#calatrava oviedo
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Plaza de la Constitución, Oviedo (No. 2)
El Fontán Market (17th-18th centuries). A simple but rather monumental complex; an 18th-century porticoed square, which housed the vegetable market. It fell victim to speculative manoeuvres. It was left to deteriorate on its own; claiming that it was beyond repair, it was then demolished in 1998 and rebuilt offering all modern amenities, but with its original proportions radically changed; the original complex being much lower than its modern replacement. Casas del Cuitu, early 20th century Art Nouveau apartment building.
Palacio de Congresos de Oviedo projected by Santiago Calatrava.
Church of San Tirso, or the Church of Saint Thyrsus, is located south west of the main cathedral. Only the east end of the church can trace its roots to Alfonso II's reign, with the rest of the church created during the 14th century. The triple arcaded window and east wall are the only portions of the church made during the early 9th century.
Camposagrado Palace built in 1728 and 1744 combining baroque and neo-classical architectures. It is presently the home of the Regional Court of Asturias.
Source: Wikipedia
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lgdeantonio · 2 months
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Arquitectos en el norte de España
Los arquitectos en el norte de España, una región conocida por su diversidad geográfica y cultural, juegan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo y conservación del entorno construido. La arquitectura en esta área es variada, reflejando tanto influencias históricas como innovaciones modernas. A continuación, se presenta un análisis detallado de la arquitectura en el norte de España, destacando regiones clave, estilos arquitectónicos, profesionales influyentes y desafíos contemporáneos.
Contexto Regional
El norte de España incluye varias comunidades autónomas, cada una con sus propias características culturales y arquitectónicas:
Arquitectura Vernácula: Las casas tradicionales gallegas, conocidas como "pazos" y "casas de aldea", están construidas principalmente con piedra y tienen techos de teja o pizarra.
Modernismo y Contemporáneo: Santiago de Compostela y A Coruña son ejemplos de ciudades donde la arquitectura moderna coexiste con monumentos históricos. Arquitectos como César Portela han contribuido significativamente a la arquitectura contemporánea de la región.
Patrimonio Histórico: Oviedo y Gijón tienen una rica herencia arquitectónica que incluye iglesias prerrománicas como Santa María del Naranco y San Miguel de Lillo.
Arquitectura Industrial: La reconversión de antiguas fábricas y espacios industriales en centros culturales y comerciales es una tendencia creciente.
Arquitectura Tradicional: Las casas montañesas del estudio de arquitectura cantabria, con su distintiva balconada de madera y tejados a dos aguas, son comunes en la región.
Proyectos Contemporáneos: El Centro Botín en Santander, diseñado por Renzo Piano, es un ejemplo de arquitectura moderna en Cantabria.
País Vasco
Modernismo y Vanguardismo: Bilbao es un referente mundial con el Museo Guggenheim, diseñado por Frank Gehry, que ha sido un catalizador para la transformación urbana de la ciudad.
Arquitectura Sostenible: El País Vasco ha adoptado prácticas de construcción sostenible y diseño urbano, con proyectos como la regeneración de la ría de Bilbao.
Arquitectos y Estudios Destacados
Santiago Calatrava
Conocido por sus diseños innovadores y estructuralmente complejos, Calatrava ha dejado su huella en varias ciudades del norte de España. Su obra en Bilbao y Oviedo destaca por su combinación de arte e ingeniería.
Rafael Moneo
Moneo, un arquitecto Galicia galardonado con el Premio Pritzker, ha diseñado edificios emblemáticos en el norte de España, incluyendo la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles en Asturias.
Francisco Mangado
Con proyectos destacados en Galicia, Mangado es conocido por su enfoque en la integración del entorno natural y urbano, utilizando materiales locales y técnicas sostenibles.
Cesar Portela
Arquitecto gallego con una larga trayectoria en proyectos que respetan el entorno natural y cultural, Portela ha diseñado desde viviendas hasta grandes infraestructuras.
Estilos Arquitectónicos
Prerrománico y Románico
Asturias: Ejemplos notables incluyen Santa María del Naranco y San Miguel de Lillo, que datan del siglo IX y son Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
Gótico y Renacentista
Catedrales y Monasterios: La Catedral de Santiago de Compostela en Galicia es uno de los ejemplos más impresionantes del gótico español.
Influencias Catalanas: Aunque el modernismo está más asociado con Cataluña, su influencia se extiende al norte de España, especialmente en ciudades como Bilbao y San Sebastián.
Contemporáneo y Vanguardista
Leon: El Museo Guggenheim es el ejemplo de arquitecto Leon más destacado, pero también hay otros edificios modernos que han transformado el paisaje urbano.
Desafíos Contemporáneos
La arquitectura sostenible es una prioridad en el norte de España. Los arquitectos están adoptando prácticas que incluyen el uso de materiales reciclados, eficiencia energética y diseño pasivo.
Preservación del Patrimonio
El desafío de mantener y restaurar edificios históricos mientras se adaptan a las necesidades modernas es una constante. La integración de tecnologías modernas en estructuras antiguas es una solución común.
Urbanización y Regeneración
Las ciudades del norte de España están experimentando un proceso de regeneración urbana, transformando antiguos barrios industriales en modernos espacios residenciales y comerciales.
Los arquitectos en el norte de España desempeñan un papel crucial en la creación de un entorno construido que refleja la rica herencia cultural y la innovación contemporánea. Desde la restauración de monumentos históricos hasta el diseño de edificios modernos y sostenibles, su trabajo es fundamental para el desarrollo de la región. La combinación de tradición y modernidad, junto con un enfoque en la sostenibilidad, asegura que la arquitectura del norte de España seguirá siendo un referente a nivel nacional e internacional.
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Part 1 of this trip draws to an end…
October 1, 2023 - Happy 97th Birthday to my Mom!!!
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We are back in Michigan and once again we have super Internet, so I will be posting things I wrote over the last week. We have had an amazing month of travel and learning. Again, I will say that travel is the best education a person can get. Get out there and experience the lives of people you don't know. It may feel uncomfortable - but that feeling only means you are growing. You will be much richer for it. Here is where I left off....
Sept 23, 2023
Today we started our day with a city tour of Oviedo.  This place was hopping last night well into the morning.  We have a beautiful corner room with two window balconies.  This time our windows overlooked the city and all its activities. 
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 We heard rock and roll and a drum choir but the most surprising sounds were the bagpipers.
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We learned that anywhere the Celts were - and let’s face it they were in a LOT of places, bagpiping exists today. 
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These pipers do not play Amazing Grace nor any other Scottish associated tune.  The play Spanish music and these pipers in particular play Asturais Spanish music.  I HAD NO IDEA.  Again - with my motto - You don’t know what you don’t know.
The first part of the tour was on the bus.  We saw different parts of this very active city and we learned that the Crown Prince - or in the current case - the Crown Princess is given the total of Princess of Asturias.  It follows the same kind of thing as the Prince or Princess of Wales - will someday rule Great Britain.
We saw another major work of the very famous architect Santigo Calatrava. (and according to our trip leader Fran, “a horrible human being”)  
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It might be the ugliest building I have ever seen - BUT it is one you will not forget and it is certainly recognizable from the sky or from a very high vista - which takes me to our next event.  
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A bus ride to the top of Mount Naranco  high above Oviedo with the bonus gift - another statue of Jesus, Rio de Janeiro style. “Monument al Sagrado Corazón de Jesus”. 
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What stunning views!!!  From there we visited two additional building ruins, the first San Miguel de Lillo built in the 9th century, and this is what is left of that very large church.
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 The brick work surrounding the ruin is the footprint of the original building. 
We walked down  the road to discover this:   
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Built by Ramiro I (842–50), Alfonso II’s successor – is an exquisite example of Asturias’ unique pre-Romanesque architecture. It marks an advance in Asturian art: an outstanding decorative feature iimitating rope used in its columns.  Very cool!
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We returned to Oviedo and did a city walk.  It is very hopping city - especially the Saturday after St. Matthew’s Fiesta.  But we meandered this way and that way from one square to another.  In each square was a statue marking something that happened here and would be important to the citizens of the area.  I liked this one.
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Since she was a girl until she died in her mid-90s this woman brought her milk to market.
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Mark liked this one - so much that he let this guy who owned a shop on this square of more than 75 years - use his headphones.  Mark’s a nice guy!
In the square closest to us and home to the giant-ass party is the home of The Cathedral of San Salvador of Oviedo.
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It displays an array of architectural styles, from Pre-Romanesque to Baroque  including Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance parts.  There is a reason for this  and it is called REMODELING.  Built first in 780 CE the first remodel and enlargement was in 810 CE.  Then in the 1100s - much was torn down and changed.The Cloisters were added in the 1200s and the bell town in the 1300s.  But the bell tower didn’t look good with the front now - so in the 1400s the entrance was “improved”. You get the picture.  Frankly I couldn’t NOT keep up.
BUT - and here is why it was so important to keep this place looking great - it is the home to some of the most sacred relics of Christendom.  The chief feature of the cathedral is the "Camara Santa", with its venerable relics. A Bishop in the 12th century wrote that the Agate Box, was a coffer made by the disciples of the Apostles  and containing the most precious relics of the Holy City, was taken from Jerusalem to Africa, and after residing in several locations was finally placed at Oviedo by Alfonso II. In the 16th century, Bishop Cristóbal de Sandoval y Rojas wished to open it, but could not, being overcome with religious fear. Yah-yah...
BUT the real big deal is this: The Sudarium of Oviedo, or Shroud of Oviedo, is a bloodstained piece of cloth measuring c. 84 x 53 cm (33 x 21 inches) The Sudarium ( Latin for sweat cloth) is thought to be the cloth that was wrapped around the head of Jesus Christ after he died as described in the Bible.
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This is believed by many to be the actual thing and as such people make a pilgrimage to see this box.
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On 14 March 1075, King Alfonso VI, his sister and Rodrigo Diaz Vivar (El Cid) opened the chest after days of fasting. The event was recorded on a document preserved in the Capitular Archives at the Cathedral of San Salvador in Oviedo. The king had the oak chest covered in silver with an inscription which reads, "The Sacred Sudarium of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
We had our farewell lunch with food that just kept coming.  All traditional Asturias foods.
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The afternoon was ours to do as we wished and Mark and headed to the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias.  The place is huge and is actually 5 buildings converted into one.  Each building is different and marks a new time period.  The truth is that I know a few Spanish artists but not many.  The usual suspects, Goya, El Greco, Velazquez, Dali, Murillo, Picasso and Miro - to name a few - but OMG - the talent was incredible and of course not all the artists were Spanish..  There were so many artists there that I could identify the period - but had never heard of the name.  I took some photos of my favorites and I will try to watch for other works by the same talented people.
I loved this by Carl Firthjof Smith
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But this was my all time favorite by Juan Martinez Abades 
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Mark and I met up with Joe and had a drink on the square before headed to our room to pack.  Tomorrow we will end this tour and head to Bretagne, France with our friends for a week.  Our pace will be different but I expect to learn plenty.
We have been so lucky with the weather and with no days left, I just going to say it.  We have had rain periodically but it delayed nothing and kept us from doing not one thing.  On the day we drove to the top of Mount Naraco the sun was shining and everything was bright and clear.  Had this been scheduled for yesterday we could have seen nothing.  I’m not sure if it the rabbit’s foot I wear around my neck or the four leaf clover I keep in my wallet or my voodoo chants before bed - but who cares.  Something is working….  (Of course none of my “charming” story is true - but it is true that we have had amazing weather.)
I has been a real pleasure to travel with this group of friends.  How lucky are we to have a chance to see the world with like-minded people.  Then you put in two amazing trip leaders that this trip gets and A+ from me.
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I have had a request to pass on the website I used to learn a little more about our fabulous Basque guide, so here you go:
Stay tuned for our Bretagne adventures.
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asturmontes · 6 years
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Vaivén en el Calatrava a última hora (Fujifilm X100F)
Está claro que este edificio cada día es menos blanco y más gris, tirando a negro, y no sólo por la suciedad que presenta lejos ya de su resplandeciente estreno, sino por su vaivén de gente cada día más a cuentagotas y su incierto futuro, signo claro de lo que nos rodea en esta Asturias que cada día tiene menos paraíso. Lo que antes fuera un centro de juego y deporte con su Real Oviedo en lo más alto, pasó a ser un símbolo del capitalismo que trata de engullirnos para después, quién sabe, si convertirse en un símbolo más de esta región que muere poco a poco pero sin detenerse. 
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otije · 3 years
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Structures in time (en Centro Calatrava Oviedo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYRyvnPsP3c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anna3339 · 5 years
Un oeuf sur le pont
Un oeuf sur le pont
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Je vous ai déjà parlé de ce pont casse touristes et casse tous risques.
Le pont de Calatrava
Et bien la fameuse Ovovia  : la télécabine qui devait servir aux personnes avec un handicap nécessitant de prendre un moyen plus facile pour aller de Piazzale Roma à la gare et qui ne sert à rien, car immobilisé dés sa mise en fonction, ne sera bientôt plus dans le paysage.
Des techniciens ont essayé en…
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worldwidepedrol · 4 years
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Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses by Calatrava 😎 it's huge 🦋 worldwidepedrol.com (at Oviedo, Asturias) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA0DxF0M7rx/?igshid=as49oyovzmt0
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nomadicvision · 7 years
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As part of my Spain trip, contemporary architecture is a big tourism draw. This is Modoo in Oviedo,Spain, designed by Calatrava. If you're into this kind of thing, I post regular architectural images here: @arch_photos • • #oviedo #spain #architecture #calatrava (at Modoo)
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iammorte · 7 years
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#oviedo #asturias #calatrava #igerspamplona #igersnavarra #cielo #cieloazul #sky #nubes #clouds #cloudporn #arquitectura #architecture #minimalism #minimal #minimalismo #iphone6s #iphoneonly #iphonesia #iphonephotography #iphoneography (en Palacio De Exposiciones Y Congresos Ciudad De Oviedo)
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marioryckportfolio · 5 years
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Been there, done that. Santiago Calatrava, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos Ciudad de Oviedo — 2018
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albasantos22 · 3 years
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Disfrutando esta mañana de la Feria Internacional del Queso 🧀😋 en un lugar mágico ✨ (en Centro Calatrava Oviedo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV8ext-ssSQlMHh5BVZQk6VicGvjw-iRRagknE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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missmaridajes · 3 years
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Llenemos las redes de queso ... No todos los días hay un evento así en Asturias @internationalcheesefestival 1️⃣ Cata de quesos asturianos @aramburugastro y sidra Natural Prau monga @sidraviudaangelon Y diversos quesos probados, aunque no puedo ponerlos todos .. 🧀🧀🧀 así que " say cheese" Hasta el 6 de noviembre , podéis acudir , entradas al público @grouponspain -- Let's fill the networks with cheese ... Not every day there is an event like this in Asturias @internationalcheesefestival 1️⃣ Asturian cheese tasting @aramburugastro and Prau monga Natural cider @sidraviudaangelon And various cheeses tested, although I can't put them all .. 🧀🧀🧀 so "say cheese" Until November 6, you can go, tickets to the public @grouponspain - #Mismaridajes #pairings #asturias #quesosdelmundo #fromage #oviedo #cheese #internationalcheese (en Palacio de Congresos Calatrava) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV3fWg_LJFZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hoy celebramos el #8deseptiembre #diadeasturias , con ésta fabulosa instantánea de nuestros #chicos de #tenerife de #viajedeestudios en #asturias , ante el #palaciodecongresos de #oviedo construído por el famoso #arquitecto #santiagocalatravavalls   (Benimámet, 28 de julio de 1951) tambien #ingenierocivil y #escultor. Entre los premios y reconocimientos que ha recibido destaca el #premioprincipedeasturias a las #artes de 1999,[2]​ los premios  nacional de #arquitectura ​ y el nacional de #ingenieríacivil , ambos en 2005 y el Premio Europeo de Arquitectura de 2015 Maravillodo día para disfrutar de #asturias y de nuestra #santina . #asturiasparaisonatural #asturias #diadeasturias #virgendecovadonga #covadonga #calatrava #oviedo #turismo #verano #viajesdeestudio #repost #pickoftheday (en Palacio de Congresos Calatrava) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTjvK-2MX20/?utm_medium=tumblr
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otije · 3 years
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Space time (en Centro Calatrava Oviedo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSh5V-MrE2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tommeurs · 7 years
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Modoo, in Oviedo Spain, by Santiago Calatrava [5809x3973][OC]
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