hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
Hey Jude, Don’t let me Down | Noah & Cahill & Eliza
Directly following this solo, Half naked Noah and his band of Merry werewolves ( @cahillkalani and @drelizalabaton) tackle that pesky dead kid in the locker room situation. 
Taking a deep breath Noah tried his hardest to center himself the cloth of the seat behind him digging into his bare back. This week was turning out to be just a fine one, with the pinky thing and now this. Whatever the hell this was. I mean was it some cruel joke? Possibly. Was it the actual Zombie apocalypse?  Who the hell even knew anymore? Especially in Ashkent, the hotbed of weirdness. Taking another breath though Noah closed his eyes scrunching his toes against the wet floorboards. God he wanted to be dressed so bad. But he was not going to open that truck door for no one ok not even. And there it was the sound of the knock on his truck door practically propelling him up into the roof. Opening his eyes, pupils dilated with fear Noah looked around hoping it was not who he thought it might be.
Cahill hadn't exactly obeyed speed limit laws as he turned down the road away from the shop and headed straight for UMAC. As soon as he'd gotten the message from Eliza that Noah knew, the primary goal was to get to him rather than track down whatever it was that had shown up. There were times that living in Ashkent Creek was enough to make him feel like they should all relocate, but they seemed so few and far between that it was easy to justify staying. If nothing else, the memories they had planted in that town kept him in place. This, though? This was pushing him closer to the edge, and he hadn't even seen the thing yet. He refused to call it Jude. It wasn't Jude. The engine of the bike rumbled as he pulled into the parking lot, searching for Noah's vehicle. When he pulled up next to it, the boy seemed oblivious to his present. At least, he was until Cahill was tapping his fist knuckles against the metal of the door.
Breathing a sigh of relief once he realized that it was Cahill and not the Jude-Zombie, Noah unclenched a little some of the anxiety dissipating. Because here was his giant of an uncle head not even in the frame of the window, here to help. Because that’s what family did. Reaching over Noah pulled the door lock up, successfully unlocking the passenger side door for his uncle. It would be a little cramped in the two seater 1979 chevy, with cahill Noah and Noah’s school/practice stuff, but Noah figured this would be better than the both of them standing out in the open. Where the… things could see them plain as day. Looking over he beckoned his uncle into the vehicle
Without much hesitation, Cahill was pulling open the door as soon as Noah had unlocked it. Getting in, there was little hesitation in leaning over, as awkward or not, and throwing an arm around Noah in a hug. "Are you okay?" He already felt like he was going crazy, and he hadn't even seen the creature yet. Whatever it was--and whatever it wanted--had yet to be seen. With a frown, Cahill was shifting a few of the things in the seat to make as much room as possible, letting the door close slightly despite not being able to get it to latch all the way. After a pause, he was taking a slow breath and looking back towards the school. The surrounding parking lot. The road leading away from the college. "Did you see it?"
Letting his uncle throw an arm around him Noah relished the contact if only for a few seconds. Touch had always grounded him, and even more so after the transplant. “ Well besides the fact i had to run across campus in just a towel, yea I’m fine” Noah replied hoping that that put all of the worries to rest. Because he was fine really, just emotionally scarred for life. Helping his uncle rearrange a few things though Noah Noah did his own scan of the parking lot, things seemingly ok  “See it?” He huffed once Cahill spoke again, approving of his use of the word it. “I had a full blown conversation with it. One in which he insulted my dick.” Ok so that last thing was definitely the most trivial of the equation but, he was adding it. Because he could.
Maybe he should've had a better response for this, but as Noah explained what happened Cahill couldn't stop the short laugh that slipped out. It didn't last long; no more than a breath before it faded and his frown was back. Fuck. He could say that a number of times and it didn't quite feel like it encapsulated his feelings on the matter. Part of him wanted to step out of the truck already; head into the school or where ever Noah saw it last and find out what it was. Better yet, find out what to do with it. He had a lot of thoughts on the matter, but most of them were going to be kept silent. "Was it inside?" His gaze was constantly scanning, looking for some sign of it. Or, perhaps more helpfully, signs of Eliza. At least when she arrived he'd be able to step away from Noah without feeling bad about it.
Thank you for being calm. Noah had sent Eliza those words, and they were running through her mind now, a reminder that she would need to stay calm when she arrived. Noah was clearly spooked, and she couldn't blame him. If she were being honest with herself, which she definitely was not, she was spooked, too. Cahill wouldn't be any better, protective mother wolf that he was. What she had to remember was that this was a family member they were both having to face down. Nevermind that Eliza had grown up with the Kalani's since she was seven, and Jude was family to her, too. That didn't matter. It wasn't about her right now. It was about Noah and it was about Cahill and whatever she could do, which meant she needed, above all else, to stay calm. Noah's truck was easy to spot with Cahill's bike next to it, and she pulled up on the other side, taking a quiet, deep breath before getting out of her car. She walked around to the driver's side, intentionally, and opened the door. "Okay, out. You can change in my backseat. Cahill, passenger side."
Noah couldn’t help but chuckle slightly along with his uncle, the absurdity of it all just too much for his tired mind to bear. But as with everything that brief moment of reprieve came to a swift close, replaced by the somber mood they both had in the beginning settling back down in the air. Because, while it wasn’t Jude, it was Jude. And dealing with all of this was going to be difficult for everyone involved. “He was in the locker room. Hence this get up” Noah replied sweeping a hand toward his uncovered abs with a sigh. But that was also short lived as well as as soon as he exhaled everything was spinning again, Eliza wrenching his door open and scaring the living daylight out of him. Grabbing his gym bag though Noah complied without argument, knowing from previous experience it was better to just do what Eliza wanted from the beginning. And what she wanted right now was for him to get out and transferred to her car, which he did, bare footed and all. Sitting there though as they all transferred to the more appropriate vehicle for the matter Noah figured he’d help break the ice a little “Soooo, I’m just going to preface our first little interaction here with a blanket ‘I’m sorry for the Magic Mike show that’s about to be put on back here, but I’m fucking freezing my nuts off in this tiny towel”  He said casually as he started rummaging through his bag for a clean pair of underwear.
Cahill nodded slowly, glancing back towards the school yet again. "How long ago?" At this point, it was information gathering. It was finding out where this thing was and if it'd left already. Clearly, it was looking for them. Why hadn't it shown up at the truck? For as fast as Noah may have run, Cahill found it hard to believe that it wouldn't have followed shortly behind. He didn't have time to ask anything else because the driver side door was open and he was jumping almost in time with Noah. Instead of Jude, it was Eliza standing there and he was quick to push his door back open and step out. As he stood, he was following her over the hood of the car with his gaze. It wasn't until Noah was giving his disclaimer and climbing into the backseat that he was addressing Eliza more fully. "I think it's still in there. Take him home--or somewhere. I'm going to go find it."
Eliza should have felt worse for scaring both of them, and she probably shouldn't have assumed they were paying attention to anything outside of the truck- but with an undead Jude thing, they should have been. What if it hadn't been her? She watched Noah comply instantly, her eyes shifting to Cahill, because she knew he wouldn't be as easy. It was predictable the way he told her that he was going in. Quietly and calmly, she said, "Hey, Cahill, listen to me for just a second. I really think you should stay with Noah, and I should go in. I know you don't like the idea, but I think it's best."
To be completely honest Noah should have predicted what was going to happen next, with Cahill offering to sacrifice himself to the Jude-Zombie, and then Eliza offering the same the, both of them speaking like he wasn’t even in the car anymore. Sighing Noah picked up a clean shirt, figuring since it was more easily accessible than his clean boxers at the moment he’d put that one “You know I think that once he’s actually got some clothes on Noah should make his own decisions.” He butted in as he threw his shirt tee shirt over his head, rolling the fabric down his abs. “Especially since Noah is really the only person who knows the full extent of what we were dealing with right now” He continued giving both of them a stern look from the back seat.
This could be going better. It was a phrase Cahill had been using too many times in the past few days and it didn't set easily with him. As soon as Eliza was debating his idea, he was clenching his jaw a bit. It wasn't anger; he didn't mind the disagreement and often welcomed it from her. He needed her to keep him grounded, after all. But nothing about this situation sat right with him and worry was already eating at the edges of his thought. "No. I don't think that's for the best," he countered, though it wasn't much of an argument as it was a knee-jerk response. When his gaze shifted to Noah, his eyebrow was arching slightly. "You're not going back in there, whether or not you know the most."
Eliza leveled a look on Noah that he would have been very familiar with. She didn't often pull rank, not unless she needed to, but Noah was not going back inside. He ran naked out to his car. That said something. She looked back to Cahill, jerking her head as an indication for him to step out of the car, just briefly. The parking lot was still clear, so she felt safe doing so, and when Cahill was out of his seat too, she was speaking to him over the roof of the car, voice quiet because she hadn't closed her door. "You know I'm not going to fight you on this, but please just consider this. Listen to me. Noah needs emotional support right now, and whether or not you'll admit it, so do you. You and I both know you're a hell of a lot more qualified to give that than I am. I have my field kit, I can figure out what we're dealing with, if it's even human or were or whatever. It showed up at the shop and the school- it's looking for you both, it's not looking for me. You could be walking into a trap. Not to mention, of the three of us, I am currently the most level headed." She rushed to get all of her points across because the next time Cahill said no, it would be law and she would listen, but she felt passionately that he should not go. "Please, Cahill."
Looking at Eliza Noah stared straight back into her gaze the fire now officially lit underneath him. Because yea, he was scared, who wouldn’t be when faced with a dead family member, but he was not being left behind. He was not going to just sit somewhere and wait for the werewolves to take care of it. He was not useless, he was useful, and he’d prove it to them time and time again if that’s what it took. “I’m not going to sit somewhere like some damsel in distress ok” Noah barked out toward the both of them as he turned to dig back into his bag finally finding the black boxer briefs he was looking for. Watching though as he successfully was getting shut out of the conversation by two grown ass adults Noah just huffed, using the time to unknot his towel and quickly slide on his boxer briefs. Grabbing the jeans from his bag through he threw open the door and stepped out into the conversation. “So I don’t give two shits about what you two are talking about right now, but If this isn’t a prank and actual people are rising from the dead for some god awful reason, You’re going to need me.” he said stepping into his right pant leg and sliding it up to his calf “Why? Because out of the three of us I know Jude the best. And if it is him and he needs me I am going to be there for him. And if he doesn’t I am not going anywhere till I get answers.” He slid his other leg into his jeans “So yea I may be scared shitless but I am not going anywhere and that’s final”  He spat before gracefully pulling his pants all the way up and buttoning them with a small flourish.
Yeah. This really wasn't great. Cahill should have expected more push back from both of them, but in the back of his mind he had hoped that this could just go easily. That he'd be able to find a way to sort out this problem without having to make every issue something giant. But that's what this was, right? Something giant. Massive. This was someone rising from the dead; possibly multiple someones. He was about to shake his head at Eliza when Noah was stepping out of the car and offering the same level of resistance. He huffed, a half snarl on his lips and concern marring nearly everything he wanted to do. None of this would happen cleanly, and he knew that. He looked back to Noah, a frown setting across his face. Honesty was always more important than hiding things, and they both seemed to stand by that. "And if it's not him?" He asked, hands moving to rest against the roof of the car. He was anything but relaxed. "What if we have to kill it?"
Eliza, without really thinking it through, looked at Noah almost lazily. "I think you meant scared shirtless." And suddenly, Cahill was dismissing her and she was out of the battle. She threw her hands up, walking to the back of the car. If Noah was talking his way into this, she was sure as shit going, too. Personally, she thought they were both too emotionally charged to be thinking this through clearly, but it wasn't her call to make. She popped the trunk and grabbed her kit.
Listening to Eliza Noah inhaled slightly, if it had been any other time that would have been the best comeback and he would have laughed. But not this time, because now he was staring down a giant 6’5 alpha and he was not going to lose. “I already relive his death all the time in my nightmares, what’s another time in real life.” Noah countered eyes now cold. He hadn’t exactly meant to say that, but in the battle of words the first one to draw blood won. And he was hoping that that one would hit hard. Looking over at Eliza though he caught her popping the trunk “You’ll get lost trying to find your way to the locker room without me, so you both might as well yield” He said watching her cautiously.
God, he wanted to reach over the car and strangle Noah where he stood. As soon as the words had left his mouth, Cahill was drawing a breath in between his teeth and attempting to find some sort of footing in the conversation that didn't involve opening all of the old wounds laid out in front of them. That was a lot easier when his dead nephew wasn't inside the school somewhere. "Because as your alpha, not just your family, to protect you from having to relive that." His voice was firm this time, but the slight snarl was back and he was looking to Eliza. None of this was ideal, and when his gaze turned back towards the school he was pushing away from the car. "Show us where the locker room is." He paused, turning back to make sure he was looking at Noah when he spoke again. "But if I tell you to get out, you do. Understand me? No fighting it."
"Unbelievable." Eliza had meant to only think it, but there was a quick swell of panic at the fact that Cahill was giving in, and the two most important men in her life were charging into the unknown wound as tightly as possible. Sure, there was absolutely no way in which this could turn out poorly. She squashed the bad feeling, trying to take solace in the fact that if anything did happen, she at least had her wits about her. She also had a pretty healthy tranquilizer in her kit, which, right now, was a toss up of whether she would have to use it on the undead or her alpha. Coming up to them again, she took an honest look at Noah and put her hand on his arm. “Hey… hey, look at me. Now’s not the time. Just take us in, okay?” It was the alpha comment that had done it, but that was an argument for later, if he still wanted to push the point. "I just want to point out that there are still people in there and causing a scene should be our last resort.” This was directed mostly at Cahill.
For a moment all Noah could see red, the alpha comment rattling around in his brain, Because while Noah was part of the pack as a formality, he was not a werewolf. Cahill was his uncle first, alpha second and never EVER the other way around. And he would be damned if his Uncle was going to order him to stay out of it to simply ‘protect him’ when he clearly was very very much in it. But luckily for the both of them Eliza, the ultimate diffuser stepped forward, grounding Noah with a gentle hand. “Fine” He conceded biting back the venom he had been preparing  “But I’m not here as a simple accessory ok” He replied looking at Cahill before reaching in to grab his shoes the socks still shoved inside “Most of the football team is out so there would only be a few people if any at all to contend with” He said pulling on a sock and stepping into one of his shoes.  
Cahill wasn't sure if the situation inside the school or out was more stressful. The tension between him and Noah was building, and while there were times that it was almost unnoticeable, it was always there. It always lingered under the surface or felt like a weight on his chest. He wasn't sure if it was responsibility or guilt that felt more stifling. Eliza was drawing them both back to present, keeping them focused. She was irritated, and it was easy enough to read it on her face. Even if hiding her emotions was something she wanted to do, he was almost positive she wouldn't be able to. Rather than give reply, he grit his teeth slightly and nodded. He didn't want to cause a scene, that much he could agree with. He didn't want any of this. But that hadn't been left as an option. Flexing his hands for a second, they were curling into fists a moment and he was nodding. "Let's go." He motioned stiffly towards the school, letting Noah lead the way if only in position. His attention was still sharp and eyes focused ahead of them. Should something happen, he was ready to move and move quickly.
Eliza fell to the back of their small pack, and would stay there even when, inevitably, Cahill and Noah switched positions. The strongest in the lead, next taking up the rear, protection from both ends. Even if it was a more labored attempt for her, she kept her senses razor sharp, kept her pulse under control, and stayed ready to jump between Cahill and Noah or the two of them and something more sinister, whatever was needed.
Pulling on his other sock Noah laced up his shoes, grabbing his iphone from the car as he did it. They were waiting on him to leave but he didn’t care, the quiet rage sitting underneath the surface. And he hadn’t felt that rage in a long time, the stuff that made him see red, the stuff that made him want to break shit, and drink till he was numb. But he guessed right now being mad was better than being scared, which was still there too. Underneath it all. Stepping into the lead his uncle begrudgingly offered him Noah walked with confidence his head held high. This was his territory, this was his family, this was his locker room.  And he was going to be damn if he didn;t act like it. Cutting off the main walkway and onto a small secretive little gravel path Noah motioned for the other two to follow, eyes glancing around for any sign of movement “It’s through here.” He said hoping to quell the well, whatever there was to quell.
When it came to leading, Cahill had never felt the need to hold onto control very tightly. As long as rules were followed and tasks were completed, it didn't matter who was in the front. And then, after Evan and his family had died, leaving just him and Noah, a switch had flipped. Then, it became protecting Noah, at any cost, even if he was capable of taking care of himself. Sometimes, that urge flared more than others. Such as now, as he stood in the parking lot of the school, no idea what was waiting inside, and letting Noah take the lead. Protecting him meant keeping him safe from anything, including the emotional pain of having to face his dead little brother. At the end of the day, it always seemed to become clear that Cahill was capable of forcing very little on Noah. Keeping his focus sharp, he was looking around as they entered the school, his eyes turning towards Noah. "Alright. Quietly, yeah?"
Eliza could almost feel the different emotions between them. Noah and Cahill were in very different places, mentally, and she suspected they knew very little of what the other was feeling. She could only hope, then, that it wouldn't get them in trouble in the next few minutes, whatever happened. She nudged Cahill, a silent and unneeded plea to be ready to inflict damage, if necessary. She could get Noah out of the way, if it came to that. And, lastly, "Just let me assess what we're dealing with, okay?"
Walking down the hall and towards the set of doors marked BOYS Noah stopped slightly looking back at Eliza. Who definitely wasn’t a boy in the biological sense of the word. But seemed to want to assess the situation anyway  “Well If you get arrested for this it’s on you” he grunted toward here before pushing the door open slightly and poking his head through. It did not look like the attendant was in his little office right now so at least Eliza had that going for her. But that was then he heard it echoing through the locker room. “He’s coming back for me I know it,” came Jude’s voice, the tell tale tremor of emotion left on his words, as if he was trying to keep himself from crying. And Noah wanted to be careful he really did, but he also couldn’t resist that sound, the one of someone in need, his brother in need. So that was how he found himself surging forward toward the sound eyes scanning his surroundings desperately.
The plan was to be quiet. Assess the situation. Go slow. But, the best plans were usually changed last minute and the Kalani's had never really been good about being slow. It was why, as soon as Noah was bursting forward ahead of them at the sound of a voice that sent knives through Cahill's heart, he was following suit. There was a breathed out curse that was barely audible and he didn't pause for a second to consider what they might be faced with. In his mind, he'd pictured zombies from the movies. A decomposing body that only vaguely resembled his nephew. Maybe he expected to find him similar to when he had been found initially. What he didn't expect was the perfect, unchanged view of his nephew sitting there. His mouth fell open for a moment as he stopped dead, a few feet back from where both Jude and Noah were. His lips moved as if they were going to form words and yet nothing came out. Confusion, and awe, washed across his face. He didn't want to believe that this was okay or that it'd continue to be fine. Something would go wrong. Something always went wrong. But none of that changed the fact that it felt good to see Jude in front of him, strings or no strings attached.
And there they went, breaking protocol and the plan right away, leaving Eliza no choice but to follow suit. Her stupid, loving boys. The same way they came in, Eliza took up the rear, stopping a few feet behind Cahill and Noah. The fact was, as happy as it would have made them, she still didn't trust this and the feeling in her gut didn't change her mind, even seeing a perfect little Jude in front of her. At least she was smart enough not to put voice to the thought about why he wasn't decomposing. He'd been in the ground long enough that he shouldn't have skin, and.... this wasn't Jude. "When I die, cremate me," she whispered, not expecting either of the men with her to pay attention.
Focusing all his attention on his little brother Noah barely realized that the attendant that was supposed to be watching the door was the one helping Jude. And it made sense, a perfect little boy seemingly lost in a locker room, hoping beyond all doubt that Noah would come back. And it was in that moment Noah was glad he’d fought for the right to be here, the look on Jude’s face as he saw him saying everything he needed to know in the moment. “This your brother?” The attendant asked looking over toward Noah. And there were three or four tense seconds of breath holding where Noah thought it was all going to come rushing out of the boy. How Jude had been dead for years and when he came back to life all he had done was try to find his family so he could figure out what was happening to him, but his stupid ass brother was a jerk and ran. He ran away and left him because he was scared and just so fucking selfish. But Jude just nodded the boy having enough sense not to open that  can of worms.“I didn’t realize you were still in here buddy” Noah lied coming over to sit next to him, the urge to touch almost unreal. But this wasn’t the moment for it. Not in front of an outside he had no idea what was going on “Alright well locker room is closing in half an hour so I suggest you all do you best to not get separated again” The attendant stated before realizing that Eliza had followed them into the room. “Hey lady you can’t be in here” He barked at her arms crossed.
Cahill remained rooted in his spot, watching as Noah went to sit next to Jude. There was hesitation more than anything else keeping him from stepping forward. It was clear that they had no idea what this--it--he was. Clearly he had been dead, there was no debating that. Whatever had brought him back to this spot was something that should not have been fucked with. Voicing that sort of concern was something he would do later when he was alone with Noah and Eliza. So instead he remained, silent--for now--and unmoving. Noah wanted to come, so he let Noah lead. Let him take the seat next to Jude. Let him figure out how he wanted to handle the situation. His contribution was easy. As soon as the attendant was turning around and looking at Eliza, voice raising above a gentle tone, he was leveling a glare on the man. "Don't." It was accompanied by a simple step towards the man, half in front of her and half to broaden his shoulders and give the very clear message that now was not the time. His second comment was no softer than the first. "We'll leave in a minute."
Eliza, too, had a hard time tearing her eyes off of Jude. She should have been just as awed and, she didn't know... emotionally invested? This was her family, too, and while she and Jude hadn't been that close, they'd been around each other. She started to take a step forward when the attendant rounded on her, unnecessarily rude in her opinion, but Cahill was just as quickly taking care of it, and Eliza didn't feel to raise the fur at her neck, so to speak. One ear on her alpha in case the attendant wanted to start anything, she stepped towards Noah and Jude, and squatted in front of them. "Hey. You feeling okay, Jude?" He looked fine. Great, even, and it bothered her because it didn't make sense. But if Jude remembered her, at least it would seem in character that she would ask that question first.
As he set his gaze on Cahill Noah could see the determination in the attendants manner fade, a flippant wave of his hand signalling that yea he did not get paid enough for this. “I promise we will leave in a minute like he said” Noah called to the attendants retreating back, hoping that would be enough of an apology. I mean Cahill and Eliza were lucky they never had to see the guy again. Noah on the other hand did. And you didn’t know the wrath of a locker room attendant until you go to take a shower and there are no more towels. Turning his attention back to Jude however Noah waited with baited breath for how he might answer Eliza. I mean, was he ok? Noah hadn’t even thought to ask that in his haste to get away from him “No Eliza I am not ok. Why because my brother is a butt head and left me in a locker room with stranger danger over there” Jude replied with a bite, demeanor changed from one of sadness to annoyance, and his gaze directly pointed at Noah. Feeling his heart just drop out of his chest Noah let the silence hang over for a few seconds trying to figure out how to answer that. “Sorry you just, you scared me dude” He finally and sheepishly answered looking down at his hands a fresh pang of guilt washing over him. Because he had left this, this well, he’d left his brother alone ok. And while he knew, he knew this was magic, he knew this wasn’t real there was some part that just, He couldn’t help himself.  “But I promise. I won’t leave you with creepy locker room attendants any more ok” He nodded holding out his pinky for Jude, hoping the other boy would forgive him enough to remember their past rituals.
This was... a lot. Given their current positions, Cahill was more comfortable keeping a fair amount of distance from it all. Eliza had stepped forward quickly to ask Jude if he was alright and the resulting discourse was a shot at Noah about leaving him behind. He wanted to voice some sort of concern--keep your distance. Wait until we know what's happening. Don't. The result would only be to make Noah angry again, and he didn't feel like causing another argument when he could still feel the tension of their 'conversation' in the parking lot in his muscles. It was always a delicate balance when it came to giving his nephew advice, and when his mind had been made up he didn't often waver or accept outside input. So Cahill reminded silent and observed. Watching for signs of differences that should be glaring and obvious; watched as Eliza and Noah talked with Jude; listened to the sound of the attendant disappearing back down the hall somewhere. He could be the mean one that cautioned against accepting the perfect recreation of his nephew in the flesh, because if it meant protecting the family that was still alive, he'd be whatever he needed to be.
Eliza frowned. The answer was such an eleven year old thing to say, and she didn't know what she'd been hoping for. Some reason to be able to shine a light in his eyes, check his temperature, listen to his heartbeat. She, much like Cahill, had no problem being the voice that said this wasn't right, that this wasn't Jude. To be honest, though, she thought she would have to fight Cahill on it as much as she would Noah. Speaking of, he was reaching out, offering a pinky to Jude, and Eliza couldn't stop the warning tone that accompanied his name. "Noah..." There were a thousand reasons she didn't want Noah touching Jude, or anywhere near him. They didn't know enough yet, and if Noah got hurt... Jude reached out and linked pinkies, and Eliza swallowed, her heart pounding in her chest. She was sure that Cahill was all too aware of her heightened concern, could practically hear the beat of her heart in her ribcage. When Noah didn't instantly die or turn to stone, she forced a breath. "Hey Jude, you uh... Noah came to get me because he was worried about you, actually. Said he thought you hit your head on something... mind if I just make sure you're all right?" It was a weak lie, but she didn't know how else to get an in.
Forging on ahead Noah could feel Eliza’s uneasiness wafting off of her as his pinky met Judes. He could tell she had wanted him to stop, to not get too close before they knew what was going on, but unfortunately this was Noah. The kid who always got too close, the kid who always pushed as far as he could go, and in this was no different. Because he had to know if this was Jude. Or rather, he wanted to believe that this was his brother in the flesh, and not a trick of the light. And so far he was passing every test, the boy shaking his pinky with rigor. “Well i’d just like to point out that Noah ran out of here naked, so If anyone’s brain needs medical attention it’s probably his” Jude replied to Eliza eyes on Noah. And Noah couldn’t help but blush slightly against the kids gaze. He was never going to be able to live this down was he. “But if you want to check my head I guess you can” the little boy shrugged.
Eliza glanced at Cahill, looking for... something. She didn't know what she was looking for. Some kind of confirmation that it was okay to move forward with this, though she knew he would make it known if he wanted her to stop. She turned back to Jude. "Right. You have a point," she said with a smile and a quick glance at Noah. A pause, a breath, and she set her fingers on the inside of his wrist, pretty much holding her breath. He had a pulse. It wasn't possible, but he had a pulse. She checked his pupils, had him follow the movement on her finger, everything that would tell her if someone had their wits about them. Shapeshifter, then? She wasn't ready to believe that this was Jude. "Well, kiddo, you look good. We should... you know, are you hungry? We can go out." They needed to get out of the locker room, but she sure as hell was not offering to take him home or to Cahill's.
Holding his breath Noah kept his eyes on Eliza for any sign of abnormality that might flash across her face, but it never came. Jude was passing every test Eliza gave him, the little boy just sitting there looking bored while she poked and prodded her way around his zombie body. Letting out a breath as she finished Noah smiled at his little well [i]brother[/i] happy that this seemed to not be a trick of the light so far. “Um yea. I-” Jude paused as if he didn’t really know what to say to Eliza’s question “Can we maybe go to Luigi’s?” Jude asked looking hopefully up at Noah and then to Cahill, the pizza place being a favorite of the Kalani ‘ohana until well, you know.
Cahill half expected Eliza to give her check up and immediately tell them to get out of there, because this thing was actually dead. Somewhere, someone was either playing a cruel game with some powerful magic, or it was all an illusion. There was no way this could be Jude. But he talked with that emphasis that reminded him so much of Evan and he looked so much like Yazmin and seeing Noah sitting next to his little brother was too much. He didn't trust it, but his heart hurt with the possibility that this was what could have been. As the question was turned in Cahill's direction, he nodded slightly. "Of course." Could it tell that he wasn't excited? That he didn't trust it? Saw it as a threat? He hoped the smile that he gave was enough to convince all of them that he wasn't on edge and ready to snap. "You could even ride the bike with me if you want."
Eliza could have hugged Cahill for that suggestion, and she hoped he saw it in her face. She was already thinking ahead to the driving there, and had assumed Noah would convince this Jude imposter to hop in his truck, and it was the absolute last thing she wanted. Cahill could handle himself, but Noah was too close, to ready to believe that this was Jude and it just wasn't possible. It wasn't Jude, even with as much weird shit happened in this town, she couldn't believe it. It wasn't just coming back from the dead, it was regenerating entire organs. She glanced at Noah. "Wanna ride with me? No sense taking three vehicles."
Looking at Cahill Noah could see Jude weigh his options. He had never been one to really seek out the motorcycle before so Noah was sure he’d probably chose Eliza, and obviously drag him with. But there was always room for surprises and that exactly what the little boy did. “Three vehicles?” Jude asked looking a little quizzical until “Wait you can legally drive now!” He exclaimed jumping up and looking at Noah eyes blown wide with excitement  “That’s so cool. I wanna ride with you” Jude smiled at Noah all eyes on him. And Noah would be lying if the thought of him and his little brother in his truck didn’t cross his mind. Because despite everything Noah wanted to please Jude so bad, he just wanted to fall back into that older brother role and savor every precious moment. But he was pushing it with this whole thing, and he knew it. Because while Jude may not have noticed that the adults around him were still skeptical of him Noah did. “Maybe we can all go with Eliza this time, and on the way back to come back to pick up the bike and the truck you can ride with me.” Noah replied getting up himself and placing a hand on Jude’s shoulder, eyes darting between both of the older adults looking for support. This seemed like the best compromise, and hopefully some more time with the boy would convince the older two of what Noah knew the second he saw him. This was Jude.
Cahill had to bite his tongue to keep from saying something as soon as Jude caught on to what three vehicles meant. His gaze momentarily shifting to Eliza just long enough to catch her eye before it was back to Jude and Noah. He nodded slowly, agreeing that they'd all go in Eliza's car this time even if that was the last thing he wanted. No, correction. The last thing he wanted was Jude getting into Noah's car alone with him. Not until they knew what it was and what it wanted. "Let's head out then." He was motioning towards the door and looking back towards Eliza again, hand reaching her way with an open hand for her keys.
Eliza held her breath as soon as Jude piped up, realizing her mistake. She hadn't thought of it, but then, it struck her weird that Jude didn't even question it. Like he understood what year it was, how much time had passed, and he didn't realize he hadn't been there for all of that. She was liking the situation less and less, a really bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that continued to grow. She had to force the smile at Jude, and mouthed a 'thank you' to Noah for his suggestion. It was the best compromise they could hope for currently. She relinquished her keys to Cahill without fight, without hesitation, and fell to the rear of the group again. Seating was another issue... she didn't want the boys in the backseat with each other. She wanted some distance between them, but she had a feeling that was a battle she was going to lose. It wasn't as important as the one she'd just won, though, so she would have to take it.
Getting up Noah followed the rest of them out of the locker room, half his attention on Jude and half of his attention on the awkwardness that hung in the air around them. Because he knew this was Jude, that much was evident, but why? Why now? Why just Jude? Or were there others? And just, there were so many unanswered questions the Noah’s mind was racing. But of course it was then that Jude decided to shatter it all to bits a loud “SHOTGUN” erupting as soon as they were in sight of the black top. “Dude you don’t even know what car it is, that’s against the rules” Noah replied unable to hold back a small chuckle at the thought of poor little Jude racing down the aisles yelling at every car till he found the right one. “Well” Jude put his hands on his hips “Rules state you just have to see the car, and I assume since we are in the parking lot it is around here somewhere.” He stuck out his tongue at his brother, and Noah just rolled his eyes.
Cahill's eyes shifted back towards Jude as it all but exploded out of the building and yelled for shotgun. As much as he hated this situation, he appreciated Jude's eagerness to be in the front. It put them closest together and him most ready in case something happened. He didn't know if this was some creature impersonating Jude; someone that had spent too much time researching them and their family, or if it was his body brought back to life. Completely healed? None of it made sense, and the mere fact that were about to spend an afternoon with it set him a bit off balance. What happened when they needed to go home and had to take it with? Spend however much time with it? He couldn't kill it in front of Noah, even if it wasn't his brother, he already seemed somewhat invested. Motioning towards the car, he gave a small smile that was far from genuine. "Over there. You can go ahead and sit in front, Jude." It felt wrong, saying his name, and as soon as he had he was looking back towards the car to hide the slight expression of disapproval.
Eliza felt more relief in the moment Jude claimed shotgun than she had in possibly her entire life. She didn't trust this at all, but she saw Noah and she saw that Noah trusted what was happening. Of the three of them, he was the most positive and optimistic. It didn't matter, though... he was wrong. She had no plan outside of this. They would go get lunch... and then what? As the doors unlocked, she took a steady breath, letting Jude and Noah both get in, and then locking eyes with Cahill. Finally, she was the last to get in.
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frogmanphd-blog · 7 years
... why? Should I be nervous? 
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The food you sent was great. I even shared it with the little one. Thanks!
Oh, you are welcome.
Noah actually thanked me himself, it was quite sweet.
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dustin-parrish-blog · 7 years
cahillkalani replied to your post: Do you want pets?
Come borrow one of ours
Pretty sure that if I “borrowed” a cat you’d never see it again.
Not that I’d kill it or anything, no! I just mean I wouldn’t want to give it back. I’d love it to death, okay? But not death death. 
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scribeswhocode-blog · 7 years
Stranger Danger || Cahill & Molly
Getting out of the bend would be a luxury that Molly wasn’t sure when or if she was going to be able to afford. She was this close to just giving up and trying to figure out a way to pack all of her stuff up and move into the Scribe Headquarters. She wasn’t sure whether Mr. Hawthorne, if it was even him, would be too approving of her trying to move everything into a cramped room at work. Her television, her game systems, her desktop with accompanying desk. That wasn’t even counting the furniture she would have to find a place for. Moving out of her apartment wasn’t going to work for the time being. Not until she found a better place to live for similar rent. Money was tight enough as it was.
Molly had seen her fair share of danger in Ashkent Creek, specifically the Bend since moving in. She had witnessed a man being shot, she listened to a crime scene just waiting to unfold in the apartment building below her. Molly had been injured more than a couple times and only some of those times had been on the job. Bridget was right to worry about her safety walking to and from work in this neighborhood. But like Molly had told her and a dozen other people, right now she just didn’t have much of a choice.
She typically only spent one or two nights a week at her apartment now anyways. It was easier for her to get work done plus utilities were a lot cheaper if no one was actually around to use them. She usually tried to head to the apartment and pack a bag that would last a few nights during her break, but today she had gotten busy and never got the chance to make the trek. So the night time walk it was. Her heart raced and the palms of her hands were clenched into fists and caked with sweat. She didn’t know if the fists were some ill attempt at a precautionary self-defense or if it was just because she was stressed out and tense. The former seemed to be the answer, because when she felt the hand gripping onto her shoulder she screamed and swung around swinging.
Of course she missed, she would have been shocked if her arm actually hit its target. But the guy simply ducked out of its way and then used his free hand to grab onto her arm and shoved her body away. Her backpack being ripped off of her shoulders as she lost her footing and tumbled onto the sidewalk pavement. Molly recovered as quickly as she could, the backpack being the first and only thing on her mind. “Please. Please do not take that backpack.” Molly begged at the man. He was pale, the moonlight doing him no favors, and had dark brunette hair that connected with the beard growing along his face. The two were about the same height, him being lanky and dressed in baggy clothes contrasting her bright floral dress wrapped up in her faux coat.
“What’s so valuable in here that you don’t want me holding onto huh? Feels pretty heavy.” The dude laughed at her, started unzipping the book bag. He was barely paying her any attention and the sensible part of Molly knew that she should turn and hightail it back to her apartment. Except her keys, along with the rest of her life, were all inside that bag.
“It’s work stuff. It’s my laptop for work and some files. Please. I need that to keep my job.” It was an exaggeration, but that laptop and tablet held all of the Scribes files on it. That getting out to some random guy in the Bend could have… complications.
“A laptop and a tablet.” He laughed again, rummaging around to try to find anything else, probably looking for stuff that could fetch a decent price. “I don’t know kiddo, should your job trust some random girl too reckless to keep a hold of her bag with that kind of responsibility anyways? Maybe I’m doing them a solid.”
Molly didn’t have time to think or try to reason with him anymore. She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out the butterfly knife Forest had given to her and flipped it open, surprised by how easily it flipped out and ready. She had been practicing for situations just like this, but things rarely seemed to go her way in the heat of the moment. “Give the bag back to me or else.” She tried to say forcefully, but her voice cracked mid-sentence. The guy just started laughing at her. Honestly, Molly probably would have laughed at herself. She obviously had no idea how to actually use this thing.
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brett-tharp-tos · 7 years
I’ll buy you a coffee or something when I see you next
[ @cahillkalani ]
Oh, well thank you, and I will buy you one in return too. I hope the guy is okay. I suppose I could ask the hospital?
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
This Toasters on FIRREEEEEE | Noah & Cahill
So the night after the bonfire gets a little well heated in the Kalani household. 10/10 would not recommend possessed toasters, especially when there is a drunk @cahillkalani involved. 
Walking down the the sidewalk of their street, with Cahill’s large house looming in front of him, Noah sighed and hitched his backpack up a little higher. It was 6 in the morning. Way way too early to be up on a saturday night after a party but….well he hadn’t slept pretty much the whole night, body tossing and turning eyes glancing toward the screen of his phone. He’d texted his uncle that he was just staying the night at Marco’s after their alternative bonfire party, the couch much nicer than a late night walk home. But he’d never got a response. Which was not settling right with Noah. Because the Kailani’s were the type where when someone texted you, you answered as quickly as possible. It was a rule. None of this text or call you back three days later crap. If someone needed you, you picked up the damn phone, because you never know when that could be the last time you talked to someone. Like possibly now. Listening to the crunch of gravel as he turned into the drive Noah kept his legs at bay the urge to run up the porch steps and into the house growing stronger with every move. And it was probably good that Noah was walking because there lay a large figure in front of the door, large boy half dangling off the porch and onto the wooden steps. “Cahill?” Noah started the panic immediately setting in as he realized that his uncle was passed out outside instead of inside with the dog.
Cahill didn't drink. At least, not to excess. A beer here and there was normal, but never too much. Last night, he'd had too much. Enough that he couldn't have given an accurate count if he tried. Mixed with the weed and the excitement of the bonfire, he'd lost all energy to get in the house as soon as he'd hit the porch. His phone was likely in his pocket, but his ability to articulate sentences had dropped below normal levels and when he couldn't get the door unlocked he'd given up on doing anything but dropping into one of the chairs sitting nearby and promptly pass out. At least, he thought he'd fallen asleep in the chair. At some point, he'd taken up space on the porch itself and was blinking his eyes open at the sound of Noah's voice. It was bright. Not terribly so, but enough that he was already wincing and closing his eyes again. "Why are you in my room?"
Breathing a sigh of sweet relief as his Uncle started to speak Noah crouched down, heart pounding. He was so so scared of what he might have found here. But he would never admit it to Cahill. Never. “I am not in your room, because you are not in your room” Noah commented roughly sloughing off his backpack as he dug out his keys to the house. Cahill stunk like a college frat party, the liquor and weed practically assaulting his nostrils. God this werewolf thing sucked sometimes. Especially now, when he was being assaulted by fucking smells and could hear Haukea whining from her kennel in the living room. Poor thing must have been at it all night, knowing her alpha was out on the porch and not inside cuddling with her. Trying to shove it all down though Noah threw a hand underneath his uncle, guiding him towards any semblance of sitting position. “Alright let’s get you upright and inside ok” He murmured hoping Cahill would offer some assistance. Because if he was going to have to carry the giant 6’5’ behemoth this was going to be a rough morning. For everyone
'You are not in your room.' Cahill’s eyes opened again, brow knitted together against the heat and in confusion. No wonder it was so bright. Was he outside still? That seemed to make sense. It only took a few seconds of consciousness for him to make a couple of realizations. The first being what happened last night and why he was still on the porch. Drunk or not, he hadn't apparently been intoxicated enough to black out. That was probably good. That level of incapacitation might've been bad. The second realization, about the time that Noah started to get an arm around him to lift him up to a sitting position, was that he felt like death. Using the slight momentum that Noah had given him, he was pushing himself further forward until he was in off the porch and in the yard, catching himself from face planting into the grass with one hand. That was the point when he lost whatever it was he had eaten the night before. Wiping his mouth, he grimaced. "Fuck."
When Noah dreamt of assistance, yea well watching his uncle practically face plant off the steps and into the grass of the front lawn was not exactly what he had in mind. But it was good to know Cahill was alive at least, in some sense of the word. Especially as he took this time to empty his stomach of it’s contents. “Yea fuck is right” Noah breathed with the new scent of vomit now burying itself in his nasal passages along with the liquor and weed. God Cahill better be thankful his nephew did not have a strong gag reflex. Or else Noah probably would have lost it himself. But he held it together years of practice with the smaller kids on the football team hardening him. “But you better get it all out now before we get in the house because I am not cleaning puke out of the carpets.” He stated calmly as he walked over towards cahill again, a hand rubbing small circles against the other’s back. Pulling the hair tie from his wrist (something of which he’d started doing when he was always hanging around sasha and just forgot to stop when she left) Noah brushed back his uncle’s wild hair hair and placed it in a loose pony tail, hoping this would help, you know with the whole puking thing.
Could this be worse? Sure. Cahill could've been hungover and not at home. His phone could be dead, Noah could be worrying that he was in a ditch somewhere, and he'd be stranded. But all that aside, this was pretty bad. Being hungover was a new experience. One he hadn't felt since he was in his far younger days. After a few seconds and a mental affirmation of where he was, he nodded slightly. The act of nodding hurt and he all but growled at the sensation. "I'm fine now." He glanced back at his nephew and frowned. "Where have you been?" He asked. Indignation was far from justifiable given his current situation, but the concern was there if nothing else. "You weren't home."
Glancing down at the behemoth as he started to come around a bit more Noah just rubbed gentle circles into his back. His uncle didn’t usually get this wasted, so there must be something amiss. Something he was probably not going to ask about and something that Cahill would never tell willingly. Because that was just their life, suppressing feelings, one emotion at a time. Sighing though as his uncle had the nerve to treat him like a child when he was the one passed out in the yard Noah “I was at Marco’s with the guys, which you would have known if you checked your phone like 18 hours ago.” He replied trying to keep the bite out of his own voice. Because it would do no good to point out the hypocrisy of whatever the hell this was now, while his uncle still sat on the front lawn.
Obviously, Cahill had very little room to critique anyone's decisions here. Not when he had just thrown up over the front lawn and spent his night sleeping on his porch. It was less anger, because he hardly expected anyone to be at the house all the time, and more worry. Somewhere in the back of his alcohol riddled brain, he knew that Noah was going to be out all night. It made sense. Made sense why no one answered the door when he pounded a few times. Tapping at his pockets, he was frowning again. "Fuck." Pulling out his phone, it wasn't surprising to see that it was dead. "Sorry. I knew that." Pushing himself up off the ground with some effort, he pointed towards the door and closed his eyes as much as he could while still being able to see in front of him. "Can you talk quieter, too?"
Looking over at the screen as the giant tried to turn his cellphone one on Noah sighed a little. Of course it was dead, which was why his uncle never returned his text. Typical. Pushing it to the side though Noah huffed at his next request. “No can do.” Noah replied following his uncle’s path upwards reflexes at the ready in case cahill needed him. “You know the rules, if you are dumb enough to be hungover in this house you are dumb enough to live with the consequences.” He continued with a smirk, karma being oh such a bitch for Cahill now that the shoe was on the other foot. Softening a little though at the look of his Uncle (he looked like literal hell in a handbasket) Noah reached out an arm for support “But yea lets get you inside with some water and some proper food ok.”
Cahill's response to Noah denial of his request was nothing short of a snarl, lip curling and disapproval clear on his face. It was discomfort more than anger that fueled it. It'd been years since he'd last been hungover and he didn't miss the feeling. Now that he was sobering, and the only remaining effects of the liquor was a pounding headache and a dry mouth, he hated it. Every second of it. Despite that, there was a part of him that almost wanted to crack open another bottle and down the contents. There was nearly a constant loop of last night in his head, up until the point that he stopped noticing his surroundings. He hated that too. He had more control than that. What if something else had happened? What if it'd been his fault because he'd let himself get so drunk he was useless? He managed to get himself back up the stairs of the porch without Noah's help, but he hesitated at the door and instead was moving to sit back in the porch chair. He sighed as he sat, hand running over his face. "I'll be fine." The tone was less than convincing. "How was your bonfire?"
Relishing the look on Cahill’s face when he realized his nephew was going to poke at least a few bits of fun at him, Noah bit back his laughter. Because yea that would be a little cruel. Stopping at the front door though Noah dug out his keys from his pocket, figuring he’d be helpful and at least open the door for his uncle. “You will drink water and force something down your throat before you pass out again so help me god Cahill” He barked looking around to find Cahill had sat down in a porch chair. Lord they were never getting into the house at this rate. “And my bonfire was good. Though I just walked a mile back home so I need like 12 cups of coffee stat” He said swinging the door wide open the  sound of Haukea’s whining filling his ears.
He could sleep for a million years. Maybe that was an exaggeration, but as soon as he was sitting he was certain he didn't want to get back up. Cahill looked up at Noah and instantly regretted it. Looking up meant moving his eyes and moving his eyes meant the feeling of knives in the back of his head. Why did people drink? "Yeah, yeah." He practically whispered it. Even that sounded like a cannon in his head. Fuck. The cannon reminded him of the raffle, which reminded him of Dave. Had he killed the little thing already? Sitting up with a jolt, which sent a fierce pain through his skull, he looked around. The little bag sat on the end table, and the fact that Dave wasn't smashed on the yard was a relief. "Fuck." He managed to get back to his feet again, he was groaning and looking to Noah. Moving his eyes was the worst. "Coffee." Cahill parroted, scooping Dave's bag up, the small hedgehog inside. "Coffee's good."
Walking through the front door, Noah was surprised when Cahill picked up a small bag. “What is that?” He asked not even knowing if he really wanted to know. Because what the profoundly drunk pick up along their journey and why was always the biggest mystery of the morning. Moving over to Haukea’s kennel he unlocked it the grateful puppy exploding at him. Poor thing had been in there all night, but luckily for Noah she had not had an accident. “Did you miss me? Did you miss me?” Noah cooed feeling her practically vibrating with excitment “Alright let’s get you outside to go potty while I put on some coffee for Uncle Cahill.” Noah continued throwing open the door to the back porch for her and making his way over towards the kitchen, hoping that Cahill was following alright. “What roast did you want?” He called after the other man as he pulled out his beloved  french press.
Moving still hurt, and even more so when he had to change the way he was looking. Cahill was amazed at how easily the pain in his head doubled by something as simple as a shift of his gaze. When he looked towards Noah, he was frowning a bit; more from the pain than the question. "It's Dave. Uh--that hedgehog that I won." Clearly not the full extent of the explanation, like why he had Dave in a bag and why that bag was pink and why he was carrying it around. But Noah hadn't asked for the answers to all those questions and Cahill wasn't feeling particularly giving when it came to volunteering his own information. He moved into the kitchen ahead of Noah, setting the small bag on the counter and unzipping it so Dave could peek out more if he felt inclined. As of late, the critter seemed perfectly content to stay where it was warm and safe. Running both hands over his face, Cahill made an attempt to scrub the memories of the night before from his mind and bring himself back to the present. "Whatever works."
Filling their electric kettle with water Noah went about preparing for coffee getting out all of the necessary things. Glancing over at Cahill though Noah could help the surprise on his face when he looked at the bag, now wriggling slightly “You won a hedgehog?” Noah asked mind instantly racing. Because who give away animals as raffle prizes? That like… soo not good. For the new owner or the animal. But he guessed it was good that Dave came home with Cahill, and to a loving home with a veterinary student. “Ok let me get some food going and then I can take a look at him, and then go get him some food.” Taking out bread Noah placed a few slices in the toaster without really thinking about it, mind now trying to remember what hedgehogs even ate.
Shaking his head, an action he immediately regretted for the shuddering pain it sent down his neck, Cahill shrugged. "Yeah. I don't know, I didn't realize they were giving away animals." His own sentiments matched Noah's. As much as he liked the idea of adding more pets to the house, he didn't like the idea of any sort of festival giving animals away. Unless it was a ten center goldfish or something like that. At least the two of them would make sure it was fed and taken care of. Which mostly meant that Noah would make sure it was healthy and Cahill would give it the rest of the love and affection that a man could give a hedgehog. Raking his fingers through his hair, he could feel some sand still caught in it. He'd need a shower soon. Coffee first. Sleep, probably. More water than he currently had him in. With a sigh, he was looking towards the back door where Haukea had pranced out. Coffee and toast. Both of those sounded good right now.
“Well that’s a little sketchy but luckily he’s got us now” Noah muttered as he went about fininshing up all the preparations. Letting the kettle and the toaster do it’s thing Noah doled out the grounds into the press and placed the coffee cups on the counter. A red sox one for him and paw shaped one for cahill, just the way it should be. Smiling slightly Noah grabbed another glass filling this one with water from the fridge before depositing it in front of his uncle. “All of that needs to be gone before you go back to sleep. Now lets see the little fella” Noah looked at the bag expectantly knowing that it would be better to do this while Haukea was still occupied with her potty break.
Cahill nodded, moving the bag on the counter slightly closer to Noah without disrupting Dave too much. He'd probably have to work on his naming skills soon. With Dave and then Cat, people were going to start thinking he was uncreative. Which was true, but that didn't mean he had to flaunt it. As Noah exchanged a glass of water for the bag that Dave was comfortable nested in, Cahill was picking it up and downing nearly half of it in one go. He hadn't realized how thirsty he was until he started drinking. Then, just like that, he was dropping it, glass shattering when it hit the floor and water spilling everywhere. It'd been knee-jerk reaction. An instinct as soon as there was a burst of fire in the corner of his eye and without thinking he was shoving Noah as far away from the counter as he could. Fire. So much fucking fire. He was too hungover for this. Pulling the cord from the wall, his first instinct was to simply bat the toaster into the sink and turn on the water. Maybe not the best reaction, but clear thinking was far from obtainable.
The smell was what registered first for Noah, that live dangerous smell of well just burning materials that shouldn’t be burning as he stuck his hand out for the poor terrified creature in the small pet carrier bag. Next came the sound of glass breaking against something as Noah turned toward the commotion, but it was then the large body next to him shoved him out of the way as a mysterious wall of flames burst forth from the… damn demon toaster that he had started to use. Cursing himself for not being more aware of what he had been doing Noah scooped up Dave and threw his carrier (sorry Dave) onto the couch in the living room where he hoped the poor creature would be safe. Thinking in that split second Noah rushing in grabbing the washing hose to the sink. Flipping the sink on Noah took aim at anything and everything in the toasters general direction hoping this would help.
"Jesus Christ." The curse came out under his breath, and as soon as Noah had taken hold of the hose for the sink, Cahill was stepping back until there was the crunching of glass under his boots and his back found the wall opposite the sink. The flames were extinguished rather quickly, having nothing to keep them alight once they were dowsed under water. He was thankful he'd thought to rip the plug from the wall first or they might've had bigger issues to deal with. Running back hands over his face, he was leaning forward in attempt to catch his breath. Breathing. Keep breathing. God, what the hell was happening? He felt like there was a weight on his chest and his lungs were collapsing in on themselves. The pounding in his head only made it worse and he wasn't sure if he wanted to drop to the ground or go for a run but he had an uncontrollable level of... Of something. Something that made his heart race and his hands shake. When he finally breathed out a reply, he wasn't sure if he was saying it for his own benefit or Noah's. "I think I'm dying."
Of course it was at this crazy moment Haukea came back into the house barking her head off tail in the attack position “KEA NO BARK” Noah yelled hoping his dog had enough sense to stay away from the flames as he directed water toward them. But of course her loyalty to him won out, little muzzle gripping at his pant leg trying to get him to move. Keeping the spray on the fire Noah held his ground until it was out, enduring the pups pulling. Letting the adrenaline course through him for a moment Noah put the hose back in place before kneeling to pet Kea’s fur “Hey it’s ok, I’m ok, we are both ok” he murmured kissing the top of her head as she whined her little puppy whine at him.  But that sense of relief was short lived as his uncle’s words floated in through his mind. “Shit” Noah muttered turning to look at Cahill, the other man’s chest starting to heave unevenly. He wasn’t quite sure what was up but it didn’t look good.
"Am I having a heart attack? I think this is a heart attack." Was he too young for that? Cahill was reminded, then, by a little voice in the back of his head that sounded an awful lot like Eliza's that even though he acted like a child, he was still forty goddamned years old. Not what he needed at the moment, but it was there nonetheless. "Shit." He took another few heaving breaths as he dropped his hands to his knees and let his head hang. "I'm gonna die right here. Forty years of stupid shit and I die in my kitchen with a hangover." It was a bit of fatalism, but he couldn't get himself to stop panting in how he was breathing and his hands felt shaky and uneasy. After a second, he was shaking them out, flexing and unflexing his fingers in hopes that it would help. It didn't. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking up at Noah as his brow furrowed. He hadn't been burned, had he? Again, the images of the night before flashed through his mind and his frown deepened.
Biting back a burned toast joke (definitely too soon) Noah came closer to Cahill crouching down to look at his uncle, hand on one of his wrist. Rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, fatalism and negativity, this wasn’t a heart attack this more like a panic attack. Something of which Noah was very very familiar with. Hearing Haukea whine next to him Noah grabbed her and place her in his uncle lap “I’m fine Cahill, but you good sir are most likely having a panic attack” He said gently looking at his uncle with a mixture of seriousness and love. “So give Kea a few good strokes to ground yourself, and then we’ll start some breathing exercises ok.” He nodded hoping that Cahill would allow Noah to take the lead this once.
If there was one thing that Cahill loved, aside from Noah, it was animals. Specifically, ones that actually liked to be loved. Not that he wasn't a fan of Mele, but she was a little bitch sometimes and rarely wanted to be petted. Haukea, on the other hand, was quick to happily accept the position on Cahill's lap and he was running a hand over the dog to calm her (himself?) down. Holy shit. His head was still pounding and the fact that his heart was beating out of his chest, in time with the thudding in his temples, did not help. "Fuck..." The word was breathed out and he was closing his eyes, head hanging forward and very nearly resting on Kea. "I think I'm going to throw up again."
Looking over at his uncle, Noah hoped it was going ok, and he hoped that giving him Haukea was the right thing to do. Some people liked space after all when they were having a panic attack, but he doubted that was Cahill’s MO. Coming over toward him Noah sat down and placed his back up against the counter making sure he was close but not too close. “Well if you need to, the floor is there” Noah replied gently pointing to the floor over there, praying to god that the big man didn’t somehow end up vomiting all over himself, or the dog. “But hopefully once we breathe together that will pass. Do you think you could breathe with me for a couple counts?” He asked glancing over towards his uncle.
As Noah moved closer, motioning towards the floor if he needed to throw up, Cahill was sliding his back down the wall until he hit the ground. Haukea seemed happy at the switch, as it allowed her the freedom to push up closer to him if she wanted. God, why was Noah still talking so loud? Sitting helped, plus the dog, plus the fact that the headache took away from most other sensations in his body, including the panic. "Yeah, yeah. But, aspirin. That. Lots." Full sentences would come later, for now it was good enough. He was shifting again as he said it, moving so that he was laying on the hardwood floor, arm coming up to drape over his face. Half to protect against the light and half to keep Haukea, now excited by the prospect of his face close enough to reach, from licking him too much. "I'm never drinking again."
“Yea. Thats what they all say” Noah chuckled slightly before settling up against the counter a little better “But anyway you can only have Asprin after you get your breathing back in order.” Noah replied watching his uncle sink even lower to the floor. And it was hard to watch from the other side now, Noah sitting still and quiet, when he remembered so vividly panic attacks that he used to have. But the most important thing he had learned from his years of therapy is while you feel like you feel like you might pass out, or you feel like you’d never be normal again, it was just that. A feeling. And even when it felt like you would feel this way forever, they eventually passed, the always did. So placing a hand on Cahill’s thigh Noah patted his uncle gently. “Alright let’s start with a 3 count. So In one, two, three” Noah started in a soothing voice, looking over to see if Cahill was following.
"Fuck." With his hands still running through Kea's fur, Cahill was matching Noah's breathing and letting his head lean back until it was rested against the wall. Closing his eyes, he managed a few good breaths and tried to bring his mind back to the present. After a pause, he glanced back towards the sink. No more flames from the toaster, which was good. He closed his eyes again, sighing. "There was a guy on fire at the bonfire."
“Out one two three” Noah murmured watching his uncle again. He couldn’t tell if the big man was actually calming down or not, but Noah figured he’d do a couple mores cycles just ot be sure. Especially after his uncle’s latest confession. “Shiiiiitttttttit” Noah breathed out in between it all trying to wrap his head around it. Maybe it was a good thing he hadn’t been at the big bonfire after all. “Did he make it?” He asked quietly trying to fit all the pieces together. Fire was a new one for them, but Noah knew from experience that it didn’t take much to send him back to that horrible day.
Shit. That was a fairly accurate way to portray the situation. He could think of a few other choice words, but those were kept in for the moment. "Yeah." Cahill simply agreed instead. It was shit. With a shrug, he groaned a bit and closed his eyes. There was too much happening in the last few minutes--last few hours, really--for him to be in the state he was in. "I don't know. He was talking still when the ambulance showed up." That was probably a good sign? He wasn't sure. He'd have to check in with Eliza later to see how he was later or if she knew anything; if he wasn't mistaken, she was working the night before. "I drank a lot after that. Too much after that."
“Well that is a good sign” Noah murmured reaching over to stroke Kea’s back a little. Nodding and feeling very very familiar with the whole ‘i drank too much after a traumatic event sentiment Noah patted his uncle again, unable to keep his need to be affectionate at bay. “Understandable, though-” He paused trying to figure out how to say what he was going to say next “Are you like ok or?” Noah shrugged out hoping his uncle would read between the lines. Because he knew from experience it was hard to ask for help after a triggering event, and harder even to admit that you might need it to keep from going back to that dark place.
Cahill wanted to sleep for the next forty-eight hours, and then some. As soon as Noah was patting his back and silence fell between them, he felt the awkwardness of sitting on the floor of their kitchen. He'd been the one that had just about lost his mind for a minute, there was a smoldering toaster in their sink, and his head felt like an entire drumline was beating against his temple. As soon as Noah was asking him if he was okay, he was waving it off. "I'm fine. My head, though." As he said it, he was giving Kea room to get off his lap and pushing himself up. "I'm going to go sleep this off. Next time I want to drink this much, kill me before I do." As he said it, he grabbed a glass to get water and headed down the hall to sleep in his actual bed.
Looking at his uncle Noah felt that it was more of a dismissal of the subject than a disinterest in talking  but he didn’t have the heart to push any further. Cahill had never been the talk your problems out kind of person, so why would he ever start now? “Ok, well I’m going to clean this up, throw out the toaster and then probably sleep a little too” Noah answered with a nod looking out over their mess of a kitchen. “So sweet dreams” he called out to his Uncle watching with a bit more concern as the man padded down the hall. But luckily for the both of them he made it without a problem, which was a relief to say the least. 
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
cahillkalani replied to your photo: Noah’s Instagram Feed (x) kingkalani: we gained a...
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
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Accidentally sent to everyone on Noah’s contact list (including thedustbowl and pineappleprincess)
@cahillkalani @dustin-parrish
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frogmanphd-blog · 7 years
[pm] Do you have a working washing machine?
[pm] Is this one of those pranks Yeah, why?
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
[user sighs audibly at his phone]
[pm] Dave as a hedgehog species can have mites and fleas, yes, but unless he has some sort of weird strain they are mostly hedgehog specific. Meaning he will not transfer anything to me, you, the cats, or the dog. But all of this is highly unlikely to begin with considering I checked him out the moment you got him to make sure he was healthy. So unless he just developed a mite problem I was unaware of, he does not have mites, fleas, or lice. 
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
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Noah’s Instagram Feed (x)
kingkalani: but first #coffee
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
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sent to pineappleprincess
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
[pm] No Dave is not going to give us lice
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 8 years
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Noah and Cahill Kalani, a moodboard (4/?)
“Ohana means family.  Family means no one gets left behind, or forgotten.”
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
[pm] I think I got asked out on a date but all I wanted to do was tell someone how good funnel cake is. Now what do I do?
[pm] Well if you want to be on a date ask them if this is a date so that way each party is clear about the intentions. If you don’t want it to be a date just go with the flow then and if things start taking a turn for the romantic calmly tell them you wanted to just be friends and take it from there. Its really all about communicating your expectations. Also i expect you to bring me back funnel cake 
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