#campaign: arix shiv and the kobold king
worldsneverfilled · 2 years
Robert - Bob the Blob
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Type: PC
Aliases: Robert, (insert series of chemical identifiers bc that's his actual name)
Pronouns: Any are fine, though Bob generally goes by he/him
Sexuality: What's that?
Relationships: Why?
Race: Plasmoid
Home: Myth Drannor, Cormanthyr (currently)
Age: Unknown, but very old
Class: Psi Warrior
Weapon(s) of Choice: Pistol and War Pick
Job: Agent for the spymistress of Cormanthyr
Loyalty: Herself, and then Cormanthyr by extension
Alignment: NG
Height: 6′3
Personality: Quiet, sarcastic, a bit snooty when it comes to comparing his people’s customs to that of the “Solids,” secretive, and observant.
Status: Alive, Uninfluenced (known)
Strategy: You can’t put a hole in him but he sure as fuck can put a few in you.
About and Fun Tidbits:
Robert arrived in Toril during the Spellplague in a portal incident. He kept odd jobs here and there, merely existing among the Solids as he explored their world. He's found that he's quite fond of the gnomes.
When he “sleeps,” he kind of oozes out of his armor...and he has a bubbly snore.
Joke HC that there are dozens and dozens of oozes and plasmoids out there that would be considered his "children." Not canon, just for lols.
Can't get drunk, unfortunately. Fortunately, he can drink people under the table as a bet and they don't know he's an ooze...easy money.
Met Herself on the road. She didn't give him the option. She said, "I have a job for you," and that was that. No chance to protest it, no way of getting out of it; you don't tell Electra no.
I don’t have a photo reference for him, but he’s a blue-green color and wears full armor to hide the fact that he’s a plasmoid. He doesn’t want anyone but Herself knowing. When not in armor, he’s lounging on a couch somewhere as a grumpy puddle.
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worldsneverfilled · 2 years
Howdy Doody!
I follow back from ixhadbadxdays.
My name's Megan. This is where I’ll keep my stuff on my D&D OCs and tidbits about our campaigns, along with snippets of world building for personal projects. Idm if y'all reblog my stuff, so long as the credit remains.
I can't art to save myself so hero-forge has got my back in terms of character design...
DnD characters and posts will be tagged based on their campaign association. Some are current and some are potential, future campaigns we've talked about with our two DMs.
As of right now, the campaigns are:
Campaign: The Coming of the Dark
Campaign: A Corruption of the Mind
Campaign: Astral’s Ambient Starways
Campaign: With the Stroke of a Brush
Campaign: Arix Shiv and the Kobold King
Any OCs that are my campaign-less backups or little NPCs in a campaign or not, ideas will be tagged under:
Campaign: Characters I also use this tag
Campaign: Wait For It
Non campaign DnD and writing stuff will be tagged as:
Campaign: No Story Here
World Building References
Organizations and More
If it's safe for you to borrow for your campaign, such as characters or worlds, it'll be tagged as:
Campaign: Okay to Borrow
My Places/Creations:
Masterposts for all worlds and their contents
Masterpost of Masterposts
I'll add other tags as I start building on this place.
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