#can’t really call is handmade or juice cause i swear it was usually just a pouch and a bunch of sugar lol
rosicheeks · 1 month
I would KILL for some koolaid or like those “handmade” “juice” that you would make when you were little. Grab one of those weird ass pitchers and throw all the shit in there, stir it and drink. Yummy yum yum
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artaefact · 3 years
a letter in roses.
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—wordcount: 8k+
—genre: FLUFF, romance, CEO au, valentine’s day au, husband!taehyung
—pairing: kim taehyung x f reader ft. florist!hobi, baker!jimin & ???!jk
—rating: 18+
—warnings: cheesy fluff, taehyung wants the tea, taehyung is kinda a hazard in the kitchen, yeontan being a little rascal, suggestive themes, swearings
—summary: Since it’s the first time celebrating Valentine’s Day with you as his wife, Taehyung goes the extra mile of preparing something special for you. After all, he has managed to run a billion-dollar worth company. So, preparing handmade delicacies should be simple enough, right?
author’s note: this is part of the bangtan pastries collab hosted by @suhdays !! AND ALSO ____ and [Name] are two different ocs so hopefully it’s not confusing !! happy reading everyone 💖
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© artaefact 2021. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is NOT permitted.
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Valentine's Day. The day where people spend time with their loved ones, either going out to celebrate or spending quality time together at home. Just anything to bring a smile to their loved ones' faces.
Taehyung used to question this annual occasion—a lot. What is truly the purpose of this day? Don't you have to make your loved ones happy all the time? What difference does it make to celebrate it on this "special" day and on a typical day? Or, in other words, it was a complete waste of time and energy—is what he used to say.
For many years, Taehyung's only companions on this day are paperwork, meetings, and... more paperwork. So, it's not surprising how disinterested he is at the thought of celebrating Valentine's Day.
But today, he barely can stifle his smile and contain his excitement throughout the morning conference. The minute when the meeting ends, he strides out of the room and heads straight back home.
His employees had stared at him in awe after he announced that everyone can leave work early today. Everyone wonders what has gotten Kim Taehyung so excited on Valentine's Day until they remember that he is, now, officially a husband. Taehyung no longer frequently locks himself in his office until past midnight dealing with documents and phone calls. Not when you're waiting for him at home. Sometimes he'd even cut his work hours short if he deems himself deserving just to see you faster.
Everyone can see how utterly in love the boss is with his wife. Just the mention of your name is enough to grace his usual stern expression with a soft smile.
So, it's not surprising that an annoyed sigh emits from Taehyung's lips when his work phone dings just as he steps out of the elevator on his penthouse floor. Taking out his phone, he reads an urgent message that some part of the meeting's presentation details have not been mentioned to him earlier. For once, Taehyung wishes work can give him a break. Today is supposed to be a special day, after all.
Shoving his phone back into his pocket, Taehyung walks into his home. Soft jazzy music plays from the living room, along with the tinge of coffee fragrance wafting in the air, ebbing his growing annoyance away. He takes off his dress shoes before entering even further, knowing full well how his wife would make him clean up if he stains the Persian rug you received as a wedding gift. With a pair of home slippers covering his feet, he emerges from the front hallway to the living room as he shrugs off his navy pinstripe suit jacket and loosens his tie.
Taehyung hears the rapid padding of pawsteps first as a fluffy friend appears out of the kitchen, greeting Taehyung with a woof and an excited wag of his tail, scampering to his owner. Smiling, Taehyung crouches to give Yeontan a backrub as the pomeranian revels at the affection.
After a few moments, he walks to the kitchen—Yeontan still excitedly following—where the smell of coffee grows stronger. He finds you sipping on your morning coffee and scrolling through your tablet—perhaps, reading the latest news—as you sit on the bar table of the kitchen.
Sensing his presence, your head turns to the doorway. “Hey, you're back.”
“Mhmm… Finished my meetings earlier today.” He closes the distance, giving you a kiss on the cheek. “You ate breakfast already?”
You nod. “Have you?” He shakes his head. “You go change, I'll whip up something for you.” You place your tablet down on the counter. “Are toasts and eggs, okay?”
He nods in response.
Standing up from the barstool, you are about to make your way to the counter when your husband stops you. “You haven't given me a kiss ever since I've arrived back home.” He pouts, arms circling your waist to keep you still.
You chuckle at his antics. Cupping his face between your hands, you place a chaste kiss on his lips. “There.”
“More please.” And you comply, placing another, and another…
You move your hands down, placing it on his chest when he releases his hold on your waist, cupping your face, finally giving you a deep kiss. Your heart is on the verge of bursting at the touch of his lips. Granted, you both shared kisses so many times, but each and every single one never fails to spread warmth in your chest. And you love to see his dazed expression or his bright smile afterwards.
After a few moments, you pull away, grinning. “Okay, go change.” Your smile so bright Taehyung just can't get enough as he still clings to you. “I have an appointment today before our dinner date.”
Taehyung raises a brow, now realising that you're dressed up. “Where might you be going?”
You simply poke his nose with a secretive grin. He pouts at your lack of response, watching you move behind the counter. You take out two slices of bread—putting them in the toaster—and eggs from the fridge.
With a soft smile on his face, Taehyung goes to the bedroom and freshens up, quickly changing to his usual home attire. He comes back to the kitchen donning a white shirt and a pair of shorts, finding you already setting up the plate on the counter.
He stops at your side, watching you place the scrambled eggs near the toast. Then the moment you're done, he wraps his arms around your shoulders.
“What's gotten into you today?”
“Can't I shower my wife with love?” He nuzzles his nose to the crook of your neck.
You laugh softly. “Alright, alright. Now, let me just—” You place the plate on the counter, Taehyung still embracing you. “—put this. And… Do you want strawberry juice?”
He nods eagerly. You open the fridge (yes, with Taehyung is still clinging to you) and take out the cut-up frozen strawberries before placing them in the blender and pouring some water.
“Go eat, baby.” You face him after turning the blender on. “I'll be with you in a minute.”
Taehyung gives you a kiss on the cheek then moves to sit on the bar table where you have placed his breakfast. After you place a glass of strawberry juice near him, you sit next to him.
“What are your plans for today?” You ask, resting your chin on one hand.
“Hmm…” He sits straighter, swallowing the food in his mouth. With a teasing smirk, he faces you. “Well, I was planning to spend the whole day with my lovely wife. But unfortunately, I can't do that until our dinner date.”
“Should I cancel my appointments today…?” You actually look worried, and Taehyung blinks.
“No!” He says almost too quickly. “I mean— It's okay, really. We'll have our dinner date. Plus, I have another meeting to attend to soon.”
“Thought you said you were done with work today?”
“Something else came up,” Taehyung sighs in annoyance, remembering the text he received earlier from one of his employees. “I have to make a few calls. But I wouldn't miss our first Valentine dinner date after our marriage.”
You chuckle. “Alright, I should call taxi—”
Taehyung stops you. “Y/N, you know you can use my chauffeur, right?”
“The taxi's fine—” You yelp as Taehyung tugs you close to him, causing you to nearly sliding off from your seat. Placing your hands on your husband's broad shoulders, you steady yourself.
“Love, call my chauffeur, hmm?” His voice turns low, and you fight back a shiver. “I know you're still getting used to this—” He motions towards the whole penthouse. “—but at least, let me make it easier for you today, yeah?”
Inhaling a sharp breath, you nod. “O-Okay.”
A sly grin decorates his pretty lips at your agreement. “Good.” Straightening yourself, you climb down the stool. Taehyung places a chaste kiss on your lips, and you are still in a daze at the sudden change of his demeanour. You walk out of the kitchen and reach the end of the hallway. While putting on your shoes, his face peeking from the living room, and he pipes, “Don't be late for dinner!”
When the front door closes, you place a hand on your chest — on top of your still pounding heart. You let out a breath, and a smile curls up on the corner of your lips.
I swear he's going to be the death of me.
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After you leave, Taehyung is left alone to his own devices. He goes to his office space with Yeontan following on his trail. Turning his laptop on, he glares at the screen. Work seems to follow him wherever and whenever despite having worked his ass off. But he’ll ensure that nothing will ruin your date night today.
Taking a deep breath, he turns on his camera, not even bothering to change out of his home attire. Taehyung’s expressions have said it all as one of his company’s branch managers who messaged him fidgets on the screen under his stare.
“What else are we missing?” His voice like the calm before the storm. “I thought the meeting earlier today has been concluded.”
“I forgot that there are some things that…” The manager rambles on, and Taehyung can sense a headache looming.
Taehyung rubs his temple as the manager finishes prattling. Sitting up straighter, he advises, “I’m going to say this only once, you work in this position to oversee the marketing branch of my company. It is your job to ensure that all the little details for today’s meeting have been presented. So, this type of incident will not happen again. Do I make myself clear?”
The manager nods rapidly.
“Good,” Taehyung leans back on his leather chair. “Now, is that all?”
Again, the manager nods.
After ending the call and answering a few more emails, Taehyung emerges out of the office room and plops down the couch with Yeontan in his arms. He stretches his neck to the right and left, ear to his shoulder. The pomeranian rests comfortably against his chest until the doorbell rings, surprising the poor dog.
Ah, Taehyung almost forgot. He coos at the stunned dog, a light giggle escaping his lips before putting Yeontan on the dog bed, right beside the living room’s couch. “Stay, I’ll be back.” Then he walks to the door, peeking through the peephole as a grin appears on his face. Opening the door, Jimin and Jungkook pop in with smiles on their faces.
“Hey man, long time no see.” Jimin wraps his arms around Taehyung, patting his back. “How’s it going?”
“It’s rare for you to call us nowadays,” Jungkook comments after giving Tae a hug as well.
“Yeah, I’ve been working my ass off.” Taehyung sighs and locks the door.
“Where’s Y/N?” Jimin emerges out of the hallway, and he crouches as Yeontan approaches him in the living room. “Hey, buddy. Long time no see.”
“What the hell? He’s grown so much, hyung.” Jungkook follows suit, petting the pomeranian and letting out the giggle when Yeontan playfully licks him.
Taehyung clears his throat. “Y/N is out for an appointment, and you guys need to help me.”
“Right,” Jimin stands up, recalling the text Taehyung sent him a few days ago. “So, I think we can finish in around three hours? It’s only six pastries—”
“One hundred forty three,” Taehyung corrects.
Jimin blinks rapidly, processing his friend’s words. “Are you insane? We’ll need so much ingredients for that, and I’m guessing not even your gigantic kitchen can store—”
As if on cue, the doorbell rings again.
“Ah, it has arrived,” Taehyung muses, opening the door once more to reveal a delivery man with a cart full of packed grocery ingredients.
“Delivery for Mr Kim.”
“That would be me.” Taehyung signs the tablet before letting the delivery man unload the boxes. After a few minutes, the boxes are stacked near the hallway. Taehyung turns to his friends, “So, should we start?”
“Wait, are you seriously planning on baking a hundred forty three pastries?” Jimin’s expression still shows none other than horror. “That’s impossible.”
“Nope,” Jimin shakes his head. “That won’t work. Not even if we have more people to help.” Taehyung’s shoulders noticeably droop. Jimin puts a comforting hand on Taehyung’s shoulder and adds, “Look, we can opt for a lesser number of pastries and arrange them. It’ll look great! Plus, knowing your extra ass, I bet you still have something else planned.”
Pursing his lips, Taehyung mumbles, “Well, you’re not wrong.”
“So, we’re settled,” Jimin lets out a relieved sigh.
There’s a funny look on Jungkook’s face as he watches the whole scene unfold. Taehyung raises a brow at the younger one, who responds with a shake of his head. “I thought you lost your mind, hyung. As someone who runs a billionaire company, I thought the stress is finally getting to you.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes before he realises, “Wait, aren’t you working somewhere else now?”
“Today’s an off day for me,” Jungkook shrugs, walking alongside Taehyung to the kitchen. “So, I figured after knowing Jimin hyung is coming here, I’d tag along.”
“I see.” Taehyung sets the sack of apples on the floor beside the main kitchen counter. Jimin is already rummaging through the kitchen for empty bowls to place the necessary ingredients for the pastries. Meanwhile, Yeontan sniffs the sack of apples curiously, nudging it when the apples tumble down, scattering on the floor.
Putting the bags of cinnamon and sugar on the marble counter, Jungkook mutters, “...And now, I’m already regretting.”
✧༺♡༻∞     ∞༺♡༻✧
You watch the snow-covered trees and sidewalks in a passing blur as Taehyung’s chauffeur drives you to the town’s famous flower shop. After turning to the familiar corner of the street, a few minutes later, you arrive.
Tightening your coat tighter to yourself, you climb out of the car, taking your handbag along with you. As soon as you go through the glass door, the owner greets you. “Y/N! You’re finally here!”
“Hobi!” You greet him in a friendly hug. “How have you been? You look great!”
“I’ve been good!” He motions for you to sit on the chair at the front counter. “Just finished arranging all the bouquets for today, and finally have some peace and quiet until the truck returns, then I have to load the second batch of bouquets.”
“You sure having a busy day.” You sit on the wooden chair. “Is ____ here already?”
He shakes his head, but his eyes are filled with mirth. “She’ll come visit later, she has something to do now. So, let’s start on your thing first.”
“Oh! Did you get it?”
Hoseok nods at your question, moving back behind the cashier counter, and crouches down as he rummages through his things. “Here,” he hands you a miniature of a cherry blossom tree inside a small sealed plastic.
Your eyes light up. “Hobi, it’s perfect!”
He smiles at your reaction. “What are you going to use it for?”
“For this.” You take out an empty snow globe from your bag. “It fits perfectly.”
“Well, you did insist for me to get the right measurements.” He chuckles, watching curiously as you unseal the plastic to take out the cherry blossom tree. “If it wasn’t for my fiancé, I would’ve gotten it wrong. She literally measured it down to precision.”
You laugh, placing the tree on the uncapped snow globe. “That’s what I love about her.”
“Me too,” he giggles before clearing his throat, still smiling. “And what bouquet would you like?”
“It’s for Tae. So...”
“Hmm…” Hoseok purses his lips. “Usually, people would go for roses, tulips, and carnations for Valentine’s Day.”
You ponder for a moment, weighing your options for the perfect bouquet for your husband. “I’ll go with carnations, roses, and baby’s breath.” Hoseok nods, eyes calculating as if picturing the bouquet you’d like.
“Is it okay if I use your counter for a while to assemble this?” You point at the snow globe and miniature on the counter.
“Sure~” Hoseok chirps, striding to the buckets of flowers a few steps away.
Then as if on cue, the front door opens. “I hope I’m not late…” ____ smiles at the sight of you, then her gaze shifts to her fiancé briefly, whose eyes are already on her. “I bring the supplies,” she places a bag of arts and craft supplies you requested in front of you.
“Thank you!” You beam, excitedly giving her a hug before rummaging through the bag. “You really brought everything.”
“No problem.” She ruffles your hair affectionately. “I understand that you had to keep this a secret from Tae for the time being.” Then she turns to Hoseok.
“Hey, baby,” Hoseok grins, opening his arms, his glove-covered hands full of picked flowers. She responds with a smile of her own, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Missed you,” Hoseok mumbles into her hair.
She rolls her eyes, “We just saw each other this morning.”
“Missed you every moment,” Hoseok replies cheekily.
You smile to yourself, hearing their exchange as you work on the snow globe. Taking the glue from the bag, you gingerly apply it to the bottom of the miniature cherry blossom and then stick it to the flat surface of the snow globe. You hold it in that position for a few moments before letting it go to dry.
____ once again stands beside you as Hoseok continues to work on the bouquet. She curiously observes what you’re doing and comments, “Did you come up with this idea?”
You nod. “Yeah, I thought of creating something special for him. After all, it’s our first Valentine’s together as newlyweds.”
Not a minute later, Hoseok already calls for his fiancé from the wrapping table on the other side of the room. “Babe, can you please help me with these?”
____ gives him a glance. “You’re just making excuses to be near me. You usually have everything under control.”
Hoseok wails in vain. “Pleaseee. Usually, I’d have Jungkook helping me. But ever since he’s gotten so busy with his new job, I haven’t been able to find another part-timer. So, I thought you’re helping me today.”
Failing to stifle a smile, ____ mutters a quiet ‘he’s so needy’ and then moves to help whatever Hoseok requires.
You chuckle hearing their banter. Just listening or watching them has always strangely brought warmth inside you. They treat you as their younger sibling, or even their child at times, but you can’t bring yourself to be annoyed at the treatment. Not when you know how they genuinely care about you.
Despite not tying the knot yet, they are the ones who made you believe that soulmates (or at least something really close to it) exist. And you hoped it’ll be the same for you and Taehyung.
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Taehyung prides himself in many things—running his billion-dollar worth corporation, doing art, and gaming. He’d like to say that there are still many hidden capabilities that he has yet to discover. However, in the recent light of events, he is close to admitting that talent in the kitchen is a definite no.
“No! What are you doing?!” Jungkook gapes at the smashed apple in Taehyung’s hold, its juices dripping down onto the counter. “You’re making a mess, hyung! And you aren’t supposed to cut like that! Are you trying to commit a murder?”
“I thought this is how you cut it open...” The man in question mumbles, staring glumly at his work.
“No,” Jungkook groans. “You do it like this.” He slices the apple in half easily.
Right. Another aspect that Taehyung seems to lack is the ability to follow or listen to instructions. His primary instinct is either to go with the flow or dive right into whatever he’s facing. Hence, it’s still a work-in-progress since following others is just not his forte—
—except you. Your lilting accent whenever you speak, or even subtle actions, Taehyung follows you easily. One of your little habits—taking deep breaths whenever your emotions are getting the best of you—Taehyung has picked up that so effortlessly.
Like how currently, he’s taking a deep breath to not let his rising frustration get the best of him.
“Like this?” Taehyung attempts the way Jungkook cuts the apple—cutting it in half, aligning with the stem and core, then trying to slice it thinly.
Jungkook nods, observing Taehyung. Jimin, on the other hand, stifles his laughter as he assembles the apple slices on the pastry sheets. The blatant impatience in Jungkook’s face grows more and more apparent at Taehyung’s skill—or, rather lack thereof—in dealing with a knife. “Okay, I think it’s better if I do the rest of it,” Jungkook takes the cutting board, and the apples left. “You can help Jimin hyung do the pastries—shit!”
One of the apple pieces—a chunk, to be precise—rolls off the plate and falls onto the ground. Jungkook’s eyes widen in horror as a fluff of black and brown fur zooms past his legs and picks up the fallen apple as quick as lightning.
“Yeontan, no!”
So, while Yeontan munches happily on his newly-attained snack and a string of curses escapes Jungkook’s lips, Taehyung snatches the cutting board back. He resumes slicing the apples slowly. He’s a man with determination, after all. He’d like to be the reason his wife’s eyes light up with glee as she tastes the apple roses pastries he put his heart into.
Jungkook fusses in the background, “Can dogs eat apples?”
Jimin, now, can barely contain his laughter at the unfurling of the whole scene. “Well… I think so.”
“You think so?” Jungkook groans, quickly fetching his phone from the living room. He furiously types on his phone and googles: can dogs eat apples. “I will not be responsible if Yeontan falls ill and— Oh, thank goodness.” He lets out a relieved sigh. “It makes healthy snacks for them instead.”
“Yeah, it does,” Taehyung replies nonchalantly. “I usually let him have a piece or two without the seeds.”
Jungkook grumbles. “Why didn’t you answer me in the first place then? I panicked—”
“Cuz it’s fun to watch your reaction,” Taehyung and Jimin said in unison.
“And it serves you right...” Taehyung adds, mumbling.
“Screw you guys. I’m not helping with this anymore.” Jungkook crosses his arms, pouting.
“This is for my wife, you know,” Taehyung reminds him, “And remember how my wife is close to Hoseok’s fiance—”
Jungkook picks up the knife in record time.
✧༺♡༻∞     ∞༺♡༻✧
You stare at the finished snow globe in satisfaction, capping back the glycerin and distilled water bottle tightly. Then after you’re confident that everything’s all settled and cleaned up, you tilt the globe a few times to make sure the content is all set and doesn’t spill.
The cherry blossom tree stands tall as tiny leaf-like cutouts of pastel pink cascade through the liquid in slow motion, like real falling cherry blossoms.
“Wow, it’s so pretty,” ____ comments after she helped Hoseok with the bouquet.
You grin at her compliment before placing the snow globe in an empty black gift box. “I hope Tae will love this.”
“He sure will,” ____ muses, watching you tie the gift box. “You know he’ll love anything you give him. And—”
“Babe, can you help me get some ribbons?” Hoseok asks from the wrapping table across the room.
“Sure,” ____ chuckles, grabbing a basket of colourful ribbons under the counter and handing it to Hoseok.
“Can you help me tape around the edges?” Hoseok lifts the bouquet of flowers, gaze pointing at the bulk of stems. ____ complies, following his instructions before wrapping it with cotton paper.
You stand up from your seat and move closer to the couple. At the sight of the assembled flowers, you gape, “Now, that’s pretty.”
“I’m glad you like it,” He chuckles, tying the wrapped bouquet with a ribbon. “And we’re done!” He hands you the bouquet.
Taking a closer look at the vibrant hues of red, pink, and white, you stare in awe. “I love it!”
After bidding Hoseok and ____ goodbye, you step out of the shop with the bouquet and gift box in hand. Taehyung’s chauffeur opens the door to the car, and you climb in quickly to avoid the cold weather.
“Where would you like to go, Mrs. Kim?” The chauffeur asks as he drives.
“The bakery please. It’s a few blocks away from here.”
You hum to yourself a soft, happy tune. Just imagining how your husband would react has your heart fluttering and giddy. Wondering what he’s up to, you take out your phone from your coat and press on his number.
The familiar ring buzzes a few times until he answers. “Hey, baby.”
“Hey,” you smile. “What are you up to?”
“Hmm? Uh, nothing?” He answers, then you hear the sound of clanking and familiar whispers in the background.
“Tae… What are you doing?”
He hums. “Well, I thought I should clean up the penthouse before our dinner tonight.”
“Oh,” you giggle. “Did you really call Jimin and Jungkook to help clean up our place?”
Taehyung mutters a curse under his breath. “W-Well, they are willing to help. So, why not?”
“Usually, you’d call the usual cleaning services. Plus, isn’t Jimin’s bakery busy today?”
“Unfortunately, not this time, sweetheart. I’ve prepared some things tonight and I don’t want people nosing around.” Taehyung explains. “And Jimin says his girlfriend got it under control.”
You let out an amused chuckle. “Alright then.” Glancing out the car window, the pastel pink store is nearing. “I need to go now. See you tonight, baby.”
“See you soon, my love.”
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The smile never leaves Taehyung’s face as he puts his phone back into his pocket and walks back to the kitchen. Jungkook is still cutting apples while Jimin cracks some eggs into a bowl.
“Was that Y/N?” Jimin spares a brief glance as he whisks the eggs.
Taehyung nods. “She asked what I was doing.”
“Nothing at all…” Jungkook mutters under his breath, arranging the sliced apples on a plate and putting them in the microwave.
“I heard that,” Taehyung narrows his stare at the younger one. “So… How are things between you and her, Kookie?”
Jungkook falters. “Uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, yes, do you know I just met her in my meeting a few days ago?” A teasing smirk curls up on Taehyung’s lips as Jungkook pouts, still arranging the second batch of apples.
“Don’t fight you guys.” Jimin groans. “We’re not even halfway done with this!”
Taehyung opens his mouth to complain, and Jimin cuts him off. “So, you’re going to prepare the muffin tray—” Jimin instructs Taehyung. “Then Jungkook is going to help me with the pastries.”
“Can I help with the pastries instead?” Taehyung watches Jimin pouring cinnamon and sugar into another bowl. “Jungkook can prep the muffin trays.”
“Are you up for it?” Jimin raises a brow. Taehyung nods enthusiastically.
“Alright. But make sure to follow how I do it.”
Taehyung smiles giddily and stands beside his friend. He follows every action Jimin does: brushing egg wash on the pastry, sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on the dough, arranging the apples, and rolling it into a tart.
“So, how’s things so far with Goldilocks?” Taehyung questions once he gets the hang of arranging the pastries.
Jimin lets out a sheepish chuckle. “That’s her pet goldfish’s name, you know.”
Jungkook places the muffin tray after he preps it. “And she made me carry the whole tank back home…” Jungkook grumbles, recalling the past event.
Taehyung shrugs. “Then Ms. Shooting Star.”
Jimin fights back a blush on his cheeks at the mention of that. “I’m beginning to regret telling you all that.”
Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows with a teasing smirk.
“We’re both really busy these days, and we said to take things slow since her parents are a bit complicated, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
Jungkook chuckles, “Says the one who had a mental breakdown right before Christmas dinner.
Jimin glares at the younger one. “Look who’s talking. I wonder if you’d ever grow the balls to admit your feelings for She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.”
“I don’t have feelings for her.” Jungkook mutters, looking away.
Taehyung nods. “Well, then. That’s good to know. One of my business partners was asking about her the other day. I thought I’d introduce them. “
Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Great, now you’re playing cupid?”
“Not yet. But I got one in mind who’s very interested in her…”
“Please, don’t.” Jungkook whispers, gritting his teeth.
“What was that?” Taehyung asks with an open hand behind his ear.
“Please, for fuck’s sake. Don’t introduce any of your friends to her beyond business interest.”
Jungkook blinks before he rambles, “I mean it’s going to be creepy if someone that’s fifty years older hits on her—”
“Oh, no. I can guarantee he’s not that old. In fact, he’s still a bachelor. Maybe a few years older than us. And—” Taehyung recalls, rolling the last apple rose pastry and placing it on the muffin tray. “—come to think of it, she did ask me about him once...” Taehyung trails, noticing Jungkook’s blank expression at the information. “Oops, I think I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
✧༺♡༻∞ ∞༺♡༻✧
“They all look so good,” you mutter, scouring through the vast chocolate choices under the display glass.
[Name] shoots you a smile. “Take all the time you need. The cafe isn’t open today, so it’s not that busy here.”
You glance around the bakery briefly. “I can tell… No wonder Jimin is with Taehyung right now.”
“Mhmm…” [Name] nods; she leans forward on the glass display, chin resting against one palm.
“Are you okay spending time here alone…?”
She shrugs. “I was promised a date in the winter market tonight. So, I don’t mind—” The sudden ringtone of her phone cuts her off. “Wait, gimme a sec—” You nod as she picks up her phone. “Mochi?”
A chuckle escapes your lips at the cute nickname.
“No, I can’t go there right now. It’s still too early to close up.” She glances at the wall clock. “Huh? What do you mean Jungkook left?” Your gaze shifts up from the sweet displays to her worried expression. “Oh, okay.” She drums her fingers on the counter. “I’ll talk to him if he goes here. Bye— yes, love you too.” She presses the disconnect button.
“Is everything okay?” You ask curiously.
She responds with a nod. “You know the usual, Taehyung and Jimin teases Jungkook too much and now, he’s gone off to blow some steam.”
“To where—” The door to the bakery slams open, and there a huffy Jungkook appears.
“That was fast,” [Name] sniggers at her best friend.
“Not in the mood,” Jungkook pouts, sitting on the closest table to the cashier counter.
“They giving you a hard time?” [Name] places a steaming mug of hot chocolate on his table and tilts her head slightly.
Jungkook huffs once more, sipping the drink carefully. Honestly, he doesn’t even know what got him so worked up. He’s used to all his hyungs’ teasing, but...
“Tell me about it,” [Name] places a steaming mug of hot chocolate on his table. “After I helped Y/N with her chocolate.”
Jungkook blinks, now realising that you’re standing awkwardly in front of the glass displays. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hi, Jungkook,” you greet him back and turn to look at the desserts again. “And uh, I’ll take this and this…” You point out all the chocolate you’d like, earning a nod from [Name].
As soon as she’s done packing the chocolate box, you bid them farewell and exit the bakery with your heart fluttering in anticipation and excitement.
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The peaceful atmosphere in the kitchen ceases the moment Taehyung’s phone dings when a text notification appears. Taehyung—who was busy admiring his final work on the muffin tray—takes a glimpse of his phone’s screen on the counter. “Oh no.”
Jimin takes the muffin tray off the counter and sets it in the oven. “What?”
“Jungkook just texted me that Y/N is coming back now.”
“Huh?” Jimin’s eyes widen. “But the pastries aren’t done yet!”
Another ding resounds through Taehyung’s phone.
Jungkook: Good luck tryna hide the pastries :P
“He can be annoying if he wants to...” Taehyung mutters under this breath at Jungkook’s retaliation.
“Well, we did hit a nerve by talking about her...” Jimin sighs, crossing his arms.
Taehyung snorts. “The kid needs to get it sorted out as quickly as possible. He sometimes just needs a push.”
“He still needs time,” Jimin counters, shaking his head. “Not all people have it easy in admitting their feelings.”
Taehyung mulls for a minute and nods in understanding. “I guess I shouldn’t push him too hard. But for now, I should find a way to distract Y/N,” Taehyung searches for your contact. “How long do you think we need?”
Jimin mentally calculates the time. “Like forty minutes to an hour?”
“Okay,” Taehyung clicks on your number. He clears his throat once you pick up the phone, “Y/N? Hey, baby, I might need help picking up something...”
“Oh, sure. What is it?”
“I need your help to pick up a cooking book I’ve been searching for…”
“...Cooking? Since when you’re interested in—”
“Look, I’ve been trying to find a new hobby and I thought why not cooking? Jimin recommended me to try it.” Taehyung blabbers, his heart beating fast. “And it’ll be fun if we do it together, right?”
“Okay.” The amusement in your tone lights up his face into a shy smile. “Send me which book you’re looking for and I’ll check with ____ if she has it. Just hope she and Hobi haven’t gone out for their date yet.”
“Thanks, love. I owe you one.”
He can hear the smile on your voice as you respond, “I only accept payment in kisses and cuddles.”
Taehyung chuckles fondly. “Consider it done.” Once you end the call, Taehyung checks the pastries in the oven, mumbling, “I hope that would keep her busy for a while.”
Jimin nods. “The first batch is almost done. But the second one—an hour should be enough...” He trails, voice filled with uncertainty.
“It has to be enough.” Taehyung picks up the dirty bowls and dumps it in the kitchen sink. “It should be...”
Jimin helps clean up the counter, even ensuring that there isn’t a trace of flour on the floor before he checks his phone briefly and pockets it back in his jeans. He moves near the oven—hands covered by the oven mitts—and tentatively takes out the first batch of apple roses pastries from the top rack and puts it on the counter.
“Let it cool off for a while and then you can hide it in the fridge or a container. Oh, and how will you plan to arrange the—”
Taehyung rinses off the remaining utensils—taking his washing gloves off—and rummages through the cabinets, taking out a heart-shaped platter.
With an unamused expression, Jimin blinks a few times. “You just have all kinds of things in your kitchen, do you?”
Taehyung shrugs. “Y/N came across it the other day and thought it was pretty. She didn’t buy it, so I bought it instead.”
A flabbergasted laugh escapes Jimin’s lips as he shakes his head. “Well, I better get going now. I don’t want to be late for my date tonight.”
“Thanks for your help, man. Couldn’t have done it without you.”
“That’s what friends are for, yeah?” Jimin walks out to the front door and wears his coat before giving Taehyung a farewell hug. “And you should apologise to Jungkook too. He’s probably still having his pity-party in my bakery.”
Taehyung nods, opening the door. “I will.”
After Jimin left, Taehyung goes back to the kitchen. He puts one leg and the other over the pet barrier he set to prevent Yeontan from stealing any more fallen ingredients. Said dog is whimpering in front of the kitchen doorway until the front door clicks. Then he hears the familiar footsteps of his wife.
So, of course, things aren’t going according to Taehyung’s plan today.
✧༺♡༻∞     ∞༺♡༻✧
After retrieving Taehyung’s desired cookbook, you arrive in the lobby. You stop by the receptionist desk to hide the gifts and tell them to bring it up to the penthouse at your call around seven in the evening.
The moment you step through the door, the sweet smell of cinnamon fills the air. Taking off your boots and coat, you call out for your husband. “Tae? You in here?” You head towards the kitchen to find it barricaded by Yeontan’s fence barrier. “What the—” You lift one leg over the barricade, and your other leg follows. You stride to the refrigerator to get a drink, only to find it blocked.
When you glance down, there your husband lays—his long legs blocking the fridge—with a strained smile on his face, looking absolutely winded. “You’re back.”
“My goodness, what happened here?” You crouch, helping him sit up. “Did the cleaning go wrong?”
Taehyung shakes his head, leaning against the refrigerator. “Everything’s well. Just… Resting… For a while.”
“Are you okay?” You tilt your head. “I’m gonna get you some water—”
Your husband stops you, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips. “Hi.”
An involuntary shy smile appears on your face. “Hi there, do you mind scooting? I want to get a drink.”
He shakes his head again, winding his arms around you. “It’s okay... I’m— I’ll take it for you.”
“Hmm? But you can barely even move, Tae…” You reach out, moving a stray hair from his handsome face.
“I can…” he pouts, grasping your hand on his hair to kiss your palm. “Just give me a minute.”
With a teasing smile on your face, you reach for the refrigerator handle again and attempt to open it when your husband stands up.
He’s definitely hiding something, but luckily he’s cute. “Alright…” You muse, watching his attempt to keep you from opening the fridge. But you suppose you’ll comply with his conspicuous actions. “I’ll wait in the living room.”
After you head out of the kitchen, Taehyung opens the fridge—releases a breath as he takes out a water bottle—and closes it again. He goes out to the living room, finding you giggling as Yeontan playfully licks your face on the couch. The sight brings warmth inside Taehyung’s heart as he strides closer and sits beside you, handing you your water.
“Thanks.” You let Yeontan down from the couch before taking the water bottle. While you drink your fill, Taehyung lays his head on your lap, letting out a contented sigh as you weave your fingers through his dark locks. “What time is dinner again?”
Capping the water bottle, you glance at the wall clock in front of you. “So… Two more hours. I gotta get ready.”
“Hmm…?” Taehyung opens his eyes. “But we’re celebrating here...”
You let out a quiet laugh. “You said you want to reenact our first date.”
Your husband blinks once, then realisation falls upon him as he groans in embarrassment, sitting up. “You’re actually considering it?”
“Why not? It’s a cute idea,” you giggle. “It’s only between us both.”
Facing you, he questions, “It’s not too cheesy or anything?” Uncertainty is evident in his gaze.
“Of course not.” You grin, encircling your arms around him. “I love that idea actually.”
He lets out a sheepish chuckle. “Then I’ll see you in two hours?” Taehyung bites his bottom lip—a habit when he’s nervous—but he still holds your stare. “I’ll use the guest bathroom to freshen up. So, you get the bathroom all to yourself.”
“Oh? We can share as usual—”
“But that won’t fully reenact our first date, you know, before we’re living together—” He rambles, eyes darting everywhere, but you. You, on the other hand, fail to stifle a smile at his flustered state. Nodding in understanding, you stand up. Taehyung grasps your wrist, causing you to turn to him. “No kisses for me?”
You lean down, levelling your face with his, with a teasing smirk. “I don’t kiss on the first date, handsome.”
“You know what, on second thought—”
“See you later, baby.” Escaping his clutches, you go straight to your bedroom for your “first” date with your husband.
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Taehyung has never been this nervous before, well, ever since your wedding day—the moment you walked down the aisle with a beautiful smile on your face that he needed to pull himself together before he turns into a sobbing mess and—
Okay, the point is, Taehyung has presented business plans, his company’s valuation, and other significant matters in front of hundreds or even thousands of people. He managed to stay calm and collected in every presentation—full of confidence as he moved across the stage with ease.
But when it comes to you? He wonders where did all that confidence go. And you’re just one person. The one person who he had promised to cherish and love, and—
He lets out a deep breath, staring at himself in the guest bathroom mirror. In a deep burgundy suit, he does a once-over at his appearance before the sound of the doorbell rings. He rushes out and ushers the staff, who brings a decorated table in along with the surprises he prepared.
A few minutes later, when all is set, he knocks on your bedroom door, straightening his suit jacket in nervousness.
The moment the door swings open, Taehyung’s throat goes dry as he gapes at you, adorning the same black dress you wore on your first date. Your eyes momentarily grow wide as well at his choice of outfit—the same one he used on the first date—before bursting into a giggle. “Wow, we do think alike…”
Snapping out of his trance, he nods. “And you still look breathtaking as ever.”
“Stop stroking my ego.” You move closer to him, looping your arm through his as he leads you to the living room.
“You know I can’t help myself,” Taehyung chuckles.
A gasp escapes your lips as soon as you see what has been prepared. The whole room is lit up by candles—some real, some fake—yet, there are no other words than to describe it as beautiful. The couch and coffee table has been set aside, and in the middle of the living room, a candlelit table stands with meals for two prepared on it. Your gaze falls on the bouquet of roses Taehyung has in hand.
“It’s beautiful,” you mutter in awe.
Taehyung grins. “A hundred and forty-three roses for the love of my life.”
You gape, taking the bouquet into your arms. “A hundred forty-three?”
“It means ‘I love you’.” His gaze is full of emotions. “I don’t know if I’ll ever live up to be the man of your dreams. But I can continue—” He takes your hand in his. “—to love you even more as we spend our lives together.”
Your gaze is glassy and unreadable. Then you blink your eyes rapidly, looking up at the ceiling. “Damn it, Tae. I’m using makeup.”
Placing down the bouquet on the coffee table, you reach out for the tissue, dabbing your eyes carefully before fanning your hands.
“Oh no, don’t cry—”
“It’s your fault for making such a speech. You know how emotional I get when you do that.” You dab your eyes more as Taehyung wraps his arms around your waist from behind.
“Oh sweetheart,” Taehyung coos as you face him. You stare into his loving gaze for a few moments before you clear your throat. However, as if on cue, the doorbell rings. Taehyung furrowed his brows. “Expecting someone?”
“Wait here.” Pulling away from his hold, you rush to the door. The moment you return to the living room with presents in hand, Taehyung gapes as you hand him the bouquet and gift box.
“What is this?” He observes the gift box curiously, then admires the flowers. “It’s beautiful.”
You sit on the couch, patting the space beside you. Taehyung follows suit, placing the bouquet on the coffee table before untying the gift box’s black ribbon before his breath hitches in his throat.
With trembling hands, he lifts up the snow globe carefully. “It’s… Isn’t this where we met?”
You nod. “Just so you know, I couldn’t wish for a better person to be with,” you start. “I think some part of me has always known that you’d be the man of my dreams. Ever since you spilled strawberry juice on my shirt.”
It takes him a few moments to process your words as his eyes shift from the snow globe to you; a chuckle passes his lips. “First, that was an accident. And do you… really mean that?”
Taking his free hand on yours, you lace your fingers together. “I married you, didn’t I?” Your wedding rings gleam softly, reflecting the light of the burning candles in the room.
“Made me the happiest man alive.” He recalls the memories of falling cherry blossoms, spilled strawberry juice and frantic apologies-turned-laughter. A soft smile appears on your face after putting the snow globe back on its box. He turns to you. “I really want to kiss you right now.”
You raise a brow at him. “What’s stopping you?”
“You don’t kiss on first dates.”
“Well…” You lean closer to him. “I think I can make an exception for the man of my dreams.”
Taehyung exhales, “Thank heavens.” He cups your face gently, clearing the remaining distance between the both of you. No matter how many times you kiss, it never fails to send his heart beating a tad faster or put a smile on his face. In other words, Taehyung is head over heels in love with you.
After a few moments, you pull away, and he chases after you, but you place a pointer finger on his lips. “Dinner first,” you remind him.
He sighs in defeat, lips turning into a pout and nodded. Once you both finish dinner, you lean back on your chair, patting your stomach. “That was a nice meal.”
“I have one more surprise for you.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, “What is it?” With a secretive grin, Taehyung stands from his seat and makes a beeline to the kitchen. You can hear the fridge opening and closing before your husband walks out of the kitchen with a—
“Isn’t that the platter I saw a few days ago?”
Excitement is written on his face at your realisation, placing the platter in front of you. You let out a gasp at the sight of the neatly-arranged apple rose pastries.
“I made it myself,” Taehyung beams. “Jimin and Jungkook came to help a bit.”
“A bit?” You tease, shooting him a glance before setting your gaze back on the pastries. “These look almost too pretty to eat.”
Taehyung drags his seat to your side and plops down. Anticipation is apparent in his eyes as he watches you pick up a pastry and bites into it. Another gasp escapes your throat at the burst of sweetness spreading across your tastebuds. You stare at him in shock as you chew.
“So?” He waits for your response. “How does it taste?”
“It’s...” You swallow the remaining pastry in your mouth down. “Really good.” Taehyung’s eyes twinkle at your compliment. “I’m… Wow,” you breathe out, utterly speechless. “So, this is why you wanted to start cooking?”
He blinks, with realisation dawning upon him, then he scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Actually… That was to keep you distracted for a while. I wasn’t done baking the pastries yet.”
Snorting, you lift another pastry in front of your husband’s mouth; he bites and chews for a few seconds. And stops.
You furrow your brows at his odd reaction. “What’s wrong?”
“Shit—” Taehyung rushes to the guest bathroom without another word. Placing the half-bitten pastry on the empty plate, you follow suit and find your husband retching on the toilet bowl. Once he’s done, he reaches for a mouthwash. “I think—” He gargles the mouthwash then spit into the sink. “—that one is still undercooked.”
“Oh, no. I’m sorry. I didn’t know—” you ramble, watching Taehyung wipe his mouth with a paper towel, then washes his hands.
He cradles your face with his dried hands. “It’s my fault. I didn’t check if all the pastries are fully baked. I’m sorry.”
“You okay, now?” Your voice sounds uncertain, hands covering his bigger ones.
He nods reassuringly. “It’s not that bad. Maybe I was over-exaggerating— oof.” You poke his stomach in retaliation as he giggles.
“You had me worried.”
“And you’re still a worrywart.” He rubs his nose on yours affectionately. “My adorable worrywart.”
Your gaze falls on his drenched shirt (and luckily, he already discarded his burgundy suit). “Your shirt is ruined now.”
“Hmm...? Oh, dear,” he feigns worry, leaning on the marble sink—his palms on your hips. “Now, what do we do? Do you wanna—” You roll your eyes at the teasing glint in his eyes. Knowing what he’s up to, your fingers unbutton his shirt, leaving him flustered at your sudden movement. “W-Wait—!”
You pull the collar of his half-unbuttoned shirt, leaning forward to have his face so close to yours. Both your lips just millimetres away from each other. Voice dropping into a lilting whisper, you purr, “Let me make it easier for you today, yeah?”
Shivers run down Taehyung’s spine at your familiar words. “Is this payback because of this morning?” You shrug and finish unbuttoning his shirt. His lean chest on display to your eyes now. “Or is this just an excuse to get me naked?”
A teasing smirk curls up on your lips. “A bit of both.” Then you wrap your arms around his neck, closing the distance between you—lips claiming his own.
Humming in approval, Taehyung winds his arms around your waist. Fire ignites inside you as you pull away briefly. Your husband turns you around, settling you on the marble counter of the sink while he stands between your legs.
Your dress hikes up to your thighs, but you can’t bring yourself to care. Not when the man of your dreams drags his luscious lips across your jaw and trails down your neck. Your breath hitches when he kisses your sweet spot; fisting his opened shirt by the shoulder as he rains kisses on your collar bones, nipping on it.
“Tae—” You breathe out as he hums in response, tugging the zipper on the back of your dress down. “—kiss me, please.”
And he complies, claiming your lips.
Tangling your fingers through his hair, you let out a sigh as he trails downward once more, scraping the skin of your throat with his teeth. Tugging the straps of your dress off your shoulders and letting them pool on your waist, he lets out, “You’re gorgeous.” He places a kiss on the juncture between your neck and shoulder. A soft whimper emits from your throat. “So damn gorgeous. And all mine.”
Tracing his jaw—half-lidded gaze staring at him—you whisper, “Why don’t we take this somewhere else more comfortable?”
Almost instantly, he lifts you up in his arms—your legs winding around his waist, arms around his neck—heads out of the bathroom and lays you gently on the bed. You discard your dress as it falls in a heap of silk on the rug. Then you tug off Taehyung’s shirt as he climbs on top of you.
“You’re spoiling me so much today. Thank you,” You mutter, holding your husband’s face in your hands.
“Thank you, my love. What I did today, it’s the least I can do,” He stares back at you with so much love, leaning down to kiss you softly. “After all, I’d do anything to make you smile.”
You chuckle at that, poking his nose. “I love you.”
He holds one hand of yours and kisses your palm. “And I love you.”
The remaining articles of clothing find themselves in a heap on the floor as your husband reminds you of your wedding night—making love to you into the late hours of the night.
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“Don’t go…” he mumbles sleepily, keeping his arms around your naked waist.
“Tae, let me go, I just need a drink—” you wriggle in his hold to break free. “—my throat is really dry—” And your husband has the nerve to chuckle at your words. He lets out a pained groan as you poke his stomach (maybe a bit too hard), and finally, he lets you loose.
Climbing off the bed, you pick up his shirt and don it quickly. However, the moment you step out of the bedroom, an unpleasant smell wafts through your nostrils, and when you reach the living room, you gape in horror.
“Yeontan!” You shriek at the sight as the said perpetrator waddles towards you with his round innocent eyes.
Your husband emerges—bare-chested and in his boxers—out of the bedroom at your alarming shriek. Once he sees the scattered dog waste across the marble floor, he mutters, “I think we ignored him for too long.”
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author’s note: i’ve decided to add another character (YAYYY CEO!taehyung) in the same universe as baker!jimin, florist!hobi and ???!jungkook (feel free to guess what he’d be 😙)!! thank you for reading and as always feedbacks are appreciated !!
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