#calling each other Lance and Keith 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。
lidoshka · 3 years
I follow you on Deviant Art and I discovered my favorite Voltron fanfictions thanks to your fanarts. How did you find them? I loved, among the others, "Where the light doesn’t reach", "Eternal Night", Discordiansamba's ones and "Desideratum": do you have more suggestions? We could do an exchange of fanfiction reviews if you want. I like long, well-written stories with Keith as a main character, space worldbuilding and deep emotions. With the Galra Keith trope also.
 You started reading Voltron fics because of me? Really?! That’s really cool!
Ahh! Yeah, I totally agree, we need more fanfic recs… in the last few months I’ve been doing art for other fandoms, so I haven’t checked new fics, but I do have some I like here so I’ll start!
Now, I don’t think any of these fics is longer than Eternal Night, but they are still cool, I also added some info of what I remember from each fic:
cobbled glass by ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics) One of the first things Keith learns about himself is that he is different. AU where Keith was always part of the Blades of Marmora and the Paladin's of Voltron come looking for the Red Paladin.
[Keith is galra but looks human] [can’t remember any pairing]
It's A New Start Series by Darkscales In which Keith, raised Galra and forcibly drafted into Zarkon's army, escapes from the Empire and proceeds to steal (then subsequently become adopted by) the Red Lion.
[Keith is very galra] [can’t remember any pairing]
 your sharp and glorious thorn by arahir
To end the war they inherited, Keith marries the King he lead an army against
[Sheith] [mostly Keith POV] [Keith being galra but still human-looking]
 Collision Course by winterysomnium Keith gets adopted by the Galra empire rebellion, basically.
[Keith being galra but still human-looking]
 Secret of the Blood by exclamation AU version of season 2. When Keith and Shiro were thrown from the wormhole, they crashed by the Blade of Marmora headquarters and were captured. When the Blade reveal the secret of Keith's heritage, Keith must decide if he can trust these people... and if he can trust himself.
[Keith angst] [can’t remember any pairing] [Keith is galra but looks human]
 The Blade of Memory by exclamation (ß same author as previous one!) Kan has no memory of his life before he was found injured and adrift by the Blade of Marmora. When he comes across a slave that seems to be the same species as him, he decides to rescue him. But saving Matt broke a number of the Blade's rules and helping Matt further would mean going against Kolivan's orders.
[Keith angst…ish] [can’t remember any pairing] [Keith is galra but looks human]
 hound by story_monger (is there any rec list that doesn’t include this one?? XD) Keith has a lot of practice being alone; you might almost say he's good at it. When he finds himself seriously injured and stranded on an unknown planet, he knows he's not alone there
[Keith angst] [can’t remember any pairing] [Keith POV] [beign galra is not part of plot]
 baby, you're a dark star by Thesis When the Lions are separated from the castle, hurled out of the wormhole into distant corners of space, Pidge still finds Allura within an hour. Then Shiro, alone, injured, delirious, asking if they've found Keith yet. They force him into the healing pods and get back to searching. They find Lance, they find Hunk. But they don't find Keith for sixteen months. And now that they have, Shiro is starting to think - maybe he didn't want to be found.
[Sheith] [Keith is galra but looks human]
 Insomnia by GriffinRose They reunite after the Wormhole Incident all in one piece. Mostly. But some scars can't be seen. Keith can't sleep, no matter how hard he tries.
[mostly Keith POV] [being galra is not part of plot…or was it?]
 nothing can breathe in space by idrilka The truth is: what Keith wants or doesn’t want won’t bring Shiro back. The truth is: nothing can breathe in space. (Or: the story of how Keith and Shiro come together, come apart, and come together again.)
[Sheith] [Keith angst] [being galra is not part of plot…or was it?]
 The Heat Was Hot and the Ground Was Dry by justheretobreakthings A glimpse into Keith's year living in a shack in the desert.
[Keith POV] [Keith angst…ish] [has a Spotify list on the last chapter] [can’t remember any pairing]
 Small Heart, Made of Steel by inkfishie The fight with Zarkon, the battle with the Galra fleet, the crash; It came back in small measures. Keith finds himself stranded and alone.
[mostly Keith POV] [Keith angst] [survival stuff] [being galra is not part of plot]
 For Everything a Reason by flyingisland
In Keith's life, the only true absolute was that everyone would always leave in the end.
[Sheith] [very Keith angst] [Keith POV]
 these old bones by achievingelysium
He’s always been fascinated with dinosaurs. Keith isn’t entirely sure why—maybe it’s because their footprints are still here, even after so long. Maybe he’s hearing the echoes of history calling for him. Maybe, just maybe, it’s because he sees himself in those old bones. A Keith character study told in three parts.
[Keith angst…ish] [can’t remember any pairing] [being galra is not part of plot..or was it???]
 The Long Way Back by fio As a gladiator, and now Champion, Shiro has given up hope of ever returning to Earth. But when his captors deliver his 'prize'—an omega, a descendant of both Galran and Altean blood used by the Galra to breed with the strongest aliens they capture—he's offered a chance to escape. There's just one catch: Shiro has to get him pregnant to do it. [Sheith] [it’s 40k words] [smut but I can’t remember in which chapter] [Keith is very galra]
 The Faeries' Midwife by zjofierose the line between dream and nightmare, between asleep and awake, has always been a hazy one for Keith. Voltron makes it all that much worse.
[short] [Keith angst] [can’t remember any pairing]
 Sands and Stars by Neyasochi Keith’s no stranger to shit going sideways, but mistakenly assaulting and robbing a crown prince is definitely the peak misfortune of his considerable criminal career. Suddenly in the custody of the royal guard and slated for a swift and unceremonious execution, he figures his short life is over. Imminently. But then Prince Takashi offers him an alternative.
Part 1 of the Bond and Blade Series
[Sheith] [slow, slow burn] [mostly Keith POV] [Keith is galra but looks human] [It’s medieval!au-ish babe!]
 familiar voices and careful hands by bobtheacorn Keith hesitates, then lifts a hand to pat Hunk's arm. It's awkward returning the comforting gesture, but it seems to help Hunk calm down so Keith is glad that he does it. He keeps reaping the rewards of reaching out to the people he cares about, even if small things are the only ones he can manage right now, and he can't help feeling grateful.
[can’t remember any pairing] [team bonding] [keith angst…ish]
 i never meant (i only wanted) by ADyingFlower It's a lot farther to Arizona from Washington D.C. than he thought it would be. The sun beats down on his scalp and dark clothes as he travels the roads of national highways, occasionally trying to hitchhike when he could. Not often, though. His soles burn into his feet, but he doesn’t dare stop.
[Keith POV] [Keith angst] [being galra is not part of plot…or was it???]
Well, that’s my fav ones about Keith... I didn’t add any WIPS nor any of Discordiansambas’ cause you know those ones already, but just like you I also like long stories with lots of worldbuilding, angsty stories... I love stories where they explore what being a galra hybrid means to Keith!
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loveforchatnoir · 5 years
Lancey Lance Love
In honor of my favorite boy’s birthday, here are some of my favorite fics. 
P.S. You can ignore this if you want
P.P.S. These are all klance fics #shouldhavebeenendgame #iamstillnotoverit #fixitficsamiright??????RIGHT?????? 
P.P.P.S. + are for EXTRA favorite  * are for the ones that are not finished
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+ One Billion Stars in this Universe (And None are Mine) by Spiralled_Fury  RATING: Mature
Loverboy Lance; Not the fastest, or the best fighter, or the smartest, or the strongest, or the princess, the seventh wheel...
And all alone.
With only his Lion, his gun, a sword and determination, Lance finds himself blasted across the universe, in the middle of nowhere, without communication, proper food, and half an idea in Hell what to do.
Except he knows he needs to get back to the others.
Because the team might live without him, but at the very least, they need Red.
Voltron can't form without Red.
-------- HOOOooooOoOOooLY SHIT. This entire series is AMAZING. Honestly hands down one of my favorite fics EVER. Lance is the total badass that he is but also so caring and honestly I die. Plus there is a ton of #langst and I’m a sucker for it. I cannot stress this enough, go read it all, it’s worth it.
Loving Every Shape of you by KyokoUchiha  RATING: Explicit
** A moment of silence passes by before Keith opens his mouth to address him, “Are you afraid?” Canines glint between his lips as Lance watches his mouth form words. His brows crease together as he realizes the meaning behind that question. No, he’s definitely not afraid of Keith. Instead of voicing an answer, he wraps his arms around the sturdy neck to pull his head down and meet his lips in a kiss that will hopefully convey his feelings. **
–– Keith returns from a month of missions with the BOM, Lance is happy to be reunited with his boyfriend again, eager for some alone time. But Keith comes back more Galra than human.
----- Okay listen, I am a proud sinner and bottom Lance is my Achilles heel + fucking Alpha like Keith? Am I a fury? Possibly??? Just read it, you won’t regret it.
+ Watercast* by FishWrites   RATING: Mature
Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!
------ We all know about this fic, we all know it’s amazing, and we all know it deserves to be read and recognized. Mermaid Lance? Sign me the fuck up.
Right Here Next to You (Stay With Me Please) by Le_Tournesol    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
Five times Lance comes across Keith having a nightmare, and one time Keith comes to him willingly.
------- It’s art, it’s beauty, it’s fluff and angst all at the same time, I live.
+ Can't Fight This Feeling by idratherhaveyou and kissmesexybatman    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
Welcome to Pizza Planet, open til four A.M. Home to shitty food, an exclusively 80s jukebox, and minimum wage employees getting through life on tips and one another.
When Keith gets a job as the new delivery boy, he wonders if it might become more than just a means to an end. Meanwhile, Lance just wants to know what the hell the new guy's damage is.
------ No words for this beauty.
+ It's OK* by DeetsViBre    RATING: Explicit 
Rewriting yourself cost something, a deep pain with every edit. Lance had been trying to change for a long time.
When Keith walks in on Hunk and Lance talking late into the night, things begin to change. A bond is formed between Keith and Lance, and becomes something they hadn't expected. Can they navigate their new relationship, and keep it all a secret from their team?
Aka Lance is not Ok, has a huge crush on Keith, and suddenly gets a chance to do something about it. Oh, but wait, first he has to try and stay alive in the cold vacuum of space.
------ This fic is honestly BEAUTIFUL, and INTENSE, and everything that I am here fore. I feel the emotions that are given off of this fic. Read it. Love it. Come talk to me about it when you do.
Blood Kiss by plumeriafairy14   RATING: Mature
Lance doesn't like the idea of his boyfriend bent over someone else's neck and he convinces his vampire Galra boyfriend that he's more than happy to help him through.
But Keith's feeding method is, well... let's just say that it's a special one only reserved for Lance.
------- Okay listen, I love werewolf Keith as much as the next person, but VAMPIRE KIETH I love it as well, I’ll take both. So this is galra keith, but with vampire tendencies. What is there more to say. Sign me up.
+ Life After Death* by taylortot   RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
Fear clambers into his mouth and tastes bitter on his tongue. “Who are you?” It takes him a moment to register the sound of his own voice.
She stares at him. Blinks. “Lance, please, this isn’t time for one of your jokes--”
He furrows his eyebrows and struggles to sit up, to stop leaning into the cradle of her arms. “I’m not--I’m not...joking.”
After sacrificing himself to save Allura, Lance wakes up in a strange new world where the only thing he knows is a deep connection to a boy he doesn't remember.
you build your tower (but call me home)* by parchmints     RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell...
------ Something about Keith being a gargoyle and Lance being a prince has me feeling some type of way....... I can’t deal.
And Your Skin Blooms Purple and Blue* by Zizzani    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
When Keith leaves the team to join the Blade of Marmora, he quickly resigns himself to the limitations of being the only soldier with human blood. That is, until he discovers he's not.
i.e. an AU where Lance was raised by the Blades and ends up meeting Keith along the way.
-------- Lance is a badass BoM, what is there more to say really.
Voltron Cafe by PinkHitman   RATING: Not Rated
Lance is the number one butler at a maid cafe, and his number one customer? Just his old High School rival Keith.
------- I think I want to work at a maid cafe for at least a year in my life so I think this is why I love this fic so much. Plus there is domestic Klance.
+ How To Train Your Galra Series by magisterpavus   RATING: Explicit 
"Shiro, I fucked up," Keith blurted, wringing his hands.
Shiro paused mid-punch, shooting him a quizzical look. "What? What happened?"
"I think," Keith whispered, "I think I accidentally roofied Lance. With my dick."
------- I’m a sinner and sucker for bottom Lance, so this series is it for me man. That’s all I’m gonna say.
+ Drive It Like You Mean It  by Zizzani    RATING: Explicit 
The Castle of Lions is the venue for the city's most dangerous illegal street races where drivers come to test the cut of their tires. Lance has long defended his title as champion, but when a newcomer shows up and threatens his position things take an interesting turn.
----- Fucking race cars AU? ? ? ?  My goddamn weakness.
A healthy dose of Denial never hurt anyone by crystalklances    RATING: Teen and UP Audiences
There was a cough behind them. Keith and Lance both turned around to see that the other players were looking at them in amusement.
One of the guys said, “Look, we’re happy for you, but you two are giving us diabetes.”
“Yeah, not everyone here is into PDA. Get a room.”
“What? What’re you talking about?” Keith asked, furrowing his brows.
“We know you’re dating but you don’t have to be glued to each other all the time.”
“We aren’t dating!” Keith and Lance both said at the same time.
---- Or: 5 times Keith and Lance deny they are boyfriends, and the time they finally don't
------- Oblivious Keith and Lance? Gold. Pure gold.
Color Adjacent Series by OneManBand   RATING: Explicit
Keith knows Lance's secret but at least he didn't tell the rest of the team.
----- I know what you are going to say, bottom Keith? When I’ve been preaching about bottom Lance? Well let me tell you, I’m not opposed to both, I just have a preference, but right now? Demon! Lance? AND top Lance? Sign me up as a sinner.
+ The Future's Full of Clones by jilliancares    RATING: Explicit
Keith accidentally winds up in his future self’s body, who he then has to pretend to actually be because apparently the future is full of clones who will say or do anything to trick Team Voltron. In the future, anyone acting out of the ordinary is a suspect, and Keith can't afford to get his future-self killed by being incompetent. This is only made harder by the fact that he has to pretend to know what it’s like to be a boyfriend, because in the future, he and Lance are dating.
That is sadly all for now, but I’ll put more up in the future for the one person who will see this (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
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sapphicvevo · 7 years
some dad lance things he’d definitely do
after dropping the kids off at school, he’d yell out the window “MAKE GOOD CHOICES SWEETIES” in a white suburban mom voice
the kids die in embarrassment
honks ridiculously long when he goes to pick them up, all the other kids stare at his kids, his kids love him but also want to go home rn immediately
dances with his kids from every genre. to traditional cubano music all the way to beyoncé, it’s adorable, even when they kinda trip over their own little toddler feet
is the Really Competitive Dad at their sports games
will definitely yell at the Ref
gives the evil eye to the other team’s coach. the coach has no idea why this dad is squinting at him
gives his kids a lot of support, smiles, and thumbs up at their games
definitely the loudest dad in the sidelines
probably made signs with his kiddos for what they wanted them to say on it, carries them proudly during the games
(they even made one for keith to hold too)
the best at doing their kids hair. especially the one who has super curly hair, because he used to have to comb the knots out for his younger sister and knows how to do it in a way that would hurt
take his kids out to look at the stars
they come up with fake stories about each one because they don’t know any of the constellations yet, it’s super cute
first time he took his first bab to cuba with keith, his mom burst out to tears. then lance burst out to tears. everyone burst out into tears.
keith was very confused but comforted them both
just..... Lance as a Dad (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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raiyakun · 5 years
Phantom Thief Marmora AU
Yes I know 93724983274923 AUs and counting
Keith is the heir to the Marmora Clan, a long line of magic users who take on the role of “thieves” to target certain artifacts and art pieces that have been cursed for hundreds of years. The goal of any clan member who inherits the mantle of “Phantom Thief Marmora” is to “steal” the art pieces in order to reverse their curses and then return them afterward, all without being caught or revealing to the public the truth about their clan and the existence of the curses. Aside from this, Keith is also tasked with searching for the “Blue Star,” a jewel that is the partner to the “Red Star,” the source of the Marmora’s magic. The Blue Star is believed to have been lost for centuries, but Keith learns from his mother that finding it and “reuniting” it with the Red Star will help the Marmora recover the power they have lost long ago and remove all the curses that seem to be connected to them.
Lance, on the other hand, is the son of a local detective who is determined to catch Marmora. Lance looks up to his dad a lot and dreams of becoming a renowned detective someday too. He’s known about Phantom Thief Marmora ever since he was a kid, and like his dad, he dreams of being the detective who will catch the famous thief. Although his parents constantly tell him not to get involved in Marmora’s escapades, Lance manages one time to figure out where the thief would strike next, ahead of the detectives, and decides to stake out on his own. He surprises Marmora and thinks he’s found his chance to prove himself, but he is not prepared for the artifact that the phantom thief is targeting (and the curse it holds) to possess him---Lance is revealed to be somehow incredibly receptive to the curses that Keith seeks to find and undo...and it may have something to do with the beautiful blue pendant his grandmother had given to him a long time ago...
(More stuff and a silly doodle under the cut)
Other random ideas:
Hunk is Lance’s childhood friend whom he often ropes into his “Marmora stakeouts.” Being an engineering genius, he’s extremely good when it comes to helping Lance override security locks, even though he’s extremely reluctant and worried about them sneaking around. (Pidge, Allura, and Romelle eventually join their little rookie detective team, giving Hunk more of a headache.)
Lance and Keith attend the same high school, along with their friends, and Lance still has the declared rivalry with him. By some chance, Keith always gets called in for Phantom Thief duties whenever Lance tries to talk to him, so Lance has the initial impression Keith doesn’t think he’s worth talking to (even if Keith does want to). 
The cursed artifacts due a multitude of stuff, from making whoever it’s possessed fall in a deep sleep or trapping them in a painting. One of the cursed artifacts end up being a sword belonging to Allura’s family (aka Alfor’s sword). When it possesses Lance (imagine the Sword Card possessing Rika in Cardcaptor akjdhas), Keith is forced to fight him without harming Lance in any way. (Also yes, Phantom Thief Keith has his magic Marmora blade too.) Keith gets wounded, and the shock of seeing that gives Lance enough of a drive to resist the curse and a chance for Keith to swipe the sword away from his hand (P.S. yes because they start to fall for each other (o・ω・o)) 
One cursed artifact puts Lance in a deep sleep that can only be awakened by the person he loves. (cue dramatic romantic angst)
Lance gets torn between liking Keith and Phantom Thief Marmora (cue even more dramatic romantic angst) 
Gee I wonder what Lance’s blue pendant is (๑•̀ヮ•́๑)✧
Also behold the silly doodle because I can’t get this AU out of my head 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。 Phantom Thief Marmora with his Tuxedo Mask vibes I promise I’ll do an actual decent drawing akjdshaksjdhkasd
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