#can i not have a dq cake just for the sake of measuring out the perfect fork slice
hybbat · 10 months
You ever have the specific extention of the food texture 'tism where you aren't hungry and you don't really wanna eat but you do want the experience of eating certain foods in a certain way?
Like I don't wanna eat noodles but I do have the worst need to slurp up some udon and bok choy steamed in the heat of its own soup. Wanna crack open some crab legs and swirl them in garlic butter rn. The crunchy exterior and the soft but lumpy interior of a tater tot sounds real good right about now. Creating the correct combo from a cheese board. Pulling the tail off a prawn or cracking open nuts is a requirement in the consumption process otherwise they aren't as delicious.
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Low key gonna blow your inbox up but I just love your writing sm. How do you think the boys would be with someone who loves to cook/bake? :)
Awww thanks darlin :) <3
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Darry Curtis
Honestly helps him so much. Like- considering the gang is almost always leeching off the food in the house and he's usually working or taking care of the boys, you cooking helps him so much.
Also double points if the boy's like your cooking too. Gives him time to relax and not hear anyone complain about he cooked the damn food.
Definitely the type of boyfriend that would come up behind you and hug you from behind while you mixed something or cut up some veggies. Also a worrywart if you happen to cut your finger or burn yourself on a pan or something. May yell at you to be more careful because he can't afford a hospital visit over some sliced carrots.
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Sodapop Curtis
He thinks it's kinda cute. Definitely the type to ask you to cook some random ass box of brownies he found at 2 am. Little midnight baking dates. Definitely to spend time with you though and not because someone usually calls dibs on the bowl before him.
Oh yeah, he automatically dibs licking the bowl and spoon. He doesnt care about the raw eggs. Fight. Him.
Brags about you nonstop. Like you could walk into the DX for a quick visit and he'd be bragging to this old lady about how good your cookies are compared to anyone else's. Sorry grandma.
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Ponyboy Curtis
You remind him of his mom. Kinda wholesome and kinda sad. A good amount of memories he has with his mom is standing on a chair as a young kid and helping her mix some stuff for dinner.
He'd probably be the one that preaches constantly about the recipe. "YoU cAnT gUeSs! UsE tHe MeAsUrInG cUpS." A huge gremlin about following the recipe precisely. He helps you but you might have to kick him out so he'll shut up about how you didn't put enough salt into the batter.
He's kinda a 7/10. Helpful if you're precise and he loves to help you out with making food, but sucks if you know your stuff and go off taste. because you don't need no damn measuring cups.
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Steve Randle
Ughhhh such a pain. Kick him out. He like- he'll offer help but will literally just make everything ten times messier and worse on you if you accept his offer. Like he sucks in the kitchen with a passion. He always compliments your cooking though. Compliments to the chef.
Begs you to bake him cake and pastries and encourages you to cook constantly. This dudes always hungry but like he usually cleans his plate. Biggest motivation right here. Probably has competitions with Soda over who has the better lunch for work. He usually wins lol
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Twobit Matthews
Will ask if you can research how to make homemade beer just for the hell of it. He's actually not as big of an alcoholic as he's told to be, but he does wonder if he could create some homemade beer because honestly? Free and he won't have to use a fake ID.
Other than that he's pretty chill about it. He thinks it's cool you can cook. Probably asks you to make him and his little sister dinner sometimes whenever his mom and stepdad are out. I headcannon him as someone that burns absolutely everything. Somehow almost burned the house down by trying to make warm milk for his sister when she was much younger. He's probably too scared to offer his help for the sake of not wanting to mess up any of your cooking, but he usually lingers around while you cook and watches what you do.
Also is not afraid to pick you up and distract you from your food though if he's excited about something.
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Dallas Winston
Pain in the ass 2.0 He's worse than Randle.
"Doll, why cook when I live above a bar?" He definitely doesn't have a great diet. Mfer lives at DQ whenever he's not at Buck's or the Curtis house. His diet consists of Dairy Queen, random ass bar food that Buck finds to give people, sometimes meals at the Dingo if he's not too busy flirting or causing trouble, and stolen ice cream from kids off the street.
"You're just wasting money on all those ingredients. We have plenty of good food all around us." Probably doesn't even own a fridge. Probably the type that has a mini fridge but it's not even plugged in and he just puts sodas or alcohol in there and constantly complains it's broken even though he doesn't think once to look at the plug.
Lol anyways, after you feed him a few good healthy, non leeched, meals, he'll probably shut up more. Still doesn't quite understand, but he gets it a bit more once he tastes the stuff.
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Johnny Cade
Honestly probably the only one that actually can cook. He doesn't spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but after watching a few times he's somehow a natural? Like the best one out them all to help you cook because he may even be a better cook than you without trying (no offense.)
He doesn't spend a lot of time at home and or good reason, so it's safe to say he probably doesn't get decent meals a lot unless it's from the Curtis house, but I think that's why he's so good with it? Like- he's so grateful for homemade food because it's rare that he gets it that he just subconsciously is super good at making it. Does that even make sense?
Anyways, like I said the BEST to help with cooking and baking. Even draws cute little hearts and stars with icing when you guys make cake <3
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Tim Shepard
Similar to Darry but less open about it. It helps him, it really does, especially with Curly who eats like a horse, but he won't be as sweet or verbally thankful about it. He'll offer to help if he has time, and would hit the backside of Curly's head if he ever made a negative comment about the food, but that's pretty rare so 🤷
Will ask you however, if you can wear nothing but an apron. You'll have to smack him for such a bad flirt.
He'd actually be super soft though if you made him breakfast in bed one day. Like, he'd gently tell you he doesn't deserve you and has you sit so he can share the food.
"Good shit."
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Curly Shepard
Like I said previously, he eats like a horse. I don't care how lean and scrawny he seems, he can outeat a neighborhood. But it's okay, he runs it off lol
"Geez guys, slower than usual today because my doll made this bomb ass pasta tonight, ya dig? Almost ate the whole goddamn thing."
Goes on this mini rant about how he'll miss your cooking at the reformatory.
Definitely begs you to leave school with him at lunch time because he doesnt want that shitty cafeteria food now that he has his own personal chef.
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