#can you imagine if i tried to do gymnastics in hiking boots. or even run track in hiking boots
darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
tbh i do feel like a lot of sport dog or general dog people's confusion regarding why certain gear not made for specific sports does not work for that said sport comes from a general lack of people who do not have a lot of personal experience wearing sport equipment or doing sports themselves.
Obviously people not having that experience is not a bad thing, we all learn and grow and it's great imo that people want to do active things with their dogs (any little bit you do is positive in my eyes). But it's just a fact to me that when you, personally, have experience with how YOU feel in different type of sports equipment, that knowledge certainly transfers to animal sports as well.
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perfectlyrose · 8 years
Up In Flames (1/10)
Summary: In the year since they decided to become a team, John Smith and Rose Tyler have made quite the names for themselves as Team TARDIS, bank robbers extraordinaire. Newspapers the world over run headlines about The Doctor and the Bad Wolf and their latest heists. They’re practically unstoppable.
Then their world spins to a halt with a phone call. Jack’s in trouble again and a formidable enemy from John’s past has emerged from the shadows to try and destroy the bank robbing couple once and for all. Will they be able to survive this new threat intact or will the life they’ve been building together go up in flames? 
A sequel to Watch it Burn, a Nine/Rose bank robbers AU 
Word Count: 2656
Rating: Teen
Note: Here we go again! Team TARDIS is back in action after a longer than anticipated hiatus. I have chunks of this written but I can’t promise an update schedule. I’ll let you know if that changes. In the meantime... welcome back!
Read here: tumblr // ao3 // tsp // ff
Rose carefully twisted and flipped through the web of lasers that filled the vault’s antechamber. It was cute the way banks still thought that a few dozen moving laser tripwires would keep her away from the vault door.
After she slowly cartwheeled out of her last handstand and into the two foot space in front of the vault that was free of lasers she turned to look back towards the doorway where John was leaning against the doorway.
“Thought I felt you watching,” Rose said with a smirk.
John slowly dragged his eyes up to meet hers, lips quirking up at one corner. “Been awhile since I got to watch you go through a laser grid.”
“I know you haven’t forgotten how flexible I am, not after last night.”
“Oh, I haven’t forgotten,” he promised, voice low and dark. “But watching you demonstrate it in the catsuit is always a bonus, especially when I know I get to take it off of you later.”
Rose grinned at him. “See, if I’d had that kind of motivation to work on my gymnastics as a kid, I’d’ve gotten better than the bronze.”
She turned back to the vault and started pulling equipment out of the pockets of the utility belt strapped tightly around her waist. “Okay, are you going to walk me through how to use this stuff? You know I haven’t broken this vault model before and you packed the new equipment.”
“I’ve got it,” he said, right behind her.
Rose jumped at the proximity of his voice. She glanced behind him to see that the lasers had all disappeared. When her gaze landed back on him he was wearing a shit-eating grin and showed her a little device in his hands that apparently controlled the lasers she’d just made her way through.
“Bastard,” Rose said, hitting him in the chest. “You could’ve turned them off before I went through the trouble of getting through them!”
“Didn’t want you to waste all of your flexibility practice. Besides, I like watching you work.”
Rose huffed and bit back a smile. It was rare that he was this playful during a job and she was thoroughly enjoying his good mood.
John took the code breaker from her and swiftly hooked it up to the keypad next to the vault. He tapped an activation sequence into it and it whirred to life.
“How much time do we have?” he asked as they waited for it to pop the vault door.
“Fifteen minutes. Been in for seven,” Rose answered, checking her watch.
“Plenty of time.”
“Would have more if you’d just turned off the lasers to start with.”
John’s answer to that was cut off by the clicking of the vault door that indicated the code breaker had found the correct combination to open it.
“I love it when they only have electronic locks on things,” he said, pulling the door open and gesturing for Rose to precede him into the vault.
“They were relying on the lasers, I think.”
They rolled their eyes in unison and then the two bank robbers started loading the bank’s cash supply into the bags John had brought with him, slipping into silence as they worked. Within five minutes they were ready to leave.
John reset the lock on the vault and waited until they were both safely out of range to turn the lasers back on. Rose ran ahead to pick the lock on the bank manager’s office.
John joined her right as she pulled out their business card to set on the manager’s keyboard. He squinted as something on the card caught the light.
“Did you change the cards?” he asked.
“Not substantially,” Rose said, shooing him out the door so she could relock it. She handed him the card that they were going to leave on the front door of the bank. “I changed the color of our signatures from black to gold on the back of the card. Looks nicer.”
“You know they’re going to tie themselves in knots trying to figure out why we changed something.”
“Probably will make them inventory their entire gold stock.”
“Idiots,” he scoffed. “Not worth it to steal gold.”
Rose popped up to her feet, done with the lock, and headed towards the front door, John on her heels.
“Cameras still out?” she asked.
John dug in his pocket for his phone. He checked the camera feeds and confirmed out loud that they were still running the video loops he’d set up.
The pair slipped out the front door, pausing only to carefully tape their business card to the glass door. Then, with barely a whisper of the sound of booted feet on concrete, they disappeared into the dark San Francisco night.
It was a short  walk to the apartment they’d rented for the month made longer by the anticipation that crackled in the air between them and their efforts to avoid street cameras. As soon as the door to their place closed behind them John pounced, pinning Rose against the wall and sealing his mouth against hers.
The bags containing the money they’d just stolen fell to the floor with a couple of loud thunks. John slipped one of his newly freed hands behind Rose’s head, threading his fingers into her braided hair and using the leverage to change the angle of their kiss.
Rose’s hands were far from idle. One hand slipped up the back of his jumper, relishing how easy it was to do when he wasn’t wearing his customary leather jacket, and the other moved to his arse, splaying out and pulling him closer so his hips were pressing into her.
“Have I told you how much I love seeing you in your catsuit?” he murmured in her ear after kissing his way up her jawline. “Because it always drives me crazy.”
“Mmm, I’m always open to hearing it again,” Rose said, breathless as he bit down on her earlobe.
“I do always like it better when it’s on the floor though,” he said after a few seconds.
John laid claim to her mouth before she could tease him about being cheesy, giving every indication that he intended to be the one in control tonight and Rose couldn’t find it in her to argue this time. She surrendered. Her blood was already singing from their successful heist and John’s kisses and she let the rare thrill of relinquishing control join the heady cocktail of emotions.
It was like this every time. A year of working together, of bank heists and fights and figuring out how to be partners in every sense of the word, and he could still set her alight with a single touch. She still got a thrill from a successful job and it matched his and they always barely got back to their lodgings before they jumped each other.
They staggered a few meters closer to their bedroom, both of them losing their shirts along the way and refusing to let go of each other. John was doing his level best to make a mark on the side of Rose’s neck to celebrate their success when the shrill tone of her mobile ringing made her whip her head around to look at the object sitting on kitchen counter where she’d left it earlier that night.
“Ignore it,” John growled, not leaving the spot on her neck.
“Was plannin’ on it,” she said breathlessly, digging her short fingernails into his shoulder blades as she turned her attention back to him.
John hissed and ground his hips against her. Rose responded by hiking her leg up around his hip and rolling her own hips into his.
He was reaching for the fastening on her trousers when his phone started ringing almost immediately after Rose’s finally went silent.
John and Rose pulled apart and shared a heavy look. There were only a handful of people who had both of their personal numbers and even less who would call them both at three in the morning.
John dug his phone back out of his pocket and hit answer despite the number being blocked. He put it on speaker immediately.
“Hello?” he said gruffly, voice still rough from snogging Rose.
“It’s me.”
“Jack?” Rose exclaimed incredulously. They hadn’t heard from their friend in something like seven months.
“Good you’re both there,” the conman said. He was out of breath and the note of panic in his voice was one Rose had only heard twice before.
“You in trouble?” John asked, hearing the same thing Rose did.
“More than you can imagine. And not the fun kind.”
“What can we do?” Rose asked.
“I need you to listen and I need you to pay attention. This is serious. Someone’s - shit!” Jack cut himself off. “They saw me, hold on.”
They listened as their friend started running, both bowstring-tight as they waited for Jack to start talking again.
“Okay, no time,” he said after a minute, obviously still running. “Someone’s after you two. They figured out that I know you. I don’t know how and I don’t know how much they know already but they want more information on you and have decided that I’m the best person to give it to them.”
“Jack, where are you?” John asked. His voice went hard and cold as he thought about their friend being in danger because of them.
“Not important. You can’t come after me. You have to hide. Just get off the grid and lay low for a while. I’ll be fine.”
“You don’t know that, Jack,” Rose protested.
“Yes I do. I’m always fine, sweethea-” This time when he was cut off it was with a scream.
The line went silent and John and Rose stared at the mobile in horror. Rose’s shaking hands were covering her mouth and John had gone still as a stone as they tried to process everything that had just happened.
Before they could say anything else or decide to hang up the phone, they heard someone pick Jack’s mobile up from where it had fallen. For a few seconds, all they did was breathe into the speaker as the two thieves held their breath.
“The Doctor and the Bad Wolf, how very lovely to finally meet you,” a smooth voice with an almost sing-song quality to it said at last. “Your dear friend is mine to play with now. We’re going to have so much fun. But don’t worry about being left out of my little game, I’ll be seeing you both very soon.”
The man was laughing softly as John violently pressed the screen to hang up the call.
Rose stared at the phone for a second before looking up at John. He was unnaturally still, jaw clenched tight and eyes cold and blank.
She knew that look well. It was the one he wore when something touched on part of his past that he didn’t want to talk about or be reminded of. It didn’t appear as often as it used to but she still saw it on occasion.
Now wasn’t the time to push him about whatever he was hiding though.
“We need to get out of here,” Rose said, laying her hand over his on the phone. “We were on that call long enough for them to at least track us to the city.”
John nodded sharply. “Bring me your phone,” he said.
Once he had both phones he started working on them, wiping them of all information before removing the sim cards and batteries. While he worked, Rose retrieved her shirt from the floor and slipped it back on.
Silently, she started packing their few belongings, throwing clothes into duffel bags and erasing any trace of them having lived in this apartment. They traveled light so once John started helping, still stonefaced and stiff, they were ready to leave fifteen minutes after the phone call ended.
“What are we doing about the money?” Rose asked. She glanced at the bags of cash still by the front door. Normally they waited a week before redistributing the money but they couldn’t stick around that long this time.
“Donate the lot on the way out of town?” he suggested. “We can send the bank a note later.”
Rose nodded and walked across the room to heft one of the cash bags onto her shoulder. “You ready to go, then?”
John grabbed the last bag in response and they walked out the door, locking it behind them.
They stop at the children’s advocacy center down the street from the apartment they were staying in and leave half the cash there with a scrawled note that it’s an anonymous donation from someone who appreciates what they’re doing for the community. The rest of the cash they leave at a women’s shelter a few blocks away. That donation is left without a note as they know the shelter won’t ask questions about where the money came from.
They find a cab and take it to the airport where they buy tickets for the the first flight of the morning which happens to be going to Seattle. John and Rose are quiet as they go through security and find their gate at the other end of the terminal.
Once they were seated in the nearly empty area, Rose reached out and rested a hand on John’s thigh. “Hey,” she said quietly, waiting for him to look at her. “Are we gonna talk about any of this?”
John shook his head. “Not here. We can figure things out once we find somewhere to stay in Seattle.”
“I’m not going into hiding and leaving our friend to the mercy of that lunatic, no matter what he told us to do,” Rose warned him, wary of his tone and the way he was talking about finding somewhere to stay.
Now he met her eyes, blue ice thawing slightly as they met warm brown. “I made the mistake of questioning your loyalty to your friends once, Rose. I’m not going to do it again.”
“Working on making new mistakes then?” she quipped with a small smile.
“Seem to be. But we do need to get a temporary place in Seattle so we can regroup and come up with a plan. As soon as we have a course of action, we can go get Jack.”
Rose bit down on her bottom lip, worrying at it as she considered asking about the man who’d been on the other end of the phone call. She knew John’s tells for all that he claimed not to have any. It was obvious to her that he had recognized the voice and that it was someone from the past he tried so hard to forget about. Nowadays when she inadvertently wandered a bit too close to those shadowy bits of his life in conversation he would just press his lips together and tell her that he didn’t want to talk about it instead of just clamming up or lashing out like he had when they had first worked together.
They had been making progress. Slow, painstaking progress but progress nonetheless.
Neither one of them talked about their past much still. He had his secrets and she had hers.
Most of the time that worked.
Today was not most of the time though. No matter how much he disliked it, John was going to have to share some of his secrets if they were relevant to figuring out who had Jack and how to get their friend back.
Rose sighed and leaned her head against John’s leather-clad shoulder. Prying into his life could wait until they were not in a public location. Hopefully by the time they were somewhere secure, he would be ready to divulge the necessary information. There was no way he was planning on keeping this from her, they’d moved past that stage in their relationship.
She hoped.
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