davekat-sucks · 3 years
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Calliokat aka Grim Reaper is better than Davekat.
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sepulchretide · 7 years
My trifecta of Homestuck rarepairs:
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ive never heard the ship calliope x karkat bUt now that i have i think i love it? (pale tho i think? red is not bad too tbhtbhtbh)
like okay, imagine. 
karkat and i, anaylizing troll romance novels.
karkat woUld attempt to make me food, before realizing i have a steady diet of raw meat and star dUst, making it almost impossible for him to actUally make food
me, dressing karkat Up in a “cherUbsona” like imagine 
showing karkat my trollsona and him getting really cUte and excited aboUt it 
showing him all my art and stories 
reading stories together 
drawing each other 
sometimes dave will come and we will all hang oUt. i woUld try to throw down some sick raps like him bUt fail miserably becaUse wtf is a rap 
making dave a trollsona also bc why not
me hUgging karkat and comforting him everytime he tells me something thats bothering him 
me drawing karkat, in attempts to cheer him Up. (trickster karkat drawings for the win) 
karkat showing me aroUnd alternia, teaching me more and more aboUt troll cUltUre 
him introdUcing me to everyone else, and me nerding oUt bc wow irl trolls everywhere 
karkat comforting me, everytime i get Upset aboUt caliborn 
i make karkat a lime green sweater bc why the heck not
karkat in tUrn, attempts to make me a sweater bUt realized he cannot sew for his life 
smooshing his lil cheeks together bc thats always fUn
karkat is the one who is always eager to go places, and woUld always be trying to get me to go places with him
piggy back rides
writing fan fiction together, well, id do the writing bUt he woUld tell me the ideas
a lot of dress Up, mostly me, dressing him Up bc its so fUn
me asking karkat qUestions aboUt trolls non stop. jUst, all the time. 24/7, i need to know more. 
karkat asking me a lot of qUestions aboUt cherUbs and me answering all vagUe and stUff bc im not Used to not having that “rUle” with caliborn aboUt disclosing info (bUt i get better at it as time progresses) 
lots of cUtesy hand holding bUt not for long bc karkat gets flUstered and embarrassed and blUshy 
i feel like we woUld both be really competitive, making any game really intense (and fUn)
thats all the head canons i coUld think of rn oops anyways i like this ship a lot
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homestuck-rarepairs · 8 years
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tenacioustoxophilite said to homestuck-rarepairs:calliope/karkat (or calliokat) owns my soul. like i dont even know why it is so quality. can i request some (i love this blog it fulfills all my rarepair needs)
reading some trashy alternian romance novel -mod Y 
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whysosirius200 · 9 years
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five minutes at a sushi place
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g4ydestiny · 11 years
Calliope Headcanon: Calliope ships Callie Ohpeee with Karkat in her fanfiction. Cherubs look for romantic partners that remind them of their missing sibling, and Karkat’s personality is superficially similar enough to Caliborn’s for Calliope to be attracted to while lacking all of his horrible, obnoxious traits that would make their relationship black. Also his species is her ideal of beauty so he'd probably be her ideal romantic partner if she was interested in red romance. Y/N?
8U that. is fantastic. yes. yes GOOD.  i am now supportive of this idea holy shit. EVERYBODY READ THIS AND AGREE. i love you you are fabulous.
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