#can we get a counter of how many times Es says baka jfc
high key voting haruka guilty
Hullo hullo! It’s Mercury! Haruka’s album dropped and I was finally able to listen to his VD and Android Girl! Many thoughts are occuring.
like a lot of Haruka stuff TW for mentions of suicide
First off,, Android Girl!!!! It sounds so crunchy??? /pos I def think I like it more than the original. I high-key was just listening to the original imagining Haruka’s cover lol.
now for the VD,,,, it’s not looking good
Mini summary if yall haven’t listened to it:
Haruka is more confident when talking to Es, only ocassionally going back to his weaker, nervous tendencies. Haruka first explains how Shidou and Kazui negotiated a ceasefire with Kotoko, for now.
He moves on to state how he has two saviors: one is Es and the other is later revealed to be Muu. He says Es is one of his saviors bc we voted him innocent. He’s taken it to the extreme thinking we have completely forgiven him for killing. Es states how the innocent vote is a temporary verdict and how what he did is still morally wrong. This causes Haruka to start throwing a tantrum, throwing things and screaming that what he did wasn’t wrong. He eventually charges at Es intending to choke them, but ofc the magic barrier prevents him from harming them. It even rebounds onto him so he starts choking a bit?
Haruka calms down a little bit, enough for Es to try to explain how we voted on him. This really only confuses Haruka and makes him start screaming again, saying a good-for-nothing like him could only get noticed by killing (yeesh) and asking if it was good his mom gave up on him (double yeesh).
Then out of no where Haruka says that Es isn’t his mom. Es is like “girl yea I’ve never been your mom.” Haruka then says Muu is his mom bc she pays attention to him and praises him unlike his actual mom (who he now doesn’t view as his mom anymore).
Last and most important bit: Haruka’s ultimatum
Haruka says Muu is scared of Milgram and we have to stop scaring her and vote her innocent or else he’d kill Es. Es then scoffs saying “you literally can’t kill me.” Then Haruka says “Fine, if you don’t vote her innocent, I’ll kill myself. That’s not against the rules right?”
In conclusion, if we want to vote Muu guilty, we’d have to vote Haruka guilty as well, but there really is no winning here.
Haruka innocent & Muu innocent
continuing to affirm their actions and maybe make them more likely to kill again if released back into society
Haruka innocent & Muu guilty
..... bye Haruka
Haruka guilty & Muu innocent
theres honestly a lot of things that could happen with this one. Muu would prob get super pissed, Haruka might get jealous and violent, or Muu might not even care and move on from him (not very likely tho imo)
Haruka guilty & Muu guilty
Haruka can’t do anything... yet but would def break his trust in Milgram, Muu would likely reject the verdict and continue to deny fault
How it’s looking right now is the fandom will want to vote Muu guilty, and the safer way to do that would then be to vote Haruka guilty. Even on the off chance we vote Muu innocent, I really don’t want to run the risk of Haruka committing suicide. He’s definitely not making false claims here, knowing his personality, I don’t doubt that he's serious ab this.
We don’t know how a suicide would impact the rest of the prisoners either, but it def wouldn’t be good. Likely, it would cause a widespread panic amongst the prisoners and overall make everyone more afraid of Milgram. I also have no idea what it would do to Muu either. I really doubt she asked Haruka to do this, it's likely just his way of showing how much she means to him. But he kinda didn't think this through??? How is commiting suicide going to help not scare her????
These are just my thoughts,, feel free to vote however you want lol im not your mom 🤡 (unless secretly im Muu and youre Haruka then ig i am your mom) BUT BY ALL MEANS PLEASE DONT KEEP HIM ON 50/50
genuinely it is a VERY bad idea. Mr. “Please Notice Me and Give Me Affirmation” getting no verdict? I cant see that turning out well for a n y o n e
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