#can I get an amen Hololive fans?
johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by calligomiles) Jackie/Swire (Like OkaKoro, but with fuuuuundamental differences)
“Good morning Swire!” Jackie bounced over to the Feline on sight in the cafeteria.
“Jackie-chan!~” She leaned on the Perro’s shoulder. “Good morning. What were you saying, Doctor?”
The Doctor, who’d sat at the table to talk business, cleared his throat. “Right, as I was saying - if you can get those reports to me before the end of the day, we’ll be set for the rest of the quarter, essentially. Give us both plenty of time for our girlfriends.”
“Eh? Swire, when did you get a girlfriend?” The boxer frowned at her.
“...Are you not dating?” He looked from the Perro to the money-cat. “I’m sorry if I assumed incorrectly, but from what I’ve heard and seen, you’re about as close as any couple I know.”
Swire looked at Jackie innocuously. “Why haven’t you asked me out yet, Jackie-chan?”
“I haven’t?” No, she had not. Welp. “Let’s go on a date tonight!”
Scene sipped her juice box as Lens added on her behalf, “That was quick.”
“Almost as fast as us,” the Doctor observed. “Finish those reports, and I’ll be out of your hair for the next week at least.”
“Ooh, a week-long date?” The Perro’s eyes were sparkling at this point.
The Feline scratched the back of her head. “I dunno...That seems kind of short, don’t you think? How about two?”
“I think they think the word ‘date’ means something else,” the photo-bot commented. “Your next meeting is in fifteen minutes, Doctor.”
“Right. Can’t miss that. Best of luck, Swire - and congratulations, Jackie.” He pressed a button, and he and his darling photographer were driven away by a Magallan-made mobility-assisting vehicle.
The money-cat sighed. “Oh, but it’s so much paaaaperwooooork.”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head,” the boxer reassured her. “I’ll make sure you have all the energy you need!”
“Mmm...Thank you~”
In the end, Jackie was both energy insurance and motivation for Swire - between keeping the coffee pot brewing, making her meals, and snuggling the hyper-accountant whenever possible, she managed to spur her onto victory. After all, she was a Perro of commitment, dedication, and sheer Swire-simping will; there was no challenge too endurance-testing for her to best.
Of course, there was a time they didn’t know each other; after all, the Feline was a Lungmen officer, and the Perro a Columbian born and raised. Only a place like Rhodes Island, where the Infected were championed and treated, and which had embroiled itself in the affairs of Lungmen intimately due to the actions of Reunion, had a hope of allowing them to meet, but even then, a relationship like theirs developing out of it? No one could have seen it coming.
Except, of course, for an Oni with her friend’s best interests in mind.
“Aaaaagh!” Swire complained one day, hands jittering from the amount of caffeine running through her system to keep her wired enough for the workload in front of her. “I can’t keep doing this! Doing logistics for two companies at once?!...Why did I sign up for this?”
“Sounds like you need an assistant,” Hoshiguma noted, sliding a folder onto her desk.
The Feline glanced at it, then glanced at it again after glazing over the title the first time. “Eh? An application? I didn’t post about a position anywhere.”
“I told the Doctor for you,” she replied, already back at her own desk. “You need the help, and I’ve got stuff I need to get done or I’d step in myself.”
“Awww, you’re such a softie, Hoshi~”
The Oni stared at her. “Say that again, and I’m throwing my chair at you.”
“Aww, Oni-chan-” The Defender stood up, lifting an office chair over her head. “Aagh!”
“...Nope, can’t do it.” Hoshi sat back down in a huff. She couldn’t stay mad at Swire; she was too cute.
And as if on cue, the door to their shared office opened. “Miss Swire! The Doctor said you needed an assistant, so I came as fast as I could!”
“For me?” The Feline smiled. “Well, that’s sweet of you. Have we met before? I feel like I’ve seen you around.”
“I’m Jackie! Used to work as an auxiliary officer in Columbia, but my dad got me to RI after I got Infected. I um...I’m also your biggest fan!” She was practically bouncing up-and-down from excitement.
The money-cat practically glowed from residual exuberance and smugness concentrated at Hoshiguma. “I have fans?”
“Totally!” The Perro bounded over to the other side of the desk between them. “So, how can I help?”
“Um...Do you know how to give good shoulder rubs, Jackie-chan?”
Yes, yes she definitely did. “Of course!”
“Can you make coffee?” Yes. “Can you look cu- oh, why ask, that’s obvious.” Eh? “Hired!”
“Yay! What can I do right now?” The boxer, entirely unconsciously, was bouncing on her feet.
The Oni smiled to herself as she said, “You could give her a hug. She likes hugs.”
“Hoshi!” Swire blushed. “L-look, when you work as much as I- oh~”
“Sorry, but she said it and I couldn’t stop myself.” Not that that made the Perro’s tail wag any less.
For her part, the Feline had no complaints about free hugs...had Hoshi known this would happen? “Oni-chan, I don’t know what you’re planning...but I sure as hell appreciate it. You can hold me tighter, Jackie~”
“I’m not planning anything, Queen Bea.” Mostly true, but with someone to keep the money-cat docile, Hoshiguma could use her favorite nicknames for her more often. “Just don’t get too loud, alright?”
Whatever she said did not penetrate the cuddling cloud. Oh well. It probably wasn’t important, anyway. “Mmm...In five minutes, I’ll get back to work, okay, Jackie-chan?”
“Mmkay. I’ll be here for as long as you need me~”
“So you’ll stay forever, then?” Silent blushing, except for an Oni snort as Hoshi realized she might have done too well. “You’re so warm~”
Another ten minutes of that was enough for the Feline to be charged enough to finish the rest of her work...and for Hoshi to ask for an office transfer to spare her a potential nosebleed down the line...
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