#campwillowpeak harper
Skinny Dippin Romance CWP Harper x MC
yea so listen, i haven't written anything in almost a year and im so so rusty but i had inspo and booked with it. i had a deep need for soft!harper. though i have been thinking of perhaps going with the darker side of our resident pyromaniac,, i shall see hehe. there’s prob a lot of mistakes and stuff, sorry abt that. i tried to make this seem as gender neutral as possible, if there’s any mistake sdfghjjhg im sorry
anyway! harper belongs to the lovely @mama--sloth in the upcoming yandere vn @campwillowpeak, i apologize in advance if harper is out of character at all,, 
much appreciation for the beauty of your brain mama sloth, he makes me ashhhshdjjffkfm
The moonlight reflected beautifully off the lake’s water, lapping gently against the shore, and regardless of your gnawing anxiety you had to admit you could stand here forever just staring at it. Unfortunately you were growing increasingly more hesitant to join your fellow camp counselor (and newly appointed boyfriend, who was currently stripping as he walked down the creaking wooden dock). 
Wait- stripping?! 
“A-ah! Harper!” a sharp squeak from your lips halted the towering Italian who jolted his head to look back at you now covering your mouth, desperately afraid you had woken someone up. 
His eyebrows shot up, huffs of choked back laughter leaving him as he made his way towards you still standing at the edge right before the shore meets the dock. Harper’s hands gently wrapped around your shoulders before smoothly caressing your jaw with his thumbs. 
“Cara Mia, we don’t have to do this if you’re uncomfortable..” Despite your partner’s deep, husky voice which was most of the time intimidating and often very disinterested with anyone other than you, it was spoken with love and vast tenderness. God did it make your heart soar when he spoke to you like this. 
“Ahh..no it’s alright Harpie..I was the one who suggested skinny dipping in the first place. I just need to take some deep breaths and go for it!” 
Harper backed up a little to give some room as your  chest puffed up while you inhaled the night air, fists resting against your hips in a stance of power! Only to immediately shift into an explosion of stammering mess when your eyes advanced further down past his broad chest. 
Barks of laughter escaped his lips when you finally noticed that he was entirely in the nude. Arms flying to cover your face then pushing against his chest to get him to back away from you. 
“H-HARPER!!” Your small groans of flustered distress only make him laugh harder before he finally finds himself again, wiping a non existent tear from his eye. Reaching out to you when he sees you stomping off towards your shared cabin. Feeling your arm gently grasped by his, he turns you around to bury your face in his torso. 
“Please Cara Mia, I'm sorry. The look on your face was too funny, forgive me?” disgruntled with your giant lover, you reluctantly lifted your head to see he was, in fact, not sorry at all. His mischievous smirk and glowing eyes gave away he was all too pleased with what happened.
“Here, let me guide you into the water, hm?” Harper’s hand trails down your arm to your hand and engulfs it as gently as he can. Leaning down to press his lips against your forehead as he walks backwards, escorting you to the sand instead of the dock. Harper has no problem ambling backwards as the water begins to lap at your ankles. 
You would normally be concerned about going into water completely clothed, though with how he’s looking at you right now? You couldn’t seem to bring yourself to care. He never takes his eyes off of you as he wraps his hands under your thighs to support you. The water level reaches above your chest now but barely touches his own. Because of his height it takes a little while to reach a spot he could move around freely without touching the floor of the lake. 
“See Cara Mia? It’s not so bad.” warm lips touch your jaw, relishing in the soft gasps coming out of your mouth. One of his hands covering the expanse of your lower back, lifting the now soaked shirt. His mouth moving down, taking the lifted bottom hem of it in his teeth. 
“Though… we could do something about these pesky little things.” quietly, he purrs in delight when you lift your hands from his shoulders to fling the wet fabric from your body. His eyes shooting to your exposed chest then back up to your face to crash his lips against yours. Harper’s arm held you tighter against his chest, the hand under your thigh squeezing and massaging the flesh. 
Sighing in pure bliss your own hands intertwine with his ink shaded hair and tug. Moans mixing together with each minute connected before it became too much and he reluctantly pulled away. Not far though, his forehead stays connected to yours as it proves to be too painful even think about being any further apart. 
You already knew your cheeks were red the entire night, but his complete and utter focus on you was enough to distract. Yea, soft lapping of water and the moon’s illumination on both exposed bodies could’ve made you stare for hours.
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nifreti-ii · 1 month
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My silly “little” OC Eike! (this is gonna be a long one, buckle in)(Also yandere related content) 
Eike is the youngest of three children and the shortest in his family (hilarious isn't it), which is a slight sore spot for him. He was raised by both his parents and two older brothers. Eike started being homeschooled when he was 11 after a bullying incident in middle school that left him hurt (ref scars on his face) and the school did nothing to stop it. Due to spending a large portion of his adolescence (and subsequent MAJOR growth spurt) at home, he constantly hits his head on door frames at most places. Despite his height, he’s just a big ‘ol puppy. He loves going to college and being able to make proper friends, just smiling constantly and excitedly talking to people. When he first meets Gavin, he genuinely finds his (awful) jokes hilarious and proclaims him to be his best friend (Gavin gave up trying to flirt with him). Perfectly remembers the first time he met Harper and had a “waaaaaait a minute” when he met him again (greatly appreciates not having to break his neck to talk to someone). 
(now on to his likes and dislikes) Love love LOVES bugs, but loves moths even more. The first time he saw a fluffy moth he said it looked just like him and cradled it in his hands till it flew away (he denies it to this day he cried when it left, don’t listen to his brothers). His entire family has a very close connection to nature, their home is a 5-minute drive to the closest road. It’s to the point that the inside and outside of the house are littered with plants (even the bathrooms man). He finds it the greatest honor when someone tells him a secret and takes keeping it VERY seriously, you can’t even torture it out of him. His mom gave him his first knife when he was 11 after what happened and made him promise to protect himself if someone tried hurting him (he now has 30 knives…). He grew up listening to folklore, cryptids, and myths; Knows all the signs of nearly any supernatural creature and habitually tells people “not to anger the spirits”. 
He’s interestingly enough very private about his family life, no one who knows him has ever met any of his family or seen them (Only ever talks about anything they’ve done to him/for him.) …Spoons… So. Many. Spoons… (His brothers hid spoons in his room…his closet, his bed, and his bathroom, it was the one he found in his plant when repotting it months later that made him hate them.) Hunters used to hunt on his family’s property and constantly were a problem; It took one of his brothers getting hurt for the problem to be taken care of (he was too young to remember what happened, but does remember all the blood). The town tried to intimidate his family into giving up their land to build more homes, starting to cut down the trees right outside of the property. It was when one of the cut trees landed and destroyed some trees on their property did the town learned its lesson. The first and last time he went to the beach, a crab grabbed his toe and nearly snapped it off. He was 13, so his family just left him home whenever they went to the beach (His brothers tried scaring him with a crab shell, but he ended up liking it and now hangs it up on his wall.).
(referring to 5 min ship, not all tho) He would always steal his family's clothes and hug them whenever he had nightmares or missed them. It feels like he’s being hugged by said person (if he can’t wear it, he just wraps it around his head T^T). His family mostly showed love through actions, always hugging and gifting each other things (they say “I love you” at least twice a year). He tends to admire bugs and take pictures of them before letting them go. He either gives the meanest glare to whoever is bothering his love interest or physically intimidates them when they try to touch them. He’s only been in 2 relationships, each lasting over a year and both ended because he was too possessive (He’s better at his jealousy now but will be in a foul mood for a few minutes… or hours, really depends) 
Was this long? Yes. Did I space out halfway through it and just realize that? Also yes. I love my skrunkly little OCs and giving them fairly fleshed-out backgrounds. I wanted to add that Eike is a decadent of Dryads/Nymphs along with his father and brothers, his mother being a witch. I know that supernatural creatures are canon in-universe, I just hope I'm not stretching tooo much T-T. The leaves in Eike’s hair are PART of him and hurt when pulled on, kind of like pulling out a weed or carrot (they grow back) I love his little ears and slightly greenish skin :3 Im gonna crawl under a rock (for now). Harper and Camp willow peak belong to @campwillowpeak (the silli knows too much but likes to pretend he doesn't :>)
Check out my Masterlist for my art and (limited) writing! :D
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
Ok sorry but par for the course to ask at this point. Is Harper his REAL name?
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Harper: See? What a silly question hahahah *sweats*
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foxtricksterwriting · 2 years
How Harper met Mori
This is a fanfic for the yandere/murder mystery VN @campwillowpeak
Harper is from said VN
Camp Willowpeak is +18!! If you're a minor/younger than 18, DO NOT INTERACT WITH CAMP WILLOWPEAK. Out of respect for the author/original creator, any fanfics I write for this VN will have the same +18 rating even if there's not anything NSFW in it.
This is part 1 of 2. This part is in Harper's POV (I'm not confident writing for Harper, but I'm trying my best) The other will be the same thing, but in Mori/My MC's POV
Before I start, little info about my MC; he goes by Mori, about 27, uses he/him. He has a daughter named Tsubaki, she's 4. Now, let's go!
Harper surveyed the aisle, eyes scanning the shelves for whatever he was looking for. When he didn't find it, he sighed with irritation & pushed his cart to the next aisle. As he dipped into the next aisle he immediately noticed a tall man in a spikey leather jacket with a small child hanging onto his leg. He shook his head and approached the opposite shelf.
A few beats pass, and Harper hears a jangle as someone approached the shelf. "Excuse me, sir," a low, husky voice sounded from somewhere just behind him. "Yeah, sorry," Harper muttered, not bothering to look at the man that spoke to him. As he stepped back, his ankle rolled, making him stumble. Harper grabbed his cart in a attempt to steady himself, but ended up just pushing it further away. He fell, landing flat on his chest on the dirty tile floor.
"Oh god, are you okay?" that same man asked, followed by a "Tsubaki, hun, move please." Harper hesitated, face burning with embarrassment and trying to will the ground to swallow him whole, then he looked up and saw him; the man was crouched, his left hand was extended while the other rested on the ground in front of him. The fluorescent lights caught the little spikes on his leather jacket. He had coily black shoulder length hair with the ends dyed bright purple and his eyes were very dark brown, nearly black. His lips and eyebrows were pierced. Black stubble framed his jawline. This man's face was stained with concern and worry. "A-are you okay, sir?" he repeated.
It took Harper a minute to find his voice and his thoughts, "I-uh-y-yeah! I'm fine!" his voice cracked a little, making him cringe. This earned him a chuckle, but he didn't move. "Good, I guess. Do you want help standing up, or are you waiting for me to go away?" he asked. Wordlessly, Harper took his hand; it was slightly calloused and very warm. The man hauled Harper to his feet and gently patted his shoulders when he was standing. Then Harper felt someone shaking his leg. When he looked down, he was met with a wide-eyed little girl with coily black pigtails pouting worriedly up at him.
The little girl backed away from him and held up four fingers. She tapped the middle of her chest, then closer to her shoulder. "Oh, hold on," the man in the leather jacket waved a hand in front of the girls face, pointed at Harper, and nodded while mouthing something. The girl immediately lightened up, made a fist in front of her nose and pulled it down firmly with a smile. "Sorry about that, sir. My daughter's deaf and was asking if you were okay," the man explained.
"Anyway, we should get going. Try not to fall again; I won't be there to help you next time~" he said with a cheeky smile. He made some motions to his daughter. The little girl nodded, and held up two fingers out to the side. "Goodbye~" the man said, making the same gesture as he started to walk away.
Harper stood there long after the leather-clad man and his daughter had left, his heart hammering in his chest relentlessly.
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mellsfern · 8 months
Yandere Tier List
Update 1: Added Damon and DG as they were forgotten!
I made a Tier List for the yandere VNs I love!
I made this Tier list template because I have a friend I want to introduce to Yandere games/projects, so I made a fun way for her to find all of the ones I have recomended her in one post and just interact with the ones she likes.
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Play it here!
If you want to see another yan that maybe I forgot or haven't met, introduce them! I can add them (I think)
Tags (To help my friend, and anyone else, find the main pages) IN ORDER (Of the first image with all of them):
@turnthepagevn (Robin the librarian)
@thekrows-nest (Krow the forensic artist)
@gryphons-n-kelpies (Morogh the mysterious sea creature)
@clrdgaze (The next three: Simon, Seth, and Zachary the courier, freelancer, and photographer)
@favorvn (Z the demon)
@applestoashes (Douglas the customer service worker)
@14dayswithyou (The next two: Redacted, and Ren, same person. The hacker)
@hatchetmanofficial (Alan the mysterious forest enjoyer)
@yourdearestboyfriend (Victor the elegant hubby)
@homecomingvn (The next two: Henry and Lyra, the highschool sweethearts from the 80s)
@dualityvn (The next two: Keith and Tenebris Ten, the florist and the games. They share a body but they are not the same person)
@campwillowpeak (Harper, the camp counselor who can cook italian food)
@restartheartvn (Ezra, the one with a mysterious Job title goth-like babe)
@stnaf-vn (Friend the rich childhood friend)
@wouldyoustayvn (Virgil, the multiversal traveler)
Little skip from the next 2.
@you-and-him-vn (Adam the popular celebrity of a boyband)
@yga-vn (Noel YOUR guardian angel)
@in-your-dreams-vn (The next two: Traumfanger and Lynde, your dreamcatcher entity and your sleep therapist)
@wheregodsrotvn (Xeno, the prisoner who committed unknown crimes to humanity)
@inkly-heart (Damon the sweet customer and Delivery Guy (yes, it is their real name) whose work is, delivery! surprise!)
For Sunny day jack and the groom of gallagher (Ghost clown, and ghost groom), you can just check Snaccpop if you want. Only Jack's has a official site:
Here you have my try! (Just my preferences, I wanna smash them all either way)
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In actual order of smashability even in their individuals sections.
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sunny-speaks · 11 months
Hacker! Ren Headcanons
Basically just hc’s abt what ren does in his free time watching u, yk, normal stuff
Character(s): Ren/[REDACTED] from @14dayswithyou and mild mention of Harper from @/campwillowpeak
A/N: Definitely check out Camp Willowpeak if you have the time! Great VN in progress!
Trigger warnings: Minor panic attack after ‘And it is the worst feeling in all of Corland Bay.’
Um, mention of NSFW and kinks etc. Minors DNI !
Ren spends every waking hour of the day trying to be as close to you as he can possibly muster.
He just wants to be there with you in some shape or form!
The best days for him are the weekends, you don’t have to work and you can stay home all day if you choose to!
Some of his favorite things to watch you do is watch your anime, read fanfiction and a bunch of other things that help with his research.
When you indulge in your fixations, it helps Ren change himself accordingly to whatever you like at the moment!
You like science-y guys? Luckily for you, he took Biology and Chemistry in high school!
Totally not to figure out how to kill people effectively or clean up bloodstains, what???
You like artsy guys? He makes these amazing collages and collections of photography! Also took painting and art in high school!
Once again, totally not because he wanted the best drawings/paintings of you or the best high quality photos for his shrine, whaaat???
But having you read fanfiction is much more interesting to him.
He can see the types of characters you like to read about, your favorite genre, your favorite pairings, your favorite character dynamics…
Whether you prefer sunshine characters with a dark side, characters who look like they could kill you but are actually cinnamon rolls, two idiots + one brain cell, it’d all help him further his agenda of manipulating you to love him making him perfect for you!
And if you go into the NSFW section? He is frothing at the mouth.
This is his chance!! He can figure out what you prefer in the bedroom and win you over with his seduction skills! (not that he needs any ofc… have u seen him??? His dick is like 10 inches, that's a seduction skill on its own…)
(and maybe sometimes he takes advantage of the cameras around your place to listen in and watch you do some… intimate activities)
Whether you like submissive guys or dominant guys or service tops or brats, Ren is all for it! If you’re into some kinky shit, he might not be too into it, but he’ll give it a try for you!!
But if you share one of his massive kinks (ex. Breeding, marking) dude, you are so fucked.
Ren is straight up praying to his shrine that he can be the only one to fulfill your desires because, whoa, he would be soo good to you if you gave him a chance. He would literally cry if you wanted him to do whatever he liked to you.
Also you both like the same shit??? You were clearly meant to be!!
He sees you scrolling on social media and calling yourself delulu? (just like him ong) Don’t worry, he’ll be there so you can fufill your delusions!!
You’ll never have to be delusional again now that you have him!!
Ren saw you scroll through your Tumblr feed, seemingly spending hours lurking on this one account of… Camp Treepeak, or something. It irked him when he saw you focusing on this one character who had you swooning.
So what if that dumb brunette was 6’9’’??? So what if he was a pyromaniac??? He was just a dumb game character, Ren was real! Besides, Ren was more than sure that those missing 4 inches of height between and that fictional guy went somewhere… else.
You didn’t know what you were missing out on!! Ren was right there, always waiting for you to notice him! If you gave him even the smallest chance, he’d swoop in and make your life a living romance visual novel if you wanted!
He could be anyone you wanted him to be! At all! If that’s what it takes for him to be yours, he’d do it in a heartbeat!
(I have brought this up before lmao) Would absolutely be down to try and cosplay any character you aggressively rave about to Moth.
While he absolutely detests Moth for being the one that you go to with this stuff, he can’t deny that it's useful for him to tap into the call, mute Moth on his own end and listen to you go on and on about whatever you’re rambling about at the moment.
Your voice is so pretty, like a canary… Birds remind him of freedom in some way, some days Ren would like to keep you captive, hide you away from the world.
But then he looks at himself in the mirror and he sees his father stare back.
And it is the worst feeling in all of Corland Bay.
He hums to himself, listening to you talk on and on to Moth but can’t help and think, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if I was the only one they ever sang to?’ and it sends Ren into a spiral of dark thoughts he immediately dry heaves at.
He’s trying so hard to focus on your melodic tone before he pants over the sink, body shaking. No, no, no, no.
No. He is not psychopathic. You are not something he can own. You are not his. That is not his decision. You have your voice. You are your own person.
“Hey, you alright?” Your calming voice shakes him out of his stupor. Of course, it did. It helped him get through nightmares, through hungover evenings where he just wanted to be with you, past his job when he felt demotivated.
Subconsciously, he knew you were just talking to Moth, but he couldn’t help but respond. “Y-yeah. I think so.”
“Mm, I feel that.”
Wow, maybe if he squinted, the two of you could be having a conversation! If it wasn’t for that lingering thought of his bastard dad, he would’ve been giggling on the couch, kicking his feet and twirling his hair.
…He was really getting into his Ren persona, wasn’t he…?
“Look, cheer up, things get better. I mean, my job’s no walk in the park, but it’s about the small wins!” He could hear the grin in your voice, you always managed to bring your emotions through audio, “Like, like! The other day, some guy on the street saw my subtle Attack on Giants jacket and stopped to me and said―”
“ ‘Yoo, is that AOG?’ “ Ren repeated the same words with a small smile on his face. He remembered how you reined in your expression before your face lit up as soon as you were by yourself.
You sighed and chuckled at whatever Moth had replied. “No, I am not a huge nerd. I simply have good taste. Oh yeah, remember how I told you about that one skater boy–” and your voice faded to background noise again.
Ren took a couple deep breaths to calm himself. He wasn’t his sperm donor, he’d be better. For you.
And the rest of his nights would be spent, adoringly adding to your shrine and his collection of your items.
Then he would lay in bed, clutching a pillow, wishing it were you he had to cuddle with but could settle for the plush, soft object until he finally won you over.
(personal headcanon that ren has one of those like, duck filled pillows he hugs instead of his stuffed toys which he leaves on display. Sometimes all the body parts just get in the way and he just wants to hug something soft… :(( like you :(( )
Which he would… one day.
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darlingrini · 11 months
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I did another warmup to try and get back into the world of art, and in my feed saw the ever adorable Harper from @campwillowpeak so course had to draw the lil' burnin heart fireball <33333 Would be kidnapped by and put in a summer camp on fire 10/10 <3 (also have a version where hes not on fire)
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stubbedt0e · 1 year
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It's them yall
Ren belongs to @14dayswithyou
Friend belongs to @stnaf-vn
Harper belongs to @campwillowpeak
Ezra belongs to @restartheartvn
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queenlilithprime · 2 months
CWP Lilith Revamped (They/Them)
Introducing Lilith! Again💀
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I did this today instead of anything else bc @campwillowpeak got me back on the fuckin simp train again
TT^TT so mean /very silly
Anywho! Harper, Cammi, Sophie, and Malik better keep those fuckin eyes peeled because this mess of a bitch is going to flirt so hard >:3
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Silent Chase CWP Harper x MC
hi again im on a roll :))) this is supposed to showcase part of harper’s darker side, chasing after you (insert: try) running from him. He’s very upset you chose to run but also is very turned on,,,
Maybe i’ll do part 2? If it’s liked enough huehue
dedicated to @mama--sloth | @campwillowpeak and those with a hunting, predator/prey kink hehehe, this is my first time writing something like this so let’s hope it’s good. Also i gave him rings,,cause yea,, again sorry for more mistakes uwu i also realized i made the last one gender neutral but kinda forgot that cara mia is feminine oops, so no pet name in this one :((
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The moon hung high in the black sky, casting a just barely visible glow over the forest. The air was thick with anticipation, as if the trees themselves were holding their breath. It wasn't very deep within the heart of the forest that a figure stumbled through the underbrush, fear etched onto their face. They could feel the breath of the chaser on their neck, pushing them forward, their heart pounding in their chest.
Thoughts ran wildly as they just narrowly missed a fallen tree on the ground, stumbling forward and grabbing the trunk of a still standing one. Course bark scratches their palms, digging into the skin while they allow a single moment of reprieve. Eyes darted in each and every direction, senses heightened, distant howls and rustle sent shivers down their spine. 
There was no birdsong, no soft vocals of brush animals. The forest seemed to close in on itself, gnarled branches grasping out for them, the mere height glowering down as if to mock them for thinking they could run from someone like him. A branch snaps distantly behind them, so out of place from the still woods. It’s him. He’s getting so much closer. Heart pounding in their ears and wishing desperately for survival as well as hoping to find some cover. They were so far from civilization, it was already an almost 8 hour drive from the city. There could be no hope of getting there before they were found. NO. They had to try, they HAD to try. 
Fuck, why couldn’t they have just ran down the one road that led to the camp, no that would’ve been too easy to be caught. Shoving themselves away from the tree, breaking into a sprint further away from the direction of the branch snapping, they could feel their energy waning and that’s exactly what he wanted. 
He was patient, incredibly so. For them he was at least. Metal clinks in the pocket of the hoodie he was wearing. Rings rubbing against the red and gold accented lighter. Fingers restless, he wanted to burn down the entirety of the forest if it meant finding them faster. Scoffing at the thought, his head shook. Nah, hunting them down was half of the fun. Mouth stretching wider when he noticed the shaking silhouette of his prey book it from behind a tree. Thanking whoever’s upstairs for his good vision. It’s dark, Harper knows that, and it’ll only continue to get darker as they are chased into the thickest part of the woods. 
He hums softly, all entirely too amused and excited by the little playdate his lover so graciously started with him. Passively moving along the forest floor, too casual for someone who’s currently on a chase. Mmm~ his thoughts become all too swamped with images of them covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Cobalt eyes buried under the jet black need his body is responding to. 
“Hah… I can’t wait to find you.” 
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Not exactly sure if I would call this a 'meet cute', but Harper definitely seems to think so. Orca Harper belongs to @campwillowpeak!
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
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Harper redesign! With and without glasses~
I’m liking this much much better
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 11 months
Is it ok to ask if you can draw Harper from @campwillowpeak? You draw humans really good so I wanted to see the Italian Yandere boi in your style if that’s ok?
Thank you! <3 My style on humans/humanoid actually varies depending on the vision I see where the inspiration of the original style comes from, or at least something similar!
For Human!Peter for example, I studied Disney men.
For our boy Harper here, I see anime so I fall back on my old style! >:0
Hope this answers your question! <33
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callofbabythulhu · 11 months
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I can't draw many Yans from memory but I can draw these three!
Noël @yga-vn
Harper @campwillowpeak
Friend @stnaf-vn
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yan-snowcave · 1 year
The second edition of Yandere Tiktok/Vines is here, this time I tried my hands at adding sprites. Tbh I have a newfound respect for those who do these comp's with sprites ^^"
It took me two days almost to finish this, some parts I'm proud of others...Not so much, I still hope you guys will enjoy it!
The characters & sprites/art belong to ;
- Friend & Keagan [@stnaf-vn ]
- Rook [@acfh-vn]
- Tenebris & Jacob [@dualityvn]
- Harper, Cucumber (& the camp background) [@campwillowpeak]
- Ezra, Blaire & Sammy [@restartheartvn]
- Casanova, Ketamine & Pestilence [@cannibalsweetheart]
- Robin [@turnthepagevn]
- Krow [@thekrows-nest]
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stnaf-vn · 1 year
Harper: @campwillowpeak
Oooooo some yan bois are jealous—
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