#cale and choi han's bond is so adorable
blueteller · 1 year
Hey, remember how Cale was constantly scared of Choi Han at the beginning, because of how in the TBOAH timeline he brutally beat OG Cale?
Now remember how Cale beat up the White Star with a rock, in the Test of Wrath in the Sealed God's Temple?
I think.... just as Cale influences other people to act just like him, Cale started emulating Choi Han (or at least, how he sees Choi Han) – in the moments of high stress I mean 😂😂😂
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mytragedyperson · 9 months
Thoughts I had while reading TCF chapter 10
The idea of little 5 year old Raon Miru being so desperate to escape his tormentors that he cuts into his own life force still makes me so incredibly sad. The idea that in canon there’s a world where Raon Miru not only died, but was killed by Choi Han. Can you imagine if Choi Han found out that this could’ve happened. I don’t think he’d ever forgive himself even if Raon 100% would. God this book has some sad moments, but even the novel within the novel is so sad. I know that’s a doomed world but this is actually insane. I also feel like this book does a really good job of exploring the butterfly effect or something similar. Literally one person changed, was transmigrated into the world, but because this Cale was different he made different choices, and each small choice he made, caused another change, some smaller than others, but all ultimately leading to their victory. Let’s talk about how him saving Raon changed a lot. For one thing, I don’t think, without him, he would’ve known Alberu was a dark elf. He might’ve been told or found out, but it would’ve taken longer, and he might’ve reacted differently. Because he had Raon, he knew Alberu was using magic to change his appearance, and had an aura or something that was different to the rest of his family. Then, in the forbidden forest, Raon recognised the dead mana or something, so when he next met Choi Han, he told Cale or something. Sorry, I’ve not gotten to that point in my reread yet so I might be misremembering but that was the gist. But his lack of a bad reaction to Dark Elves, allowed him to meet and form some sort of alliance and bond with them, while also improving the bond he had with Alberu. And there are so many other times where Raon or one of the kids were helpful, and The Birth of A Hero world didn’t have them. In fact, that could’ve been the start of the world being doomed, those kids, and Taylor, and Paseton dying. Just by bringing Kim Rok Soo to this world, things changed, but he had no real way of knowing, when he saved these people, the impact it would have, the knowledge it would give them. He just didn’t want to see kids, or anyone else, suffer. And just by refusing to let people suffer or die if he could help them, he gained allies, and resources, and information that they didn’t have in The Birth of a Hero, or if they did, they learned it too late. The fact that having one person change, the fate of the world changed. Each small choice, each small change, each time he does the thing he decides to do, it leads to a much bigger change and a much bigger impact later on, even if just because now all these people he’s helped have a common ally that they trust and respect. God I could and probably will go into more detail about this later on, but yeah. Moving on for now.
Also Choi Han was right that the dragon’s eyes being full of pain and sorrow but its mouth still smiling is sad. This is his first time being outside the cave he was kept on, he’s seeing the world for the first time, but he’s lost his rationality. He’s happy to be free but he hurt and lost himself in the process. And then you imagine Raon Miru (that means happy dragon, right?) the same adorable little dragon that threatens to kill everyone and destroy everything if anything happens to Cale. It’s heartbreaking, that’s heart breaking. Cale needs to hug Raon extra tight for me because he deserves all the love and affection, plus extra for the version of him that never got any.
I’m so happy Cale went out of his way to save Raon. Like, he didn’t have to do that, he chose to and it was the right thing to do, but so many other people would’ve probably not cared. This is another example of Cale being a good person and refusing to admit it. Let’s keep note of that, misunderstandings, every time someone just doesn’t question something, honestly everything, let’s just keep a note of everything. It’s not even like he can say this is selfish because he doesn’t plan to keep him, he literally gains nothing from this if everything goes according to plan, and he doesn’t care, he does it anyway. Also him saying that he can use the kids to justify adopting them will never not be funny, adorable and kinda sad, because he can’t admit, even to himself, that he just wants to keep them around.
I forgot this was still the interview scene. Damn, a lot of shit is mentioned in this scene, like from the scene with Hans before the interview to the end, we get a lot of information.
Also, the interview being about whether Choi Han can protect people and then the job actually not requiring him to. Beautiful. That thing I said yesterday about the interview scene being good for Choi Han because it gives him someone who believes in him and respects him still stands. But his first job more or less being an escort mission of find and bring these two people to me, with the two people being capable of protecting themselves? It takes the pressure off Choi Han to have to protect them and builds his confidence and belief in himself, while also providing him with a support system of some sort. And Cale doesn’t intend for this but it happens. And the fact that Choi Han, not only succeeds in the job, but also helps save the other wolf children? That probably did wonders for his confidence, for his belief in himself. Ugh, it’s so good.
Also, Cale claiming in his thoughts, to himself that he’s just gonna let Choi Han, Lock, and Rosalyn deal with the terror incident, only to make a whole plan to stop the attack. He’s so good at scamming people he even scams himself. That’s beautiful.
And then he makes it a secret between just them. He’s essentially telling Choi Han he trusts him with this more than anyone else. No wonder he can never get rid of Choi Han after this. And the best part is he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it, he doesn’t know the impact it has on Choi Han.
Also Choi Han is just kinda precious in a way I can’t explain. Like he seems like he needs a hug, but specifically a hug from Cale and his kids and Rosalyn and Lock. Tbf the entire Calefam kinda needs a hug.
Also for some reason I just got the image of early days!Hans hearing from Deruth he has to give Cale more money and just cursing in his head the entire time he goes because what is he even doing with all this money? He’s not spending it all on alcohol, he’s not drunk enough for that? He hasn’t been back to Billos’ shop and then remembering hearing from someone that Beacrox saw him buying a fuckton of bread and medicinal herbs and going into the slums and being like did he really spaen that much money on bread? How much bread did he buy to be spending that much money? Also why does Deruth give him his allowance in gold coins and cheques exclusively? No wonder he doesn’t wait for change and just says keep it, that would be a bitch to figure out for everyone involved. Also I’ll be honest I don’t get how cheques work in general but, like, he goes to three different bakeries for bread, and I know he paid for that with coins, was that first gold coin for the rest of the week? It was, right? Because otherwise my question was gonna be how does using a cheque at 3 different places work but the answer to that is it doesn’t, right?
God I love Ron just tormenting Cale with lemon things. And then he gets Beacrox and I believe later recruits Hans to help keep it going even when he’s not there? Or maybe Choi Han? I can’t remember who but I know he told someone to do it while he was looking for information on Arm. Maybe one of the kids? That would explain why he didn’t just say he doesn’t like lemon things. I don’t know. I’ll revisit this when I rearead that bit and remember who it was. Ron’s already admitted he knows something’s up. I feel like this is an attempt to figure out why he’s changed at first and then it just becomes their thing.
Also his plan to foist everyone off on Choi Han has already failed because Choi Han already knows he’s not leaving Cale, not if he can help it. So, sucks for Cale but, sorry, you’re already stuck with the troublesome people. But in all seriousness that’s probably for the best because they all need each other.
I’ve finally finished this chapter. I’ll be back with my thoughts with my thoughts during chapter 11, if I have any.
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 16
AU - The After Years
OG Cale, OG Choi Han and Kim Rok Soo. A regressor and transmigrator(and in Choi Hans case: both).
Changing the fate of TBOAH world for the better.
This takes place after the 2 year war. Where all that's left is trying to relax, heal, and deal with shitty politics and annoying drama along the way.
KRS fully transmigrated like CH.
Cale regressed to his 18 year old self(20 after the war is over).
Both CH and Cale regress before Harris Village is destroyed. They both end up saving it(Cale gaining one half of his mothers AP in the process)
Cale returns home injured giving Deruth bad flashbacks of Jour(alongside the staff and rest of the family) and also causing Ron and Beacrox not to leave yet.
GoD fucks up KRS transmigration and accidently dumps him in a empty well in the slums(after the Harris Village incident). Two certain kittens find him and lead Cale to him.
GoD sends a couple of hyungs as an apology. LSH and CJS are both 'alive and well' and joining in the chaos.
This leads to Cale learning of the shield AP and bringing in On and Hong much earlier.
KRS did not get the AP's to go along with his abilities, but gave them to Cale. Cale also has both halves of his mothers AP.
They head to the capital earlier too(or in Cale's case, sneaks off with them), saving a certain adorable baby dragon along the way. Choi Han is bitter at his 'past' self for what originally happened, but glad he could save him this time.
Ron and Beacrox go after them.
Redika may have gone after Cale during the bombing incident, and CH may or may not have actually killed him this time when he saw that mage so much as look at Cale like that. Both Ron and Beacrox also see Cale cough up blood, they are not happy.
Alberu is now another lil brother of the 'Soos' and having to call KRS "Hyung" this time around.
KRS and Cale giving everyone grey hairs during the war(and each other of course).
Actually they still do it even after the war(for ex: Cale drinking poison meant for a certain 'Prince Charmless' of his.)
KRS's original body was from the Thames family, so Cale is technically his blood relative. Which makes their bond even stronger(and KRS is very protective, because he finally has 'blood' family that's still alive, and he's making sure it stays that way).
Most events happen as in TCF, but also not(cause more people and memories to cause chaos. But it all works out in the end).
Cale and CH have a truce and are close 'friends'(CH may or may not like his beautiful red head more than a friend, alongside a certain protective crown prince).
KRS, LSH and CJS finally have their farm.
Cale's trash act was finally ousted as an act(in most parts anyway). His family and old friends(Amiru, Gilbert and Eric), especially his siblings, were not amused(and are trying very hard to heal and understand one another better. They are also even more overprotective of each other.)
Cale still be trying to act as an elegant trash, but no ones having it(Ron may or may not have filled a bottle with lemonade instead of alcohol when he tried…)
His father also finally said he would make him the heir instead of Basen if he tried again(and certain vassals and staff are finally dealt with).
Cale has an interest/talent in the arts, something he and Violan finally bond over(and Violan is very pleased, cause neither Basen nor Lily are really interested in her work, etc. She can finally pass down some knowledge to one of her kids).
Cale, Bud and Cage(alongside Taylor when he can make it) are all drinking buddies.
Beacrox and Cale also come to an understanding(and while Cale jokingly calls him Hyung once again like when he was a child, Beacrox is actually happy to hear it again. Ron finds his kids adorable.)
The kids can finally proceed to have a very extra spoiled childhood without a war/fight looming over their heads. They do have to deal with school/tutoring now as well.
Alberu/Cale/Choi Han eventually do become a thing. After some extra slow burn, pining, and drama of course(and not only getting pass the Henituse family, but KRS as well, err…after he's done with his nap anyway.)
Somehow Cale is still as oblivious as KRS on certain things…maybe its a family trait haha.
Its not TBOAH or TCF without misunderstandings!
KRS and Cale still healing from the damage done from defeating the WS and the SG.
The Soo's be scamming them nobles when they give their found family problems.
Hunters can be a thing if wanted. Like an annoying fly that just needs to be swatted.
Everyone is kinda OP, GoD is so proud…and very very scared ;A;
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whitefantasy21-blog · 3 years
Greatly inspired by the many isekai manhwa i have read and is still on the reading list
This is pretty much a self-indulgent fic.
Man, i want to be the child of this rich scammy tsundere daddy that has no self-preservation, pretty sure many wants to be too
MC who is a massive fan of The Trash of the Count's Family had gotten that wish, one day she woke up in a baby body!
She was reborn as Cale Henituse's daughter and cue squealing like a true fan, thank you whatever God that granted me this wish!
however pretty soon she realized that not everything is rainbow and sunshine.
Her father, Cale wasn't Kim Rok Soo but rather the first Cale Henituse, the true trashy young Master of the Count
This, this raised a lot of red flags. Curse you God!
MC was named after her grandparents Jour Thames and Deruth Henituse, therefore getting the name Drew Henituse (I'm terrible at naming so bare with me)
Drew felt a bit embarrassed as Cale stared her adoringly, and made a promise to her that he would be the best father for her
with a smile that melted all her doubts away, she made a resolve to protect this new family of hers, he may not have been the father she initially wanted but he was still a tsundere daddy with self-destructive ways that needed her help... what is with this standards??
Drew Henituse, the secret child of the Trash from the Henituse household is kept hidden even from his own family. If people found out about her, it may bring trouble to his family and he was this close to getting Basen to accept becoming the true heir of the Henituse Family
He continued his trashy ways while secretly raising his baby in the sidelines, ever heard of a shapeshifter? yeah he hired one to pretend to be him whenever he wanted to go under the radar, the shapeshifter is also a nanny whenever he has to come back to his father's home, as far as he could tell it was a two in one situation, a win-win for him.
Everything was fine.
However it all changed when his beloved daughter had brought home a disgusting mutt. It was hate at first sight.
Choi han: . . . Is this yours? I saw her wondering around the street, its dangerous to leave children unattended
Cale's interpretation: What kind of parent are you?? leaving your child to wander about, how negligent.
Cale: . . .
The Shape shifter: Master I am so sorry!
Drew: Daddy can we keep him?
Internally: Yes! let's keep the original hero to protect us!
Cale: . . . Tsk.
Internally: My daughter is already getting seduced by this bastard!
The two kittens that Drew had randomly brought home one day, watched from the sidelines while Drew is already planning on how to rescue the black dragon
Basically, Drew just keep bringing random people (from the tcf cast) home until the Count family finally noticed her existence
Then they started trying to win her over, competing to be her favorite family member however that place will always be reserved for Cale.
Drew's mission is to help mend the bond that was broken in Cale's attempt in protecting his family.
Secretly, she's preparing herself for the day that Cale would switch with Kim Rok Soo, it scares her and breaks her heart when she thought of her Daddy disappearing
But that day will never come to pass as she stumble upon the newly transmigrated Soo Trio
Cale wonders why his daughter is infatuated with Kim Rok Soo, while said person just wishes for someone to take the hyper child away, Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk, the traitors were laughing at him and taking pictures of this adorable sight
Tumblr media
2nd take of an isekai fic.
Drew opens her eyes with a gasp, cold sweat dripping as she try to clutch something that was now out of her reach
She looked down at her soft hands, still untainted by scars that will never fade from her heart
She hurried to look for a mirror, a face that she hadn't seen for a long time was staring back at her. . .
They had done it, they went back in time.
a smile blossom on her face but it felt awkward so she just dropped it
Drew hurried to make plans and went look for her father. Face hidden underneath her hood, she watched a young red hair man walks by her.
Drew instantly knew that man wasn't her father, it was a different person living in his body.
It seems she was the only one that went back, however she would still do everything to protect this stranger because he was now Cale Henituse and therefore family
It was everything they fight for, everything they hoped, wished, dreamed for... but why had she been the only one
Sir, (She calls him, she would never call him Father or Cale because it felt like betraying-) she'll soon learn is every bit of stupid and self sacrificing as his namesake
She was too, she would be willing to give her life up to protect this new makeshift family
KRS now known as Cale, looked at the small child with shock, she was filthy and much too thin to be healthy but the face was staring back at him was undeniably, the same face he saw in the mirror just much younger
The guilt of accidentally stealing someone else body crawled back up from where he locked it
Silently he promised the original that he would take care of his daughter in his stead, and he could have imagined but he swore he heard a soft 'thank you'
This MC went through life where the White Star won, the Roan Kingdom was wiped out, Choi han had went insane after losing all of his party members and died, the few survivors were all living in poverty some giving up while others did their best to survive
Drew has a eating disorder, paranoia, and suicidal tendency
It was better to die than to get caught.
It has to be noted, that Drew had never met the Henituse Family before their death and only heard about them
She had met Hong before she regressed, (On had died in their childhood on the streets, after attempting to steal food for them and got caught) the two had a sibling relationship before his untimely death (it was a morbid to think that he died the same way his sister died), that's the reason why she felt closer to him than the other childrens, Raon and On just wanted to be closer to their new little sister
OG!Cale Henituse had died wishing for his daughter to have a better childhood than the one he had provided for her
Drew had found a letter addressed to her from her father, of apologies, broken promises illneverleaveyoubehindipromise, and wishes for her to grow up healthy and happy.
[I'll try to become the best father for you]
Drew lets her tears fall,
"You silly man, you already were"
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