#camia the apprentice
into-the-daniverse · 3 years
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“How much longer until they wake up, do you think?”
“Oh, not for a few more hours, at least.”
“I suppose we’ll just be trapped here until then?”
“You might be; Leon has your leg in their grip. Alec wouldn’t stir if I got up.”
“You won’t get up, though.”
“No, I won’t.”
This absolutely gorgeous piece of the band is from @sadsoapbubbles / @amnesia-moth and when I say I have never been more in love with a single piece of art, I mean it.
Everything about this is perfect, from the poses, to the expressions on their faces, to the lighting! It’s all so cozy and so soft and exactly what I imagined a morning with the four of them would be like.
I was so happy to get the chance to commission you again, and you were so nice to work with! Thank you so much!!!
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hirodraga · 4 years
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Angsty band for lovely @apprenticealec , thank you so much for commission me :DD ! Poor of those kids…  Im enjoying so much all this tragic lore. Go check her content mates!! Commish Info ^
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atypicalacademic · 3 years
Smash or Pass for Alec, Jamil, Camia, and Leon?? 👀👀👀
Alec: Haider says Yes Please, obviously. Balam also says Yes. Preferably after they Get Rowdy together, but with how their temperament goes, Alec would probably be the one saying please.
Jamil: Haider leans into and fully and ecstatically and repeatedly appreciates Jamil's service-topping. By the way, Sanzhar also finds him incredibly attractive, and is already promising to Be Good.
Sybilla's been thirsting after Camia for a while now. She wishes to be stomped to the ground and ruined by Cami- and she's grown, she's hot as hell, she can take it.
Balam likes pulling hair, has those stronk arms for a Reason, has a service top streak that comes out when faced with exactly Leon's temperament. Also please knock things off her desk while she's working she's weak. She will comply.
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
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The former Count Lucio’s favorite band has traveled far and wide, from the Northern-most reaches of Prakra, to the Frozen Sea in the south and beyond, but now call Vesuvia home. Well-known and beloved, it’s not unusual to see them performing for any event at the Palace, or even just on the streets of the marketplace.
Just wanted to put them all together in one post! I can’t recommend @hirodraga enough, I had such a good time working with them to put these sheets together and they all came out better than I had imagined!
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
Welcome To The Daniverse!
This is my OC blog!
I have a lot of OCs for a lot of different fandoms and universes across my own projects, so I wanted a place where I could talk about them as much as I wanted and across as many universes as possible. (And because this was an Arcana blog first, there will be content from that fandom here as well.)
My main blog is here @dani-fandom — this is where I reblog stuff for the fandoms I’m into, resource posts, any of those viral posts that get passed between like ten mutuals go here (I’ve had this the longest 10 years, and most things aren’t tagged, but I do try to keep fandom stuff tagged at least).
My Dragon Age blog is @dani-plays-da — you’ll likely still see OC stuff from this blog reblogged on this OC blog as well, but all fandom stuff and friend OC content for DA will be on that blog.
I do have two project-specific blogs, @the-planet-ethari and @unnamed-fantasy-novel — these two are more resource blogs and archives of plot ideas or art for my OCs in these universes, and they’re not very active but they may come up (all OC thoughts for these projects will still be shared here since that’s the purpose of this blog)
To go through all of my writing, art, thoughts, etc. for all of my OCs, you can visit the link in my bio for navigation, but I will be including a “crash course” description of my most frequently used/mentioned universes and OCs and their backgrounds under the cut!
Frequently Mentioned Universes
Ethari Universe — My main universe for Alec, Jamil, Camia, and Leon, in which Alec, as a young teenager, is being sought out by an organization that captures powerful magic users in search for one prophesied to have the power to destroy the world. Jamil, Camia, and Leon find her during a mission of their own to rescue Camia’s girlfriend who was taken by the same organization, and decide to protect Alec, which sends them further than any of them have gone before, and uncovering secrets, even about their own families, that can change the course of the world. Currently, Drago Fortunado D’Oria is the main villain as the leader of the organization capturing magic users, using Sydney as his right hand.
Fantasy Universe — My main universe for Andreya, Elizabeth, and Theodore, in which, two kingdoms have suffered great tragedies in recent years, and, each blaming the other for their suffering, are about to start a war. Andreya and Elizabeth leave their respective kingdom, and Theodore leaves his, and they come across each other in the forests surrounding a mountain on the edges of both kingdoms’ borders. Together, they discover the true cause behind the tragedies the kingdoms have faced, and truths about themselves as well.
Arcana Universe — Everyone listed here (with the exception of Daphne and Elizabeth and Theodore’s families) are featured in my Arcana universe, where the world is largely based off of the one provided by the Arcana game. I have created some landmarks and lore for this universe, all of which can be viewed here. The timeline for this universe can be viewed here, and most of my writings for this universe (tagged with “the arcana fic”) deal with the time period before the game begins.
Pirate Universe — This is where all of my pirates live currently. They may be taken from this universe at a later date to feature in either my Ethari or Fantasy universe, but for now, their stories largely live here. Work on Meredith’s backstory will take place here, for example.
Frequently Used OCs
Alec (a.k.a. Alec al-Saleh) | she/her, bisexual — The youngest member of the group (often referred to as “the band”) comprised of her, Jamil, Camia, and Leon, she is an orphan who was taken in by the other three, circumstances varying depending on the universe. She is a younger sibling/daughter figure for the three of them, and she sees them as older siblings/parent figures in any universe. In most universes where magic exists, she has fairly strong magical capabilities, usually having something to do with her voice and the elements of water and air. Exists primarily in my Ethari and Arcana universes.
Jamil Alfonso Parsa-D’Oria | he/him, gay — As the oldest son of Chiara Giuliana D’Oria and Rafiq Parsa II, in every universe, he is born and given a great deal of responsibility and high expectations. He does not have magic in any universe, but always has supernaturally good luck. Camia is his best friend in all universes, meeting at a young age, and in universes where he runs away from his family, she helps him do so. A very skilled tailor and musician, his dreams are always bigger than what his mother has planned for him, and the longer he stays with his family, the unhappier he becomes. Exists primarily in my Ethari and Arcana universes.
Camía-Marie Baudelaire (a.k.a. Camia/Cami) | she/her, lesbian — The middle child of the Baudelaire family, she largely grows up privileged, though that changes depending on the universe. In universes with magic, she has extremely powerful magic, mostly focused around the element of fire that she inherited from her great-grandfather and her father will attempt to extort that somehow. This usually leads to her running away and meeting Jamil. Without magic, they meet through their families, as the Baudelaire are still largely influential and work with the Parsa family. Jamil is her best friend in all universes, and she would/will/has killed for him. Exists primarily in my Ethari and Arcana universes.
Leon (a.k.a. Zhu-Jin Lian) | he/they, nonbinary pansexual — Born blind, in most universes, he is abandoned by his parents of the Zhu-Jin family at a very young age as his birth fulfills a prophecy the family is terrified of. He meets Jamil and Camia in his late teens after spending most of his life alone on the streets, and the three of them travel together. In the universes where his family does not abandon him, he is referred to by his full name and generally kept hidden from the rest of the world. Extremely powerful magical capabilities in all universes where magic exists, mostly focused around the element of air. Exists primarily in my Ethari and Arcana universes.
Jamil and Leon end up together/are in an established relationship in most universes unless stated otherwise — they are my most talked about OTP.
Captain Meredith Gwynsdottir, the Pirate Queen | she/her, bisexual — Born to the Laochra tribe, Meredith was next in line to lead until her mother’s early death led to her uncle Gareth taking over as leader. Desperate to keep his position, Gareth tried to have Meredith killed on multiple occasions over the years, but she was protected by her father, Stefan. After Stefan’s death, Meredith fled from her tribe, determined to return and challenge her uncle for leadership, but, years later, upon her return, discovers her entire tribe has been wiped out. She is taken in by the Pirate Queen Aria, and trained to be her successor, having found new purpose patrolling the seas as the new Queen. She may feature in my Ethari universe alongside Saoirse, but for now features primarily in my Pirate and Arcana universes.
Saoirse the Quartermaster | they/them, agender — In most universes, they are an ancient entity that has existed for millennia. They were imprisoned around a collection of islands for thousands of years by demons that were scared of them, and they were only freed when Niamh, the original Pirate Queen, made her deal with them. Now they travel with the Queen as her Quartermaster, and will until the line of Queens end. They find humans to be endlessly interesting, and enjoy their time as Quartermaster very much. They may feature in my Ethari universe as a human with extraordinary magical capabilities alongside Leon, Alec, and a few others, but for now feature primarily in my Pirate and Arcana universes.
Captain Rodrigo Luís Aguilar (a.k.a. Captain Rodrigo/Drigo) | he/him, queer — Born in a small rural village in the desert, he had a relatively simple, normal childhood with his mothers until he was 10, when his Mamá was killed and he was taken away to the catacombs of the Scholars. He spent about six years in captivity there, being studied for his magic and experimented on, until Jacqui helped him escape. A few years later he won a ship while gambling and named himself captain, with Jacqui as his quartermaster. They’ve been sailing the seas ever since, and frequently cross paths with Meredith and Saoirse. In universes with magic, he has strong illusion magic, which was tampered with during his time in the catacombs. He may feature in my Ethari universe as a human with extraordinary magical capabilities alongside Leon, Alec, and a few others, but for now features primarily in my Pirate and Arcana universes.
Jacqui Larrieux-Desroche the Quartermaster | he/him, bisexual — The youngest son of a well-off family, he was sent to the Scholars to study and become a bigger member of the elite society his parents wanted him to be. However, after stumbling into the catacombs and witnessing something he was not supposed to, he is kept with the Scholars as a prisoner, not allowed to leave. He takes it upon himself to learn as much as he can from the institution in retaliation, learning multiple languages and historical secrets, and on one journey back into the catacombs, stumbles across Rodrigo and frees him, the two escaping the Scholars. He sails alongside Rodrigo, and is more often than not the responsible voice of reason to Rodrigo’s recklessness, but he cares too much about his captain to ever leave. Does not have any particular affinity for magic, but is able to harness it through spells and potions fairly easily. He may feature in my Ethari universe, but for now features primarily in my Pirate and Arcana universes.
Drago Fortunado D’Oria | he/him, gay — The Scholar of Magic, he will stop at nothing to have all knowledge of magic. He is Jamil’s grandfather’s cousin, and disproves of his cousin’s way of handling their family business, but mostly does not interfere, too preoccupied with his own studies. Gave the order to have Rodrigo brought to the catacombs, he looks the world over for new, strong magic users to study and obtain as much information for himself as possible. In a very long term relationship with Syd, as the two grew up together, and Syd is who he sends to do most of his field work. He is the main villain in my Ethari universe, and is a main antagonist in my Arcana universe as well.
Captain Sydney Aloisio De Luca (a.k.a. Syd) | he/him, pansexual — While technically another pirate captain, he operates extremely closely with Drago and the Scholars, always going around on missions for him to retrieve artifacts, information, or people. He killed Rodrigo’s mother and brought him to the catacombs. Made a deal with a demon decades ago that keeps him looking and feeling young, though the deal does have an expiration date. Comes across as very relaxed and easy-going, he does not like to over-complicate things, and prefers poison to sword fights. In my Ethari universe, he is chasing after Alec to take to Drago. Also features in my Pirate and Arcana universes.
Ser Andreya (a.k.a. Drew) | she/they/he, nonbinary lesbian — Personal handmaiden to Princess Elizabeth and a high-ranking member of the Royal Guard, she was taken in by Queen Calissa as a young child after her parents passed away from an illness sweeping through the kingdom. Growing up alongside Elizabeth, she was taught the same as the princess, but quickly gravitated towards knighthood and convinced King Damian to train her as a knight. After the loss of her parents, and of a younger child she adopted as her brother, she swore to do better for the kingdom and its people. She does not like magic that much, but supports Elizabeth in her practice of it, and magical creatures are naturally drawn to her. Features primarily in my Fantasy universe, but is also part of Meredith’s crew in my Arcana universe.
Princess Elizabeth (a.k.a. Liza) | she/her, lesbian — The youngest princess in her kingdom, with two older siblings and a younger brother. Grew alongside with Andreya, and the two of them became very close, very quickly. As her kingdom and a neighboring one prepare for war, she leaves with Andreya as her bodyguard, to travel to the other kingdom and speak to their kings in hopes to end the war. Upon meeting Theodore, she realizes the real problem the kingdoms are facing are magical in nature, and the three begin to travel together. She is a strong magician, what she lacks in technique she makes up for in sheer power and connection with the natural world. Very headstrong and prefers to “do first, ask questions later.” Features primarily in my Fantasy universe, but is also part of Meredith’s crew in my Arcana universe.
Andreya and Elizabeth are together as an established relationship in their universe, and will be often mentioned as another OTP.
Prince Theodore (a.k.a. Theo) | he/him, demisexual — The only prince of a neighboring kingdom to Elizabeth. He was found at a young age by King Asad in the forests, about to be attacked by a bear, and was taken to the kingdom as his newly adopted son. Theodore remembers very little about his life before his fathers, but feels as if something, or someone, is missing. As the two kingdoms prepare for war, after being unable to convince his fathers to stop preparations, he leaves, determined to fix the problems plaguing the kingdoms by himself and journeys into the mountains, where he eventually meets Andreya and Elizabeth. He is a powerful magician, though he relies on his staff and book knowledge too much for his own good. Features primarily in my Fantasy universe, but is also part of Meredith’s crew in my Arcana universe.
Daphne Adaar | she/her, nonbinary pansexual — My first Inquisitor for Dragon Age: Inquisition. A Qunari mage who left the Qun at a young age and has provided for herself ever since. So far, mainly romances Josephine.
Less Frequently Used, but Often Mentioned OCs
Niamh | she/her, bisexual — The original pirate Queen. She wrote the Pirate Code in a now dead language, and made the deal with Saoirse, setting them free and tying them to the title of Pirate Queen for the rest of eternity, or until the title is dissolved, whatever happens first. Her descendants are still in contact with Saoirse, and protect the original copy of the Code. Her existence mostly impacts my Pirate universe.
Aria Zaman, the former Pirate Queen | she/her, lesbian — The Pirate Queen before Meredith, she was the Queen for about twenty years. A bit more reckless than Meredith is, she enjoyed challenging other ships frequently and even fought with Syd on more than one occasion. She chose Meredith as her successor because of the way Meredith carried herself and responded to changes. She sees a lot of herself in Meredith, for better or for worse. After relinquishing the title of Queen, she retired with her wife Eveline somewhere warm, but still on the coast.
Tariq Zaman | he/him, queer — Aria’s nephew; he has been traveling with the Pirate Queen for over thirty years. He decided to stay as part of Meredith’s crew even when his aunt retired, and is considered a jack of all trades. He was the ship’s doctor for a while, but also works the ropes and rigging of the ship. Older than Meredith, he likes to tease her a bit, but ultimately respects her a great amount. 
Jade Castella  (a.k.a. Giada Silvestri-Castellanos) | she/her, bisexual — A member of Rodrigo’s crew, she ran away from her family after being sent to a boarding school as a teenager and made a living for herself as a mercenary instead. She was instructed to find Rodrigo and kill him, but when he made her a better offer than her employer, she decided to join his crew instead. His main navigations officer, friend with benefits, and one of the only people who can actively annoy him and get away with it, she is very comfortable with her position in his crew. Has magic, but she can only use it to amplify or decrease others magic, which she finds very annoying.
Keean | he/they, queer — Saved from being killed by sirens when he was around 7 years old, he has been a part of Rodrigo’s crew ever since. Very attached to Jacqui and considers him to be his adoptive father. Not as emotionally attached to Rodrigo, but he still looks up to the captain and often does small odd jobs for him while the rest of the crew is busy during raids. 
Dimitri Král (a.k.a. Di) | he/him, gay — The very first member of Rodrigo’s crew (aside from Jacqui), he is known for being quiet, stoic, and mean. He, along with Jacqui, is considered the muscle of the ship, and often leads raids. Acts like he can’t stand anyone, especially not Rodrigo, but he’s been traveling with the crew long enough to care about the rest of them, even if Rodrigo pisses him off to no end. Has magic, specializes in fire magic. Doesn’t use it often as it is not very strong, and he doesn't particularly like it.
Laila Král | she/her, pansexual — Dimitri’s younger sister by 5 years, she practically begged him to let her join Rodrigo’s crew when he returned to visit, and though he was originally against it, eventually caved in and brought her along with him. Quiet, but not as serious or mean as her brother, she enjoys her position as top gunner on the ship. Has magic as well, specializes in air magic, which she frequently uses to help the ship sail faster.
Louis | he/him, demisexual — Another former scholar like Jacqui, he was well on his way to becoming a successor to the Scholar of Astronomy when he was taught the secrets of the catacombs and the true nature of the Scholars. He left the institution and found Rodrigo and Jacqui, convincing them to let him join their crew. He is more of a healer than a fighter, and operates as the ship’s doctor. A very knowledgable person, he will frequently go on tangents about things that he knows unless otherwise stopped.
The following OCs are all family members of my more frequent OCs. While they may not be alive in every universe, their relationships stay the same, so they exist in any universe the more frequent OC is in. 
Romar al-Saleh (a.k.a. Apa) | he/him, queer — Alec’s father; deceased in most universes. In my Ethari universe, he is killed along with Alina for trying to hide Alec, while in my Arcana universe, he is caught inside their house when it catches on fire, killing him and his partner. He taught Alec to sew and mend clothes, and how to work on the farm the family owns.
Alina Faheem (a.k.a. Ama) | they/them, nonbinary bisexual — Alec’s mother; also deceased in most universes. Along with Romar, they are killed for hiding Alec in my Ethari universe, however, in my Arcana universe, they get Alec out of the burning house before going back inside for their husband, where they are both trapped and killed. They gave Alec her love of cooking and music, often referring to her as their “little lark.”
Chiara Giuliana D’Oria | she/her, straight — Jamil’s mother, and the current co-head of his husband’s company along with him. In universes with magic, she was born without any capabilities, and only after years of studying with the Scholars was she able to find a branch of magic that she could perform. She greatly dislikes her family, and moved away from them as soon as she could. She sees Jamil’s magical inability as a failure of her own, and feels that it is something he needs to make up for. Very controlling, she always dictates every aspect of Jamil’s life unless he runs away.
Rafiq Parsa II | he/him, bisexual — Jamil’s father, and the current head of his family’s company. In most universes it is a tailoring company that employs hundreds of tailors/dressmakers. He lets his wife control most of it, and does not say much in the way of her treatment of Jamil, understanding where she comes from and the importance of having their son work for the company. 
Hakim Raul Parsa-D’Oria | he/him, queer — Jamil’s younger brother by 3 years. He is much more interested in running their parents’ company, and in universes where Jamil runs away from the family, he takes over as the successor and works with their mother. Does not blame his brother for leaving, having witnessed much of how Chiara treated Jamil as they grew up, and he does genuinely enjoy having more responsibilities in the family. In universes where Jamil stays, Hakim tries to be as supportive as possible, shouldering some of the responsibilities Jamil is given, but Chiara often doesn’t let him. In universes with magic, he specializes in alchemy.
Eufemia Aliyah Parsa-D’Oria (a.k.a. Mia) | she/her, bisexual — Jamil’s younger sister by 8 years. She is largely unaware of the way he was treated by their parents until he leaves in most universes, but Hakim explains everything to her eventually. In universes where Jamil stays, she often trails behind him like a shadow, and has a crush on Camia. She is treated as the baby of the family and their parents’ expectations for her are much lower than those of her brothers. In universes with magic, she specializes in plant magic, manipulating plant growth.
Eugenio Matteo D’Oria II (a.k.a. Jiji) | he/him, bisexual — Jamil’s grandfather and the current head of the D’Oria family. He despises his cousin Drago and the Scholars, and though he does not know the extent to which they operate, he tries to keep his family as far away from them as possible. He does not interact much with Jamil, but does like his grandson and taught him piano when he was young.
Alfonsa Giada Baroni | she/her, straight — Now deceased, Jamil’s grandmother, Chiara’s mother, and Eugenio’s wife. A secretive woman, after Chiara’s birth, she treated her in a discriminatory way compared to her other seven children. While Chiara assumed it was due to her lack of capability with magic, it was actually because she was the product of an affair Alfonsa had, and for a long time she resented any reminder of it. However, she did like Jamil, though she saw very little of him before she passed.
Bénédict Baudelaire | he/him, gay — Camia’s father; a very proud, stubborn, and vicious man who will stop at nothing to keep his family’s name polished and in the limelight. In universes where Camia has magical capabilities, he will attempt to capitalize off of her magic, often putting her in dangerous and deadly situations with no regard for her wellbeing. His marriage to Régine was a political one, and the two can barely stand each other.
Régine-Amélie De la Rue | she/her, lesbian — Camia’s mother; a vain, pompous, and cold woman who cares little for any of her children or her husband. In universes where Camia has magical capabilities, she turns a blind eye to the actions Bénédict takes against their daughter, preferring to focus on herself instead.
Ignatius Luc Baudelaire | he/him, gay — Camia’s older brother by 10 years. In universes where Camia ran away from her family at a young age, he regrets not doing more to help her and keep her safe. He treats his youngest sister Viviane almost like his daughter, protecting her in ways he failed Camia. In universes where Camia stays, they are not particularly close, especially the older they get and their responsibilities grow.
Viviane Aurore Baudelaire (a.k.a. Vivi) | she/her, asexual — Camia’s younger sister by 8 years. In universes where Camia ran away from her family at a young age, the two of them never meet. They are not very close in universes where Camia stays with her family, but that is due to the age difference and the difference in responsibilities that each daughter is given. In universes with magic, she has some magical capabilities, but they are nowhere near as strong as her sister’s. Very close to her older brother, Ignatius, though there is an 18 year difference.
Zhu-Jin Xiuying | she/her, queer — Leon/Lian’s mother, the youngest of ten children. Very used to her life of privilege, she was terrified of losing her position in the family when her father sent her and Lian away to find a way to reverse the prophecy. She is always faced with the choice to keep her child or get rid of them, and her decision changes based on the universe. However, even if she chooses to keep Lian, she does not care for them, and under the guise of keeping them protected, will hide them away from the rest of the world, rarely letting them be seen outside of her supervision.
Li-Yang Huan | he/him, straight — Leon/Lian’s father, married into the Zhu-Jin family from a slightly lower class. He is kinder to Lian than his wife, but is still largely afraid of them and does not know how to properly handle their blindness. While Xiuying keeps them hidden due to shame, he is more protective, concerned about how their child would fair in the world.
Zhu-Jin Fu | she/they, queer — Leon/Lian’s younger sister by 8 years. In the universes that Leon is abandoned, neither know the other exists, and Fu is praised as being a perfect, only child. In the universes that Lian is kept by the family, she is still seen as preferable over them, and is given more privileges and responsibility within the family than they have. She pities her older sibling, but due to the strict nature of their parents, does not interact with him much.
Zhu-Jin Wei | he/him, bisexual — The head of the Zhu-Jin family, and Lian’s grandfather. He is the one who has the dream that causes Leon to be sent away, and if they are brought back to the family, he treats them as if they do not exist, or as if they are a disgrace to the family. He has no respect for the old gods, despite having met some of them in dreams, and will always put his family’s legacy before all else.
Gwyn Bransdottir  | she/her, bisexual — Meredith’s mother and the former leader of the Laochra tribe. She was always aware of her brother’s resentment towards her and her position as leader, but was not prepared for his betrayal. During a fight with a neighboring tribe, Gareth snuck up and attacked her as well, and as she was already weakened from killing the other tribe’s leader, she was unable to fight him back.
Stefan Cerwensson | he/him, bisexual — Meredith’s father; a kind, strong man who never quite recovered from the passing of his wife, but did everything he could to keep Meredith safe. He regretted that she had to grow up so quickly, and often longed for the simpler days when the three of them could exist together, but understood the importance of her looking out for herself. He is killed by a lindworm while protecting her, and tells her to leave the tribe to keep Gareth from killing her.
Gareth Bransson | he/him, straight — Meredith’s uncle, Gwyn’s younger brother, who will stop at nothing to keep Meredith from leading the Laochra tribe. Felt cheated out of the leadership all of his life, and despising his sister for her position, he sabotaged Gwyn during her final fight, ending in her death. An arrogant man who’s arrogance and stubbornness eventually lead to his end, and the end of his tribe.
Elena-Carmen Fernandez | she/her, bisexual — One of Rodrigo’s mothers; the leader of the village he was born in, she knew from the moment he was born that he would have powerful magic, and did everything she could to keep him from being found by Drago and the Scholars. When a member of the village unknowingly let information about Rodrigo’s magic get into Drago’s hands, he sent Syd to retrieve Rodrigo. In all universes, Elena is killed by Syd in effort to protect Rodrigo. In universes with magic, she is fairly strong, and her specialty lies in creating barriers or forcefields, which is what she used to hide her village from Drago for so long.
Carina-Sofia Aguilar | she/her, lesbian — Rodrigo’s other mother; she never completely understood why her wife was so afraid of Drago and the Scholars, but she helped her hide their son nevertheless. Unlike Elena, Carina does not have any magic of her own. When Syd appears, kills Elena, and takes Rodrigo, Carina runs, afraid of being killed. She assumes Rodrigo was killed by the Scholars and does not know he is still alive, but regrets running and leaving him every day of her life.
King Damian | he/him, bisexual —Elizabeth’s father. Loves his children and his wife more than anything, and in the versions of my Fantasy universe where Calissa dies, he is heartbroken. Does not like magic, but does not attempt to keep his children from practicing it, just cautions against it. He blames magic for most of the problems his kingdom has faced, and while he was once good friends with King Asad, they are not anymore.
Queen Calissa (a.k.a. Callie) | she/her, bisexual — Elizabeth’s mother, and the person to bring Andreya to their castle as Elizabeth’s handmaiden. In some versions of my Fantasy universe, she falls ill to a sickness that has spread throughout the kingdom (killing Andreya’s parents) and dies. If she survives, she supports Damian’s decision of war, but does not stop Elizabeth and Andreya from leaving.
Princess Isabelle | she/they, nonbinary bisexual — Elizabeth’s oldest sibling, by about six years, referred to as her sister. She married to a Duke in an outer city of the kingdom, and runs a series of orphanages and hospitals. If Calissa dies, Isabelle is spurred on by her mother’s death to find better methods of healing and dives headfirst into studying magic, though Damian discourages it. 
Princess/Prince Violetta (a.k.a. Vee/Vi) | she/her/he/him, genderfluid pansexual — Elizabeth’s second oldest sibling by about four years, interchangeably referred to as her sister or brother. The “wild child” of the four children of Damian and Calissa, Violetta married young and works with her partner as the head of a group of mercenaries who handle issues the Royal Guard cannot, often clashing with bandits that live in the mountains and threaten the kingdom.
Prince Ashton | he/him, bisexual — Elizabeth’s younger brother by about seven years. He is a very kind boy, and like Elizabeth, doesn’t agree with their father’s decision to go to war. Looks up to Andreya as an older sibling as well, and lives to impress them.
King Asad | he/him, gay — One of Theodore’s adoptive fathers. He was the one who first found Theodore as a small child and brought him back to his kingdom to raise along with his husband, Matthias. Used to be friends with King Damian, but as each kingdom suffered their own tragedies, began to blame him for his kingdom’s problems (and vice versa). Is not as powerful of a magician as Theodore is, but taught him much of what he knows, and prefers magic to swords.
Royal Consort Matthias | he/they, queer — Theodore’s other adoptive father. In some versions of my Fantasy universe, he passes away due to the same illness that takes Queen Calissa, but if he survives, he stands with his husband in his decision to go to war. Understands Theodore’s draw to magic, but discourages him from using it, as they have negative experiences with magic from their past.
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
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Happy Pride 2021!!!
I wanted to do a post for this month as a queer creator just highlighting my own OCs queerness!
I could only fit those listed here in the pictures, but I have a list of all my other non-cishet OCs under the cut (mostly for me to keep track of them all lol)!
Alec — bisexual Miriam — transwoman Jamil — gay Camia — lesbian Leon — nonbinary Viviane — asexual Meredith — bisexual Saoirse — agender Rodrigo — queer Jacqui — bisexual
Feel free to do the same for your own OCs! I used this picrew because it had so many queer flag backgrounds but you can use whatever you want, obviously.
As for the rest of my OCs...
Syd — pansexual
Hideko — lesbian
Jade — bisexual
Louis — aromantic/grey-ace
Dimitri — gay
Laila — pansexual
Tariq — gay
Elizabeth — bisexual
Andreya — nonbinary lesbian
Theodore — pan/demisexual
Marjorie — lesbian
Aria — lesbian
Heron — bisexual
Lamprey — lesbian
Hyena — bisexual
Gharial — genderqueer
Manolo — genderfluid
Manuela — nonbinary 
Marco — transman
Andrea Drago — nonbinary/trans femme
Drago Fortunado — gay
Rhys — bisexual
Hakim — queer
Eufemia — bisexual
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
Swingin’ Party
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For @midsummer-masquerade​‘s prompt Who To See, just a little fic giving an idea of which of my OCs will be attending this event!
Title: Swingin’ Party by Lorde 1.3k words
It was a warm afternoon in the shop when a messenger from the palace stopped by, holding four red envelopes sealed in wax and smelling divine. The band was all sitting in the back room as they went over the invitation inside.
After reading it to herself, Alec let out a low whistle. “You’re kidding.” She glanced between Jamil, Camia, and Leon, all having finished opening their invitations. “And we all got one?”
“Looks like it.” Jamil tucked his away. “It’s been a while.” He hummed, stroking his chin. “I guess that’s enough time for me to throw something together. Cami, do we still have any of that white lace in the attic?”
“We should.” Camia nodded, folding up her own letter again. “I’m probably going to re-use the outfit from last time.”
“No, let me make you something—that ended up getting ripped, didn’t it?”
Camia clicked her tongue. “It did. Alright, I’ll make a trip to the Red Market one of these days, just let me know what you’ll need.”
Leon leaned against Jamil as they sat on the couch. “Ooh, can you make me something?”
“Yeah, we can all go to the market and find fabrics—it’s better if you get to feel them anyway—"
Interrupting him, Alec threw her hands in the air, waving frantically. “No, no, no, we can’t all go!”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to go to a fucking sex party with you—that’s weird.”
“It would not be the first time,” Camia said, and Alec’s face turned red.
“That was an accident, this would be on purpose!”
“Stay behind then,” Leon said with a yawn, stretching out across Jamil’s lap. “Because I’m not missing out on this for anything.”
“I want to go, though!”
Jamil sighed. “It’ll be fine, kid, the place is huge. Trust me, you would have to try really hard to come across one of us once it gets going.” He laughed, glancing over at Camia. “Lucio spent all night looking for me once, and I had no idea until someone told me the next day.”
“He sure made up for it later,” Camia said dryly, raising an eyebrow.
“Ah, yeah, he did.” Jamil’s cheeks darkened, and Leon laughed. “But, anyway, you’ll find your own little spot in the palace, and I highly doubt it’ll overlap with any of ours, and we won’t see each other until sometime the next day or so whenever we finally all shamble back to the shop.”
Alec groaned, covering her face in her hands. “Okay, fine—but we have to agree not to talk about whatever happens—I do not want to know what any of you end up doing.”
A sly grin spread across Leon’s face, and they propped themselves up on their elbows. “Don’t you mean who any of us ends up doing?”
“Ugh, Lee!” Alec cried, throwing a pillow at him. Jamil and Camia both just sighed, turning back to each other to go over their plans for outfits and the materials they would need.
“Miriam. Miriam!”
Miriam looked up from her papers at her desk in her cellar to see Portia’s freckled face in front of her. “Sorry, did you say something?”
Portia shook her head, smiling. “Only your name about a hundred times.” She pulled a letter out from behind her and handed it to Miriam. “Here. This is for you! Nadia asked me to deliver it.”
Miriam took the letter and read it over, a dark eyebrow raised. “What do I need an invitation for this for; I’m basically helping plan the whole thing.”
“I know that, and Nadia knows that, but it’s about the officiality of it! You know, just so you have a physical thing reminding you of the event.”
“Mm.” Miriam shrugged, setting the letter on her desk. “I don’t think I’m going to forget anytime soon—do you have any idea how much gods-damned alcohol I have to order for this event? My mother is going to have a heart attack when I send her the list of what Nadia wants. And—and I’ll have to figure out what to wear myself, which is going to be a-whole-nother thing entirely—”
“Please, you know Nadia better than I do, did you think she was going to let you take care of that?”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s already got someone working on your outfit.” Portia giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. “Okay, that was supposed to be a surprise, but I knew you would stress out about it if you didn’t know. Just pretend to be surprised when she gives it to you.”
“That… That I can do!” Miriam smiled, standing up from her desk to give Portia a hug. “Thank you, Pash.”
Portia stuck her tongue out at Miriam, wriggling free from her grip. “I was also sent down here by the chamberlain; they want to know how the preparations for next week’s dinner are going.”
Miriam groaned, sinking back into her chair. “No rest for the weary, huh? Tell them I’ll be up to go over everything in an hour, I just have to finish this order.”
“Will do, see you later!”
Miriam grunted in response, pushing her pink hair out of her face as she turned back to her papers, already swimming in numbers again.
“Ugh, another bust!” Rodrigo groaned, kicking the railing of the ship he and his crew had raided. “No one’s had anything good lately.”
“I told you this would just be a waste of time,” Jacqui said, eyes roaming the crew they had tied up on the deck. “We could have been halfway through the strait by now, but you wanted to procrastinate crossing.”
“So, I wanted to put off seeing those creepy sirens, can you blame me?”
Before they could continue bickering, Louis came from the crew’s quarters, waving two red envelopes. “Drigo, look at this!”
Rodrigo rolled his eyes. “They look like letters, which I can’t fucking read. I’m guessing there’s something interesting on the letters.” As Louis handed them to him, Rodrigo heard a sharp gasp come from the crew, and he turned, holding the letters up. “Who’s might these be?”
An older man looked pale. “It… it’s mine, mine and my wife’s invitations to a… party in Vesuvia.”
“A party, huh?” Rodrigo watched the man’s face as he passed the letter to Jacqui. “Jacqui, what does this say?”
Jacqui opened the envelope and read the letter to himself. Rodrigo was about to yell at him for not telling him what it said when Jacqui finished, leaning closer to Rodrigo to whisper into his ear. “It sounds like some… some sort of sex thing. A secret party, by invitation only.”
“A secret sex party?” Rodrigo’s eyes narrowed, and he laughed sharply. “Oh, I’m going.”
The man struggled against the bonds that held his wrists. “Y-you can’t take that, those are mine!”
Rodrigo waved him off. “It doesn’t have your fucking name on it—wait, does it have his name on it?”
Jacqui shook his head. “Just says that the person in possession of this invitation is allowed to enter.”
“And it looks like that’s me, and Jacqui now, so…” Rodrigo took one letter back from Jacqui, waving it in front of the man’s face with a sneer. “So sorry, doll. Better luck next time, hm?”
Rodrigo pocketed the letters into his fur cloak and prepared to jump back onto his ship. Before leaving, he turned back to the crew, humming to himself. After a moment, he pulled a coin from his pocket and flipped it in the air, watching it spiral down to land in his palm. Heads.
Sighing, he waved at his crew. “Let them go, we’ve wasted enough time here.”
As his crew worked on cutting the bonds they had tied the other crew with, Rodrigo jumped back to his ship. Jade helped him aboard, an eyebrow raised. “You seem awfully chipper for someone with nothing to show from a raid.”
“I wouldn’t say nothing.” He walked to the stern, adjusting his cloak over his shoulder. “Change of plans. We’re going to Vesuvia.”
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
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@/sadsoapbubbles, @/bastart13, @/hirodraga, @/joeyhazell-art, and @/miel-1411
Hi there isn’t really a reason for this post I just wanted to look at all of the group pieces I have of the band in one place because they give me so much serotonin 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
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Made baby versions of the band — they’re all like 11-13 here
Around this time Alec and Leon still lived on the streets, Jamil lived in Prakra with his family, and Camia had just escaped Vesuvia and the Coliseum
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
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I also made the band with this picrew!
No fun backgrounds lmao but can you tell what one of my favorite colors are from this 💀
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
Next Year, Next Time
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A post-event fic for @midsummer-masquerade​.
In which, the day after the event ends, everyone attending shakes off the remnants of the event, and begin to go back to their lives as they were before
Title: Next Year, Next Time by The Staves 1.7k words
The sun was already high in the sky by the time Asra awoke in Alec’s room at the palace to the sound of someone knocking at the door. Disoriented, he sat up, mumbling out a weary “who is it?”
“It’s Camia; are you two decent?”
Asra answered for them, Alec still buried under the blankets, seemingly asleep. “We’re covered, if that’s what you mean.”
The door opened, and Camia poked her head in. She still had a dark scarf over her head, but her black lipstick was gone, and she was wearing the clothes she had arrived at the palace in. “Nadia has a carriage ready for us to go back to the shop, if you two want to join. Or you can stay here and get a carriage later.”
Asra glanced at Alec, and was about to say they would just wait, but Alec groaned, pulling her head up, blinking sleep from her eyes. Camia bit back a laugh at how tired she looked, and Asra caught it, but Alec didn’t seem to notice.
“I wanna go back home, Cami.”
Camia smiled, winking at Asra. “Okay, well, why don’t you two wash up, put some actual clothes on, and meet us at the front gates in a few minutes. Jamil still has to pry Leon from their bed.”
More than a few minutes later, the band and Asra all piled into a carriage in varying states of disarray, but dressed, for the most part. Camia and Jamil still looked relatively put together, all things considered, Asra not so much, and Leon and Alec definitely looked the worse of all, the former wrapped around Jamil like a barnacle, practically still asleep. It looked like Jamil had managed to pull them from their bed, but not much else, as they were wrapped in a blanket that definitely wasn’t theirs.
As the carriage rolled through the city to the shop, the sun already on its descent back to the horizon, Alec and Asra fell asleep again on each other’s shoulders, and even Jamil started to nod off. Camia stayed awake, and when they reached the shop, jostled Jamil awake again. Leon wouldn’t wake up for anything, so he just carried them inside, and returned to get Asra as Camia picked up Alec, and the carriage left them as they entered the shop.
They laid Alec and Asra in Alec’s room, and went back to the main bedroom to join Leon, who wrapped themself around Jamil again the moment he laid down, grumbling something incoherent into his shoulder.
Camia and Jamil just shared an exhausted, but amused look, and started to drift back to sleep.
It must have only been a few minutes, but just as Camia started to doze off, she felt the bed shift, and both Asra and Alec wriggled their way into the sheets. Alec burrowed between Camia and Jamil, and Asra stayed on Camia’s side, but she wrapped her arm around him, watching as his hand sought out Alec’s, and they both fell asleep instantly.
Once everyone was settled again, Camia was the last to fall asleep, a small, relaxed smile on her face as the sounds of everyone else around her faded away.
“Good afternoon, Miriam.”
Miriam groaned, stretching her arms over her head as she slowly opened her eyes to see Nadia sitting over her, both of them naked in her bed. “Morning, uh… afternoon, Dia.”
“I’d say that all went rather well, wouldn’t you?”
She nodded, reaching out for Nadia’s hand, and smiled when Nadia took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “It was a lot of fun for sure, but I’m not looking forward to the clean-up.”
“Don’t think about that just yet,” Nadia said, lying back down in bed next to Miriam, propped up on her side. “Almost everyone is still off, remember, no one is coming in until the evening to start cleaning.”
“I know, but ugh,” Miriam sighed. “There’s going to be so much to do, so much to take down and put back up… It’s hard not to think about it.”
There was a mischievous glint in Nadia’s eyes as she leaned forward, her hair falling over her shoulder. “What if I ordered you not to think about it?”
Miriam felt her cheeks warm, but laughed softly, tucking Nadia’s hair back behind her ear. “I guess I’d have no choice then. But what would I think about instead?”
“Hm, I suppose I could help distract you.”
“You could, huh? How so?”
Nadia answered by kissing Miriam, both of them falling back into her sheets as the afternoon sun sunk lower in the sky and stayed together until the servants who had volunteered as the first wave of the clean-up crew arrived, and they had to get up to help.
“No rest for the weary, hm, Dia?” Miriam laughed to herself as she finished tying her hair back, still wet from the quick bath they had taken. She smoothed out her uniform to the best of her ability and went to help Nadia with her dress before they left her bedroom.
“None whatsoever,” Nadia replied, kissing her cheek, and they walked back out into the palace, going their separate ways to work on cleaning everything up.
Jacqui didn’t remember coming back to his room at the end of the party, and he certainly didn’t remember Rodrigo joining him, but there they both were when he woke up, the sun bright and cheery pouring through his windows.
Not one to be easily woken, especially not after such a rough night, Jacqui ended up carrying Rodrigo to the baths, and very unceremoniously dumped him into the water to wake him up. Rodrigo woke up sputtering and cursing, and ended up dragging Jacqui into the water after him.
Eventually they both washed up enough to start their walk back to the docks, back to El Corazon. Jacqui thought he saw Saoirse and Julianus as they walked through the city, and while he wanted to say goodbye, also saw Meredith, and knew her crossing paths with Rodrigo wouldn’t end well, so he just steered them both away, and Rodrigo didn’t question it, evidently still too tired to care.
Halfway to the ship, he refused to walk anymore, and rather than argue with him, Jacqui just sighed and carried him on his back the rest of the way. There were some battles worth fighting, but with Rodrigo, and when tired, most of them weren’t worth it.
Jade and Louis were waiting for them by the ship when they approached, and while Jacqui didn’t mind sharing some of his night with them, he was too tired to give them anything but a nod and a grunt as he boarded the ship, Rodrigo still draped over him.
Rodrigo was apparently awake enough to reply to Jade when she asked him how it went. “You would have loved it, you know, maybe next year you can come with me.”
“Next year, what, do you plan on stealing someone’s invitations again?”
“Trust me, I won’t need to steal invitations again.” He laughed, and Jacqui felt the sound rumble against his back as he continued to walk to Rodrigo’s quarters. “I can guarantee I’ll be invited back.”
Jacqui didn’t believe him, and from the noise Jade made, she didn’t believe him either, but again, a battle not worth fighting.
When he went to lay Rodrigo down on his bed, Rodrigo held onto his arm. This time, he didn’t even have to say anything for Jacqui to just sigh and lay down with him, too exhausted to even think about pulling away, and if he was very honest with himself, he didn’t even want to.
He was awake long enough to feel the ship start to move in the waters again, and he knew either Jade or Dimitri were at the helm to get El Corazon back to the Sea of Persephia. And that was the last thought he had before he fell asleep, Rodrigo curled against his chest much like a cat.
Though, truthfully, Meredith and Theodore woke up relatively early in the day, they didn’t make their way back to the Ruby until late in the afternoon. Meredith hadn’t been in a rush to leave, and when Theo commented on how late they were out, she just shrugged.
“What are they going to do, leave without us?”
Theo laughed at that and made a joke about not expecting her to finally agree to resting, which she was quick to cut off with a kiss.
Eventually, though, they did leave the palace, meeting up with Saoirse and Julianus halfway there, both of whom looked very satisfied with themselves, a similar grin on their faces as Saoirse continued to carry Julianus on their shoulders to the ship.
Meredith groaned to herself, knowing they would both be even more insufferable to be around, but she did manage to hold back any comment she wanted to make, at least until they reached the ship and she told Saoirse to set Julianus down.
When they were inevitably intercepted by the rest of the crew, Meredith made sure to thank Elizabeth and Tariq for the outfit they had chosen for her, but she made it very clear that if there ever was another opportunity for them to do so in the future, it was not allowed to be quite so revealing. Elizabeth and Tariq agreed, and both of them lamented the fact that they hadn’t been able to see her in it, but she leveled them with a glare, as much of one as she could manage, stating under no circumstances would they ever get the chance.
She went to start giving orders to set sail from Vesuvia, but Saoirse stopped her, their hand on her shoulder.
“You look tired, still. Why don’t you rest some more—I’ll handle it for now.”
Meredith wanted to argue, but she had to admit they were right; she was tired, and the walk from the palace to the docks hadn’t helped. As they turned to the rest of the crew, Meredith disappeared into her quarters, but not without pulling Theodore with her, as he looked just as tired as she felt, and the two laid on her bed, falling asleep, wrapped together, almost instantly.
All in all, it was a massive success, and though the participants of the Midsummer Masquerade spoke very little about it once the day had passed—if they spoke about it at all—they all wondered what might happen next year, next time, and kept the memories that they did make close to their own hearts and minds to look back on fondly for the time being.
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
royal au?? 👀👀 —leila-of-ravens
Okay so I have given this some kind of thought before and there's a few ways this AU can go (and this is more than five facts oops) thank you for enabling me @leila-of-ravens
Jamil and Camia are always royals — Jamil is like the Crown Prince of whatever kingdom his parents rule, Camia's parents are the Duke/Duchess Baudelaire so she would be Lady Camía-Marie
Alec never is, she usually keeps her orphan status in these kinds of AUs, might end up adopted by a lower member of the royal court or stays as a street kid that the other two stumble across
Now, LEON could go two ways and their role impacts this AU the most
If his parents keep him, the Zhu-Jin family would likely be another ruling family of a different kingdom, though as his mother is the youngest of eight siblings and they are pretty removed from inheriting the crown, he doesn't really have a title
He would likely meet Jamil and Camia at some kind of ball or other event, and though they would become friends/Jamil and Leon fall for each other very quickly, due to status, Jamil's mother would try to have him married off to one of Leon's cousins who are higher ranking/closer to inherit the throne
Which just means that they say fuck that and run away together anyway
As with my normal universe Leon is abandoned by his parents and left on the streets
In this case, he probably finds Alec first, and the two of them live together on the streets for a while until Jamil and Camia come across them forrrr whatever reason
And then its more of a "street smart kid teaches sheltered rich kid how to enjoy life" story for Leon and Jamil, and they get him out and away from his family
Either way, Jamil x Leon is endgame thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
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Found this adorable Picrew and had to make the band
Listen I’ve done a lot of picrews in my day lol but this is the best Jamil I’ve ever been able to make he’s just perfect
And as a bonus, a little Daniella Phandoum
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into-the-daniverse · 4 years
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Oh I had to at least attempt the band on Artbreeder (plus some light tinkering)
Pretty damn satisfied with how they came out!
UPDATE: Fixed Leon’s skin tone! He should never have been comparable to Camia’s skin lol
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into-the-daniverse · 4 years
Meet The Band | Alec, Jamil, Camia, and Leon
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Art by @joeyhazell-art​ | post here
For @arcana-echoes​’s Meet the OC special this week I wanted to do a short re-introduction of the band!
Starting from the left, going clockwise, we have Camia (she/her), Jamil (he/him), Leon (he/him/they/them), and Alec (she/her).
Alec is the apprentice in my canon, but before the events of the game, she traveled with the other three as part of a band. She was born on the outskirts of Prakra to her parents, but they died in a house fire when she was around 8 years old. She lived on the streets of Prakra until the other three found her (at 11) and invited her to travel with them. They played at every Masquerade Lucio held prior to the plague, and went all over the world to perform for about 11 years. She is 29 in the current timeline, and her full bio can be viewed here!
Jamil is the leader of the band. He was born in Prakra to one of the most prominent families in the fashion industry there, working hand-in-hand with the Satrinavas and many other wealthy families. He is a much younger cousin to Namar Satrinava (Nadia’s father). After living his life according to his parents, he decided to run away from the family business and live on the road at 18. Camia went with him, and eventually they found Leon, and then Alec a few years later.  He is 41 in the current timeline, and his full bio can be viewed here!
Camia is Jamil’s best friend of almost 30 years. She was born in Vesuvia to a wealthy family, but spent most of her childhood fighting in the Coliseum as her parents exploited her for her magic. After running away at 13, she met Jamil in Prakra, and the two became close friends, eventually leaving Prakra together. She is also 41 in the current timeline and unfortunately, the only band member whose bio isn’t complete yet, but it should be soon!
Leon is Jamil and Camia’s best friend of about 22 years. Born in Zadith, they were abandoned by their parents when they were around 4 years old due to being born blind, and they lived on the streets of a small town in the Fennekh Desert until they were 17, when Jamil and Camia arrived. They are 39 in the current timeline and their full bio can be viewed here!
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Art by @miel-1411​ | post here  L to R — Jamil, Camia, Alec, Leon
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into-the-daniverse · 4 years
The Band | In Another Life
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Originally I was going to do a post about how if Alec hadn’t died in the plague she would still be traveling with the band, but my brain asked me to go deeper, so this is the band if none of them had ever met at all.
Huge thanks to @hirodraga​ for this absolutely amazing piece! I gave you so many details and you rocked them all. I am simultaneously in love and in pain over how good this came out!
This is definitely each of their worst timelines, for different reasons. In the normal timeline, Camia leaving Vesuvia is the catalyst for all of them meeting—she finds Jamil in Prakra, they become friends, they leave Prakra and find Leon, Leon is the one who convinces them to have Alec join them—and without that, all of their lives go in wildly different directions.
Individual lore and explanations for their appearances under the cut!
Camia — 
When she tries to escape at 12, she is caught, thrown back into her cell, and punished so severely she never thinks about trying to escape again
She spends the rest of her life (from 8-38, until the Coliseum is shut down) fighting as a gladiator, following orders from her father, Bénédict, though eventually he keeps her at the Coliseum for good and stops visiting
In the normal timeline, she wasn’t given a real title—like Muriel’s Scourge of the South—since she was a child, but she is known now as the Flame of Vesuvia
Her family still leaves Vesuvia when Lucio becomes Count, but they take her winnings and she is still contracted to fight
Likely that if she and Muriel were ever paired, she would kill him, as her magic is far stronger
They do face off exactly once, and it is the first and only match that Lucio cuts short, and, not willing to lose both of his most popular fighters, makes the decision that the two of them will not fight again
She helps Muriel escape when the time comes, but doesn’t take the opportunity for herself, not seeing another option than to stay and continue to fight. He has Asra, but she has no one
When the Coliseum is shut down, Camia has nowhere to go. She has none of her own winnings to survive on, no family who wants to take her in, and no friends to fall back on
She leaves Vesuvia and heads south, seeking the cold and isolation of the Southern Spines and conceivably spends the rest of her days there
Jamil —
With no one to push him otherwise, Jamil follows what his mother, Chiara, tells him to do
He still ends up traveling the world, but under her strict, watchful eye, and only for the purpose of studying and networking with other rich families
Never picks up music beyond a few classes he takes in his studies, as Chiara breaks his guitar at 15, destroying all of his passion for it
When he turns 19 she has him married off to another family in Prakra she wants to form ties with
His husband, Amar, is nice, but there is no love in their arranged marriage, and Jamil is left heartbroken and stuck, both of them having a number of affairs
Is treated as a figurehead of the business, does not handle any of the technical or financial parts but is still required to be at all meetings, events, etc. by Chiara
Resents his siblings, Hakim and Eufemia, and his cousins, the Satrinavas, all of them having a certain kind of freedom that he can only dream about
Especially with their magical abilities, Hakim and Mia are allowed to do much more than he can
Spends most of his days—when not being dragged around by Chiara or Amar—sitting in his room or library, reading about places he can no longer go and adventures that he never got to have
Leon — 
With no one to pull them from their spiral of hate, they continue on their path terrorizing the town they live in
Eventually, when no more rich people come through, scared away, he turns on the rest of the people there, enveloping the town in a blanket of sand and wind, turning it into his own ghost town
Hungry for more power and still angry, he reaches out to neighboring towns, until the entire Fennekh desert is under their control, and makes deals with their patron arcana, the Knight of Swords, left and right
The number of deals start to take a toll on them, and they begin to take on some of the Knight of Swords appearance, dark scales and veins creeping up their arms
If Zadith wasn’t such a magical place, he would have taken it too, but for now, he keeps the desert in a constant whirlwind, so no one can get in, or out
Fiasharya is still bound to him as his familiar, and the deals he takes warps her appearance too, most of the bones she eats now are the remains of the townspeople buried in sand, and she would still do anything for her baby
Is known over the desert as Fūjin, (named after the Japanese god of wind, a popular and terrifying demon, whose bag of air moves all the world's winds) and goes by it so frequently that he barely remembers his real name, only refers to himself as such
(In another, another AU, with @sunrisenfool​’s reversed Anatole, Fūjin comes to Vesuvia to kind of partner with him and works in the shadows of the city)
Alec —
Stuck growing up on the streets of Prakra, stealing to get by, eventually Alec turns to fighting, something she’s good at
Joins an underground fighting ring, and frequently dominates the ring, earning the undefeated title of The Viper
Constantly being chased and tracked down by Prakra’s equivalent of police due to her illegal activities, but she is always too fast for them and has yet to be caught
Her magic doesn’t feature much in her life—she isn’t taught to hone it so she can only use her air magic to propel herself during fights
Her vocal magic never shows, so Ravah never appears
She’s always tired, always angry—the ring she’s contracted with takes most of her winnings so she barely has enough to scrape by
Still lives in the ruins on the outskirts of Prakra, where an earthquake tore through when she was young, and lives alone
Resents her parents for dying and leaving her to fend for herself
Other Lore —
Though Alec and Jamil are both stuck in Prakra, the two will never meet, as they move in entirely different circles
If Alec is ever caught and put on trial, Jamil might be there, but they will not interact with each other
If Jamil ever has to travel through the Fennekh desert, he and his caravan would be caught—and killed—by Fūjin, as they do not spare anyone that passes through
None of them would ever come across Camia
With the exception of Camia, hair plays an important distinguishing role in all of their appearances from the normal “Upright” versions of themselves
Jamil’s hair is long, as his mother likes, and as is expected of men on the Parsa side of his family. In the normal timeline, he cuts it once he, Camia, and Leon are in Venterre, signifying his cut ties from his family
Alec’s hair is short, because she doesn’t want it to be used against her in fights. She grows it out in the normal timeline when she feels safe, and keeps it long like Leon’s
Leon’s hair stays long, but messy, unkempt, as they can’t be bothered to care about what it looks like. In the normal timeline, they have the others to help take care of their hair
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