#can I ask you something mistress heughan?
renee-writer · 4 years
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Reality? Chapter 15 Can I Ask You Something Mistress Heughan?
She has trouble walking the next morning, a sure sign of a good night's loving. Sam helps her dress, pressing kisses over her skin as he does. He heads off to help Ian after breakfast. Later that day, they will take her to meet the Mackenzie's but now she will help Ellie with the chores.
“Can I ask you something, Mistress Heughan?” she startles a bit at the name but, then again, she has never felt more like a wife then she does this morning.
“Of course Mistress Fraser.”
“It is a bit delicate but, you see Mr. Fraser and I heard you and Mr. Heughan last night.” Confessed as her head is lowered to the bread she is kneading.
“Oh, I am….” Mortified, she thinks. Lost in him, she had forgotten there was others in hearing distance.
“No don’t be apologizing. You two are newlyweds, after all. It isn’t that, it is just… well, you seemed to be enjoying yourself quite a lot. Mr. Fraser hasn’t brought out the same from me. I feel something building sometimes but he finishes and … well I feel there is more. Now I know there is hearing you.”
“There is ahhh… “ Lord she never thought she would be teaching her the art of finding her big O. She must be very careful. There is only so much she should know. “Mr. Heughan is a very generous lover. He has taught me how to give and receive pleasure. Where it builds, there is a place where the lasses pleasure lies. If you have Mr. Fraser pay attention to that area, before he comes together with you, he should be able to bring the building pleasure out. Ah, have him touch you there, stoke and press until…well you will know. Then when you become one, your body will be prepared for receiving pleasure. Him playing and sucking on your breasts also helps.”
“They aren’t just for bairns?”
“No. They are also created to help a lass find pleasure.”
“Thank you Mistress Heughan.”
“You may call me Caitriona, if you wish. I believe we will be good mates “
“Aye. Me too Caitriona. You may call me Ellie. Alright, now that is settled, let’s get this bread ready.” They knead and chat. Caitriona is right. They become fast friends. She just hopes her advice helps.
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yanceyrenee-blog · 7 years
Birthday Dinner SamCait fanfic
Cait hates to even put down Eddie long enough to get dressed for dinner. Dinner, a formal dinner was the last part of Sam's birthday plans for her. She couldn't refuse after he had brought Eddie to her. " Mum has to get dressed for dinner. It is a good thing I brought one formal gown with me. Otherwise Sam would be taken me out in jeans." Cait told her pet as she laid her down. Eddie meowed a trival put off by her mistresses perceived abandonment. " No worry lovie, mum will be back here tonight." But will she be alone? Cait recalls the kiss and her body's/ their bodies reaction to it. She sighs deeply also recalling what Sam had told her before the kiss. " Alone. Mum will be returning alone." " What do you think Eddie lass?" she asks as she models a very form fitting, low cut, and short green dress. Eddie meowed in approval or anger at her mistresses impending departure, Cait couldn't tell. She brushes her curles out so they fan around her face. " Up or down?" she inquires of Eddie. She just looks at her and starts licking herself. Neither notice Sam standing against the door. Cait faces the other way, bend over the dresser to see the the mirror. She had applied a minimum amount of makeup, slipped earings in. She now debated whether to pull her hair up in the Claire style or leave it down. Her cat was no help. " Okay Eddie, I think I will leave it down. It is up enough." " Aye it is." Sam says. "Sam! Lawd give a person a heart attack, why don't you." " You will be the one causing the heart attacks. Cait you are breathtaking." She blushes and turns to face him. He had also dressed up. He stands in a tux, his hair brushed back. " You said to dress up." " Yes, and you have out did every expectation." " I.....okay Sam. Where are we going?" " It is a surprise. Are you ready, my love?" Cait, frowning at his term of endearment, turns to say goodbye to Eddie. She grabs her purse and a wrap and turns back to Sam. " Yes, let's go." Sam had thought long and hard about this day for weeks now. He wanted everything perfect for her. At first he thought about taken her to a formal resturant. He knows that is where she thinks they are going. But as he thought about it, he decided he wanted her more to himself. So they were heading to a more secluded location. " Okay Cait we are almost there. I just have to check-on something." He pulls over to use the phone. " Hello. Yes we are almost there. Everything is ready. Thank you. You too. See you in the next few minutes." She gives him a puzzled look and he just grins as he pulls back out. She sighs and sits back content to wait. They pull up in front of a house in Glasgow. She gives him a puzzled look. " It will all be clear." he assures her. He opens her door and takes her hand helping her out. " Come along birthday girl." His smile is brilliant. " What are you up to Mr. Heughan?" she asks. " You will see in a moment, Miss Balfe." He goes up and opens the door gesturing for her to go ahead of him. Curious, she enters and looks around. It is an art looking studio. Colorful papers hang everywhere. She turns to ask Sam where they are when another woman enters the room. She is a small older woman. There is something familiar about her. " Caitriona, may I introduce my mum, Krissy Heughan. Mum, Caitriona Mary Balfe." " Very nice to meet you ma'ma." a confused Cait responds. " Please call me Krissy. Very nice to meet you Caitriona. I see my son surprised you with all this." " Yes ma' ah Krissy." She laughs in a very musical way. " Samwise, you could have told the young lady what your plans were." " And ruined the surprise. Come on mum, what fun would that be." " Can someone tell me what is going on?" Cait, thoroughly enjoying the interaction between Sam and his mum, still wanted to know what Samwise had planned. " Well Cait, mum graciously offered the use of her upstairs studio for your birthday dinner." " Caitriona I am a paper designer." Krissy gestures to the papers hanging all over the room. " They are quite lovely Krissy." Cait is enchanted. She walks around the huge riom exploring the various designs. " Thank you. Samwise didn't tell you his mum was an artist." " No." " Another thing I wanted to surprise her with." " Any more surprises Sam?" " Come and I will show you." He took her hand and leads her upstairs. He leads her into a huge open room. It is surrounded by huge dormer windows on three walls. The sun is just setting and the sight distracts Cait from anything else. Eventually she notices the table set in the center of the room. It is set with bone china, crystal glasses, and real silver silverware. It is set up for two. " Sam this is to much." " No Cait. It is exactly enough." He pulls out a seat and she takes a seat. " Why not just go to a restaurant?" " I wanted you to meet my mum, to see what she does. And one other reason." " And that is." " How to you like my mum?" " Subtle Sam. I adore her and she does excellent work." " She does. She adores you too." " And that is good because we will be working together." Cait comments. " If you wish." He gets up and brings in a serving tray and distributes food to them both. He fills up the wine glasses. They talk about family, friends, and their careers over salads, steaks, and twice baked potatoes. Cait is shocked to hear that Sam's brother had suffered from cancer. Sam is shocked and a bit concerned to hear that Cait's father was a police captain. " What was the other reason?" Cait asks again after a few hours of conversation. " I wanted you to myself." he admits.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Reality? Chapter 4 Morning
He watches her sleep for a bit after he wakes up. The scene beyond him caught his attention for a bit. Rolling green, Scotland as beautiful as he had ever seen her. The lass asleep in his arms places his homeland a close second in beauty. Her Claire curls fall into her eyes and he brushes them away. His fingers longer on her face, longing for…well everything. Christ! This situation is hard enough without his feelings for her getting in the way.
Her eyes slowly open. Meeting his first before slowly turning towards the land beyond them. “Wasn’t a dream “
“No afraid not.”
“Jesus.” She turns back to him. “Were you watching me sleep?”
He nods. “I was.” She nods back.
“We need to find clothes, food, and figure out when we are. We need a backstory and plan. But first I must ask you something.”
“Go on.”
“Do you feel this? What is between us?”
“God Cait, I have felt it since the first time our eyes meet. But with the scenes we had to do and not knowing if you felt the same way, I didn’t wish to..”
“Oh that helps for in honesty, I wasn’t sure I could play your wife here and keep it just acting.”
“So you wish to..?” she watches the tips of his ears get red. It is adorable.
“Very much but not yet. We need to see to the other first.” Her stomach rumbles against him and he chuckles.
“Aye, I need tae see ye feed Mistress Heughan.” He deepens his accent. A smart thing.
“Eh, my husband. So do I stay Irish or go English?”
“Irish will probably go over better.” He sits them up. “You stay here and hidden. I will see about finding food and clothing, as well as what I can find out about this time “
“I can come with you.”
“No you can’t. My jeans will hard enough to explain. You, a lass in breeks. Better to wait until you dressed as the others.”
“I will be back as soon as I can. Think about a back story.”
“Will do.” He crawls out and smiles at her before moving out. She moves as far back as she can. “Hurry Sam.” She whispers.
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