innytoes · 7 months
I read prompt 51 in Reggie’s voice, so please - with whoever else you think!
- @anotherfantom
Set in the Cat!Reggie and Sugar Salmon!Daddy verse.
Reggie was lounging on Caleb's bed, waiting for the guy to get out of the shower. He kind of regretted not joining him, but he'd still been in Cat Mode when Caleb got home, curled up in the middle of the bed in the perfect pool of sunlight, and he'd been too cozy to move.
It wasn't like he lived here, or anything. It just wasn't like he didn't live here, either. Caleb had installed a magical cat flap that only let him in, and he had his own drawers in Caleb's drawer, with fancy outfits Caleb had gotten him, and a toothbrush in the bathroom, and all his cat stuff around the house. But he was free to come and go as he pleased.
He just happened to like to be here at times he knew Caleb would get home. Especially if he was going to be naked. So sue him. His boyfriend was hot.
He perked up when he heard the water shut off, changing back to human so he could fully enjoy the view. He was still in the cozy patch of sunlight, except it only covered part of his back. The light on bare skin was different than on his fur, but also nice. He was just wearing some cute cotton shorts Caleb had gotten him as he lazed on his stomach, kicking his feet in delight when Caleb came out of the shower, still toweling off his hair.
"Hello, Kitten," he said, leaning over to kiss Reggie.
"Hi," Reggie said, a little breathless after the kiss, and the view. "How was your day?"
"Oh, simply awful," Caleb said, as he rooted around his drawers for some comfortable silk pants. Reggie enjoyed the view while it lasted, though Caleb in silk was also nice. "The Council is all up in a tiff because apparently the pixies that have roosted in my Club are 'illegal' and 'not supposed to be there'."
"You don't mind them?" Reggie asked, making grabby hands at Caleb until he sat back down on the bed. Okay, so he only did it to put on his socks, but he was still shirtless. Jackpot. Reggie draped himself over the man's back, enjoying his warm, clean skin against his own. Caleb happily leaned back.
"No, if you give them something to do they're actually quite helpful. Also they've been ah, deterring staff who keeps trying to use my props room as a make-out spot, which is ever so helpful."
"So how are you going to gaslight gatekeep girlboss your way out of this?" Reggie asked. From Caleb's rants - he did them less when Reggie was human, but he loved grumbling about it when Reggie was a cat, especially when they hadn't yet officially established Reggie could be human - the Hollywood Wizard Council were pretty much sticklers for the rules they themselves made up.
"How am I what?" Caleb asked, turning to him. He looked adorably confused, which was a new expression on him. Reggie kissed his nose, and he wrinkled it even more adorably. And handsomely.
"It's a thing," he shrugged. "An internet thing."
Caleb turned to kiss him properly. "It's a good thing you make me feel so young, darling, because you just made me feel very, very old."
"Oh, I'll make you feel young, alright," Reggie grinned.
The silk pants came off again, and they had a very, very nice evening. Later, when Reggie was curled up on Caleb's chest, feeling like he'd be purring if he was in Cat Mode, he looked up. "Okay but how are you going to get the Council off your back about the pixies?"
Caleb looked down. "Oh. I drew up a contract and had them sign it. They're now officially employees of the Hollywood Ghost Club, paid in room and board and one shiny button a month. They negotiated hard for that last one."
"You do have a lot of nice and shiny buttons," Reggie mused.
"Is that girlboss gamer gatelight of me?" Caleb asked, and Reggie laughed so hard he accidentally turned back into a cat.
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CalebxReggie you say? Please, say more.
👀👀👀👀 ok well if you insist (but it's going under a cut bc it might get a little 🔥🔥)
so at the end of my fic (or rather before the 2 years later epilogue), Reggie and Caleb still haven't Done The Deed. Reggie spends the night and I think I sort of implied that it would happen, but in reality they both end up being so exhausted from all the feelings talk that they just fall asleep holding each other in Caleb's enormous (i'm talking california king babyyy) bed.
but when they wake up the next morning 👀👀 Reggie's more than a little grabby.
BUT they don't have sex just yet. that's for later that night, after Caleb's spent the whole day doting on him and wined and dined him just right 😏😏
(anyway this is the first smutty sequel that i'm going to start tonight, and the second smutty sequel has to do with Caleb having to go out of town and not being able to take Reggie and there may or may not be a custom dildo and some very salacious videos involved....)
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innytoes · 10 months
If you're still doing the AU mixing: Sugar Daddy AU + Magic AU? 👀
-Okay so Reggie learns when he is sixteen that trying to do his potions homework and fix his amp in the rain at the same time is NOT a good idea because now every time he sneezes he turns into a cat. Also, he flunked his potions assignment.
-The free clinic basically shrugged and said: that's rough buddy here's some nose spray so for any seasonal allergies I guess.
-"At least you're a cute cat," Luke tries to comfort him. Which is true. He's fluffy and orange and he has little tiny white socks.
-There are actually a lot of advantages to being a cat. Besides the whole 'sneezing' part, but he gets better at controlling that as well. Cute girls and guys will give him attention. He can nap just about anywhere. Bobby is immune to his puppy eyes but somehow cannot so no to his Sad Kitty Eyes.
-It's not until they graduate and move in together that he fully optimises his Kitty Cat Experience. Because yeah, four guys crammed into a one bedroom apartment is a great band origin story once they're famous, but Three Guys and a cat who can comfortably curl up on the sofa is a lot easier to handle.
-And then one day, when he 's out Catting, being adorable at cute girls at the park, one of them offers him some of the meat on her sandwich in exchange for petting him (jokes on you, cute girl, he wanted you to pet him!). Still, it's like a lightbulb moment. He's a cute cat. People will give him food if he is adorable enough.
-He starts testing it. Being cute at people holding hotdogs, and fries, and donuts. He gets a bit of 'no kitty donuts are people food', but he's pretty successful all in all. The butcher loves him. The lady with the fish stall in Chinatown does too. The guy at the bodega on the corner tries to give him some meat but the bodega cat squares up with him and Reggie knows he's not going to win that fight. He's seen Bodega Cat send dogs twice her size running.
-Listen, they're barely scraping by between their shitty jobs and gig money, so when Reggie says: it's cool you can have my fourth of the pizza, the guys are suspicious but grateful when he explains.
-"Dude, you're thinking too small," Bobby says, after a while. "You should go to like, a rich neighbourhood and scam people out of salmon and caviar."
"I don't think that's..." Alex starts, but Reggie is already jumping up.
"Bobbers that's brilliant!" he says.
-Yes he gets Luke to brush him before he changes back to human, gets on a bus, and goes to the Fancy Part Of Town.
-He quickly finds that Fancy Restaurants and Cafés and Butcher Shops are mean. Even with his freshly brushed fluffy coat and his saddest cute kitty eyes, they chase him off. One of them even tells him to scram and calls him a street cat. Rude.
-He decides to try rich people houses instead. Surely there must be some kind of rich old lady who would love to pamper a pretty cat like himself? It takes a couple of tries, and a quick escape from a very well-groomed poodle, but he manages to get into a nice yard. He carefully sneaks across the manicured lawn, hoping to peek inside, when a delighted voice comes from his right.
"Well hello there!"
-There is a man lounging by the pool. A very handsome, very attractive, nearly naked man in just some very tight little swim shorts. And he looks happy to see Reggie. That's way better than a little old lady.
-He goes over, just out of reach, twisting his head just so to look cute and curious. This always works with cat people, and of course the handsome man carefully leans over, making beckoning noises, and holds out his hand for Reggie to sniff.
"Aren't you just the prettiest little thing?"
-His hands smell like Good Food, and Reggie goes in for the kill. He nuzzles the guy's fingers, lets himself be pet, and then flops down to expose his fluffy tummy.
Hello, I am indeed adorable, you should give me rich people food, he thinks as hard as he can.
-"Are you hungry, little guy? I think I have some nice smoked salmon in the fridge. Would you like some salmon?"
-He spend the entire afternoon being pampered and petted and cooed over, and most importantly, fed bits of salmon and prosciutto. He falls asleep in a nice warm lap with a perfectly manicured hand petting him, and when he wakes up an hour later, the handsome man is still looking adoringly at him.
When Reggie gets up and stretches, he bumps his head against the guy's elbow in thanks, before setting off. The man waves at him.
-He comes home well-fed and smug, and Bobby just shakes his head and says 'I can't believe that worked' before dibs-ing Reggie's portion of the cheap takeout.
-He starts going over to Hot Rich Guy's house once a week. The man is just always so happy to see him, and always seems to know exactly what he wants, whether that's food or a snuggle or a scritch right at the base of his tail. Also he's really easy on the eyes, and Reggie won't lie, getting to curl up on that chest while they laze in the sun together is a special treat of its own.
-Hot Rich Guy is named Caleb, and it turns out he's a pretty powerful wizard. Like, one that's on Councils and stuff. Reggie has no idea what he actually does, but he loves to sit and watch when Caleb decides it's time to clean the kitchen, watching the dishes wash themselves, and fly through the air. He also likes the little magic toys Caleb makes just for him, mousies that zoom around, paper cranes that flutter until he leaps to catch them. He may not be an actual cat, but it's still fun.
-"You know, I started out as a street magician," Caleb tells him, flicking another magic paper crane for Reggie to grab. Caleb usually switches between talking to him like he's a human, and gushing 'who's a handsome boy' and other cutesy talk. "Sometimes I miss the simplicity of it. I just made people happy."
He sounds sad, so Reggie abandons stalking the crane to nuzzle at Caleb's chin, purring. You make me pretty happy, he thinks. He can feel the man smile against his fur.
-Okay, so maybe he starts going over even more, sometimes even spending the night with what the guys have affectionately started calling 'Reggie's Salmon Daddy'. (Which was unfair. Caleb also gave him crab, and shrimp, and even steak.) But well, Caleb had gotten him his own comfy little pillow to sleep on in his own bedroom, which is way better than the couch.
Though sometimes he still spends the night with the guys, sleeping on top of Bobby's face just to annoy him, or purring on Alex' chest to keep his anxiety from spiraling into thinking terrible things. It's pretty hard to think your friends hate you when one of them is literally on top of you, making the 'I'm so happy' sound.
-Still, Caleb has maybe installed a little magic catflap for him so he can come and go as he pleases. And gotten him one of those waterfall pet bowl things to drink out of. And a comfy cat bed. And a high end scratch post, even though Reggie would never put his claws into the guy's expensive furniture.
And okay, he also has his own little pillow in the bedroom. But he has been known to hop on the bed and snuggle up to Caleb. Listen, the man is really hot and way out of his league, and Reggie knows he'd never have a shot with him as a human. But he lets himself indulge in snuggling against the guy's muscular, sexy chest and dreaming sometimes. Cats are hedonistic little bastards, he tells himself, so he's allowed.
-He's curled up in the perfect patch of sunlight on Caleb's bed one morning when the man comes out of the shower, toweling off his hair and not wearing anything else. Steam billows out of the bathroom door, and the whole thing is so much like the beginning of a hot romance novel scene that Reggie finds himself having very explicit, very human thoughts about what he'd like to do with that naked man.
"Good morning, Kitten," Caleb says, and is it just Reggie, or is his smile bordering on a smirk?
-Yes he maybe makes sure he's there more often when Caleb gets ready in the mornings. Maybe he even swaps to the afternoon shift at his part-time job at the pet store some days of the week.
-So he's pretty happy. He's getting better meals, they have more breathing room because Reggie basically doesn't need to eat at home most of the time anymore, and when he's not with the guys, he gets to hang out with this hot guy who adores him. Well, cat-him.
-Until one morning.
One morning after he slept over, and hopped on to the bed and dramatically snuggled and made himself at home against Caleb's chest, while he chuckled and scratched that perfect spot at Reggie's ears. He fell asleep purring, comfortable and warm.
He also woke up comfortable and warm. There was a hand draped over his waist, and a nose pressed into his hair. Reggie sighed happily, snuggling back into the embrace, wrapping his own hand around the arm.
Wait, hands! He wasn't supposed to have hands right now.
Behind him, a rumble. "Good morning, Kitten."
Oh no. Oh noooo. "I can explain."
"Oh can you now?" Caleb asks, sounding amused. He props himself up on one arm, looking down at Reggie, and man, he's just as handsome with human vision.
He runs through several semi-convincing lies, but Caleb just quirks an eyebrow at him. "Before you open your mouth, please do consider that I can literally hear your thoughts."
"You can?" Oh no, oh no, he was going to be turned back into a cat but like, forever. Or worse.
"I'm not going to harm you, Kitten," Caleb says. "But yes. They're quite loud. You really project them when you're a cat."
Oh no.
"Even the ones I had when you got out of the shower?"
The smirk is back. "Especially those. They were really quite vivid."
-Turns out having a Salmon Daddy isn't so bad as a human either. Their first date? Sushi, of course.
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innytoes · 1 year
3 sentence prompt! Bullriding au reggie ship of your choice! (Saw that vid you RBed and couldn’t resist)
(Listen this video is inspired and we all deserve to see Reggie doing it. Special thanks to @anotherfantom who created this AU in their tags and then let me spitball about it for a few hours.)
Reggie's move to the Big City hadn't really been planned. The plan had been to stay in town and help Meemaw and Pops on the farm and save up for college. But well, after he and the Johnson boy were caught making out in the Johnson's hayloft, it had been strongly suggested to Meemaw that maybe Reggie get out of town.
(He'd heard later that Johnny Johnson had sworn up and down it had been a one-time, drunken mistake. He'd enrolled in the army the next day, disappearing almost as fast as Reggie had. He wasn't sure what stung more: the denial of all the sweet words whispered in the dead of night, or the fact that Johnny was throwing his life away in the exact way he'd admitted to Reggie he'd been afraid of. And for what?)
He'd been so lonely those first weeks. Getting a low-paying job (or several) hadn't been particularly hard. He made enough to rent out some nice old lady's attic. She thought his 'yes ma'ams' and country accent were charming. And every week, after her Sunday dinner with her family, Reggie would come home from his late shift at the gas station to find a bunch of leftovers in the fridge with his name on it.
He actually found the place through his second job as a delivery driver. When he drove onto the street with all the rainbow flags, it felt like something of a dream. He was already making plans to go back as soon as he had a night off, but then he stepped in the door.
It was like something out of Reggie's dreams: a country themed gay bar. Wood floors, wood paneling, a big wooden bar with leather-covered stools. And in the middle of the room, opposite of a beautiful dance floor, was a giant mechanical bull.
With an incredibly attractive man, well, riding it. Slowly, sensually, rocking his hips in time with the movements of the bull and the music. And all Reggie could do was stand and gape, clutching the package in his hands.
"Can I help you?" A voice from behind the bar called. "We don't actually open until six..."
"Oh!" Reggie flinched. "Um, package for a Caleb Covington?" He turned to the bartender, who was also unfairly handsome. He had kind eyes and he looked very... firm under that denim shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and oh god, he was glad the bar didn't have many lights on, so maybe his blush wouldn't be so obvious.
The handsome bartender smiled and nodded over to the bull. "That's that show-off over there. Caleb! Package for you!" The man dismounted the bull in a fluent and mind-searingly hot move, and sauntered over. He looked Reggie up and down, and Reggie really wished the delivery uniform wasn't a pair of dorky shorts and a polo.
"I'll sign for that," Caleb said, and was Reggie just imagining it, or did it sound like he didn't mean the package?
So of course, after that, the second he had a night off, he went back. And again. And again, until he was recognised as a regular by all the other regulars. And of course, by Caleb and Ray.
His normal Wednesday night off was a pretty chill time at the bar. Which suited Reggie just fine, because when things were slow, Caleb wouldn't just do his scheduled show, he'd sometimes get on the bull just to show off.
And of course Reggie had to master the bull as well. He was pretty good at the fast settings they had, where the goal was to stay on as long as possible. He was actually number four on the board now, and he'd won a sparkly cowboy hat for making it into the top ten. But the slow setting... well, he was getting there. And it had lead to a lot of free drinks.
Except there were really only two people he really hoped would notice him. And they did. There were a lot of lingering looks and even some touches. Ray always let him in early, let him practice on the bull without paying, watched him with intense eyes from behind the bar. Caleb gave him all kinds of pointers, showing him how to move his body. That time Caleb joined him on the bull, Reggie nearly creamed his pants, it was so hot.
But neither of them made a move, and Reggie wasn't about to go wreck their marriage or anything. Flirting was one thing, but actually trying to kiss one of them? Ask them out? What if they got offended and said no? This place was the closest thing he had to home, to a community. He couldn't mess that up.
He was sulking his way through his third free coca-cola of the night (Ray was always very kind about telling people Reggie didn't drink, refusing to serve him anything he wasn't comfortable with. Instead of cocktails, he got a lot of free cokes, or sometimes even some bar nachos), watching Caleb on the mechanical bull, when another regular dropped a bombshell.
"What do you mean, wreck their marriage?" Fuego asked him. "Ray and Caleb aren't married. They dated like ten years ago, decided they'd be better off as friends, and that was that."
"But they-"
"Sound exactly like an old married couple?" Dante, Fuego's husband finished for him. Reggie nodded. Even when they bickered, there was an undercurrent of affection that reminded Reggie of his Meemaw and Pops. "Yeah, they actually sound more like a couple now than they did when they were actually dating."
"Sooo," Reggie said slowly. "You think I have a shot?"
"Kid, the only reason either of them haven't ravished you behind the bar is because you always leave before closing," Dante said, laughing when Fuego smacked his shoulder.
Oh. He did usually leave around midnight because he had an early shift the next day.
Maybe tomorrow he could call in sick.
He knocked back the last of his coke like it was a shot, squared his shoulder, and sauntered back up to the bull, waiting for it to turn the right way to hop on, wrapping his legs over Caleb's to keep hold. The man looked surprised, yeah, but his hands immediately settled on Reggie's hips, leaning forward to keep his balance.
"Hi," Reggie said, cheekily stealing Caleb's cowboy hat and putting it on. The answering smirk was enough to nearly make him fall off the bull.
"Hello," Caleb said, tugging him closer.
Oh, he was definitely staying until after closing tonight.
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innytoes · 2 years
Ooh winter prompts! How about "Pressing your cold nose against their neck" for Caleb/Reggie (I just think it would be so cute)
Set in the Caleb's Harem AU because we're writing fluff for porny concepts again I guess.
Caleb always made time to give them individual attention. He was very organised about it, in a way that eased Alex' anxiety, and kept Reggie from feeling like he was taking too much. They all had their own dates, marked in the shared calendar in their own colour, and Caleb moved heaven and earth to keep that time free, no matter how busy his schedule.
This afternoon, it was Reggie's turn, and Caleb had told him to dress warm. Which, this being LA, was a little worrying. He put his flannel and his leather jacket over a long-sleeved black shirt, and chose the jeans without the rips at the knees, and figured that would be close enough, right?
Caleb gave him a mysterious smile when he asked where they were going, which always meant it was something fun. He sat in the passenger seat of the little red convertible (his favourite), enjoying the views, spotting dogs, trying to guess where they were going. Caleb didn't budge, just teased him a little with hints and yes and no answers, and then stopped in front of...
"An ice skating rink?" Reggie asked, gleefully.
"The other day you said you thought ice skating at the Rockefeller Center looked so romantic," Caleb explained. "I'm afraid I can't whisk you away to New York and get you home in time for your next gig tomorrow, so I hope this will do." He pulled out a bag out of nowhere, presenting Reggie with a soft, red scarf.
Reggie beamed, and held Caleb's hand as they went into the rink. It was decked out with lights, and pretty empty, given that it was during normal school-and-work hours. They put on their rented skates, and slowly made their way around the rink, Caleb skating backwards and holding both of Reggie's hands.
"Of course you're good at this," he grumbled after the seventh time he stumbled and Caleb caught him.
"I may or may not have some experience," Caleb hedged. He demurred a little, but eventually let Reggie goad him into showing off. He clutched at the side, whooping every time Caleb did a fancy jump or spin. Eventually, he stopped back in front of Reggie with a dramatic flourish, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling.
"That was super hot," Reggie gushed. "I bet you'd look great in one of those sparkly spandex suits. Do you have a sparkly spandex suit?" He looked at Caleb hopefully, like he would dramatically whip open his pea coat to reveal the outfit.
"Not since I was fourteen, I'm afraid," Caleb said, before gently coaxing Reggie away from the side again. He slowly coached Reggie into keeping his balance, gliding more smoothly over the ice. Each time he mastered something, Caleb would tell him a little about his figure skating experience. He didn't often like to talk about his childhood, so Reggie took it as the gift that it was.
By the end of it, he was able to skate a whole circle without wobbling or grabbing at Caleb. Though he did like it better when the man held his hand.
When they got off the ice and had returned the skates, Reggie caught Caleb's arm. He turned, and Reggie wrapped his arms around his neck, pressing his cold nose against the skin of Caleb's throat. "Thank you," he said, pressing a kiss there as well. "For the date. And for sharing."
"It was my pleasure, darling," Caleb said, voice soft and fond as he held Reggie close. "Now, there's supposed to be a café around the corner that does an excellent hot chocolate."
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innytoes · 2 years
"Come here, Kitten," Caleb said, pulling Reggie into his lap.
"Come here, Kitten," Caleb said, pulling Reggie into his lap. "What's wrong?"
Reggie immediately curled up against him, knees pulled up, pressing his nose against the hollow of Caleb's throat. "Just... a bad day at work," he said.
Usually, Reggie came home from the animal shelter beaming, or at least tired but satisfied. But the misery was rolling off him in waves, his scent was all wrong. He fought the urge to squeeze Reggie tighter, calming his own scent with a deep breath. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked instead, nuzzling his nose into the boy’s hair.
Reggie swallowed hard, before shaking his head. He pulled the arm around his waist tighter, rubbing his fingers over the scent gland on Caleb’s wrist. “Tell me about your day?” he asked.
Caleb smiled, shifting so Reggie could lean against him more comfortably. He snuggled in, and Caleb wrapped both his arms around him, rubbing his back gently. “Well, today at rehearsal...”
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innytoes · 2 years
Sentence prompt!
Historically, Caleb has never been able to resist Reggie’s puppy dog eyes, but this time he has to insist, “We really don’t have time for a sex thing right now.”
"Okay," Reggie agreed readily, his fingers sliding over the silky fabric of Caleb's shirt, slipping between the buttons. "But consider: you look really hot in this outfit, and I look really hot without mine."
Which was true, considering Reggie had only just come out of the shower, a small towel wrapped dangerously loosely around his hips. His skin was soft under Caleb's fingers, his hair flopping adorably over his forehead. His big eyes were shining with mischief, and his pretty pink lips were curled into an irresistible pout.
"Well," Caleb allowed. "I suppose we could be fashionably late."
(Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five sentences… or more.)
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