#calliope sevnin
berry-the-bookpuppy · 3 years
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Hi! I'd like you to meet my MC, Calliope!
MC’s Full Name: Calliope Celenia B. Sevnin
About Her:
Birthday: April 8, 1972.
Nationality: Filipina
Mother:Jessica B. Sevnin (nee. Baleron)
Father: Cecilio O. Sevnin
Sibling/s: Jacob Cerilio B. Sevnin (older brother by 8 years)
Cloud Jeromio B. Sevnin (younger brother by 3 years)
Height: 1.70cm (5' 9")
Weight: 74 kg
Wand: 1st; Acacia Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, 12 inches, pliable
2nd; Ebony Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core, 11½ inches
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Pureblood
Patronus: (produced in 4th Year): Spotted Hare
(produced in late 5th Year): Eagle
Strengths: Persuasion, capacity to understand people & situations, flying, logical thinking
Weaknesses: Self-doubt, aggressive determination, unbridled curiosity, indecisiveness
Animagus form (found out in 3rd Year): Dog (Rough Collie)
Hobbies: Flying, Singing, Swimming, Reading (in that order)
Favorite color: Burgundy (red violet?)
Favorite Food: Any pasta (No, really. As long as it tastes good)
Least favorite food: Onions and carrots (the first makes her stomach hurt, the second tastes too bland for her if not cooked well)
Favorite Drink: Butterbeer, or mango shake/smoothie
Least Favorite drink: Carrot smoothie
Favorite Dessert: Blueberry Cheesecake
Least Favorite Dessert: None as of now. She likes sweet, salty, and savory food.
If there’s one thing that’s true about your MC, what is it: She loves her family.
Your MC dreams to be A Professor or a Curse-Breaker when they grow up
Weapon of choice: Multi-function weapon she and her father crafted when she was 7 (She named it Multie). Her favorite function is the bow and arrow one, though.
Boggart: An evil Calliope hurting the people she loves.
Transfiguration: 9 ¾ /10
Charms: 9 ½ /10
DADA: 9/10
Flying: 8 ¾ /10
Care of magical creatures: 8 ½ /10
Potions: 8/10
History of Magic: 8/10
Divination: 7/10
Astronomy: 7/10
Herbology: 6/10
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 2 years
I don't know if I'm late or something BUT I wanted to show stuff about Talbiope so...
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Other than that, my inspiration/basis for them is the one, the only
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To be honest I can see Talbott being in the greenhouse house and going "Good afternoon, m'lady." when Calliope walks in.
Wait that was a good nickname why didn't I put it there?
Anyway. I got the idea of little doodles from@immagrosscandy (hope you don't mind)
And that's it. Thanks.
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, pup. If you were real you'd be 50 by now!
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 3 years
I said I would color that post, and I did:
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Here's the colored version of that Picnic Date, complete with background.
Of course I would put Talbiope in their respective favorite colors.
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 3 years
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From this picrew @lisindrw found.
Here, have some context:
It's 5th Year, Talbott and Calliope are on one of their Picnic Dates. These dates are usually near the Lake, have lots of talking, and consist of many favorite snacks.
Talbott just splashed water on Calliope and stole her gummy packet.
Calliope gasped dramatically; she is not amused (lie).
Cue the overgrown puppy slipping off her sandal and proceeding to chase the bird-boy around the Lake, laughing and splashing water at each other every now and then.
Yeah, those were good memories.
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 3 years
@stupendousbookworm 's 100 HPHM MC Questions, Answered. (1/4)
1. What's MCs favorite subject and why? Transfiguration. She just thinks that despite the complexities, it’s a very useful subject to learn. I mean you could make one thing into another then into another then into another. Why would you have lots of stuff if you could just have one and then transfigure it into another one?
2. What does MC think about Dragons? Majestic, beautiful creatures that are aggressive, and usually rightfully so. I mean who wouldn’t be mad if they were in a strange place with strange beings they can’t communicate with, who (they think) are trying to harm them.
3. Did MC get the permission slip for Hogsmeade from the parents without any problems? Yes. No problems at all. But her mother told her to always stay safe and to be wary of strangers.
4. Butterbeer or pumpkin juice? Butterbeer. It’s her favorite drink after mango smoothies and marshmallowy hot cocoa. Pumpkin juice has… an acquired taste. Pumpkin soup is nice though.
5. Does MC sleep with a stuffed toy? Yes. She is a stuffed toy that looks like a puppy, and her name is Spoof. She has been with Calliope since the girl had been 7 years old (Calliope’s mother gave her Spoof). When unavailable though, like in the wash or being used by someone else (read: Cloud or one of her pets), Calliope hugs a pillow or tucks her hands under her neck (fetus sleeping position style).
6. Sandwiches or soup? … It’s so hard to pick one … They both have such delicious potential … Dipping the (unfilled) sandwich into the soup, maybe?
7. Who does your MC hate the most? People who are selfish and hurt others severely because of it. (Sometime after Rowan’s death Calliope can’t help but feel like she’s fallen into this category herself)
8. What is MC's weakness. The “I appreciate your help, but I can do this on my own and I don’t want you to be hurt, thanks” Complex.
9. What is MC's opinion on magical creatures? Wonderful, strange, sometimes dangerous creatures. She’s fascinated by them but is a bit wary of those she’s unfamiliar with.
10. Angel or Devil? Angel. But she always tries to see the good in others, even when they are a devil.
11. Pessimistic or Optimistic? She prefers the term “realistic”. She knows and believes that things can be improved but that there are many setbacks to watch out for.
12. Which house does MC find chill? To her the chillest house would be the Ravenclaws. No this is not about House Pride. She just thinks that while Slytherins, Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs all passionately fight for something (i.e., friendship, justice, equality, etc.), Ravenclaw is just “let me know stuff” “Why?” “Because I wanna know” That doesn’t mean Ravenclaw and other houses are not good, she thinks that all of them have certain assets that make them stand out, it’s just that Ravenclaw is the calmer one (outliers may apply).
13. Selfish or Sharing? Sharing. Whether it be food, or quotes or philosophy talks. Just not Talbott. “Takes out Multie and sets it to knife* Never Talbott.
14. How does MC eat kit kat? breaking the sticks or eating it as a whole? Breaking the sticks then eating the sticks whole :p
15. What is MC's element? Water.
16. Does MC have a part-time job for money? She wanted to babysit before, but the Wizarding World isn’t exactly known for its subdivisions and/or its housing communities where one usually finds a job in babysitting.
17. Who is MC's heartthrob? Why? *swoon* Talbott…
Talbott knew Calliope since Year 1 (who wouldn’t? she was the popular Curse-Breaker/Dueler!), but Calliope didn’t know about him until 2nd Year, when they went all out, no, competed, no, were at the same level of proficiency at Transfiguration.
He wasn’t exactly “nice” to her when they officially met in 3rd Year, maybe formal is the way to put it, only working with her out of duty and a promise to (threat from) Penny.
They didn’t talk much after that; both preferring to be alone, albeit for very different reasons (Talbott doesn’t want to get close to anyone. Calliope doesn’t want to endanger anyone. Both think they work most effectively alone.)
Until the day when Talbott lost his necklace.
Calliope wanted to help. She didn’t want to see her rival, no, study buddy, no, acquaintance so sad, so she helped him look for his necklace.
She got to know him more throughout that adventure, and she thought that he was a nice person. She started hanging out more with him after that, study sessions and such (Mostly because Rowan pushed them together) (Talbott totally hated those interactions) (lie).
Also, they needed each other’s help in some of their subjects: Calliope needed help in Herbology, Talbott needed help in Flying Class; it had mutual benefits.
Talbott gradually fell for her during those outings/interactions. And Calliope fell in love with Talbott being himself comfortably around her, from poems to courtyard dates, to trying to understand and supporting her. (also being a cool and handsome gentleman. That was a nice part of the deal.).
(Oh my goodness that was long)
18. Does your MC like Rowan? Rowan was Calliope’s first ever non-family best friend. They (Rowan) were the first person to help Calliope around the castle and about the Vaults. They were also the reason for Calliope’s change. Rowan’s death magnified all the protectiveness and aggressive determination in Calliope, but that was a bittersweet thing to have because now Calliope wanted to do everything on her own so she wouldn’t hurt anyone else. That was the first time Calliope didn’t go home for the whole school year (she still sent out letters to her family every night, though).
19. Who does MC have a platonic relationship? With most of her friends, really. But her most platonically platonic friend is Penny Haywood. Honestly, Penny is like the guide of the quest whenever you play an RPG; knows everything, is everywhere.
20. Who's your MC's non-NPC bestie? Any other MC? None yet… But she would love to make new friends! (She’d probably act like the therapist or mom friend or something that involves supporting her friends :) )
21. Does MC prefer Muggle or Wizard Music? Muggle music, honestly. They just find so many ways to make interesting music.
22. What is MC's blood status? Calliope is a Pureblood. But she’s fine with it and doesn’t brag about it. Her dad is a Half-Blood (Muggle dad, Muggleborn mum), and her mom is a Muggleborn.
23. How is MC's relationship with their family? She and her family get along pretty well, and she loves them very much. Her Mama is the one she goes to for advice, her Papa is who she goes to for practical help. Her Kuya (translation: big/older brother) Jacob, when he wasn’t missing yet, was her Role Model™, and her little brother, Cloud, is her best friend.
24. What does MC think of Muggles/the Muggle world? Having lots of Muggle heritage, she is pretty up to date about the Muggle world in Wizard Terms, but in Muggle Terms? Only as much as her mom (and there’s only so much news one could find out about the Muggle World. Much of their information comes from Muggle newspapers and Jessica’s relatives.)
25. What is MC's favourite magical creature? Her favorite magical creature is the Hippogriff. It was a bit hard to choose between this and the Niffler and the Knarl. The factor that tipped the balance, though, was the Hippogriff ride.
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 3 years
@stupendousbookworm 's 100 HPHM MC Questions, Answered (2/4)
26. What's MCs favourite part of the Creature Reserve? (Grasslands, Forest, etc.) She likes the Forest the most. It’s just so peaceful and mysterious and full of places to go to and things to see.
27. If MC could be any creature what would it be and why? She would be a Hippogriff, noble and majestic (this is biased and true at the same time).
28. What is MC's favourite season? Why? That one space between Summer and Autumn where it’s warm enough to swim for a long time, but cold enough to wear long sleeves and feel the wind on your face.
29. Was MC's Patronus what they expected it to be? Honestly, she didn’t know what to expect. Her favorite animal has always been a dog, and her Animagus form was a Rough Collie, so maybe it could have been that. But a spotted hare Patronus… wow. She looked up spotted hares in the library the day after she produced her Patronus, and she’s always been fond of the animals ever since.
30. Who is MC's favourite Professor? Professor McGonagall. Role Model 101, Strict but Caring, and teaches the subject well.
31. Who is MC's least favourite Professor? I’m afraid that that would have to be Professor Binns. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a very knowledgeable professor, but his teaching methods aren’t very effective on actually teaching the students (and this is coming from Calliope I-like-soaking-up-information-like-a-sponge-because-its-interesting Sevnin).
32. What's MC's favorite thing to do when they hang out with their friends? Talk, and eat. She likes knowing things about her friends so that she can gauge them better, like what presents they like and what’s their favorite (blank).
33. Does MC like puns? She goes barking mad with fluffter while rolling her eyes and purretending to be annoyed whenefur they come up.
34. What's their favorite thing to do when they're on a date? Getting to know each other better, whether that be talking, or banter, or eating, or activities.
35. Favorite place in Hogsmeade? The Three Broomsticks. Definitely. Best Butterbeer in the world + Nice hangout place? Yes please!
36. What's MC's fashion style? She likes prioritizing stuff, so her fashion priority is practicality, comfortability, then style. But she also values compromise so she likes blending them as much as possible.
37. What is MC's most frequently used spell? In dueling: Flipendo. In daily life: Scourgify.
38. What is MC's favorite snack/candy? GuMmIeS!!! Strawberry Gummies! Mango Gummies! Gummy Bears!
39. What is MC's favourite game? Is it from the Muggle world or the Wizarding world? Whenever she goes to the Muggle World, it’s always a treat to go to an arcade, and what she always goes to at an arcade are fighting games, mostly Tekken because she’s not familiar with the lore of other games, and game of chances like spin the wheel (she got 1000 tickets once, but that was just oNcE)
40. If they had to live in either the wizarding world or the muggle world which one would they pick and why? The Wizarding life is all she’s known since ever, she grew up in it; but if she really really really had to choose, she’d live in the Muggle World. The two worlds aren’t that different, actually, both have their ups and downs, but perhaps it’s the mindset of Muggles that would make her choose their world; the mindset that there is always a way to make things better, and even the Muggle world has magic in its own way, so she wouldn’t have to miss it much.
41. What other wizarding school would MC most want to visit? So technically, it’s not canon (yet), but the other wizarding school Calliope would most want to visit would be the one in the Philippines. She’s heard great stories about it from her parents, and it seems like a great place. Also, in my headcanon, they are very sonnet in their teaching and are very supportive of whoever their students may be within restrictions (Quote from “A Wrinkle In Time (the book)”: “You’re given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself.”)
42. What do they think of their parents? She loves her parents. Sure, they (her parents) may argue with each other sometimes, but those can be/ are resolved, and she knows her parents care for her and her brothers.
43. What's MC's favorite summer activity? SwImMiNg.
44. What is MC's favourite holiday? It’s CHrIstMaSSS! She knows that there are people who don’t like/participate in it, and she’s okay with that; she just likes the peace and happiness it brings.
45. What is MC's least favourite holiday? Ummmm. None? She likes celebrating stuff. But yeah, maybe Halloween she’s not too keen on too much candy. Except gummy bears.
46. Does MC go home during the winter and/or Easter Break? Yes, she does. She likes going home for the holidays. She likes going home, in general. She’s comfortable there, and she likes spending time with her family. There was only one time she didn’t go home, and that was because of Rowan’s death and Calliope’s guilt.
47. Would they like memes if they would have lived their teenage years today? Yesssss. She likes humor and slice-of-life things so memes would be absolutely perfect for her (she sucks at making them though).
48. What cell phone would MC have? Uhm, something efficient, I guess? Like, a phone she could use comfortably and for a long period of time. Something fast-working and with a nice, large storage/memory, I suppose, and she would put a PopSocket and one of those cool geometrical designed cases on it (sturdy, shiny, and colored burgundy). Wait, you mean what brand? Uhhh, an iPhone, maybe? They aren’t as customizable as Androids, but that's okay because they fill all the criteria. Wait, I'm so sorry for my naivety, perhaps she'll just get the nicest one and go.
49. If MC could prevent one thing in the timeline what would they prevent? Jacob’s finding of the Cursed Vaults and disappearance. She doesn’t want to blame her Kuya, she really doesn’t, but his finding of the Cursed Vaults and eventual disappearance is kind of what started this mess.
Or, alternatively (because that was also what started the adventure),
Rowan’s death. It toughened Calliope, sure. But it came at the cost of her best friend’s life and the mental and emotional trauma that got inflicted on the Curse-Breaker.
50. What would MC think of you? She doesn’t know me, but if she did, I think we’d be like Fred and George (Her being George and me being Fred). None of us would die though (I planned her life. She won’t die until she’s 139 ½. Wizard lifespan, baby!).
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berry-the-bookpuppy · 2 years
Berry's Tags Masterlist
I've been reblogging a lot lately, and it's been a very wide range of topics.
In light of that, here's a list of tags to help you navigate through my Swamp Museum Blog:
For the Hogwarts Mystery posts, use the tag: #hphm
Under the HPHM MC stuff, use the tag #calliope sevnin
For those of you who want to peruse stuff about Maya and the Three, use the tag: #maya and the three
Or, for the MATT Canon Divergence fic, use: #there's another way; you know
There's only a few of them I have as I write this, but #Tumblr posts turned Shakespearean is one of my favorite things here on tumblr.
And for my tag with the most posts, I give you: #reblogs
There's actually another tag, rather self-explanatory, and that one is called #important!
Wanna see cute stuff? Animals and such? Step right up to #cute!
Might add a few more tags one day but that's it for now.
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