#cadri is brainrotting
cadriona · 1 year
So some more notes on the feral!beidou turned fatui!beidou au that still has not left my head but still refuses to be written: (tw: child abandonment)
beidou's mom died in childbirth, her dad couldn't bear the pain, so he let her go in a basket in the sea, and said basket gets picked up by a merchant boat (they keep her and her name was on the blanket??) except when they sailed past guyun haishan yeeted the ship, but beidou survived (somehow) and beisht was like:... i can use this
haishan: grandma what the Fuck are you on
beisht: I have a Plan
plan: raise beidou to be on the side of the sea dragons so that when she grows up and eventually re-enters human society she can use human knowledge of seals and shit to unseal osial (beisht misses her husband, ok??)
haishan: this is going to go horribly
three(?) years later
Haishan: this has gone horribly (has a toddler beidou latched onto his horns and he's developed a soft spot. Fuck.
As per the adepti, haishan and beisht will also have human forms, although haishan's is a lot less refined but they manage
insert shenanigans
Beidou, tender age of 9(????) and with the blessing (reluctant) from haishan and co: gets picked up by passing ship
said ship: it be the rooster out recruiting- (beidou gets her electro vision because she's just that much different, and will keep on forging a path in this different direction)
beidou: proceeds to get adopted recruited into fatui (childe gets to stay as smol fishing boi because beidou wandered by one day and grabbed him before he fell into the abyss but we don't talk about this because the childe fans might shank me)
beidou, who looks and can speak liyuean (ancient liyuean but whose counting, blame the sea dragons): gets sent on mission to acquire geo gnosis
haishan vibing at home with beisht: ...something is about to go horribly
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cadriona · 2 years
Idea for Genshin Marvel Cross where the Liyue characters get yeeted into the mcu
ok as if i don’t have enough wips and shit going on already, but HEAR ME OUT
Fic would be series format with ?oneshot? for each character for set-up, and probably ending with the 2012 avengers movie because my attention span is the size of the gnat nowadays (
Premise: As teyvet buckled and died under the retribution of Celestia, the Archons grew desperate to preserve whatever people they have left, but the only ones that they could envelope with their power were the Vision holders that held Visions of their nations (I’m going with the shape of the Visions here, not the element). With the traveller’s dimension-crossing capability returned to them on the cusp of their departure, each Archon was able to throw their people into a separate world, and the Liyue folks landed in MCU, reincarnation style.
As I feel like this will end up becoming a long post, details (and thus spoilers if this ever gets written) for the characters are below:
Xiangling: her dad is a chef in an old chinese restaurant in a toronto chinatown. their family had immigrated to canada early in the 1900s ig, and a family heirloom is a little statue of a weird looking panda (coughguobacough). It breaks one day when she was dusting the area, and inside was her pyro vision (pls don’t ask, my fic my rules), and she receives her memory back that way. Ends up in New York during Avengers due to competing in masterchef or something lmao
Beidou: born in a small chinese fishing village, attends mandatory education, almost joins the military but doesn’t both due to own values and because she lost her eye sometime in between, and one day spontaneously (not) decides on a cross pacific boattrip. Wanted to record and stream a lot of it, but there is footage missing and when she arrives back on land (in new york, where she settles), she seems a changed woman.
Ningguang: also born in china because they’re liyue characters ok?? and attends school, makes her way through uni and graduates with phd and stuff, highest degree in the family! and starts a business. On a business trip to zhangjiajie (jueyun karst irl), she feels a tug, and vanishes into the forest at night. She finds her Vision embedded in the rocks and gets her memory back that way, and with her sway in the business world as well as her burgeoning network, starts looking to see if there’s anyone else. Yes, the series will end up with beiguang lmao
Chongyun and Xingqiu: both children of “noble” families (gonna need to do more research on this), and met at a prestigious school and have been inseparable since. Finds their Visions when they go hiking or something
Keqing: very similar route to Ningguang, except she went to uni abroad instead and found work there. Perhaps she ends up working for OSHA? On a camping trip she also feels a tug, but she ignores it because there are higher priority things on her list rn. This is incidentally the first time that SHIELD manages to capture weird energy readings for more than a few hours long, but by the tie they mobilize to track it down, Keqing had decided to go search for whatever it was and retrieved the vision.
Other characters pending, but that would be the gist of it ig?? Hopefully i’ll actualy get around to writing it someday lol
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cadriona · 2 years
beiguang superhero!au
ok since this au is probably not gonna leave me alone for the foreseeable future, i’m just going to jot my thoughts down here.
-ningguang is a debuting superhero, beidou is a vigilante
-ningguang apprenticed under the previous Geo Archon of the Liyue Adepti league or something, and her debuting is the start of the transition between the previous generation of heros (the adepti and god adjacent in genshin canon) to the Qixing, a team composed of humans with augmented abilities
-who has abilities, what determines the abilities? adk, at least at this juncture
-beidou is a vigilante who had made her name taking down Haishan, who was an augmented sea dragon/leviathan causing trouble at one of the smaller ports
-their abilities are basically the same as in game
-beidou has her network (her crew) that supports her, civilian persona probably owns a bar, except she ‘works’ there more as a bouncer while her crew takes up other jobs
-ningguang has more governmental support, and her civilian persona is still a government worker, although the details for that are pending
-ningguang’s debut was supposed to be a exotic animal trafficking bust, except beidou’s contacts had caught wind earlier and she made it there before them
-rival to enemy to lover perhaps because there may be shenenigans in between that sets beidou a bit too far from the law
might add more later, but aoeighapga brain rot
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cadriona · 2 years
I've been rambling too much with the previous answers that I haven't actually gotten to write much today so uh this'll be a shorter one imsosorry but (it got longer than expected LMAO) Teyvat Postal!
Like, I refuse to believe there isn't some method of efficient communication, or some relatively efficient method of communication between nations outside of merchant's way of mouth so voila, mora!verse has a named and somewhat defined postal system :D
It's not without basis, considering from Mona's stories we know of the existence of the Steambird- a newspaper from Fontaine, and considering Mona being able to submit entries all the way from Mondstadt that must mean she gets to send them in somehow, not to mention Albedo and Xingqiu collabing on the book series.
Besides, the existence of a functional postal system would make Inazuma's sudden silence all the more ominous, unless they manage to enlist Beidou's fleet into delivering letters... now that's a thought
Anyhow! in mora!verse, (yes I'm gonna start calling it mora!verse now pls bear with me) i'd assume the deliveries are carried out either by small convoys or people that can cross vast distances within short periods of time (coughAnemouserscough) although convoy sounds iffy what with us not having seen a single large mammal in game other than uh
and while we know horses exist because Varka left Kaeya with exactly NONE OF THEM, that doesn't bode well for the scarcity of landmounts in Teyvat.
Mora!verse Ningguang dumping a shit ton of mora into the postal system was basically so they could hire more people and be able to hire better escorts ig?? both for security and for speed, although now that I'm thinking on it a monopoly on the postal system may be pretty bad actually 0.0
Anyhow, thanks for listening to me ramble again and thanks for the ask!
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