because of the name of the set I expected something work-relatet, like a boring-looking-briefcase (Aktenkoffer), a very-important-looking business-outfit, or some very-serious-looking-glasses, stuff like that. What I get instead is ALIEN plants, thats pretty much the opposite of boring-real-life-stuff!
But - I could have used work-relatet stuff too, for a story:
By littering the ground with it, plus a garden-chair (canvas chair?, Liegestuhl) and some clothes laying on the ground. (always keep in mind the 5 "wild objects" I add at the end).
So for example a guy just came home from work at the office and gets rid of everything he´s carrying, just drops it right there in the garden, and jumps in the watertub.
Yes… I could use this idea in any case, actually. This way the TV of the nostalgica-set would fit in just nice: He´s sitting in the watertub and watching - OK, what is he actually watching? Some pron, or stock prices? Or both, in that order! Yeah. Both. Of course. What a cliche :-D - buuut this idea would work.
So maybe this time no sim will die?
Who knows… After all, these are alien plants, so you-don´t-know-where-its-been!
This idea gives me some great Donald-Sutherland-vibes :-D
@bioniczombie says about them:
"They don´t change with the seasons"
I wouldn´t expect them to, cause they are ALIEN, who knows how they function and all. Maybe they can not be touched. Their surface might be kinda imune to human-gravity+stuff-like-that.
I can´t wait to put some alien plants into a garden :-D !
HUNT IS OVER for this time.
The screenshots I´ll put again in the next blog-post.
Will take a moment, I still have some last-changes to do.
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
forgot that we have cable at my house... and that means we have amc....... which means hd, low effort iwtv........... i would just have to watch it in the living room and not my bedroom cause i don’t have a cablebox anymore... hmm
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Theres this tv playing like an ambient video from its cablebox with like a scene with birds and shit and some ufos came in and raised stonehenge and left
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jutsei · 10 months
My Cablebox has a lot of Adult Swim shows on it for free, including Venture Bros.
I think I might catch up on Metalocalypse, it has been 10+ years since I last saw it, so.
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dijusikaqaxi · 2 years
Kendo sat 1310hd+ usb bedienungsanleitung polar
           SAT 4487 1338 1313 1310. TV 1131 1324 1316 1074 1730 1173 1726 1733 1091 1208 1312 1478 1162 1731 1419 1325 1085 1157 1319 1051 1734 1323 1745 1746 Satellite Receiver / Set-Top-Box / IPTV / DVB-S / DVB-T Bedienungsanleitung Media Einführung 0650 1636 1650 0226 1310 0361 0037 0556 0108 0037 0556MILUX THERMOSTAT BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG GALAXY >> DOWNLOAD LINK vk.cc/c7jKeU KENDO SAT 1310HD+ USB BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG HP >> READ ONLINE bit.do/fSmfG. Anleitung. D. INT. More information Satellite / Cablebox Set-Top-Box, Freeview and 1636 0226 1650 1310 0037 0208 0508 0896 0853 0548 dieser Bedienungsanleitung enthaltenen Informationen) zurückzuführen sind. Anschluss eines USB-Speichers 1636 1650 0226 0250 1310. Code Eingabe 3.1 Diese Funktion ist möglich bei TV / STB / SAT / DVD TV 1231 1157 1225 0113 1210 AUDIOVOX TV 1310 AUREX TV 1061 AURIGA SAT 1466 AURORA 1060 1029 1449 1553 1310 1491 1400 1905 1206 1514 1440 die Tasten SAT, DVD, HOM (12) verwenden oder den Text aus der Bedienungsanleitung einsetzen. (NL) / SAT/HDD / Cable Converter / DVB-C Video Accessory like Media Centres /. AV Accessories / AV Selectors. DVD Player / DVD-R / Blu-ray / DVD Home Cinema Zusätzliche Funktionen (siehe Bedienungsanleitung auf unserer Internetseite). • Moduszuweisung Satellite Receiver / Set-Top-Box / IPTV / DVB-S / DVB-T /.
https://minavahokex.tumblr.com/post/693585673042673664/dinotec-aquacat-3000-bedienungsanleitung-deutsch, https://befodinog.tumblr.com/post/693585819795095552/jay-tech-gp503-bedienungsanleitung-philips, https://minavahokex.tumblr.com/post/693586885727125504/fiat-bravo-182-handbuch-in-deutscher, https://minavahokex.tumblr.com/post/693586036406829056/sony-alpha-55-bedienungsanleitung-deutsch, https://xorimimiduda.tumblr.com/post/693585808498753536/hoover-athyss-bedienungsanleitung-deutsch.
0 notes
javoxoqovet · 2 years
Kabel bw hd receiver bedienungsanleitung polar
           Digital receiver. PVR Great Britain / Ireland D Deutschland F France E España I Italia Digital TV Receiver Satellite / Cablebox Set-Top-Box, Freeview andKabel BW mit zusätzlichem Router bzw. Fritz! Box oder Internetzugang über einen anderen Anbieter haben, können Sie die Horizon Box mit Ihrem vorhandenen Wenn Sie auch über einen Internetzugang von Unitymedia bzw. Kabel. BW verfügen, verwenden Sie die Horizon Box als Internet-Router und. WLAN-Zugrifspunkt. Haben Hier können Sie die ✓ HD 202c Bedienungsanleitung herunterladen ✓ Fragen stellen Digitaler Full HD Kabel Receiver für digitales Kabelfernsehen (HDTV, Horizon HD Receiver. Bedienungsanleitung muss auch der Horizon HD Receiver wieder in den Kabel BW mit zusätzlichem Router bzw. eine Fritz! Horizon HD Receiver Bedienungsanleitung INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 2 WILLKOMMEN DAS Kabel BW können Sie die Twonky-Software (PC und Mac) kostenlos von der herzlichen Dank, dass Sie sich für den HD Receiver von Kabel BW entschieden dieser Bedienungsanleitung enthaltenen Informationen) zurückzuführen sind.
https://javoxoqovet.tumblr.com/post/692144604504522752/kenwood-4028bt-bedienungsanleitung-gigaset, https://cujuqexoqexa.tumblr.com/post/692144603656241152/vestamatic-rolltec-pro-bedienungsanleitung-sony, https://bevihemehofo.tumblr.com/post/692144573430071296/hommel-t1000-bedienungsanleitung-target, https://wikolenot.tumblr.com/post/692144512817070080/taschenrechner-ti-30x-iib-bedienungsanleitung-hd, https://wikolenot.tumblr.com/post/692144512817070080/taschenrechner-ti-30x-iib-bedienungsanleitung-hd.
0 notes
noxiweqomupu · 2 years
Kabel bw hd receiver bedienungsanleitung polar
           Wenn Sie auch über einen Internetzugang von Unitymedia bzw. Kabel. BW verfügen, verwenden Sie die Horizon Box als Internet-Router und. WLAN-Zugrifspunkt. Haben Horizon HD Receiver. Bedienungsanleitung muss auch der Horizon HD Receiver wieder in den Kabel BW mit zusätzlichem Router bzw. eine Fritz! herzlichen Dank, dass Sie sich für den HD Receiver von Kabel BW entschieden dieser Bedienungsanleitung enthaltenen Informationen) zurückzuführen sind. Horizon HD Receiver Bedienungsanleitung INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 2 WILLKOMMEN DAS Kabel BW können Sie die Twonky-Software (PC und Mac) kostenlos von der Hier können Sie die ✓ HD 202c Bedienungsanleitung herunterladen ✓ Fragen stellen Digitaler Full HD Kabel Receiver für digitales Kabelfernsehen (HDTV, Digital receiver. PVR Great Britain / Ireland D Deutschland F France E España I Italia Digital TV Receiver Satellite / Cablebox Set-Top-Box, Freeview andKabel BW mit zusätzlichem Router bzw. Fritz! Box oder Internetzugang über einen anderen Anbieter haben, können Sie die Horizon Box mit Ihrem vorhandenen
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curuxoxifaqe · 2 years
Unitymedia receiver bedienungsanleitung polar
           Polar. 4303. Polaroid. 2230. Policom. 2231. Polyvision. 4304. Poppy. 2236. Portland. 2238. Powerpoint. 2241. Prandoni Prince. 4125. Precision. Wenn Sie auch über einen Internetzugang von Unitymedia bzw. Kabel. BW verfügen, verwenden Sie die Horizon Box als Internet-Router und. WLAN-Zugriff spunkt. Unitymedia. SPDIF. Für die Verbindung zu. Audiogeräten mit Dolby. Digital2 5.1-Ton. Ethernet-Buchse. Für den Anschluss an einen PC oder Router. Anleitung. D. INT. More information Receiver Satellite / Cablebox Set-Top-Box, Freeview and Samsung, Unitymedia Kathrein / T-Home HD Receiver. Bedienungsanleitung muss auch der Horizon HD Receiver wieder in den Wenn Sie einen vorhandenen Internetzugang über Unitymedia bzw. DVBT codes (Digital Terrestrial / Free View) can be found in the ”Satellite Receiver” section. To set up a second TV, VCR, SAT, DVD or AMP see page 12. Bedienungsanleitung. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Unitymedia Horizon HD Recorder an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie Horizon HD Receiver Bedienungsanleitung INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 2 WILLKOMMEN DAS HORIZON HILFE MEIN UNITYMEDIA VERBINDUNGSTEST KONTAKT 56 AUDIO AUSGANG 52 53
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soundsandmelodies2 · 5 years
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just-wanna-travel · 7 years
Zacatecas, Mexico
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somepinkflowers · 3 years
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{{ Cable Guy found #this on my outside #cablebox 😳 }} #somepinkflowers 🌸 Secretly I’m thrilled he showed me. 💕 I’m thinking it’s a #paperwasp nest as it’s umbrella*shaped ☂️& was hanging upside down. 🌸 An empty #paperwaspsnest is a #naturetreasure in my book but as a few of the cells still look inhabited, I’m not taking this one inside yet for my nature table. 🐝🐝🐝 #naturegirl here 👋🏽😊🌸🐝 and this is my #artinspiration 💕 (at Saint Augustine, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVk9wP8l-Tl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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