#bob the blob
transmasculine · 1 year
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canon nonbinary character icons!
if youre a weirdo i will fucking block you
anoki blackmoon (genderfluid), ash harjo, ashe, bob the blob, callum, charlie, dippa, fl4k, inaya saifi
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cool-cube · 1 month
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Next non canon alien to redesign is Bob The Blob, because you can't talk about non-canon fellas without mentioning the Total Access aliens.
Bob The Blob is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an Adhesomorph from the constantly changing, gelatinous mass: Slœmœ. Adhesomorphs rarely ever leave Slœmœ because they are physically apart of it. The planet is made up of billions of Adhesomorphs all bunched together in a single body & mind. Any Adhesomorphs that leave begin to develop their own mind separate from the hivemind. Any that leave & try to rejoin the mass are rejected by it out of fear of tainting the hivemind with thoughts that aren't it's own, forcing them to glide aimlessly along the surface.
Bob, compared to other transformations, is pretty lackluster. His blobby body is very sticky & can cling to pretty much anything. Bob also has two brains that both possess the same mind, which let's him think faster than Ben normally can. Bob's most useful trait are his antenna. Adhesomorphs typically have very poor reflexes, so they developed antennae to help them detect danger long before it hits them, giving him enough time to react before it happens.
Bob's main weakness is his stick. He has no control over it & finds himself sticking to anything & everything that comes his way. He can unstick to things but it requires immense mental strength that is only truly possessed by Slœmœ. Bob cannot pick up on energy attacks that come his way. Bob also can't react fast enough if an attack changed midway through is slow reaction. Ben is also not allowed to join Slœmœ's hivemind, out of fear that Ben's heroism might taint Slœmœ's ideals.
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sxthee · 8 months
Meet ʙᴏʙ the ʙʟᴏʙ.
He is created from procrastination as instead of I, combatting and slaying the monster that are the textbooks and reviewers, I settled down to draw him instead. Either way, it's a pleasure to meet you ʙᴏʙ, as you have perfectly illustrated what I am currently feeling that I cannot express — otherwise I be deemed insane here. Lol.
Enjoy ʙᴏʙ! :]
Now i shall return the path i've left and unwillingly memorize now..
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Bob the Space Blob - my little cosmic baby!
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worldsneverfilled · 2 years
Robert - Bob the Blob
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Type: PC
Aliases: Robert, (insert series of chemical identifiers bc that's his actual name)
Pronouns: Any are fine, though Bob generally goes by he/him
Sexuality: What's that?
Relationships: Why?
Race: Plasmoid
Home: Myth Drannor, Cormanthyr (currently)
Age: Unknown, but very old
Class: Psi Warrior
Weapon(s) of Choice: Pistol and War Pick
Job: Agent for the spymistress of Cormanthyr
Loyalty: Herself, and then Cormanthyr by extension
Alignment: NG
Height: 6′3
Personality: Quiet, sarcastic, a bit snooty when it comes to comparing his people’s customs to that of the “Solids,” secretive, and observant.
Status: Alive, Uninfluenced (known)
Strategy: You can’t put a hole in him but he sure as fuck can put a few in you.
About and Fun Tidbits:
Robert arrived in Toril during the Spellplague in a portal incident. He kept odd jobs here and there, merely existing among the Solids as he explored their world. He's found that he's quite fond of the gnomes.
When he “sleeps,” he kind of oozes out of his armor...and he has a bubbly snore.
Joke HC that there are dozens and dozens of oozes and plasmoids out there that would be considered his "children." Not canon, just for lols.
Can't get drunk, unfortunately. Fortunately, he can drink people under the table as a bet and they don't know he's an ooze...easy money.
Met Herself on the road. She didn't give him the option. She said, "I have a job for you," and that was that. No chance to protest it, no way of getting out of it; you don't tell Electra no.
I don’t have a photo reference for him, but he’s a blue-green color and wears full armor to hide the fact that he’s a plasmoid. He doesn’t want anyone but Herself knowing. When not in armor, he’s lounging on a couch somewhere as a grumpy puddle.
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nacho-business1 · 26 days
I was bored and made a little animation.
His name is bob. I hope this made you smile.
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the-evil-lovable-simp · 5 months
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akikkobara · 1 year
Danny phantom Prompt idea
When the inevitable reveal happens, Danny instead of confessing to being a half ghost instead tells his parents that he fell into another dimension right before high school started and became a magical girl tm, and when he finally got back it turned out he kept his powers, but his core synchronized with the strongest power source closest to him (Ectoplasm tm)which is why he keeps set off the ghost detectors.
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psychicvoidtale · 7 months
(They are all something like orphans, they are fish and they spent most of their lives in a fish tank, they are mutants, I love them)
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Bancy has always been interested in music, in he free time she is practicing how to improve her voice and be better every day! He likes to watch records related to music and podcasts, he is very shy with people, he is currently dating a computer girl
Baldo is not really that excited about the opera itself, the'y does it because the'y does not spend as much time with his brothers as the'y would like, the'm works too much, although the'y is very grumpy the'm has his good moments and loves his brothers unconditionally.
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Since Bob joined the world of opera, he was nervous at first but then he got used to it. He always tries to be as friendly as possible and it doesn't bother him. He gets along very well with the other people in charge of the show. He likes to take photographs.
Barry always wanted to be appreciated by people, in fact, at first he liked the idea of being an actor, he could never do it well, Bob encouraged him to take him into this world of music, he is always happy to talk to his fans or part of the rest of the show
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Boly has always been somewhat envious, he really likes to show off that he is very popular, this is his defense mechanism, he is afraid of being ridiculed, sometimes in his free time he likes to do crafts, apart from that he is the one who focuses the most on his work secondary
Bambi was very energetic, he once suffered an accident and almost died, thanks to several surgeries, he managed to survive, he is a bit dumb, since his brain underwent a couple of changes, but he is still excellent at singing, most of the time he is taken care of by one of his friends
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Bam is the tallest of all, he is quite cold with people and his fans, he doesn't care what they say about him, he is the most responsible of all, he is the only one with a driver's license, he knows how to know very well, he has a car and he has a doctorate, he is quite affectionate with his brothers even though he is very cold
At the beginning, Babi was extremely important to everyone, that was quite stressful for him, and that affects him now, every time he suffers a lot of pressure he feels like crying, he has a second job in cartoons, he likes his jobs, his safe place is his bed and his brothers
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Blob is just joining the opera, he feels very bad about his face, he had several accidents before mutating, all his brothers support him too much, his second job is taking care of pets
Bap Is new!
Thank you for reading
sammy, my characters (mark, daisy, doldy and joey) and any other characters will not be available for questions until further notice, they are the main ones now
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"so plankton is gross during the day, but fun and frisky at night? like leather pants"
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shiqingxuanz · 9 months
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low quality xue meng doodle based on my dream
for context:
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thtupidity · 9 months
im free....
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yahoo201027 · 6 months
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Day in Fandom History: March 17…
Gene, along with Louise and Tina, must save a misunderstood blob of plankton from being destroyed by the town’s yacht club for the upcoming regatta as Bob and Linda deal with Trev while Jimmy’s out of town. “What About Blob?” premiered on this day, 5 Years Ago.
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Bob the Space Blob Loves You!
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does . pheebs get fanboys/girls ?
" Most likely, if i see a dumbass trying to get with her they won't be seeing the light of sun again. "
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thecuddlymuffintop · 2 months
Tonight, at 7 pm CDT, I will be continuing Spyro Reignited Trilogy over on Twitch.
You're always welcome to either watch here or join me and the other Chubby Checkers with the above link.
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