deathbeckons · 4 years
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Malcolm and Damien grew up together, were best friends all throughout childhood and grew into more as time moved on. Approximately seven years ago, Malcolm disappeared. He knew how Damien felt about the supernatural, especially vampires, and now he was one. What was the point in staying around? Even if there was feelings there, Damien would just want to put an end to him -- or that’s what he thought. He couldn’t face it, and he couldn’t risk hurting the man he had such deep feelings for, so he went into hiding.
In hiding he built his way up. He quickly found his control and came out of the fledgling stage. He soon knew he wanted to be on the Overlord’s good side, though have his own freedoms; he aims high, helping with the other fledglings like requested but still, ge’s his own person, his own vampire. Of course, he’d do what it took to protect his species but even Malcolm had limits. 
When he left Damien, it was like his emotions shut off and he became a different person. He was bound to his word by his Maker, and they definitely liked to take some advantage over that but Malcolm wouldn’t let himself be played, and he absolutely refused to give anything about Damien up. He realises that now, once he sees the human again, it might be difficult but he can’t show that weakness for fear of his Maker taking advantage or losing the control he’d worked so hard to gain. 
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deathbeckons · 4 years
NAME: Yoren Kaelstrom AGE: 32 GENDER/PRONOUNS: TRANSMALE, HE/HIM & THEY/THEM SPECIES: Werewolf ROLE: Alpha (Kaelstrom pack) FC: Elliot Page
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Yoren was born into the lifestyle, though he had a lot of making up to do for his family. Their father had disgraced their name, made the wolves who he was supposed to lead and protect question if the Kaelstrom’s were even capable of doing that anymore. Yoren couldn’t stand by and watch that happen. Whilst there was a blood connection between him and his father, Yoren truly believes that they are all one and he did what he had to do for the betterment of the pack. Casting out their father was hard, fighting him was harder, but he won and he was exiled. Wolves had died because of him, but Yoren was the complete opposite, fiercely protective and would always be there for every single one of the wolves they were lucky enough to have part of his pack. 
Don’t mistake their kindness for weakness though; he has already shown the lengths he will go to for the Kaelstrom pack and he will do it again if he needs to. Yoren lets no one take advantage of them, even when playing diplomat with other packs and species, careful of their words yet meaning everything that comes from his lips. They see him as nothing to be scared of, as somewhat harmless because that’s the image he likes to put forth until their harsher more primal side is needed. He will speak up for all the wolves, but most importantly his pack and herself. Always.
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