#call me NFCV the way i keep swearing LMFAOOOOO
the-crow-binary · 9 months
Top 5 favorite and top 5 most hated NFCV moments? :)
>:( Fine. But just FYI I ain't bothering to re-watch the scenes so I'm just going to base it all on my (poor) memory
Top 5 favorite:
5. Isaac fighting alongside Abel. Although Abel is much more important than the show portrays him to be and he should have, imo, appeared much earlier, I remember I really liked his dynamic with Isaac. And the way he protected him before Carmilla explodes all over the place....... me WEAK
4. That Trepha moment where they're like "I'm not looking at you, Sypha." "But you're going to~". They're cute sometimes <3 (the little crack in Trevor's voice as he goes "yes" is- GAH. I want smth like this with the game versions :< (imagine it with Trevor's japanese VA.....))
3. Trevor fighting with two whips was visually cool <3
2. Trevor's first "I love you" to Sypha. ;-; Just when he accepted he was going to die for the good cause ;-; Knowing Sypha was with child and he won't be there for them but at least what he's going to do is going to allow them to live and Sypha will know how much he cared and will remember his last words as a little joke that meant "i know and i am sorry i can't be there for the new adventure" and ;-; THAT SHIT BE GETTING ME EMOTIONAL, MAN. I'm glad they never said those words to each other before, it makes it even more impactful when the times actually come <3 (one of the rare things NFCV does right lol) Though I wasn't as impacted by Sypha's own "i love you", don't know why. :<
1. When it ended. :) disclaimer guys, i literally took the joke from Bee, she deserves the credit for her own peak humour Eh otherwise there's this scene in S4 where Trevor makes Sypha sit down on a bed with him to talk calmly about things instead of rushing in for the first time in weeks, and I saw someone say once that it was his way to try and make Sypha tell him she was pregnant without having to push it, and it's a very sweet idea and I very much like it even if idk if it was the intent. It was a nice Trepha moment anyway. <3
Now to the... ERK. Top 5 most hated moments.
5. The moment Trevor found the Morning Star + The moment where he found that one cross thingy. I put them together because of one concept that links the two and annoys me to death: No one gives a shit about Trevor's findings, not even the show itself. By Trevor's reaction when finding the MS, we know it's like, a big deal. But he's the ONLY ONE to treat it as a big deal, Sypha just goes "lmao what's that ugly thing" and clearly doesn't care about what Trevor explains after. It's like he found a random object on the ground. The show doesn't bother to make us really feel how big of a deal this is. As if Trevor was just exagerating. Then in S4, Trevor find the cross thingy and excitedly shows it to Sypha, who still doesn't care (but at least pretends to this time, i guess, with not much conviction). And I guess the cross isn't as important as the morning star... but I get really annoyed at Sypha just seeing Trevor getting passionnate and going "bruh he found another toy". I would have had less problem with it if Sypha was shown to have interest in Trevor's findings (starting by the MS) before, and because Trevor keeps finding things, she gradually become less and less impress but still pretends to be because well she likes him and he's passionnate and it's kinda cute. But she literally never cared. It's yet another way to ridicule Trevor for me. :/
4. Everytime someone gets snarky/rude or swears. It's like the show is trying to convince itself of how much of an adult it is. "Oh but it's more realistic-" WHERE DO YOU LIVE TO HAVE EVERY SINGLE PERSON EVER SAYS "SHIT" AND "FUCK" EVERY TWO SENTENCE?? I AM BAREY EXAGGERATING. And it makes the joke that Trevor is having a bad influence on Sypha (the "i could piss in a glass and tell him it's beer after he just saved my life" girl) and Alucard (the "yes fuck you" boy) fall flat. Every one is rude in this world. Even DEATH ITSELF LIKE FOR FUCKING HELL'S SAKE
3. Carmilla's #girlboss first appearance. :) Dracula being unable to make his own court shut up is already stupid and horribly irritating (the fact he is actually whispering is more ridiculous than intimidating) but Carmilla appearing like a BOSS, making everyone shut up for SOME reason, and then insulting Dracula's wife, the whole REASON WHY THERE'S A WAR, right to his face with NO CONSEQUENCES FOR HER... URGH I HATE IT I HATE IT SO MUCH (and I am being generous because it is a top FIVE but there is not a single Carmilla moment i liked)
2. The moment Hector trapped Lenore to PROTECT HER. It was the moment I've been waiting for the whole season. The moment where Hector was going to reveal how he manipulated Lenore. The moment where he was finally going to give her a taste of her own medicine. The moment where he was finally going to go "I won't be a victim anymore, I am breaking free, fuck you. I can't believe you actually thought I could feel any kind of affection for a monster". But noooo, because Lenore was made soooo sympathetic, he HAD to actually fall for her! My heart and hopes and dreams literally shattered the moment Isaac arrived and Hector went "don't hurt her!" :)
1. When it started lolllll The two rape scenes. (they were mixed in one so it counts idc) Not because they exist. But because of what they led to. :) AKA, for Lenector: Rape apologism (it's okay because Hector's a man and he enjoyed it :)), romanticism of abuse (Lenore literally humiliated Hector in front of her sisters, talked about how she was going to use him for sex, went "i made you into my pet just like you always needed :)" while Hector was on his knees having a breakdown, then next season without any warning or development he's all fine with her again), the show shitting on the very idea of Hector getting any agency ever, Hector falling for Lenore with NO DEVELOPMENT, out of NOWHERE, because WHY would we need to show and explain why the abused man would fall for his abuser that he seemingly hated and planned on plotting against at the end of the last season?? There's so many things wrong with this ship and you and other people already explained it before. And for the non-twins twins x Alucard: Poor handling of trauma. We see Alucard crying afterward, cool, NFCV likes to make him cry, visibly. Then he PISS on their CORPSES (what a mature show, so well written compared to those shitty games :)). And though I can relate a bit to the "oversharing with a stranger" part, the fact said stranger literally goes "okay...?" when Alucard reveals his trauma to her like HE'S WEIRD FOR HAVING BEEN ABUSED and makes a JOKE OUT OF IT. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. And then we ever talk about it again or see any consequences of it either. Almost as if the sex scene was useless from the start. :)
Uuuurgh it's finally OVER. There's so much more scenes I could rant about, but hey, it's a top 5, not a top "however much number you need" :) (and thank the LORD it is because it was already complicated and long to make as it is lmao)
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