malka-lisitsa · 3 months
💋 from peeta bc he baby
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
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"Have we met....."
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"Whatever you're cute, you can have a kiss."
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shemad · 3 months
" it's a good look on you. you should get covered in blood more often. " / nico’s insane actually
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ㅤㅤshe wipes the blade off on the victim's shirt, upper lip curling slightly in annoyance at her unwanted peanut gallery. just how and why she's been saddled with this giant thorn in her side is beyond her, but she's nothing if not adaptable. so she just smiles sweetly, tipping the absurdly large hunting knife back to rest it lightly against her bicep. anyone who didn't know better might believe the innocence in the softness of her smile, but the dark glint to her eyes and the blood splattered on her form clearly belie that. ❛ aw, thanks so much, handsome. you know, if you come close enough, i can ensure we both leave here covered in blood. ❜ lips still curled up at the corners, she lifts her eyebrows expectantly, as if daring him to approach.
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nuks · 4 months
‘ don’t look at me like that.’ / kitty from jen ✉️ random dialogue starters: accepting ! ˖*
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          There's no way Kitty's going to stop giving Jennifer her classic puppy-dog-eyed stare... Not when Kitty so desperately wants to go to a party tonight.     ❛❛   C'mon! It'll be so fun!   ❜❜     Kitty admonishes, sticking her glossed lower lip out and batting her long lashes as she takes one of Jennifer's hands in both of her own.     ❛❛   And you should definitely let me do your makeup.   ❜❜     She adds, smirking before she's fluttering her eyelashes again, holding Jennifer's hand up to Kitty's chest as she pouts.     ❛❛   You need to unwind a little, Jenny. You've been extremely tense lately, babe.   ❜❜ @cairoes
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neptunc · 5 months
“You don’t know what you want.” / pacey x joey
𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓼 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓼
“You don’t know what you want.”
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"no— you see," pacey cuts himself off with a chuckle and a shake of his head. he was already nervous to even put his feelings out there in the first place, but now with her using her usual joey-esque defensive side, he was beginning to get IRRITATED. especially with the whole will-they-won't-they energy that's been surrounding them recently. he knew exactly what she was hesitant about, he's always known, but he wasn't about to mention his name and blow this conversation sky high. "i, in fact, DO know what i want, jo. i put it out there, plain and simple." his sarcasm bit the air between them. his own defense mechanism. "you don't know what YOU want. i'm trying my hardest to be civil here, but i gotta say— it's not easy."
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inxspacetime · 6 months
“Would it help if I stayed?” / chandler to joey
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Nightmares & Sleeping Meme
Group trips were always the best! It wasn’t easy syncing up six different schedules, so it wasn’t often they got away as a group (that wasn’t a case of emergency. And Joey loved every part of it. He loved the traveling, he loved the going out; whether it be to make a fool of himself at the club or to terrorize the streets being the most annoying tourist the city they visited ever saw. But there was always a period towards the end of the trip where his mood took a bit of a dip. It was a feeling he could never quite shake, no matter how big or how old he got. And that was the feeling of homesickness.
He was out on balcony connected to his hotel room. He was lost in thought as, staring blankly the little remnants of life still flickering across the sleepy town they were staying in. - The fact that this place couldn’t look any more different from the busy city he was used to certainly didn’t help the knot in his stomach. He barely noticed when the owner of the neighboring room stepped onto his own balcony, he only did when he heard the flicker of a lighter break the silence he sat in.
He blinked a few times before his eyes focused on his roommate. A look of shook, a tad overreacted as he usually did, fell across his features at the sight. “I’d jump over there and swat that thing out of your hand if I didn’t think I’d fall with it.” The conversation that followed was light, playful, typical for the pair. Chandler eventually put the cigarette out and joined him in his room. That was when he got into what was really on his mind. He wasn’t going to say anything at first, not wanting to sour the mood of the trip for anyone else. But he was never the type to keep a secret, and that was especially true when it came to Chandler. 
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A bit ironic, considering how great the other was at opening up. But while he did have his moments where he did still act quite Chandler-ish, they’ve always had a close bond that usually overpowered the icks he had around that sort of thing. The solution he offered may have surprised anyone else, but Joey shouldn’t have expected any less from his roommate. The two had each other’s backs far beyond the point of rational - though, Chandler was never afraid to call him out on his dumber ideas. But that night he seemed to take pity on Joey. Pity that he’d gladly accept.
“I think it’d help a lot,” he admitted. He smiled, perhaps the widest it’s been that night. But then a look of playful defeat fell across tan features. “This means I’m gonna have to sleep in my underwear, doesn’t it?”
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enchaentd · 2 months
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nick loves her sm :(
are you allie’s type? (probablyyyy!!!!), always accepting!  ˎˊ˗
ADORE THEM!!! she will try to get him to warm up to nature sm don't even try
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shadowbrn · 3 months
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❝ is there any way we can talk about what happened? ❞
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@cairoes ( peeta ) liked this post for a starter.
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viktere · 3 months
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ㅤㅤit's a rare outing to herself, momentarily free of the suffocating, watchful eye of her family. she breathes deeply of the fresh air, only able to find peace in these moments of solitude. she'll likely face some sort of wrath upon returning home, but that's a price she's willing to pay. she turns to continue her walk, but before she can decide where to go next, her gaze collides with another. it's a familiar blue, framed by dark locks. the sight sends a zing of recognition through her, and she feels herself drawn to her, as if being reeled toward her with an invisible line. her feet are moving before she realizes it, placing her directly before the other, little smile lifting the corners of her lips. ❛ are you out enjoying a walk, too? ❜ she asks, voice soft and polite as always.
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@cairoes, sc.
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elenaes · 3 months
❛  what else have you hidden from me?  ❜ / klaus hehe
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ㅤㅤtalking with klaus always feels like playing a chess game she's unprepared for, with unknown stakes that she likely can't afford to lose. but she also doesn't want to let her fear of him run her life, or hand him more power over her. ( deep down, she knows that's impossible for her to prevent, but she can do nothing other than to continue to rail against the inexorable. ) her mind races as she tries to figure out what he already knows, and if this is some sort of game or test he's giving her. she feels like a trapped bird, metaphorical wings fluttering against the cage of her mind as her heartrate picks up. she doesn't want to tell him anything, a surge of defiance suddenly rushing through her. ❛  if i hid it before, why would i tell you now? is it secret sharing hour, or something? ❜
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hellsurvivr · 4 months
@cairoes continued from [ x ]
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           ❛  yep 'm the oldest, so ergo the boss by default ....   ❜ she grins cheekily   ━   as she looks at her cousin.   a fact she states as though there was a huge age difference between the two, there wasn't really. but it was enough to make her protective of him. hence the many times she wanted to kick klaus' ass. (    and would if it wouldn't also give away her true nature!    )    turning, she grabs a beer, popping off the lid and placing it in front of her cousin. before leaning against the bar, an eyebrow raised in his direction. ❛   now that's cleared up. tell me what's crawled up your ass and made ya so damn moody........ !   ❜ 
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malka-lisitsa · 6 months
@cairoes liked for Tyler
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"I have no clue why you have such a problem with me. I made you better. I gave you a life that meant something past peaking in highschool as a hot headed jock. Plus the enemy of your enemy is supposed to be your friend. Given that we both hate Klaus...."
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luckhissoul · 4 months
cont'd from ( here ) - @cairoes
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he lets out a breath as he lowers his eyes from her. he's not entirely what to say to her though. because she seems almost hopeful, doesn't she? so he plays it light. it's easy to do that. to make it all seem like it's really not that big of a deal. and maybe it's not? maybe he'll be able to sort through some of it before things get out of hand. but light, does it have to fall on him to do it? leave it to mat cauthon to get all twisted up in this. "it's not that.." he says with a small shake of his head. "i'm saying maybe you ought to give it a rest. just for a little bit."
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raehs · 5 months
" you know what you are, @cairoes? difficult. really difficult. " with hands on her hips, there's a smile at the corners of her mouth. poe was maddening, and he was one of her closest friends.
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poe dameron / sc.
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neptunc · 5 months
“ it’s too late for me. ” / mase to daws
“ it’s too late for me. ”
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the words no it's not were itching to come out of his mouth before reality hit. he was sat here, on a swing set in the middle of the night, talking to a ghost. the ghost of his SOULMATE. anyone out on a late night stroll would think he's a nutcase speaking to himself. maybe he was. "don't say that." is all he seemed to muster, his hands gripping the swing chains until it hurt. after speaking directly to mason all night, now he couldn't muster the courage to look at him. he felt better living in his little fantasy world where he still existed, but he ALWAYS had to try and bring him back to earth. he couldn't face it.
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zegalba · 11 months
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Anubis & Horus spotted having tea in Cairo (2006)
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enchaentd · 3 months
permanent new bloggie starter call, always accepting!  ˎˊ˗             featuring;  @cairoes ♡
        she presents him with her pretty,   ribbon tied picnic blanket,   as he helps her lay out the blanket.   she bounces on her toes,   giggling and giddy.   she has been since they planned this,   and planning being such a loose word,   as always with allie,   but she’d been looking forward to it for what feels like forever,   and has probably hugged and kissed nick at least a million times since she’s seen him. 
        “ everything just seems so much more magical when you’re here. ”   she tells him,   earnestly,   blinking up at him with so much love in her eyes.   she brought out a pretty purple blanket,   lavender patterned,   because it reminds her of him.   he’s just so lovely like that.   enchanting,   dark,   mysterious,   and a little sleepy,   she thinks.   in a way that makes him perfect to cuddle.   she smoothes out the blanket with gentle hands,   chattering on as she does.   “ okay,   what do you wanna start with? are you hungry? ”
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