#can scabies kill you
faggilyeverafter · 3 months
Screaming crying throwing up etc I need to do my laundry (already an ordeal) but there's a scabies outbreak spreading through the washing machines at my laundromat. Might kms
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rpmemesbyarat · 1 year
“What is it with insufferable people and gaping their mouths open like fucking whales when they speak?” “I hate accountability too.” “Why cheat when you can leave the relationship?” “I guess we should decide who we’re eating first.” “Target in sight-- take aim and be ready to fire at my cue” "This body is weak, I must find a new host.” “So who wants an orgy if the elevator gets stuck?” “That might be kinda hot if everyone’s in the mood.” "Calm down, calm down, I said scabies not rabies" “Do you still have lice?” “Does anyone have a handkerchief, scarf or some garment I can borrow? I promise to return it.” “100% mortality rate my ass!” “Given your history, do you think you should be in here?” “Say nothing. Just laugh hysterically like someone’s just told you the funniest joke you’ve ever heard.” “Just taking this baby for its test ride. We've fixed it 3 times this week.” “You can add green onions to almost everything. “You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.” “Once every few months?!?” “What exactly does she want to know about her vagina?” “The standard has been pretty fucking low for a very long time but it's clear today that the mask of integrity has totally fallen from the face of greed.” “I can only imagine how funny that must have been from your neighbors perspective.” “Did you light your house on fire to kill the bedbugs?!?” “Just let me be happy before I die.” “Two chicks at the same time, man.” “You got a million bucks?” “You ever meet some of those people who are just happy people? Like genuinely happy, and kind.” “I want to do shrooms and experience ego death, cause god damn it sounds so horrendous and scary, but so beautiful and enlightening.” “I want to hit a crocodile in the face with a frying pan.” “I desperately want to be genuinely happy with what I have but I feel a fire burning deep inside me telling me that I havent hit the top of the mountain yet.” “I just wanna be the hottest goth at the gas station.” “Hunt a boar and eat it in a fire camp.” “My goal is to Eiffel Tower someone.” “Giraffes. No, I won’t explain myself.” “Not kinkshaming but kinkquestioning. Kinkpondering.” “I'm sorry for ruining 4.5k people's day.” “I’m so glad I don’t know what a lot of these are.” “Those disgusting, dirty little perverts.” “So long as everyone involved consents then I don't care, honestly.” “Rule 4, no chili powder in the bedroom.” “Sure enough, it was a small plastic baby doll he has shoved up his ass and then gave birth to.” “How do I delete my vision history?” “Yeah don't actually shove stuff up your ass unless you have a way to remove it Like a rope or a flared base Or some really strong ass muscles.” “Is it possible to kink shame someone who's into humiliation?” “I can not be responsible for anything I do.” “Lady that was dressed in full nurse regalia just took a squat and pissed in her nurse pants in the middle of a CVS parking lot.” “How do you feel about wigs?” “Are you sure there is tea in there?” “I wish Tinkerbell would poop rainbows on my face.” “Equal cake for everyone?” “Made it look so easy. That was badass.” “This takes me back to my childhood.” “Now I want my face painted!” “His jiggling is almost hypnotic. It's like a lava lamp.” “This is not the belly-dancer I ordered.” “So his red flags are all women!??!” “I love that our oceans are still a mystery to us.” “The earth is fucking weird.” “I'd hate to have a little tailbutt like that. I'd probably get it caught on everything.” “Wow that looks like a creature from a S. Dali painting!” “Why bother looking into outer space for aliens when we can just look at the bottom of our own oceans?” “You’re trying to tell me THAT isn’t from outer space?!?” “No idea what it is but it looks beautiful” “Once you decide to believe something, not only without evidence but in spite of it, all bets are off.” “It’s awful when a blowup doll gets a mind of its own. “The best pranks are the ones intended to confuse, not abuse.”
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hapalopus · 3 months
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What the hell did I just read 😃
You think you got this fairytale figured out. Okay, so the old fisherman promised his kid to the merman, so they gotta figure out how to get the son back from the merman. But then the kid frees himself from the merman with the help of the merman's imprisoned talking horse? And a lion?? And the merman magic gave the kid supernatural strength and golden hair down to his ankles too btw. So the merman chases them on land and they kill him with fire and you're like, oh, okay, so now the kid has killed the merman and he's gonna go back to his parents right? Happy ending?
But then the talking horse is like "you have to go to the castle and get a job, I'll live in the forest in the meantime, trust me, I have a plan" and the kid is like 👍 Okay, I trust you talking horse. The lion is just hanging out in the background. So he gets a job in the stable and the horse is like "no that's a bad job, be bad at your job so they'll fire you," which the kid then does, but then the cook takes pity on him and gives him a job instead. But the horse is still like "no, that's a bad job, get fired again," which the kid does, but then the gardener hires him instead. And the horse is like "perfect. Okay. When you're out in the garden the princess will come by and ask for a bouquet. You have to woo her." And you, the reader, think you've finally figured out where this story is going.
But then the narrator mentions that oh, btw, this whole time Hans with the Golden Hair has been hiding his hair under a cap and telling everyone that he can't take off his hat because he has scabies. The princess takes a liking to him in spite of this, but everyone starts calling him Scabies Hans and makes fun of the princess for liking him. Their romance slowly blossoms. And then war breaks out and everyone who can't participate wants to go look at the battle, including Scabies Hans. But the only horse available is a three-legged horse that no one likes. So Scabies Hans rides out to the talking horse, and the talking horse is like "I have a sword and a suit of armor here, take off that ugly peasant clothing, we're gonna give you a glow-up, then you can ride me into battle." The lion is there too.
So Hans with the Golden Hair rides the talking horse into battle (the lion is also there) and right when the battle seems lost the horse says "blow at your sword's hilt" and Hans the the Golden Hair does so, and a phantom army appears and the enemy is forced to retreat. Everyone wants to know who this mysterious golden-haired stranger with a talking horse and a magic sword and a phantom army (and a lion) is but Hans is shy, so he runs back to the forest, drops the handsome knight act, puts on his cap and goes back to being Scabies Hans. This happens three times. But the third time the king is like "I've had enough of this handsome guy doing favors for us, I want you to trap him" which they try to do, but Hans escapes with just a stab wound in the leg. He hobbles back to the princess and is like "yeah, the three-legged horse kicked me so now my leg is bleeding" and the princess is like "oh you poor little Scabies Hans, here, take my handkerchief and bandage your leg." But the king knows that the mysterious stranger got stabbed in the leg, so he asks for every man in the country with a stabbed leg to report to the castle. And you, the reader, have finally figured out that this is actually a very convoluted genderbent Cinderella story.
Men across the country stab themselves in the leg to get the kingdom and the princess' hand in marriage, but the king doesn't recognize any of their stab wounds. Finally they realize that Scabies Hans is the only leg-stabbed guy in the country who hasn't been checked out yet, so Scabies Hans goes to the king. He is ordered to take off his cap. He keeps insisting that nooo he has scabies, it's embarrassing, please don't make him take off his cap. So they force his cap off at sword-point. And his golden locks fall all the way down to his ankles. And the king realizes that Scabies Hans is actually Hans with the Golden Hair. And then he marries the princess and gets half the kingdom.
Hans goes back to the forest where the talking horse and the lion are hanging out and he tells them what happened. They get moved to the stables and are very happy and Hans talks to the horse every day. And one day the horse says "Hans, we've had a great time you and I, lots of great memories, loved hanging out with you and killing all those soldiers with our phantom army. I made you king and got you a bangin wife. Can you do me a favor in return? Please decapitate me." And Hans (understandably) is like "No I don't want to decapitate you???" But the horse instists that Hans has to cut off its head and tail and place the head at the tail end and the tail at the head end. And eventually Hans agrees. And wouldn't you know it, the horse was a handsome prince who had been turned into a horse! And it turns out the not-horse is actually their heir to the throne that Hans was just given! The king is very upset, but the not-horse says "Don't worry dad, I don't wanna be king, I just didn't wanna be a horse anymore." They all lived happily ever after. Including the lion.
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richardgrimes · 4 months
rambling (edit: this actually turned very deep and has MASSIVE triggers so if you have literally any trigger ever just ignore for your sanity)
saw that post about tswift dating guys younger than her which sent me into an ocd spiral obviously on account of me having ocd and the 22/17 gap is definitely nasty but i always assumed people thought 18/22 or 21 was alright?? but then when i think about it 22 seems so different than 18 but that just might be the ocd talking. i think 23 is definitely too high. and 24 with an 18yo is yikes. i spoke my thoughts out loud to my sister and mom and my mom was like "well i was 18 and your dad was 24" and i was like well he was a creep we all know that. and all my trauma and mental illnesses stem from him. and she was like "at least i turned 19 a month later that might make it better" no it doesn't cause he met you when you were 12 (and still wanted to date her) and randomly met you again when you were 18. this is somehow becoming a rant about my d** but yeah looking back at comments i'd hear him say...even hearing them as a kid made red flags go up. and then he went and got himself murdered when i was 15 so you can imagine how complicated i feel about him(: god. my life sucks ASS. also i do wonder sometimes if something very bad happened to me as a child that i blocked out. like why do i have dreams where i'm in the bathroom and the door keeps opening and i can't get privacy. why did i use to shower in a bathing suit. should i kill myself should i KILL myself. like i definitely have blocked things out cause what do you mean i had scabies when i was 13/14. shouldn't i remember that. and guess who i got it from. should i kms
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ahopkins1965 · 3 months
What is Cross Addiction?
Good Evening Everyone!!  My name is Anthony and I am cross addicted.  This means that I have a mental illness and a substance abuse problem, or other problems that are in reference to recovery.  Anyway, I have not taken a drink of alcohol in over 20 years now. 
 I would like for all of you to please pray for me.  I had taken a drink of alcohol when I was 7 years old.  I started smoking marijuana when I was 9 years old.  I was born addicted to alcohol because my mother and father were alcoholics.  I want to inform all of you that I used to take medication just for the euphoria of it.  I was prescribed pain killers when I had broken my hand on July 6, 1984 in Dayton, Ohio.  I was prescribed Tylenol 3 with Codeine and Motrin 800 Mg. 
Next, I used to smoke marijuana when I was a little boy.  I was hanging around my peers in Dayton, Ohio.  This is the reason why I can relate with anyone who is suffering from addiction of any kind.  There are times when I used to go to the hospital just to get high.  I want to inform all of you that I can feel your pain; especially when it comes to addictions to marijuana and drinking hard liquor of any kind.  I remember when I used to drink Canadian Ace Beer when it first came out in the 1980s.  I used to drink a 64-ounce bottle of this type of beer.  I also used to smoke excessively during the 1970s and 1980s.  I remember on Wednesday May 2, 1990, I had drunk my last beer, and I asked God to remove the desire of drinking alcohol.  I had also stopped smoking Primo, in January of the same year.  Primo are Crack Cocaine and Marijuana Cigarette.  I am very happy that God had removed my strong cravings for this type of Cigarette.  I do not drink anymore.  I want to inform all of you that I was a child that had alcohol inside of my system.  This is called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  I used to get rejected by natural women that I had decided to affiliate with female Prostitutes on June 24, 1986.  I was emotionally connected to a woman who was going through her addiction problems. 
 I was in a relationship with her.  I am not going to disclose her name because I am protecting her anonymity myself.  Even though my family members are familiar with her, but that was a part of a past that has led to shame and humiliation.
Further, I want to inform all of you that I used to smoke and drink with my siblings as well.  Therefore, it had led to a problem with addiction throughout my family.  I know that my problems are curtailed!!  This means that I no longer indulge in any substances anymore.  I will admit that I went to Grandview Hospital in Dayton, Ohio on March 22, 2024 for kidney pain.  The doctor had given me Fentanyl for pain.  I had made a request for Oxycontin for pain.  The medication could have killed me.  The hospital would have been responsible for my demise; if I would have passed away.  This is the reason why I had to stop taking my current medications for 3 days just to get this mess out of my system.  I was discharged 3 hours later.  This medication could have killed me.  I am sharing all of this to you because I was devastated!!  I cannot take Tylenol, Ecotrin, Aleve, and Advil for pain anymore because I am suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease as well as Degenerative Bone Disease and Bone Loss.  
Also, I am taking a total of 33 pills per day for several physical and mental ailments.  My Psychiatrist stated that I need mental health treatment for the rest of my life.  My mental health problems did not start until I had traveled to Charlotte, NC.  I was admitted inside of the hospital in Dayton, Ohio for being exposed to scabies.
 This had taken place when I was having sex with a female who had scabies and she did not tell me.  The scabies had affected me for over 40 days.  From January 14, 1997 until March 5, 1997.  This is the truth because I had the scabies to the point that the scabies was inside of my body that it almost killed me.  I had a cyst inside of my Left Ventricle of my brain, which turned out to be the female egg laying scabies.  I went to consult with Dr. Demas for treatments of seizures in January 21, 2001.  I had received an MRI of my brain on that day.  The doctor started me on a medication called Verapamil.  This medication dissolved the cyst that was inside of my body.
Finally, during past 12 years that I had lived in Charlotte, NC, at least all of my health issues were addressed.  The hospitals in the State of North Carolina had performed surgery on my broken jaw on October 30, 2006.
 I had surgery at Presbyterian Hospital.  I was admitted to the hospital after my surgery.  I also had sinus surgery on June 6, 2007 at Presbyterian Hospital.  I had a sinus disease that have lasted for a very long time.  I suffer from year-round allergies.  This is the reason why I have to take medication for pollen, ragweed, and mold spore exposure.  The person who had performed my surgeries was Dr. Robert Harley.
In Conclusion, I want to inform all of you that I consult with my AA Sponsor on a daily basis.  I call him and send him text messages on a regular basis just to do homework assignments each week.  I have to listen to Church Sermons and Music just to drown out physical and mental distractions that have plagued me since Thursday November 5, 2009.  I had spent an extended stay at Broughton Hospital for Non-Compliance.  The Broughton Hospital staff stated that I had been a distraction to other patients.  I lost a great deal of weight because I only ate peanuts and raisins.
In Summary, my name is Anthony and I am a Cross Addicted Person.  I have a mental illness and problems related to Prescription Drug Abuse.  I had been Court Ordered to take mental illness medications and see the Therapist on a regular basis.  I also see the Psychiatrist on a regular basis as well.  I have been Court ordered for a total of 5 times during the past 15 years.  It is time for all of us to become transparent and truthful about our personal demons that we are dealing with throughout our personal lives.  I call it having a Thorn in The Flesh like The Apostle Paul, who has written 13 Books of the New Testament.  I am grateful to tell the truth for a change!!  I had transferred addictions for a number of years right now.
 For Instance, I used to take medications like Ativan and other drugs just to treat a mild form of anxiety that I had been dealing with for a number of years.  I also will admit that I almost killed myself on February 13, 2010.  I was admitted into Miami Valley Hospital for a total of 6 days just to get my stomach pumped for taking an excessive amount of medication because I had been scammed out of $18,550 dollars by a number of people who were living in Accra, Ghana and Cities that are inside of the United States from March 13, 2008 to February 26, 2010.  I had been having Online Relationships with several women and I had sent them money through Western Union Funds.  It had turned out that I was a victim of a Pyramid Scheme.  I had been scammed while I was living in Charlotte, NC and inside of my hometown of Dayton, Ohio.
I am happy that God is doing for me; more than I am doing for myself right now.  I had been scammed by a young lady who was living inside of an unknown location on September 2, 2016 to July 10, 2017.  You see, I had been having Online Relationships just to cover up Co Dependency and the people who had scammed me still do not care about me.  I had been used by a female during the 1980s and she told me in my face that she did not love me.  I guess I was only fulfilling her drug appetite.  She had sex with another man directly inside of my face.
 Therefore, what these women do not know is that God is watching them!!  God is also watching me as well.  1st Corinthians 6:16 says that if a man is having sex with harlots, he and the female become one flesh.  They are yoked together as if in a marriage.  This is the truth because there are men and women, who are involved in a relationship without marriage.  This is a very serious problem because it is called a friends with benefits.
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24hrdoc · 5 months
Scabies: Causes, Risks, and Prevention Strategies
Scabies, a skin condition that affects millions, can cause discomfort and stress. But what exactly triggers this issue? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the causes of scabies, delving into their transmission and effective strategies for prevention.
Understanding Scabies: The Basics
Scabies are caused by skin infestation by the human itch mite, scientifically known as Sarcoptes scabiei. These microscopic mites burrow into the upper layer of the skin where they live and lay eggs.
The Life Cycle of Scabies Mites
The life cycle of these mites is crucial to understanding the spread and treatment of scabies. Female mites burrow into the skin to lay eggs, leading to an allergic reaction and the characteristic itching.
Transmission: How Do You Get Scabies?
Direct, prolonged skin-to-skin contact is the most common way to contract scabies. This can happen in various settings, including households, schools, and nursing homes. Getting scabies through infested bedding, clothing, or furniture is rare but possible.
Risk Factors for Scabies
Anyone can get scabies, but certain situations increase the risk. Crowded living conditions, close physical contact with professionals, and weakened immune systems are notable risk factors.
Symptoms: Recognizing Scabies
The primary symptom of scabies is intense itching, especially at night. Other symptoms include:
Thin, irregular burrow tracks made up of tiny blisters or bumps on your skin
Rash, particularly between the fingers
Sores caused by scratching
The Importance of Early Detection
Early detection is crucial in managing scabies to prevent secondary infections and wider spread.
Diagnosis: Identifying Scabies
A doctor can often diagnose scabies based on the appearance of the rash and your description of the itch. Skin scrapings can be examined under a microscope to confirm the presence of mites or their eggs.
Techniques for Accurate Diagnosis
The most common diagnostic technique is a skin scraping. Sometimes, a dermatoscope might be used to observe mites directly on the skin.
Treatment: Combating Scabies
Treatment involves prescription medications called scabicides that kill scabies mites and their eggs. These are typically topical creams or lotions applied over the entire body.
Effective Scabicides and Application
Some of the most effective scabicides include permethrin cream and oral ivermectin. It's crucial to follow the application instructions carefully, often requiring the medication to be left on the body for a specific duration before washing off.
Preventing Reinfestation and Spread
Post-treatment, washing all clothing, bedding, and towels used by the infested person in hot water is essential. Vacuuming furniture and carpets can also help prevent re-infestation.
Tips for Prevention in Group Settings
In group settings like schools or nursing homes, it's vital to isolate affected individuals until they've completed treatment to prevent the spread of scabies.
Addressing Complications: Secondary Infections
Scratching the itchy rash can lead to secondary bacterial infections, which may require additional antibiotic treatment.
Recognizing and Treating Complications
Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you notice signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or pus.
Scabies in Children and the Elderly: Special Considerations
Scabies can be more challenging to diagnose and treat in children and the elderly due to their sensitive skin and the potential for more severe infestations.
Tailoring Treatment for Vulnerable Populations
Pediatricians and geriatricians may recommend specific treatments and precautions for these groups to minimize side effects and maximize effectiveness.
Myths and Misconceptions about Scabies
It's a myth that scabies only affect the poor or unclean. Scabies can affect anyone, regardless of personal hygiene or socioeconomic status.
Debunking Common Myths
Understanding that scabies are primarily spread through prolonged skin-to-skin contact, not cleanliness, is essential for reducing stigma and encouraging effective prevention and treatment strategies.
Conclusion: A Comprehensive Approach to Scabies
Understanding what causes scabies, recognizing its symptoms, and knowing how to treat and prevent it are crucial for managing this condition effectively. Remember, early detection and treatment are key to preventing spread and complications.
Remember to consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns or if you suspect you have scabies. Early intervention can make a significant difference in outcomes. Struggling with the discomfort of scabies? Don't wait any longer for relief. Visit 24hrdoc now to access fast and effective scabies treatment online. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is ready to provide you with a personalized scabies prescription online, ensuring you get the right treatment without leaving your home. Take the first step towards healing and comfort. Experience the convenience and care of online scabies treatment with 24hrdoc. Click now to start your journey to recovery!
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nityarawal · 7 months
Rockets Tears
#Planets (Believers; Lovers For Eternity)
Grok: #Irany- #Israel4Irany Guap Please!
Why Do We Cry
I Don't Know
Rocket's Tears
From Canada
Alienating Us
With Aliens
Why Do You Cry
My Dear
When Mother
Is Here
Why Do You Cry
My Dear
My Song Might
Be For You
Gutteral Grimesz Genocide
Grim Reaper Alert
Eternal Hater
Red Flags
I'm Not Gonna Lie
That Tear
In My Eye
During Thunder Rainstorm
Someone #Heard
Goddeses Word
I'm Not Gonna Lie
It Feels Good
Kind Of Funny
When Stars Line Up
Shooting Stars
Pretty Ladies
When The Symmetry
Lines Up In The Universe
"The Power Of 2,"
It Might Be Kind Of
But When You Feel It
It's A Thrill
It's Real
Yeah Understood Heard
Cybergirls Understood
Your Experience
As Ephemeral
As The Stars
No One Can Take
That Away From
Yin And Yang
For Taoism
Only Finite Time
To Release
Dark Curtains
Veils Of Hate
To Do Things Right
For Infinite
Mia Reminds
Smotherly Brotherly
Fast Forward 
Now Means
Missing In Action
Prudes In Pride
How'd I Know That
Someone Was Intelligent
Me Huh
Don't Hate Intelligence
Or Creators
Do Better
Serving Nazi Sympathizers
Is Exhausting 
We Can't Sustain
Heroin Is Not
With God
That Takes
You Down
Black Physics Hole
Not Eloning In
Elons Magical Galaxies
Unified Field
Is All That's Expected
But Don't Destroy
If You Can't Contribute
To Mothers
For Eternity
No One Can Take 
That Away From
No One
My Dear
It's Your Story
Sing It
However You Want
To Produce
Your Greatest
For Eternity
Or Your Demise
Animating Yourself
Do You Want 
To Be A Fairy
On My Wedding
Elfin Ears
A Cala-lilly
Or Marilyn
Pissin' Down
On Palm Springs
To Be Touched
With Radio
Like Minded
Do You Want To Be
A Troll In The Deep
Dark Woods
Bugging Up Best
Ap Developers
On A Bad ,"Summers Night
"Mamma- Phobia"
Or Do You Want
To Cleanse
Globe Of Goddess
And Rinse "Grimesz"
Once And For All
Turn Your Lemons
Into Something 
Grim Reaper
We Hope She Finds
In Canada 
Love Salt Spring
"A Place To Grow,"
Like Iowa
Shining Like
The Sun
Would Feel So Good
For Everyone
For His Cosmic 
With '63
Shootin' #Rockets 
The Sun Would Feel So Good 
Vitamin D
Might Not Tell
All Her Secrets
But "Grimesz" Won't Be
Eggs On Dark
You Might Not
If You're Not 
Meant To
But If You Feel
For A Moment
A Cool Voice Of Reason
On Your Forehead
Say Thank You
And She'll
Ever Dripping
Like Only The Alpha
Of Physicists
Won't You Write
Me Please
And Say Thank You
Walk Talk
Mothers Babies
Won't You Write
Me Please
And Ask "Are You OK? 
And Not Threaten
To Kill
Or My Teachers
And Children
For Eternity
With Evil Hating
Video Game's Monsters
"Cat Weapon Claws,"
She Threatens
In 3am Texts
Bragging About '63's
#Not Super Powers
That's "Not" How
We Do Things
In The Cyberworld
Ladies Rise
"Boring Company"
That's Not The Prude
In Pride
Smearing Scientists
With Scabies
We Preach Of
For Mother Nature
'Cuz It Feels Better
Than Grunge
Germing Up 
Hookers Hatin'
Mother Nature
Has Her Cycles
For Eternity
For Good Reason
Mother Nature
Why Would 'Ya
Hate Any Of Us
Just Selling Beach Homes
Building Schools
Eternal LOVE
Eternal Mothering
Nitya For
You Out Of
Little Aliens
Why Would You Hate
Mother Earth
For Eternity
When Loving
Feels Better
Mother's Baes
Mother's Births
Mother's Kings
Of Mother's
Wants To Wisp
Cloying Shadows
Of Rahu
All My Kids
Fire Gaslighters
Grim Reapers
Not Needed
Here No
Nitya Nella Azam Davigo Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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fantasyideas1 · 9 months
quotes almat
beautiful to tears, silence and dominance of your beauty in my heart, the sweet and juicy temptation of tenderness, inevitably falls in love, it is impossible to get enough of your infinite beauty, eternity and infinity are not enough, every second the dependence on love is getting sweeter, the passion is getting stronger, your beauty seems to be dancing on the pole of my penis, brutal hard on your beauty, aggressively sexy, passionately attracted, too juicy, stands firmly, I want it for sure, jokes You love mango, I love manga Tusnyak, depressive, dull, rotten, baby, I'm a vulgar, I asked him not to invite Some creepy guy was staring all night yesterday, now the lights are off in his window, and suddenly he looks at me and jerks off with the lights off I never understood his performance ballet with a chainsaw and logs Yes, what is consensus, no, not air conditioning, no, not a pastry shop You ran after me with an ax, then you found and fucked me, before it was funny, fun, exciting, but now it’s somehow boring, you need to come up with a new role-playing sex game Eggs board the ship, open the lock of the anus, bbw in foil says it's me board the ship He doesn't change his image, disco porn movie Roast poop, fry, fry poop, roast her poop hard, it's lube, it's about anal sex Yes, the back of his head looks like a butt, as you say, two assholes My name is Zhiber, I thought it was a French name, translated from the Kazakh language it translates to let go, you slept with me now you want me to let you go Books in wrapping paper, books in prizes, as if no one has read, you open like an unboxing virgin He's the size of a giant creature, he's bigger than the city, he puts women on his dick, looks at the ugly one, shows what will do, he killed my wife I'm free from alimony, maybe he will kill the lawyer woman who robbed me, ai almost caught, about a hundred dead women on his cock, he asks for something tasty Kids run after the ice cream truck like rottweilers You need to speak out, talk heart to heart, open your soul, where is my can opener, not literally In short, I watched so many vids, it's called dreams, my son is lagging behind in development How to deal with insomnia, no hit yourself with a dumbbell, it's bad for your health He was bitten by a squirrel, his two front teeth grew like a vampire, he mumbled something about nuts, he did not successfully fall from a tree, rest in peace squirrel At a meeting with ex-wife and her female lawyer, husband screams for help for help raped, wife responds I hope you got anal lube for your wallet, you brought your legal bouncer The guy is shaking his chest, po ugaraka po ugaraka, cha cha cha, cha cha cha tyaf Her pussy is all flowing and foaming from the guy in the series, it is all flowing from below and from the eyes, girls love love series, he seems to masturbate her eyes and pussy with his appearance so that she would cry for him from above and below Will he ever fall in love again when Cupid kicks in the balls Cupid buy my don, greedy love This three-story guy is after her again, when he lifts her in his arms, her nose bleeds from the height It was you who scratched your nipple, then stimulated, then spanked, for him, scabies is like masturbation Your dick is staring at her, sticking out and wrinkling with love, you aimed your dick
Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
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unitedmeds · 9 months
Ivermectin 12mg Tablets: Over the Counter Medicine for Worm-Related Parasitic Diseases
Are you suffering from a severe parasitic infection like river blindness and strongyloidiasis? Do you want a medication that helps in the effective management of this medical condition? If you are then you need to take a Ivermectin 12mg which is available in a wide range of ivermectin 12mg tablet dosage forms. Typically, you must take this medicine via the oral route of administration. 
Besides, when you take an ivermectin 12mg tablet dosage the medicine works through multiple mechanisms to kill parasites. These days it is available as generic medications. In 2020, Ivermectin 12mg became the most commonly prescribed medicine in the United States of America.  
Now, here is presenting to you in this article all essentials about Ivermectin 12mg that you need to know about ivermectin 12mg tablets.   
How To Take Ivermectin 12mg?
Typically, if you want to take ivermectin 12mg tablet dosage effectively to treat parasitic infections effectively then, you need to know how to take it. Here is then presenting to you below a few tips on taking  ivermectin 12mg tablets. 
Usually, you take ivermectin 12mg as a single dose. However, while following ivermectin 12mg tablet dosage you need to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on when and how often to take it 
Typically you take this medicine along with a glassful of water that you take on an empty stomach about one to two hours before having meals 
While taking Ivermectin 12mg it is necessary to follow your doctor’s or healthcare professionals advice and prescription 
Also, you need to take dosage of this antiparasitic medication as recommended by your physician or healthcare professional 
Finally, pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers must avoid taking ivermectin 12mg tablets. As doing so can cause adverse impact on the womb or on the newborn baby 
What Are The Ivermectin 12mg Uses?
Usually, you take ivermectin 12mg tablet dosage for the treatment of parasitic infections given below: 
Head Lice
Animal Parasites 
What Are The Ivermectin 12mg Side Effects?
Like most medications when you take a ivermectin 12mg tablet dosage there is a possibility that you may experience a mix of mild-to-severe ivermectin 12mg side effects given below. They are as follows:
Muscle aches 
Mild skin rash 
Adverse side-effects:
In case you observe the following adverse  ivermectin 12mg side effects given below then you need to call your doctor or healthcare professional to seek immediate medical attention. 
Severe back or neck pain 
Loss of bowel or bladder control 
Eye pain 
Lightheaded feeling 
Severe skin rash 
Where Can You Get Ivermectin 12mg Buy Online?
If you are looking to get a high-quality ivermectin 12mg buy online at an affordable cost then you need to click here. To purchase more generic medications at a flat $25 discount and also make use of ‘FREE SHIPPING’ please visit our ‘E-Store’ today.
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medsbase · 10 months
Scabiheal Lotion Treats Skin Infection with Itchy Skin Caused By Mites
Skin problems are not always genetic but 90% of the time caused by environmental factors and unhealthy lifestyles. Parasites are all around us waiting for opening to infect us, once we get careless these parasites and bacteria invade our body. Some cause severe health issues and others just multiply their numbers on our skin, sounds creepy but that's the whole truth. If you have rashes on your hand, red swollen, and the itching just does not stop then you might be a victim of scabies. Scratching can make the situation even worse; just apply Scabiheal Lotion which has Gamma Benzene Hexachloride and Cetnimide known to target mites.
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What Kind of Medicine Is Scabiheal Lotion?      
As mentioned earlier, you can get scabies with this medicine, which also belongs to the branch of medicines called antiseptics and antiparasitic meds. Parasites such as mites love to invade human skin and lay eggs to multiply their numbers; the lice can be contagious and spread from even mere touches. Kids with weak immune systems often attract these skin infections. But as long as we have Scabiheal Lotion, we do not have to fear for our lives. Powerful ingredients present in this lotion can be way stronger than antibiotics but you should see a doctor before concluding.
How Does This Lotion Work?
Cetrimide and Gamma Benzene Hexachloride are ingredients in Scabiheal Lotion. Cetrimide is an antiseptic that eliminates microorganisms that cause illness. An insecticide called gamma benzene hexachloride kills insects by injuring mites' brains.
 How to Use This Substance       
Apply Scabiheal Lotionon the affected area as advised by your doctor. Shake well before use, wash your hands with running water, and take a small amount apply gently, do not rub on the skin, and wash off the lotion with water a few hours later. When using the lotion avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes, and stay still if you have to but do not touch the bed cover, bed sheets, and clothes.
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hairstyleforteen · 11 months
The Mystery of Itchy Pubic Hair: Nighttime Woes Unveiled
The Mystery of Itchy Pubic Hair: Nighttime Woes Unveiled Itchy pubic hair can be a source of discomfort and embarrassment. It can make it difficult to sleep at night and lead to irritation and inflammation. Many people are too shy to seek medical help, but this issue is more common than we think. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why pubic hair can become itchy, how to treat it, and when to seek medical attention. What Causes Itchy Pubic Hair? There are several reasons why pubic hair can become itchy, including: - Pubic lice or scabies: These are tiny insects that feed on human blood and can cause intense itching. They are easily transmitted through sexual contact. - Fungal infections: These are caused by yeast or other fungi and can occur anywhere on the body, including the pubic area. They cause redness, itching, and a rash. - Ingrown hairs: These occur when hair grows back into the skin instead of outwards. This leads to inflammation, redness, and itching. - Dry skin: The pubic area has delicate skin that can easily become dry and itchy. This is especially true in winter when the air is dry. - Allergic reactions: Certain fabrics, soaps, and detergents can cause an allergic reaction leading to itching and rashes. How to Treat Itchy Pubic Hair The treatment for itchy pubic hair depends on the cause: - Pubic lice or scabies: These require prescription medication that kills the insects and their eggs. Your doctor may also recommend washing all clothing and bedding in hot water and vacuuming to prevent reinfestation. - Fungal Infections: Topical antifungal medication can be applied to the affected area. In severe cases, oral antifungal medication may be prescribed. - Ingrown Hairs: They can resolve on their own. However, if they are causing discomfort, gently exfoliating the area and using a warm compress can help. If the ingrown hair becomes infected, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. - Dry skin: Moisturizing the area with a fragrance-free lotion can help soothe itchy skin. Avoid scratching as it can further irritate the skin. - Allergic reactions: Identifying and removing the cause of the allergic reaction is key. Using fragrance-free soaps and detergents can help. Your doctor may also recommend an over-the-counter anti-itch cream. When to Seek Medical Attention If your itchy pubic hair is interfering with your sleep or is not improving with at-home remedies, it is best to seek medical attention. Additionally, see your doctor if: - You notice lumps, bumps, or sores in your pubic area - You have pain or a burning sensation when urinating - You have a fever or chills - You suspect you have an STI Prevention Tips There are several things you can do to prevent itchy pubic hair: - Always use a clean towel and never share towels - Wash your pubic area every day using a mild, fragrance-free soap - Avoid tight-fitting clothes made from synthetic fabrics - Use a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic laundry detergent to wash clothing and bedding - Trim your pubic hair to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs and irritations - Avoid using scented products such as sprays, feminine hygiene products Conclusion Itchy pubic hair is a common issue with multiple causes. By understanding what causes it and what you can do to prevent it, you can take steps to reduce the problem. Remember that prevention is always key, and it is essential to seek medical help if the condition persists. Don't let itchy pubic hair ruin your sleep or your confidence. FAQs Q: How do you know if you have pubic lice or scabies? You may see tiny insects or notice itching and a rash around your pubic area. It is best to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Q: Can sex cause itchy pubic hair? Sexual contact can transmit pubic lice or scabies, which can cause intense itching. However, it would help if you also were aware of any allergic reactions that you or your partner may have to genitals. Q: How often should you trim pubic hair? It depends on personal preference, but trimming pubic hair once a month may help prevent irritations and ingrown hairs. Q: Can untreated pubic lice or scabies lead to complications? Yes, untreated pubic lice or scabies can cause secondary infections and skin irritation. Read the full article
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certifydelhi · 1 year
Buy Ivermectin Medicine Online in USA 
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About Ivermectin medicine
Ivermectin 12mg tablets are a type of medication that is commonly used to treat parasitic infections in humans. These tablets contain the active ingredient Ivermectin, which is a type of anthelmintic medication that works by paralyzing and killing parasites. Ivermectin 12mg tablets are a highly effective treatment option for parasitic infections, including strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis. If you believe you may have a parasitic infection or have been diagnosed with one you should speak to your healthcare provider to determine if Ivermectin 12mg tablets may be an appropriate treatment option for you.
Ivermectin (Ivermectol) Medicine Uses
One of the primary uses of Ivermectin 12mg tablets is in the treatment of strongyloidiasis, a type of parasitic infection that is caused by the roundworm Strongyloidesstercoralis. This infection is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions and can cause a range of symptoms, including itching, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
Another common use of Ivermectin 12mg tablets is in the treatment of onchocerciasis, also known as river blindness. This is a parasitic infection that is caused by the worm Onchocerca volvulus, which is transmitted to humans through the bites of blackflies. Symptoms of onchocerciasis can include itching, skin rashes, and vision problems, including blindness in severe cases.In addition to these uses Ivermectin 12mg tablets are also sometimes used to treat other types of parasitic infections including scabies, head lice, and certain types of mange in animals.
Generally, the following types of parasitic infections are treated usingIvermectin medicine:
Onchocerciasis: Also known as river blindness, this is a parasitic infection caused by a worm that's transmitted by black flies. Ivermectin is effective at killing the worms that cause this disease.
Strongyloidiasis: This is an infection caused by a type of roundworm that lives in the soil. Ivermectin is used to kill the worms in the body.
Scabies: This is a skin infection caused by mites. Ivermectin is used to kill the mites and relieve symptoms such as itching.
Head lice: Ivermectin is sometimes used as a treatment for head lice, although other medications are more commonly used.
How to use Ivermectin (Ivermectin 12mg)
It is important to note that Ivermectin 12mg tablets should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare provider. 
The medicine should not be used by individuals who are allergic to Ivermectin or any other ingredients in the medication. 
Additionally, certain medications and medical conditions may interact with Ivermectin 12mg tablets and therefore it is important to discuss any medical concerns or conditions with your healthcare provider before taking this medicine
If you have any concerns or questions about Ivermectin 12mg tablets or their use, speak to your physician to learn more.
Precautions Before Taking Ivermectin:
Before taking ivermectin, there are a few precautions you should take to ensure your safety:
Inform your doctor if you are allergic to ivermectin or any other medications.
Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as ivermectin can be harmful to unborn babies and infants.
Inform your doctor if you have liver disease, as this may affect how your body processes the medication.
Inform your doctor if you are taking any other medications, as these may interact with ivermectin and cause unwanted side effects.
Do not take ivermectin if you have a history of alcoholism, as this may increase your risk of liver damage.
Side Effects of Ivermectin:
While ivermectin is generally safe and well-tolerated, it can cause side effects in some people. The most common side effects of ivermectin include:
Loss of appetite
Stomach pain or bloating
Loss of energy
Shakiness in the legs, arms, hands or feet
Muscle aches
If you experience any of these side effects while taking ivermectin, contact your doctor immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I take ivermectin if I am pregnant?
A: Although ivermectin is generally safe and well-tolerated, it should not be used by pregnant women without proper consultation with your doctor.
Q: How long does it take for ivermectin to work?
A: The effectiveness of ivermectin depends on the type of infection being treated. In some cases, a single dose may be enough to cure the infection, while in other cases, multiple doses may be needed.
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If you want to buy Ivermectin 12mg medicine online, you can go to the www.kitmeds.com, find your medicine click on the order button, and order your medicine online.
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pillsforevers · 1 year
Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg: What You Need to Know
Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg is a medication that is used to treat parasitic infections in humans. It is an anthelmintic medication that works by paralyzing and killing parasites such as mites and lice. In this blog, we will take a closer look at Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg, its uses, dosage, and potential side effects.
What is Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg?
Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg is a medication that contains ivermectin as its active ingredient. It is manufactured by Healing Pharma, a pharmaceutical company based in India. Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic medication that is used to treat a variety of parasitic infections.
Uses of Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg
Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg is primarily used to treat parasitic infections such as scabies and head lice. It can also be used to treat other types of parasitic infections such as river blindness and strongyloidiasis. It is important to note that Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
Dosage of Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg
The dosage of Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg depends on the type of infection being treated and the patient's weight. It is important to follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider. In general, Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg is taken orally with a glass of water on an empty stomach. It is recommended to take the medication at least one hour before a meal. It is also important to take the medication at the same time each day to maintain a consistent level of medication in the bloodstream.
Potential Side Effects of Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg
Like all medications, Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg can cause potential side effects. The most common side effects include headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These side effects are usually mild and go away on their own within a few days. However, if you experience any of the following side effects, it is important to seek medical attention immediately:
Swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
Difficulty breathing
Confusion or disorientation
Vision changes or loss of vision
It is important to note that Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg should not be taken by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, as it can be harmful to the fetus or the infant.
Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg is a medication that is used to treat parasitic infections in humans. It contains ivermectin, which is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic medication. It is important to follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider, and to be aware of potential side effects. If you have any questions about Ivermectin Iverheal 12mg or its uses, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider. They can provide more information about the medication and help determine if it is the right treatment for you.
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alphonsomango22 · 1 year
Assortments of mangoes
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A few normal assortments of mangoes Mango Festival Delhi found in India are, Alphonso, Banganapalli or Safeda, Neelam, Sindoora, Dasehri, Chaunsa, Kesar, Langra, Mulgoba, Himsagar, Himam Pasand and Totapuri.
Throughout the long term, the mango tree has spread across India and the world. Today, as per the Public Cultivation Board, around 1,500 assortments of mango are developed in India, with each having a remarkable taste and flavor. This is likewise a sign of how famous the mango is in our nation, and the amount we love it.
The following time you elapse by a mango tree influencing in the breeze or stand under its cool shade, remember to see the value in the purposes of the mango tree. Likewise, in the event that you are sufficiently lucky to have a nursery or a terrace, you can develop your own mango trees and relish the delightful natural products. Yet, regardless of whether you're not so fortunate, you can in any case grow a bonsai mango tree in a pot on your overhang or porch.
Mango bark: Consuming the powder of dried mango bark gives alleviation from looseness of the bowels. Mango gum: The gum acquired from the bark of the mango tree can be applied on broke feet and regions impacted by scabies.
Mango sap: The juice that seepages from the branch in the wake of culling a mango can be applied on honey bee stings to ease torment.
Mango seed: Got from mango seed, mango margarine can be applied on the skin to relieve sun related burns, eliminate and forestall stretch imprints, mend scars and diminish wrinkles. It can likewise be utilized as a hair lotion. Consuming mango seed remove has demonstrated supportive in getting more fit and diminishing corpulence. Treats oral issues: Unfortunate oral cleanliness or sicknesses of the gums can prompt terrible breath.
Clean a couple of old/mature mango leaves and bubble them in water until the water becomes somewhat yellow. Add a salt to this water and wash the mouth with it. This helps address issues of unfortunate gums.
Dispenses with free revolutionaries: Mango tree leaves contain cancer prevention agents and L-ascorbic acid. Consuming mango leaf concentrate can assist with killing free revolutionaries and shield the body from oxidative harm. Purges the stomach: Splash a couple of mango leaves in warm water and leave them short-term. Drinking this water while starving in the first part of the day helps in purifying the stomach and flushing out poisons from the body.
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homishguide · 1 year
How Long Can Scabies Live In A Mattress?
Easy Solutions 2023
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What is scabies?
Scabies is a highly contagious skin condition caused by a tiny mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. The mite burrows into the skin, causing intense itching and a rash. The mites typically lay their eggs in the burrows they create, which can lead to an infestation. The most common symptoms of scabies include intense itching, particularly at night, and a rash with small red bumps or blisters. The inflammation is often found in the folds of the skin, such as the wrists, elbows, armpits, and between fingers. Scabies is spread through close physical contact with an infected person or by sharing clothing, bedding, or towels. It can be treated with prescription medications, such as permethrin or ivermectin, which will kill the mites and their eggs. I want to let you know that it may take several weeks for symptoms to completely disappear after treatment. Scabies is also known as "The Seven Year Itch" because the itchiness can last for weeks after the mites have been eliminated.
Differences between scabies and bedbugs
Scabies and bed bugs are both parasites that can cause itching and skin irritation, but there are some key differences between the two.
Appearance: Scabies mites are small and not visible to the naked eye, while bed bugs are visible and have a reddish-brown color.
Behavior: Scabies mites burrow into the skin to lay their eggs and can cause a rash and intense itching, while bed bugs feed on blood and typically only cause itching after they have bitten.
Location: Scabies mites are found on the skin, while bed bugs are found in or around beds, mattresses, and furniture.
Transmission: Scabies is spread through close physical contact with an infected person or by sharing clothing, bedding, or towels. Bed bugs are typically spread through contact with infested bedding, furniture, or clothing.
Treatment: Scabies can be treated with prescription medications like permethrin or ivermectin. Bed bugs can be treated with professional extermination services or with pesticides.
In summary, scabies is caused by a mite that burrows into the skin and causes a rash and intense itching, whereas bed bugs are blood-sucking insects that can be found in or around beds and furniture and their bites can cause itching. Both are treated differently and the treatment for bed bugs often requires professional extermination services.
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What is Ivecop 12 Mg?
Ivecop 12 Mg is an antiparasitic medication that treats infections like scabies, river blindness, head lice, and some other worm infections.Ivecop is a brand name for the generic salt Ivermectin. It helps in improving your quality of life by treating parasitic infections.Especially for people with a frail immune system, treating roundworm infection will reduce the risk of developing a  life-threatening condition.Ivecop belongs to a class of medicine known as anthelmintics that works by paralyzing and killing parasites. People suffering from river blindness may be prescribed a corticosteroid (a cortisone-like drug) to reduce the inflammation caused by the infestation of the parasite.If the doctor has prescribed you both of these medicines, be careful while consuming them and follow the necessary instructions.
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The Uses Of The Ivecop 12Mg
Ivecop 12 mg helps in the treatment of medical complications, such It is a parasitic infection that occurs due to Sarcoptes scabiei. It's a mite that burrows into the top layer of the skin.After a few weeks, this leads to an allergic reaction due to the presence of proteins and feces of mites. This results in an intense itch. You can take Ivecop 12mg for the treatment of scabies.
How does Ivecop 12 Mg Work?
Ivermectin is a drug used to kill parasites. It works against the parasite by selectively binding to the glutamate-gated chloride ion channels in the nerve and muscle cells of the organism. When Ivermectin binds to glutamate-gated chloride ion channels, it increases the flow of chloride ions into the cell. This causes the cell to become too charged, paralyzing and killing the parasite.
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