#sims 10-things-challenge
foggypeacestrawberry · 6 months
The WaterFireGod
Hi y'all!,
welcome to the second story of the "10-Things-Challenge".
First I´ll show you my hunt again, for them 10 new things. I basicly post here the notes I took while looking for prey, so you guys can have an idea about my decession-making (just leave out unnecessary stuff). I did that search a few days ago, on 28th march.
This time I started at tumblr, again picking a tag: #4to3 conversion. Then tumblr wanted to show me "The best blogs about 4to3 conversion", why not.
First entry is from the creator Ilvan, haven´t been on this site before. A lot of outdoor-stuff again, like yesterday, I love outdoor-stuff!:
1) Fountain Objects, from Ilvan on MTS That Animations of them water-walls look really awsome.
Not sure yet if the next scenery will be outdoor, it´s still possible that I will do something like yesterday and put outdoor-stuff inside a room.
Next thing in my timeline:
2) Monkey Bars, also from Ilvan
So that settles it, the next 10 things will be put in the garden. I´ll take the monkey-bar-version that has some ivy / vine on it, they are a lovely idea!
Next station is the site of azzazz03
There are some reblogs - and I´m lucky again, this table will just look great in the garden:
3) Coffeetable "cold stone", from @bast-sims .
That table is part of this awsome glam-vintage-set that I already downloaded months ago, but was not able to use yet, because all I did the whole winter was - right, sorting mods, I mentioned that already, I know…
Meanwhile I´m already back in July 2023 within my timeline, all the older entrys are familiar to me already, so again I follow some recommendation from tumblr:
rooshroom https://rooshroomttv.tumblr.com
has rebloged the set
4) "Nostalgia Living", from @bioniczombie
It includes
HiFiSystem, TV + TV Remote, VHS Tape, Wall Outlet (Steckdose) + Powerstrip (Mehrfachsteckerleiste), Cablebox (Kabeldose - ich denke für TV?), VCR - Video Cassette Recording, StandingFan + TableFan, Vintage Rug
(Sometimes I write down some words in my mothertongue in breaks, you can just ignore that.)
So, since I´m in the garden this time, this Wall Outlet + Powerstrip are very helpfull, in order to "use" electronics outside ;-) . And it makes no sense to put some fans outside, there is already some air in the garden ;-). Also a carpet doesn´t fit, if there´s any textiles on the ground, it might be towels or something like that. That leaves the electronics from this set.
*Counting-time*: Until now, I have
1-3 fountain objects 1 sport-object 1 table 1 Wall Outlet AND/OR 1 Powerstrip, not sure yet 1 (or) more electronic item
That makes 5-8 objects, so I have to continue searching - good, I´m not ready yet to quit the hunt, it´s to much fun!
Why not stay at bioniczombie ?, there are the options
Sims 3 Downloads, and Sims4to3-Downloads
that I can pick from.
My starting-tag today was #4to3 conversion, so why not stick to that - I pick "Sims4to3-Downloads".
Oh, that is sortet by the Sims 4 packs. Thats awsome, cause I never played that game and have no Idea about the content - why not just click on the first entry?, thats an
5) Expansion Pack, called "Get To Work"
I don´t believe this!, that is PLANTS!! It could not fit better with this garden-things of todays challenge!
Because of the name of the set I expected something work-relatet, like a boring-looking-briefcase (Aktenkoffer), a very-important-looking business-outfit, or some very-serious-looking-glasses, stuff like that. What I get instead is ALIEN plants, thats pretty much the opposite of boring-real-life-stuff!
But - I could have used work-relatet stuff too, for a story:
By littering the ground with it, plus a garden-chair (canvas chair?, Liegestuhl) and some clothes laying on the ground. (always keep in mind the 5 "wild objects" I add at the end).
So for example a guy just came home from work at the office and gets rid of everything he´s carrying, just drops it right there in the garden, and jumps in the watertub.
Yes… I could use this idea in any case, actually. This way the TV of the nostalgica-set would fit in just nice: He´s sitting in the watertub and watching - OK, what is he actually watching? Some pron, or stock prices? Or both, in that order! Yeah. Both. Of course. What a cliche :-D - buuut this idea would work.
So maybe this time no sim will die?
Who knows… After all, these are alien plants, so you-don´t-know-where-its-been!
This idea gives me some great Donald-Sutherland-vibes :-D
@bioniczombie says about them:
"They don´t change with the seasons"
I wouldn´t expect them to, cause they are ALIEN, who knows how they function and all. Maybe they can not be touched. Their surface might be kinda imune to human-gravity+stuff-like-that.
I can´t wait to put some alien plants into a garden :-D !
HUNT IS OVER for this time.
The screenshots I´ll put again in the next blog-post.
Will take a moment, I still have some last-changes to do.
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rockethorse · 5 months
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Mid-Century Burst | CC-Free
A tricky little shell challenge that you can get some use out of too! Tried to dig into some 70s inspo for the exterior on this one. This is 2 bed, 1 bath, fully-furnished and CC-free. Because of the limited size of the main shell, I added a detached garage with an apartment on top, which adds +1 studio bedroom and +1 bathroom.
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The TS4 shell challenge I used for this lot was called "BubbleShell3" on the gallery from the ID "bubblesisgaming". I'm also playing around with using random palette generators for room inspo, this time from ColorHunt. It's been fun and I recommend using it to get out of your comfort zone!
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Download Mid-Century Burst @ SFS
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lonvely · 1 year
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a gal from the bayou moves to the city & discovers she loves metal!
(dorm reno by helgatisha)
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pudding-parade · 2 years
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After his workout, I sent Andrew to the festival lot to make sure the stuff that I added to it works and such.
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He seemed to enjoy the carousel. Because even though he doesn't have the childish trait, he's still a giant 10-year-old. I already know this about him.
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cobraonthecob · 2 months
ngl i can't really take max seriously when he's having 'issues' with the strategy or the rb20 not being as dominant as its predecessor, because currently, he's 76 points ahead of lando. if mclaren and ferrari continue fucking around with strategy, max can happily cruise to another WDC win like he did last year
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narcissumnarcissi · 5 months
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ciara and yasmin grew up <3
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hdmiports · 2 years
sometimes i have to do physical, hand-to-hand combat with the urge to give all of my sims the same three noses and a government assigned color
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lightyaoigami · 4 months
☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ how to resume ⋆。゚☾。⋆。 ゚☁︎ ゚
after 10 years & 6 jobs in corporate america, i would like to share how to game the system. we all want the biggest payoff for the least amount of work, right?
know thine enemy: beating the robots
i see a lot of misinformation about how AI is used to scrape resumes. i can't speak for every company but most corporations use what is called applicant tracking software (ATS).
no respectable company is using chatgpt to sort applications. i don't know how you'd even write the prompt to get a consumer-facing product to do this. i guarantee that target, walmart, bank of america, whatever, they are all using B2B SaaS enterprise solutions. there is not one hiring manager plinking away at at a large language model.
ATS scans your resume in comparison to the job posting, parses which resumes contain key words, and presents the recruiter and/or hiring manager with resumes with a high "score." the goal of writing your resume is to get your "score" as high as possible.
but tumblr user lightyaoigami, how do i beat the robots?
great question, y/n. you will want to seek out an ATS resume checker. i have personally found success with jobscan, which is not free, but works extremely well. there is a free trial period, and other ATS scanners are in fact free. some of these tools are so sophisticated that they can actually help build your resume from scratch with your input. i wrote my own resume and used jobscan to compare it to the applications i was finishing.
do not use chatgpt to write your resume or cover letter. it is painfully obvious. here is a tutorial on how to use jobscan. for the zillionth time i do not work for jobscan nor am i a #jobscanpartner i am just a person who used this tool to land a job at a challenging time.
the resume checkers will tell you what words and/or phrases you need to shoehorn into your bullet points - i.e., if you are applying for a job that requires you to be a strong collaborator, the resume checker might suggest you include the phrase "cross-functional teams." you can easily re-word your bullets to include this with a little noodling.
don't i need a cover letter?
it depends on the job. after you have about 5 years of experience, i would say that they are largely unnecessary. while i was laid off, i applied to about 100 jobs in a three-month period (#blessed to have been hired quickly). i did not submit a cover letter for any of them, and i had a solid rate of phone screens/interviews after submission despite not having a cover letter. if you are absolutely required to write one, do not have chatgpt do it for you. use a guide from a human being who knows what they are talking about, like ask a manager or betterup.
but i don't even know where to start!
i know it's hard, but you have to have a bit of entrepreneurial spirit here. google duckduckgo is your friend. don't pull any bean soup what-about-me-isms. if you truly don't know where to start, look for an ATS-optimized resume template.
a word about neurodivergence and job applications
i, like many of you, am autistic. i am intimately familiar with how painful it is to expend limited energy on this demoralizing task only to have your "reward" be an equally, if not more so, demoralizing work experience. i don't have a lot of advice for this beyond craft your worksona like you're making a d&d character (or a fursona or a sim or an OC or whatever made up blorbo generator you personally enjoy).
and, remember, while a lot of office work is really uncomfortable and involves stuff like "talking in meetings" and "answering the phone," these things are not an inherent risk. discomfort is not tantamount to danger, and we all have to do uncomfortable things in order to thrive. there are a lot of ways to do this and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. not everyone can mask for extended periods, so be your own judge of what you can or can't do.
i like to think of work as a drag show where i perform this other personality in exchange for money. it is much easier to do this than to fight tooth and nail to be unmasked at work, which can be a risk to your livelihood and peace of mind. i don't think it's a good thing that we have to mask at work, but it's an important survival skill.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ good luck ⋆。゚☾。⋆。 ゚☁︎ ゚。⋆
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thepettymachine · 2 months
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Wandering Souls Challenge for TS3
Heeey so I made another challenge. Might be the last one I ever make who knows. But I got inspired by the Postcard Legacy for TS4 and made something similar but not similar to it. It took a minute to make but I hope you enjoy
Wandering Souls Challenge is a 10 generation legacy challenge where you go through multiple jobs and careers with story elements involved. This is a challenge if you don't wanna do just one career all of your sims life and don't mind moving around + mild drama but not soul shattering.
Tag: "wandering souls challenge" or "@" me
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I didn't really make any but don't feel obligated to do everything as an objective. Somethings you probably aren't going to get to everything and that's okay. If you do everything congratulations, if you don't move on.
I have no designated way to play this (ex: what town do you recommend in playing with this), I'm giving the player what they want to do within the confines of this challenge. It's your sandbox not mine.
You do have some optional goals for extra fun if you choose to do so.
Have fun
Carry On Wayward Son
When you were young, you didn’t take anything as serious as your music. Your obsession with the chords became as necessary as breathing and you’ll do anything but sell your soul to the industry. But as you grew older and had a family, you wish for more structure with your music in hopes for it to reach the people that desperately need to hear it. So you find an indie record company and work with them because your artistic freedom is still the forefront of why you’re doing all of this. Plus feeding your family and paying the bills. 
Start by making money through collecting tips while working part time jobs
Half way through your YA years, you try a Singing career or being part of a band but it doesn’t work out
As an adult, you enter into the Music career for more structure and to reach a larger fanbase
Pick a branch between classical or rock
Your lover/(s) must be all creative types like you (artist, sculptor, architect, musician, street artist, etc)
You encourage your children to also pursue the arts
Master all 4 instruments (guitar, bass, piano, and drums)
Get at least 3 tattoos somewhere on your body
2. Jeffrey Jeffrey Simzos
If the Grinch and Scrooge had a love child, it would be you. You couldn’t really get behind your parent’s idealistic dreams about music and art, it felt unstable and unrealistic to you. You want wealth and power at your fingertips and anyone at your beck and call. Whether its through a wealthy spouse, your boss, the corporate ladder, or getting into politics, you will reach the top. For there is no redemption arc and no grace to be given for Greed has already devoured the remnants of your dead beating heart.
Have bake sales as a child and dislike any attempts at the arts
Join the Business career
Be enemies with all of your coworkers
Go from a small house/apartment to a big mansion/house
Be the owner of multiple businesses around town + an additional home
Marry a rich sim you definitely married for money
Have at least one child with the butler or maid you hired
You become more power hungry so you join Politics after reaching level 8 of Business career
Steal campaign funds 
Your kids must be the top of their class, no exceptions (straight A’s, no skipping school, be apart of a club) or they are sent to boarding school
You are not close with any of your children
Optional: woohoo your boss
3. Yes Chef
Because excellence was required of you as a child, you tend to have a strong work ethic and unrealistic expectations for yourself and others while despising what you had to endure in your upbringing. The one good thing out of it was discovering your love of cooking. Cooking was a way for you to escape your worries and as an adult you desire to be a chef, going against everything your parents raised you with. You started from the bottom and found your way all the way at the top as head chef. But something is missing and so you explore other cultures and find new excitement in  nectar making. You figure when you retire, you wanna spend the rest of your days being a nectar maker on a giant farm in the countryside.
Start at the diner for the first half of your career, then move over to the bistro for the second half
Bartend for bars at night for extra income
Read every recipe and learn all the fancy drinks
Master Cooking & Mixology
Marry your childhood friend or high school friend you haven’t seen in years
Cook your spouse and children their favorites meals at least once
At the top of your career, you get bored and visit travel other cultures for their cuisine (go to France, Egypt, and China to learn their food recipes)
Get inspired by nectar making 
When becoming an Elder, move to the countryside, retire as a chef, and become a self employed nectar farmer. 
4. Country Roads, Take Me Home
You’ve always found interest in nature as a kid and instead of wanting to be in the comfy suburbs or stargazing the city’s skylines.You even had a knack for bringing stray animals into your home but they always seemed to run away when you left for school (according to your parents). That’s why instead of working a typical 9-5, you fulfill your childhood dream of being on a farm and working with your bare hands. Building a life you always dreamed of yet will work hard to maintain. There’s no sleeping in for this dreamer.
As a child you were part of the scouts
Live on a farm or ranch
Work as a self employed gardener
Master the Fishing, Gardening, and/or Riding skill
Adopt 2 strays (horse, dog or cat)
Marry your helper on the farm or Marry a townie that loves the outdoors/animal lover trait
Wake up in the early hours of the day
Have a big family cause free child labor
Raise a horse from baby to elder 
Optional: Own a cow plant 
Optional: Win the highest horse competition (racing or jumping)
5. He was #1
You’ve always had an interest in the outdoors but sports was your passion and you’re very good at it. So good, you were being scouted by agents who hoped to take you to the pros and have your name chanted by the thousands. Your dream did come true but another did not. You’re a closeted hopeless romantic who always wished to find their soulmate and have a family, but being a professional athlete with a recognizable face has made it difficult for you to find true authentic love. What will it take for you to find love and will you have to choose between your two greatest loves or can they both coexist together for your sake.
Enjoy your outdoor activities (playing ball, going to the pool, camping, etc) once a week
Find love through online dating 
Go on 3 dates with a person before committing 
Host a big wedding party and bachelor/bachelorette party and if possible, ask your partners parents for their blessing
Master the Athletic skill
Become a stay at home parent when you reach level 6  of the sports career
After a sports injury that takes you out of the field. You find yourself recovering and unemployed and decide to take care of your children while deciding your next move. 
You realize you want to be a sports agent so you go back to college as an adult and get your physical education degree 
Reach level 10 of Jock social group. 
Join the Sports Agent career
Gain the Eternally Faithful Moodlet
6. You Blinded Me with Science:
Curiosity killed the cat or in your case it just made you curiouser. You couldn’t keep your hands still and always have to be tinkering with something. So much so that you lost your beloved job at the science lab because you kept goofing around with some scrap from the town’s junkyard during company hours. No worries, you just decided to go all in with being a self made inventor and creating gizmos and gadgets the world has never seen before. Except one day, you find a mysterious device you’ve never seen before and upon activating it, you end up in the future. There are alot more prettier machines than the ones you’ve been messing around with and you sorta take one home with you. Oh well what’s the worst that can happen. 
Start out in the Science career but get fired after reaching lvl 3 in inventing and join the Inventor self employed career 
You spend your weekends messing around in the town's junkyard and blowing stuff up for your experiments. The neighbors even catch you dumpster diving around town 
Marry someone just as eccentric and quirky as you (ex: eccentric, neurotic, insane, socially awkward, slob, etc)
Master the handiness and inventing skills
Create all inventions, including a simbot
Make some of your children through the Time Machine (past: child - YA/ future: elder, you can age down if you wish) 
All your children’s traits have to be randomized
Optional: Go into the future and obtain all the gadgets to bring them back home to the present 
Optional: You even bring back home a plumbot and learn how to take care of one
Optional: Leave the Inventor career and present and work in the Astronomy career in the future.
7. Who You Gonna Call?
This generation can be played in two different ways. The choice is up to you. (Also double heirs can be accepted for this gen)
Super Skeptic Route:
The question you’ve always asked yourself was “Are Ghosts Real?” You believed in the supernatural, the horror stories, and the abduction of Bella Goth and was hoping to find evidence in the graveyards. But alas you could never find your ghosts and your dreams were crushed. Now as an adult, you’ve become a skeptic and believe it all to be a charade and try to speak sense into the “sheep” around you to see the light. Until one day you do encounter a ghost and for the last time, you investigate into the question, “Are Ghosts Real?”.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Skeptic trait. 
You dabble in Alchemy but it never takes effect on you. 
Join the Con Artist branch of the Fortune Teller career
Encounter 3 ghosts to convince you that ghosts are real
Leave the Fortune Teller career to become a Ghost Hunter
You convince Ghosts to move on/ Set them free rather than have them experiment on by the science lab (avoid opportunities that say otherwise) 
Do all investigations (spirit invasion, paranormal investigation, poltergeist haunting, ghostly presence, angry ghost invasion)
Ultra Fan Route:
As a child, you always found yourself interested in what couldn’t be reasoned or argued against, the supernatural. You obsessed over horror stories, wandered into graveyards, deep subreddits of conspiracies behind Bella Goth’s abduction and studied too many ways to become one. You started to give up hope of ever becoming one. Until one day you befriend a fellow occult member of society and it changed your life forever.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Fan trait
Master the Alchemy skill
Start a side hustle of being an author writing primarily in the horror genre
Publish 15 horror books
Join the Mystic branch of the Fortune Teller career
Befriend a supernatural of your choice to be turned into
Get 1st place at Trivia night at the Vault of Antiquity
8. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Being a doctor was something you always thought you wanted to be. It came with status, notoriety, respect, money, student loans, and it was something more stable than what your parents were able to give you. You worked hard and got into the Medical career where you met your spouse and lived in a beautiful home with your two kids and pet. It’s like everything worked out in the end. But your desire to see the world burn just keeps rearing its ugly head and you can no longer contain the person you thought you repressed for so long. It desires the status and respect you’ve obtained but also infamy, underlings, and power.
Have the Evil trait
As a teen, be a straight A student, work a part time job, and be best friends with your parents, enemies with your siblings (if applicable)
Choose to go to college on full scholarship or enter the Medical career immediately. 
Marry a fellow coworker whose as ambitious or hardworking as you
Live in a nice home with a white picket fence, 2 kids and a pet of your choice
Befriend some townies who work in the Criminal career
Donate to criminal organizations at least once a week
Leave your job in the Medical career in your adult years
Join the Criminal career
Choose the Evil branch of the Criminal career and reach the top
Optional: Divorce your spouse, find a new home, bring the kids (or don’t) and marry your criminal coworker.
9. Baywatch
You used to work in law enforcement until the red tape got to you and so you went to become a private investigator. Solving crimes and digging through trash got exhausting and difficult as you try to serve others yet the system kept letting you down. After having a midlife crisis, You’ve come to realize that helping people can be simple, enjoyable, and have a great ocean view. Being a lifeguard wasn’t in the career plan but saving lives from the depths of the oceans and looking good in red too. Not a bad career change.  
Join the law enforcement career
Become friends with/date your cop partner 
When reaching level 5 of the career, you leave your job to go into the Investigative career to get away from the red tape 
Continue being an investigator until your Adult years
Have a midlife crisis and complete all the wishes or go get therapy at the hospital
At the end of your crisis, you join the Lifeguard career
Find an island or befriend a mermaid  
Master the scuba diving skill and logic skills
10. Master of None
Oh the journey you have been on. From caring about the music to fighting robbers in people’s homes, you’ve been through it all. As you worked hard for what you wanted, You have reached this crossroad and wonder what it all means and what it meant before. Maybe discovering yourself is what the journey is all about or maybe it's the experiences that shape you that gives you your form. Regardless, you’ve been feeling torn about what to do now and with no destination, maybe you start to express who you truly are. Who knows. There is no rush in the process or a destination in sight, only the curiosity that keeps your soul wandering on the journey.  
Join at least 5 different careers you haven’t played in this challenge (Education, Magician, Firefighter, Stylist, etc)
Have 3 best friends you maintain until Elder
Start dabbling in painting or sculpting in your free time outside of work. 
Meet the love of your life 
Be apart of your community - take opportunities that involve helping your neighbors/fellow townies
Pamper yourself -  go to a place in town for some you time once a week
Learn a new skill once a week (you don’t have to master it) 
If applicable, befriend your grandchildren 
Optional: turn your hobby into your job 
Thank you for playing. Feedback is welcomed
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cowplant-pizza · 28 days
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random legacy challenge x 100 baby challenge
hi, yes, i do hate myself! but i am a trooper and that's the main thing i wanted to give myself a challenge where my sims are still my sims (i.e not having to follow a generational prompt) but with a twist plus, i have always wanted to do the 100 baby challenge but i hate the fact that it's supposed to be crazy af, so i'm kinda toning it down a bit????
so my basic rules are:
have at least 3 children per generation
role a random career, traits* and aspiration for each sim
randomise the town ur heir is gonna live in
the only generational goals are to finish their aspiration and get at least level 7 in their career
continue playing until my heirs have birthed 100 sims between them (so it could be way longer than 10 gens)
you're allowed to reroll your career/aspiration if its the same as your last heir
*you can use the in-game randomiser to choose the traits
your sims love life is completely up to them cause having a randomiser control it might make the 100 babies aspect of the challenge difficult
idk why i'm doing this. maybe because it's such a huge challenge, i will stick to it??????? who knows cause i dont. if for some odd reason u wanna do it to, tag me or something!
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hannie-dul-set · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. swearing, vomit, heeseung is sick, tormenting said sick man, sex jokes, and loser hee backstory reveal. WORD COUNT. 3.8k.
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NOTE. merry christmas. my gift for u all is the heeseung chapter. let's pretend that it's still summer for the sake of the fic yes thank u hope u enjoy.
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CHAPTER 8 — hot, drenched, and sweaty.
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“I THINK HEESEUNG IS IN A FIGHT CLUB.” That unprompted statement catches the interest of all the four boys currently in the living room. Soobin looks up from his half-finished crocheted bonnet, Jake and Jay pause their game of scrabble, and Sunghoon drops a rubik’s cube on your face because you gallantly decided to use his lap as a pillow on the lounge sofa. 
“Oh god, I’m— I’m sorry,” he sputters out an apology. You take this as a sign to stop invading his space. “What do you mean though? Fight club? Heeseung?”
You spring up from your position, sitting with a very determined look on your face which simply prompts their attention further. “Heeseung leaves the house at exactly 10 p.m. every Saturday night and comes back at like two in the morning. I asked him about is once, and all he said is that he’s doing ‘business,’ whatever the fuck that means. It’s suspicious as hell.” 
The only reason why you were up at 2 a.m. to catch him in the act in the first place is because one time, you challenged Beomgyu and Jake to a no-sleeping contest and those two are the most gullible and have the most money from the lot. Little did those suckers know that you slept for fifteen hours prior to challenging them. They dozed off at the thirty six hour mark while you were still awake enough to catch Heeseung sneaking into the house at the devil’s hour.
After that, you had more money in your bank account, and a new curiosity that’s begging to be satisfied.
“I think he’s in an underground fighting club,” you declare. “There’s no other reason.”
“No, no,” Jay contends. “It might be something else. He could be a stripper.”
A silent moment of consideration.
Then you all release a unified, “Nah.”
“Maybe it’s private,” says Sungoon. “What—whatever it is, it could be none of our business.”
He has a point, but you’re nosy and bored. So are Jake and Jay because turns out, today’s a Saturday, and you have nothing to do, and you’re acquitted from any charges of instigating things because it’s Jay who announces, “Should we follow him?”
You grin. Sunghoon doesn’t approve of your expression. “We should follow him.”
“I’ll keep a lookout.”
“Text us when he’s about to leave.”
“You got it.”
Thus starts your mission of finding out whether Heeseung is secretly an underground fighter or a stripper. Sunghoon refused to be a part of it, but Soobin wasn’t strong enough to deny your puppy dog eyes, so it’s you, him, Jake, and Jay who might be charged for stalking and invasion of privacy because the moment you get a signal from Jake that “the target is out of the house, over,” the four of you, willingly or otherwise, start to tail him.
It’s disconcertingly easy to follow Heeseung without him noticing the four not so discreet people lagging behind him. When he takes off on a bus, you quickly hail a taxi for the four of you to jump inside of and continue the trail. 
“I think—I think we should head back,” says Soobin, squeezing his arms against his torso because there are three of you cramped in the backseat. “The sky is glum. I think it’s gonna rain.”
“The sky is glum because it’s the fucking night. Mr. Sun has died. Wait, he just got off the bus. Let’s go, let’s go before we lose him!”
As you stalk down the sidewalk, you can’t help but feel a sense of deja vu because you swear you’ve crossed this same path before. You’ve been here before. You’re sure of it, and it’s not just because this area is just around your university, of which you haven’t stepped foot on since the beginning of summer and since living with Jake and his friends.
“Hey, he’s over there, he’s going to that cafe.”
Your deja vu is answered when the familiar facade of The Lounge shows up right before you. Heeseung enters the building. Sunghoon knew all along, that fucking rat. That’s why was so against this plot, that’s why he refused to tag along with you. “I’m going in,” says Jay. You postpone your revenge plan against Sunghoon for later and quickly follow behind Jay into the cafe. Once you enter however, it starts pouring.
The clear glass windows of the place get stained by an assault of raindrops. Crap. None of you brought an umbrella. “I knew it was going to rain…” Soobin laments, and you pat circles against his back to apologize for doubting him, further telling him that he has a knack for weather prediction and if he’s considering switching career paths.
“What now?” Jake asks.
“We can wait for the rain to stop or call Sunghoon to pick us up and bring us umbrellas,” you tell them. “For now, let’s find out what the fuck Lee Heeseung is up to here. This wasn’t part of any of our calculations.” The calculations being either violence or promiscuity. You didn’t make a lot of calculations.
The problem is, Heeseung is nowhere to be found. You end up ordering some drinks and food and decide to settle in a booth at the corner of the place so that you guys can have a full and complete view of the cafe’s entire interior, yet you still can’t find him, so you end up reminiscing the time Sunghoon dumped your lemonade on you which catapulted your hobby of messing with these guys because they become so nervous around you it’s funny.
“Did we enter the wrong building? Did he catch us tailing him and left through the back door?!” 
You doubt Jake’s presumptions, and you’re correct to doubt him because right at that moment, Heeseung finally shows his stupid fucking face.
Not only does he show his stupid fucking face— he shows his stupid fucking face on the mini stage in the other corner of the cafe with a freaking guitar. What? So he’s not an underground fighter? Heeseung leans into the mic and a singular “ah,” resounds from the speakers mounted on the walls, muting down the muffled sound of the rain outside in that single instant.
When Heeseung starts to play the instrument followed by the sound of his voice, the rain is forgotten entirely.
This is a surprise. This is unexpected.
“This is disappointing,” says Jay, and you snap your head at him with eyes wide in alarm and disbelief because what does he mean disappointing? Disappointing where? You’ve been living with an angel all this time and you didn’t know? 
“Yeah, it’d be cooler if he was in a fight club,” Jake adds, as if their friend isn’t putting the Billboard’s Hot 100 to shame right now. What kind of bullshit are they saying?
“Did you guys know he could sing like that?”
The three look at you, even Soobin, and respond with a yes, a nod, a hum. Your mouth gapes. But you don’t get why you’re surprised when these guys have known each other for years prior to you barging in unannounced— so, of course they know, of course you don’t, and in the midst of all this, your thoughts are interrupted by the sharp screech from the speakers, because Heeseung has stopped singing, and is instead now looking at your table, looking more alarmed than you.
You’re pretty sure your eyes met before he decided to bolt out of the cafe.
“Oh, he’s getting off stage. Maybe he’s going to greet u— why is he skipping our table? Why is he running outside? Hyung, wait!”
None of you end up chasing after him because it’s still pouring outside, and you can already predict what the aftermath of this is going to be. Thus concludes your mission of finding out whether or not Heeseung is secretly an underground fighter or a stripper, with the answer amounting to neither because Heeseung is a performer during The Lounge’s open mic nights, and you don’t get why he’s been acting so secretive about it all this time.
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Heeseung wakes up feeling like shit. And not the regular kind of shit. He feels like Satan just chewed him up, only to spit him back out— slobber and the inferno’s of hell included because he’s sweating through his shirt, his blanket feels like a prison, but if he kicks it of, he gets attacked by cold flashes, so he’s in a sticky and uncomfortable limbo between overheating and freezing to fucking death.
His throat is dry. The only thing that escapes his throat is a guttural and inhuman rasp. He wouldn’t be this sick if he didn’t run out in the rain last night. 
Rather, he wouldn’t have ran out if you weren’t there last night.
Heeseung rolls to his side with a groan of pain and anguish, muffled against the pillow as a different kind of fevered heat washes over his face. Seriously. Why the fuck were you there last night? He could give less than two shits if his roommates find out that he sings Taylor Swift every weekend at The Lounge, but you— you’re a different story. Because he knows you’re gonna use this information against him somehow, just like how you like to fuck around with his friends.
Too much. Heeseung has always thought you were a bit too much for him. The time you chased Beomgyu around the house in the dress(?) Jay made is the only evidence he needs to affirm that.
Then again, maybe he shouldn’t have bolted out like that immediately after meeting your eyes. You already suspect that you gross him out (which, by the way, couldn’t be more wrong) for always running away from the threat of skin-to-skin contact with you. Why was it raining when it’s still summer, anyway? It’s like that night was a curse made especially for him.
He curls up further into a ball, hoping you just forget about it all and don’t question him about it.
Yet the very opposite happens because what interrupts his spiraling thoughts is the sound of your voice— already threatening a wave of torment.
“Oh, god. You’re in a worse state than I thought.”
Heeseung regrets springing up from his bed because his head immediately gets slammed by the recoil of a headache. “Why...why are you here?” he barely scratches out. You’re by the doorframe, arms crossed and eyes laced with pity. He didn’t even hear the door opening. 
“Jake told me about your illness,” you say, walking over to the side of his bed and Heeseung flinches back the moment you set yourself down on the mattress. “He said you have a chronic case of bitchless syndrome.
He looks at you. Your face is dead serious. Heeseung feels a drop of sweat trickling down his neck, then you break into that devious smile of yours and laugh out a grin.
“Kidding. Jake would never say that. He told me you were sick and needed someone to nurse you up, so here I am.”
Holy shit. Heeseung lets out a breath, nearly teetering off his bed to maintain a comfortable enough distance from your overwhelming presence. “Why��” some throat phlegm cuts him off. He lets out a violent cough before reclaiming his voice. “Why you? I—I mean, why did Jake ask you?”
“Ouch?” you remark. “No one else is around. Jake’s out hiking, apparently. Sunghoon’s covering someone’s shift. Beomgyu’s obviously still at his parents. Jay says he’s out on a mission, and Soobin left the house with a giant backpack. I was too afraid to ask. Anyway, I know my very physical presence disgusts you, but deal with it for now, you goober. You look like hell.”
“That’s— that’s not—” You take this opportunity to pull his sweaty blanket off in one swift movement. “That’s not it! You don’t— don’t disgust me, I’m just— you know—”
“I know, I just wanted to fuck with you.”
You’re grinning. You haphazardly fold the sheet before throwing it down to the foot of the bed, sitting over it. Heeseung feels the blood drain from his face— “Anyway, sit up and let me feel you up,” —only for the blood to shoot right back up and nearly knocks him out unconscious. “Feel your temperature up, perv. I’m not taking advantage of a sick man. C’mere, let me see how sick you are.”
Heeseung, however, still has enough marbles to quickly evade your incoming hand. He swerves to the right. You blink at him, arm reaching out to thin air, before trying again, only for Heeseung to swat your hand away with gritted teeth and fearing for his life. “S—sorry,” he chokes out. He sees the glint in your eyes. Crap. He shouldn’t have done that.
“For fuck’s sake, just let me check your temperature— Heeseung! What the hell?!”
“Just—just leave me alone!”
Earlier, Heeseung thought he was about to die. He didn’t think he had enough strength to fight for his life as he squirms underneath you on the bed, driven solely by the desire to protect his fucking pride because there’s no way in hell he’s letting you touch him when he’s all gross and sweaty and gross from the fever. There’s no way in hell he’s letting that happen.
“What are you—”
He yanks out his blanket from underneath you, causing you to roll of his bed and he throws the sheet over his red, hot, and burning face because holy fuck. Holy shit. That was a close call.
When he peeks out from the blanket, Heeseung instantaneously feels a threat to his life.
You’re glaring at him. You look like you want to skin him alive and he gulps and nudges himself away, ass nearly falling off the bed when you get up from the floor and dust yourself off. “Okay,” you huff. “Fine. Have it your way. Die from a heatstroke, or whatever the fuck. I’ll be downstairs if you need me, and if you do, I’m expecting you to get down on your knees and beg because every time you’ve swatted my hand away was an additional jab at my pride.”
Okay, damn. You leave his room, not without slamming his door close to emphasize your anger, and on top of feeling like absolute crap, Heeseung now also feels guilty as hell. 
“Fuck,” he rasps out. It’s not like he’s doing it out of malice, or hate, or because he thinks you’re a germ that he cannot touch, like you always accuse him with. Heeseung still remembers how his whole no touching quirk started: sixteen years-old, when Heeseung finally mustered the courage to hold his first girlfriend’s hand, only for her to laugh and joke and pull away while saying, “ew, gross. Your hand is all sweaty.”
Twenty-two year old Heeseung has been traumatized to this very day.
Especially now when he’s all disgusting and icky and very much ew and gross because of his fever. Stupid, he knows, but the last thing he’d want to see is a disgusted grimace from your face the moment the back of your hand presses against his damp and sticky, sickness-induced forehead. However, it seems like he’s been inflicting to you the very injury he’s been trying to protect himself by constantly avoiding the threat of contact of your skin against his.
Stupid. It’s really stupid. 
But he can’t avoid dehydration by simply ignoring the dryness of his mouth. With much struggle, Heeseung forces himself out of the bed, despairing the amount of stairs he has to climb down— and the suggestion of calling for you help does tease his brain for a split second, but decides against it with a shake of his head as he continues the awful trip to the living room, body weighing thirty times heavier, and skull feeling like it’s about to crack itself open.
The problem is, his skull does almost end up getting cracked open. Because as he’s finally nearing the bottom floor, he misses a step, causing him to hit the ground with a harsh thud.
“Ugh,” he grunts, pushing himself with his forearms, but he stops, nearly face planting into the floor once more because you’re there, you’re walking up to him, looking down at him, and holding a cold and refreshing glass of water above his head like some sort of fucked up display of powerplay against a sick and thirsty man.
“Need any help?” you hum. 
“I’m fine,” Heeseung tries once more to get up only to feel the nausea rise up to his head, and he stops, pauses, and decides that the floor is more comfortable after all. He looks up at you. “Can I...can I get a sip from your glass?”
There’s a glint in your eyes. You crouch down. “Sorry, what was that?”
Are you enjoying this? Do you like watching him in pain? (Likely answer is yes because you yourself have admitted that you enjoy their suffering and torment). “Water,” he rasps out. “Can I drink some of your water?”
“This?” You swirl the glass in your hand, ice clacking against the crystal, before taking a long, tortuous sip on the straw (why does it have a straw?) Heeseung swallows down his spit. “Say please,” you say with a smile. Heeseung chokes on said fucking spit and hacks out a cough because you’re fucking insane.
He feels his face grow hotter. And it’s definitely not just from the fever.
“P—please, give me some of your water.”
You don’t prolong his agony any further and hand him over the glass.
“Need any help getting up?” you ask as you watch him agonizingly sit up against the bottom steps and toss down the water into his throat in one shot as if it was at a company dinner. He wipes his lips with the back of his hand and feels your disappointed stare pricking his conscience. “I can’t help you unless you ask me to, Heeseung.”
He frowns, deflating. “But I’m all gross and sweaty.”
The last thing he expects you to do is to roll your eyes at him and stand up with an arm stretched out. 
And the next thing he knows is that you’re lugging him over to the couch, an arm around his waist, his around your shoulder, and you set him down the cushions with a grunt. “Jeez, I’m not made for manhandling men,” you say, very dubiously. “Lie down.” And when he doesn’t lie down, wide-eyed and unresponsive, you poke his forehead and he tips back, falling into the couch.
What…what is going on...
“You know, I’m very tempted to ask you to take your shirt off just to laugh at your reaction, but you actually look like you’re about to die, so I decided against it. Aren’t I sweet?” 
You’re back with a basin and some towels (when did you disappear?) and Heeseung’s brain starts malfunctioning, growing dizzier and dizzier by the second when you touch his jaw, damp towel wiping off the sweat coating his face and neck and he feels his throat tightening. “Christ. I think your temp is over forty degrees, my guy,” you say, squeezing the towel over the basin. “Hello? Heeseung? What the hell, did you catch Sunghoon’s disease? Are you unable to talk to me now, too?”
“It’s—it’s not that,” he chokes out. He’s about to justify himself, but you press your palm against his forehead, cutting off all the oxygen pipes leading up to his brain, and he feels like passing the fuck out.
Shit. Shit. Holy shit. 
“Ah,” you say. “You’re not running away.”
He’s not. He’s not running away. But he feels a different sort of problem coming up.
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
You blink at him. This doesn’t help his case at all.
“Wow, this is an upgrade,” you say from the other side of the bathroom door while Heeseung pukes his guts out into the toilet. Heavy metal playing from his phone is trying to block the noises out. He’s heaving over the bowl and wants to kill himself from embarrassment. “Now my very presence makes you vomit. I’m sorry for everything so far.”
There’s a flush. The music stops. Heeseung cracks the door open and you pass him a glass of water without some bedroom-esque powerplay this time. “Seriously, why did you run off into the rain last night? Look where it got you.” It’s a shocker that you haven’t told him he’s gross yet. You’re standing there in front of the bathroom and in front of the mess of his post-vomit presence, and all you’re doing is looking at him in worry. 
“I wasn’t expecting you guys to be there,” he says, still sounding like death, and you take the now empty glass from him and head over to the kitchen, pointing at his makeshift deathbed on the couch. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to give Mariah Carey a run for her money, either.” After you place the glass into the sink, you’re back to the living room. He’s down on the sofa, eyelids heavy, unable to say or do anything when you push back his hair to place a damp towel on his forehead. “Like damn, I knew you guys have known each other for a while now, but I totally felt like an outsider when I was the only one surprised to hear you sing.”
You’re not making fun of him. You don’t make a comment about how sticky his skin feels or how gross his sweat-drenched shirt is.
“I like your voice. Too bad it sounds like shit right now, but you should let me hear you again once you feel better.” The doorbell rings. “Oh, right, I ordered some porridge. You can feed yourself, right? Hold on, let me get it.”
He hears your footsteps padding across the floor, unable to find the strength to open his eyes as the coolness of the cloth seeps into his forehead. Heeseung has always thought you were a bit too much— case in point, everything that just happened and all the other times you’ve teased, tormented, and actively tortured to the point of tears all the inhabitants of this god forsaken house. 
Yet it is also your excessive nature that has let Sunghoon speak more than five words around you, that has stopped Beomgyu from hermitting in his room twenty-four-seven, that has helped Soobin and Jay in two very important instances this summer, and has allowed Jake to offer you a spot in their lives after leaving that room on the third floor empty for a good two years.
“Fuck, I can’t believe they left me behind with a sick man when I can barely even take care of myself.”
You’re back. He opens his eyes and tries to lift himself up but his body is way too heavy. “Uh,” he says. “Can you…please…open the container for me?” He doesn’t miss your amused fucking grin when he mumbles out the please.
“Ah. Open up.”
Heeseung has always felt you were too much. Maybe it’s his fever talking, maybe it’s not, but maybe too much exactly what he needs right now.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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foggypeacestrawberry · 6 months
The WaterFireGod, Story + Screenshots
Here´s the first entry including the links, in case you might wanna open it in a new tab to compare the items from the list.
This time, for the "wild objects", EA-stuff wasn´t enough, so I had to use some CC. Because my mod-collection is still in utterly chaos, I was going on the hunt. Bioniczombies alien-plants inspired me to look for any sims3-stuff that is alien-realted.
Actually, I found so much lovely stuff, that I will continue this alien-scenery a little bit, after the challenge is finished :-) !
But first things first - let´s do the counting again, of the 10 things I found at random, plus the 5 wild objects I picked on purpose:
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So what´s this TV doing outside a house?
Next Pic will have a clue -
---> Object No 1: Coffeetable from Bast
---> Object No 2+3: TV + TV Remote from BionicZombie
---> Object No 4+5: Wall Outlet + Powerstrip from BionicZombie
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Obviously, some stupid sim was, again, obsessed with looking very hard for some stupid aliens.
Yeah - just talked to this guy, and he told me, some aliens actually showed up on the televsion-screen to finaly answer his desperate calls. He wants them to get him pregnant.
And… did they suceed?
I mean, to show up in this garden.
---> Wild Object No 1:
Telescope from EA
Well, did they?!
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Looks like it!
(Thats pic contains all objects I used in that scenery)
Or maybe they came in the dark of the night?:
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…or at dawn?
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However, now they are here. Thats what they always say in the movies, too!
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This portal is heavely guarded… by some gigantic alien-plants. Of course it is.
---> Object No 6: Alien Plants from @bioniczombie
(That mod inspired me for this whole alien-thing, it was the last mod I found on my hunt - I already thought about another story, but changed my mind when I saw them plants; you can read about it in part 1 of the WaterFireGod. FireWaterGod? I always mix it up :-D)
And where did them aliens come from?
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Well, I found these creatures on TSR. And also their creator!:
---> Wild Object No 2: Alien Statue from Lisa9999
They are in the company of some beautyful glowing flowers. Or is it flowery lights? Who knows, it´s alien-science.
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---> Object No 7+8: This lights are part of the Fountain-set from Ilvan
What kind of futuristic tunnel did they come through?
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Ugh, you don´t wanna know. This alien-obsessed sim who called that guys, he improvised something whith the monkeybar from his garden. You know how them nerds are.
---> Object No 9: Monkey Bars from Ilvan
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And before you ask: No, the flowers on the monkey-bar where not grown by them aliens. The sim quit doing any sport and didn´t use that thing for a long time (we already know what he was so busy with instead). So mother nature took over that item.
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*Behold* that gate.
To my fellow World of Warcraft-players out there, grrreetings, now THATS what I call a portal - GULDAN EAT THIS :-D !
--> Wild Object No 3:
From the Set Emerald dream flora and deco, from @lunenore
That is Sylvanes. She is on TSR, too!
PICTURE L) Lets get a little bit closer…
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This stuff from the emerald dream-pack is around 10 years old, and just now I discover it. I already knew Sylvanes' awsome CAS-characters from world of warcraft, but never checked out her mods in detail. Now finaly I did.
---> Object No 10: The Water-Wall is part of the Fountain-set from Ilvan
LIMIT of the-10-things is FULL!
Let´s get even more close, so you can see whats etched into the stone:
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Now you saw it. (Didn´t say you will be able to *read* it...)
Now let me finish the story:
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The aliens send a device (on the right) to reach out to the WaterFireGod (on the left).
To us, its just the dragonfish as we know it, swimming around, spitting some fire, doing his thing.
To them - its a GOD!
Sure, what else did you expect?
--> Wild Object No 4:
Fishbowl, from the Cosmic Study Set, from Majik Goldies
--> Wild Object No 5:
The Alien-Fountain, again from Majik Goldies
LIMIT of "5 wild objects" is FULL!
Another challange finished.
And what about the story, is that finished, too?
They came to this (sim-)world to ask the dragonfish...
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But no matter what questions they asked, the answers of that little guy always sounded to them alien visitors like "42".
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So maybe it was just a translation-problem. Everybody knows how sophisticated fishes are if it comes to language. Not everyone is. Maybe them aliens were not that smart how they thought they are.
At least that was the only conclusion for them, they left frustrated (no they didn´t kill anyone out of anger, this time no one died, really, I promise!).
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Maybe one day they will come back and give it a try again, after they learned about this guy, douglas adams, and that the answer to everything is, indeed, 42.
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And yes, I actually cheated my test-sim to fishing-level 10, put some dragonfish in the ground and made the test-sim fishing that cute guy. I just HAD to, after I found this awsome fishing-bowl from Majik Goldies. It is so old, and because of that the texture so blurred, that one might think, this blurred look of that item is on purpuse :-D
I didn´t now Majik Goldies' stuff before, just learned about that creator a few days ago, by coincidence, because of this little challenge.
Credits for the story go to a lot of people, all of them CC-creators in the first place, and the Creators of the Sims 3 of course, but also guys like Douglas Adams, Chris Metzen, Duncan Jones, Steven Spielberg, and it´s actually impossible for me to remember any more where my brain picked up all that stuff.
See y'all!
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imissylou · 11 months
Herbs and Spices Legacy Challenge
By Sunny & Missy
Hello! This is the first challenge my friend and I created. I had lots of fun making this challenge and I hope you enjoy it as well. I created this in only a day so there may be things that need to be added or taken away once I go through the challenge myself. Happy Simming!
This is an 8 generation Legacy Challenge. The gender and style is completely up to you (except generation 2). Complete all goals before moving onto the next generation. Make sure you look ahead each generation because some may overlap with each other (start as a teen or teen goals). I will create a base game version in the future, but for right now just skip or make up a new rule if you don't have a pack. We will be adding colour's (yes we’re Canadian), no they don't make sense with the herbs and spices, but it's fun so that's what we're going to do!! I'm playing this for the first time so things may change, please let me know if there's any mistakes or if you think of anything to add to this challenge.
You can either start off with 0 money like the original legacy challenge or start out with starting funds, whichever is more fun for you!
You don't have to level up skills to level 10, unless the job states otherwise.
Complete job career, unless stated otherwise
Complete the aspiration each generation, unless stated otherwise
Cheats are fine if it makes the challenge more fun for you, otherwise try not to make yourself have an advantage over others, cc is fine
Must complete each goal for each gen, then you can go to the next generation, You can choose to do the optional goals
I suggest life span on normal or long, short if you want stress and a challenge!
This doesn't need to be a berry challenge, but if you want to you can make everything their fav colour!! 
if you play this challenge please use #herbsandspiceslegacy
Have Fun!!
The link for the full challenge can be found below!! The first Gen will be below the cut, just to see if you like it!
Here's a google doc
Generation 1 - Paprika
You always loved kids, your job as a teacher fulfilled your needs as wanting to be a Parent, you fell in love with a noncommittle person, you thought you could change them, but one day they were gone, you still had something to remind you of them. you were pregnant! Now you're going to be the best parent ever, who needs two parents anyways.
*Aspiration: Super Parent
*Traits: Family Oriented (choose others)
*Skills: Research and debate, logic, and Charisma 
*Job: Teacher (Any Branch)
*Fav Colour: Red
*complete the teacher career
*Complete Aspiration
*Must have a male Child (you can cheat this or have a trans sim)
*Have 1 child, be super involved in their life
*Have your kid have high confidence
*Achieve either the close or supportive family dynamic with your child
*Never date or marry
Optional goals
*Master all your skills
*Get the single and loving it lifestyle
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sweetbeagaming · 10 months
How to install TS3 for the ✨chronically TS4✨
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Getting back into TS3 posed a challenge for me as compared to TS4. It's a 10+ year old game and of course requires some extra TLC as compared to TS4. So I hope this guide will help y'all to get everything set up cleanly and smoothly! It took me three separate tries and if I can help the next person struggle less, then that's great. Happy simming!
You'll need a copy of TS3 and these resources:
The Sims 3 Performance & Bug Fix Guide 2023 by anime_boom
This lovely post from TS3 community extraordinaire @nectar-cellar
How Use CCMagic YouTube video by @florydaax
No Intro mod edited for 2023 (original by retired creator EllaCharmed) The original mod from Ella does not work for current patch 1.69. I fixed it in s3pe with the help of some commenters on MTS so that it does actually remove the intro. If the creator happens to see this and would like this modified version removed, let me know.
How to clear cache by Carl's Guide
Got everything pulled up? Great! You're ready to start.
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1. Download a FRESHLY INSTALLED copy of TS3 to your computer. If you're able, I'd highly recommend having all the packs you're wanting to own already so you don't have to do all of this again. If you are redownloading the game for any reason (like me bc I was struggling lol), remove the existing TS3 folder in your documents and save it somewhere so you can keep all of your mods or worlds there. Back up any reshade stuff from the bin folder. Completely uninstall the game through the EA app/Steam. You may lose your saves and sims due to a change in script mods through this tutorial. This cannot be avoided, trust me I tried. But it's worth it for a smooth game.
2. Do a test launch so that the game generates a new TS3 Folder in your documents. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT INSTALL ANY SIMS 3 PACKS THROUGH THE LAUNCHER! NO WORLDS, NO CLOTHES, NO HAIR COLORS, NOTHING. This will be very important later on when you merge your CC using CCMagic. If you need worlds or other CC there are alternative ways to obtain them.
4. If you use EA and open to test anywhere between steps (which you shouldn't really need to after step 1 of the Bug Fix Guide) or after playing at any point, open up task manager and ensure that you end the tasks "EA" and "EA Background Services" before continuing. It doesn't really use much memory but I noticed that it caused stutters if it's open when launching using your shiny brand new Smooth Patch. It will look like this:
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5. Begin following the steps in the Performance & Bug Fix guide. The first thing you'll do is set up your mods folder. Follow those steps exactly as they are in the guide, except use the No Intro mod I linked above instead of the one you get in that folder if you actually want the intro removed.
6. Continue to FOLLOW ALL REQUIRED STEPS IN THE GUIDE UNTIL YOU'RE DONE. I mean it, all of them one by one. Heck, if you're open/able to do the bonus and optional ones, I'd suggest doing those too.
7. Once you've completed that, go check out nectar-cellar's excellent post for tips and a fix to make the smooth patch to compatible with Master Controller. I will not be providing an edited version of this as LazyDutchess who created the Smooth Patch is still active and I want to respect their work.
8. If you've made it this far, you're doing great sweetie. Do another test launch through the patcher and if everything runs correctly it means you've done everything RIGHT. You're ready to start playing or downloading mods if you want! If you do start downloading mods merging them will 100% be a must do if you want to maintain any sanity. You can use CCMagic to do so. I linked that handy lil video above!
Keep in mind script mods, overrides, patterns, and CC counters should NEVER be merged. Always check the creator's notes, yada yada. And always clean up your cache on a regular basis. Have fun y'all!
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sublimesims · 5 months
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Love The Sims 3 Lepacy Challenge but you play The Sims 4? Look no further for I have created a lepacy challenge for The Sims 4 right here!
Here is the Google Document for the rules or read below!
As someone who loves the Sims 3 lepacy challenge, I thought I would create one for The Sims 4. I’m aware there is one already made by annaliesembsims on Tumblr but it didn’t fit the criteria I was looking for in the challenge. Their challenge looks wonderful, I just play a little differently. Thanks to both the sims 3 lepacy creator and annaliesembsims! If you see any similarities below, all credit goes to them. Let’s get into the basics!
This is an expansion pack only lepacy challenge. You don’t need to add any game packs, stuff packs, or kits unless you want to. ***Personally, whenever I start a new gen I will also be downloading the game packs and stuff packs that came out that same year.
Unless specified, your sim may have any traits or aspirations you wish.
Feel free to tag me so I can see your wonderful posts!
Generation 1 (Base Game)
You need a fresh start. What’s better than packing everything you own and moving to a completely new town? You move to this new town lost and confused about your future. Somehow, you get a job even though you have no degree or credentials! While your job is tolerable, you’re mainly missing having friends and hobbies and a lover. Now’s the time to do all of those things with your new way of life!
Must live in one of the three base game worlds (Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, or Newcrest)
Must have a base game job
Must have at least 3 friends
Max two skills
Must complete a base game aspiration
Must get married to a townie
Have at least 2 kids
***Packs that came out the same year as base game: None
Generation 2 (Get to Work)
You always admired your parents but saw how they both dreaded going to work every day. You want to work in a field you’re passionate about. As a kid you always dreamed of being the big boss, whether that be as a doctor, scientist, detective, or business owner. Time to get to workin’!
Move to one of the other worlds from Base Game (or Get to Work)
Must become a doctor, scientist, detective, or own your own business
If you chose a career, you must reach level 10
If you chose owning a business, you must earn at least 25,000 simoleons before the end of the generation
Max skills needed for job
Marry a coworker (or customer) and eventually get divorced
Have only 1 child
Make sure your child maxes all skills from infant-child and reaches all of their aspiration goals before becoming a young adult
***Packs that came out the same year as get to work: Outdoor Retreat, Luxury Party Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff, Day Spa, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Spooky Stuff
Generation 3 (Get Together)
Your parents always pushed you to do your best in school to the point of having the Perfectionist or the Erratic trait. Once you became a young adult you decided you wanted to relax and have fun! The rumors of Windenburg’s parties have lured you to the scenic town. You still talk to your parents but are trying to distance yourself as they pressure you to settle down and get a consistent job.
Must have the perfectionist or erratic trait
Live in Windenburg
Must have one of the traits from Get Together (dance machine or insider)
Must have the Leader of the Pack aspiration and complete it
Must max out dancing and DJing skills
Must have at least one kid (if you want multiple then they can not share the same father/mother)
Never get married
***Packs that came out the same year as get together: Get Together came out the same year as Get to Work and the other packs
Generation 4 (City Living)
Your parent showed you how to live life in an exhilarating way! While you enjoyed staying up late and eating junk food and basically having no rules your entire life, you also craved the stability that never came. Moving to San Myshuno always intrigued you but you knew you would never be able to afford it on your own. But, wait! Your best friend wants to leave Windenburg too! Isn’t that just dandy?
Live in San Myshuno with at least one roommate
Must have the Unflirty or Vegetarian trait
Must have the City Native aspiration and completed
Must get married to roommate 
Go to every festival
Become a critic, politician, or social media influencer, or singing “career” and max the job
If you chose the “singing” career just make sure you can make livable wages
Try every single food from the stalls
Have as many kids as you would like
Max singing skill
***Packs that came out the same year as city living: Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Dineout, Kids Room, Backyard, Vintage Glamour
Generation 5 (Cats & Dogs)
Growing up you had to deal with the hustle and bustle of city life. Everything was cramped, busy, and packed. There wasn’t even enough room for a pet. You saw an ad on Simtube about Brindleton Bay one day and ever since then, you have dreamed of living there. The fresh air, the pets, all of it sounds so enticing!
Live in Brindleton Bay
Own a cat and dog
Have a litter of kittens or puppies
Become a vet and max the skill
Max the pet training skill
Have the cat lover or dog lover trait
Have the Friend of the Animals aspiration and complete it
Get married and have three kids
Optional: Have a simstagram for your pet
***Packs that came out the same year as cats and dogs: Vampire, bowling, parenthood, fitness, toddlers
Generation 6 (Seasons)
Living in Brindleton Bay all of your life was great, except for the rain (listen…i know this isn’t technically right because you aren’t supposed to have seasons until your sims are young adults but work with me lol). While Brindleton Bay had all four seasons, you still felt it lacked something because of all of the rain. Time to move!
Live in any world except Brindleton Bay
Experience a holiday (whatever holiday you want) in each season
Rely only on beekeeping and flower arrangement for an income (feel free to have a florist shop)
Max flower arranging and skating skills
Have at least one aspiration reward trait from seasons
Declare favorite season/weather
Get married to someone who has the opposition declaration 
Have as many kids as you want but each child must max the scouting activity
***Packs that came out the same year as seasons: Laundry, jungle adventure, my first pet
Generation 7 (Get Famous)
Small town life never intrigued you. You thought everyone was boring, the town you grew up in was boring, and nothing interested you. Except being famous. You would stay up late watching Simtube and meticulously rating movies on Letter Box and obsessing over your favorite celebrities. Now that you’re a young adult you’re free to do whatever you want! Time to move to Del Sol Valley!
Live in Del Sol Valley
Have the self-absorbed trait
Have either the World Famous Celebrity aspiration or the Master Actor and complete it
Become an actor or influencer 
Max either the acting skill or media production skill
Have a pristine or atrocious reputation
Reach max celebrity level
Marry another celebrity
Have as many kids as you want but each kid has to be into the drama club
***Packs that came out the same year as get famous: get famous came out the same year as seasons
Generation 8 (Island Living)
Growing up with famous parents and being forced to go to red carpets, join the drama club, and having to deal with paparazzi has run you down and you just want to live life alone in peace. Sulani seems like the perfect place for rest and relaxation.
Live in Sulani
Attend all Sulani festivals (Don’t know when they happen? Try this mod!)
Have at least 5 friends
Marry a townie
Have 4 kids (make sure at least one child maxs all skills from infant-child and completes all of their aspirations from child-teen and gets A’s throughout entire schooling career)
Have the child of the island or the child of the ocean trait
Have the beach life aspiration and complete it
Become a conservationist, diver, fisherman, or lifeguard and make the career
Max athletic skill
***Packs that came out the same year as island living: strangerville, moschino, realm of magic
Generation 9 (Discover University)
Basking in the sun throughout your childhood has been wonderful but you have always craved knowledge. You always had A’s and maxed your skills to fulfill your need for knowledge but it was never enough. Your restlessness has made you antsy. Now that you’re a young adult, you can meet that need in University!
Get accepted into Britechester or Foxbury institute and live in the world
Have the academic aspiration and complete it
Max the research and debate skill or the robotics skill
Join an afterschool activity or an organization (secret society counts for an organization)
Achieve all A’s
Throw one party per semester
Once graduated, live anywhere you wish
End up having a job as an educator, law, or engineer
Have a college sweetheart and get married
Have as many kids as you want
Once you have graduated and joined a career, cheat on your spouse and get divorced
Marry sim you cheated with
Optional: Have a servo
***Packs that came out the same year as discover university: discover university came out the same year as island living
Generation 10 (Eco Lifestyle)
Your parents' love of knowledge has worn off on you, but for the worse. You are riddled with the knowledge of capitalism and its destruction of the planet. Evergreen Harbor has been on the news, specifically because of the pollution. Finally, you have had enough of just sitting around. You want to make a change! 
Live in Evergreen Harbor
Make sure every neighborhood in Evergreen Harbor has a green eco footprint
Have the freegan, green fiend, maker, or recycle disciple trait
Have the eco innovator or master maker aspiration and complete it
Max the civil designer job
Max the gardening, fabrication, or juice making skill
Marry a townie 
Have as many kids as you want
***Packs that came out the same year as eco lifestyle: tiny living, nifty knitting, journey to batuu
Generation 11 (Snowy Escape)
Since your parent was obsessed with nature and eco footprints, you spent a lot of time outside. This aided in your need for excitement and thrill. You were always at the playground and hanging out at the quarry. Now, you want to take your need for thrill to the next level in Mt. Komorebi!
Live in Mt. Komorebi
Visit all festivals
Have the adventurous or proper trait
Max the rock climbing, skiing, or snowboarding skill
Complete the extreme sports enthusiast or mt. komorebi sightseer aspiration
Have the salaryperson job (you don’t have to max this as it’s not your goal)
Visit all neighborhoods and complete some activities (meeting Yamachan in Wakaba, nature walk in Senbamachi, snowy activities in Yukimatsu, etc)
Marry a sim that has the same thrill for excitement and is mastering another skill you did not choose
Have 2 kids
***Packs that came out the same year as snowy escape: snowy escape came out the same year as eco lifestyle
Generation 12 (Cottage Living)
Mt. Komorebi is where your heart lies but you wish you lived more in the country. You have always loved animals but you can’t really own a cow when you live in the middle of town! You made a penpal in Henford-on-Bagley and they have convinced you to move there.
Live in Henford-on-Bagley
Have the animal enthusiast or lactose intolerant trait
Have the country caretaker aspiration and complete it
Max the cross stitch skill or the cooking skills (if you choose to go into canning things)
Have a barn, coop, and farm on your lot
Have the simple living or wild foxes lot challenge
Win a town fair
Complete at least 3 errands
Marry your “pen pal” (a townie)
Have five kids
***Packs that came out the same year as cottage living: paranormal, throwback fit, country kitchen, bust the dust, courtyard oasis, dram home decorator, industrial loft, fashion st, incheon arrivals, blooming rooms, modern menswear
Generation 13 (High School Years)
Your parents decided that the education you were receiving out in the country wasn’t good enough! They moved you all to Copperdale so you could have the true high school experience. Yay, I guess?
Live in Copperdale
Get all A’s
Join an afterschool activity or have a part-time job and max it
If you choose a part-time job you must create a club from get together so you can have friends!
Sneak out successfully
Throw a party while parents are out or on another lot
Have the overachiever, party animal, or socially awkward trait
Complete the drama llama, goal orientated, live fast, or admired icon aspiration
Get prom royalty or jester
Use social bunny often to update your status
Marry your highschool sweetheart (once you’re a young adult)
***Packs that came out the same year as high school years: carnaval streetwear, my wedding stories, decor to the max, moonlight chic, little campers, werewolves, first fits, desert luxe, everyday clutter, pastel pop
Generation 14 (Growing Together)
You watched your parents as you grew up and always idolized their love. While everyone else was getting divorced, your parents stayed through thick and thin. You hope one day you can find that kind of love too.
Have a freelancer job
Get married
Have 3 kids
Have a dog or cat
Each kid must reach all of the milestones and have their own aspirations (and complete them) and traits (no repetition)
Must have a baby shower, family reunion, and sleepover at some point
Must visit recreation center often
Must have midlife crisis and do it (except the divorce one)
Optional: Max parenting skill (parenthood required)
***Packs that came out the same year as growing together: simtimates, bathroom clutter, greenhouse haven, basement treasures, grunge revival, book nook
Generation 15 (Horse Ranch)
Your parents let you have your own personalities and lives as you grew and you turned out to be a horse girl/boy! Congrats! San Sequoia lacked horses and equestrian activities. But, just a little bit east, is the town of Chestnut Ridge! Known for their horses, square dancing, and wine making, this town sounds just down right perfect for you.
Live in Chestnut Ridge
Have the horse lover or rancher trait
Have the championship rider or expert nectar maker aspiration and complete it
Master the riding and nectar making traits
Have at least 2 horses who makes their skills
Own sheep or goats
Get married
Have as many kids as you want
Have your spouse die (riperoni)
***Packs that came out the same year as horse ranch: modern luxe, poolside splash, home chef hustle
Generation 16 (For Rent)
Living in a small town where one of your parents was more concerned with their horses than you and the other one being dead has left you feeling a little lost. You crave the sense of a close knit family and friendship. You went on a trip in high school to Tomarang and loved every moment of it. Ever since you got back from that trip, you have thought about Tomarang. Now that you’re a young adult and can make your own choices you have decided to leave your parent to Chestnut Ridge in search of your own belonging in Tomarang.
Live in Tomarang
Have the nosy, generous, or child of the village trait (once you are an elder you need the wise trait)
Either become a property owner or have the part time handyperson job
If you are a property owner you need to decide if you want pristine living conditions where you have the highest ratings or the worst landlord known to man and achieve that goal
If you go into the part-time job you need to make sure you have at least 5 friends
Marry a townie and max your friendship with all of their family members
Have a pool party and potluck at some point
You must live with your spouse’s family
Have at least two kids
You need to have the seeker of secrets, five-star property owner, fount of Tomarani knowledge, or discerning dweller aspiration and complete it
***Packs that were released the same year as for rent: just the ones listed in horse ranch
Generation 17 (Lovestruck)
While your parents and grandparents were in love and devoted to each other, you aren’t sure of what you want. You aren’t sure of your sexuality or who you are, really, and your family is pressuring you to settle down and start a family. Because of the pressure you feel you choose to move to Ciudad Enamorada. You’ve heard all about its passion and culture and you can’t wait to explore.
Live in Ciudad Enamorada
Have the love bug or romantically reserved trait
Choose one of the romantic aspirations (lovestruck related or not) and complete it
Decide on your sexuality and attraction and jealousy
Go on at least five dates from Cupid’s Corner (one of them must be a blind date and one must be a get to know you date)
Have sexy dance time with a romantic partner
Complete one of the challenges (the dating show, have a real sugar relationship when asked if you want one, or the third option which i swear exists but for the life of me i cannot remember what it is)
Have the romance consultant job (you don’t have to max it but it must be your career)
Max the romance skill
Woohoo in the closet, rug, love hotel, and the heart shaped bed
***Packs that were released the same time as lovestruck: castle estate, goth galore, crystal creations, urban homage, party essentials, riviera retreat, and cozy bistro
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meltingmagnetz · 8 months
Artisan Skill Gain Fix
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Here is something that probably no one asked for but here it goes. Maybe someone else needs it too The Glass Blowing Station from the Sims 3 Store, that comes with The Prism Art Studio. Also interduces the Artisan Skill. This is probably my favorite Sims 3 Store Premium Content. However this is EA after all and for whatever reason, the skill gain for the Artisan skill is astronomically high. You sim will gain 2.5 skill points just from crafting their first glass object. And you will max it within a day or two. As a kid I used to exploit this back in the day, but now I want more of a challenge, hence this mod was born.
Technical Things:
This is the weirdest skill done by EA. It has a different skill gain compared to the rest of Store Skills. I didn't have the time to look at the Vanilla skills but I am going to assume that all of them are like the other store skills.
The code is a bit of a mess, so I can't figure out what is the skill gain value actually is. The default skill gain for this skill is 50. 50 what? Per minute, hour...? I experimented with different values and I settled on 10. Again 10 what? But this seems to make it match the rest of the skills. Anything less was too slow, anything higher was too fast. This mod requires the Glass Blowing Station to be installed(official or decrapped). Just put this mod in Mods>Packages if you have it installed as a .sims3pack. And if you have it as a .package file I believe it needs to go into Mods>Overrides folder(I can't test this).
There are no mods that conflict with my mod, that I am aware of.
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