#also yes anon i know your not asian lmao
butch-bakugo · 2 years
The amount of people who think its "activism" to yell at themed blogs for going by the name of the character its themed after is honestly embaressing lmao
Like idk how yall remember others but i litterally make up a nickname in my head based on urls. Also,lowkey, as long as your respectful and not weird about it, you can litterally go by any name from any culture ever.
Names and languages are not a part of "closed culture" and the amount of white people i know who scream at litterally anyone going by a name not of their cultures is dumb as fuck.
You like the name deku and arnt asian? Who gives a fuck. You like the name onacona and you arnt cherokee? Who gives a fuck.
The only time yall white folk care about people going by names of a different culture is when its ethnic. It has nothing to do with culture lmao. Irish people go by greek names. Germans go by english names. Franks go by polish names. Yall only care when you think you'll get some poc brownie points for calling out an anime fan for going by naruto or some shit.
No one cares. Get a fucking life. This is the intenet.
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jackienautism · 6 months
No queen it’s not ridiculous to block that person. Like lynnmanda is the one semi popular wlw ship in this fandom when it’s a sea of white dudes and to literally turn them into guys like ?? Why do you hate gay woman (also low key who is it I wanna block )
OK IM GLAD IM NOT JUST BEING A BITCH LMAO THANK YOU DEAR ANON. but yeah . i feel awful like vagueing and bitching but im TIRED of seeing it and ive only been here for NOT EVEN a month. andit like ??? it wasnt even in a necessarily trans context either..... meaning they dont necessarily see them as trans or anything. atleast to my knowledge . just turning them into guys just cause YOU find it more appealing is BAD imo. ESP WHEN FANDOM HATES WOMEN TO BEGIN WITH
AND NO LITERALLY????? like. im not gonna be like this pairing is revolutionary! when amanda is still white. and they canonically arent a fan of each other😭 due to the situation they both were put it. but just. the fact that lynn is a poc... and that its between 2 girls... LIKE. as a mixed (race) lesbian im THRILLED to see something like this in a fandom im relatively interested in. so to a degree, yes!!! it is important! esp to me! and i KNOW that asia is a huge country and that the sections are WILDLY different.b tu asian girl.......... in a pretty popular pairing............. makes me very happy
AND I DONT WANNA GET INTO IT BUT LMAOOOOOOOO yeah . like. saw as a whole isnt great when it comes to representation. which like. why shoudl it be bc youre wayching these ppl be tortured lol . but yeah. to the bits that they DO give us, im gonna latch onto it!!!!!! bc im gonna be real w/ you! i dont give a FUCK abt adam or lawrence or hoffman or john! and those are like ! the biggest characters in the fandom! once again, not saying amanda is exempt from this, since she too is white but. you get ewhat im saying
SORRY IM JUST RAMBLING AT THIS POINT LMAO but seriously..... i feel bad bc they HAVE made stuff for and w/ gay women before (2 of like their many many other art pieces though, mind you) but they've only ever drawn lynnmanda in an amanda and adam swap i believe? but that wasnt like . a full piece of anything. but its just......... ughhhh cmon now. read the room. genderbends in general im very ,........ iffy with. bc half of the time they ARENT done well. but come ON. IM SORRY BUT IT LOOKS WEIRD WHEN YOU TURN 2 OF THE ONLY BIG WOMEN OF THE FANDOM INTO GUYS😭😭😭😭 JUST CAUSE YOU /FEEL/ LIKE IT
dont mind me im just tryign to justify my bitchiness lmao. im just TIRED!!!!!!!! DRAW THEM NORMALLY IDC
and ill get the name in one sec anon LMAO
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notsoattractivearenti · 7 months
Annie, come on, tell me about your home life with Christian aka your husband 🤭🤭🤭
not you feeding my delusion anon HAHAHA well you asked for it 🤪 this is a long one so here it comes 🤭
to start, we’ve settled well in italy. he’s been enjoying his time here and so have i 😋 and no we can’t speak italian yet 😂
he’s obviously been having a fantastic time with his current team (not counting the game vs juve 🤫), and i’m also doing well at my own things, so yeah it’s been great! even tho both of us usually are busy with our own works during the day, once we get home, no more work stuff between us – i mean it’s okay to talk about work for a bit, but at home it’s our time to be with each other 😌
as a pro athlete he has a specific diet, of course, meanwhile i don’t. so usually since i love to cook i’d cook us breakfast and dinner (sometimes lunch too) but more for me cuz i can eat whatever i want 🤪 as an asian obviously my dishes are always flavorful and he loves them 🤭 in case you’re wondering, yes he still has his private chef but since we got together i’ve cooked more for us 😉 and we do work out together. i’m not one who likes exercising tbh but he lovessss to drag me to work out with him 😫 so if you notice how buffed he gets lately, it’s cuz we’ve been hitting the gym a lot lately 🤭
as y’all know he’s an introvert. and i’m an extrovert. for date night we’d make compromises like if tonight we’re going out, then we’re gonna stay home the next day. on the weekends sometimes we’d go out with friends, but i’d do most of the talking lmao 😝 my husband just loves to stay home. at home sometimes we’d bake (well, he would help me bake), randomly dancing to no music, listening to his or my fave songs out loud, or just laying down doing nothing but cuddle up 🥰
every time we’d have convos about a lot of (mostly random) things, like it’s like we never run out of things to talk about and i love that about us. we’d watch some shows or movies or football matches and no, we don’t watch those quietly – we’d throw random commentaries! 😂
also one important rule for us: no coitus before match day. but after? regardless the result, it’s happening 😏
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bluelockednyx · 11 months
Hey!! I loved your Rinsagi metas and posts. FINALLY someone in the fandom who doesn't infantilize Isagi and sees canon him. Yes Isagi is nice but not like.. nanase level friendly and nice. He's polite but a lil withdrawn and appreciates people's talents but absolutely will not let anyone walk over him. Also,exactly what u said, sadist Dom. Yes please.
And Rin, so many people reduce him to this one-dimensional character who's issues people treat like a joke. When that's not the case? Bachira at least knows his prblms, Rin has no idea at all. Like how horrible does your repression and mental state have to be that the guy that is literally suicidal tells you that you're in a worse place than him. Rin gives off high key depressed vibes.
It's a lot like Post WC kunigami which draws...interesting parallels esp when you look at pre WC kunigami and at how Rin seems a lot happier before the fight. I saw someone make that comparison.
What do you think? How do you think Rin would've been like if Sae had actually bothered explaining instead of what we got?
Also, any opinions on the Itoshi parents? We've only seen half their faces and nothing from them abt their kids's relationship. I mean, it kinda bothers me how we've seen the views of Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, even Hiori's parents when he's not a main character, Yet we got no input from the Itoshis. Do they just not notice? Are they a bit neglectful esp since they let a 13 yr old Sae go to another country alone? Do they let their kids do whatever they want including fighting for a year? Who knows? I'll love to know your thoughts tho.
Again, thank you for the lovely metas which made me feel a little less alone in the fandom. Have a great day :)
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Isagi stans, please rise up and help characterise him properly lmao
Stupid long response under the cut, as always.
Rant about my issues with the general fandom characterisation about Isagi. Sorry anon if this isn't what you wanted, I have a lot of Thoughts and Salt where Isagi is concerned, and I am Fandom Old who is growing incredibly sad with how divisive current fandom is over a whole host of things. Skip to Itoshi if you don't wanna read about Isagi + fandom musings. Skip to parents if you wanna read about my thoughts on the family dynamics.
Isagi is, for better or worse, the stock shonen MC. He's enough of a regular guy for the target readers, which are teenage boys, to identify with. As he's the MC, the story overall serves to validate and support him, so long as he fits the themes the author is working on, which for Blue Lock, is the concept of being the best at what you're doing, while also bringing out the best in others, and then working together successfully to achieve goals (i.e. the World Cup).
But, Kaneshiro-sensei's also a strategic writer. Isagi, because he's such a bland self-insert for the most part, combined with how he has a very weird form of Power of Heart, has wound up being an especially attractive character for those who like harem, or reverse-harem series. Which then, for better or worse, brings all the fujoshi fangirls around (the curse of so many attractive characters). But most especially the fujoshi fangirls who are a fan of all x MC ships. I am emphasizing all x MC here, because east Asian/gen Asian fandom, have grown incredibly restrictive and rigid about top x bottom dynamics, which is a whole host of other things and issues to talk about.
Look up any popular shonen jump title, you'll find that these shippers generally have the same tastes, and move around the same fandom circles. You'll usually find them shipping all x MC ships, from Izuku to Tanjirou to Yuuji to Naruto etc. Overall, how they characterise them never deviates all that much. It's the nice, 'innocent', naive, guy who is a bit of a pushover, and who has all the other hot characters wanting to get in their pants. That's where Isagi falls into as well, for these shippers. The more thorny and less 'nice guy' parts of his characterisation gets sanded down, though YMMV whether this is a skill issue by fandom or simply a cultural readership interpretation difference altogether.
On the Itoshi bros:
Yep, Rin has a lot of repression issues. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Rin has no idea at all about his issues (how else would he pick out Bachira's loneliness so quickly lol, also there's some hints from official guidebook), but he definitely lacks self-awareness. I also agree that he and Nagi seem to be on different areas at the spectrum of depression (Nagi being apathetic, Rin being hostile).
If there's anything to parallel Rin and Kunigami, I'd say that it's the 'loss of a dream' and 'loss of companions'. In the manga proper, Rin does seem happier before the fight with Sae, like how Kunigami looked happier pre-WC. However, the light novel shows that Rin was already repressing both himself and his style of football to imitate Sae long before then due to external pressures by his teammates and coach, and even more severely than Isagi, who also didn't have much of a relationship with his own teammates from Ichinan.
If Sae had tried to explain more than that one line about 'the world being vast', they wouldn't have such a strained relationship right now, honestly. While I don't think that Rin would have fully understood what Sae was trying to say because he lacked the experience and perspective, I do think he would have been more supportive, which would have been better overall, for the both of them. They were both idiots that night, lmao, though I do view Sae as having been punished by the narrative when he pushed his dream onto Rin.
About the Itoshi parents:
We know that Rin and Sae presumably used to share a room and a double bed as kids (albeit a fairly spacious one, from the looks of it), which makes me think that they're more likely to be middle class than upper class. Young Rin also accompanied Sae to his soccer practice games, rather than going off for other classes like say, art, which implies that his parents might not have been able to afford it. Sae also walked home with Rin, which further implies that they're parents are busy, though its more of a norm in JP. Possibly a double income household, to fund Sae, and later, Rin's coaching fees and time with the youth football squad. Also a household that seems to have no qualms about Sae, and later, Rin's rudeness and hostility, although they may tone it down around their parents. Sae must have picked his attitude up from somewhere.
I'm reluctant to call the Itoshi parents sending Sae to Madrid at 13 as intentionally neglectful, because there are cultural nuances there. I think the best parallel I can draw is parents from less-developed nations sending their children overseas from an early age to secure eventual permanent residency and establish a life in a more developed nation. Sometimes, home just isn’t good enough. And this is one of Blue Lock’s main story themes: that Japan’s football, as it is, isn’t good enough. They have neither the organizational structure, infrastructure, nor support to get the World Cup that Sae, Anri and possibly Ego, covets.
Sae's dream, and talent, is in football. He's been scouted by perhaps the most successful team in the Blue Lock world, with a world-class program for youths, and has been given the best chance possible, for any kid in his shoes, to fulfill his dream to be the best striker in the world. He's being sponsored, and he also left with a manager who would presumably, help take care of him whilst he was there. Sae isn't going there like say, Ashito from Aoi Ashi, who needed to go through a trial to even be considered for acceptance into the youth squad. He's going there as the equivalent of a golden scholarship student scouted for a potential future work placement, with the likely backing of the JFA.
What alternatives could his parents offer him if he stayed in Japan? His own speech to Sendou pre-blue lock vs U20 match encapsulates what could have been for him (Sendou is very much a foil to Sae, especially now that we know they're both redheads lmao). Being the best in Japan, a middle-of-the-road striker in the world, retiring with an average, albeit decent life. Sae's too egoistic, too talented, too greedy to be content with a life like that. I wouldn't be surprised if Sae had also begged his parents hard to let him go, since it's pretty much all he wanted as a kid.
That's without even taking into account the other problems his parents would face if they immigrated with Sae. How to take care of Rin and his education there, for starters. Rent and housing, finding jobs in Madrid where they likely can't speak the language, and face discrimination.
I think we don't get their parents faces because Rin and Sae's story, and their relationship with their parents, are simply emotionally distant. I don't think they have much parental control over Rin or Sae either.  Sae's been more or less looking after himself/being taken care of by Real Madrid + his manager in Spain since 13, and Rin has been strongly implied to be in much the same shoes since Sae left, to a lesser extent. I doubt they know the more minute details about Rin and Sae’s school life and team experience, both within and out of Japan. I even doubt that they know that Rin and Sae had a fight, honestly, though I can also see them being the kind of parents who will let their kids sort things out between themselves.
Overall: Itoshi parents takes care of them physically (buys them material things, makes sure they have a home to stay in, have a physical caretaker in their place), but emotionally? Rin and Sae seem to be pretty much left on their own. No wonder their relationship with each other broke down, and what little relationships they have with others seem like such a convoluted mess.
Thanks for sending the ask! I love hearing from people what they think about the latest chapters, characters, relationships etc. I hope you have a great day too!
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aris-ink · 10 months
is your source of knowledge about BTS/idols tiktok? 💀😭
When everyone knows that that is one of the worst apps where false information about idols are spread.... Is Yoongi tired? 💀 Yoongi is happy that he had one of the successful tours for a solo asian artist and had ARMYs with him throughout the tour; if you see at least one live Jungkook with the right translation you would know how he jokes and teases ARMYs; Taehyung is tired of shippers comments not our fandom! No one loves ARMYs as much as BTS loves us unlike others who charge their fans to watch their live on weverse
Girl it all started from an anon where she pointed out to you that Jennie is a grown woman of will and she was willing to participate in that porn show and you used BTS as a shield to defend Jennie. And the anon from before is right that multis just throw bts under the bus to defend their other fav group. You put Jungkook and Jimin in a discussion they had nothing to do with since they were talking about another person.
AHSHDHDH okay honey, I won't even comment on that last part, because it's like talking to a wall, I won't be repeating myself 300 times. feel free to scroll down to understand why I'm allowed to mention Jimin and Jungkook whenever I want, especially when talking about kpop idols. ♥️
but you know what? you're right. saying bts made mistakes is totally throwing them under the bus, not like they're human beings who can be wrong or anything. where were they from again? mars? smh I'm NOT an army after all, I can't even remember where they were born 😔
also, no! wym? my source is Namjoon. everyone knows that all the info we get about the boys comes from our movie nights together, not from things like tiktok, twitter, weverse, the internet, overall. did you miss the last sleepover? ooops? I guess they forgot to send an invite.
and yes, you're right. Yoongi was never fed up once in his life with the way fans acted during his lives lmao. oh my, I guess you missed the sleepover because you had a separate one with Taehyung where he told you exactly what pissed him off.
because we all know that the boys loving us, means that they are not allowed to get tired, and that they never get tired of fans not acting right. you are so right. thank you for the tea ☕
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Hello Katy it’s been a while. Not in Sydney but I’m in Queensland. I saw a crocodile 😲 or alligator. What’s the difference I don’t know? I HAVEN’T gone out this week so I’m just reading the stuff you written so far. Your work is always great.
Cowboy Hobie?!?!? Omg both of the request were absolutely delicious. The singer reader au? I’m thinking about that a lot now. After the performance, Hobie is like dying to know who is this owner of this majestic voice. AWHH imagine he kept coming back and back just to see. So cute
Pirate Hobie (mentally screaming) BDAS ISN’T EVEN finished but pirate Hobie is my second favourite (TTN on top) .You’re just so good with characters. I really realllly love pirate Hobie, but that fortune taller? I’m a sucker for that trope (it’s like your in my walls) but that got my mind working so now thinking of the possibilities. Also more chapters? More lore more amazing story and of course more of pirate Hobie <3
ALSO 🔥 ANON IS SO REAL PEELING FRUIT IS SUCH A LOVE LANGUAGE (Asian gang) also being Asian means you had to play a sport and an instrument (fencing and piano/violin for me 😔)
Hope you’re great Katy and make sure you’re taking breaks and drinking plenty of water
- 💗
HI 💗!!!! Missed seeing you here! Hope you're having fun in Australia! (Also I hope the spiders are treating you well) omg queensland! The views must be immaculate ✨ I don't know the difference either lol and I'm too afraid to ask, they're all crocodiles to me 😂
Thank you for reading them!! Also yeess cowboy! Hobie debut!! (He has been running in my mind since then 🤣)
YEES MORE BDAS!! I have so much planned for it and I hope I do the story justice with my writing (I'm slowly chipping away at chap 6 I think this one is a behemoth of a chapter too lol) (hell yeah ttn! Hobie #1️⃣ forever) thank you so much! I do most of the planning of a series making the characters perfectly. I'm a sucker for that trope too! I loved writing the entire scene. (Fun fact: that was the first scene I wrote for that chapter!) (*Knocks* im in your walls pls let me out)
Ah yes the pinnacle of romance 🥰
I'm pretty boring on that part lol I've never learned how to play instruments or master a sport 😔 I wanted to tho, but stuff like that costed too much lmao so I more into drawing (although I lost that skill now 😞) and writing!
Thank you for the kind words, angel!! You take care too and be careful! Have fun in your adventures, Love ya ❤️❤️❤️
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shuangxo · 1 year
hey there!! id like to request a match-up :)
i am a gnc lesbian, my mbti is intp and im an aquarius (i had to google my zodiac 2 minutes ago lol)
appearance-wise, im 5'6, east asian, shoulder length layered black hair, dark brown eyes and i wear a lot of dark clothing and most of the pieces i wear tend to be baggy on me
some of my hobbies are playing video games with my friends(genshin obv), playing bass, listening to music, spending time with friends and learning things that interest me!
my friends say im realllyy introverted and sensitive to stress, good at listening, i help find solutions for them when they need it, a huge perfectionist and that im funny (i dont think im super funny, i just laugh a lot lmao) they also say i act a little dumb when im pretty smart (i'm not, trust me)
take all the time you need and feel free to skip over my request if it's too much :)
wishing you the best and have a great day!
anon were terrifyingly similar 🤨🤨
i match you with..
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candace 坎蒂丝
broo candace is so nice im gonna cry 🙁 UNLESS U PISS HER OFF BUT U WONT!!! i hope
shes an esfj (WHO YES I KNOW OFTEN HAVE A DESIRE FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO LEAD THEM BUT LISTEN) a mentor ≠ a partner!!! so as a partner she would be very supportive and kind 😿😿
beats anyone up who stresses u out and also asks u to play music for her when shes stressed!! trusts ur tastes
feel free to send another ask if this didnt match your expectations!!! likes + reblogs appreciated
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papirouge · 10 months
I'm the anon that sent you the message about hating the term PoC. Yeah, I pretty much agreee with everything you say. I don't believe much in POC solidarity because our struggles are very different between each other, and trying to paint everything as us vs whites does not really work. Perhaps for americans it does, since they have a very diverse population, but it's more difficult when talking about other countries.
Like latin americans do not have the best relationships between each other, they might share language but have very different cultures. Like the other day I was reading about this cartoon named "Oye primos" that was going to premiere and it was made by a second gen latina, where she looked to represent her growing up in a latin community in the USA, but she was clowned by pretty much every latino leaving outside of America. First, because the name of the cartoon is gramatically wrong (it should be "OIGAN primos, not OYE primos), second, because she used the word "LATINX", which latinos hate, and third, because she named the town the characters live in "Terremoto (Earthquake) Heights" or something like that (people though it was offensive because Mexico and Chile have suffered through a lot of earthquakes). And there's other stuff, like people saying the animation is ugly (very calart) and so on. Some people even started praising Los Casagrande, a spin off of The Loud House with a main mexican family thats not even made by latinos, but its considered far superior.
Sorry, I got a little carried away with that, what I wanted to say it's that its pretty common for latinos to kinda tear each other up, but they unite if they want to clown a "gringo" or something (and yes, they pointed out that the author basically being a 2nd gen makes her a gringa... I guess). Plus a lot of latinos dont like anything that looks "woke", and they considered that show does, so it was doomed from the start. The creator of the show felt pretty overwhelmed by the negative reception, received a lot of backlash and it apparently affected her a lot. I feel pretty bad for her actually.
And yeah, argentinians are actually pretty white, not only because a lot of italians and germans migrated there (if you ever read the names of their national soccer team, you'll notice many names are of italian origin), but because they're at the very south. Chile is also pretty white. But yeah, argentinians have always been pinned as being pretty arrogant and full of themselves, so it doesnt surprise me that they feel they're superior because their team is white. I remember that argentinians and fans of Messi in general were clowning Mbappe for allegedly being in a relationship with a transwoman, so they invented some pretty homophobic chants... soccer fans be like that
Ugh, this got so long,... I was gonna mention asians and their own issues too, but i think it's enough. I did wanted to ask you something though: is France a racist country?? How has your experience being impacted by being black?
Don't be sorry anon, I love these loooong asks where I get to know more my followers 🧡
It's pretty ironic you're talking about Asians because in one of my post where I'm talking about White conservative weaponizing minorities against each other somehow triggered A LOT of people. I even got a comment saying "put the reblogs back I have to give my perspective as someone with Asian/japanese ancestry" and I got like..... "Hm no?" LMAO This girl REALLY thought her opinion was remotely relevant when this was my perspective as Black person and I am not interested about some random Asian take on that issue. Sis really thought my post was a diss against Asians success (I mean every single person who interacted with that post had a negative IQ and entirely missed the post that's why I muted the reblogs) and got like "the cOnsErVatiVes aRe jUst acKnoLedgiNg oUr sUcCesS uwu"...... There's no wonder East Asians are looked down as White people's cucks 💀 IDK, if my community was being weaponized by racist scrotes to dogpile on other I wouldn't go uwuwhy do you mean?uwu about it. How can people have so little self awareness? ...That's why I don't believe in POC and that some communities will actually be more than willing this silence us. Sis really tried to all lives matter my take and I have no patience for that.
And soccer is brain disease tbh. Case in point : the racist Argentinians players dragging Mbappé... Which is a shame bc Messi and him seem to be very cool. Fans are the worst. I think I realized how racist these people were when they said ANTOINE GRIEZMANN (France NT player) wasn't White enough just because his mom was...... Portuguese (when his dad is German)💀
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Imagine thinking this man is not White enough when them Argentians be looking like tragic mulattos themselves 💀💀 HE'S LITERALLY THE ARYAN PROTOTYPE 💀💀his name is ANTOINE. THAT'S THE WHITEST FRENCHIEST NAME EVER!! NEVER IN MY LIFE DID I MEET SOMEONE CALLED ANTOINE THAT WASN'T WHIIIIITE 💀💀💀💀
Argentinians living up their nazi heritage ; Portugal ain't white enough lmao...
What's funny with Latins is that they have this thinly veiled superiority complex with Black people.....but highkey are envious of the cultural impact of Black culture worldwide. Latin culture has a load of influence on music, but its impact is not as multifaceted as Black culture (beside music, fashion, hairstyles, make up, slang, etc.). I saw some Latins seethe about Black Panther and the hype the Black community was having from this movie, and Black twitter, in its usual shadiness got like "hmmm don't you have Rio? 🤔" LMAOOOO (it was before Encanto though)
And is France racist? hm... I mean, it's a European country 🥴🥴 but it's definitely one of the least racist one for sure. Non french netizens will do the most about how islamophobic France is, but Islam isn't a race so the problem our country has with Islam isn't much related to race. Because of colonization, France has many territories oversea where its natives are Black, so France is inherently already multiracial, and that's something that many French people acknowledge. I feel like french are more worried about culture than race (ln many aspects, I, as a Christian Black woman, have to bear much less prejudice than a Muslim male, for example). That's why our country is very defensive against Islam (which comes with a whole cultural set) rather than race.
We consider assimilation as a staple and reject self IDing communities (whether they might be sexual, racial, religious). Any stats trying to quantity race, religion or sexuality are ILLEGAL, here. That's why when I see foreign rightoids be like "France is already 25% Muslim!! #greatreplacement" I just know they are full of shit, because such stats are technically illegal...
To give you an example, France leader of the far-FAR right is a Jew...(Eric Zemmour) and a significant amount of people from North Africa/muslim are in the (far) right too.. (many of them change their names to make them sound more french/less Arab such as Jean Messiha lmao)
France itself is a mixed nation between Romans invader and Galicians (basically France indigenous) also some viking mingling in the north(?) That's why french people can be very phenotypically diverse. If you look Griezman (France North type) and Kenji Girac (Southern France type - he's also a gypsy) who are both White french while looking quite different.
Unfortunately nationalism is on the rise, there's an actual revival of neo Nazi (which is hilarious bc France has been invaded/defeated by Nazi and that actual self respecting French rightoids hate Nazism because of that 💀) so I feel like France is getting less sale for foreigners/non Whites. I think France is the best place to live in Europe if you're afraid of racism but yeah, it's getting quite heated here....
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vampacidic · 1 year
ITS LEO hiii sage. using anon bc i dont want my main to be on here u know how it is. sleepover saturday real..... can i make u pick an aoi twin. also grabby hands thoughts on my special guys... mao ibaba tori ... ALSO whos your most brainrotting oc . u can answer all or none of these go wild
yes yes i getcha leo... i acfually have a couple friends named leo so i was like. Which one for a good second... anyway
ohh an aoi twin.... if i had to pick one my favorite is hinata :) it's the older sibling guilt lol... not that i dislike yuta. yuta is also my little guy. but there's something so..... grabby hands about hinata's. i wouldn't say asshole-ry but the way he's so adamant that he knows yuta that he refuses to acknowledge any change in yuta... echoes a lot of problems i have. im excited to see when he realizes that 'protecting' yuta has only been hurting her in the long run... ultimately damaging their relationship. etc. i love guys who are lost in the past
admittedly i don't know much about either ibara or tori... i never watched/read kiseki series lol. i know a speed run of ibara but i wouldn't say i uh. Know her. if you get what i mean... i think she's silly though. definitely a guy i'd pick up by the scruff of the neck if i ever dig in. tori was also a character i wasn't particularly interested in so i never dug in... i remember during my twitter days thinking her fans were annoying. which to be fair i was right but that was less because of tori himself and more Twitter.
mao however? my silly guy. im a big mixed jp/south asian mao enjoyer. which relates not at all to his character but i just can't see him as pale. i see his canon art and go Whete is his pigment. i love his character... his self sacrificing nature. also he's a fuckin LOSER. he's a younger brother 2 me. he is so special. the meow meow est. funny to me that he's the 'normal' guy of trickstar yet also the most popular... i don't talk about him a lot but he's very special to me. one of the first guys i latched onto... i think i cried over him more than once. his cringe tboy gnc swag seduced me
ok on the oc note. this one took me a while bc all my oc art is old LOL but my most specialest little meow meow is maisie
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this is recent ^ ANYWAY i made her in freshman year chem so she’s been here for a few years… she’s a vampire lol. and a very transparent self insert LMAO she has a girlfriend luna :] (pictured above). i have an entire story for them lol but i need to sit and write it some time… basically maisie is a sad little bitch who lives alone in the woods and despite the happy demeanour she has Guilt surrounding the fact she’s feeding off her friends (human. who also have designs and are important 2 plot but i can’t be assed to remember their names). until she wanders across a lost wolf and is like ohhh. friend ? and it turns out it’s a werewolf lol. and it’s luna. and luna has amnesia or smthn idfk but what’s important is that they’re in lesbians andn it’s about fuckign. allowing yourself to be close 2 ppl again. i have other ocs lol (honeydew is a slime girl and she has a wife named valkyrie. valkyrie has touch sensitivities and thus they can never hold hands….. and they’re going 2 be short comics :] they’re just silly. no deep plot there. i have june who’s important in luna + maisie universe and she has a design i enjoy drawing. and there’s bea who’s a cow girl. not like a lasso and rides horses. like she has hooves) but maisie is my most beloved little fella who i project every problem onto
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hostelsbigbro · 2 years
The Anon who's argument points that Heather has probably been extremely sheltered from sex Ed cuz of her parents is valid and another argument that she is required to learn in a sex Ed class since its part of the basic cirriculum is also valid.
But the thing is, both are speculation and assumptions because Heather's side of the story is never revealed.
Fun fact: Eli dropped out of 2nd grade (he was 8)
So he basically lived with his 2nd grade education for over half of his life (we met him at 15 right?) and despite knowing how to kill a man with his left toe, he still has that certain naivete around the concept of procreation. Remember his weird talks about getting in big trouble? Yeah that's all he knew.
Also on the point they probably taught him what it is, that's highly likely!
But remember this fun fact (through a quick Google search)! Sex Education in South Korea is hella sexist and subpar aka their basic take away is "Don't have sex or you'll die" type of deal so I also doubt that Sally can really explain clearly but I'd like to think she tried cuz it's Sally lol gotta love her
Also there is a scene in the panels in which Eli was spelling out Hostel and he was spelling out apple wrong lol but he's getting better at it. So they did teach him what they can which is hella cute lol.
Also I never did think that Heather is an inherently bad person, in anything she's nice and got her heart in the right place. She gave Sally company when she can and even taught Eli that he shouldn't steal (she should have said that he DOESN'T need to steal anymore but she got the spirit) and taught him how to socialize along with the rest of the group.
Despite that, Eli is still plagued by the trauma he had with his past so I could tell he still holds on to certain things but his hold is getting loose cuz he's being taught.
Could I really call him a full fledged teen in mind now? Not really since I'm not a professional lmao but broski still got issues that need to be resolved
Also I'm not very sure just how long they stayed together but I'd say about a month or two? Hopefully a month minimum because Sally took him in when she's still going school so it's within the school year
So the actions she did that one night? It is hers alone but she and Eli are controlled by teenage passion. I still feel REALLY weird about it cuz I don't think I could safely say that Eli is now considered mentally a teen (unless we're given just how long he stayed with them, God I hope it's a few months cuz I don't think one is enough) but hopefully for the professionals he is tho cuz it'd be ironic for the daughter of a lawyer to not know about the law on minors not being allowed to have sex.
Not so fun fact: the guys are usually the one who is charged with something regardless of whom lead, which is bullshit (yes its more common, why the fuck are you punishing just all of the guys tho?) and I don't think I've heard of girls getting charged anything so I knew damn well that Heather's mom got the high ground regardless of who's the victim
But the basic thing that plagued me forever about it is the fact Heather's action were never really analyzed compared to others. They basically mentioned it once and never again, they've only focused on the part she got pregnant. And blamed Olly, which is correct cuz I'd kill him too.
Thank you for telling me about the anon's argument! I really didn't read it because their wording made me incredibly uncomfortable, but of course, it's valid since we are all just going off by assumptions.
And, your point is very valid too! Eli was very knowledged in terms of fighting, just not by anything else. Honestly, the realisation that he stopped education at 8 years old is very concerning looking at the situation. Also, fun fact; Eli is a year older than them.
Also, sex ed in most Asian countries is really conservative, for different reasons throughout the whole continent so it would be silly to name only one reason. However with South Korea, it could lie deep in the culture and generational harmful shelter of teenagers of anything that seems 'too adult' like. Just a guess though.
Sally trying to teach them is highly likely, I love her! She always takes care of people. However, I believe even if she did, she was too shy and awkward to do it! Remember, at that time she was a lot more introvert like.
Although I don't think Heather is a good person, you can do bad things while being a good human. Though, I gotta agree, she did her actions out of ignorance. - Does that make it better though? In my opinion, not really, but you decide for yourself. - and, 'teenage passion' aka, of course, selfishness.
The time Eli spent with Hostel is actually quite small, it must have been at max two months, at max three months. So, while he could improve, he wouldn't have been able to heal completely - and I do think that he could have underlying mental conditions which are impossible to cure. - however, we can see that even 9 months or so later, when Yenna is born, although his speech and social understanding improved, he was still incredibly naive and unaware of a lot of things. So, I think after all the time frame doesn't matter unless it expanded to a year.
Also! Knowing the law does not mean one cannot go against it, we clearly know that Heather disliked her mother, so the fact that she would have just done whatever to not feel controlled by her is very possible.
I didn't know that "funfact"! It's actually maddening, and pretty sexist.
Yup, I do think PTJ just wanted a girl that viewers can pity without even thinking how serious the thing he made her do is, I don't think he realises 'hey, this was bad to add'.
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Frenchie army here. about that anon asking about racism/kpop in France, honestly I don’t have much to add I share your thoughts BMT.does racism play a part in kpop not being more popular here?Probably. is that the main reason? No, don’t think so. I think it’s much more complex than that and i am personal.there’s an important asian community in France (mostly chinese), the Korean community is tiny and concentrated in the capital city. The average French person doesn’t know much about Asia and Asian cultures in general and even less about SK. Sometimes it just boils down to a very simple reason imo:it’s far away, we don’t have much connections/a shared history, our cultures are extremely different, the language is also very different etc also I guess most people aren’t really interested in getting to know more nor have the time/the ressources to dive into a whole new culture, as sad as it is. I’ve got many friends who aren’t interested in kpop because of its reputation, they don’t know much but are influenced by stereotypes, think it’s too heavily manufactured, and that’s it. Or some just don’t vibe with it, same way I have no interest in latin music for ex because it’s just not my thing in general. Also, to me it doesn’t seem like the kpop industry makes much efforts to develop in Europe. It’s still very much a niche thing here as BMT explained. Outside of East Asia, the big kpop labels seem to focus primarily on the US market- understandably, it’s the biggest and most influential one. As BMT said it’s also closely correlated to your age range and the platforms you’re engaging with.so if racism might play a part in why it’s not popular over there, it’s probably not the main reason imo. (Sorry for my crappy English btw! typical frenchie lmao)
Hey anon, thanks for coming back and bringing some more background info on the general audience and the communities. I think your point about not having a connection to it is important. Not the main reason, but it's one relevant aspect. And it's not like France doesn't welcome K-Pop. As PPTM said in her reblog, a lot of events and concerts were held in France, but it's also true that Europe at large is not a big market for this genre. And you're also right, because K-Pop does focus more on the US-market. In the case of France or other countries, this is a topic that would be better understood from a historical point of view and it would take a lot of time and work for me to bring that background, especially since my history knowledge of France hasn't been polished in a while. Yes, racism is a part of how white French people look at other cultures. And not just France. I'm not telling this for you anon because I'm sure you know this better than me, but the history of colonialism and subsequently post-colonialism, plays a big part here. And France colonized some parts of Africa and Asia as well - what was called Indochina. And in the postcolonialist era and due to migration, other cultures were beginning a quite difficult process of integration that ended up being reflected in art as well and what became mainstream and what not. In film studies, I read about Beur Cinema, especially the movement that started in the 80s - film about shared colonial experiences and cultures.
What I'm trying to say in very simplistic terms (if anyone wants to know more, you can do a little research about it), is that France is not a white homogenous country in which the citizens are mostly racist towards an East Asian country and that's why K-Pop didn't reach there as well. The issue is way more complicated and nuanced and I bet there are some studies and research articles on the K-Pop scene in France for those who are interested in this topic.
*For the original asker who wanted my opinion and that of anon, I hope this helps. And for you, Frenchie anon, please forgive me for my bad, under researched attempt at talking about French culture and colonialism. I mostly used some left over information in my brain from some other areas of research.
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watchfuleyeleans · 1 year
ooooooooo i do like some symphonic metal, though other subgenres are a little Too Much for me tbh (only admitting this because I'm on anon LOLLLLL) but i think it's great if you're into it :3 also super cool that you're into Japanese stuff (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) do you mostly like the culture or do you have family there too? I'm not super aware of my own ancestry because I'm adopted so all I know is I'm Some Flavor of Asian, which doesn't tell me much. was that tmi? probably (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) but oh well!! as for my taste in music it's all over the place really hehe but I really like pop punk!! and I do like fairies a lot so I think it'd be really cool to be a wee supernatural creature hehe i do have the height for it seeing as I'm really tiny gjgjfnfn I'm hoping to hit some growth spurts still but who knows!!!!!!!!! - your (surprisingly talky) anon friend :3
its ok to feel like sth is too much for ye, idk in what sense ye mean it but like whos gonna come at ye for it, the edge police??? feck whoever that is lmao live yer truth fairy anon
my background is mixed as fuck lmaooo but the one i feel the biggest connection with is my grandmother, she was japanese (technically okinawan as i recently found oot, those are not the same lol) so getting into jpn stuff always made me feel closer to her i guess? esp after she passed away and i started finding shite oot and she wasnt around anymore to answer me :')
NAHHH ITS NOT TMI GIRL ITS OKAY AAAAAAAA /º0º/ im sure there could be ways to find oot if ye dig into it, but its also important to know what ye just feel connected to even if ye don't know for sure where yer roots lead ye? like i live w my mother right, and when it comes to the other side of my family i rly don't give half a shite aboot ~connecting~ with them even if through culture ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠���⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ some ppl may find that shitty but idgaf theyre not the bosses of me. and neither are they the bosses of YE
hope ye have a good one, tiny fairy talky anonbud! take careeeee
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coquelicoq · 4 years
Glad to be of help. Talking to you helps me examine things more closely too! To me at least, a strong undercurrent in mdzs/untamed is the concept of 'face' - basically how you are viewed and treated in society. There is a Viet idiom that goes like 'a piece shared to you in the village festival is more valuable than a whole basket of it you receive in the back door' - the fact that you look like you are respected (and hence gets shared food) in public matters more than the quantity
I believe the ‘face’ is part of the conflict between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian. Like, they’re dear to each other, but at the same time, Jiang Cheng is clan leader and Wuxian is son of a servant, and in public, Wuxian is implicitly expected to 'behave his place’, such as, you know, avoiding loudly passing his judgment on the leader of another clan while his clan leader is still there (that banquet scene is all kinds of social violations).
And, like, we have mdzs society, a place where people are obsessed with merits and achievements, but at the same time, bloodlines and being born in the 'right’ place matter, arguably even more than your abilities, and your status decides what you get, and what you can and can’t do. And yeah, it creates all kinds of wrongs in people. You have Jiang Cheng, who loves his family but at the same time feels the pressure to maintain his/his clan’s social position in the face of a genius adoptee
So, like, I think actually Su She and Jiang Cheng have a lot in common i.e. anxious about how people view them, and for Su She, he craves recognition. In the novel, it’s stated that he strikes out from the Lan Clan and forms a clan/sect of his own, so that he can be called a clan leader. And, like, his tragedy, to me, is that for mere, arguably superficial in the end, act of Yao remembering his name in public, he is willing to die for Yao (I disagree with hamliet that there is a connection
between them, because it feels super exploitative on Yao’s end). As a side note, I think fandom hates Su She not just for being mean to Lan Wangji, but, in the novel, besides the inferiority complex, he also hates Wangji for chastising him in the Murder Turtle Cave. When Wen Chao wants to make Mianmian monster’s bait and Wangji tries to protect her and Wen Chao gets frustrated and threatens to murder them all, Su She drags her forward and is basically prepared to let her die. Wangji hits him.
(I just remember that bit haha, because Su She isn’t in the cave scene in Untamed. Basically in the novel, Su She thinks Wangji has humiliated him several times - with good reason or not). But yeah, I’m too lazy to explore it properly, but mdzs is fascinating in the variety of ways people act and react to social status and 'face’.
what a fantastic idiom, thanks for sharing it with me!! face is one of those things where like i know generally what it is but am also aware that it’s a rich concept that i don’t have enough context to fully understand sometimes. so it’s always nice to learn more about it!
it sounds like cql changed a lot of things about su she, with the end result of making him more sympathetic and maybe a bit more impressive, idk. i don’t remember all of this totally but it seems to me that cql!su she’s main motivation for starting his own sect was that the lans showed him that his life meant nothing to them, and not so much that the lans showed him that his status meant nothing to them, which maybe was more of novel!su she’s motivation? (but since status is so important in this universe, maybe these two things aren’t as far apart as they seem to me?)
(as an aside, i find it interesting how cql avoided making him too sympathetic. even though the show gives him a valid reason to betray the lans to the wens, at the same time it really hammers home what a coward he is for doing it. maybe this was cql’s parallel for the murder turtle cave scene - his life is threatened by the wens, so he offers up someone else’s life in exchange for his own. but idk, the cql version is more sympathetic to me, because the lans wronged him first by leaving him to die, and i’m guessing mianmian didn’t do anything similar.)
i wonder. other than for plot reasons, why is there a need for both jin guangyao and su she in the story? do they serve different purposes from a thematic perspective? aren’t they both people who became villains when society ridiculed them and shut out many of their other options, all because of the circumstances of their birth? not that you can’t have more than one character doing the same thing for the story, and i realize su she was necessary to cql’s plot especially with the whole second flute thing (not sure how important he is for the novel’s plot), but cql goes to such pains to make jgy’s tragic origins and completely over-the-top villainy super explicit. so it just seems like su she is kind of redundant thematically, unless i’m missing something.
oooh, i really love this jiang cheng/su she comparison though. you have given me a lot to think about!
#the untamed#su she#ahaha bless you for bringing murder turtle back#i wasn't even gonna call it the murder turtle cave!#i was gonna call it xuanwu cave. so i scrolled back up to your ask to make sure i was spelling it correctly#and then you called it murder turtle cave ahahaha#anyway i really appreciate this additional info so thanks for these asks!#about face. (no pun intended) i feel like it's one of those things that seems really simple but is actually quite complex??#and if your own culture has this concept of face then it seems very obvious and straightforward to you. but not so much to others#i worry that this could be offensive like i'm implying that it's too ~foreign~ for me to begin to understand#which isn't what i mean at all. i understand it a lot better than i did several months ago. but reading about it and watching asian dramas#is no substitute for living it every day. so i also don't want to be like 'oh yes face. been there done that. i am practically an expert'#in my own culture we have the concept of losing face. but i had never heard of 'giving face' or 'thickening your face' until recently#(you'd think that giving face would be obvious if i know what losing face is...but it isn't really? or maybe i'm just a moron lmao)#and that's just talking about idioms. the language we use is just scratching the surface of the intricate web of social relations#that underpins the whole thing. even if i now know what it means to give someone face it doesn't mean i could identify it happening#in a cultural context outside of my own.#so yeah it's a very rich concept and it's very cool to learn more about it!#asks#not anon
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
Do you ever stop and think "Mayuri has a (singular) really really long nail"?
lmao half this post was written before that Szayel ask and half was written after, so apologies is there’s any repetition or disjuncture across the two!!!
I'll be honest, anon, I often forget this detail! In the same way that I often forget that I have a giant full-color picture of Sunflower Mayuri set as one of my other desktop images, right up until I hit a rogue keyboard shortcut and am suddenly transported into his midst:
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He's been lurking there for a full year and I am always taken by complete surprise.
I was actually poking around these chapters the other day, and I think what honestly I DO stop and think about is Mayuri's moral compass? Like, the fact that it exists. And I don't mean this in a "he acts like a sick freak but secretly he really cares" kind of way, or even a "he revels in his being a sick freak and doesn't realize he cares until he does" kind of way. The definition of "moral compass" here is absolutely a Mayuri Original Definition. He's totally invested in his various experiments to satiate his own personal agendas, but he actually does more "for the sake of Soul Society" than possibly anyone else, and... does a pretty good job of it? I imagine Soul Society would be less inclined to handwave whatever other shit he's got going on if he weren't, but my point is a weird amount of his time is honestly spent on things that benefit others, offer protection, etc. And again: Mayuri. Not a secret cinnamon roll. But he also can't be flatly read.
He's one of the few captains who seems willing to go toe-to-toe with Yamamoto about some of Yamamoto's leadership decisions--notably because he thought Yamamoto's Quincy genocide wasn't genocidal enough, er, but he also later insinuates that he disagrees with Yamamoto's conception of honor/patriotism--that the Gotei 13 serve 'til death, and that if you can't, then you should kill yourself. (Makes sense, given that Urahara drags him out of the Den of Maggots, so Mayuri's seen the fruits of this particular domestic policy first-hand.) He and Yamamoto are both dudes with often shitty opinions, but I think it makes them both more interesting that they are different shitty opinions.
I don't think his disagreement on that count is purely out of self-preservation/valuing self over others, either. Weirdly enough, I think he actually likes Soul Society and its observable phenomena (e.g. his colleagues), as long as it's not touching or interfering with whatever else he's got going on. He probably could have just killed dead Kensei/dead Rose/Matsumoto (and Hitsugaya, too), and that would have been a lot easier, but he went through the trouble of incapacitating/podding them. I mean, the man reads the SC cover to cover for fun. Sure, that's data, but let's be real--70% of those articles have got to be pure drivel.
And also like--I find Mayuri's fight with zombie!Hitsugaya extremely upsetting. I do not enjoy it at all. It feels horrible. But Mayuri doesn't even seem to enjoy it either? In the lead-up to it, he makes like three separate references to his own kind heart that are definitely not to be taken at face value, and talks a lot about the thrill of victims writhing against you, and how pleased he is to be able to test a bunch of new drugs on Hitsugaya, but then you get this face:
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And it's not like he particularly likes Hitsugaya. (In fact, for reasons unknown, in the Bount arc Mayuri very specifically singles Hitsugaya out to be someone he Does Not Like! I imagine that as the Gotei 13 interacts with each other more often post-ryoka/Aizen, Hitsugaya is just more annoying to him. "Yes, we re-grew Hinamori's organs. Of course we did a good job! Get out of here, stop helicopter-captaining, ffs go micromanage your own division--")
I'm not saying that face is indicative of compassion. But he's not having all the fun he said he was going to.
I enjoy that a character like Mayuri can be humanized--here meaning “made complex” I guess--without that act suggesting that it should be attended with an assumption of goodness, or mercy, or redemption.
@ippoddity here, jumping onto this post~
I too, have Sunflower Mayuri as my desktop background (but my desktop is much more cluttered than @whipplefilter’s, so I won’t be showing a picture of it).
I didn’t really give much thought to Mayuri’s long fingernail either, except to think “Boy, that’s kind weird, but this guy’s whole vibe is creepy so it fits.” But then you got me to thinking about it more, and I started doing some digging. My first thought was “maybe this long fingernail is like the one that all those old Asian men have??” But it turns out that’s usually the pinky nail. Mayuri’s long fingernail is the middle finger of his right hand, and from what I can tell after looking at hundreds of panels of him, is that this is consistent throughout the series (someone please correct me if I’m wrong). I think you can see his nails pretty well in these shots:
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What’s really standing out to me here isn’t just his long nail, but the fact that all his others are so short?? My initial impression was just that he had painted his nails half black/half white (kinda going along with his face), but on close-up here, it seems like his nails are actually cut really short. That just seems incredibly painful to me, and the only people I know that have nails this short are habitual nail-biters. So maybe he’s a nail biter? Which leads me to wonder why he leaves that middle nail on his right hand so long…
This is just a speculation, but you know those reset buttons on certain electronics that can only be reached with a needle or unfolded paperclip? I feel like a lot of older electronics were like this. ANYWAY, given all the modifications that Mayuri has given himself, I think this long nail is probably his version of a reset button tool. There’s no way he doesn’t have one somewhere on him, which he needs to hit for a hard reset when he messes something up. It’s gotta be a long and thin tool that can hit a reset button, and a fingernail is the perfect choice! It’s easily accessible, in fact, it’s already on his hand!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Mayuri canonically takes off his makeup every night and reapplies it every day. We know that underneath it all, he’s a (somewhat) normal looking shinigami. And it seems like it would be kinda inconvenient to have that long nail all the time… So I think it might also be a stick-on nail??
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Heyyyy ❤️❤️❤️ it's your favorite anon, ATINY, and I think it's time to reveal my real name: *drum roll* I'm Lena, nice to meet ya 😁
Happy Easter!! How are you doing today? I check your blog on a daily basis so at this point you're not just a blog to me but an actual person with a life outside of Tumblr so I really care about your well-being. Have you ever been asked about your age before? If you don't want to answer it's totally alright, I understand. But I have this weird thing where I love knowing about people's ages, bc of reasons I don't even understand myself lmao xD
I have a question bc I'm genuinely curious: Do you ever watch shows outside of the recommendations you get from your followers? Cause it must be exhausting to some extent to receive all those recommendations, I would imagine. What's one show that really got stuck in your head due to its whump and storyline lately?
Have a great day and enjoy the holidays 😊
Hello, Lena!
Happy Easter! I’m doing alright! I hope you are, too! I’m so happy to hear that you are also here every day! I’m glad to know we’re both vibing here at all times 🤣. I appreciate that you care omg! 🖤🖤🖤 I can’t really remember if I’ve been asked about my age tbh. Normally in DMs it comes up sometimes but not always. I don’t mind answering at all. In fact I think it’s in my bio on my main ( @i-love-me-a-lotta-whump ). I’m 22 as of the beginning of this year! I completely understand wanting to know ages. As a person who enjoys Asian media and plans on moving to Korea at some point, I don’t find it weird at all to want to know someone’s age.
Do I ever watch dramas outside of recs and requests?: Yes! All the time! In fact a lot of my lists were not from requests or recs. However they do overlap sometimes. I’ll have a drama in the works or on my to-do list already and someone will mention it. But yes. I give credit every time if I get a rec or request that tells me of a drama or movie that is new to me. If I didn’t mention it being a request or rec, it was my finding for myself.
It’s not really exhausting but it’s quite a bit to keep organized. And I feel really bad if I have to drop one. I try to message that person and let them know if I did drop it but it can be hard if they’re on anon or if it’s highly requested and I definitely don’t want to post about dropped lists every week.
One drama that’s stuck in my head as for whump and/or storyline: it’s been the same since I watched the first episode. (For those who have been around for ANY period of time you know I’m still obsessed with this one) (Like I love it so much I’m thinking of updating the list with time stamps just so I can technically make another list for it cus I love it so much)
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gordvendomewhore · 3 years
I wanted... to point something out to you about the 'who would vote for trump post'-
Parker is an Asian American-
He's like, one of the ONLY asian kids in school.
hi anon!! thank you for leaving an “ask” (in quotations since you’re not really asking me something lol)!!
(for reference, this is the post anon is referring to)
i wanna say now that this post is meant to be read lightheartedly and that it is written with no malice at all (/gen)!! however, i am about to tear you a new hole
first of all, i am asian LMAOOO first gen vietnamese, baybee 😼🇻🇳
not very obvious since a tumblr blog for a rockstar game isn’t exactly somewhere where you would post about your personal life, but yes i am asian and so i know what it’s like to be asian american.
second of all, parker is not confirmed ANYWHERE to be canonically asian. i headcanon him as asian, a lot of people do!! but the only thing we have to go off of are his straight black hair and his pale skin, features associated with east asia.
but when you compare parker to characters that are confirmed asian, angie ng and mr. oh, there’s notable differences to take note of:
angie and mr. oh have explicitly asian surnames (which hey! no big deal, surname doesn’t always indicate ethnicity)
angie and mr. oh are both voiced by asian voice actors; parker is not
angie and mr. oh’s faces are modeled with features that are distinctively asian; parker lacks that
now, none of that really means anything, because for all we know parker could STILL be asian. hell, i’ll go to my fucking GRAVE saying that he’s asian bc god knows this game needs the representation, but i argue against it in this situation because i know how to distinguish canon from fanon.
and frankly? ethnicity does not change the points i made in that post lmao.
parker is naive and blatantly unaware of what is going on in the world around him lmao. he’s a prep: we can assume he’s at LEAST upper middle class, and so he’s grown up comfortably without having to worry about things like that. he’s influenced by people like DERBY HARRINGTON and listening to his dialogue, it’s obvious his parents aren’t feeding him the most progressive ideologies either.
asian or white or mixed, being a person of color does not automatically indicate that someone is not bigoted. often it does, but with parker it would not given the nature of his character. either way, i know a lot of asian people who LOVE trump.
but in the long run, this really doesn’t matter lmaoooo think what you want anon!! /lh /gen
if you want to argue that he’s asian and wouldn’t ever vote for that walking turd, argue it to your heart’s content. this is just my view on it all as someone who loves bully, loves the preps, loves parker, and is also a politically and socially aware asian american.
if you read all this…thank you LMAO have a nice day yall
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