#calling me a weeb whose whole personality is anime lmao
butch-bakugo · 2 years
The amount of people who think its "activism" to yell at themed blogs for going by the name of the character its themed after is honestly embaressing lmao
Like idk how yall remember others but i litterally make up a nickname in my head based on urls. Also,lowkey, as long as your respectful and not weird about it, you can litterally go by any name from any culture ever.
Names and languages are not a part of "closed culture" and the amount of white people i know who scream at litterally anyone going by a name not of their cultures is dumb as fuck.
You like the name deku and arnt asian? Who gives a fuck. You like the name onacona and you arnt cherokee? Who gives a fuck.
The only time yall white folk care about people going by names of a different culture is when its ethnic. It has nothing to do with culture lmao. Irish people go by greek names. Germans go by english names. Franks go by polish names. Yall only care when you think you'll get some poc brownie points for calling out an anime fan for going by naruto or some shit.
No one cares. Get a fucking life. This is the intenet.
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