#cal is not your ramona flowers
slugsby-pt2 · 1 month
(this is specifically for u @violetspetal )
andre is the cutter in the army of two. I know we all wanna headcannon! Cal as that because he’s Dylan’s counterpart but no. In my heart of hearts, this guy is not depressed in the way he hates himself and has to punish himself. He hates the world and having to be apart of society, a society that’s so cruel and wrong.
Andre’s different. Cal and Andre are quite alike in the sense that they hate everyone and want to die, but Andre hates himself for not being accepted, for not being normal enough to be liked. He probably hates Rachel because of this reason. Andre knows that him and Cal are one and the same—with Cal being more disturbed than him—and he can’t have Rachel. He doesn’t want her but what she symbolizes. Passing. Normality. Having someone that isn’t afraid of you and likes you even if you’re a bit “weird”.
Sure, I’m probably reading into Eric’s diaries way too much when it comes to Andre, but Andre hates the world and himself for not being accepted and liked. Andre probably tried really hard to make friends and be seen as normal coded in elementary and middle school, and by the time he met Cal, he realized no matter what he could do, he’d never pass. He found Cal and saw himself in him. (The reason why Andre has Cal.)
But yeah, Andre sees himself as the problem and world also as the problem. He’s too “woke” (not in the general sense but in the way that he “sees the world for how it really is”) and self aware to be like everyone else. He’s going to punish the world (the shooting) and himself (the cutting and his death).
Other headcanons:
Andre is really ritualistic and particular about his sessions. It’s always the same way, even when he’s freaking out and pissed as all hell. Turns on a movie, some kind of background noise, locks his door and gets his tools (specific army knife that he’s had since he was 12, and gauze and antiseptic spray).
he isn’t like those cutters that just free bleed and trust they won’t get an infection, even though their bed is dirty and they don’t shower enough (me, I’m talking about me). He runs everything precise and well planned.
He thinks wrist cutters are stupid attention seekers and keeps it to his upper thighs, ankles, and a specific part of his chest (track eliminates a lot of potential areas). He makes fun of cutters even though he does it.
Also, Cal knows about it and is kind of concerned, but doesn’t want to interfere. He probably brought it up to Andre once and Andre raged and basically shittily gaslit Cal into dropping the subject.
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