#caelus go get ur man
ikemen-fanboy · 2 months
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Dan Heng gently pat your hand.
*a few minutes later*
*rubs balls*
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snz-eriya · 7 months
A Strange Feeling (D/an H/eng snzfic, H/S/R, ft. C/aelus)
me: man I think I have writer's block again
also me: *writes nearly 2k words of horn*
anyway this is a valentine's post for @mochindayo !!!!!!! ur art is so good I wanna eat it and u deserve to have the best day ever every day!!! I hope you enjoy this fic I give as tribute to your amazingness :')
Caelus pressed on the button to open his door, wearily. It wasn’t like time was very clear if one were to look out the window, given that they were in space. Time itself was a little vague on the Astral Express. Nevertheless, he had been attempting to sleep for what felt like five years. Though to his exaggeratory mind, it was probably more like a few hours. But for some reason, his mind was running wild. No thought was consistent, only one random idea after another that captivated his attention and kept rest just out of arm’s reach. Eventually he got tired of trying, and decided to walk around the ship in hopes to tire out his body.
Or his mind, hopefully. Though it never really did seem to quiet down.
He walked past March’s room, and then Dan Heng’s. Just before he was about to turn the corner, he paused. He stepped backwards until he was in front of Dan Heng’s room again. Then back a few more steps to March’s. Then back to Dan Heng’s. 
He likely would have seemed to be a lunatic in someone else’s eyes. But there was a strange feeling that he got when he walked past specifically Dan Heng’s room. An indescribable feeling. An emotion? Something that made him uneasy. Whatever it was, it made him pause. He reached a hand out, to test if the door was unlocked. It probably would be. Dan Heng’s ‘room’ was the archive, after all. And as private as he was, he didn’t really mind if someone came in without permission as long as it was for a good reason. Was feeling weird a good reason? Probably not, but who knows? Maybe Dan Heng was dying, or attacked, or something. Probably not. Unless Dan Heng refused to be loud even when dying.
Opening up the door, Caelus was relieved to see that Dan Heng was not dying. Though he expected the other to at least be asleep or something at this time(?) of night(?). But no, his fellow Nameless was up and about, at the archives, sorting through various documents and books they had collected over their journeys. Which, that was good, it wasn’t like Caelus could be bothered to remember every detail of all those wordy papers (he could barely stand to read a few sentences without getting bored) but when everyone else had already gone to bed? He could have done it earlier and avoided spending time with everyone.
Caelus had a feeling just standing there and not saying anything for an extended period of time would not give him any avoidance for creepiness, so he decided to speak up.
“Dan Heng?”
The other jumped, as if surprised by his presence. Kind of strange. The doors weren’t exactly quiet. Not a big deal though. Maybe he was just focused.
“Caelus…” Dan Heng muttered, relaxing. Maybe he was expecting an enemy too. Or for Caelus to be dying instead. In any case, he turned back to his work. “Is there something you need?”
Caelus stood for a moment. Not really. For the weird feeling to go away? But how was he supposed to describe that? “Uh… no,” he eventually replied. Dan Heng looked back at him, an eyebrow raised at his answer.
Silence stretched between them once again.
Caelus really had to stop chasing every feeling that interested him.
“Uh… so… still working? Y’know everyone else is asleep,” he finally spoke up again, the awkward energy starting to get to him.
“I could say the same to you,” Dan Heng responded coolly. It seemed like he dropped trying to figure out what Caelus was doing there, and instead turned back to the archives once more.
Caelus still felt weird. So, ignoring his own note-to-self, he approached to stare at Dan Heng’s work over his shoulder. To be honest, his eyes were so tired that the words sort of jumbled together into an incoherent mess. It was more so just to get his crew mate’s attention.
And get his attention it did. Dan Heng glanced over, turning to face Caelus again. “If you don’t need anything, why are you still here? You should be sleeping.”
“Y’know I could just… say the same thing to you, right?” Caelus replied, trying to keep an exhaustedly smug grin off his face. “You’re archiving this late? I didn’t know there was still stuff left to archive.”
“There’s always things left. Please leave me be. I have work to do,” Dan Heng requested again. Though, like he had the mind of a child, it was like being told to stop doing something just made the trailblazer want to do it more. 
“I can help, if you want. I’m sure I can handle the, uh…” He picked up a random book, squinting at its title. “Underground Encyclopedia of Plants and Fungle.”
“Fungi. You’re not a child. You know how to read,” Dan Heng sighed in exasperation. Putting a hand to his head like the interaction was giving him a headache. 
“Meh, close enough. C’mon, it’ll get done faster if we do it together.”
“It’s fine.”
“Look, I know you like it all to be perfect, but there’s gotta be some kind of autocorrect in this thing, right?”
“Please, Caelus, just leave me be.” 
Dan Heng sounded desperate, which was strange. Typically Dan Heng would act annoyed but compliant, even more so when it came to March than him. But looking in the Nameless’ glassy eyes, it seemed like he was a few seconds away from begging.
Wait, glassy eyes? Oh, fuck. Was he actually dying? Was that his dying wish? His last words?
Caelus opened his mouth to apologize for making Dan Heng’s last moments so painful, when–
“heh’GKshu!” Dan Heng quickly turned away as soon as the sneeze rang through him. And suddenly Caelus realized that he wasn’t dying. In the traditional sense, anyway.
“Oh,” he said.
“What?” Dan Heng replied, turning back like nothing had happened at all.
“Uh, you’re sick?” Caelus stated, because it was obvious. After the evidence, anyway.
“I’m not,” Dan Heng immediately denied, turning his head away with arms crossed.
“Uh-huh.” Caelus’ eyes lidded disbelievingly, he had a small smirk on his face. “So why’re you still working, huh? To convince us that you’re not sick? Or to convince yourself? Because, just saying, I never would have seen you if I wasn’t already worried you were dying.”
Dan Heng scoffed. “Well, I’m definitely not dying.”
“You are sick, though.”
Dan Heng faced Caelus again after turning away to sneeze, about to protest for a second time. Caelus managed to shut it down before it started again.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re not sick, and the whole sneezing is just… a coincidence?” He waved his hand absently.
Dan Heng didn’t reply that time. His arguments had been effectively dismantled, and Caelus wasn’t stupid, just nonsensical most of the time.
He sighed, resting his head on an open palm, kept upright by the table. Caelus waited for a moment to see if anything more would be said, but he was met with silence. He took it as permission to carry out his plan.
He reached over and placed the back of his hand onto Dan Heng’s cheek, only to be met with his disapproving stare. “Wrong spot,” he muttered.
“Oh. Right,” Caelus recalled, moving his touch to the man’s forehead instead. He was met with a dry, hot temperature, something that he assumed was probably not good. 
He pulled back, hands on his hips. “Yeah, in my very professional opinion, you should be in bed. Not at a desk.”
“Nuh-uh, doctor’s orders, unless you want me to get a literal doctor in here.”
“I will call Natasha!” Caelus pulled out his phone, just to make his point entirely clear.
That seemed to shake the last of Dan Heng’s resolve. His shoulders lowered like he had given up all remaining fight. “Fine.”
Caelus smiled, pleased with his victory. “Good. Now, c’mon.” He took Dan Heng’s hand and started dragging him up without another thought.
“Wh- huh? My bed’s right there,” Dan Heng looked down at his blanket and pillow cluelessly, then back up and Caelus as he continued to be pulled away.
“Yeah, that’s not really a sickbed. Or a bed. Or anything other than a poor man’s attempt,” the trailblazer replied. “You need a real bed. A Trailblazer-patented bed, at that.”
Dan Heng sighed. “You’re ridiculous. There’s no changing your mind, is there?”
“The only person on this ship more stubborn than you is me.”
That was fairly accurate.
As soon as they had left Dan Heng’s room, its owner soon crumpled down into another sneeze.
“heH’IGHkshu! hih’GXKshih! hh- heh… hih-”
“Stuck?” Caelus wondered, glancing back at his companion. His expression was pained, one eye closed and the other watering. He panted, desperately waiting for the urge to take over once again, but it remained out of reach.
“Here,” the trailblazer spoke, opening the door to his room as the lights flickered on all at once. He dragged Dan Heng along with him. The result was immediate.
“hEH’KGhshu! heH’GKshih! heH- hIH’XGkhuh! huh…”
Dan Heng sighed in relief as the fit finally came to an end. He looked about fifteen shades brighter red, though whether that was from the fever or the embarrassment was anyone’s guess. Caelus, for all the satisfaction being helpful gave him, wasn’t exactly willing to let Dan Heng suffer for his weak fulfillment. 
“Now, to bed with you.” He wrapped an arm around Dan Heng’s shoulders, practically carrying him the rest of the way to bed.
The other man had enough energy to cooperate by the time he was being lied down, allowing Caelus to tuck him in like a child despite his protests. He had to admit that it was comfier than his own room.
Caelus let out a breath, like he was exhausted from a workout. “Okay. Now, sleep.”
Dan Heng raised an eyebrow at him. “I can’t do that on command.”
“I’m pretty sure you can. You almost passed out as soon as we got in here.”
Had he? He must have been more tired than he thought.
“And where will you be sleeping? Sharing a bed with me wouldn’t be smart if I’m ill.”
“Yeah, ‘if,’” Caelus rolled his eyes. Then, he pointed his thumb down towards the ground. “The floor.”
Dan Heng stared for a moment. “...The floor.”
Caelus glanced to the side, then back to his companion. “...Why are you surprised? You do it.”
That couldn’t really be argued. For some reason it just felt inhumane when it came to his friend rather than him. Though that was something he could unpack another day.
“Try not to worry about it, Dan Heng. Maybe worry about yourself, for once. The rest of us are fine.” Caelus gave him a real, genuine and caring smile, before walking off towards what was probably a closet.
It was a bit hard to tell, his vision was starting to fade away, and unconsciousness was pulling at him. It was a little embarrassing to admit how relaxed he felt, in his friend’s room rather than his own.
But it gave him a feeling of safety.
And Caelus’ feeling had gone away too, he realized as he glanced back at Dan Heng’s sleeping form. He still didn’t quite have a name for it. Maybe… a feeling that something was wrong. But not just wrong in general. Something that was wrong with someone he cared about. And that was a feeling he wanted to hold onto.
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m3q3kic · 1 year
Alr I wanted to write some fanfic or whatever ik its going to take a whole fucking year to finish this shit but I was bored with no commission to write any ways story
You just came to the herta space station for some refuelling well no you will have none of that theres some antimatter Legion attacking it after you just came back from destroying a stellaron with ton of antimatter Legion chasing after you!
*violin music*
"What's is that!" people that work here yelled as the antimatter Legion destroy the area
dan heng stabs the monster with his teal staff
you can hear asta yelling to lead an evaluate
As well hear arlan fighting off some antimatter Legion back there and make sure everyone is gone to the head control room
March 7th, dan heng, and you run past the antimatter Legion it scratches your arm but you have to thank your mechanical arm for saving you having a huge wound later
As you three make your way more down hill and get rid of those monsters you see an unconscious man with grey hair back and orange clothing too "hey guys quickly come here there's and person here!" you yell out to your co workers as you put down your swords and guns
Dan heng goes and checks out the guy "... Weak heart beat and pulse... March. You better do CPR" dan heng tells March "huh?!! Hehe.. I-i never done it before (your name) you do it!" March 7th freaks out which then makes you embarrassed and freak out" what?!? No way I never done IT before dan heng you do it! " red dust appearing on your cheeks
the guy looks fine but you don't know how old he is your only 18 a newly adult that hasn't matured only a little when concentrating as you were freaking out bc ur were imagining kissing the guy☠️
dan heng literally dove in to the guys lips to do CPR the guy then perceived to wake up March and I pushed dan heng away to check on the dude
"Wait stop it hes awake!" March yelled I helped the guy up " are you all right? Can you hear me? Can you remember your name?" March 7th asked the guy" I don't remember a thing.." the rando said "awe this ain't good.. Can you try harder at least you can remember your name. " "my name is caelus" newbie answered "nice to met you my name is dan heng this is March 7th and that over here is (your name) " March and you both nod at caelus
"This space station is under attack by the antimatter Legion we came to help to rescue at the request of lead Reasercher asta" dan heng explain to caelus "antimatter Legion?" you can that caelus was in deep confusion "goons own by Aeon of destruction your even lucky that the most dangerous lord ravager among them isn't around just some nasty minions" you explained to caelus as well trying to act a bit tough "we'll take out those invaders soon don't worry" March as well explain with a smile
caelus then asked about lead researcher asta "uh huh a pettie cutie with pink hair Madame herta appointment her to be acting lead researcher" March was confused about caelus not knowing who lead researcher asta is "that girl really needs to step up I can't believe her own employee doesn't know her name"  March told you and dan heng "where should I go" caelus looked scare and nervous
"back to the master control zone asta and the other researchers gathered there" "plus that's were we park the astral express! Don't you worry we'll protect you from the monsters and clear up this mess! " March cheered" who are you guys" caelus asking and you were shocked that an employee from the herta space station didn't reconised you trailblazers even tho you guy always come here to stock up on supplies maybe he isn't a employee after all
" dan heng, (your name) and I are members of the astral express crew"  " the express has some dealing with Madam herta so we come to visit the space station from time to time" dan heng always monotonous "we just came to arrive during this..uh.. invasion. Of course as a-ahem-crew of heros we're happy to lend a hand" March was nervously answering?" let's go then" caelus said looking stern " you March and (your name)  go back together. Arlan from the security department lost contact in the vicinity I need to find him first" " oh okay you make sure to stay save" you told him wishing for his safety an with that he left
"Hmm caelus maybe you take this is a bat it might help you in combat" you threw him a bat that you found laying around "just a suggestion tho you are safe as long as you stay with us" you told him putting a hand on your chest
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ikemen-fanboy · 4 months
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Aventurine is so sweet 🥹
Day 1 ; he told caelus about how he was saved by Argenti and back to IPC by purposely letting him win against him in dice.
Day 2 ; shopping and remember to buy caelus something. And something, as in something that only sell in limited amount.
In the long cosmic night, may your every dream be sweet and fancy.....
Doctor Ratio x Aventurine is good but Aventurine x Caelus is equally good.
I want to say sugar daddy aventurine for the chat but he just don't look like a daddy in my eyes 😂 he is too bratty-coded.
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ikemen-fanboy · 7 months
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After this three scenes, I am on the edge of shipping of ratio and evil Kaveh, Caleus and evil Kaveh but I see one fanart of ratio and evil Kaveh fighting for Caleus and now I am on the ship of ratio x caelus x evil peacock.
Innocent Racoon and his innocence protector, Dr. Ratio Vs Evil peacock who wants to destroy Racoon's Innocence.
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ikemen-fanboy · 3 months
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I am still for Ratio x Caelus x Aventurine. The dynamic would definitely cute. Every serious and annoying man needs a goofy partner, here, caelus.
The land of penocanny should be named the land of homosexuals. Jade x Topaz , Stelle x Firefly or Robin, Rose n Gun couple, black swan x Acheron, Sunday x the RIP guy (don't worry Sunday, u will get another bf probably) who do I need to add more...
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ikemen-fanboy · 1 year
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Me first time seeing Dan Heng's bed : I wish I could sleep with him. (Literally) The smaller the bed, the closer the hearts 😻
Dan Heng : *stare*
So, I started playing hokai (bec dragon Dan Heng cough* blade cough* Jing Yuan cough* Kafka mommy cough*)
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ikemen-fanboy · 7 months
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Idk but I ship them. Bro literally tried to harrass Caelus in the cut-scene if that Galaxy ranger didn't come (I wish she didn't com-)
Stelle can have a cute date with firefly or two mommies.
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