#calum hood wiriting
wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Love is War - m.c. - Ch 1
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Summary: When yeeyee meets a punk rock wannabe
Rating: PG-13
Words: 3k (yikers man)
Warnings: swearing
Kaela walked stepped out of the black town car and mentally cursed herself for agreeing to wear 6-inch heels on the red carpet. She thanked Andre, her bodyguard, as be helped her steady herself. “You’ve been wearing heels since you were a child, yet you still can’t get your footing.” Andre commented, earning a glare from Kaela.
“Thanks, but I’m aware.” She quipped, smoothing her silky, olive green dress. Andre followed closely as Kaela began her trek down the red carpet. She stood in front of the backdrop laced with ‘American Music Awards’ branding.
“Kaela Gold, over here!” Kaela recognized the voice belonging to her least favorite host, Ryan Seacrest. She plastered on a smile and walked toward him. She gave him a short hug, being sure to let him know she wasn’t in the mood for him.
“Hello, Ryan. You’re looking dashing this evening.” She spoke, almost impressed with her own bullshit compliment.
“Is this the same dress you wore to the Country Music Awards?” Ryan asked her, all but shoving his microphone down her throat.
“It happens to be, yes.” Kaela nodded. “It’s sentimental to me for several reasons, and it has pockets.”
“Oh, my God. It has pockets?” Ryan asked mockingly.
“Sorry to cut this short,” Andre lied. “She’s got other places to be.” He said, ushering her along. Kaela sighed softly as Ryan found his next victims.
“How can one human be so fucking annoying?” Kaela asked, pausing to adjust the strap on her shoe.
“He’s a straight white man, what do you expect?” Andre scoffed and held out his arm for her to balance herself.
“You’re right. I don’t know why I thought he’d be decent.” Kaela shook her head and continued walking. A genuine smile found her face for the first time all evening as she locked eyes with her long time best friend and mentor, Kacey Musgraves.
“I’m surprised they let you in here looking so good.” Kacey commented as she gave Kaela a bone crushing hug.
“Could say the same to you.” Kaela giggled and wrapped her arms around her friend. “Now, tell me, who should I be looking for tonight? You’re the one that knows all the gossip.”
“Well, Kane Brown is up for Male Country Artist and he happens to look like an actual angel 24/7.” Kacey said, looking down the carpet. “That guy you hooked up with at Jingle Ball is up for pop duo, but he’s got little chance of winning.”
“Not the only little thing he has.” Kaela giggled and linked her arm with Kacey’s as they walked. “Who else?”
“Well, that Australian band is up for International Rock Group and I’m hoping they get it. They’re fun guys.” Kacey shrugged.
“You know, I have a thing for foreign guys.” Kaela smirked and glanced over at the four tall Australians, currently posing like sorority sisters on bid day.
“You’re in luck, they’re all currently single.” Kavey smiled and nudged Kaela’s hip with her own.
“How do you know?” Kaela asked, looking up at her.
“I talk to the dark haired one sometimes. We’re good friends.” She shrugged and walked into the music hall with Kaela.
“Save me a seat, will ya? I’ve gotta get changed for my performance.” Kaela said, releasing Kacey’s arm.
“You’re gonna kill it out there.” Kacey giggled and gave her a quick hug before finding her seat. Kaela giggled to herself and walked backstage to the dressing room with her name on it. She stripped out of her gown and pulled on her fishnets, doing a couple squats to get them just right. She pulled on her PVC shorts and checked out her own ass in the mirror.
“Damn girl.” Kaela giggled to herself. She pulled the matching bandeau up over her breasts and chewed on her lip as she studied her appearance. Her auburn hair fell in ringlets across her shoulders and her highlight sparkled in the light. She was pulled from her thoughts as Andre rapped on her door gently.
“Hey, you’re on in 3 minutes. You need to get out here.” Andre said and Kaela picked up her heels.
“Okay, I’m coming.” She exited the room, pulling her heels on as she walked to her mark.
*** Michael wasn’t expecting to enjoy the yeeyee performance of Kaela Gold, but the lyrics of her song intrigued him.
You won't make yourself a name if you follow the rules
History gets made when you're acting a fool
“Who is this?” Michael asked, leaning toward Calum but keeping his eyes on the stage.
“Uh, I think her name’s Kyla or something.” Calum shrugged.
“It’s Kaela.” Ashton said, not looking up from his phone. “If I had known I’d have to sit through this yeehaw shit, I’d have charged my phone before we came.”
“I actually kinda dig this song.” Michael shrugged. “It’s not as yeeyee as some of the shit Luke listens to.”
“Stop calling George Strait ‘yeeyee.’” Luke rolled his eyes. “He’s a lyrical genius and I’m sorry you can’t hear that.”
“Country music has definitely gotten better in recent years, but that’s all thanks to my future wife, Kacey Musgraves.” Calum said, the other boys rolling their eyes.
“You do realize she’s already married, right?” Ashton asked, to which Calum simply shrugged.
“Marriages end.” Calum said, applauding with the rest of the crowd as Kaela exited the stage. Michael pulled out his phone as the hosts came back out. He typed the lyrics into Google and searched. He chewed on his lower lip as he clicked on her Wikipedia page, scrolling through.
Kaela Renee Gold, born February 19th, 1996 in Belmont, Louisiana got her start when she won the talent show at her local county fair. Gold has won two Grammy awards for Best Female Country Artist in 2016 and 2017.
Michael was pulled from his reading when Luke nudged him with his elbow. “It’s our category.” Luke said, bracing himself in his seat. Mike shoved his phone in his pocket and sat up in his seat as the hosts pulled open the envelope.
“The winner of Best International Duo/Group goes to..” Ellen DeGeneres pulled the card from the envelope and Michael’s hand found Luke’s. “5 Seconds of Summer!” Luke pulled Michael from his seat and hugged him tight, Calum and Ashton joining in on the hug. The four of them made their way onto the stage, Calum immediately reaching for the award as Michael was given the microphone.
“This is a huge honor for us. This is our first time receiving an award from the American Music Awards. Being four boys from Australia who are trying to make a name for themselves in this business, being able to receive this award is a dream come true. Thank you.” Michael smiled as the crowd applauded them off the stage.
“I can’t believe we actually won.” Ashton grinned, pulling the award from Calum’s hands.
“I can’t believe the American Music Awards have an international category.” Luke chuckled, posing with his bandmates as the crew took photos of them with their new award. They went back to their seats as Ellen announced the next category: Best Female Country Artist, which Kaela was nominated for.
“I hope my wife, Kacey Musgraves, wins this category.” Calum said.
“I’m rooting for that Kaela Gold girl. She was good.” Michael said, watching the screen as the camera found all the nominees. Kaela held Kacey’s hand as Ellen opened the envelope and announced her as the winner. “I’m good luck.” Michael chuckled.
“My yeehaw wife deserved to win.” Calum huffed.
“I didn’t even know you liked Kacey Musgraves that much.” Ashton said, looking at Calum.
“She’s hot as fuck, of course I like her.” Calum shrugged.
*** Michael tucked his phone into the pocket of his jeans as he walked into the club, the boys trailing behind him. The after party was already in full swing, but they didn’t mind. They were just happy to be invited. “Hey, congrats on the win.” Kacey smiled sweetly at Calum, who let out a childish giggle.
“Thanks.” Calum’s cheeks heated up as he looked at the floor. “I love you.” Kacey laughed, covering her mouth with her fingers.
“You guys are cute.” She smiled softly. “Can I buy y’all a round?”
“We’d love that.” Ashton grinned. “Sorry about my friend, he’s a little star struck.”
“Not a problem.” Kacey giggled and walked toward the bar.
“I’m in love with her.” Calum sighed heavily, leaning against Ashton.
“You’re insane.” Michael shook his head at his friend.
“Calum’s ‘wife’ is coming back with your new crush, and she looks very drunk.” Luke chuckled and sat at the hightop table as Kacey set the tray of shots down on the table.
“Boys, this is my friend Kaela.” Kacey smiled.
“We’re buddies.” Kaela said, downing a tequila shot from the tray. The four Aussies stared at her, their jaws dropping.
“I- how? Why?” Michael stammered, his eyes laced with confusion.
“You never seen someone take a shot of tequila without making a face before?” Kaela asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“No, I actually haven’t.” Michael said, glancing down at the tequila shot in front of him.
“It helps when you’ve 8 shots of vodka and 4 of fireball.” Kacey laughed and took a seat next to Calum. “My buddy likes to drink.”
“I don’t get to do it often, so I take advantage of nights like this. I want to get absolutely hammered tonight.” Kaela shrugged, downing another tequila shot.
“Who knew the yeeyee’s knew how to party?” Ashton chuckled, picking up the small glass of tequila. He poured it into his mouth, forcing it down his throat. His face screwed up in disgust, the alcohol overtaking his senses. “That tastes like straight ass.”
“It tastes like nail polish remover, but don’t ask me how I know what that tastes like.” Kaela said, waving down one of the waiters. “Can I get a vodka and sprite, please?”
“Coming right up, Miss Gold.” The waiter smiled before walking away.
“So, who are you guys?” Kaela asked as she turned back to the table.
“You don’t know us? Luke asked, surprised yet not surprised at the same time.
“You look a little familiar, but I am pretty drunk.” Kaela said, accepting the vodka and sprite from the waiter.
“They’re 5 Seconds of Summer. The Australian band.” Kacey said, taking her shot of tequila.
“American Apparel underwear.” Ashton said and Kaela gasped.
“I know you guys!” She smiled. “You were performing at the Teen Choice Awards when security escorted me out for trying to sneak into Dierks Bentley’s dressing room.”
“The yeeyee’s are wild.” Ashton laughed. “I’m telling you, we need to party with the yeeyee’s more.”
“What the fuck is a ‘yeeyee?’” Kaela asked, her eyes not leaving Ashton’s.
“I don’t know how to explain it. A yeeyee is a yeeyee.” Ashton said, looking at the boys. “Someone else explain it.”
“A yeeyee is someone who’s says ‘yeehaw’ unironically.” Michael said, still avoiding his tequila shot.
“What else am I supposed to say when I’m wrangling a wild bull?” Kaela asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“My God, that’s the most yeeyee thing I’ve ever heard anyone say ever.” Michael laughed and passed her his shot. “I think you could use this.”
“Nuh uh, that’s for you.” Kaela giggled and slid the shot back to Michael. “Do the shot and I’ll let you pick a song for me and Kacey to do for karaoke.”
“Oh, you’re gonna regret that.” Michael laughed as he picked up the glass, drinking the disgusting liquid. He made a face as it went down. “Fuck, that’s disgusting.”
“Alright, what song are we doing?” Kacey laughed softly.
“Make them do the Sesame Street theme song.” Luke laughed. “That’d be hilarious.”
“Great idea.” Mike grinned and looked at the two girls. “You’ll be doing a yeeyee rendition of the Sesame Street theme song.” Kaela and Kacey went up to the stage, pulling up the song. The two of them sang the song as Michael recorded it for his Instagram story.
*** The night went on and many drinks were had. Michael knew he was drunk because the smile on his face could hardly falter. He leaned against the bar as Kaela talked. Neither of them knew how the conversation started or how it took a turn to where it was at now. Kaela was telling Michael the story of how she broke her first bone. “The bone fully came out of my skin. That’s what this scar right here is.” Kaela said, showing Michael the scar on her hand.
“Your bone actually came out? Like, out of your skin?” Michael’s face contorted in disgust.
“Yeah, it did.” Kaela said, pulling her hand from Michael’s.
“That’s absolutely disgusting, yet fascinating.” Michael said, his eyes finding Kaela’s. “Do you wanna get out of here? I’m starving.”
“Please.” Kaela giggled softly. “I could use a hotdog.”
“A hotdog?” Michael asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Preferably a gas station hotdog. A jumbo dog with ketchup and mustard.”
“That sounds incredible.” Michael laughed, linking his arm with hers. The two of them left the club, stepping out into the bustling street.
“This way.” Kaela said, bringing her hand down to Michael’s. She led him down the street to the corner gas station. “Well, don’t we stick out like a walnut in a pecan pie.” Kaela said, Michael’s head whipping to look at her.
“The fuck did you just say?” He asked, his features laced with confusion.
“Sorry, I forget not everyone is from the boondocks.” Kaela giggled softly as she grabbed a hotdog from the rollers.
“Where exactly are you from?” Michael asked as he grabbed himself a hotdog.
“A tiny town called Longfellow in southern Louisiana.” Kaela said, drenching her hotdog in ketchup and mustard.
“Typical small town? Nothing but corn fields, everyone knows everyone’s business, and everyone falls in love with the stranger their daddy hires to work on the farm?” Michael asked, taking a bite of his hotdog.
“No, some of us couldn’t afford farmhands to fall in love with. We fall in love with the cute, older cowboy down the road. But, as most cowboys do, they try to steal your land and then they run away to Texas with your best friend.” Kaela shrugged and took a bite of her own hotdog, some ketchup dripping down on her dress.
“That was oddly specific.” Michael chuckled, gently wiping the ketchup from her dress. “How’d you get started in music, anyways? I thought it was impossible for the tiny town musicians to actually make it.”
“It certainly isn’t easy.” Kaela said, handing the cashier a $5 bill as she walked out with Michael. The two of them sat on the curb as they ate their hotdogs, neither one of them caring about the flashing lights of the paparazzi. “I used to sing at the bar in town. I started singing there when I was about 13. When I was 17, I was singing at the bar and a producer was there. He had some car trouble and ended up in my town. He heard me sing, asked for my demo, and signed me to his label. He produced my first album, which flopped. They dropped me and then I was fortunate enough to be signed to Columbia.”
“So, it was a one in a million chance?”
“Absolutely. I’ve got two albums out now, I won an incredible award tonight.” Kaela smiled. “I’m just lucky, I guess.”
“You and me both.” Michael smiled and finished his hotdog.
“So, Michael Clifford, tell me a secret. Something fans don’t know.” Kaela said as she finished her hotdog.
“A secret? Well, I photoshopped my Spotify wrapped because it exposed me as a yeeyee.” Michael said, nudging her shoulder with his own. Kaela giggled and rolled her eyes playfully.
“I mean a real secret, Mikey.” Kaela smiled, resting her head on his shoulder.
“You tell me one.” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist and resting his hand on her thigh.
“Alright..” Kaela moved closer to him as she kept her head on his shoulder. “I’m afraid of both my parents dying. It hasn’t happened yet, but I know it will someday and it terrifies me.. I don’t know what I’ll do when I don’t have either one of them to count on.”
“Are they still together?” Michael asked, his thumb rubbing against the exposed skin of her thigh.
“No..” Kaela sighed. “They split up in ‘94 just a couple months after I was born. My parents were high school sweethearts, but the immature love they had in high school didn’t last through graduation and an unplanned pregnancy.”
“I’m sorry..” Michael sighed, hugging her into his side. “Are you still close with them?”
“Yeah, absolutely. As a kid, I only saw my dad every other weekend. When I started singing, he came to the bar every time to support me. He bought me my first guitar and taught me how to play. He’s always been my best friend.” Kaela smiled softly to herself as tears filled her eyes. “My mom moved back in with my grandparents after the breakup. She raised me with them and I couldn’t have asked for a stronger mother.”
“She did an amazing job.” Michael smiled to himself. Kaela sniffed quietly and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
“Your turn, tell me your secret.” She said, lifting her head to look at him.
“Since we’re getting personal.. I’m scared of being the forgotten member of 5 Seconds of Summer. I know the band isn’t going to last forever, and I know everyone’s gonna remember the band.. But I’m scared of becoming ‘that other guy.’” Michael sighed. “It’s always going to be Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, and that one dude that did stuff sometimes.”
“Oh, bugaboo..” Kaela sighed, cupping his cheek gently. “You’re not gonna be forgotten. You’ll always be remembered to me.” She whispered, her eyes not leaving his. For some reason, it was enough for him. Michael’s lips found hers and slipped tenderly against them. For a brief moment, being with her was enough for him to feel at ease with the world.
Taglist: @lukescherrypie@calumculture@kinglycalum@babylon-corgis@novacanecalum@lfwallscouldtalk@dontdoitluke@isabella10028@calumamongmen@bumblebet-20@lockthisheartinchains​@bitterbethany​@sublimehood​@myloverboyash​@ironicallyirwin​@lashtoncurls​@mukesreject​@sanfrancjsco​@boytoynamedcalum​@opinionatedpisces-official​@blahehblah​ @lukehemmings​@calum-uncrowned​@findingliam-o​ @gh0st-0f-y0u-95​
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5sos-bitches-blog · 7 years
Tying His Tie
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*** Just a fair warning this contains strong language and some sexual themes! Thank you so much to whoever requested this! I had so much fun writing this, I hope you love it. Please feel free to send in more requests!***
Calum (AU)
You step out of your shower lightly, being careful not to drip anywhere but the fluffy green towel that lay below your feet. You grab a separate towel and wrap your hair up carefully inside it, letting the swirl sit on top of your head. Grabbing one more towel, you dry yourself off before wrapping it around yourself and walking into your bedroom.
“Good morning,” You greeted, throwing your dirty clothes in the hamper.
“Babe, I’m freaking out,” Calum whined, “I don’t even know how to use a copier. How am I ever going to do this? I’m just not ready.” He was half dressed in a starch white shirt, collar up, and no pants.
“Sweetie, you're going to do great. My dad loves you, and he believes in you- just like I do.” You affirmed, gliding over and running your hand down his chest. Calum recently finished college, gaining his degree in communications. When your father offered him an interview at Verizon, Calum couldn’t thank him enough. Your father had the same degree, and ended up as one of the heads of the company.
Calum sat down on the edge of your bed, his pants clutched in his hands. His dark hair cascaded down the side of his face, the light from the window illuminating his profile as you sat next to him. You place your hand on his thigh, giving him your silent support.
“Y/N… I just don't want to let you down. This is the best opportunity I’m going to get right now now,” He explains, turning to face you. You set your hand on his face, running your thumb over his cheek.
“You will not let me down if you don’t get this job,” You urge, looking straight into his eyes. He gives you a weak smile, taking your hand off his face and standing up to put his pants on.
You smile at him, finishing getting dressed yourself. You pull on a sweater, along with a pencil skirt and flats. You pulled up your hair and swiped on your makeup quickly.
“Kitten?” Calums soft voice echos, you look over your shoulder and see him adorned in his crisp white shirt tucked neatly into his black slacks, and his freshly buffed black shoes. “I uh- I don’t know how to tie this,” he admits sheepishly, holding up his dark grey tie you got him for his graduation present. You got him that along with the 50 Shades of Grey series, and this wasn’t the first time he used it.
“Don’t worry Mr. Grey,” You joked, walking over and setting the tie under his stiff collar. Your breath hitches in your throat as he grabs your hips and pulls your groin to his. You smirk up at him with shaky hands, trying to appear confident. You finish up the knot, pulling it straight for him smoothing out his shirt.
“We will finish this later.” He growls, kissing you hard and quick, before heading off.
“I love you!” He calls over his shoulder, while you sat breathlessly. I guess he found his confidence again
“God.. fuck-” Luke's voice projects through the apartment. You set your tray cheese down on the kitchen counter quickly going to investigate.
“Luke?” You chimed, quickly turning into your bedroom to find in sat in front of your mirror, his phone in his large hand and a tie around his neck. He quickly paused his video upon hearing you enter, twisting his neck to look at you. “What's going on?” You inquire, looking at his flushed cheeks and disheveled hair.
“Nothing,” He rumbled, “you can go back to the kitchen, I’ll be there in a second.” You notice how fake the smile he was giving you was, and decided to press further.
“Is this about meeting my parents?” You blurt out. Your eyes get big, trying to gage his reaction to your question. His shoulders slouched slightly while he let out a breath.
“Yes... And no,” He admits, giving a sheepish grin. You had noticed him acting a little weird ever since you made plans with your mom and dad to come over and have dinner with you and Luke.
“I-I can probably still cancel…” You stammered, looking down at your feet. You and him had only been dating a few months, maybe he just wasn’t ready yet.
“No! I want them to come,” He blustered, “Why would you think I didn’t?” He walked over to you, tipping your chin up to look him in the eye.
You take a deep breath in, chewing on your bottom lip.
“I mean, you've just been acting weird since I invited them. I thought maybe you would think it’s too soon,” you explain, shrugging your shoulders.
“What? No, I just… I want this to be perfect. I’m really nervous and-” He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated, “I don’t know how to tie a tie. My dad never taught me and my mom always did it and I just can’t figure it out.” He professed, watching your face carefully. You burst out laughing, looking at him like he's an idiot.
“Seriously? This is what you've been stressing about?” You giggle, while he looks at you annoyed.
“Yeah, it’s a big deal.” He growls, sulking over to the mirror and trying to knot the damn thing himself.
“Luke, don’t be upset. I’ll help you.” You quickly sober up and walk over in front of him.
“It’s easy once you do it a few times,” You explain, grabbing his blue tie and start to knot it for him. He looks down and watched your delicate fingers move gracefully. You pull the knot up to his neck smiling up at him.
“You are amazing,” He states, looking down at you. “I know, now you have to come help me in the kitchen. They’ll be here any minute.”  
Michael (AU)
You watched Michael lazily from your shared bed. The sun had just started coming through the blinds while the birds outside started singing good morning. Michel had just landed his first big boy job at a record label, mostly getting everyone coffee and making copies, but he was finally getting into his field. He was excruciatingly talented, but nobody wanted to give him a chance, until recently. You were beyond proud of him.
You on the other hand, had the day off, so you just watched him from the comfort of your warm blanket cocoon.
“What tie?” He asks, noticing you sitting up. He holds up two ties, trying to decide what would go best with his outfit.
“The green, I’ll bring out your eyes.” You choose, smiling warmly. You watch him nod i agreement, putting it around his neck and tiring it up.
“How do I look?” He asks nervously, spreading his arms out and turning slowly. He was wearing tan slacks with a navy shirt and, of course, his green tie. You look closely, noticing his tie was tied like a five year old did it,
“Oh honey, what is wrong with your tie?” You immediately crawl out of bed, looking at the abomination around his neck. You quickly untie it and start to work your fingers to redo it.
“Was it that bad?” He chortles, looking down at you.
“Probably the worst I’ve ever seen,” You admit, pulling it tight for him. You take a step back, admiring how sexy your boyfriend really is. Even dressed in a suit, he was still the hottest guy around.
“You look so sexy,” You admit, your cheeks flushing with your bold statement. His gaze turns to your barely clothed body, making your face turn even darker scarlet.
“You're the sexy one. I better come home not you in less than this though.” He demands, giving you a wink.
You look around nervously, trying to catch a glimpse of Ashton anywhere. He had gone to the bathroom over 30 minutes ago and you were growing worried he had left you here to fend for yourself. Just as your reached the point of anger, your phone buzzes on the table.
‘Can you come to the bathroom?’  Your phone lit up with a text from Ashton. You were his date to the Grammys this year, and the boys were up for Song of the Year. It was huge deal, and Ashton hadn’t been sleeping right since it was announced. You knew he was nervous, you could feel his palms sweating all night.
All the boys were at the table with you, so you quickly made an excuse and got up to find Ashton. You walked briskly through the corridor, finding the men's room at the back.
“Ashton?” You call, looking around and only seeing an older couple sitting on a bench.
‘I’m outside’ you shoot him a text, nervously tapping your stiletto clad foot on the floor.
“Y/N,” You see Ashton walking towards you, his hair disheveled and his bowtie undone.
“What’s going on?” You ask, alarmed. As he got closer you noticed his eyes were bloodshot and his nose a little red.
“I’m just… really nervous.” He admits, pulling you to his chest. You accept his hug, letting him hold you. Whenever he was really upset, he would just hold you until it passed. It was one of the best things in your relationship. He would always be calmed down with a hug.
“Sweetie, we have to go back, your category is coming up.” You pull back, looking up at him with concern. It was closing in on 12, and you knew it would be awful if he missed the announcement.
“I know… I just don't know how to tie this thing.” He motions to his cherry red bow tie hanging around his neck. “I undid it to breath better and now I can’t figure it out.” He runs his hands through his blonde curls with a nervous sigh.
“I can do it, hold my purse.” You demand, giving him your small black clutch. He takes it gratefully while you go to work on his bow tie. “Now, you look handsome as ever.” You lean up to kiss his cheek.
“Thank you… I don't know what I would do without you.” He gushed, grabbing your hand in his.
“You would probably die,” you joke, walking with him back to the ceremony.
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5sos-bitches-blog · 7 years
Fast Food
*Warning there's some strong language and sexual themes lmao, but yeah feel free to make requests*
"M! to the C! to the D! to the onalds!" You sing, dabbing ridiculously on each letter.
"Baby-we're going, we're going..." Luke grumbles, pulling on his shoes.
"Thank yooou," you sing to him, dancing around only wearing your shorts a sleep tank top.
"Are you a little drunk?" He mused, his eyes lit with subtle amusement. Luke loved when you were drunk, he claimed it's one of his favorite versions of you. You get more sassy, saucy, and spontaneous. He loved watching you be able to just be yourself without any barrier, even if you were kind of foggy.
"Maybe a little..." you giggle, tugging on his arm to get him to move faster.
The night has started with a few drinks with your friends before Luke came home from the studio, but being a lightweight you were feeling pretty good right now.
"Baby you're not wearing any shoes," he noted.
"I am well aware Mr. Hemmings," you wink, instantly giving him half a boner. He shakes his head chuckling to himself.
"Get on my back, I'll carry you to the car." He directed, crouching down for you to climb on.
You giggle, struggling to keep your balance while trying to wrap your legs around his waist.
You finally get yourself situated, your hands in his long curly hair.
"You know you're kinda smelly?" You state matter of factly, inspecting his blonde locks.
"Oh am I?" You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Very much. You need a shower," you proclaim, giggling.
He groans playfully, responding "you better be careful missy, I am the one getting you fast food."
You giggle, knowing he's just messing around with you.
He sets you down and you climb into the passenger seat and put on the seat belt.
"So... we're getting Taco Bell, right?"
“Honey! Im home!” Ashton yells, using his man voice. You smile, loving the feeling of him being around. He had just gotten back from touring only a week ago, and you still couldn't get used to the fact that he was actually physically here.
“I'm in the bath!” You call back, hoping he hears you.
You hear his heavy footsteps clomp up the stairs, where he opens the bathroom door and peeks his head in.
“Oh, there you are.” He smirked, his eyes lit up.
“Here I am,” you flirt, batting your eyes at him.
“I have a surprise,” He announces, still not having fully stepped in the room yet. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to show you.
“Drum roll please!” He announces. You start tapping your hands on the white porcelain of the tub, grinning at him. Suddenly he kicks the door the rest of the way open, showing chinese take out containers from your favorite place.
You squeal excited while shimmying in the bath.
“Okay I'll be out so-”
“No!” He cuts you off abruptly. “I am coming in with you.” He winks, setting the food on the sink and pulling of his clothes. Every time you see him naked it's like the first time. Your hands get sweaty, your face hot. Your eyes drink in every detail they can, from the curve of his neck to the trial of light hair from his bellybutton down…
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Ashton states, wiggling his butt at you. You groan at his lame joke.
“You know how old that joke is right? It's not even a burn anymore.” You laugh, moving to the side of the tub to let him in.
“I know, but it makes sense-Jesus how hot do you keep the water?!” He exclaims, making weird faces as he sinks into the molten water.
“Toughen up,” You retort. Ashton pulls the food out of the bag, handing you yours along with a fork. You still hadn’t quite mastered how to use chopsticks, no matter how many times ashton tried to teach you.
“Hey, it floats…” He set his styrofoam dish in the water, looking amazed with himself. You giggle, stuffing food into your mouth.
“Thank you, for bringing home dinner.” You smile at him, your head tilted to the side.
“Of course love, anything for you.” He smiles back. You lean back in the tub, closing your eyes and counting your blessings.  
“You know you looked stunning tonight, right?” He whispers in your ear, nibbling on the edge. You were both currently in the back of a black SUV, on your way home from the VMA afterparty. The boys had won, and Calum had mentioned you in their acceptance speech. That wasn’t even the best part, after the show you got invited to Miley Cyrus after party. You even met Beyonce. BEYONCE.
“Are you going soft on me Hood?” You giggle, running your manicured hand up his thigh as he moved down your neck.
“No baby… I am rock hard…” He murmurs against your collarbone. You gasp as his teeth graze your sensitive skin.
“I really wanna do this babe, but I need to eat something.” You gasp, pushing back and looking at his sweet face.
“Oh thank god you said it!” He instantly sits up and looks into your eyes, “I am starving but you were giving me sex eyes and I wanted to give you what you wanted-”
“Cal, I didn't give you sex eyes!” You exasperate, looking at him with amusement.
“You totally did! But that doesn’t even matter right now, I am so hungry. Excuse me buddy- could you maybe pull through… wait what do you want? Taco bell?” You nod your head in approval. You driver-whose name happened to be Eric- approved and adjusted your course.
“God baby… I love it when you take control.” You growl in his ear, loosening his tie.
“Oh honey, just wait until I have a quesadilla powering me.”
“You may now kiss the bride!”
You're immediately engulfed in Michael's arms, his soft lips on yours as you share your first kiss as a married couple. He has always swept you off your feet, and this kiss was no different. He sets you down to seen, but keeps your face close.
“I love you so much…” He mumbles, his arms still around you. You wink back, knowing everyone's eyes are on you. You both turn and face all of your family and friends, and walk down the aisle, finally married.
You all stand outside the chapel, greeting everyone as the file out of the church. You had been planning this for over a year now, and it was going as smoothly as possible. Your drunk uncle had decided to make a scene when his ex wife showed up, but it was handled by your three favorite groomsmen.
You sighed once you and Michael had a moment alone for the first time today. Everyone was standing outside, rice ready to be thrown.
“You ready?” You ask, looking up into his forest green eyes.
“After you, Mrs. Clifford.” He winks, grabbing your hand and opening the door. You walk outside, letting everyone celebrate your love with you. You and him make it to the car, laughing.
“Did you see luke get hit in the eye with a grain of rice?!” You giggle while Mickey pulls away from everyone, the tin cans attached to your car jingling behind you.
“Of course! He screeched like a little girl!” He chortles, reaching for your hand.  
“Mikey! Let’s go get Subway!” You say, your eyes lit up with a brilliant idea.
“You wanna go like this?” He asks, motioning to your larger tulle ballgown.
“Yes! It'll be so fun- come on I promise.” You give him your favorite puppy dog eyes and you can see him cave in.
“Okay, let's go to subway.” He says pulling into the parking lot. He gets out of the car before coming around and opening your door for you. You grab his hand and walk in together, knowing that you are his princess.
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