#cafe extractor fans
zonerealty · 20 days
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FOR LEASE: Wide Frontage Office/Retail two Extractors Ground floor retail of approx. 260m2 with lofty floor-to-ceiling windows. Open plan payout, full of potential. Extractor fan systems in place. Take advantage of the existing commercial kitchen. High stud. Concrete floors. Disabled toilet. Situated on the iconic Karangahape Road which is a well proven location for prestigious food & beverage operators and small to medium size office's and businesses alike. You will be immersed in the pulsating energy of one of Auckland's most eclectic and culturally rich neighbourhoods. Experience the perfect balance between work and play, with trendy cafes, boutique shops, and exciting entertainment options just steps away. 1 minute walk from City Rail Link Station. Secure car parks on site @ $60 p.w. + GST (subject to availability, so act fast). The asking price is $69,000 p.a+GST+ OPEX Contact us today and we will provide you with all options that meet your search criteria. https://www.zonerealty.co.nz/property-item/13225
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darlingandmreames · 4 years
A Thousand Ways to Say It
(also on ao3)
Prompt: Love Languages (a bit of a loose take on it, but my brain latched onto Arthur telling Eames he loved him in ways other than outright saying it and just Ran With It, so here we are)
Summary: Arthur loved Eames. He knew that, and he tried to tell him in his own way. Just never in so many words. Or 5 times Arthur didn’t quite say “I love you”, and 1 time he didn’t need to
Arthur reloaded his clip and got off four shots before the incoming fire forced him to duck back down behind cover. They would've been fine, the mark's subconscious was only partially militarized so stealth would've been effective enough for them to do the job without any major resistance, but then the other extractor had managed to run directly into the mark. That'd been more than enough to alert his sub-security, and now they were stuck facing a load of gunfire on what should've been an easy job.
“This is why I hate working with amateurs." 
Arthur nodded, glancing over at Eames. He had a few cuts, likely from flying glass, but thankfully seemed otherwise fine. "Issue is when you don't find out they're an amateur until after you start the job."
Eames let out a clipped laugh. "True." He raised up briefly, taking out two projections before dropping back down again. "Any idea where our lovely colleague is?"
"Probably dead."
Eames nodded. "You have any sort of plan? Because all I've got currently is 'try not to get shot'."
Arthur looked at his watch. Just over 15 minutes. That was more than enough time to get the information if they could get the mark's projections off their backs at least a little. Which, given the current state of things, was a pretty big if. He peered around the corner of the bench they were currently hiding behind. "How do you feel about our chances of making it to that hallway over there without getting shot?"
Eames followed his gaze, ducking back down just in time to avoid a bullet. "Questionable, but if we lay down enough covering fire we might be able to make it."
"I'll provide cover as we run." Arthur held a hand up to cut off the objection he knew was coming, flinching as a ricochet sent bits of stone flying in his face. "You're the dreamer. If I die it'll just be a little inconvenient. If you die the dream collapses and the job's fucked." He paused, taking advantage of the lull in incoming fire to take out another projection. "Once we get into the hallway and have more cover we'll split up. The projections will follow you while I find the safe and finish the job." 
Eames grimaced. "I'm not a particular fan of this plan."
"Me neither. You ready?"
Eames nodded again, crouching. "On your go."
Arthur gripped his gun, body tense, and waited for another lull. It was slowing…slowing… "Now!"
He stuck close to Eames' back, providing a general round of fire as they started running. He switched to more focused bursts as the projections took cover, targeting whatever figure he saw first. Cover fire was only useful as long as he had ammo after all, no point in wasting it. The distance between where they'd been taking cover and where the hallway started was thankfully relatively short, and the return fire had only just started up in earnest when they reached it. Arthur turned and ran normally as soon as he was out of line of fire, keeping pace beside Eames as they ran down the hallway.
He stopped at the first intersection they came to, looking around the corner carefully in case it was being patrolled. The hallway was empty though, the only sounds coming from behind them. He turned to Eames, reloading. "You good to distract the projections?"
"Eames." Eames had already started off down and hallway when Arthur called after him. He turned to look at him, confused. "Be careful."
Eames gave him a small smile, expression softening slightly. "You too."
Arthur nodded and turned, setting off down the other side of the hallway. "See you in 15 minutes."
I love you.
Arthur was already in bed by the time Eames got back to the hotel. He had been for a while. It'd been a long couple of days, waking up early and staying late to finish up his research, and it was starting to catch up to him. He could normally stay up until the early hours of the morning with no issue, but now it was barely 10pm and he was already having trouble keeping his eyes open. 
Eames opened the door and slipped in quietly, looking at Arthur with surprise. "Figured you'd be asleep by the time I got in." 
"Almost, but not quite." Arthur stretched out under the covers, trying to stifle a yawn. "Productive evening?"
"Very. Business dinners are always a great context to observe someone in." Eames took his jacket off and dug through his bag. "Guy's your average run of the mill slimy businessman. I could probably forge him in my sleep."
"Hm, we do work with quite a few of those, don't we?"
Eames grinned at him. "Practically our bread and butter."
Arthur went back to scrolling mindlessly through his phone as Eames disappeared into the bathroom. He'd spent the past hour half-heartedly reading through the news as he tried to stay awake, and that seemed like a good way to continue occupying his time until Eames had finished getting ready for bed.
"You heading into the workshop tomorrow?" Eames' voice drifted out of the bathroom over the sound of the sink.
 "No, I was thinking of working in a cafe somewhere." He shrugged. "We're in Rome, I might as well take advantage of the quality espresso."
"You," Eames wandered back out, drying his face with a hand towel, "don't need espresso. You're sleep deprived enough as it is, you don't need to add more caffeine to the mix."
"I'll get a good night's sleep tonight, it'll be fine." Arthur sighed. "And I'll try not to drink more than four shots tomorrow. Sound fair?"
"I suppose." Eames pulled the covers back and climbed into bed, turning the lamp off as he did so. "Mind if I join you?"
Arthur smiled and moved closer. "You're just trying to make sure I don't overdo it on the espresso."
Eames laughed. "Maybe." He shifted, making space for Arthur as he nestled against his side. "Can't I just enjoy your company though?" Arthur hummed happily as he curled against Eames, not even bothering to reply. He could already feel sleep pulling at him as Eames' arm settled around his shoulders. Eames laughed again quietly, pulling him close. "You really are tired, aren't you?"
"Mm, a bit."
"Why did you stay up? You could've just gone to bed." 
Arthur gave a small shrug as he started to drift off. "I sleep better next to you."
I love you.
“You’re okay.” Arthur brushed Eames’ hair back from his forehead, his other hand rubbing gentle circles on Eames’ back as he threw up. “You’re alright.”
Eames rarely got sick. He might get the occasional cold or bout of food poisoning if he wasn’t careful, but that was usually it. When he did get sick, though, it was bad. The sort of bad that knocked him out and put him out of commission for a week or two straight. Or, in this case, had him bent over the toilet throwing up for hours at a time for the third day in a row. They were supposed to be working a job right now, a quick and easy one extracting information from an old man on behalf of his estranged son, but Eames had come down with whatever the fuck he’d gotten on the the second day and that had put a quick end to their involvement. Well, to Eames’ involvement technically. But someone had to help take care of him until he was a bit more recovered because Arthur learned rather quickly that Eames would do a terrible job of it if left to his own devices. 
Arthur filled a cup up with water and handed it to Eames once he seemed to have gotten through this round of throwing up. “Try and drink at least a little. Otherwise you’re going to get dehydrated.”
“‘M not going to be able to keep it down.”
“I know.” He crouched behind Eames, going back to rubbing his back gently. “But you should try to drink a bit anyways.” Eames managed to get half of it down before setting the cup of the floor and resting his head against his arm. Arthur moved the cup up onto the counter. “Do you think you’re going to be sick again soon?”
“Don’t think so, no.”
“Why don’t we head back to the bed then? That’ll be more comfortable than the bathroom floor.” Arthur helped Eames up slowly. He looked terrible, with dark circles under his eyes and his skin pale and clammy. Arthur remembered the first time he’d seen Eames properly sick; he’d been shocked by the change and had briefly and irrationally wondered if he was maybe dying. He’d gotten more used to the sight, as uncommon as it was, over the years, but he still felt a stab of concern each time. 
Eames was curled against Arthur’s side as soon as they were back in bed, face pressed against Arthur’s t-shirt. That was the other thing he'd learned: when Eames was sick, wearing anything he actually liked was inadvisable at best and downright stupid at worst. So until Eames was more recovered it would be sweatpants and cheap t-shirts that he didn't have to worry about keeping clean and could just throw out when they invariably got something gross on them. Arthur could still feel the slight heat of Eames’ fever through the cloth, but it was far better than it had been the past few days. Hopefully it would break for good sometime this evening. He looked down as Eames muttered something, his voice too muffled to actually make out what he was saying. “Come again?”
He tilted his face up slightly. “Said you’re going to get sick too after this.”
“Maybe. I’ll be fine though.” Arthur ran his hand through Eames’ hair. He was, to be fair, absolutely right. There was almost no way he was getting out of this without catching whatever it was Eames had. When he got sick though it was usually far milder. He'd feel like shit for a few days, but nothing like what Eames was going through. “I don’t get sick like you do.”
“Still. You don’t have to stay.” Eames started to sit up unsteadily. “‘M fine.”
Arthur sighed. “Don’t be an idiot. I’m not going anywhere. Now lay back down." Eames was back against him almost immediately, arms around his waist. Arthur laughed quietly and went back to running his fingers through Eames' hair. Eames was quite affectionate to begin with, and when he got sick he was almost downright clingy. It was sweet, honestly. "Someone has to take care of you."
"I can take care of myself." Eames' voice was muffled again, but at least a bit more understandable.
"Not when you're sick, you can't." 
"You had to drop the job though."
Arthur settled back against the pillows. "Well, it's not like either of us really needed the money. And it wasn't a particularly exciting one, so I doubt we're missing much." He was about to say something else when he felt Eames tense. Arthur gripped his shoulders and pushed him up; he knew all too well what that meant. "No no no no do not throw up in the bed."
It was close, but Eames managed to make it back to the bathroom in time. Arthur crouched behind him, rubbing Eames' back gently as his shoulders shook. He moved back and sat against the tile wall after a few minutes when Eames seemed to have finished throwing up, shifting so that Eames could lay between his legs, head resting on Arthur's chest. "Maybe it's best if we just stay in here for a bit."
Eames groaned, gripping his shirt tightly. "Sorry for making you do this."
"Don't be. I'm certainly not sorry for being here." Arthur wrapped his arms around Eames' shoulders, holding him close. "Let me take care of you."
I love you.
The fourth drink was, as were most things with Eames, both a wonderful and terrible idea. Arthur hadn't planned on getting drunk, in fact he'd planned on specifically not doing that, but Eames had asked if he wanted a second drink with a smile that had made it clear he was hoping the answer would be yes, and Arthur had never been very good at saying no to that smile. Two drinks turned into three and eventually into four and at some point Arthur had ended up back at Eames’ place, settled quite happily on his lap, the world warm and blurry around him. He wasn’t exactly sure when or how that had happened, but he wasn’t going to complain.
He leaned his head back against Eames’ shoulder. “If I’m hungover tomorrow I’m absolutely blaming you.”
“All I did was ask if you wanted another drink.” Arthur could see Eames grinning out of the corner of his eye. “You could’ve said no.”
“Not when you’re asking, I can’t.”
“Really?” Eames wrapped his arms around Arthur’s waist, holding him close. Arthur moved with him easily. “I had no idea I had such an effect on you.”
Arthur laughed. “Yes you did.”
“Well, okay. I maybe had some idea.”
Arthur hummed contentedly in response, settling back against Eames’ chest. It was wonderful laying here like this. He knew he’d regret those extra drinks in the morning when he’d almost definitely wake up with at least a mild hangover and have to go back to working on the job, but right now he couldn’t think of anything better than sitting with Eames' arms around him, curled against him. Eames chuckled, leaning back against the arm of the couch. “You’re cute when you’re drunk, you know that?”
Arthur tried to cut off the giggle he could feel building up in his chest, but was only partially successful. “I’m not cute.”
“You get a couple of drinks in you and you start blushing and giggling and invariably end up on my lap like some sort of intoxicated cat. You,” Eames kissed his temple, “are an adorable drunk and you absolutely can’t convince me otherwise.”
“And what about you?” Arthur looked up. He tried to fix Eames with a serious glare but based on Eames’ grin he seemed to have failed. “You’re just as drunk as I am.”
“That’s true.” Eames raised an eyebrow. "You saying you think I'm also cute when I'm drunk?"
"No." Arthur frowned. That hadn't been what he'd been trying to say but, to be fair, he wasn't entirely sure what he had been trying to say. He searched for some sort of comeback. "You're always cute. Not just when you're drunk."
Eames stared at him for a moment, surprised, before laughing and pulling Arthur in close. "Shit, you really are drunk."
"Hm, maybe. You're still cute though." He slipped his hand into Eames', train of thought derailing slightly as Eames squeezed his hand back. "You have…you have this smile. It's not your normal one, you know, the polite one you use when you're trying to be nice or friendly. Your real one. The one you use when you're happy or something made you really laugh. Or sometimes you just look at me and suddenly that smile is there for no reason. Your entire face lights up and you…" He shrugged. He knew there were probably better words he was trying to find, but none of them seemed to be coming. "You're cute."
Eames ran his thumb over the back of Arthur's hand, tracing small circles. "Apparently you're a sentimental drunk too." His tone was teasing but even through the haze of alcohol Arthur could hear the fondness behind it.
"Shut up," he giggled. 
"Never." Eames shifted and Arthur slid off his lap slightly and onto the couch beside him, draping his arm across Eames' stomach and nestling against his side. Eames kissed his forehead. "You're a cute, sappy, sentimental drunk and I refuse to ever let you forget it."
"I can't stand you, you know that?" Arthur buried his face against Eames' shirt as Eames laughed. It truly was wonderful laying here like this. It struck Arthur as Eames ran his fingers through his hair that he would be perfectly content to lay here in Eames' arms for the rest of his life. "Can't stand you in the least."
I love you.
Arthur had some strong opinions about Toronto's downtown architecture, most of them rather negative, but he'd always liked the train station. It was a classic building, with it's high, arched ceiling and wide open atrium, and Arthur may have gotten his start in extraction with strange and paradoxical architecture but he still appreciated a well made classic when he saw it.
He hated it now though. Being at the train station meant morning had come already and it was time for him and Eames to part ways. Again. Three days together after almost four months apart hadn't been nearly enough, but it was all they'd been able to manage. He leaned against Eames, trying to savour the feeling as best he could. 
"Don't look so sad."
Arthur looked down, trying to hide his expression. He both loved and hated how easily Eames could read him. "I'm not sad."
"Yes you are." Eames chuckled and tilted his chin up. "You get sad every time we do this."
"I just don't like goodbyes, that's all." Arthur kept his gaze down, not looking at Eames. It felt childish but if Arthur looked at him he'd see the soft expression he knew was on Eames' face, and that would just make it worse. "I've never liked them."
"It's just a couple of weeks. A month at the most." Eames' hand was against his face and Arthur leaned into the touch, trying to commit the feeling to memory. "We've had longer goodbyes before."
"I know." Arthur reached out and adjusted Eames' collar, frowning slightly. Anything to occupy his attention. "Doesn't make it easier though." His hands drifted slowly down to Eames' waist, fiddling with the hem of his jacket. Finally Arthur looked up and met Eames' gaze. His chest hurt slightly as he saw Eames' expression; it was just as soft and gentle as he'd imagined. "I'll miss you."
Eames grinned at him. "Careful, or I might start to think you actually care about me."
Arthur frowned again. "Careful, or I might decide I don't." 
"Empty threats, that's all you have." Eames' expression softened again, and he ran his thumb over Arthur's cheekbone. "I'll miss you too, darling. I always do." He looked up as an announcement echoed over the loudspeaker. "Well, I think that's you."
"Yeah, it is." Arthur looked back down, fingers still playing absentmindedly with the edge of Eames' jacket. He knew he needed to go, but he couldn't quite bring himself to pull away. Part of him was tempted not to. To stay here, miss his train, forget the job he was supposed to start tomorrow. To not say goodbye. Not again. He was tired of that, tired of weeks, of months, apart. But that was their life. Maybe it wouldn’t be one day- he hoped it wouldn’t be one day- but for now it was. After a moment he sighed. "Be safe?"
"Always." Eames kissed his cheek before pulling away. "I'll see you around, love."
"Yeah." Arthur gave him a small smile that he knew was laced with sadness. "See you around."
I love you.
Arthur was pissed.
Well, not really. He was worried. Eames had been gone for over an hour. Which wouldn’t be concerning under normal circumstances, but it most certainly fucking was when they had people trying to kill them. They’d been laying low in a safehouse Eames had used in Amsterdam previously for the past few days without any issues, but the client who’d put the hit out in the first place had deep pockets and access to resources. Arthur doubted three days was enough for things to be even remotely safe again.
They’d needed food though. There hadn’t been much in the safehouse when they’d gotten there, and it hadn’t been long before they’d worked through most of what was there. Arthur had tried to insist on going but Eames had pointed out that his Dutch was better and they needed to attract as little attention as possible right now. Arthur had begrudgingly agreed; he knew Eames was right, but that hadn’t done anything to calm the discomfort in his chest as Eames had closed the door to the rundown apartment behind him or tamp down on the restlessness that had made him start pacing back and forth in the small space as the minutes ticked by.
By the time an hour had passed Arthur was well and properly anxious. There was a store nearby, it shouldn’t have taken Eames this long to pick up enough food to last them another few days. Unless something had gone wrong. Unless he’d been made. Been captured. Been killed. Their client had a reputation and Arthur had met men like him before, men who were vengeful and violent and cruel; he didn’t want to think about what would happen if he got his hands on Eames. Couldn’t think about it. His mind wouldn’t leave it alone though, running through the possibilities. Of how Eames might’ve been killed. Of what might happen to him if they had taken him alive.
So Arthur wasn’t angry. Not really. But anger was easier than the worry and anxiety that was gnawing at him so he focused on that instead, letting it build until he could almost ignore the growing fear that something had happened. Not quite, but almost. 
He stopped in his tracks, hand dropping to his gun as the door lock turned, tense and alert. He relaxed as he caught a glimpse of god awful but familiar paisley though, and a moment later Eames was in the apartment closing and locking the door behind him. “Well, we won’t be eating great, but we should be-”
The relief didn't last long, anger flaring in Arthur's chest. “Where the fuck have you been?!”
Eames blinked, clearly surprised by Arthur’s tone. It was admittedly a little harsher than he’d intended, but not by much. He gave Arthur a confused look. “I went to the store, darling. Thought we’d already discussed that.”
“The store is three blocks away. You’ve been gone over an hour!” Arthur tried to take a deep breath but couldn’t quite seem to manage to get a full one. “It shouldn’t have taken that long!”
“The line at the store was long and then I thought I might’ve had a tail so I-”
“A tail?!” Arthur wasn’t quite yelling, raised voices attracted attention and they very much did not need that right now, but it was getting harder to control his volume. “How careless were you?!”
Eames set the bags he was carrying on the floor with a frown. “Arthur, calm down, I wasn’t-”
“No, I’m not going to fucking calm down.” It was harder to take a breath now and he knew he was getting louder despite his best efforts to stay at a normal speaking volume. “You could’ve been killed, Eames, you can’t be this careless! You can’t…”
“Arthur.” Eames’ voice was quiet but firm as he took Arthur’s hands. “It’s alright. I’m alright. Just breathe.”
Arthur gripped Eames’ hands, trying to take a deep breath again. The anger drained out of him as quickly as it had flared up, leaving him feeling shaky and unsteady. “I just…you were gone for so long and I…”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Eames pulled him into a hug and Arthur leaned into the touch gratefully. “I didn’t mean to worry you."
Breathing was a little easier with Eames' arms around him, the pressure grounding him. Still a bit shaky, but easier. "I kept thinking something had happened." He relaxed slightly, the solid feeling of Eames against him helping dissipate some of the anxiety in his chest. "Sorry I got…worked up. I just…I worry sometimes. About you."
"It's alright." Eames pulled back just enough to kiss Arthur's cheek. "I love you too."
Arthur blinked at the words, surprised, before smiling slightly. He'd known how he felt for a while, but he'd never said it out loud. He hadn't known how. Leave it to Eames to figure it out anyways though. He buried his face in the crook of Eames' neck, a gentle warmth replacing some of his worry. "Am I really that easy to read?"
Eames laughed quietly. "Absolutely."
“I do, you know.” Arthur pulled back and looked at Eames with a serious expression. “Love you. I mean it.”
"I know, darling. I've known for a while.” Eames kissed him gently. “And I mean it when I say I love you too.” He smiled. "Now what do you say we eat something? Like I said, it won't be the best meal ever, but it'll be better than the stale crackers we've been eating the past few days."
Arthur smiled back. The anxiety in his chest hadn’t fully disappeared, but it was far better now, and Arthur knew it would be gone soon enough. It was alright. Eames was alright. "Sounds good to me."
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Fan Services Ltd
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Full address: 33 Ridgebrook Road, London, SE3 9QL
Phone:   0203 539 1475
Business email:  [email protected]
Website: https://www.fanservices.co.uk
Commercial kitchen ventilation and extraction fans and systems in City of London, Inner London and Outer London. Bespoke design and installation of all types of commercial kitchens in restaurants, bars,takeaways, industrial kitchens, ghost kitchens, schools and cafes and catering establishments. Our team is available 24/7 in case of emergency repairs. Our services:Commercial Extractor fan repair, installation and upgrades. Site survey and assistance with planning. Extractor hood canopies and cooker hood fabrication and installation. Complete duct work installation and alteration. Commercial Extraction and ventilation systems Same day emergency extractor fan repair and replacement. Fresh air and heat recovery. Noise and odour control. Maintenance contract including TR19 duct cleaning
Business Hours:
Sunday           Closed
Monday           8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Tuesday          8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Wednesday     8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Thursday         8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Friday              8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Saturday          8:00 AM–8:00 PM
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isrespain · 3 years
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78 apartments of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms with 1 or 2 bathrooms, in complex with swimming pool at 20 meters from the beach in Denia, Costa Blanca. Els Poblets is only 500 meters far from the complex, where you can find supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, public transport, and 9 km from the center of Denia. Just a few minutes to the La Sella Golf. The apartments for sale in Denia, have large terraces with the sea, the Montgó or the well-kept urbanization views. It’s projected to take advantage of the Mediterranean light to the maximum. Ground floors are with terraces up to 100 sqm and penthouses with terraces up to 30 sqm and magnificent views. The buildings have big and open spaces. There is open kitchen with breakfast bar. Living room has direct access to the terrace. The kitchen is furnished and equipped with oven, electric hob and extractor fan. The bathrooms are supplied equipped. There is natural rain-effect shower and stone shower tray with integrated shower screen, plus washbasin furniture, mirror and halogen lights. There is wide range of apartments areas, from 50,51sqm and price 174700 euros up to 105,26 sqm for 439000 euros. #ISREproperty . #in_spain_real_estate #luxurypropertyspain #bestpropertyspain #propertycostablanca #luxuryrealestate #realestate #luxuryhomes #luxury #realtor #luxurylifestyle #realestateagent #dreamhome #interiordesign #luxuryliving #architecture #home #forsale #househunting #property #milliondollarlisting #design #luxuryhome #investment #newhome #realestateinvestor #house #benidormproperty #followme (at Denia ,Alicante) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPVPgE5pwAh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 8 Review: Hell Raisin’ Good Time
This Wynonna Earp review contains spoilers.
Wynonna Earp Season 4, Episode 8
Oh, to be a fly on the (probably Zoom) wall of the Wynona Earp writers’ room during the brainstorm session about which Halloween costumes each character should wear in this autumnal holiday-themed installment! Reader, they nailed it. Wynonna dresses as feminist hero Britney Spears (compliment of Waverly for both bringing the costume together and knowing that Wynonna would be into it), and Wonder Woman. Doc is bisexual icon Freddie Mercury. And Waverly… well, Waverly is a ladybug and then an angel. It’s all beyond perfect, and epitomizes just how much fun this slasher episode of Wynonna Earp truly is. (Barring the sob story Varun Saranga is strapped with selling, but we’ll get back to that later…) Two episodes, and Wynonna Earp Season 4B continues to be… just an incredibly good time? There is a time and place for Important Television, and Wynonna Earp sometimes ducks into that intersection, but I don’t think we talk enough as a culture about the importance of fun, especially in such dark and draining times. I didn’t know how much I needed more unabashedly fun TV until Wynonna Earp came back into our lives, welcoming us all back to the party. And, friends, more than a year into this pandemic, we are all overdue for a party.
This series has had Buffy the Vampire Slayer in its narrative DNA since the beginning, but never is it more apparent than in these delightful supernatural problem-of-the-week episodes. Last week, it was a love virus. This week, it’s a homicidal scarecrow with the head of a pumpkin, the hands of Freddy Krueger, and the focus of an Olympic athlete. Rotten Jack is his name and he’s been a rural myth in the town of Purgatory since the Earps were little kids, spending Halloween trying to avoid their abusive father. It says a lot about this town and the Earp family that an active supernatural killer on the loose is enough of a regular occurrence that literal angel Waverly attempts to eschew the responsibility of tracking him down because she has plans to hang out with her sister. But it’s hard to judge a grown woman so unabashedly wearing a ladybug costume, especially when she is so devoted to hr big sister. Maybe it’s low-hanging fruit for a reviewer and fan who is best friends with her own sister, but, for all of the other amazing relationships on this show, Wynonna Earp has always had the sibling bond between Wynonna and Waverly at its heart and it’s touching to see that, even when these two can’t remember their own names, they remember the love they have for one another.
Yes, that’s right. Waverly and Wynonna straight-up lose their memories. Wynonna may be able to remember whiskey, but she has no idea what Peacemaker is for. This is all thanks to Casey, who you may remember as Wynonna’s half-demon cellmate in “Look At Them Beans.” When Wynonna and Waverly go to Casey’s trailer, per Jeremy’s BBD instructions, in order to pick up “the extractor,” a necessary item for capturing Rotten Jack, Casey freaks out. He’s gone full conspiracy theorist off-the-grid-er since we last saw him (which, fair enough), and doesn’t want anything to do with BBD. He runs away from The Sisters Earp, leading them into the amnesia-inducing fog that apparently surrounds all of the Ghost River Triangle. What follows is basically a delightful excuse for Melanie Scrofano and Dominique Provost-Chalkley to get silly as Wynonna and Waverly traipse around town, in search of a Halloween party, with no idea that demons or vampires are even a thing or that they are supposed to be all that stands between Rotten Jack and the people of Purgatory.
Meanwhile, Amon has graduated from morally-ambiguous antagonist to straight-up villain. And I’m not just saying that because he tries to use the fact that he had sex with Wynonna to manipulate Doc into doing what he wants. (It doesn’t work.) In an effort to make some serious cash, Amon sets up a betting pool livestream around the identities of Rotten Jack’s victims, pivoting to auctioning off the chance to kill the Earp sisters when the opportunity presents itself. I wish this turn had a bit more nuance—I’ve never really been sure of who Amon is as a character or what Wynonna Earp was trying to do with him—but his commitment to villainy does provide structure for the rest of our characters to rail against. It gives Jeremy a chance to team up with Doc to save Wynonna and Waverly, and gives Doc a few instances to reiterate his commitment to the Earp sisters both through his actions and his words. He and Wynonna may not have worked things out, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t the love of his life.
Jeremy and Robin’s tragic backstory knocked this episode down a half-star for me. While I understand the necessity of recasting a role from time to time, I am 100% of the opinion that I would rather the series act as if they are the same human rather than come up with a face-tearing backstory that is both unnecessarily gruesome and too silly even for this show. We already suspend disbelief when it comes to the existence of vampires, demons, demon-hunters, angels, and Cupids on this show; what’s a little recasting amongst friends? Then again, I have always been willing to lean into a recast. Maybe it’s because I am a Doctor Who fan?
That being said, I am also very invested in the angst when it comes to Jeremy and Robin’s ongoing love story. They obviously still share a connection, even if Robin can’t remember their dating history and currently has a boyfriend who is not Jeremy. I am torn between the pull of the amnesia romance trope and the fact that Jeremy is basically slipping drugs into his ex/co-workers’ support group coffee. On the one hand, my fanfic-reading heart loves a good pining amnesiac exes-to-lovers story; on the other hand, it is deeply problematic that Jeremy isn’t giving Robin the option of taking the serum. Robin is an amnesiac; he’s not a child. (Not that you should drug your children’s coffee, either.)
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Additional thoughts.
Taking bets: do we think Amon is dead or will we see him again?
Everyone loves Doc, and it makes total logical sense.
Wynonna’s “walk of shame” look works better than it has any right to.
R.I.P., random Purgatory residents killed by Rotten Jack. I’m not sure what the town’s population looks like at this point, but the loss of three residents ain’t nothing.
“Can you just let me petty.”
“Are you late for school?” “Whore school?” The line delivery here.
“You’re supposed to be the nice one.”
“They say it’s hilarious, but you’ll never look at Dame Judi Dench again.”
“I already wear a mask everyday.” Still not clear on the logistics of Robin’s new face, but I honestly hope the show never tries to explain it.
Code Orange… for Halloween?
“I just want to go trick or treating.” It’s super interesting that, when Waverly and Wynonna lose their memories, it’s Wynonna who loves Halloween and Waverly who hates it. Presumably, this is how they really feel about the holiday.
Justin Kelly, aka the first Robin, is now on a show called Hudson & Rex, which seems to be a show about a cop and his police dog. (The new Robin is played by Jim Watson.)
“I think your boyfriend might be a cokehead.”
“p.s. Dance like no one’s watching.” Casey’s letter to “Wins and Waves.” <3
“I’m not a hero. A fuck up.” “You can be both.” I love how they just slipped the thesis statement for this show into the dialogue of this episode and hoped nobody would notice.
“Love is the absolute of fear.” “Love has always lightened the load.” If Doc ever needs a side hustle, he should consider motivational life coach. But, really, we need to talk about how sweet talk is one of Doc’s legit superpowers. Between his pep talk to Cleo last week and his pep talk to Casey this week, he’s on a roll.
“She’s my most important thing.” “Gross.”
“You were the best sister I ever had.” “How do I know?” “I know.”
Was this episode the best Wonder Woman movie of 2021? Yes or yep?
Doc helping Waverly off the stage?
“Oh my god, I had sex with Eiman.”
“You’re hilarious. We can’t even get the popcorn machine to work.”
This mind fog is spreading? This isn’t going to be good for the cat cafe…
“You are and have always been my hero.” “It’s easy when you know exactly what you’re fighting for.”
“Mind if I steal her for a minute?” “A minute? Woman, you better make her happy for the rest of her damned life.” Nicole didn’t get a lot of screen this episode, but boy does she make the most of it.
 Rotten Jack is played by Kelsey Andries, an actor and stunt performer. She does a very good and creepy job bringing this supernatural horror to life.
The post Wynonna Earp Season 4 Episode 8 Review: Hell Raisin’ Good Time appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3teUzzo
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rachelisnotatwork · 6 years
Iceland: finally we see the light!
The worst bit about flying to Iceland, or I should probably add flying to Iceland when you are too cheap to pay for a decent airline, is that you have to dress like you are going on a solo trek to the South Pole in order to reduce the weight in your suitcase. Luckily it was quite cold the day we left but we were still glowing, red-faced, as we headed to the airport wearing snow boots, scarves, big coats, all our heaviest stuff in our hand luggage etc.
The flight there was pretty uneventful and it was a beautifully clear day, which meant for good views over the sleeping tourist by the window. When we arrived we just had to pick up our car and go.
Now by this stage in the “life of constant holidays” game, we are pretty much Hertz deluxe members which means what normally happens is we book a smart car and turn up to be upgraded to a minibus. Often we have to scale back the excesses of the upgrade because we don’t want the hassle of trying to park a giant car/fuelling up a giant car. So we were pretty confident that whilst we’d booked a tiny and shit car, that wouldn’t be what we were given. Well that smugness came to an abrupt end when we collected our tiny and shit car. Turns out that Iceland isn’t one of those free upgrade locations...and car rental is expensive here so they had no desire to give us a freebie. So we puttered into town in our tiny and shit car, a journey made far more stressful than it needed to be by the fact that Marcel’s phone is an early adopter of Brexit and the GPS locator dot on google maps only seems to work in the UK. After a lot of swearing we did make it to our surprisingly chilly airbnb. It was in a converted garage and the host had made the interesting decision not to install an extractor fan but instead keep the windows open 24/7 (in Iceland electricity is pretty much free so no one cares about their heating bills). We closed the windows because the humidity definitely wasn’t our problem. 
We decided in the evening we’d go to the Pizza Restaurant we liked, so we headed into town, struggled to park (there’s a lot of snow, which means getting a tiny shit car into a space is quite hard) and skittered down the pavement in the -10c weather to the restaurant. Only to find it had stopped being a pizza joint last week and was now trialling its new menu. I wasn’t hugely keen as they didn’t have much of a vegetarian selection but Marcel didn’t want to re-park or go out walking in the cold so decided to stick with it.
I asked for a pearl barley dish, without the lamb that was supposed to be on top of it. Marcel selected their rutabaga dish. I advised him not to select this as vegetarian is always interpreted in expensive restaurants as “on a diet”. He said I was being silly and it would be a decent portion. He ended up with a palm-sized dish of pureed rutabaga with some crispy slices of it on top. Didn’t want to say “I told you so” but felt I had to, because that’s what life is like in a long-term relationship. 
The next day we headed out of town after a delicious breakfast somewhere that looked like a construction site, but was actually a decent cafe. We had quite a long way to drive so we decided we’d drive straight out to Vik and lunch there. As we headed out of town, the roads got pretty icy and once the wind picked up there were drifts of snow on the road. Always reassuring to see some people digging out a 4 x 4 that’s skidded off the road when you are in a tiny 2WD city car with about 4 inches of clearance.
We had lunch in Vik, which has got much busier since the last time we were there (it has 2 places you can lunch now rather than one) and went for a quick but windy walk on the beach, before setting off again.
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We wanted to visit Jökulsárlón the next day in the morning and since there’s not much in the way of accommodation in those parts we had booked into a place called the Fosshotel Glacier Lagoon. It was surprisingly busy and we had to park right the other side of the car park. In my business putting on my gloves, I completely failed to notice Marcel getting out the car and immediately falling over on the ice, but thankfully he was uninjured and thus was able to complete his usual suitcase duties.
Our room had a pretty nice window seat overlooking the view down to the sea so we snuggled up on there and read books before dinner. The only option was the hotel restaurant and I decided I didn’t want to know how much I was going to pay for dinner so refused to do the conversions. It was an...interesting meal. My starter involved so much horse radish I spent the rest of dinner constantly wanting to sneeze. We’d decided we wanted to go hang out in the sauna after dinner so were slightly impatiently waiting for the bill, which they were tardy bringing. The delay was soon compensated for though by the announcement from the staff just after we’d paid our bill that the Northern lights were visible outside. We immediately stampeded onto the balcony to see a very impressive green streak of light across the sky.
We were torn between “this could disappear any second” and “I’m really cold and I want to go get my coat” so in the end we made a mad dash for our room, layers and my camera. Maddeningly, I almost always bring my tripod with me on holiday, but this time pressed for space and weight and with so many unsuccessful trips behind us I’d not bothered. I’m not sure I’d have photographed things much better with it though, because I hadn’t really appreciated that there’s nothing really to focus on through your view finder when what you are trying to photograph is green shimmering light on a black background. I tried though.
It did look amazing. We walked out to the front of the hotel (which incidentally involved us and a bunch of other guests stampeding past the sauna full of confused nude people to get out the quickest exit) and stood in the snow, watching the green waves slowly undulate and shiver across the sky. I hadn’t really got a grasp on the speed of how they move before. Sometimes they seemed like they barely moved at all, and indeed for at least an hour there was one solid green band across the sky that didn’t really change. In other areas you had to look at the edges to notice any movement at all. But occasionally something rapid would furl and unfurl and move across the whole sky in 10-20 seconds.
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The other thing that I hadn’t anticipated is that I guess the light in the atmosphere warps our perception of the light from the stars so they looked very unfamiliar. Much bluer than normal and Sirius was swapping between flashing blue and orange so rapidly we thought it was a plane for a while.
Eventually we got cold so went back inside and sat on our window seat and watched it until about midnight. After that it had got pretty dim and we decided we’d better shut the blinds or neither of us would really get any sleep.
The next morning we rose with the dawn and headed over to Jökulsárlón. We did not want to pay 28 euros a head for breakfast in our hotel and we’d vaguely remembered there was a cafe there, so we decided to eat there. I don’t remember the food options being so basic last time. It has also got considerably busier so the indoor toilet is no longer open to visitors and we had to go out to the (thankfully perfectly clean) portaloos in the car park which were absolutely freezing. Climbing up a small hillock to look over the lagoon exposed us to such lacerating winds that my phone promptly went from 98% battery to 9% from the horrors of the cold. I had to tuck it inside all my layers to keep it alive. It was beautiful though.
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There are two things to see at Jökulsárlón- the lagoon where ice bergs calve and you can see cute seals pop in and out between them and the so-called Diamond Beach where the ice bergs meet the sea and often get washed up on the shore. Last time we’d driven between the two sites but with the thick snow on the ground we didn’t dare take our car to the beach and instead plodded through the deep snow and strong winds over there.
It was beautiful, especially since unlike last time the sun was out and was glittering through the ice. However the wind was so cold it burnt my face, which ended up really painful and weirdly bright red on one side by the time we returned to the car.
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We had gone to Jökulsárlón quite early because we had another 5 hours drive ahead to our Airbnb in Seyðisfjörður. The only reason we’d come back to Iceland was we’d loved our airbnb in Seyðisfjörður so much the last time we’d been there that we resolved we’d return one winter and just hang out there. And this was our plan.
The views as we drove east were spectacular. 
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The road conditions driving out east were….pretty appalling. After Jökulsárlón, there aren’t many tourists which means there really isn’t much traffic. I think we saw more reindeers than cars as we fishtailed on ice and wondered why in the hell they only had crash barriers off the side of some of the roads that hooked around cliffs over the sea. At one point we drove past an abandoned van on it’s side with “accident” tape around it. By the time it was getting dark there was such a high wind driving over one of the passes you couldn’t see more than the 5m road marking pole in front of you. Which is when you really rue your car rental choices of a Kia Rio.
The winds had at least calmed down a bit by the time we arrived in Seyðisfjörður. All we had to do was get up our drive to our airbnb overlooking the valley. I said to Marcel I hoped the car would make it. He said he wouldn’t mind if we got stuck in the snow now because we could walk to our airbnb. He had to say that...seconds later our car gently skidded off the road and into the huge snow bank on the side of the drive.
Our hosts had apparently been supposed to email saying meet them in the town because the drive way had been blocked by a lot of snow, but they hadn’t. However they did use their monster truck to spend the next 45 minutes extracting us from the snowbank, so swings and roundabouts. In the end we ended up leaving our car at their house in town and getting a lift up to our cabin with our stuff. Thankfully we’d already done a shop and planned to self-cater so we could recuperate from the long and slightly terrifying drive with a soak in the hot tub and dinner.
Our hosts had been very emphatic that we could ask them for lifts in and out of town whenever we wanted, but a combination of Britishness and embarrassment about disturbing their dinner to get them to dig our car out meant that we decided to walk into town instead. It was a pretty gentle and pleasant 2.5km downhill and we felt very smug especially when we saw some locals “walking” their dog by driving slowly as the dog chased the car (later saw the tracks of someone who’d been driving their snowmobile to exercise their dog). 
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The supermarket in town was...weirdly British. There were McVities digestives (Marcel discovered the chocolate and caramel ones on this holiday so I ended up having two packets wedged in my pocket for the journey home). Suede was playing over the tannoy. And a woman, who turned out to be the owner with a very strong midlands accent on the till. Apparently she met her Icelandic husband in Nottingham.
We pottered back up the hill (slightly less pleasant walk against gravity and into the wind when it is -12c outside) and spent the rest of the day living the dream eating biscuits, reading books and popping in and out of the hot tub. Just as good as I remembered it.
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The next day we got slightly more adventurous and decided to go on a little snowshoeing adventure. It was -14c out and REALLY windy so I decided I didn’t want to venture far. Marcel wanted to go on the ridge behind our cottage but I said it looked avalanchy so we continued along our level of the valley a bit further. I love snowshoeing but our tracks were getting covered in seconds with the waves of snow blowing across the ground and it was incredibly cold so we only stayed out for about half an hour. When we got back Marcel said he was going to ask our hosts if it were safe to go up higher into the mountains but his conclusion was that it couldn’t be an avalanche risk area or they wouldn’t have built the town there. A quick google later and we discovered that the town is the site of Iceland’s worst ever avalanche tragedy with 24 people killed at the end of the 19th century and a factory flattened at the end of the 20th century. After that we decided to stick to the hot tub in safer activities.
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The next day, despite stocking up on enough chocolate digestives to last several lifetimes, we had to go back into town to start our car because we’d forgotten that car batteries don’t really like it brutally cold. So down to town we pottered. Problem was, Marcel forgot that key fob batteries also don’t like it cold and he’d left the fob in an outer pocket. So when we got to the car we couldn’t remotely open it. We had to manually open it with the key in the lock, which triggered the alarm to go off. I think our hosts, whose house we’d parked outside, were fairly sure we were actually handicapped when it came to motor vehicles. We drove the car around a little bit and then tried to park it again, only to find ourselves menaced by a goose. I know this sounds like a joke but it was hanging out in our parking space, wouldn’t move and then tried to get inside our car. We had to lure it away with crisps (not sure if salt and vinegar crisps are good for geese. If anyone found a dead goose later that day, sorry[ish]). 
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We pottered back up the hill and settled down to the rest of the day; an exhausting cycle of hot tub and reading in our beautiful cottage.
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By the night time it had started to lightly snow. We decided we’d have a really long final hot tub soak so lazed in there like hippos. I was trying to catch some snowflakes on my tongue (sod’s law, none seemed to fall in my mouth but they kept repeatedly landing directly on my eyeballs) and suddenly we saw the northern lights again. Which was incredibly luck considering the night was reasonably cloudy. They whirled around for about 5 minutes and then disappeared, which was a very nice last evening at our cottage.
The next day we nervously checked the road conditions and headed off. Going south there was a huge storm forecast and the road was pretty much out of bounds. Luckily we were heading back to Reyjavik via the northern route. Step one of the journey was get over the pass to Egilsstaðir. No problem. The next step of the journey, which was between Egilsstaðir and Mývatn, is the least driven part of the circular road around Iceland, Route 1. We drove for about an hour. All was well. Then we noticed some cars slowing down ahead to find that the snow had drifted across an uphill portion of the road, where a little car had skidded and got stuck on the opposite side of the road (not dangerous, because there’s about 10 cars an hour on this road). This was unsettling to us in our tiny Kia as we clearly couldn’t turn around as the Southern roads were out, there is no other road ploughed at this time of year to get around this, and our car was clearly no better suited to it than the skidded car that a jeep was now trying to rescue. Marcel got out of the car and walked the hill to better look at it. We had zero phone reception (annoyingly we did at most places along the route but we had none there) to call the roads number to see when the next snowplough was due. So in the end we decided to risk it. We skidded and skittered but we eventually made it through!  Which was both good and bad as now we were aware that if we hit any further bad road conditions we’d be really screwed as we’d be unlikely to be able to go back the way we came as the snow was continuing to drift. We did however make it to Mývatn okay, which was good because after that the road is a bit more used so a bit more ploughed.
We had lunch in the cow restaurant we’d been to before and ate rye bread cooked in a lava vent and looked out the window at the 3ft of snow piled outside and debated thermal baths over further snowshoeing. 
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There was however a road that wasn’t ploughed in winter but led up to a caldera, which we thought might be nice to snowshoe on as would have a level terrain under the snow and a decent end point. So we drove down there….only to find that some extremely optimistic/dim tourist had decided to drive their 2wd small car on what was clearly an unploughed road with several feet of snow on it and got stuck, and now the entrance to the unploughed road was filled with vehicles trying to rescue them. With our plans to snowshoe thwarted, we decided to head to the Mývatn baths.
The downside of this is that they turned out to be in a selectively extremely windy spot. We got out the car to find a wind speed best described as “scouring”. We are made of stern stuff though so headed bravely onwards. The pools are obviously hot, but the wind was so strong it was generating waves in the pool (fine) and then breaking those waves into spray in the air. Which meant the only tolerable thing to do was float on your back with only your nose and mouth above water. Unfortunately I suffer from a terrible affliction known as “extremely buoyant legs” so struggled over the next hour to stop them surfacing and exposing my feet and knees to a little light hypothermia. I ended up tucking them under Marcel’s legs which are incredibly unbuoyant (how lucky that of all the people in the world I found my leg buoyancy opposite).
We eventually got out and drove onto Akureyri. Our accomodation was right in the middle of town on a steep hill. So steep and so badly gritted (which I feel is a strange thing for a road in a pretty big [for Iceland] town in a very snowy part of the world to be) that our car got stuck trying to get up it. Eventually we got enough traction to make it into the car park of our hotel, but we decided to limit dinner choices to “restaurants within walking distance”. Luckily there was a burger joint in our street that we could totter carefully to.
Our final day was 6 hours of driving to get to the airport in time for our flight. Which was pretty stressful. Not going to lie. There seemed to be an uncanny (given how empty the roads were) link between where the snow was thickest and most slippery and the sudden emergence of a large lorry barrelling along in the other direction (the ring road is a single lane in each direction for about 99% of the road). But we made it! With just enough time to collapse with nervous exhaustion and eat some sandwiches before our flight home. Despite the terrors of driving and the discovery that renting a tiny car in winter is only a good idea 75% of the time, it was an amazing relaxing week and also FINALLY we got some decent northern lights!
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anneedmonds · 6 years
3 Creepy Things That Small Kids Do
Why can kids be so creepy? In particular small ones? And before you question the legitimacy of my inquiry or chastise me for being unkind about children, let me please draw your attention to the following creepy child specimens: Damien from The Omen, the twins from The Shining, the kid from The Sixth Sense. They all haunt me, those quiet-voiced, staring little beings, whenever I have to stay in a hotel by myself or get something from downstairs in the middle of the night.  And if you want to take it up a notch in terms of emotional damage, consider the gangs of little people from Village of the Damned and Children of the Corn.
Or, if you want to ruin the rest of your TV-viewing life then I can definitely suggest that you watch The Ring. You’ll be waiting for that wet-haired dead girl to claw her way out of the well and exit your telly screen every time you’re home alone. Even better, watch the Japanese version Ringu. Not to be confused with Pingu, Ringu will have you so terrified that you’ll smash up your television set with a mallet and then – possibly – pop out your own eyeballs with a teaspoon so that you no longer have to worry about seeing Samara the well-dweller hauling her dripping body out onto your living room rug.
Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that there’s a reason that creepy films often have kids in and that is because kids have a natural ability to scare the absolute bejeezus out of you. At any given hour of the day, if you are home alone with a tiny child, they will do something that – if put to a shrieking violin-sawing soundtrack – would be a proud moment in any psychological thriller. Here are the top three creepy things that small kids do:
Cats and dogs do this, too (usually when you’re on your own and it’s stormy outside and you’re too scared to close the curtains because your reflection might turn into the face of an old man with empty eye sockets) but kids, especially tiny ones, are excellent at staring intently at things that aren’t there. So intently that you begin to question whether there might be something in the space between the doorway and the cooker after all. Wait, you think; did the cobweb hanging down from the extractor fan just move as though brushed by an invisible hand?
Of course, the phrase that comes to mind every time a child or animal in my house stares intensely at one particular spot in the room is: “I see dead people”. We have Cole Sear from The Sixth Sense to thank for that one.
There are too many layers of dreadfulness to unpick when it comes to the idea of kids seeing dead people (layer one, most importantly, WTF are dead people doing hanging about in the kitchen next to the AGA?) but the comforting thing is that they tend to stare at empty spaces all the time. In cafes. On the street. In the park. So if they are seeing dead people (I have no idea how this post descended so quickly into such realms of darkness but now I can’t seem to stop) then at least they are everywhere and not just in the kitchen/at the end of your bed.
Moving on.
Is there anything more terrifying than a whispering child in a horror movie? (An empty, creaking rocking chair almost pips it to the post, but not quite.) I mean, it can be eerie enough when kids whisper as a form of communication with actual living humans, but when they whisper and there’s nobody there… Good God, it’s enough to make me want to permanently seal my slow rebound foam earplugs into my ear canals.
“Don’t be sad Jeremy Jones, nobody will lock you in the cupboard now.”
Whispering children are one of my worst horror movie nightmares. And so I do not fare well in real life when I enter a room and a child is conversing with an unknown entity in their creepiest quiet voice. Thankfully it has only happened once with Angelica and she was just telling secrets to her giraffe (“SPEAK UP ANGELICA! THAT’S THE WAY, MY GIRL! TRA LA LA, NO WHISPERING HERE, WE SPEAK LOUDLY AND CLEARLY WHEN MUMMY IS AROUND!”) but I have looked after other kids before in the past and they have had nice old whispery chats with various people who (hopefully) didn’t exist, namely (not that they are etched into my memory or anything) “Henry the Hat Man”, “Grammy Po-Po” and “Jacob”.
(Flashback to me, aged twenty, demanding that the next door neighbour’s four year old tells me who Grammy Po-Po is.
“Is she your granny, your grammy? Are you pretending to be on the phone to Granny?”
“Nope! She here with us!”
“Right. She’s obviously not, though is she, so let’s stop being silly. I’m trying to deal with a power cut and I only have the light of this one last candle left and the fuse box is of course in the basement and your parents aren’t back for another six hours so just tell me where Grammy Po-Po lives, OK?”
“She’s in the wall.”)
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Sorry, but the imaginary friend thing is a no-go in this house. If either Angelica or Ted think they’re having an imaginary friend in the future then they can think again, because nothing – I repeat nothing – is more creepy to me than a small friend who does not exist, who forces a child to stare into empty spaces and also whisper at them. It’s triple whammy creepy and I’m just not having it, thank you very much. One whiff of an imaginary friend and I’m shoving them into the backseat of my imaginary car and driving them to the next imaginary village.
The problem with these imaginary friends is that they rarely seem to be a boring old generic child, one from a storybook or cartoon, who sits and drinks imaginary tea and likes to discuss the merits of various Paw Patrol characters. No, imaginary friends seem to invariably have complex backstories that are way too advanced for a small child to have invented and that is the most unnerving thing. Because, you do start to wonder, if you’re like me and have an overactive imagination all of your own: how much of that complex backstory is imagined?
Take, for example, the child of a friend who sat having a right old natter with her imaginary person for about half an hour before her Mum intervened.
“Who are you talking to poppet?”
“To Mary, Mummy!”
“Yes, Mummy. Red eyed Mary with the black cloak.”
“Red eyed Mary?” (ALARM BELLS! WTF? I’d be legging it down the stairs before they’d even finished the sentence!)
“Yes, Mummy, she has been crying. Mary was trapped for a very long time but now she is free!”
“Trapped?” (Run, run like the wind!)
“Yes, Mummy. Her employer was a very mean man and she was kept for five and twenty days in the attic!”
Five and twenty days. Ugh. Shudder me timbers.
What else is creepy when it comes to small kids? Oh yeah – dolls. Nothing like a doll staring up at you in the torch beam, wide-eyed, when you’re trying to find the Calpol dispenser in the dark. Cue the crazy violin solo. FWEE FWEE FWEE FWEE! Even teddies can scare the living daylights out of you when they appear in random places.
To be fair, many of you – especially those who have never been so stupid as to watch horror movies with kids in – will be wondering what the hell this post is about. I applaud you, I really do. The rest of you, please add some more creepy things to the list by leaving a comment below. I forgot to mention that weird, off-key singing that children do – that’s a horror movie classic that, isn’t it? Mary had a little lamb…
The post 3 Creepy Things That Small Kids Do appeared first on A Model Recommends.
3 Creepy Things That Small Kids Do was first posted on October 31, 2018 at 9:16 pm. ©2018 "A Model Recommends". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at [email protected] 3 Creepy Things That Small Kids Do published first on https://medium.com/@SkinAlley
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zonerealty · 21 days
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FOR LEASE: Wide Frontage Office/Retail with an Extractor Ground floor retail of approx. 86m2 with lofty floor-to-ceiling windows. Open plan payout, full of potential. Extractor fan system in place. High stud. Concrete floors. Disabled toilet. Optional additional rear space of approx. 68m2. Situated on the iconic Karangahape Road which is a well proven location for prestigious food & beverage operators and small to medium size office's and businesses alike. You will be immersed in the pulsating energy of one of Auckland's most eclectic and culturally rich neighbourhoods. Experience the perfect balance between work and play, with trendy cafes, boutique shops, and exciting entertainment options just steps away. 1 minute walk from City Rail Link Station. Secure car parks on site @ $80 p.w. + GST (subject to availability, so act fast). The asking price is $41,000 p.a+GST+ OPEX Contact us today and we will provide you with all options that meet your search criteria. https://www.zonerealty.co.nz/property-item/13215/wide-frontage-officeretail-with-an-extractor
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automaticvr · 6 years
3D VIRTUAL REALITY TOUR AVAILABLE AT WWW.JAMESDUPAVEY.CO.UK. Let me take you down, 'Cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields, Nothing is real, And nothing to get hung about, Strawberry Fields forever.... However, this lovely spacious family home in Willaston is very real so let us take you down to The Fields! The accommodation comprises, to the downstairs, a fabulous open plan breakfast kitchen dining room, light and bright living room with log burning stove and bi-fold doors to the garden, a versatile snug / bedroom four , large utility room and a WC. To the upstairs the the master bedroom with built in wardrobes and an en-suite, a further two excellent sized double bedrooms and the bathroom. The property is approached via a paved driveway providing off road parking for several vehicles. With access down the side of the property to the rear garden where there are steps leading up to the balcony. The patio wraps around the side of the property to the rear where there is a large garden laid to lawn. With extensive borders well stocked with a selection of mature trees, shrubs and plants. There is a summerhouse, two garden sheds and a greenhouse. Location The property is located in Willaston, a desirable village just a short distance from the historic town of Nantwich.Willaston is a popular village which offers a good selection of local amenities including primary school, nursery, local shops and a selection of public houses. Cheerbrook Farm Shop is close by and provides farm shop, cafe and butchers. There is plenty to see and do in the area along with an abundance of countryside and riverside walks and cycle paths.Wistaston village is situated approximately 1.5 miles in distance and benefits from shops and local public houses, village hall with active social calendar and community groups, church and mini supermarket. There are highly reputable local schools and nurseries easily accessible from the property.The historic market town of Nantwich is approximately 1.5 miles in distance and is renowned for its beautiful architecture and character. Nantwich offers a good selection of independent shops, eateries, restaurants...Utility Room 11' 9'' x 5' 10'' (3.57m x 1.79m)A good sized utility room with access via a door with two frosted double glazed panels and a further double glazed window to the side elevation. There is a worktop incorporating a one and a half bowl ceramic sink and drainer, beneath which is space and plumbing for white goods. The boiler is also housed in here. With ceiling light, radiator, tiled splashbacks, sockets and tiled flooring. Access to the kitchen and also to the WC. WC 8' 5'' x 5' 9'' (2.57m x 1.75m)A white suite comprising a pedestal wash hand basin and WC. With a large built-in storage cupboard, frosted double glazed window to the front elevation, spotlights, extractor fan, radiator and tiled flooring. Breakfast Kitchen Dining Room 24' 8'' (max) x 26' 0'' (max) (7.53m (max) x 7.
0 notes
driftwork · 4 years
Hotel stories - Tokyo 1 -Ana hotel, Room 1968,  Nake-ku, Tokyo.
The initial attack took place in the late afternoon at the hotel bar at Tokyo exe. He had been behind her when her guards were killed, he had reflexively grabbed the aristocrat and pulled her backwards into the shadow of the doorway. She never understood. They spent the rest of the day running across Tokyo, mostly walking.
The first night, after running and walking, desperate to escape from their pursuers. Late at night they rented a room for cash in the Ana Hotel, Room 1968, on Nake-ku, Tokyo. They had stood in the shadows of the alley opposite watching the front of the hotel for an hour before walking into the foyer. They rented a room on the first floor. The door was metal, lacquered in white, with a peephole and multiple chains, it opened out into a hall of about 3 X 1 metres. The floor was covered in a grey and white patterned carpet, the wallpaper is a fabric of thin strips in the same colours. The ceiling is covered in white anaglypta ceiling paper.. On the right a bathroom door coated in a soft grey paint. The opposite wall extends into the room until it meets the wall with the windows set in it. Against the wall there is a  luggage rack with black straps and a desk in the corner facing the window. On the opposite wall there is a large mirror (1 by 2 metres) in a brushed aluminium frame with a slight curve across the top. They look at themselves in the mirror, dark circles  under their eyes, him in a crumpled beige linen shirt, her in white blouse which when she takes off her jacket is spattered with other peoples blood. They look and feel exhausted. She had killed five or six men through a mix of gunfire and one with a sword, injured a similar number and possibly more as they had run through the hotel service corridors and taken their line of flight out into the streets, running and walking and a few more bodies left in side streets.  He withdraws money, buys clothes and shoes for her and him. Whilst behind them they gathered new forces to chase them down, beginning to access the surveillance systems. She goes into the bathroom first, tense and angry at them for attacking her. She has no idea why.  He listened the sound of her taking off her clothes and having a shower. On the desktop are the following: a lamp with a delicate brass plate base, grey metallic stem, a delicate plastic kettle, a black laquered box  containing tea and some instant coffee. In one of the drawers there is a booklet that describes their day perfectly - What to do in the Case of a Disaster: the chair in front of the desk is a copy of a Danish office chair, or is that design American ? In the wall between the windows there hangs a large flat screen TV. Beneath the window there is a request that nothing is thrown out of the window. Out of the window luminous rectangles of the lights in the skyscrapers that illuminate the night. Red lights flash on the tops of the skyscrapers. The city continues for miles in all directions. He looks out the window to the south which is the direction they'll be walking tomorrow morning. There is a tall seven sided building to the south that is almost dark apart from a few green and red lights in the stairwell. He is almost wilting when the water stops and she comes back into the room, hair wet wrapped in a towel. She has on a white toweling robe. She tells him she will take the bed. Dumping all the blood spattered clothes into the wastepaper bin beneath the desk.  He goes into the bathroom, showers and brushes his teeth. Still damp he sits on the sofa and they talk about their evening. Nothing they say is really a true and accurate representation of what happened, except that unknowingly they find it easy to talk to one another. She checks the windows, shutters and the door is locked, placing a chair in front of the door. There is a lithograph hanging above and behind the bed, its entitled Edgar Forest,  depicting nothing in particular, a wood with wheat and weeds growing between the trees, beneath a reddish sky. She puts a loaded gun on the bedside cabinet, the sword on the bed beside her.  They fall asleep at almost the same time between one and two in the morning. A few hours later when the lift doors open she looks at him asleep in the sofa. (I’m scared he’d said before sleeping, she didn’t know how to reassure him. And thought about how glad she was not to be alone on a directionless line of flight, this is moment when the process of transference began.  Transference uses specific objects and operates within the framework of a specific relationship these objects. She closes her eyes and sleeps.) She wakes first, her arm across the sword, she looks across the room at him sleeping curled up on the sofa. After a few minutes she gets up and goes into the bathroom, showers and gets dressed in the underwear, socks, jeans, belt, teeshirt.  He is awake and watches her check the guns before going into the bathroom, washing, shaving. She asks him how he is. He tells her he is Ok, though shocked but still pleased to be with her. She finds herself smiling and shaking her head. The bathroom looks less grey in reflected daylight, the extractor fan hums.  The sounds of the hotel waking up the lift moving. People speaking in the corridor.  She puts on the leather jacket, ties her hair back,  distributes the guns and the short sword. They leave the clothing in the waste bin,  and anything inessential in the room for the cleaners to find. Once the police have been called their pursuers will have a  starting point. He looks at the bed frame for the last time. it has a blue metal tubular frame,  the white duvet and pillows are heaped in disorder. The bedside cabinets have pinkish porcelain lights in the shape of lilies. Under the bed they leave the second bag full of his clothes from yesterday. They leave the hotel saying they'll be back later for breakfast. They walk southwards, she begins to develop a plan and direction to move in towards a safe house, after an hour around 9am they have breakfast in a cafe full of young office workers. By this time they have begun to learn to tentatively speak to one another...
Walking means you escape from the very idea of identity, even  the temptation to have a name and identity.
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chr2is1tma · 5 years
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expomahal-blog · 5 years
Dubai Airshow 2019 at United Arab Emirates(Dubai) 2019-November
mirror contact list, lumber Exhibitors, tile Fairs, metal B2C ideas, plaster B2B ideas, lighting tool Business events, silencing apparatus business, air conditioner companies, extractor fan events, hot?water supply system companies list, toilet paper contact links, soap Business events, towel business, sterilizing sheet business, foliage plant B2B Opportunities, deodorizer events, aromatic contact links, air cleaning machine Exhibitors, ventilating apparatus Exhibitors, disodor contact list, disinfection Events, water supply and drain equipment events, toilet vehicle business contacts, toilet heating device. companies, home builder Events, architectural design office contacts list, building owners (office Exhibitors, residential) Fairs, food service (restaurants info, cafes) business, hotels Trade Fairs, japanese inns (ryokan) events, public facilities (government Exhibitors, municipalities business, schools) contact links, facility managers (train stations Exhibitions, expressway service areas) Trade Shows, hospitals(medical institutions). business 2019, November, United States, Scottsdale
CISO Summit Scottsdale 2019 at United States(Scottsdale) 2019-November
CISO Summit Scottsdale 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
mirror contacts list, lumber Exhibitors, tile business opportunities, metal business contacts, plaster Trade Fairs, lighting tool events, silencing apparatus Exhibitions, air conditioner Meetings, extractor fan Business events, hot?water supply system Business events, toilet paper Exhibitors, soap Fairs, towel contact links, sterilizing sheet business ideas, foliage plant B2C opportunities, deodorizer network, aromatic business ideas, air cleaning machine contact list, ventilating apparatus business, disodor Exhibitors, disinfection business, water supply and drain equipment B2B ideas, toilet vehicle Exhibitors, toilet heating device. network, home builder Expos, architectural design office Trade Shows, building owners (office network, residential) business contacts, food service (restaurants Meetings, cafes) contact info, hotels Shows, japanese inns (ryokan) Events, public facilities (government B2C opportunities, municipalities Events, schools) companies contacts, facility managers (train stations business contacts, expressway service areas) contact links, hospitals(medical institutions). events
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from mirror Business events, lumber B2B Opportunities, tile companies, metal business, plaster Exhibitors Directory, lighting tool Trade Shows, silencing apparatus business ideas, air conditioner network, extractor fan business contacts, hot?water supply system Meetings, toilet paper contacts list, soap contact links, towel Exhibitors Directory, sterilizing sheet contacts list, foliage plant Fairs, deodorizer companies, aromatic B2B Opportunities, air cleaning machine B2C opportunities, ventilating apparatus B2B ideas, disodor Expos, disinfection network, water supply and drain equipment business contacts, toilet vehicle network, toilet heating device. info, home builder companies, architectural design office companies contacts, building owners (office Business events, residential) directory, food service (restaurants contact list, cafes) companies list, hotels info, japanese inns (ryokan) B2B Opportunities, public facilities (government business, municipalities Meetings, schools) Exhibitions, facility managers (train stations Business events, expressway service areas) B2B ideas, hospitals(medical institutions). contacts list industry.
Find More Details about CISO Summit Scottsdale 2019 event...
We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:United States(Scottsdale) Year-Month:2019-November Official Website:Event Website source https://www.expomahal.com/2019/11/dubai-airshow-2019-at-united-arab.html
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mama-forum-ch-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on http://mama-forum.ch/question/snapchat-for-free-no-download/
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Snapchat stepped into SNAPCHAT HACK iOS with a striking step and resolved on the smartphones of the young era. Wherever I go – in the shop, in a cafe, over a walk or in public areas carry – I overhear teens discussing Snapshots. In what he published a wonderful good friend of 3b, about this he rests on the bench next never to giving an answer to the snap from last night, about what photographs of cats directed themselves. Snapchat is a era of Facebook. Regardless of who printed the fejs and who liked the photography. Now who’s he who snapped who and who upon this snap replied. Who found our general population snapshots? Has he added us to the enthusiasts? It’s about the youngsters of today.
Because Snapchat Cheats Android iOS pays to. Because I could track record something fast, ask him for something in the movie and he’ll watch it in his leisure time. Whenever we are a long way away from the other person and I wish to show him something quite definitely, I grab a cellular phone and record a 10-second video recording, then immediately have a private snap. I really do not want to weight this video everywhere, and i quickly don’t need to take it off to release drive space. Yes, I contact my parents. For an extended weekend they visited Greece and I get their snaps with beautiful views every day. The 400 kilometres from me, my mom directs me a daily video recording or photography with your dog or meals that he produces supper. Snapchat brings us nearer. Not only will he write what, not simply the pictures. Exchanges videos. Sometimes we call one another, my mother informs me the way the bathroom appears like, and I simply ask her to snap it. Snapchat moved into the cannon of our day to day relationships.
Very easy to observe that Snapchat is a superb tool for keeping touching all your family members. Every grandmother will be pleased to start to see the videos with her grandson. But how about watching strangers? Did it turn? Is it possible to excite?
Undoubtedly, maybe. In the long run, folks have been in love with the truth Show, the cleaning soap opera and the actors’ private life programs. You can view Hilary Clinton, Justin Bieber or Jessica Alba on Snapshots. On the list of famous Polish people Snapchat is led by or quite definitely well-liked by me posting channel.
And that people scale back climb a minimal a bit longer. Snaps or photographs / videos helped bring jointly in the camera move gave a red slide be highlighted by the miniature in top of the merit place of the consider (proclaimed mutually a blue square).
Very simple. Whenever you draw up over a cut, journey it for the blue arrow. You may manage the typical levy menu, to whom the nibble is to overcome, nonetheless increased by the complete of one ideally item, My Memory barely (start to see the graphics).
About the new spotlight that Snap has received, I composed afresh in the passing Snapchat changes technique – Snaps won’t disappear. By July 10, I approved a announcement from TeamSnachat that the show the place of the land is quickly available, and I am going to integrate your confirm – of which indicate consider Stories on Snapshots?
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expatshaarlem · 8 years
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Rental house of the month: Krocht in Haarlem
[av_heading tag=’h1′ padding=’10’ heading=’House of the Month’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”] Unique loft apartment in the heart of the city (with a 2nd toilet!) [/av_heading]
[av_image src=’http://expatshaarlem.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/house.jpg’ attachment=’16432′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’ animation=’pop-up’][/av_image]
[av_gallery ids=’16432,16431,16430,16429,16428,16427,16426,16425,16433,16434′ style=’thumbnails’ preview_size=’medium’ crop_big_preview_thumbnail=’avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb’ thumb_size=’portfolio’ columns=’5′ imagelink=’lightbox’ lazyload=’avia_lazyload’]
[av_toggle_container initial=’1′ mode=’accordion’ sort=”] [av_toggle title=’Description’ tags=”] ALL INCLUSIVE, Fully furnished, modern and fresh flat on the 1st floor facing quiet side street. Open plan kitchen/dining/living space with plenty of light, lots of space and privacy. Located in a stylish former school building, recently converted to luxurious loft apartments. Rental is not suitable for smokers and pets! [/av_toggle] [av_toggle title=’Rooms’ tags=”] Kitchen (fully equipped): dishwasher, fridge/freezers (2!), extractor fan, electric stove, microwave, oven, kettle and plenty of storage.
Living: Flat screen Smart TV, modern and tasteful furniture, extra high ceiling with two large windows, floating staircase to loft space.
Bedroom (in loft): Double bed, built-in wardrobe behind sliding mirrored doors, en-suite bathroom.
Bathroom: Full size bath, walk-in shower, toilet, sink with storage and mirror.
Second toilet (!): is off the living near the entrance [/av_toggle] [av_toggle title=’Facilities’ tags=”] Video Intercom, Washing machine/dryer, iron board, vacuum cleaner, mop, linens, kitchenware, plates, glasses, cooking utensils, cutlery…etc. [/av_toggle] [av_toggle title=’Rental Fee’ tags=”] 1700 Euros / month
Minimum 12 months rental (deposit = 2 month rent)
Included in rental fee: Internet (Wifi), cable TV, electricity, gas, water, service costs [/av_toggle] [av_toggle title=’Location’ tags=”] City center of Haarlem.
Just a few minutes walk from Train Station (Amsterdam and Airport) and Main Square, as well as shops, bakeries, cosy cafes, good restaurants and all what you might need. [/av_toggle] [/av_toggle_container]
[av_one_full first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ padding=’0px’ border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ background_color=” src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_display=”][/av_one_full]
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[av_hr class=’default’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′]
[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’19’ heading=’Like this house? Contact us and find out more.’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading]
[av_contact email=’[email protected],[email protected]’ title=’Contact’ button=’Submit’ on_send=” sent=’Your message has been sent!’ link=’manually,http://’ subject=’expatsHaarlem House of the Month’ autorespond=” captcha=” hide_labels=’aviaTBhide_labels’ form_align=” color=”] [av_contact_field label=’Name’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=’element_third’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”][/av_contact_field] [av_contact_field label=’E-Mail’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_email’ width=’element_third’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”][/av_contact_field] [av_contact_field label=’Phone’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_phone’ width=’element_third’ multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”][/av_contact_field] [av_contact_field label=’Subject’ type=’text’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”][/av_contact_field] [av_contact_field label=’Message’ type=’textarea’ options=” check=’is_empty’ width=” multi_select=” av_contact_preselect=”][/av_contact_field] [/av_contact]
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mama-forum-ch-blog · 6 years
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Snapchat stepped into SNAPCHAT HACK iOS with a striking step and resolved on the smartphones of the young technology. Wherever I go – in the shop, in a cafe, over a walk or in public areas travel – I overhear teens discussing Snapshots. In what he published a nice-looking good friend of 3b, about this he rests on the bench next never to giving an answer to the snap from last night, about what photographs of cats dispatched themselves. Snapchat is a era of Facebook. Regardless of who printed the fejs and who liked the image. Now who’s he who snapped who and who upon this snap solved. Who observed our open public snapshots? Has he added us to the fans? It’s about the young ones of today.
Because Snapchat Cheats Android iOS pays to. Because I could track record something fast, ask him for something in the movie and he’ll watch it in his leisure time. Whenever we are a long way away from the other person and I wish to show him something quite definitely, I grab a cellphone and record a 10-second training video, then immediately have a private snap. I really do not want to download this video everywhere, and i quickly don’t need to take it off to release drive space. Yes, I contact my parents. For an extended weekend they visited Greece and I get their snaps with beautiful views every day. The 400 kilometres from me, my mom transmits me a daily video recording or image with your dog or meals that he produces supper. Snapchat brings us better. Not only does indeed he write what, not merely the pictures. Exchanges videos. Sometimes we call one another, my mother informs me the way the bathroom appears like, and I simply ask her to snap it. Snapchat moved into the cannon of our day to day relationships.
Very easy to observe that Snapchat is a superb tool for keeping touching all your family members. Every grandmother will be pleased to start to see the videos with her grandson. But how about watching strangers? Did it turn? Is it possible to excite?
Undoubtedly, maybe. In the long run, folks have been in love with the truth Show, the cleaning soap opera and the actors’ private life programs. You can view Hilary Clinton, Justin Bieber or Jessica Alba on Snapshots. On the list of famous Polish people Snapchat is led by or quite definitely well-liked by me posting channel.
And that people scale back climb a minimal a bit longer. Snaps or photographs / videos helped bring mutually in the camera move gave a green slide be highlighted with a miniature in the top merit area of the consider (designated mutually a blue square).
Very simple. After you draw up over a cut, journey it for the blue arrow. You might manage the typical levy menu, to whom the nibble is to defeat, nonetheless increased by the complete of one ideally item, My Recollections barely (start to see the graphics).
About the new focus on that Snap has received, I composed afresh in the passing Snapchat changes process – Snaps won’t disappear. By July 10, I approved a announcement from TeamSnachat that the show the lay down of the land is quickly available, and I’ll combine your confirm – of which indicate consider Stories on Snapshots?
This section [b]SNAPCHAT HACK Online Android iOS[/b] will be gratifying to a mature lock stock and barrel of Snapchat users who shoe not start to see the Snapchat. This apparently insipid mobile software for communication information and register text messages hides a potential for diverting features that bring young house have a good fan.
I am in a certain level amused by mailing friends by the complete of ardent snaps mutually subject filtration systems that critical point the see or add cartoon elements to your video tutorial. Topielec, or face mask savor Starcraft can do – everyone by the complete of a aspect of the beast of laughter comfort the task of adding filter systems (so called Snapchat Zoom lens) to the snap.
Adding humorous computer animation requires unaccompanied a breathing, and the chattels personal are regularly Snapchat Hacks 2018 stunning. Below you will clash instructions on of which point to teach animated selfie filter systems and consider them in snapshots and confess what symbols in the Snapshots friends list provide – many group are pondering what they imply.
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mama-forum-ch-blog · 6 years
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And that people scale back climb a minimal much longer. Snaps or photographs / videos helped bring jointly in the camera move gave a green slide be highlighted by the miniature in top of the merit part of the consider (designated mutually a blue square).
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About the new high light that Snap has received, I had written afresh in the passing Snapchat changes technique – Snaps won’t disappear. By July 10, I approved a announcement from TeamSnachat that the show the lay down of the land is soon available, and I’ll integrate your confirm – of which indicate consider Remembrances on Snapshots?
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