#can u tell i am having a i do not want to subscribe to hustle culture/make my career my life
prayforbrains-blog · 7 years
And when it rains it fucking pours. 
I am c r y i n g over Twitter’s vehement division on this new Twitch ‘affiliate’ program. So far these have been my favorites:
“Whelp no one’s gonna care about getting partnered now.”
“Well so much for partnerships being exclusive. My sub button doesn’t make me special anymore RIP my streaming career.” 
“OMG THIS IS GONNA HELP SO-AND-SO SO MUCH.” *same person 180s 20 minutes later* “I think the requirements for concurrent viewers should be raised to 50.” *immediately disqualifying the so-and-so originally mentioned*
Let’s just get down with the facts. 
What is the Twitch Affiliate Program?
The Twitch Affiliate program is simply a way for non-partnered streamers to obtain sought after features like bits, AN emote (note: singular), and that elusive purple sub button. Here’s a breakdown of existing features and how they apply to the three subsets of broadcasters:
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Looks cool? Looks weird? Looks confusing?  All of the above? Honestly it doesn’t concern you that much UNLESS you are a broadcaster, however you might be concerned how your favorite channel may change if the broadcaster decides he/she desires to opt into these features (once they are accepted that is). So let’s dive right into this shit fest and start with my favorite topic that’s come into question:
#1  G R O W T H  
People who want to hustle and network and ACTUALLY have potential (i.e. personality/talent) to succeed on Twitch will succeed. Bacon Donut wrote a phenomenal article a few months ago (which I highly recommend reading) on why YOU might be the reason you’re not successful on Twitch.
“Every single excuse that you dream up that doesn’t focus inward to your own content is either wrong, or is the same obstacle that someone else managed to leap over to become successful.” - Bacon Donut
He goes on to discuss the multitude of reasons why people fail to grow and achieve their goals on the platform. I’ve been around Twitch long enough to know that every one of the topics he touches on is spot the FUCK on. Most people spend more time bitching about how ‘over-saturated’ the directory is. Let me enlighten you kiddos: EVERY INDUSTRY CAN BE OVERSATURATED AS FUCK. You have to fucking put yourself out there. You have to be entertaining or talented or have a gimmick. No amount of sleek new (formerly) exclusive features and a (singular) emote will help you if you aren’t producing consistent engaging content.
The fuck it is punk. I don’t stream because I wanna be a Twitch partner. I stream because I love video games and I enjoy interacting with people. I also have an opinion because I (along with damn near every other Tom, Dick, and Shithead on the block) am eligible for this program. I also don’t need to be a partner to give advice on how to get partnered. I’ve watched 20+ friends grow from NOTHING on Twitch to quality partnered casters. I’ve even helped some of them. Ask around, people will tell you I’m all about spreading the love, helping those I am able to help, and introducing people to new like minded individuals. 
Let’s continue...
#2  M O N E Y 
Let’s start off with the only thing you really need to know about Twitch. TWITCH IS A BUSINESS. I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING, ‘WOAH PRAY FUCKING EARTH SHATTERING INFORMATION.’ but you’d be surprised how many people don’t understand this. Twitch is not here to hold your hand and walk you down the purple brick road to that shiny purple button. Twitch is here to make money just like any other business in the universe. Lemme give you a breakdown on some numbers kiddos:
1. Amazon reportedly acquired Twitch for a cool $970 million 
2. It has been suggested that the vast majority of Twitch streamers average less than 10 viewers. (Though I’m sure Twitch is highly aware of the actual number and percentage)
Let’s start with that first bit and the most glaringly-can-be-seen-from-fucking-space obvious: Amazon wants both return on investment and solid plans for future growth. They wouldn’t have acquired Twitch if they weren’t looking for more money fam. That’s just business and regardless of how much you bitch and moan about corporate greed on Twitter that won’t change. 
Second: all those (including myself) down in the bottom of the directories with less than 10 viewers all take up resources on Twitch’s end. Those broadcasters get those resources for exactly zero dollars and zero cents and let me tell you that is a fucking steal. It would be completely ridiculous for Twitch not to take a little bit of advantage from those people at all. The affiliate program will surely not hurt any of those streamers. They’ll get a cool global emote and their viewers can toss a few bits their way. C O O L . You know what Twitch gets? A few extra $$$ to keep the servers up and the lights on. 
Are you feeding some corporate fat-cat’s wallet in the process of subbing to your favorite streamer? Sure, but you already do that every time you buy a box of cereal, TK Broha. So unless you’re planning to completely remove yourself from society and live off the land (which you’ll still have to pay $$$ to the government for, effectively feeding rich+corrupt politicians) YOU CAN’T REALLY AVOID IT GOOD CHUM. Sure your intentions might be fantastic: CONGRATULATIONS Robin Hood: you’re a decent human being. but at the end of the day I know for a fact you’re still gonna go buy your fucking Honey Nut Cheerios™ and your car’s still gonna need gas because you forgot to fill it up on your way home from work yesterday broskiski. Unless you’re actually an adolescent or just have absolutely no idea how business and the economy works (in which case go take a fucking basic economics class jfc) all of this information should be understandable and acceptable in 2017.  
#3  N U M B E R S
So the most compelling commentary about the affiliate program is about the requirement numbers. According to Twitch’s press release broadcasters simply need to meet these simple requirements to be invited to the affiliate program: 
At least 500 total minutes broadcast in the last 30 days
At least 7 unique broadcast days in the last 30 days
An average of 3 concurrent viewers or more over the last 30 days
At least 50 Followers
K. Sounds legit. The biggest concern people have voiced is that the requirements are TOO LOW, more specifically the follower and concurrent viewer count. Some have stated it should be as high as 50+ concurrent viewers with 500-1000+ followers.  K. That makes total sense when the majority of new partners I’ve seen have been average between 50-100 concurrent viewers. [LET ME BE CLEAR. THIS IS NOT A DISS FOR THOSE NEW PARTNERS WHO PULL THOSE NUMBERS. THOSE NUMBERS ARE FUCKING RAD. PLEASE KEEP KICKING AS MUCH ASS AS POSSIBLE AND CREATING CONSISTENT CONTENT. I APPRECIATE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU.] I’m saying it’s pretty fucking ridiculous for that to even be considered to be the threshold for this program. Twitch is seeking to capitalize off of EVERY POSSIBLE STREAM IT CAN. Twitch doesn’t care that you feel threatened or like your ‘cool kids club’ is less cool; they just want that spicy revenue. 
‘Yeah, but how many subs is a person with 3 viewers gonna have Pray?’ 
A M A Z I N G L O G I C. Hold on to those Cheerios™ you bought TK Broha cause I’m about to rock your honey nuts to the moon and back. They could have anywhere from 0-(insert number here). Now hypothetically let’s say ALL of those 3 concurrent viewers decide to invest and subscribe/throw bits at that caster, Twitch gets it’s normal % cut. Not a lot you say? Now multiply that by every. single. streamer with that many viewers. THAT’S A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY. Or rather, that’s a lot of potential money that up until this point in time had been squandered/lost to companies like GameWisp and Streamtip.
Twitch isn’t trying to put those people out of business necessarily, but it does want to maximize profits. It makes sense that they would offer this program to as many people as possible. So keep bitching on Twitter (cause honestly it’s entertaining af), but I HIGHLY doubt those numbers will change. Sorry not sorry. 
#4  E X C L U S I V I T Y 
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So that thing on the right? It’s called a cubic zirconia and it’s man made stone that resembles a diamond. It’s significantly cheaper to buy. I can walk into any Target and buy a pair of those bad boys to wear in my earholes for less than 20 bucks. Pretty neat right?  That thing on the left on the other hand is the real deal. That’s a certified diamond boiz. The price of diamonds? Start in the hundreds and start climbing faster than The Flash can run around the globe. You can tell the difference between the two pretty easily once you notice the little things right? Diamonds can cut fucking glass, CZs can’t. They’re both timeless and incredibly beautiful stones, but one outshines the other. It’s rarity makes it worth more, but they’re both used in jewelry that can be treasured forever and sometimes passed down from generation to generation. IN CASE YOU’RE CONFUSED THIS IS A METAPHOR KIDS. [met·a·phorˈmedəˌfôr,ˈmedəˌfər/nouna figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.]  My point is fairly simple. Partners will always have access to new features and cool parties before affiliates. Partners will have an easier time networking with sponsors and game devs. Partnership will still be a goal for those individuals who are passionate and want to build relationships with other brands. Just like a diamond is a status symbol in society, partnership will still be a status symbol on Twitch.  Another really important component here is: these things are only worth the value you see in them personally. You may be enamored with the idea of being a partner because you want to be a part of that cool kid’s club. That’s 100% okay. Some people aren’t interested in the status symbol. I’m sure there are more people like me out there who could fucking care less about the little checkmarks next to people’s names on social media, but for others that’s the epitome of internet fame and the ultimate goal. 
You know what this program is really going to do? It’s gonna RUDELY awaken some folks who have delusions of grandeur.   A sub button is not going to make you successful. A sub button is not going to make you famous. A sub button is not going to make you rich.  A sub button is not going to bring new users to your channel.
A sub button is just a button that the people who are already in your channel are going to choose whether or not to press. 
This is going to be a hard pill for a lot of small and medium sized casters to swallow. People are excited now, but when they don’t wake up with 1000 subs they’re gonna have to take stock of what’s really going on and why they aren’t growing. A lot of dreams are about to be brutally shattered. 
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MLM Success Secrets - Why is it Most people fail at network marketing In this video, I share the honest truth that my mentors shared with me on why is it most people are not succeeeding at network marketing. Being seen as an authority is essential to constructing a growing and successful mlm company. But how do you get that authority and why is that needed? What is the ingredient or characteristic that separates those who fail from those who succeed in mlm? The answer is one that few are willing to tell you when you start in the industry, almost like a the best kept mlm secret. So what is this secret? It’s... influence. The ability to influence separates those who succeed from those who crash and burn. So, what exactly is Influence? Well, in this case of building a successful mlm, it’s your ability to impact the character, development, or behavior of someone. So how do you be become an influencer. Well first check out a video I did recently on just that topic here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7dNEJ1LJNc Now specifically with network marketing, people will only follow who they perceive as a LEADER. Then as a leader you have a position of influence, but how do you position yourself as a leader? well here are the top reasons why people consider you a leader worthy of following: They FEEL you know something/have an expert knowledge of something that they want to learn which they don’t know or know little about They FEEL that you can help them get somewhere they want to go that they wouldn’t be able to on their own They admire you and WANT to become like you one day Am i right or am I right? Seriously…think about the people that you follow and every single one of them fall into one of those classifications. So you want to be that to the people you are looking to influence…so here’s the million dollar question… yes, JoAnne, this all makes senses but how exactly do I do that ?? In one word: VALUE You start giving incredible value in the niche that you are looking to become an influencer and you are sure to attract a following. Think about Gary V, how does he give value? He give his no B.S bang on advice on social media, calling us on our B.S. when we know we aren’t really hustling hard. What about Tony Robbins? Talk about a man of hustle! That man is a beast! And he is a master in managing the energy in a room, couple with his years of applied knowledge in his field of self development and more important change to develop self. What about one of my favourite’s Oprah? She is known for her giving and her shows like the original Orah show, the Super Soul Sunday, her O Magazine. Can we say V A L U E? So that’s it, that the fact, start giving value on the subject or in the niche you wish to leader and by virtue of doing so, you will be positioning yourself as a leader and someone to follow and this will be the first cornerstore of your influence. To your success. JoAnne http://ift.tt/2kTWjhr Looking to get started on youtube video marketing, then join me in my new private facebook group for tips and tricks: http://ift.tt/2is0s8e New to my channel, then check out these popular playlists: Listen and learn from Who Moved My Cheese? : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5q5GyZOnFUZeJtM2k1NjdzLYgkTyV6Lr The Instant Millionaire audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5q5GyZOnFUZjLqQo9WbRmXnwpytRtca- Top 3 Techniques to Grow Your Network Marketing Business: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5q5GyZOnFUaDGCOJtPiR16f8Vv0mVTxX How to Get Started Quickly and Effectively on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5q5GyZOnFUbi0bZ9ZtF40_5Kb9pSXEWa What can you expect from me and this channel? On this channel, you will find tips, tricks, and insights on building a profitable online business from scratch no exp reqd creating video content that converts launching and maintaining a successful youtube channel leveraging video content to grow your business interesting interviews and book reviews focused on personal self-development and reflection Mindset hacks and strategies If, that resonates with you, remember to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/c/JoAnneMbonigaba?sub_confirmation=1 Another valuable tip and insight on online marketing and business success from Freedom Mompreneur JoAnne Mbonigaba http://ift.tt/2kxTbZQ By the way, who the heck is JoAnne Mbonigaba? If you prefer a slightly rambly video with a slice of confession, then check my story out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd5c5JBzG6M Or check my bio out here: http://ift.tt/2ptrMcw by JoAnne Mbonigaba
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