#can bake on a small scale but not a skilled pastry chef
isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
This is a personal post. It was not intended to be recommended to the general public.
Said no. Set a boundary. Didn't give in. Beating back any sign of guilt with a stick.
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hiramonibd · 9 months
"The Sweet Symphony of Cakes: A Delectable Dive into the World of Confectionery Masterpieces"
Introduction: Cakes have been an integral part of human celebrations for centuries, symbolizing joy, festivity, and the sweetness of life. This delectable treat has evolved from simple concoctions to elaborate confections, captivating our taste buds and inspiring a rich cultural history. In this article, we embark on a delicious journey into the world of cakes, exploring their origins, diverse varieties, and the artistry behind creating these mouthwatering masterpieces.
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The Origins of Cake: To truly appreciate the allure of cakes, it's essential to delve into their origins. Dating back to ancient civilizations, early cakes were rudimentary mixtures of flour, honey, and water. As time progressed, the inclusion of ingredients such as eggs and butter transformed these humble beginnings into more sophisticated creations. Tracing the historical timeline of cake reveals the fascinating transitions from basic sustenance to a symbol of celebration.
The Evolution of Cake Artistry: As culinary techniques advanced, so did the artistry of cake making. The Renaissance era witnessed the emergence of intricate designs and decorations, with skilled bakers incorporating sugar sculptures and edible ornaments. This evolution paved the way for the diverse range of cakes we know today, from towering wedding cakes adorned with delicate fondant to whimsical birthday cakes that spark the imagination.
Classic Cakes Across Cultures: Cakes have transcended geographical boundaries, becoming integral to various cultural celebrations. Explore the rich tapestry of classic cakes, from the light and airy French sponge cake to the dense and indulgent German Black Forest cake. Each culture contributes its unique flavors, textures, and techniques, making cakes a global delight that connects people through shared culinary experiences.
The Science Behind Baking: Baking a perfect cake involves a delicate balance of science and art. Unravel the mysteries of leavening agents, precise measurements, and the role of temperature in achieving that coveted moist crumb. Understanding the science behind baking empowers both amateur bakers and seasoned pastry chefs to create flawless cakes that tantalize taste buds and leave lasting impressions.
Trends in Contemporary Cake Design: In the modern era, cake design has reached new heights of creativity. From gravity-defying structures to innovative flavor combinations, contemporary cake artists push the boundaries of what is possible. Explore the latest trends in cake design, including the influence of social media on creating visually stunning and Instagram-worthy confections.
The Business of Cakes: Beyond personal enjoyment, cakes have become a thriving industry. Small bakeries, boutique patisseries, and large-scale cake decorators contribute to a booming market. Uncover the economic impact of the cake industry, from local businesses catering to niche markets to global franchises shaping the dessert landscape.
Baking as a Therapeutic Art: The act of baking itself has therapeutic benefits, offering individuals a creative outlet and a sense of accomplishment. Dive into the psychological aspects of cake baking, exploring how this culinary art form can provide solace, stress relief, and an avenue for self-expression.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the world of cakes is a tantalizing blend of history, artistry, and cultural diversity. Whether you are a passionate home baker, an aspiring pastry chef, or simply someone who enjoys indulging in the occasional slice of sweetness, the journey through the intricate layers of cake appreciation is sure to leave you craving more. So, the next time you savor a piece of cake, remember that you are not just enjoying a dessert but participating in a timeless celebration of life's most joyous moments.
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starlitskvaderart · 4 years
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So hey! This is  a Write, not a Draw, but it IS something for a zine I worked on last year - the Stay Home With Sonic fanzine benefitting Doctors Without Borders!
Definitely check out the link - there’s a lot of great work by a lot of great people! My entry is below the cut here!
“Looks like they’re just about done,” Bunnie said as she crouched in front of the oven, peering at the orderly little pan of pastries within. Behind her she could hear a soft rustling as Antoine shifted; she moved aside to give him a clear look at the oven, smoothing the pink and white ‘Embrasse le Chef’ apron she was wearing as she stood.
“Good, good,” Antoine said warmly. “The first you have made on your own, yes? Have pride!”
“Had you to walk me through,” Bunnie said. “We’ll see how I did soon enough.” She twitched her ears as the oven beeped, and opened the door to a rush of warm, fragrant air. So far so good - nothing burned, at the very least. “Right now in fact.”
“Yes, Now - do not forget the mitt!”
Bunnie laughed at that, peeking over her shoulder at Antoine with a grin and then peeling off the glove meant to keep flour and other debris out of her robotic arm, using the metal hand to remove the pan sans mitt as Antoine sputtered out frantic admonishments.
“You were sayin’?” she asked as she settled the pan on the counter, winking as she wiggled unblemished metal fingers.
“Well,” Antoine said after a moment. “That is fine also, I am supposing. So - let us see your creations!”
The tea cakes were certainly pretty - delicately shell-shaped, lightly crisped at the edges - and Bunnie carefully leveraged one out of the pan and set it on a plate.
“Well,” she said, “sure does look like they do when you make ‘em.”
“Go on and try, then,” Antoine urged. “Remember! They are best warm.”
“Right.” Bunnie nodded, gingerly picking the teacake up and bringing it to her mouth, the fresh pastry flooding her nostrils with warmth and sweet buttery scent; encouraged, she took a large bite, chewed twice, and nearly choked, spluttering against the dense, nigh-unchewable teacake.
“Bunnie?” Antoine’s voice went slightly tinny as he called to her. “Mon choux, what is being the matter?”
Bunnie managed to swallow the teacake and took a gulp of water, shaking her head as she eyed the teacakes still left.
“Well… somethin’ sure ain’t right. These little cakes are tough as frozen rubber!” She sighed, looking wistfully at the teacake; it had turned out so dense and tough that not so much as a crumb had fallen from the bitten section. “Thought this was an easy one… this never happens when you make ‘em.” 
“Soon, I will be making all the teacakes you wish for,” Antoine said soothingly. Bunnie turned, smiling at her tablet where Antoine was displayed in the Talktime video window, slightly fuzzy and slightly lagging but smiling at her from where he was quarantined across the city. It had been nearly three months since she’d seen her husband on anything but this slightly out-of-focus little screen; when the bioagent began to rage through the populace and the quarantine order had been issued, Antoine had been out on a mission with Sally while Bunnie and Sonic awaited their return, and consequently Antoine had been quarantined with the princess rather than permitted to come home. Since then, daily calls had become routine, and when Bunnie idly mentioned missing Antoine’s cooking he had leaped at the chance to teach her a few of their favored dishes.
It was a treasured point of contact, even from afar - enough that, even with the awful choking texture of the teacakes fresh in her mind Bunnie was eager to try again.
“All right, Sugar-Twan. Tell me what went wrong.”
“Hm. Perhaps this time, I shall create them as well,” Antoine said. He left the camera’s range a moment; Bunnie could hear clinking as he opened the refrigerator on his end and gathered ingredients, and a moment later the picture on the tablet shifted entirely as he positioned his to look over the counter and stove. “You melted the butter?”
“Uh… no,” she admitted. “It makes a difference?” 
“With baking, it can,” he said, taking out a small pan as she watched. “Ordinarily, cooking is an art of improvisation. Which you are very much skilled in! But baking - this is the art of precision, everything in its time and place and exactly as it must be.”
“And that’s your department.” Bunnie nodded, taking out a pan of her own to mimic Antoine as he melted the butter.
“Indeed, it is so.” Antoine sighed; even in the grainy picture, Bunnie could see how his brow furrowed as he worked. “It is… a comfort. In times such as these, a thing as it should be….”
He trailed off, voice lilting up into a troubled note. Bunnie hummed under her breath, watching the butter melt and ooze across the pan.
“Well… we’re all feelin’ healthy over here, Sugar-Twan,” she said gently. “So that’s all workin’ as it should be, ain’t it?”
“This is so,” he said slowly. “And… it is as well as it can be over here also. But still… with every bit of news it only seems to fall more apart. And whenever I am not speaking to you, seeing you… I remember past troubles, and it seems much the same.” 
Bunnie inhaled softly, eyes half-closed as she recalled General D’Coolette’s long illness. In the video feed Antoine was stirring his melting butter with a slow, mechanical motion, a miserable set to his mouth and brow, and Bunnie reached out to lightly touch the screen as she spoke.
“Oh, honey. That… that ain’t what’s gonna happen here - we’re bein’ safe as anyone could. You know that, doncha?”
“I… yes.” Antoine ran a hand over his face and smiled weakly. “I know. But still… it is….”
“I know.” Bunnie took the pan of melted butter from the heat. “So… we’ll talk whenever you need. Much as you need. Ain’t gonna be forever, Sugar-Twan, an’ you’ll come home before you know it.”
“Yes. So!” 
He turned fully to the camera, giving her a wide (if brittle) smile. “While the butter cools a bit, we will now work with dry ingredients!” 
“All right then.” Bunnie smiled, reaching for the flour. “Could it go wrong there too?”
“Hm, well - it is best to weigh ingredients, rather than scooping, for the very best precision. But! I cannot believe this, but the Princess: she has no kitchen scale! Are you able to believe it?”
“Can’t imagine it,” Bunnie said, stifling a giggle. “Don’t worrry, honey. I’ll use yours, and this’ll be the most precise batter this kitchen ever saw!”
Antoine laughed, nodding his approval; with the rhythm of baking taking hold the bravado he’d been attempting bloomed into genuine cheer as he called out measurements and steps in a singsong rhythm and playfully scolded her for overworking the batter (“we do not literally beat it, mon coeur”). By the time they were seated in front of their respective tablets with plates of fresh teacakes (hers shell-shaped, his round as to his immense disapproval Sally also lacked a proper scalloped pan) they were both in high spirits, and he lifted a mug in a toast (Sally did, it seemed, at least own proper coffee paraphernalia) that Bunnie eagerly echoed before taking a bite of pastry.
Perfect this time - light and airy, the teacake crumbled pleasantly as she bit down, and Bunnie closed her eyes in pleasure as she ate.
“You see?” Antoine smiled, chin resting in his hand as he watched her. “Precise, and thus as perfect as its maker.” 
“Precise teacher helps too,” Bunnie said. She sighed, glancing at the clock in the corner of the tablet screen. “But… I should get goin’. Got some things to take care of, but… tonight?”
“Tonight,” Antoine agreed, “and this time, you shall be the teacher? Perhaps you will teach me to make… euh… critters?”
“Yes. Fritters.” He nodded, still smiling. “You will teach me the fritters?”
“You got it, Sugar-Twan. Tonight.”
She kissed her fingertips and pressed them to the camera; on his end, Antoine did the same.
“Tonight,” he echoed. And then, more softly: “Soon.”
“Soon,” Bunnie said, nodding. 
The video ended, and Bunnie gazed at the blank screen a long moment.
Then she got to her feet, nibbling one of Antoine’s teacakes as she got to work cleaning up the kitchen.
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geekyviews · 4 years
Must Have Kitchen Essentials
Must Have Kitchen Essentials
Must Have Kitchen accessories to make Your Life Whole Lot Easier
Following are the must have Kitchen accessories you need right now .
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Buy Best Mandoline Slicer
Nothing streamlines daily cooking prep like a mandoline slicer. You can save time in the kitchen—and achieve precise cuts without needing to learn any knife skills—with the sharp, long-lasting, and replaceable blades of the mandolin slicer . It has a simple, handheld design and a safe, reliable hand guard that keeps your fingers out of harm’s way.
Buy Best Wine Tumbler
Even though bars and restaurants are slowly starting to reopen nationwide, street-side cocktails and boozy to-go drinks have become the new norm. Cut back on single-use plastic by bringing your own reusable wine tumbler to sip that tasty frosé in the park or at the beach, and keep those drinks chilling in style all season long.
Buy Best Wine Aerators
Wine aerators make wine taste and smell better, there are no two ways about it. By encouraging oxidation and evaporation, wine aerators open up a wine’s taste and aroma. $10 bottles of wine taste like $20 bottles, $20 bottles like $40 bottles, and so on.
Buy Best Microwave Food Cover
Microwave food covers are an essential and affordable kitchen accessory. They help food retain moisture as it’s reheated and help ensure that food is warmed evenly. They also reduce messes by preventing dishes like chili from splattering in the microwave. It’s important to choose a high-quality microwave cooking cover that’s durable and made from non-toxic materials. There are dozens of options to choose from.
Buy Best Wine Saver
A wine preservation system is pretty much self-explanatory based on the name alone but there are a lot of them in different forms and how one works is what interests people. Air may be good for wine as it helps in bringing out the wonderful aromas and flavors of the wine, that’s why we decant it for some time. However, too much exposure to air will lead to oxidation and eventual deterioration of the wine flavorwise. To avoid this, several handy wine saver  products help in prolonging the wine’s quality so you can enjoy it longer. If you are a wine person then a wine saver is a must have for you .
Buy Best Electric Wine Opener
With so many ways to open a bottle of wine, finding the right wine opener depends on your personal preferences, tastes, and capabilities. “When shopping for new wine openers, I look for functionality, style, and price,” says Tekla Israelson, certified sommelier and New York sales manager for Washington, D.C.’s Republic Restoratives Distillery. “I want something straightforward that is easy to use [and] won't take up a lot of space, but still looks good on my bar cart.” For a wine lover and quick drinker the electric wine opener is a must have thing to keep in his bar cart.
Buy Best Food Scale
A good kitchen scale just might be your secret weapon for consistent cookies, perfectly risen bread, or a lofty souffle. It gets your baking down to a science, offering precision that rivals the best measuring cups and spoons. If you’re looking to lose some good amount of weight and want to keep a track of what you want to eat then a food scale is a must have for you. It’s among the fastest and most accurate scales we tested, and it remains powered on for longer than most others before automatically shutting off.
Buy Best Immersion Blender
Hand blenders, also known as stick or immersion blenders are the most convenient appliances for blending or pureeing ingredients right inside a bowl or even in hot pot on the stove. The main advantage of handheld blenders over food processors – you don’t have to move the ingredients to a different bowl for mixing. They are perfect for pureeing, creaming, blending a drink, mixing, and emulsifying (like mayonnaise). Some high-end immersion blenders also come with additional features like chopping, ice crushing, and mixing dough.
Buy Best Vacuum Sealer Bag for Food
When it comes to preserving your food, the best vacuum sealer bags are almost as important as the machine that seals them. Luckily, once you work your way through your machine's starter pack, the internet has ample replacements. Most of them are affordable and effective, but how do you narrow it down? The first thing you'll want to consider is compatibility. The vast majority of brand-name vacuum sealers make their own replacement bags — but generic brands are usually much more affordable and can work just as well. Before you buy any bags, however, you'll want to check the measurements and compatibility of your machine. (Most full-size machines can seal bags up to 12 inches wide, but double-check anyway.)
Buy Best Coffee Filter Paper
When you’re talking about brewing coffee, opinions tend to be strong. We’re not talking about beans, roast, or even the type of coffee maker - but the coffee filter. And there's a lot to consider when selecting your coffee filter. It might be the last thing you think about when you’re putting a fresh pot on to brew, but coffee filters can make a real difference in how your coffee tastes. Coffee filters don’t just keep the grounds out of your coffee, they can also absorb more or less all of the oils that accompany a particular blend. Coffee oils, which are the source of coffee's bold flavor, are absorbed by paper or cloth filters. More absorption, less flavor.
Buy Best Cutting Board
A good cutting board is a workhorse in any kitchen. Above all, it should be large, providing ample space for carving or chopping, and relatively easy to care for.There are both marble and plastic chopping boards in the market . Both boards feel good under a knife, and they stood up to many sharp cuts, dark stains, and strong odors better than the competition. Plus, after years of long-term testing, neither board has split or egregiously warped from misuse. There are a lot of chopping boards in the market .
Buy Best Hand Mixer
A hand mixer is always a convenient electric handheld mixing option. It works as a blending tool as well and comes with different speeds for adjustment. With ample accessories like a whisk, this is one basic houseware essential that offers a multipurpose solution. This technology is a perfect example of compact design, great functionality and easy to features that make it a user-friendly solution. There are a lot of options for you to choose from in the market .
Buy Best Coffee Maker
If you are as addicted to coffee as me and both aroma and taste matters to you, then you know that a perfect cup of coffee is almost impossible without a good coffee maker. However, gone are the days when the coffee maker used to be a simple affair! Buying a coffee machine is more complicated than ever as you are almost spoilt for choice. Getting confused and utterly dazed is a regular norm here.
Buy Best Espresso Machine
Because we’re all still working from home, grabbing a latte on the way to work seems like a very distant memory. If you muddled through the first few months of quarantine with a crummy coffee maker, perhaps it’s finally time to upgrade to something much better. To help you achieve barista-level drinks, we found a bunch of different espresso machines , as praised by the most enthusiastic reviewers. We focused on electric espresso machines for our “best-rated” and “best-rated (less expensive)” picks, but we’ve also included a few well-rated stovetop espresso makers, as well as some Nespresso machines, farther down. And if you’re still looking for something to take your coffee drinks to the next level, we rounded up the best milk frothers and the best drip coffee makers for you, too.
Buy best Clip on Strainer
If you have a small kitchen, you know just how much space a colander can take up. While it’s one of the most useful tools that a home chef could own, it occupies a lot of precious cabinet space since it’s often awkwardly shaped and bulky. However, one tool offers an ingenious solution to this common kitchen woe. There a number of clip-on strainers to choose from in the market .
Buy Best Silicone Baking Molds
For both the serious amateur and the professional pastry chef, the best silicone baking molds make crafting the perfect pastries and cakes easier. Because they’re flexible and easy to clean, these food-grade silicone kitchen implements are indispensable tools both in and out of the oven. They’re heat resistant and safe for continuous use. However, not all products are of equal quality. To help separate the wheat from the chaff, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten products available in the online marketplace. You can shop, purchase, and get back to your happy place in the heat of the kitchen.
Buy Best Coffee Mug Warmer  
We all know the importance of that first cup of piping-hot coffee in the morning. From the first few sips of that caffeine-rich elixir, your body warms up and you're ready to face the day. Unfortunately, coffee doesn't stay hot. At some point, you're going to reach for that freshly made java and it'll be lukewarm, for you there is a coffee maker. But things don't have to be that way! Arm yourself in the fight against cold, stagnant coffee by investing in an electric mug warmer. To make your shopping journey easier, we've rounded up these top-rated mug warmers to keep your java toasty all season long. There are a lot of coffee mug warmers for you to choose from and there are a lot of advantages of using a coffee mug warmer and even a coffee mug warmer plate , and you can choose from the best coffee mug warmer for yourself.
Buy Best Milk Frother
Perfectly frothed milk makes espresso-based drinks, like lattes and cappuccinos, delightful. But that's also what makes most models cost a pretty penny. Luckily, there are affordable and easy to use milk frothers you can buy for home use, including handheld ones that simply whisk air into the milk, automatic frothers that heat and froth milk with a push of a button, and steam wands that come attached to latte machines.
Buy Best Electric Skillet
Owning the best electric skillet can be a huge advantage in many different situations. The main situation you may come across when needing an electric skillet is when you don’t have a stove inside your home or the means to build a fire. Sure, you could use an electric grill for some dishes, but even then, an electric skillet is a more versatile tool. An electric skillet will come in handy if you live in a small family. Many college dorms also do not have a stove or the ability to use anything but electricity which is where such a skillet will come in handy. An electric skillet will also use less electricity compared to using a skillet or a sauté pan on an electric or gas stove as well. So, it is safe to say that these kitchen tools are very energy-efficient. They will usually heat up faster than any other pan on the stove and are usually very easy to maintain and control the heat and temperature. Overall, electric skillets will work for just about any job or task in the kitchen.There are nonstick electric skillets as well as ceramic electric skillets.
Buy Best Mixing Bowls
From the professional chef to the casual cook, you will need the best mixing bowl. To whip up and to mix ingredients for cooking, this is of utmost importance. Whether you prefer the clean look that stainless steel gives you, the versatility, and stability of glass, or the extra volume that copper brings to beaten eggs, there are a number of mixing bowls in the market.
Buy Best Oven Mitts
Oven mitts fall under the category of kitchen products that are entirely unsexy but utterly essential. Sure, they don’t have the wow factor of a sleek stand mixer, but oven mitts perform an arguably more important function: Protecting your hands from painful burns.
Buy Best Tumblers
Let’s face it, mornings are hard, and going to work without a cup of tea or coffee is even harder. Sometimes though, there just isn’t enough time to fit in that one step in your morning routine. Or at least that’s what it seems like, but there is a way. All you need in your life is a good tumbler you can take with you on your way to work.
Buy Best Kitchen Towels
Let’s face it, we’re all a little bit of a mess in our own way, especially in the kitchen, which is why you can never have too many kitchen towels. Having a thick stack on hand will ensure you’re always ready to sop up messes, wipe down counters, and dry hands, dishes, and produce. We’ve wiped up gallons of spills and dried countless dishes with 25 towels since 2014. They’re absorbent, durable, affordable, and available in a rainbow of colors.
Buy Best Trivets
The one item that you never think of but always need is a trivet. They protect your tables and countertops from heat damage from those great cast irons and bakeware that you need a spot for when you whip it out of the oven. Hot plates, pots and pans always need a space to go especially when the stovetop is occupied, and a good trivet stand is a good idea. When the kitchen is overwhelmed during holidays like Thanksgiving or Easter, you'll need a spot to put the goods.
Buy Best Electric Pressure Cooker
Pressure Cookers are one of the most essential items in the Indian Kitchen. You need them for making Lentil Soup, Curries and almost everything. You can also make amazing idli and cakes with the help of pressure cookers but do you know that there are electrical pressure cookers available in India as well? They had been quite popular in the west but they were not as popular in India until the last few years. Presently, they have gained a lot of popularity and what sets them apart is their efficiency. That is right, electrical pressure cookers for chicken are much more efficient than the regular pressure cookers. A lot of people are confused and they doubt if they really need the pressure cooker but the fact is that there are many advantages and a complete guide for the beginners. Most importantly, they can cut your cooking time to just 30% of what you would need earliest.
Buy Best Paper Towels
When it’s time to clean up a mess around the house, the right paper towel goes a long way. But with an entire aisle of choices in every store, which paper towel offers the best cleaning ability for the money? After days spent researching and testing all of the best paper towels on the market, our favorite product is the original paper towel because of its ease of use, soft texture, great value, and unparalleled cleaning ability. However, there were many excellent products we found in our testing.
Buy Best Measuring Cups
Measuring cups for Dry ingredients  and liquid ingredients help us to mainly measure those ingredients which are in a large quantity and cannot be easily done with measuring spoons such as flour, liquid ingredients like milk and water. They cannot be quickly done with measuring spoons. There are cups for measuring medicines as well. Choose the best from many options.
Buy Best Silicone Baking Mat
If the only thing standing between you and a home-baked meal is your disdain for messy baking sheets, you’re not alone. The easiest solution? Add a silicone baking mat to your arsenal of kitchen accessories. Made from sustainable, food-grade, non-stick silicone, these baking mats eliminate the need for cooking sprays, parchment paper, aluminum foil and any post-baking clean up. If you’ve ever spent more time scrubbing burnt food and oil off a baking tray than you spent baking in the first place, you’ll be amazed by how vastly a silicone baking mat changes the game.
Buy Best Hanging Trash Can
Let’s talk trash. Taking it out is never fun, but a good receptacle can make the task less of a slog. We’ve tested more than 20 kitchen trash cans since 2014. It makes tossing garbage easy, replacing bags painless, and cleaning a cinch.
Buy Best Fish Scale Remover
If you enjoy eating freshly caught fish, you already know how irritating and annoying it can be to pick scales from your fish while eating. You can enjoy unhindered consumption of fish if you can remove the scales, and for this purpose, you will need a tool called a fish scaler. A best fish scaler allows you to remove scales off a fish before you can cook it. The tool is designed to make scale removal quick and hassle-free. So, you never have to worry about spending time or elbow grease trying to remove the scales. While there are many different types of fish scalers.
Buy Best Kitchen Drawer Organizer
There are few things more satisfying than a well-organized kitchen ... but because it's one of your family's favorite rooms to hang out in (for obvious reasons), it's probably the hardest place in your home to keep neat and orderly. (Have you dared to look inside your Tupperware cabinet lately? Exactly.) Thankfully, that's where these super-smart kitchen drawers and cabinet organizers come in. Each of these genius solutions is designed to solve a specific kitchen storage problem, ranging from tangled cords to piled-high pans, so you can focus less on finding a spot for your pots, pans, and produce, and more on actually enjoying delicious meals with your family. There are a lot of kitchen drawers at an affordable price.
Buy Best kitchen Knives
Ask any professional chef if they were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one kitchen tool, and they'd probably pick a chef's knife. While other kitchen knives, like serrated knives and paring knives, have more individualized uses, a good chef's knife can do it all, from slicing and dicing to more complicated tasks, like carving a chicken and cutting a pineapple.
Buy Best Dinner set
A good dinner set can take your cooking one step ahead. Good food when served on a good plate automatically catches the eye of the one sitting at the dining table. Whether you are hosting a family get-together or a simple dinner date, a complete dinner set is a must for every household. However, it is a wrong notion to assume that fine dinner sets and dinnerware come at a great price. They can be made of bone china or porcelain; the most expensive ones with great elegance and sophisticated designs. Or stainless steel and melamine that are sturdy, cheap, and affordable. They can also vary hugely in terms of quality and design as they vary in price and maintenance. Once you get the hang of what your requirements are, it is easier to decide upon an elegant dinner set that impresses your family and gives the pleasure of having dinner together.
Buy Best Kitchen Utensils
The kitchen is where your day begins and ends. It’s the place where food is cooked. It’s the place where you hang out. There is no day you fail to enter your kitchen. Your overall health depends on your kitchen. You are attracted towards your kitchen even if you have no reason. It might have happened many times that you go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator then close right back. Calling your kitchen the heart of your home is not an overstatement. Kitchen items are the most essential part of your kitchen. The more type of kitchen items and utensils you have in , the better your kitchen would be.
Buy Best Kitchen Container set
Usually, dry foods come in paper or plastic bags that, once you open them up, spill all over your kitchen cupboards or rice and grains on the pantry shelves. This is where the kitchen container set can come in part. kitchen containers help you to organize the cupboards, save space, keep food fresh, and prevent food from spilling everywhere. But what should you look for in the kitchen container? One of the biggest factors is the material. Whether you choose plastic, acrylic, glass, or another style, be sure that it’s effective and long-lasting. The containers will get lots of wear in your cabinet, so having something well-built will help them last a long time. Another thing to assess is the closure system. There are a lot of different ways lids can close, from a sealing lid to a latching canister to a push-button closure. Their leak-proof covers keep food fresh and contained — and they’re safe to put in the microwave, oven, or freezer. Plus, they’re made with glass and plastic. These are perfect for leftovers or lunch on-the-go. There are many affordable kitchen container sets in the market.
Buy Best Kitchen set
Thanks to the pandemic, there’s a good chance you’re cooking way more than you ever have, and after six months of heavy-use, it’s probably time to update your pots and pans. We’ve written about the best kitchen gear before — including the best toasters and toaster ovens, the best frying pans and skillets, and even asked chefs about their favorite pots and pans. There are a lot of kitchen sets in the market .
Buy Best Kitchen Organizer
As much as we’re fans of a well-organized kitchen, it’s no fun to cook in cluttered chaos of spatulas, stock pots, and stray spice jars. To make the most of (and in) our space, we need to be organized — and the best way to straighten up our cabinets, countertops, and fridge shelves is with the help of smart storage solutions. From spice racks and turntables to airtight containers, there are hundreds and hundreds of tools to keep everything in order. And to help you find the best kitchen organizers for your needs.
Buy Best Kitchen Mats
If you spend a lot of time standing in your kitchen, in front of a standing desk, or really anywhere else, it’s time to make an upgrade to an
anti-fatigue mat
. The
best anti-fatigue kitchen mats
go beyond those labeled “anti-slip” or “cushioned” to actually encourage subtle movements in the legs and calf muscles to help promote blood flow. They have even been scientifically shown to help reduce the stress on the body that can come from standing for long periods of time, especially if you already have back, foot, or knee problems.
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asfeedin · 4 years
The Best Mother’s Day Gifts to Keep Isolated Moms in Good Spirits
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When I was growing up, Mother’s Day celebrations always took place at my great uncle David’s house. We’d sit at a big round table, eating heavily buttered Lender’s bagels. The conversation was often over my head, which didn’t really matter because I’d escape as soon as possible to play my uncle’s ancient Frogger, pretty much the only video game I’ve ever played in my life.
This year, I find myself looking back on that time in black-and-white, so unattainable that I almost can’t believe it ever happened. I’d love to spend Mother’s Day sitting around the table with my family and eating wonderfully crappy bagels. But this year I’m in quarantine in Brooklyn, with my mom in Boston and my family spread out all over the country. Many of you, I’m sure, are feeling the same way, longing for the chance to hang with your mom but unable to do so.
It’s also likely that there are those of you who might be quarantined with your mom and wishing you could have a little more distance. So this year, whether you’re 100 miles or 100 paces apart, we have a few gifts in mind to make this difficult period in history a little more celebratory and comforting.
A few tips: If you’re in quarantine with your mom, try using this new equipment or enjoying these tasty snacks together. And if you’re apart, have a Zoom session to experiment in the kitchen with each other. Of course, it’s possible your mom relishes her time in the kitchen because it’s the only moment of alone time she gets in the day. So, in that case, give your gift. Then give the woman some privacy.
For Cooking and Baking
A new piece of cooking equipment is a nice way to help Mom expand her repertoire. This beautiful tagine makes for an impressive cooking vessel and serving dish. Pair it with a printed-out (dare I say, laminated?) recipe for a flavorful North African stew for cozy nights in.
This particular tagine, which is handmade in Tunisia, comes in a few different colors, so you can select whichever one suits your mom’s preferred color palette. Better yet, pick one to match her kitchen, and she can keep it on display all year long.
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Rice Cooker
Whether it’s burned, gloopy, dry, or just plain glued to the pan, a bad batch of rice is a deeply disappointing experience. But a good rice cooker takes all guesswork out of the equation. The Cuckoo model shown here is our favorite for cooks who regularly purchase and eat lots of different rice varieties (you can see our other picks in our full rice cooker review). If that’s your mom, she’ll enjoy all of the custom presets the Cuckoo has to offer. What’s more, this machine has a small footprint, which will be appreciated by apartment and house moms alike.
Pick one of these up for her, and save her from disappointing-rice hell for the true gift that keeps on giving.
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Maybe Mom’s a smoothie person, or maybe she’s into milling her own flour (what with flour being out of stock these days, maybe we should all do this). For that, she’ll need a kick-ass blender. Our exhaustive testing of high-powered blending lands on the Vitamix as a go-to for blasting through everything from wheat berries to fibrous kale.
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Quality Wooden Cutting Board
Like the Vitamix, a quality wooden cutting board is an investment piece. While the price may be high, if you take care of this board, it will take care of you—and your knives.
For a really nice board, we look to The BoardSmith, a small, family-run company that makes all its boards by hand. Its maple end-grain board is thick, solid, and long-lasting (Daniel’s been using his for years!). It comes in a few different sizes and offers some customizations like a juice groove and feet.
If you’re worried about your mom handling the upkeep, we’ve got her covered. Just print out our cheat sheet for cutting board maintenance, and she’ll be good to go.
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Chef’s Knife
Like my mom, maybe yours has been using the same knives for years. To remedy that dull situation, grab her a new chef’s knife. You can go Japanese or Western—Western blades tend to be heavier and more curved than their Japanese counterparts—but these two took home the top prizes in our chef’s knife review—out of a whopping 27 candidates! They’ll revitalize your mom’s knife skills and make slicing and dicing much safer.
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Mortar and Pestle
If she’s all set on knives, I’d recommend a mortar and pestle. There’s a wide variety of styles and use cases. Sure, they’re ideal for grinding up sauces and pestos, but no matter what style you opt for, they’re guaranteed to help Mom work out some stress and anxiety, too. *Take that, quarantine!*
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Piping Tips
There’s lots to get for your mom if she’s into baking. If she already has the essentials, treat her to some decorative tools like piping tips. These large ones are perfect for piping out creamy Oreo filling and dollops of chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream onto cakes. The set comes with several different shapes like swirls and stars, so she can get as creative as she’d like.
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Marble Pastry Slab
This marble pastry slab isn’t just a pretty base. It’s a smooth and cool surface for rolling out buttery pie crusts, laminating dough, and even tempering chocolate. It’s also good-looking enough to act as a serving platter for all those baked goods. And what mom doesn’t love a multitasker?
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If your mom is just starting out on her baking adventures, she needs a good scale. We’ve said it time and again, but measuring cups aren’t accurate enough on their own. Sure, she should have some, but a scale is indispensable if she’s going to produce beautiful breads, pastries, and treats.
We especially love this pull-out scale from OXO because it’ll show measurements even if there’s a big bowl on top of it. And lord knows we’re into batch-baking right now. The bigger the bowl, the better.
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Baking Dish
This Staub baking dish is another multitasker that Mom will love. The “splurge winner” for our baking and casserole dish review, it’s nice and heavy, it’s oven-safe at up to a whopping 575°F (300°C), and with excellent heat retention, it’ll keep what she’s made hot longer than the average baking dish. With a four-quart capacity, it’s large enough to hold not just brownies but roasts and big, holiday-friendly casseroles.
Maybe instead of wrapping this one, make a huge Hasselback potato gratin, serve it, and tell her it’s all for her.
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Baking Steel
Maybe now’s the time to get Mom into pizza-making. (That’s what’s happening to us, anyway.) For better, faster pizza at home, pick her up a Baking Steel to get that crust extra-crispy. Upon trying his own, Kenji noticed that his New York–style pizza dough even got those traditional oven-charred spots and a super-crisp bottom that’s hard to achieve, even with a pizza stone.
The Baking Steel will also prove useful if Mom is into baking bread, since it can measurably improve the performance of her oven by adding thermal mass. This means it’ll keep her oven hotter, ensuring those loaves get a full rise.
In layman’s terms, a Baking Steel is a piece of kitchen badassery that anyone would love. Plus, it’s too heavy to return, so she’ll keep it forever no matter what.
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KitchenAid Pasta Roller Set
For homemade pasta and ramen noodles as good (if not better) than what you’ll find at restaurants, pick up a KitchenAid pasta roller that will attach right to her mixer. You can even print out our exhaustive walk-through of how to make fresh pasta from scratch. It’s more reliable than anyone else in the family.
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A Supportive Floor Mat
It might not seem critical, but having a supportive mat on the kitchen floor can make cooking (and dish-washing) much more comfortable for cooks of any age. These GelPro mats are nice and squishy, providing good support for feet and knees. Maybe it’s not glamorous, but it’s a gift she’ll appreciate after a long day in the kitchen.
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A Chic Apron
This linen apron from Etsy is as functional as it is good-looking. It has a big pocket for thermometers and tongs, and it doesn’t have annoying ties, which is perhaps its greatest appeal. Mom can just slip it on and get cooking.
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For the Home
Robot Vacuum
It’s an indisputable fact that the worst part of cooking is cleaning. That’s why this year we’ve added a good vacuum to the list. And not just any vacuum, but one that requires almost zero energy from your mom. It’s an iRobot Roomba. Plug this baby in, turn it on, and let it go. It’ll pick up all of those stray crumbs in the kitchen and living room. And if your mom is anything like me, she’ll name her robot vacuum, start to talk to it, and by the end of quarantine, she’ll have made a new, very helpful friend.
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Wine Glasses
While mom is sitting back and relaxing, letting the Roomba do the work, make sure she has everything she needs for a nice self-care session. That should start with a nice glass of wine. (Yes, the wine should be nice, but the glass should be, too!) These reasonably priced (for crystal) glasses from Riedel did exceptionally well in our tests, impressing professional sommeliers (and yes, the casual wine-drinkers among us) with their ability to capture the aroma of red, white, and bubbly wines.
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Otherland Candles
Pair that glass of wine with a nice candle, and you’ll really be in business. For candle-gifting these days, I’ve been using Otherland, a company founded by an old high school friend of mine. The candles smell wonderful, they’re handmade (and free of parabens and chemicals), and the packaging looks like a gift unto itself.
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Breville Espresso Machine
If your mom is an espresso drinker, help her sip in style with a fancy espresso machine. This is actually the machine we use in our office (not that we’ve been there in what feels like an eternity). It produces beautiful espresso, is easy to use, and can even whip up frothy milk! Sure, it costs a whole lot, but Mom’s worth it.
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Jono Pandolfi Espresso Cup
So maybe you won’t be splurging on that espresso machine, but you can still help her sip in style with a Jono Pandolfi espresso cup. These beautiful little cups are all handmade. Plus, they’re dishwasher-safe, which as far as I can tell, is the best gift anyone could ask for.
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Parlor Coffee Subscription
You could also treat your coffee-loving mom to a subscription from Parlor Coffee and support a small business in the process. They source their beans from all over the world, offering single blends and origins, plus weekly and monthly shipping.
Better yet, grab yourself a subscription as well, especially if it’s been hard finding coffee at the grocery store.
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Powerful Coffee Grinder
If you’re going to treat Mom to good coffee, make sure she has a good grinder to match. Baratza’s Virtuoso coffee grinder was a favorite in our review. The conical burr produces a wide range of grind sizes, the machine is solid (made from both metal and plastic), and the customer service is excellent, which is important when your caffeine intake is on the line.
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For Eating: The Sweet Edition
Beautiful Caramels
Our new features editor, Daniela, says that while pastry chef’s Susanna Yoon’s chocolates are some of the best in the country, her soft caramels are the sleeper hit. They come in rich flavors like raspberry, brown butter macadamia nut, sea salt, and salted peanut, and they’re available in 10- and 20-piece gift packs. Each luscious little caramel is individually wrapped in cellophane paper for a delicious little treat far more elegant and elevated than any supermarket brand.
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Raaka Chocolates
If you do want to go the chocolate route, pick up some Raaka chocolate bars. This trio pack comes with wild flavors like pink sea salt and bourbon cask–aged. What’s more, the wrappers are a piece of art themselves. They’ll make Mom’s chocolate break all the more glorious and exciting.
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Real-Deal Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
We’ve long championed this chocolate-hazelnut spread from our friends over at Gustiamo. It’s rich, luscious, and might just ruin the original. Is that a bad thing? Perhaps. But once Mom’s hooked, you can make sending her a jar of Gustiamo’s concoction a regular thing. Birthdays, holidays—send a jar, and you’ll be all set.
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Pistachio Brittle
This Iranian toffee from Persian Basket is flavored with saffron and cardamom. It’s nice and sweet, just like English toffee, and it’s topped with toasty pistachios. The buttery hunks are packaged in a lovely, colorful box—and the website says the toffee pairs well with wine. No mom could say no to that.
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Pistachio Spread
Our founder, Ed, is constantly praising Gustiamo’s pistachio spread (which we hope he shares with his wife when he has it!). While it’s a pricey everyday purchase, this pistachio spread makes for a very special gift, made with Italian pistachios and little else.
While you could obviously just dive in with a spoon, this rich treat would also taste excellent spread over your morning toast, smothered on a sticky bun, or drizzled over ice cream.
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Frog Hollow Citrus Basket
I suppose citrus would fall under the sweet category as well. If Mom always has lemon in her water or is constantly digging into grapefruits, get her a gift box from Frog Hollow Citrus. This farm has been practicing regenerative agriculture since your mom was in her early days. Giving her one of its boxes packed with citrus is an excellent way to send a little sunshine even in the depths of quarantine doldrums.
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Bergamot Marmalade
Of course, if she prefers that citrus on her toast, then add some bergamot marmalade to her Gustiamo order. For the uninitiated, bergamot is a citrus fruit that’s sort of a cross between bitter oranges and lemons. In other words, the perfect pairing to hot biscuits and English muffins.
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For Eating: The Savory Stuff
A Great Spice Mix
My love for this particular spice mix is undying. Filled with pink Himalayan sea salt, grains of paradise, shallots, garlic, and more, the World’s Fair Barbecue Rub is versatile and delicious. It transforms everything it touches, from eggs to steak to tomato sauce. Whenever I feel like a dish is just a little bit bland, I add a few sprinkles, and it turns the whole thing right around. Starting at $6.99, a bag or glass jar of this mix from The Spice House is an excellent, affordable, and useful gift for Mom. (She’s over tchotchkes and so are we.)
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A Spice Set
I happen to know some moms whose pantry is full of old spices that have basically lost all of their flavor and are now just dust particles. If this is your mom, consider getting her a new set of spices to revitalize her collection. We’re particularly enamored with this gift set from Burlap & Barrel, which has all of the essentials. As Daniel puts it, these spices are not just fresher than what you’ll find elsewhere, but they’re “er-er,” which is his way of saying that they’re “better in every way from the ho-hum stuff on supermarket shelves.” If that isn’t an endorsement, then I don’t know what is.
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Sichuan Peppercorns
Málà is that wonderful flavor you taste and feel when you’re eating Sichuan cuisine. And that hot and numbing sensation comes from Sichuan peppercorns. If you want the good stuff, look to Mala Market, a small company that imports all of its ingredients straight from China. Their Sichuan peppercorns will give your chili crisp more buzz—and will be your mom’s gateway into the wide world of Sichuan cooking.
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Whether your mom has a green thumb or a black thumb, she’ll revel in an AeroGarden. Especially during this time of quarantine and limited grocery trips, having an AeroGarden is not only satisfying but useful. Without much effort at all, your mom could have all the herbs she could ever want growing just about anywhere in the house, regardless of her natural-light situation.
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Lots of Pasta
We cannot get enough pasta here at Serious Eats. (Did you even see Starch Madness?) While we’re perfectly happy eating pasta from supermarket brands, sometimes we like to splurge, and the splurge is almost always at Gustiamo, which imports Faella dried pasta from Italy. During Covid times, Gustiamo is offering five-pound bags of certain shapes, including penne. While mom is trying to stay home, there’s probably nothing better to gift her than a gigantic bag of pasta. The fact that it’s from Italy and is really, really delicious? Well, that’s just icing on the pasta cake.
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Meat From D’Artagnan
Now it’s time to talk meat. Our culinary team has long looked to D’Artagnan for specialty meats, like porcelet collar and duck. And when shelves at grocery stores are bare and you want to fill your freezer, D’Artagnan is a great place to look. While the steaks and specialty meats can be pricey, I’d look to the ground beef as a gift. Sure, it’s not sexy, but wait, what am I talking about? A good burger is definitely sexy.
If you’re quarantined with Mom and you decide to go the duck route, you’re in luck. We have all sorts of recipes from our duckstravaganza. Maybe go for a group project and dry-age your duck for the best duck breast either of you will have ever had.
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Pantry-Friendly ‘Nduja
You’ve also likely seen us talking a lot about ‘nduja lately. Why? It’s an affordable pantry ingredient that can amp up all sorts of dishes, from casual beans and greens to mac and cheese and even eggs. Better still, ‘nduja lasts for ages in the fridge, so Mom can take a scoop whenever the mood strikes.
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All products linked here have been independently selected by our editors. We may earn a commission on purchases, as described in our affiliate policy.
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Tags: day, Gifts, Good, Isolated, moms, Mothers, Spirits
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13 hands-on cooking classes to fire up your inner masterchef
Does the thought of hosting a dinner party make you wilt faster than a basil leaf in a Brisbane kitchen? Have you lost your mojo to come up with clever new weekday meals?
Whether you’re a wizard when it comes to Insta-worthy creations or a toasted sandwich kinda chef, your kitchen will rule after signing up to one of these hands-on cooking classes, all within a few hours of Brisbane.
1. Spirit House, Yandina, Sunshine Coast
Expect a little spice when you book a class at Spirit House. Located just off the Bruce Highway, two hours north of Brisbane and about 20 minutes inland from Noosa, total immersion in nature also awaits. Oozing oriental charm, the alfresco restaurant is nestled amongst towering bamboo trees and a picturesque lotus pond.
If you love the flavours of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine, but the daunting recipes make you run for your Uber Eats app, this cooking school is for you. They aim to serve up a basic knowledge of Asian ingredients and methods, with classes including ‘Gluten Free Asian’, ‘Asian Shared Table’ and ‘One Bowl Wonders’.
At the end of your four-hour session, you can wash the fruits of your hard work down with free wine and beer!
2. Life’s a Feast Cooking School, Noosaville
For a homely vibe, this boutique cooking school is housed in a… well, a private house, a few minutes’ drive from Noosa’s Main Beach.
The freshly-baked muffins on arrival give you a taste of owner and teacher Gail Rast’s cooking style – that is, effortless, wholesome and crowd-pleasing. Her class options take you on a global tasting experience, from authentic American barbecue cuisine to flavoursome Moroccan feasts and advanced pasta-making.
But Gail’s teachings involve more than just a pinch of this and a sprinkle of that; at Life’s A Feast you’ll also score piping hot tips on menu planning, food and wine pairing, and food presentation. We guarantee your knife-cutting skills will go up a notch or four under her careful tuition.
3. James St Cooking School, New Farm, Brisbane
This Brisbane institution was serving up culinary lessons long before James Street emerged as a cool dining (slash everything) hub.
With super fresh ingredients at your disposal, the chefs at James St Cooking School encourage you to get messy. Forget just tasting; these guys are big on touching and smelling the food to really get absorbed in the cooking process.
Although they cover a bunch of different cuisines, their most popular class is ‘Fast and Furious Seafood’ – think pan-fried fish in bush spice or prawn cutlets poached in coconut milk. Delish!
4. Wild Lime Cooking School, Scenic Rim
Who cares about food when the scenery is this tasty? Ninety minutes’ drive south west of Brisbane is The Lost World Valley, an inspiration for your taste buds encircled by the dramatic ranges of Lamington National Park.
For a true gourmet getaway with friends, attend one of the monthly Wild Lime Cooking School classes, then spend the night at the delightful homestead next door and wake up to the bleating sounds of roving sheep.
The focus here is on using local produce to create everyday dishes that are elevated to perfection. Learn how to make leek-wrapped scallops, mint couscous with native greens or lamb shoulder with fig paste, and sit back on the huge balcony to drink in the country scenery while you devour it.
If you’re travelling with kids, the local homestay operators work in unison, so you can drop them off at nearby Cedar Glen Farmstay for horse riding and milking cows while you create grown-up flavours.
5. Vanilla Zulu, Teneriffe, Brisbane
A modern set-up, this Teneriffe school for culinary adventures is run by Zimbabwe-born Melanie Townsend, who has travelled the world to bring foodie tricks to Brisbane.
Perfect for the reluctant cooks and shy bench-sitters, Vanilla Zulu is all about giving you a hefty dose of confidence, while showing that you can pull together gourmet meals without losing too much precious Netflix time over a hot stove.
Classes run two to four days a week, and the list is pretty extensive with a focus on rustic Italian or vegan one day and meat lover’s or pastries the next. Or, for the ambitious, Melanie also runs a six-week chef skills course.
6. The Golden Pig, Newstead, Brisbane
Take a funky warehouse in inner-city Newstead, add a plethora of premium chefs, and you’ve got Brisbane’s edgiest cooking school.
The groups at The Golden Pig are big, but so too are the flavours. Whip up a classic beef pho from scratch in the new ‘Vietnamese Soups & Noodles’ class, trim beef like a real chef in ‘Kitchen Essentials’, or learn to preserve and cure pork in the ‘Pork Charcuterie Class’. Bread and pastry on your learn-to-master list? They’ve got classes for that too.
A big supporter of local, small-scale producers, there’s also a coffee bar, lounge, rear BBQ deck and retail goodies to browse.
7. Tenteram Cooking School, Gold Coast
If you’re on a mission to be a bit more #health focussed in the kitchen, then a four-hour class at Tenteram, and its lush Bali-inspired property in the Currumbin Valley, is the place to start.
Owners Kay and Justin have a passion for Indonesian cuisine – and creating healthier versions of it. The bench tops here might be sans refined sugars, fish sauce and white rice, but the dishes you create are so bursting with rich (and medicinal) flavours that your palate will be none the wiser.
They also sell their own gourmet product range, Tenteram Fine Foods, that you can stock up on before you leave.
6 more cooking classes to get your kitchen cred soaring
Tamarind Cooking School, Spicers Tamarind Retreat, Maleny Take the lead from expert chefs in a beautiful rainforest setting at this Sunshine Coast delight. Cuisines include French, Italian and Thai.
Norman Hotel, Brisbane With their 20 years of meat-flipping, this is the number one place to learn how to fire up the grill in a two-hour Mastersteak BBQ cooking class.
The Jam Pantry, Greenslopes (Brisbane) Fancy yourself a kombucha fiend? Upgrade (or get introduced to) your pickling and fermenting skills with monthly workshops here.
My Thai Kitchen, Auchenflower (Brisbane) The sumptuous flavours that come out of this kitchen also fill the cooking classroom, led by the restaurant’s chef Taya Meeikeaw.
The Sauce Kitchen, Toowoomba This foodie haven sits within a heritage building and offers a range of classes from baking and Asian cooking to coffee education.
Mecca Bah, Brisbane and Gold Coast For pizza-making lessons with a twist, head to this Middle Eastern and Mediterranean-inspired restaurant. Competitive cooks, take note: Prizes are up for grabs!
Have we missed any great classes? Let us know in the comments below.
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elenamoffatt-blog · 7 years
Hello, I’d like to introduce myself...
I’m Elena Moffatt and I’m in the Baking and Pastry Arts Management program at George Brown College. I’m 22 years old and previously completed a bachelor’s degree in International Food Business between Dalhousie University and Aeres Hogeschool in the Netherlands. Something unique about me is that I can say the alphabet backwards with ease. During my bachelor’s degree, I realized that this isn’t the program I wanted or the career path I could see myself heading towards. It became clear that baking was more than just a hobby for me and decided to pursue the college route.
A nutrition topic that interests me is fortified foods. Until the first lecture, I hadn’t realized that micronutrients were added to different foods that are part of my daily diet. I would like to learn more about these fortified foods, as well as the obesity epidemic. It would be interesting to learn more about how to promote healthy diets but also how the different food guides differ between countries and compare that with obesity statistics.
As far as my career goes, I’d like to begin by working at a small-scale local bakery where I get the opportunity to do a bit of everything. I enjoy getting my hands dirty and learning new skills, and I think working at a small bakery is the way to do this. In five years, it’s possible that I could still be working at a small-scale bakery, but I would love to have the opportunity to open my own business that not only sells baked goods directly to customers, but also to other local businesses that need any treats to sell.
I think nutrition is already playing an important role in the culinary industry. With the trend of plant based diets becoming more and more common, chefs are needing to develop new recipes and dishes that incorporate some non-traditional ingredients. They must take into account the amount of macronutrients in dishes, particularly protein which may be more difficult to get in appropriate quantities. People are becoming more mindful of what they’re eating, and restaurants need to reflect on that.
Now, I’m going to compare the reliability of two nutrition websites. I will be comparing the Dietitians of Canada website along with DoctorYourself.com, a website made by Andrew Saul who is a natural health educator.
When googling “unreliable nutrition website,” Saul’s website pops up numerous times which should say enough about his website. Saul has published numerous books, is on the editorial board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, “holds three state certificates in science education” (Doctor Yourself, n.d.), and has “taught nutrition, health science and cell biology at the college level” (Doctor Yourself, n.d.). However, his website is lacking and at first glance, definitely appears untrustworthy. The text continuously changes from bolded, caps lock, italics, and a series of blue links waiting to be opened. It reads messily and almost as though the author is shouting at the reader in parts. Saul primarily links his own publications on his website. (Doctor Yourself, n.d.)
Comparing Saul’s website to the Dietitians of Canada website is like night and day. The Dietitians of Canada website appears much calmer and put together which puts me, the reader, at ease. The dietitians are part of a professional association in Canada who are “governed by a Board of Directors” who are elected (Dietitians of Canada, 2018). The website links readers to affiliate sites like EatRight Ontario, Dietetics Association, and PEN Nutrition. Overall, the website is organized much clearer for readers.
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading this post.
Dietitians of Canada. (2018). About DC. Retrieved from Dietitians of Canada: https://www.dietitians.ca/About-DC.aspx
Doctor Yourself. (n.d.). About the Author. Retrieved from Doctor Yourself: http://doctoryourself.com/aboutme.html
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The Fantastic Realm of the Marriage Cake
dorty praha In present day world there are just so many distinct options and choices available to us. We can get a hold of individuals by standard mobile phone, sensible telephone, common cell cell phone, e-mail, or regular mail. If we want to get someplace we can push a car or truck, experience a bike, get a bus, or stroll alongside. Presented all the different possibilities offered to us nowadays, it is only all-natural that this selection should perform its way into 1 of our most cherished and honored traditions...that of the wedding ceremony cake. Choosing the taste of the cake and the coloration of the icing is just acquiring commenced with the method. You will also will need to acquire some time to pick the best wedding ceremony cake topper for your particular cake. In this short article we will be checking out the realm of the marriage cake. We will be offering some track record particulars on the tradition, and sooner or later performing on up to the collection approach of the great topper for that really particular wedding cake. The wedding day cake is typically proudly and strategically positioned throughout the wedding ceremony reception. Usually towering way up into the heavens, it can contend with the bride as the "centre of consideration" on her major working day. This tasty perform of art establishes a focal place that the other facets of the reception can revolve all over. For people who choose a flare for the dramatic, the wedding ceremony cake can be wheeled into the area at the finish of the reception, giving a "grand entrance" for everyone to see. To numerous men and women this grand entrance will probably bring about reminiscences of the bride who walked down the aisle previously in the day. For Starters The marriage ceremony cake has advanced over the several years. Commencing off as a straightforward image of fertility, it has remodeled itself into an inventive custom that can have a lot of unique inventive interpretations. For quite a few historic peoples wheat was a image of fertility and a bountiful harvest. The Historic Romans utilised to throw grains of wheat at the bride and groom to "would like fertility" to the new pair for the duration of their wedding. This tailor made finally progressed into bringing very little cakes manufactured from wheat to the wedding ceremony banquet itself. People would then crumble this cake about the head of the bride to would like the satisfied few "many little ones". The attendees would then try to eat the fallen crumbs as a symbol of sharing in the couple's fantastic fortune. Several assume that this "crumbling of the cake" in excess of the bride's head may possibly have evolved into an additional wedding ceremony working day tradition? Do you know what it is? In buy to protect the hapless bride from the wheat shower that is to occur, bridesmaids draped a fabric above her head ahead of the "crumbling tradition" took area. A lot of believe that this simple cloth evolved into the marriage ceremony veil of today. Welcome The Center Ages In the course of the Center Ages buns or sweet rolls experienced changed the unique wheat cakes, but it was even now incredibly customary for attendees to deliver these tasty treats to the wedding ceremony. Put in a big pile amongst the bride and groom, if the content few was capable to kiss above this massive stack of wheat, it was considered that they would be blessed with many young children. It is commonly thought that the following phase in the evolution of the traditional cake was carried out by a French pastry chef throughout the 17th century. For the duration of a trip to London he happened to observe this "cake piling" ceremony. On his return to France he dusted the stack of buns with sugar, and thereby "cemented" them together into one particular delicious artwork variety. This was to become the 1st rendition of the tiered and frosted marriage ceremony cake, and a forerunner as to what was to come in the years forward. The Vintage Style Are you familiar with the vintage model of the present day working day marriage ceremony cake? You know, the just one with the distinctive design and style of scaled-down tiers as the cake builds vertically? It is considered that this model was encouraged by the spire of the 14th century Saint Bride's church in London. How's that for a bit of trivia for you? Victorian England has introduced us quite a few of modern valued wedding day traditions. For illustration, Queen Victoria herself is said to have experienced a cake that weighed in at 300 lbs. As confectioners and bakers grew to become additional daring and skillful, their creations grew to become even far more daring and elaborate. When England's Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip ended up married back again in 1947, their wedding day cake weighed in at a whopping five hundred lbs, and was 9 toes tall. The Variation of Currently In today's world the elaborate wedding cake is no extended reserved for the rich and famous. Each and every pair can share in the tradition of obtaining a marriage cake included to their major day. The marriage ceremony cake specialists of modern earth have taken their artwork to towering heights (pardon the pun). Long long gone are all those bland days when you have been restricted to a white cake with white frosting. Despite the fact that a white cake will most likely always be the most common owing to its standard meaning, modern couple is minimal only by the limits of their imagination (and price range) when it will come to their wedding cake. Why White? White is absolutely the color of a wedding ceremony, but did you know that there is another purpose why the white is the customary coloration of a wedding ceremony cake? Back again in Victorian periods the finer elements of a wedding day cake were scarce and difficult to occur by. If the cake had a white icing, this exposed the truth that only the greatest and most high priced white sugar was being applied. Brown sugar was considerably additional common, and therefore substantially less expensive. So, the much more white the cake, the richer the individuals. Be Absolutely sure To Strategy Ahead Don't go away your exclusive marriage cake until eventually the past minute. This is just one of the most crucial factors that you can recall. No matter if you decide on the baker down the highway, a talented family members member, or a pastry chef who specializes in these delicious masterpieces, if you strategy properly in advance you will be in a position to handle whatever road blocks may appear your way. Some bakers demand only a least detect, while many bakers are booked far in progress. It can be a shame to have that best cake of your goals be "cancelled" due to the simple fact you can not allocate a baker's time. What is that you say? You have no notion who will be baking your wedding day cake? If you really don't have a unique baker in head, you have a little bit of homework in advance of you. Store about and get some great suggestions from family and close friends. Look through the yellow pages and the web as they are the two valuable informational methods. If you come about to be surfing the internet you will see that quite a few bakers right now are submitting photographs of some of their masterpieces. As a kind of masterpiece cake gallery, they showcase what they are capable of producing. This will jog your creativity as to what you would like your individual wedding ceremony cake to look like.
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Do not Forget Your Budget Be certain to think about your spending budget prior to you let your creativity get the much better of you. You want your wedding working day to be one particular of celebration, not the day that you began your journey into monetary disaster. Numerous people are shocked at the value of a wedding cake. Hold in head that you are asking an artisan to generate a masterpiece for you, and this can generally be mirrored in the value that he/she will be charging. The price of labor is often the premier expense in the development of a marriage ceremony cake but hold in thoughts the simple truth that fondant is more high-priced than buttercream. Have you imagined about staging your masterpiece? This arrives next. Be absolutely sure to just take the wedding ceremony cake stand into consideration throughout your organizing stage. Even though some cakes can be only placed on flat boards that will not be observed by the basic community, others are elaborately displayed on gorgeous stands for absolutely everyone to see. Keep in head the easy truth that true measurement of the cake desk ought to be in proportion to the genuine sizing of your cake. A table that is as well small will make the cake search way too massive, even though a desk that is far too large will make it search like a tiny cupcake. And in advance of we fail to remember, your cake desk will will need a lovely covering to compliment its strategic area at the marriage reception. Oh, don't overlook the cake knife and cake server. There wants to be a location on the table for these two objects as very well.
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coopsxfile-blog · 7 years
The Fantastic Realm of the Marriage ceremony Cake
chlebíčky In modern planet there are just so a lot of unique alternatives and alternatives offered to us. We can get a maintain of individuals by conventional telephone, smart telephone, standard cell mobile phone, e mail, or regular mail. If we want to get someplace we can travel a car, trip a bicycle, take a bus, or stroll alongside. Offered all the various possibilities readily available to us these days, it is only pure that this assortment need to perform its way into one of our most cherished and honored traditions...that of the wedding ceremony cake. Deciding on the taste of the cake and the coloration of the icing is just finding commenced with the process. You will also need to consider some time to pick the finest marriage cake topper for your specific cake. In this write-up we will be checking out the realm of the marriage cake. We will be providing some qualifications specifics on the tradition, and sooner or later performing on up to the variety approach of the great topper for that quite specific marriage ceremony cake. The marriage cake is generally proudly and strategically placed during the wedding ceremony reception. Typically towering way up into the heavens, it can compete with the bride as the "middle of consideration" on her huge working day. This mouth watering work of art establishes a focal position that the other factors of the reception can revolve about. For all those who desire a flare for the dramatic, the marriage cake can be wheeled into the place at the stop of the reception, delivering a "grand entrance" for everyone to see. To many persons this grand entrance will maybe trigger recollections of the bride who walked down the aisle before in the day. For Starters The wedding day cake has evolved in excess of the years. Starting off off as a simple symbol of fertility, it has remodeled alone into an inventive custom that can have numerous various artistic interpretations. For many historical peoples wheat was a symbol of fertility and a bountiful harvest. The Historic Romans utilised to throw grains of wheat at the bride and groom to "wish fertility" to the new few through their wedding. This personalized eventually developed into bringing minor cakes created from wheat to the marriage ceremony banquet by itself. Folks would then crumble this cake more than the head of the bride to desire the content pair "many young children". The company would then eat the fallen crumbs as a image of sharing in the couple's great fortune. Quite a few assume that this "crumbling of the cake" about the bride's head may well have advanced into another wedding working day tradition? Do you know what it is? In purchase to defend the hapless bride from the wheat shower that is to arrive, bridesmaids draped a fabric in excess of her head prior to the "crumbling custom" took position. Quite a few feel that this easy fabric progressed into the marriage ceremony veil of currently. Welcome The Middle Ages In the course of the Center Ages buns or sweet rolls experienced replaced the authentic wheat cakes, but it was nonetheless quite customary for guests to bring these delicious treats to the wedding ceremony. Positioned in a big pile between the bride and groom, if the delighted pair was in a position to kiss above this large stack of wheat, it was believed that they would be blessed with several kids. It is commonly considered that the next move in the evolution of the regular cake was done by a French pastry chef through the 17th century. Through a journey to London he occurred to notice this "cake piling" ceremony. Upon his return to France he dusted the stack of buns with sugar, and therefore "cemented" them jointly into a single delicious artwork form. This was to turn out to be the initial rendition of the tiered and frosted wedding day cake, and a forerunner as to what was to come in the many years forward. The Vintage Fashion Are you common with the traditional type of the modern day working day wedding day cake? You know, the one with the distinct design and style of scaled-down tiers as the cake builds vertically? It is believed that this design was impressed by the spire of the 14th century Saint Bride's church in London. How's that for a bit of trivia for you? Victorian England has introduced us many of today's valued wedding traditions. For illustration, Queen Victoria herself is claimed to have experienced a cake that weighed in at three hundred lbs. As confectioners and bakers grew to become more daring and skillful, their creations turned even additional daring and elaborate. When England's Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip had been married again in 1947, their wedding cake weighed in at a whopping 500 lbs, and was 9 toes tall. The Variation of These days In present-day world the elaborate wedding cake is no for a longer time reserved for the prosperous and well known. Every couple can share in the custom of obtaining a marriage ceremony cake extra to their major day. The marriage ceremony cake specialists of present day planet have taken their artwork to towering heights (pardon the pun). Very long absent are these bland days when you had been limited to a white cake with white frosting. While a white cake will almost certainly constantly be the most well-liked because of to its traditional meaning, present-day few is minimal only by the limitations of their creativeness (and spending budget) when it will come to their wedding ceremony cake. Why White? White is surely the colour of a marriage, but did you know that there is another purpose why the white is the customary coloration of a wedding cake? Back again in Victorian periods the finer components of a wedding cake had been scarce and challenging to appear by. If the cake experienced a white icing, this unveiled the fact that only the very best and most pricey white sugar was becoming employed. Brown sugar was significantly much more widespread, and as a result significantly much less costly. So, the far more white the cake, the richer the folks. Be Certain To Prepare Ahead Really don't go away your particular wedding day cake until the very last minute. This is one particular of the most important factors that you can don't forget. Regardless of whether you choose the baker down the highway, a proficient household member, or a pastry chef who specializes in these delicious masterpieces, if you plan very well in advance you will be ready to handle whatever obstructions could come your way. Some bakers need only a minimal notice, whilst many bakers are booked significantly in progress. It is a shame to have that great cake of your goals be "cancelled" thanks to the simple fact you are not able to allocate a baker's time. What is actually that you say? You have no notion who will be baking your wedding day cake? If you will not have a certain baker in head, you have a bit of research in advance of you. Store around and get some fantastic suggestions from family and pals. Search the yellow web pages and the web as they are each useful informational resources. If you transpire to be browsing the world-wide-web you will see that quite a few bakers today are putting up images of some of their masterpieces. As a form of masterpiece cake gallery, they showcase what they are able of producing. This will jog your imagination as to what you would like your individual wedding ceremony cake to appear like. Will not Neglect Your Price range Be sure to look at your price range ahead of you let your imagination get the far better of you. You want your marriage ceremony day to be 1 of celebration, not the day that you started your journey into economic catastrophe. Quite a few persons are stunned at the charge of a wedding ceremony cake. Preserve in thoughts that you are asking an artisan to make a masterpiece for you, and this can frequently be reflected in the value that he/she will be charging. The cost of labor is generally the most significant cost in the development of a marriage cake but maintain in thoughts the easy actuality that fondant is much more pricey than buttercream. Have you assumed about staging your masterpiece? This comes upcoming. Be certain to take the wedding ceremony cake stand into thing to consider throughout your preparing period. Although some cakes can be simply positioned on flat boards that will not be seen by the general public, other individuals are elaborately shown on stunning stands for everybody to see. Retain in head the straightforward fact that precise sizing of the cake desk have to be in proportion to the real measurement of your cake. A desk that is too little will make the cake appear way far too large, although a desk that is too substantial will make it appear like a small cupcake. And prior to we overlook, your cake table will want a beautiful covering to compliment its strategic site at the wedding day reception. Oh, will not fail to remember the cake knife and cake server. There requirements to be a position on the desk for these two products as well.
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workingtitl-e-blog · 7 years
WEEK 4: Pretty Sweet
This week, Andy showed us some examples of pretty sweet and pretty ugly designs in relation to food. It was interesting to see how designers interpret food and translate it to a something unique. Most of the time, these designs are somewhat inspired by their design background and you can really tell how a person is through their final product.
The lecture reminded me of the post titled ‘What happens when Architectural designer tries baking desserts’ that have been floating all over my social media platforms.
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Dinara Kasko - Geometric Kinetic Tarts
I recently came to find out that it was the work of a Ukrainian architect-turned-pastry chef, Dinara Kasko. As an ex-architecture student, it was really interesting to see her apply her architectural design skills into pastry making, something that I would never have thought to combine.
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She approaches her cakes and treats them as though they were scale-models of buildings and uses 3D modelling soft wares to create cake molds. Her design process is much like an architectural design process, of course without the codes and regulations, which allows her to express the forms to it’s fullest potential. Her final forms usually resembles diagrammatic models of contemporary architecture where geometry, patterns and texture are used as her core elements.
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Fruit Pie the Magician
A red dot with an attitude. An oven mitt voiced by Tom Arnold. A clown that hawks hamburgers. Can you explain them, because I sure can’t. But every Monday I’m going to do my best to delve into the world of corporate mascots and live to tell the tale.
What do magic and Hostess fruit pies have in common? Well they’re the same thing of course, dummy. Hostess fruit pies are delicious, magically so. There may be something to that, from the years of 1973 to 2006 the mascot for the delicious flaky pastries was Fruit Pie the Magician. Fruit Pie is a living—you guessed it—fruit pie wearing a cape and top hat who brandishes a magic wand. An illusion that he is famed for is summoning fruit pies from the aether. He served loyally as the one and only mascot for Hostess Fruit Pies for 33 years until one day, POOF, he vanished. Is Fruit Pie dead? Has he been chained in servitude summoning never ending piles of fruit pies for optimal profit for his corporate captors? Or has he simply been retired, a mascot for a product that has no need for a mascot? These are the hard-hitting questions I think we need to be asking of our large-scale purveyors of sugary confections. But first I have many other questions. Hostess Fruit Pies claim to be made with real fruit. But they also claim that a living embodiment of their product creates the fruit pies using magic. Can it really be real fruit filling if the fruit pies themselves have been conjured, fully prepared, from nothingness? No fruits were chopped or harvested in the process of making these fruit pies unless Fruit Pie the Magician is simply teleporting existing fruit pies from some other location where the fruit pies have been baked and packaged and I think we can all agree that that would be one lame trick indeed. Did Fruit Pie bring himself into existence? If so, did he do it utilizing the same magic he uses to summon pastries? Why does he conjure brethren from some unknown fruit pie realm only to have them consumed by hungry humans? Is it all for money as his only real marketable skill is creating hundreds of smaller and less sentient versions of himself? What if Harry Houdini had been able to pull small braindead versions of himself out of the shadow realm and had marketed them as Houdini Snacks? Little edible humans in a wax paper wrapping with a grinning Houdini on the front. But the main issue I have with Fruit Pie the Magician is that he is one of many mascots that have baffled me since I was a child. Why are there mascots that are living representations of the food that they’re trying to sell me? Are humans inherently more likely to want to eat something if they have seen it walk and talk? Examples of this include such characters as Mr. Peanut, the California Raisins, Wilbur the Famous Dave’s pig chef, Kool Aid Man, or just about any Hostess mascot that has ever existed. I think it’s a misguided idea every time. And in this mascot’s particular case, wouldn’t a human or animal magician who summons fruit pies be just as effective? Do advertising companies long to bite into living, breathing creatures so bad that they have breathed life into the lifeless just to accomplish this feat? And this brings me to my final point: All advertising companies are employed by cannibals. Good night, folks.
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