#been trying to find one of those water bottles but haven’t been able to
rosicheeks · 1 month
I would KILL for some koolaid or like those “handmade” “juice” that you would make when you were little. Grab one of those weird ass pitchers and throw all the shit in there, stir it and drink. Yummy yum yum
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charmercharm3r · 7 months
i cant NOT think about jeongin asking the 9th member for help with/practice kissing (the phrasing is weird but i lovee this idea 😭)
prev: three, next: five
“It’s not that I haven’t wanted to… It just never happened.”
Jeongin was defending himself like his life depended on it. Not that he needed to, no one blamed him or thought it was weird— more of a pride thing on his end.
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” you crumpled the empty water bottle in your hand and turned to Jisung. Raising and bringing it down playfully onto the top of his head, Jisung didn’t run from the scolding. “Why’d you put him on the spot like that! What’s your dating history like then, hm?”
Jisung immediately skipped over to Jeongin to take him into an embrace while the younger attempted to escape. “Ew, hyung— get away! You’re sweaty!”
When he managed to catch him, Jisung rubbed his cheek into Jeongin’s shoulder, “don’t feel bad, Jeonginnie. I’ve kissed people, but don’t worry, it’s not that fun.” Jeongin looked at you with a face that begged for mercy but not attempting to push him away.
“He’s lying, kissing is really fun,” Hyunjin chimed in and took a seat the open space beside you. “Kissing me is even more fun. C’mon Y/N’ie, just one?” He shoulder bumped you and puckered his lips.
“Kiss each other.” With that, you excuse yourself to the bathroom, only to come back minutes later to find Jisung pinning Hyunjin to the floor trying to take your words literally. You turned around and left again before witnessing anything that’ll make your eyes burst into flames.
What was probably hours had passed and everyone since forgotten about what had been said in the practice room, entirely too preoccupied with other things. Like singing lessons, for example. The session just didn’t go as you had hoped, that one high note was kicking your ass. As you walked through the corridor towards the exit, you could hear a soft voice from another occupied room.
Peaking through the small sliver of window, Jeongin was sat alone in the tiny confined space. You knocked twice before letting yourself in. He wasn’t startled, but surprised to see you, though the happy expression he wore quickly changed to something more melancholic.
“You’re still here? I thought your lessons ended an hour ago?” You stood in the door frame not wanting to invade too much of his space. Jeongin was always emotionally delicate, though he put up a hard shelled front.
“Yeah, just wanted some quiet before going home.” He twiddled his fingers, mind clearly not in the same room.
“Okay, wanna head back together? I can wait for you, I’ll grab us something at the convenience store.”
“Actually, can you come in?”
You closed the door behind you and sat in the spare chair. “Are you okay?”
He hated talking about his feelings, let alone things as personal as what Jisung had brought up earlier today about kissing. Jeongin has no idea how to go about it. He can’t articulate that he thinks you’re so pretty and that the way your nose crinkles when you laugh is adorable. It’s hard to put into words that he’s never kissed anyone because he didn’t want to waste his first with someone temporary because, “I only get one.”
Your eyebrow raised, “one what?”
His voice caught in his throat, hardly able to push the words past his lips, “one first kiss.”
“Are you still thinking about what Jisung said earlier? It’s nothing to feel bad about.”
Jeongin fidgeted a second longer before deciding to bite the bullet. “Take it. I don’t want it anymore.”
Fuck, he scared you. You’re looking at him like he has two heads and is speaking in tongues. “When you say it like that, I don’t want you to jump into things just because everyone else does. Don’t rush—“
“I’m not rushing. Like, the total opposite,” he sat on the edge of his seat and that much closer to you. “There have been people who wanted to kiss me, and I’ve wanted to kiss them. But I felt like I couldn’t? If I’m going to kiss someone, I want it to stick. Those people, they were temporary and I knew that, it wouldn’t have been fair to them. Now, I’ve been putting it off for so long that I think it’s not even an option anymore. But… then I look at you, talk to you, exist around you. It feels, for lack of a better word, right?”
At a complete loss for words, how have you not crumbled around him earlier? Let alone noticed he felt that way? You sat still with your lip between your teeth, running through all the possibilities that could follow if you were to go through with what he’s asking for. There was the fact that you already kissed one of them— briefly recalling your stolen moment with Felix— and that Jeongin hasn’t shied away from complementing you when he could or being all together boyfriendly. Even if you didn’t think of dating him, what harm could kissing him really do? If anything, doing it will satiate that need for the both of you, then close that chapter.
“Okay, but don’t tell Hyunjin. It’ll make him jealous.”
“More than when you kissed Felix?”
“How do you know that?!”
“I live with him?” He said it as if you were the stupid one to believe none of them would find out. Case in point.
You sighed, “yes, more than that time.”
As you moved and got more comfortable, he copied in sitting up straight and puckering his lips. “What’re you doing?”
“Getting ready to kiss you?” You rolled your eyes.
Jeongin came from a good place, even if he was entirely clueless. You suppose he was just parroting every time Jisung exaggeratedly tried to kiss the next nearest person. It was kind of endearing, a little geeky, but heartwarming nonetheless.
Putting your hands on his shoulders, you pushed them down to get him to relax. Then scooting your chair closer to his, you spread his knees to let your own take up that space. Jeongin let you maneuver him however you pleased, breath hitching as you stole his hands to place them lightly on the tops of your thighs. His hands were huge, not new information, but definitely a new feeling now that he was touching you. He was on the taller side, broader shoulders and probably able to wrap around your entire body if you hugged him properly. All those thoughts briefly swam around your brain just from the image of his hands on your thighs.
Jeongin was felt as though he was sweating bullets, but still immensely excited. Physical touch wasn’t his most favorite thing in the world, but he enjoyed it when it was you. These small, lingering touches, like where his hands were now, he probably enjoyed it more than he should.
“I’m going to put my hands on your neck, is that okay?” Jeongin nodded immediately, holding his breath. The warmth of your palms on his pulses made him shiver. “Don’t over think it. Kisses don’t need to be aggressive, they also don’t have to be too gentle. Just find a balance, not every person you kiss will want the same thing.” He nodded and absorbed every word that dripped from your perfectly plush lips. At some point he almost stopped listening and focused on your lips all together.
“What do you like?” He blurted out nervously. You giggled, oh so beautifully.
“We’ll get there,” your fingers traced back to comb through the hair at the back of his head teasingly, Jeongin almost fully leaned into it like a puppy. “Be calm. All the time in the world.”
Jeongin’s hands lightly kneaded the flesh of your thighs in anticipation, in need and desperation and longing to just feel your lips on his for the first time. He didn’t realize you were slowly drawing in closer and closer, then he could feel your breath fanning across his mouth and suddenly all the air was sucked from his lungs. “Make sure they want this as much as you. Look into their eyes, hold them tenderly, then ask. Can I kiss you?”
Glassy, watered over with all the stars staring back at you, “please.”
“That’s not a confirmation.” You were so close that the heat radiated off your body made Jeongin overheat in the best way possible.
“Yes, please kiss me.”
You were slow to press your lips to his, whereas as soon as the contact was made, Jeongin leaned further into you, almost shoving you out of your chair. Quick to push him back, you held his neck a little tighter and reined him in. Taking the hint, he put his excitement into his hands that now squeezed your thighs tighter and tighter, not that it hurt. His lips softened more, less eager but just as excited, he followed your lead.
The simple peck ended far too quickly for his liking, chasing as you pulled away. “No, no, more please.”
He moved to grip the bottom of your chair and tug the entire thing closer with the scrape of the legs on the floor echoing with a screech. Now you had nowhere to go, further trapped between his legs where you’d put yourself and Jeongin now reaching for your waist with one hand and the other cupping your jaw. And you didn’t hate it. Actually, you loved it. Getting attention from the one person that hates giving or receiving attention feels so rewarding, which is why you let him take what he wanted.
Long fingers threaded through your hair and tugged you to meet his lips half way, you fell forward into him and let your arms wrap around his neck. For his first time kissing, he was surprisingly well versed. Everything you’ve told him up until now he applied in his rather scattered yet charming kissing technique. He was everywhere all at once and it made your brain fuzzy.
Close lipped, simple, safe, eager, yearning, wanting, warm, fervorous, you didn’t want to let go almost as much as he did. Jeongin lightly whined when you pulled away, chasing after you again and keeping your upper body pinned to his. You hadn’t realized that your knees were pressing against his pelvis until you leaned a little back and he softly whimpered one more time.
“I don’t think you really needed kissing lessons.” He shrugged, smug. “Did you just wanna kiss me?” Another shrug and a crooked smile. “You little shit.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t kiss and tell.” You couldn’t tell if he lied, but truthfully you didn’t care, it didn’t matter.
Rolling your eyes again, he leaned in for a soft peck, molding your lips together sweetly, honey like moans being swapped between mouths.
That is, until the door to the vocal room was being burst open. You jumped in Jeongin’s hold, the both of you looking at who had just ruined your lovely moment.
“Oh, come on! Jeongin?! That is so not fair!” Hyunjin took up most of the doorway with Jisung peaking on his tiptoes over his shoulder.
A sigh fell from your mouth, patting Jeongin’s shoulders and reluctantly slipping from his grasp. He sat still, shriveling into the backrest of the chair as you gathered your stuff. “Aren’t you coming?” You asked him. Sheepish, he scratched the back of his head and pulled the hem of his shirt lower. “Nevermind, see you tomorrow, Jeonginnie.” He avoided eye contact again as you ruffled his hair and pushed past Hyunjin and Jisung.
The two followed behind you, bombarding you with question after question, mostly about how good the kiss with Jeongin was. Hyunjin was dramatically livid, nothing out of the usual, storming ahead of you and Jisung down the stairs to head home.
Jisung lightly pulled you back to a stop, curious eyes looking at you. “What is it?”
“I— I know I joke about kissing, said it’s not that fun and everything but…” he trailed off as though he couldn’t trust the words that he truly wanted to say. You waited patiently until he could articulate himself. “Can I be next?”
A/N: it’s been a minute..hoping posting this can jumpstart me into posting more!! i really missed writing and finding this in my inbox after a month was so fun n cute to write, thank u anon!!!
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transmascissues · 6 months
i’m two weeks post-op from top surgery. here’s what i’ve learned from a week of figuring out how to shower:
i’m able to undress, get my bandages off, and dress afterward by myself now. i have very hypermobile joints though (especially in the joints in my arms — i can typically zip up a back zipper or apply sunscreen to most of my back without help) so i’m not sure if someone less bendy with my current level of limited motion would be able to do it without help. i can’t however put all of the bandages back on by myself because it takes two sets of hands to hold the pads on while wrapping the ace bandage, and the drain sites are too far back for me to put bandaids on myself.
showering is the only time i have my ace bandage off, and it’s a totally different experience walking around and moving my arms without anything holding my chest in. i’m super sensitive to movement now, and probably look a lot more flexible when i’m wearing it than when i’m not even though the bandage restricts my movement because when i’m not wearing it, i’m much more aware of how my skin is being moved around when i do things. it’s not necessarily an uncomfortable thing most of the time, it’s just very sensitive.
along those lines, i was also surprised to find out i can’t put my arms down as much with the bandage off as i can with it on. my incisions wrap all the way under my armpits at almost hit my back, so without anything between them and my arms, things get uncomfortable pretty fast.
my center of balance being off was definitely the most obvious challenge i hit right away. my shower is a hybrid shower and bath, so i have to step over a decently high ledge to get in and out, and it’s a pretty shaky process, especially since i have to keep my chest away from the stream of water and still can’t really use my arms to steady myself. it’s also something i have to be cautious of while i’m in the shower, since being off-balance while in a slippery shower isn’t a great combination.
i was really nervous about how the water running down my chest would feel, so for my first shower i tried to take it slow and just let a few small streams run down it before going for the full thing. as it turns out, that was a mistake because i’ve found that the faster, wider streams with more water are a lot less uncomfortable (mostly i don’t feel any discomfort at all), while the smaller drips are really unpleasant because they’re slower and totally focused on one specific spot.
i haven’t been taking super hot showers but they definitely have been decently hot, not lukewarm or anything, and i haven’t had any issues with the heat on my incisions being uncomfortable. i am still careful with how hot i set it though — i usually start it on a pretty lukewarm setting and gradually go up once i’m in just to be safe.
i’m still having a lot of trouble pushing down on bottles with pumps, so i had to unscrew the tops off of all of my shower products, and i’ve just been pouring out the amount i need.
it’s always good to keep products low so you don’t have to overextend your arms to reach them, but i’ve found that bending forward at the waist without compression is super uncomfortable — it feels like gravity is dragging my chest down. so when i have to pick something up from a lower spot, i’ve been keeping my torso upright and just crouching down with my hips and knees to reach it instead of bending forward like i normally would.
when i’m putting any products in my hair, i’ve found the easiest way to do it is to flip my hair forward so my head is at hand level instead of trying to reach up. i can reach up if i go one side at a time and tilt my head to the side to meet my hand but that’s much harder and i still can’t really get the very back of my head that way. the one issue is that i can’t just flip my head up to get all my hair back over my head once i’m done, so i have to take the time to sort of fold it back before i straighten up again.
when i’m rinsing my hair, i do have to just lean back and do my best with reaching my hands up because i can’t face the water to rinse with my hair over my head. this is by far the most unstable position for me — standing with your back and shoulders hunched, your arms tucked in, and your head all the way back isn’t great for balance — so i always make sure to have one hand resting on the wall while i run my hair under the water like that.
even though i’m showering, i’m glad i got a bunch of body wipes because there’s still really not much i can do as far as washing my body. almost everything would require putting some part of my chest directly in front of the stream, and with the way my mobility is still limited it would be hard to get the soap in most places anyway, so i’ve been staying on the safe side. i can imagine it being possible with a detachable shower head, but i have one and have absolutely no chance of being able to reach it, so i think it’s safe to say there’s no good way for me to wash my body in the shower without someone else helping.
i typically don’t have a bath mat outside my shower because my sensory issues do not like the way carpet feels under wet feet, but i’ve been sucking it up and using one for now because i don’t want to slip on my way out and i know that’s much more likely at the moment. i also don’t lock the door like i normally would, so if i need help i can just call for someone in my house and they’ll be able to get in.
drying myself off is a very slow process. i can’t really rub back and forth or press very hard and my ability to reach certain parts of my body with the towel is limited, so i mostly have to just swish the towel over myself until it gets the heavy stuff off and just let the rest air dry. i’ve also been using a separate clean towel to pat my chest dry, just to make sure i’m keeping the incisions clean, especially since my body isn’t getting thoroughly washed. when i’m drying my stomach off, i always make sure to move the towel up toward the incision so i don’t tug on it at all.
my surgeon has me putting aquaphor on my incisions after showers, so i’ve been directly touching them for the first time. i was super nervous because when she put the aquaphor on it was super unpleasant, but i’ve found that i’m much gentler doing it on myself and it’s not bad at all. i try to be super diligent about washing my hands throughout the whole process because i don’t want to get something on my fingers without realizing and then touch my incisions with it still there or touch my incision and then put my fingers back into the aquaphor with bits of scabby stuff still on my hands. i usually dry my hands on a clean washcloth instead of my usual hand towel just to make sure everything’s clean; that’s probably overkill, but it makes me feel better.
since my ace bandage just wraps around and the tightness is completely up to how we wrap it, my boyfriend took a picture of where the bandage started and ended when my surgeon put it on me, and now, every time we put it on me we basically just match where she put it. that way, we know it’s always at least close to the tightness she thought was appropriate. we have had to adjust over time though, mostly to make it tighter as the bandage loosens from me wearing it.
i’ve found that getting my bandage put back on after having it off for a while always sets my sensory issues off and no matter how well we put it on, it feels too loose and in the wrong place and like it’s falling and generally not great. i’ve found that the best way to readjust to having it on is to sit with my back against a pillow and a mastectomy pillow around my chest. that way, the whole bandage is held in place and doesn’t move around for a while, which gives me some time to get used to it again.
i’m always pretty tired after showering — it’s by far the longest i’m ever standing up and the most i ever have to use my arms. that’s not super surprising, but it’s worth mentioning. i’m writing this as i’m crashed on the couch just resting and doing nothing physical because i took a shower a little while ago, and i can definitely still feel it even though it’s been a bit.
overall, showering has been a really great time and i honestly really look forward to it (and not just because i get to be less gross). it’s the only time i get to just look at my new chest and sit with it and interact with it take a million pictures of it and get my first taste of walking around my house shirtless and all that good stuff, and i’m fully taking advantage of that time. it’s also been an good opportunity to monitor how things are healing — the various discomforts and pains i get during the day stress me out a lot less when i can look at my chest and see that things are healing well, and even when something looks like it might not be ideal, i feel a lot better knowing i can keep an eye on it and instead of stressing out about it constantly, i just keep reminding myself to give it some time and check on it next time i shower.
i didn’t really know going in what showering would be like at all — i knew some people need help and some people can do it independently, but i’ve never seen someone talk about what doing it independently is actually like. i’m sure it looks different for everyone, but this is what it’s like for me!
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callsign-mayhem · 1 year
to the moon and back
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Mitchell!Reader Word Count: 5.2k
You are the daughter of Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell and the lifelong best friend of Bradley Bradshaw. Nothing has ever been able to get in between the two of you, not even the feelings you’ve been harbouring for him for as long as you can remember. But when you both get called to Top Gun for what seems to be a suicide mission, you realise that life is too short to keep your love for him a secret.
Y/CS - your call sign
Use of Y/N but no description of reader
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You couldn’t remember the last time you laid eyes on Bradley Bradshaw, and if you’d known you would be this affected by the mere sight of him then you would have better prepared yourself. He was in his rightful place behind the piano at The Hard Deck, performing ‘Great Balls of Fire’ with all his usual enthusiasm, and then some. His infectious personality had every person in the bar gravitating towards him, belting out the lyrics along with him as though their lives depended on it. You had to draw from every reserve of strength you had so as not to march right up to him and kiss him senseless. You’d missed him so much.
Being deployed had been difficult for you and had felt like exactly the wrong thing at the time, but eventually you realised that it was what you needed. If you’d stayed, it would have only been a matter of time until you spilt your guts to Bradley about the feelings you’d been harbouring for him since you were teenagers.
The song was almost over and so was your time for composing yourself. It was ridiculously warm in the packed bar, so taking a deep breath was no good. You resigned yourself to a few shots of something strong - liquid courage if you will - and headed to the bar to speak to Penny.
‘Y/N!’ she exclaimed, ‘what are you doing here?’ ‘I have no idea,’ you told her, ‘an assignment of some sort. I find out more tomorrow,’ you gestured to Bradley and a few of your other friends from the academy, ‘and apparently I’m not the only one they called. I don’t know whether I should be worried or relieved.’ ‘Your dad was just in here. He know you’re back?’ ‘Yeah, I haven’t seen him yet though,’ you gestured to the bottle of Jack behind her, ‘can I get one of those, please? Or three?’ Penny reached for the bottle and a shot glass. ‘Not wasting any time, huh?’ You glanced behind you to where Phoenix was patting Bradley on the back and getting everyone to cheer for him, ‘It’s been a while since I’ve seen these guys.’ ‘You mean it’s been a while since you saw Rooster,’ she smiled knowingly. You downed your shot and slammed the tiny glass back down. Penny refilled it immediately, ‘That too,’ you admitted with a wince. ‘You already know what I’m going to say.’ ‘Yes, and you already know why I can’t tell him.’
You downed your second shot and just as you were about to do your third, someone covered your eyes with their hand. You knew who it was without having to hear him speak or look at his face because you’d know him deaf and blind. Hell, you’d know him in death.
The familiar rumble of his voice in your ear set your entire nervous system alight: ‘Guess who.’ ‘Hmm,’ you pretended to think, ‘I don’t know. Hangman?’ Rooster scoffed, ‘I haven’t seen you in two years and the first thing you do is insult me? Glad to know some things never change, Y/CS.’
You spun around and looped your arms around his neck, pressing your face into the side of his. He lifted you off the floor and spun you around with all the grace of a bull in a china shop, laughing like a little kid. It felt like no time at all had passed.
‘And you’re still shooting whiskey like it’s water,’ he noted, setting you down gently, ‘so you definitely haven’t changed.’
You drank him in hungrily, trying to act like you weren’t totally out of control on the inside. In one of his dad’s old Hawaiian shirts with his aviators perched on the tip of his nose, he wasn’t exactly a brand new man. Something about him was different, though, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Even as the two of you had gotten older, you’d always seen him as the goofy kid in the cowboy hat that could make you laugh on the darkest days. Throughout high school and your time at the academy, he’d been the person you confided in about everything, and the only secret you’d ever kept from him was your ever-growing feelings for him. But now, after just over two years apart, he felt more like a stranger than ever before. Nothing had changed, but everything had changed, and you were struggling to figure out how that could be.
‘You want a beer?’ you asked. ‘Sure, but no more shots for you. We gotta be up early and I know if you carry on drinking like that you won’t get out of bed.’ ‘When you’re right, you’re right.’
You got Rooster a beer and a JD and coke for yourself before heading over to the rest of the group. There were a few people whose reputations preceded them but you’d never met in real life, and then there was Phoenix, one of your closest friends from the academy. When she saw you she practically jumped on you and Rooster had to take your drink from your hand so it didn’t spill everywhere.
‘Y/CS!’ ‘Hey,’ you giggled, ‘Phoenix, it’s great to see you too but I can’t breathe.’ ‘Sorry, sorry,’ she relented, ‘how’ve you been? I haven’t seen you since your deployment. When did you get back?’ ‘Couple of months ago,’ you told her, ‘I’ve been in South Carolina.’ ‘You’ve been back months?’ Rooster cut in, ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ ‘You know how it is, Roo,’ you said, ‘you get deployed, come home and your whole life is upside down for a while. By the time you’ve settled back in, weeks have gone by and you still haven’t had a chance to see anyone.’
He nodded, but his hurt was apparent. Hangman sidled up next to you and you’d never been more relieved by his incredibly annoying presence. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, hugging you tight. He was a massive ass, but you’d somehow ended up friends while being stationed together a few years ago. A lot of his bravado was an act, and when he let his guard down he was actually a great person to talk to.
‘Y/N Mitchell,’ he said, ‘Long time no see.’ ‘Can’t say I’m mad about that.’ His usual shit-eating grin was plastered across his face, ‘You and I both know that’s a lie.’ ‘Whatever helps you sleep at night, Seresin.’
Everyone makes small talk for a while and those who have never met before are introduced. You pull a barstool over and sit next to Bob, Phoenix’s new back-seater. She’s the first one to point out the elephant in the room.
‘So anybody know what this ‘special detachment’s’ all about?’ ‘A mission’s a mission,’ Hangman replies, ‘They don’t confront me. What I wanna know is who’s team leader. And which’a ya’ll have what it takes to follow me?’ Hangman winks at Rooster, needling him, ‘Hangman, the only place you’ll ever lead anyone is an early grave.’ Hangman looks up from his next shot and walks over to Rooster until they’re standing face to face. ‘Anyone follows you is just gonna… run outta fuel. But then that’s you all over, ain’t it, Rooster? Snug on your perch, waitin’ for juuuuust the right moment. That never comes.’ Rooster tenses visibly and you grab his arm, ‘Hey, you wanna get another drink? Feel like we’ve got some catching up to do.’
You leave the rest of the group to their game and grab a couple more drinks before heading outside. The Bronco is parked out front looking prettier than ever, paintwork glinting in the late-evening sunlight. If you had a dollar for the amount of late-night drives you and Bradley had taken in that thing, you’d be a billionaire.
You intended to sit at one of the tables outside The Hard Deck, but Rooster had other ideas. You ignored the swarm of butterflies in your stomach when he took your hand and led you down towards the beach and reminded yourself that you had no reason to be nervous; he was your best friend, he didn’t know about your feelings and nothing had changed.
‘I still can’t believe you’ve been back months and you didn’t tell me.’ You cringed, ‘I’m sorry, Bradley. I should’ve called, I know.’ ‘Mav know you’re back?’ Yeah, he’s here too.’
Your father was a touchy conversation subject and you tried to avoid talking about him as much as possible. Once you’d eventually realised that there was no way of convincing Rooster that everything he’d done had come from a place of love and concern, you’d given up trying to keep the peace. It was difficult, letting him fester in his own anger, but it wasn’t your fight. However, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t still holding out hope that things would go back to the way they used to be someday.
‘How’ve you been, anyway?’ you asked, swiftly changing the subject, ‘What’s new in your life?’ ‘The usual. Getting called down here is the most exciting thing that’s happened to me in months.’ You laughed, ‘That can’t be true. What happened to the girl you were dating?’ ‘Molly? Jesus Christ, that was over as quickly as it started. I stopped seeing her not long after you left,’ he sipped his beer, ‘what about you? Meet your future husband while you were away?’ ‘Nope,’ you sighed, ‘starting to think I’m destined to be alone forever.’ ‘What about Hangman?’ Rooster asked, Jake’s callsign sounding like ashes in his mouth.
To call your brief fling with Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin a mistake would have been putting it lightly. You’d been stationed together in Alabama for a little while and he was the only familiar person there so, naturally, you’d gravitated towards him and him to you. After getting to know each other better, one thing had led to another and you’d ended up sleeping together after one too many JD and cokes. That one night had led to another and another until you were pretty much dating, although neither of you had ever mentioned putting any kind of label on whatever it was the two of you had going on. Rooster had been up in arms when he found out, yelling at you down the phone that Jake was a complete and total asshole and that you deserved so much better, leading to the worst - and only - fight you’d ever had.
While getting involved with Jake was definitely a mistake and you didn’t plan on walking down that particular path ever again, you still stood by what you said in his defence: you have to get to know him in order to understand him.
‘You already know that’s over.’
Rooster looked at you and you had to remind yourself to breathe. You’d never wanted to kiss him more in your entire life.
‘I’ve got no idea why we’re here,’ he said, ‘but I’m glad you’re with me, Y/N.’ ‘Me too, Bradley. Me too.’
The special detachment, as it turned out, was a suicide mission. There was no other way of putting it. Your dad was immensely proud of you and your accomplishments and had never once doubted your abilities as a pilot, but he wasn’t happy that you were on this particular mission. He wasn’t happy that Rooster was on it either. After your first day of training, you went to dinner with your old man so you could catch up and talk about what you’d be in for over the course of the next couple of weeks. You hadn’t realised just how much you’d missed him until you were sitting in front of him, but part of you wished it was under different circumstances.
‘Surely me being part of the team you’re training goes against some kind of rule,’ you said around a mouthful of steak. ‘The stakes are so high, I think mostly every rule has already gone out the window.’ ‘I haven’t been this scared since I climbed in a cockpit for the first time,’ you admitted, ‘but I’ve also never wanted to be on a mission more.’ Your dad smiled, but there was fear in his eyes, ‘I don’t like that look, Y/N.’ ‘It’s the only one I got, Dad, and I got it from you.’ ‘Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about.’
White hot rage blinded you like a fire poker between your eyes. The minute Rooster walked through the doors you were racing up to him. Jake had to grab both of your arms and pull you off him to prevent you from swinging at him.
‘What the fuck was that Bradshaw?!’ you roared, ‘You got a fucking death wish?!’
He ran a hand through his hair, face flushed from the heat and the adrenaline coursing through his veins. You weren’t just angry at him for endangering his life, or your dad’s, for that matter, you were angry because you understood why he’d done it. And you knew that if you were in his shoes and you were up there with something to prove, you’d have done the exact same thing.
‘Can we not do this here?’
You shrugged Jake off and straightened out your flight suit, leading Bradley out of the room. He followed you outside into the blazing heat of the San Diego sun where you preceded to turn around and punch him so hard in the shoulder that he took a step back.
‘Jesus, Y/N,’ he huffed, ‘was that really necessary?’ ‘I don’t know, was nearly killing yourself and my dad really necessary?’ ‘I had it under control!’ You laughed humourlessly,  ‘Yeah, it looked like it.’ ‘I’m not gonna have this fight with you,’ he said matter-of-factly, ‘I’m sorry for scaring you, but you have to understand-’ ‘I do understand!’ you screamed, ‘But just because I understand, doesn’t mean I can’t be pissed as hell!’
He pulled you flush against his chest and you softened immediately, unable to resist the comfort and security that came with one of Bradley’s bear hugs. If you had it your way, you’d stay in his arms like this for the rest of time.
‘You really need to have it out with Mav,’ you mumbled into his flight suit, ‘this is getting beyond ridiculous - it’s dangerous.’ He kissed the top of your head, ‘I know.’
You had to admit, dog fight football was a stroke of genius on your dad’s part. It was the perfect way to relieve any tensions between the team and also take everyone’s minds off the upcoming mission. Jake and Bradley - the two team captains - tossed a coin to decide who would pick first, and Jake ended up picking you. You suspected he did it just to get underneath Bradley’s skin, and judging by the set of his jaw as you marched over to Jake, his plan worked.
You also had Payback on your team, and between the two of you, you were carrying the whole game. You didn’t like to toot your own horn but… toot toot.
‘Come on Bradshaw!’ you yelled, smirking devilishly, ‘You really gonna let me kick your ass so spectacularly in front of everyone?!’ ‘You’ve got Payback! It ain’t fair!’ ‘Oh, so you don’t think we could win without him?!’
He was holding one of the balls and was preoccupied with insulting you, so when you ran at him at full force and snatched it right out of his hands, he was too stunned to try and stop you. Hangman and Payback both cheered, but as soon as Bradley refocused he was on your heels, and he had the advantage of extremely long legs.
Just before you could score, he came up behind you and wrapped both of his arms around your middle, lifting you off the ground and throwing you over his shoulder. You were so startled you dropped the ball and unluckily for you, Coyote was right there to pick it up and score another point for their team.
‘Put me down you cheat!’
Rooster was laughing so hard you could feel him shaking with it as he ran. He didn’t stop running until he reached the water and it was up to his waist, and then he dropped you in. It was freezing but actually quite a relief after running around in the sun all afternoon. You came up for air coughing and sputtering to find him doubled over with laughter, and you took the opportunity to drag him back down with you, pushing his head down further under the water. You knew you wouldn’t be able to overpower him long and before you could even comprehend what was happening he had a tight grip on both of your thighs, yanking you back under.
If not for the fact that it all happened so quickly, you would have spent more time revelling in the feeling of his big hands wrapped around the tops of your thighs. Your whole body broke out in goosebumps, and you knew it wasn’t from the chill of the water. When you both resurfaced you were smiling like fools and laughing like two lovesick teenagers, and you never wanted the moment to end.
‘Hey!’ Hangman called out, ‘Are you two still playing or what? I’ve got a game to win!’ With an eye roll, you yelled back: ‘Yeah we’re still playing, you couldn’t win without me anyway!’
Somehow, Rooster’s sunglasses had remained on his face throughout the entire fiasco, and you reached out and gently slid them off. He blinked against the sunlight and watched in awe as you put them on.
‘Did I say you could wear those?’ he asked. ‘Did I ask your permission?’
The two of you made your way back towards the rest of the squad, and it looked like your team was back in the lead. A sly remark about Rooster’s sabotage failing was on the tip of your tongue, but then he put his hand on your waist and pulled you into his side, ruffling the top of your head affectionately. The skin-on-skin contact was enough to drive you insane, and your words died on your lips.
‘Keep them,’ he murmured, ‘they look better on you anyway.’
When the mission got moved up, any calmness you felt dissipated like water on the hot asphalt of a runway. Your dad was now team leader and you had mixed feelings about it. You’d spent your whole life fearing for him, but knowing he was going on this mission really took the cake. And then there was the small issue of you being his kid, which would undoubtedly cloud his judgement when it came to selecting the rest of his team. For one, the chances of him even wanting you on the mission were slim to none, but then there was the worry that if he chose you, it would be seen as favouritism.
The final day of training was over and you’d been told to go and get some rest before tomorrow, and despite your exhaustion, you knew that if you were to lay down in your bunk now sleep wouldn’t come. It was one of those rare moments where the sky over Fightertown was empty and as a result, an eerie quiet had settled over the base. You were still in full flight gear - minus your helmet - sitting on the ground in the shade provided by the wing of your F/A-18. Before settling in for the night you still had to find time to shower, get something to eat and see your dad, but you were paralysed.
You dreaded to think how long you would’ve sat there if Rooster hadn’t suddenly materialised. He sat down opposite, stretching his long legs out so they were on either side of you.
‘What are you still doing out here?’ he asked gently, ‘You feeling okay?’
You were fiddling with your dog tags, a nervous tic you’d picked up in the academy, and Rooster never failed to notice. Looking into your eyes earnestly, he took both of your hands in his.
‘Talk to me, Y/CS.’ You sighed deeply, ‘I’ve never been this nervous about a mission before. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.’ ‘This is the highest-stakes mission either of us has ever gone on in our careers. I would be worrying if you weren’t nervous.’ ‘Yeah, but you know me, Roo. I don’t do nerves.’ ‘You think I’m not shitting my pants at the thought of having to fly tomorrow?’ You laughed despite the lump in the base of your throat, ‘You hide it better than me, then.’ ‘You can’t keep anything off your face, Y/N. I always know what you’re feeling.’ ‘You do?’
Your heart dropped at the thought of him being able to read you so well, but in hindsight, you should have known. You’d literally been destined to be best friends since before you were born, since your dads stayed up late one night talking about their futures, wondering if they’d have kids and how well they’d get along. As far as you knew, he’d never kept anything from you, and you’d only ever kept one thing from him. You lived your life at the same pace, shared the same moral compass and wanted all the same things. You finished each other’s sentences and could have secret conversations through facial expressions, without even having to speak. If he called, you answered. If he needed you, you ran to him, and vice versa.
You didn’t need him to confirm your worst fear: he knew you were in love with him. There was no doubt in your mind and you were a fool not to have seen it sooner.
As though he’d read your mind and sensed the worsening of your anxiety, he changed the subject.
‘What do you say we go and grab a bite to eat?’ ‘Like a last supper?’ Bradley laughed, ‘You can be really morbid sometimes, you know that?’
‘It’s been an honour flying with you,’ your dad said, ‘each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that, and nothing more.’ ‘Choose your two Foxtrot teams.’ Cyclone told him.
You fought the urge to vomit down your flight suit.
‘Phoenix and Bob. Y/CS and Payback.’
You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
‘And your wingman.’
The tension in the air was palpable. A bead of sweat rolled down the back of your neck.
You could feel Bradley’s eyes on you, but judging by the unpleasant feeling that had overcome you, turning around to face him wouldn’t be a smart idea. For one, he more than likely looked just as nauseous as you and seeing him like that would only cause your anxiety to skyrocket. Secondly, he was the one person you could be completely vulnerable in front of and since it was already taking every ounce of your strength not to cry, it was probably best not to engage.
For the next hour, the seconds passed you by like cars on a highway. You listened to Warlock explain the mission for the final time, but his words went in one ear and came out the other. You stayed at Payback’s side up until it was time to go, but just as you were heading out to the flight deck, your dad pulled you aside for the conversation you’d been anticipating since he said your name.
His expression was, as ever, unreadable and you decided that it was probably a good thing that you didn’t know exactly what he was feeling in that moment. If Maverick was nervous, then you really had something to worry about.
He pulled you close and squeezed you tight, and you let out a single, strangled sob.
‘I know you can do this.’ ‘Me too,’ you were clinging onto him for dear life, ‘but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified.’ ‘If I didn’t believe in you completely, I wouldn’t have chosen you.’ ‘I know, Dad.’ ‘I love you, Y/N.’ ‘I love you too. I’ll see you when we get back.’
He kissed the top of your head before letting you go and you headed out to the flight deck together. Payback was already waiting for you, but it seemed as though there was one more conversation to be had. Maverick patted Rooster on the back as he passed, throwing one final glance back at the two of you. All you could do was remind yourself over and over again that you’d be seeing him later and that you’d be going for steaks at your favourite diner back in San Diego before you knew it.
You could tell Rooster didn’t know what to say but it didn’t matter. You already knew, because you were thinking all the same things.
‘When we get home, I have some things I wanna talk to you about.’
He reached out to touch your cheek and you leaned into his hand, almost nuzzling his palm with the side of your face. Hugging him, you decided, would be too final. It would feel like a goodbye, and this wasn’t a goodbye, it was simply ‘see you later.’
‘There are some things I want to talk to you about as well,’ you smiled sheepishly, ‘but if you can read me as well as you say, you already know that.’ ‘Yeah, I know.’ ‘Fly safe, Roo.’ ‘Give ‘em hell, Y/CS.’
It wasn’t humanely possible to count how many times you’d flown. It was as natural as breathing oxygen, almost a second thought at this point. Getting into the cockpit of a fighter plane felt more like coming home than walking through the front door of the house you grew up in with your dad.
But nothing could have prepared you for that mission.
And nothing could have prepared you for the immense feeling of sheer panic and terror when your dad was hit. It was as though the bottom of your plane had dropped out and you were in freefall. If that wasn’t horrific enough, Rooster had gone after him. This paired with the chaos of the dogfight was traumatising enough that you’d forgotten how to breathe and what you were supposed to be doing. You had absolutely no idea how Payback managed to talk you down from going after both of them, but he did, as well as calming you down enough so you could fly back to the aircraft carrier.
You weren’t in the habit of being overly emotional in front of anyone who wasn’t Bradley or your father, but when you climbed out of the cockpit and Phoenix was already waiting for you, arms open, you collapsed onto her and broke down. You’d been completely inconsolable up until you got word of Rooster’s signal in an unidentified F-14.
Surprisingly, the relief came after cursing yourself for ever believing that your father could be bested by anyone. At this point, you were almost entirely sure that he was immortal. And as for Bradley, he was much stronger than everyone else realised. He gave Maverick a run for his money, and that was saying something. Phoenix was the only reason you hadn’t collapsed onto the ground when you realised they were okay and coming home, with the help of Hangman, of course. In the back of your mind, you were wondering how long it was going to take to hear the end of it from Jake.
And there you were on the flight deck with Phoenix’s arm around your shoulder and Payback’s around your waist, watching your dad and your best friend make the rockiest landing you’d ever seen. It felt as though all your internal organs were in your throat as you watched the net get thrown out, ready to catch the incoming aircraft and stop it from going overboard. The sound was near-deafening but you hardly noticed with the rushing blood in your ears. As soon as that plane stopped moving, you tore away from Phoenix and Payback and made a beeline towards the F-14, safety concerns be damned.
Your dad climbed out first, somehow steady on his feet despite what he’d just been through. But that was Mav all over, wasn’t it? He didn’t so much as wobble until you threw yourself at him.
‘Dad!’ you shrieked, ‘Are you okay? Are you hurt?’
He held you with the strength of someone who had a newfound value for their own life. He cradled the back of your head with one hand and stroked your hair like he used to when you were small.
‘I’m okay, are you okay?’ ‘You’re seriously asking me that?’ He laughed breathlessly, ‘I’m okay now.’ You squeezed him tighter than ever before, ‘I love you, Dad. I love you so much.’ ‘I love you too,’ he replied, releasing you reluctantly, ‘and I want you to know how proud I am of you for pulling that off.’ ‘It’s in my blood.’ He put his hands on either side of your face and leaned in to kiss your forehead, ‘I think you should go and speak to Rooster,’ he whispered, ‘we’ll talk more afterwards, okay?’
At the mention of Rooster, all the wind was knocked out of you. All you could do was nod at your father before he headed over to the rest of the squad, leaving you alone in front of the battered F-14. Rooster had jumped out right after your dad, but he’d given the two of you some space. You locked eyes like they do in the movies, but this wasn’t a movie. The world didn’t tilt on its axis or stop turning altogether; it was more like the two of you were the only ones in it that actually mattered. Everyone around you might as well have been frozen in time.
He was taking long strides towards you, but he couldn’t get to you quick enough so you ran to meet him halfway, not stopping until your face was mere millimetres away from his. He was filthy, covered in blood, and sweat and God only knew what else, but you were blinded by the light behind his eyes. You’d always been totally mesmerised by him, but this was something else entirely. It was suddenly very apparent to you that you would do anything this man asked of you, follow him down to the eye of any storm, love him until you took your final breath.
‘Y/N-’ ‘Don’t say anything,’ you interjected, ‘I already know what you’re gonna say, and I don’t wanna waste any more time.’
And before he could utter another word, you pressed your lips to his. The kiss started out soft but then he ran his fingers through your hair and somehow managed to pull your face even closer, deepening the kiss. He ran his tongue along your lips and you parted them for him, finally tasting him the way you’d wanted to for as long as you could remember. Your veins were thrumming with so much electricity you thought your head might explode. When you eventually parted, the space between you was too much for you to bear (you never wanted there to be any space between you and Bradley ever again) so you looped your arms around his neck just like you always did when you hugged him. His face was full of so much adoration, anyone would think you’d hung the bloody moon in the sky.
‘Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that?’ he asked. ‘If it’s anywhere near as long as me, we’re going to be kicking ourselves.’ He kissed the tip of your nose and you damn-near melted, ‘I don’t want to go another day without kissing you like that.’ ‘Neither do I.’
You’d forgotten that the rest of your squad was standing a few feet away, waiting to celebrate with you. When you turned around, they were all cheering for you and Rooster and you could just about make out Phoenix’s ‘finally’ over the sound of Payback’s hoots. You knew you had to go over there and that there would be plenty of time to be alone when you got back to San Diego, but you couldn’t wait until then to tell Bradley how you felt about him. If he hadn’t already guessed.
You had to stand on tip toes to reach his ear, where you whispered: ‘I love you, Bradley Bradshaw. To the moon and back again.’ You felt him shiver beneath your touch. ‘I love you too, Y/N.’
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iinsertblognamee · 10 months
sam's sick
summary ― you go and pick up your sick girlfriend from training
pairing ― sam kerr x reader
warning/s ― sick sam, fluff
based off this request
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The rain was drizzling down outside, the sound of your Spotify playing in the background keeping you company as you attempt to clean the house up. It was your day off, which you usually spend with your girlfriend but she had been called into training and left long before you woke up. 
You nudged your bedroom door open with your foot, shaking your head at all your girlfriend's clothes on the floor. Quickly picking them up and putting them in her laundry basket. You’d come back for them later. 
Continuing through the room, you quickly made the bed and ensured everything else that needed to be put away was done. 
Quickly grabbing your phone out of your pocket to check the time, you notice the two missed calls from Steph and a message. 
Sam’s not doing great. Would you be able to pick her up? 
You feel your heart drop as you re-read the message three times over. Not even thinking about texting her back, you make your way towards the front door - grab the car keys and quickly lock up. 
The drive over wasn’t terrible, although thousands of possibilities kept running around your head. You knew your girlfriend put her body on the line when it came to the sport and as much as you loved her for being so passionate, sometimes you just wanted to wrap her up in bubblewrap and keep her home with you. 
Quickly parking the car, you almost thank the lord when you remembered Sam had carpooled it in today - her car is one less thing you need to worry about. Walking through the lobby, you could hear the girls singing ‘strawberry kisses’ a small smile coming to your face. 
Walking into the change room, Katrina spots you first, dancing towards you, and grabbing your hand to spin you around. Others join around you, letting out cheers. You take note that you still haven’t spotted Sam or Steph. 
The girls start to break away from you, getting ready for lunch, Katrina’s arm still on yours as she comes in closer to you. 
“They’re already in the cafeteria” you thank her quickly, as you make your way towards the cafeteria. Turing around the corner you see Sam sitting at the table, her head in her hands as Steph was rubbing her back. A bottle of water sitting on the table in front of her. 
Steph notices you almost instantly, giving you a small smile as she moves so you could slot yourself where she just was. Sam lets out a small groan, as you slip next to her - your hand now replacing Steph's. 
“Hey baby” you mumbled into her hair, planting a kiss as you continue to rub her back. The second she realises it is you, her head falls into your chest - another groan leaving her lips. 
You try to assess her, looking up and down for any sort of injury but come up with nothing. She continues to cling to you, almost like a child as you plant kisses on her head trying to give her any sort of relief. 
“What’s going on sweetheart?” you wait a few seconds for Sam to respond - looking over to get some sort of response from Steph but find that during the past few minutes, she had left to give the two of you some privacy. “It’s just you and me Sam” you add on, hoping that would get Sam to talk. 
“I feel like shit” she croaks out, a small sniffle following. You let out a small ‘coo’ as you managed to pull her even closer into your body - as sad as you were to see your girlfriend sick, it felt nice to be able to hold her like this. 
You let her sit for a few more minutes, listening out for the rest of the team to walk through those doors. You had a feeling steph had told them to hold off until you got Sam back into your car. 
You feel her shift just a little, her big brown eyes starring up at you. You could see the sickness in her eyes, but the way she was pouting at you made her just that little bit cuter. You could tell she had hit breaking point, her eyes watery as her body just gives into you. 
Sam had to sides of being sick, at first she would deny it to her grave - instinsting she was okay. She would try to act like nothing was wrong and overwork herself until she was literally dying and then the flip would switch. She became clingy, only wanting you. And although you would say ‘i told you so’ every single time, you couldnt help but treasure those moments together. Just the two of you. 
You give her a small peck on her nose, brushing some of her hair away from her eyes. 
“You ready to go home love?” you ask, smiling down at your girlfriend. 
She closes her eyes, as she slowly nods. 
“I would love that”
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for flufftober.. would it be possible to have day 6 be with swiss x reader?? idk i fell like even tho swiss is usually dancing all feral and shit on stage, he’d also be good at other forms of dancing? like i see him being able to do all that cutesy romantic dancing and dipping the reader and all that:( anywho- idk if you’ve already gotten a request for that one and if you have, you can go with that one cause i know this one is extremely late. i just saw that prompt and immediately thought of swiss being able to do shit from salsa dancing to waltzes to jazz. idk man. he just gives those vibes… maybe even classically trained? ANYWAYS IM SO SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG AHHH <333
Step On Your Toes
Flufftober Day 6: Dancing together
Pairings: Mountain X Reader X Swiss (Implied Poly!Ghouls X Reader)
Type: Fluff
Summary: Reader plans on surprising Swiss for his birthday with a dance, yet cannot dance to save their life. Mountain is more than happy to help.
Warnings: Light drinking, a bit of self-doubt
Word Count: 2,390
Notes: Read here on ao3. Find my flufftober prompt list here. Okay, so I absolutely loved both of these ideas, so I'm realllyyy hoping y'all are cool with me merging them :) Songs mentioned: Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray & Grow As We Go by Ben Platt. Second prompt under the cut for space reasons :)
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“Ouch,” Mountain whispered as you once again stepped on his toes.
You sighed and dropped your hands, backing away from the tall ghoul. “I’m sorry…I don’t think I can do this. That’s what now? Eight times? I just want to surprise Swiss with a cute little dance, but all I can do is step on your toes.”
“Hey now, we have plenty of time to practice before the party. I’ll help you get this right,” he assured, resting a hand on your shoulder.
“But I haven’t been able to, and Swiss’s birthday is in less than a week. It’s my first year that I get to spend his birthday with him, and I want it to be perfect.”
Mountain pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on your head. “Swiss loves you whether or not you can dance. That ghoul is just insanely talented and a show-off. He isn’t going to love you less if you step on his toes.” His hand rubbed your back in a soothing manner.
“I don’t want to step on his toes. I want this to go smoothly.”
“Sweetheart, it’s okay not to surprise him with a dance if you’re that worried about it,” he offered.
“But I want to. I just…I don’t know…I feel like I’ll make a fool out of myself,” you said in a whisper as you walked over to the corner of the practice room to grab your water bottle.
Mountain chuckles, pulling you back against him, hugging you tightly. “Now, now, if anyone will make a fool out of themselves, my bets are all on Dewdrop and Phantom. You’ll be the least of everyone’s worries,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your head. “A few mistakes can’t throw a wrench in your plans. Plus, stepping on his feet a few times won’t ruin the dance. You were so determined to get this right when you initially asked for my help. Where’d that spirit go?”
“Probably the same place that my ability to dance went,” you mumbled as he began to sway while holding onto you. He hummed as if he were considering something. “What are you plotting?”
“How about this?” He spun you around, lifting you with ease and placing both of your feet on the tops of his. “I will move, and you will let your body move with mine. This way, I can teach you how to move the right way, then you can try it without me guiding you. How does that sound?”
You look up with a concerned look. “Do you actually think this is going to help at all?”
“Maybe…maybe not,” he shrugs. “And if it doesn’t, then we’ll think of something else to surprise Swiss,” he offered, holding you against his chest as he stared at you, his green eyes showing nothing but kindness.
“Maybe I can just get him a cat.”
“He already has Dewdrop. We don’t need another one,” Mountain teased. “Will you at least try my idea?” He asked, a slight pout on his face.
“Alright…alright, we can try it,” you sighed, giving in. You felt silly doing this, but there was a part of you that wanted this to work.
Mountain pulled his phone from his pocket and pressing play on a slow song, beginning to sway at first before moving his feet to the beat.
It wasn’t the song you intended to use with Swiss, but Mountain had a playlist of slow, mostly cheesy, romantic songs that he played while dancing in the rain or in the greenhouse with Rain.
“Summertime Sadness?” You questioned as the first notes rang through.
Mountain let out a laugh. “Hey, it’s a good song. Not every song on my playlist has to be heavy metal,” he said, moving his feet in a consistent pattern.
“The big, scary, earth ghoul is a Lana fan. Who would’ve guessed?” You teased as he danced around the room with you.
“I only know a few of her songs. Can’t lie and say they aren’t good, though,” he grinned, glad to see your mind on something other than the dancing. That only lasted a few minutes when you looked down to see his steps. He let out a gentle ‘tsk’, taking one hand off your hip to tilt your chin to look at him. “Eyes on me, love,” he whispered. “Let your body feel the beat, not your mind.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just feel,” he said as if that alone made perfect sense, placing his hand back on your hip.
“Earth ghouls…cryptic little creatures,” you huffed, trying to keep your eyes up.
“I am anything but little,” he scoffed.
“Yeah, okay, you aren’t little, but you’re still cryptic as hell.”
“I’m choosing to take that as a compliment.”
“Whatever floats your boat,” you laugh. He holds you close as you both move to the music. He has one hand on your waist and the other holding your hand. It’s sweet and simple, and you almost forget that you’re not moving yourself.
At one point he sets you on the ground, and there’s a small look of panic in your eyes before he spins you. He lets you twirl once, guided by his hand, then puts a hand on your waist, dips you, and gives you a chaste kiss. He grins as he pulls you back to stand on his feet.
“What was that for?”
“What? Can’t kiss my favorite human?” He chuckles, continuing to move along to the music.
“Well, you can. I just wasn’t expecting it,” you confess, laughing with him.
The song comes to an end and both of you just stand there, not quite moving. “Want to try another song like this, or do you want to try it without me guiding you?”
You pause to think, weighing the options. “What if we do two more songs like this, take a break, then let me try it on my own.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he smiles, already pressing play on the next song.
The night of the party comes rather quickly. You and Mountain had been practicing for a few hours each day, determined to get this dance down.
The room feels like it’s practically alive. People are dancing, talking, and drinking. There’s some sort of upbeat song playing. Even the decorations add an extra buzz. Truly a party designed for the lively multi-ghoul.
You were in the corner, sipping a glass of champagne, and practically freaking out. Mountain had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, trying to comfort you.
“You’re too tense,” he said gently. “You did phenomenal yesterday. Didn’t even step on my toes once.”
“I know, but that was practicing. And with you. Swiss is…such a good dancer. I’m pretty sure he knows every dance ever created. I’m going to embarrass myself.”
“You’re not going to embarrass yourself. I promise. No one will even notice if you mess up because if you mess up–”
“–when I mess up.”
“–if you mess up, he’ll cover for you and make sure no one knows that it was you. Trust me, he’ll guide you through it if he has to, but you’ll do amazing,” he assures.
“I don’t know…this just feels like a mistake.”
“Look at me,” he says, tilting your head up. “He’s going to love it. He’ll be thrilled that you even made the attempt if this ends horribly. He loves you, and nothing will change that.”
You sigh, staring at the bubbles in your glass. “I know…I just want this to be good.”
“It will be. You need to stop doubting yourself,” he says, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
Swiss walks over with an excited grin. He’s dressed up - as is everyone else - but has a silly cone on his head, strapped to his chin that reads ‘Birthday Boy’ that Phantom and Aurora made him. “Well hello, lovebirds,” he laughs, throwing an arm around you. 
You smile and press a kiss to his cheek. “Happy birthday, Swiss.”
“Are you two enjoying yourselves?” He asks, looking between you and Mountain, taking a sip of whatever was in his cup.
“I am, don’t know about this one,” Mountain teases, which gets him an elbow to the ribs.
Swiss looks down at you, a look of confusion on his face. “Now why is that?”
“No reason,” you say, taking a sip of champagne and giving Mountain a dirty look for saying something.
“Oh come on, you can’t not have a good time at my party. It’s my birthday,” he pouts. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“What’s wrong is that Mountain can’t keep his mouth shut.”
Mountain chuckles. “Guilty as charged.”
“No, seriously, is something wrong?” Swiss asks, he takes his arm from around your face to look at you face to face, trying to gauge your true feelings.
“It’s nothing important, Swiss. I swear.”
“Pinky promise?” He lifts his hand, making a fist, and extending his pinky.
You interlock your pinky with his. “Pinky promise,” you assure.
You chat for a few more minutes until Swiss gets called away by another guest. Mountain turns toward you with a skeptical look.
“So when are you planning on bringing him out for the dance exactly?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “I guess when it feels right.”
“You worked yourself up, didn’t you?”
“What? No,” you said with playful denial, taking a sip of champagne to avoid eye contact.
“I’m not letting you leave this room until you dance with him,” he persists, taking the glass from you. “You worked so hard, and he’s going to absolutely love to see you surprise him.”
“I really don’t-”
“Nope. No more ‘I don’t’ or ‘I can’t’,” he interrupts. “You really should pull him aside, and ask him to dance. You don’t need to keep doubting yourself.”
“You’re right,” you sigh. “Are you sure he won’t laugh if I embarrass myself?”
“Did I?”
“Okay, well that was just practicing. He’s not going to laugh.”
“Fine. Alright, I’ll go talk to him.”
“Good,” Mountain says, grabbing your waist and kissing the top of your head. “You’re going to do great. I believe in you.”
“Thank you, Mountain.”
“Of course, sweetheart. Go knock ‘em dead,” he grins, pushing you in the direction of Swiss.
You swallow the lump in your throat, then walk over to Swiss who’s in a conversation with Rain and Cirrus.
All of the ghoul’s knew about your surprise, except Swiss of course, so Rain and Cirrus exchanged a knowing look, ready to let you take Swiss away.
“Hey, do you mind if I steal this one?” You asked, slightly hesitant, putting a hand on Swiss’s shoulder.
“By all means,” Rain smirks, taking Swiss’s glass and party hat, then pulling Cirrus away.
You take a shaky breath, then pull Swiss to the dance floor as the opening to Grow As We Go begins.
“What are you doing?” Swiss asks with a slight smile. You move one of his hands to your waist, wrap that hand around his neck, then hold the other in your free hand.
“Surprising you?” You offer, beginning to sway to the music and trying to move your feet in the way Mountain taught you.
“You know you’re supposed to watch your dancing partner, not your feet, right?” He teases.
You look up, a slightly worried expression. “I’m sorry,” you say with a slight frown.
“Are you worried you’re going to step on my toes?”
“A bit…I haven’t been able to do this without stepping on Mountain’s at least once.”
“So that’s where you two have been sneaking off to,” he grins. “If it makes you feel better, my feet are much smaller than his.”
You laugh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. He’s been helping me for the past few weeks. I know you really like you to dance, and that you’re really good at it, so I figured I would try to surprise you.”
“Well, you’re doing a great job so far. You’ve only stepped on my toes once.”
“I did? Oh, I’m sorry,” you frown, looking back at your feet.
He grabs your chin and smiles at you. “Hey, did I complain? No, I didn’t, so let me see those beautiful eyes.”
A shy smile comes over your face. “I’m sorry, I just…really want this to be perfect.”
“The fact that you felt comfortable enough to do this for me makes this perfect as is. You’re perfect,” he says softly.
The crowd is watching, but neither of you seem to care. It’s just a moment for the two of you. You bring yourself closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder.
“You’re doing amazing, you know,” he whispers, resting his head on top of yours.
You hum in acknowledgement and sway to the music. It seems to fade out, like the only thing happening in the room is Swiss holding you close. It’s the perfect moment.
He begins to hum along with the song, then pushes you away to spin you just as Mountain had done many times before. You let him twirl you before he wrapped you back in his arms with your back to his chest, pressing a kiss to your jaw. You giggled as his facial hair tickled your cheek.
He smiled and let out a light laugh. “You look amazing tonight.”
“I really should be the one complimenting you, birthday boy.”
He laughed again. “It’s my birthday, I can do what I want.”
He spun you out once more as the song began to wrap up. Holding you by the waist, he bent you back, planting a sweet, yet passionate kiss to your lips as the song ended. When he brought you upright, he was holding your cheek as he continued to kiss you.
“Thank you,” he whispered, keeping his face close to yours and staring into your eyes.
“I love you, Swiss. Happy birthday,” you said as you pressed another kiss to his lips.
He wrapped you in his arms, pulling you into a tight hug. “I love you so much, sweetheart. This was truly an incredible surprise,” he said, squeezing you against him.
“I’m glad you liked it,” you smile, wrapping your arms around him and returning the hug.
“And guess what?” He pulls away, a playful grin on his face.
“You only stepped on my toes three times.”
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Song prompt for Manny Perez
But honey if I had to choose
Oh I'd rather ride around with you
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Tagging: @burningpeachpuppy @acesgunner95 @caffeinatedwoman @unknown6669991
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You disappear into the background when Manny’s ex-wife Bobbi comes to town. You think he doesn’t notice but he does, he’s just too busy putting out the fires she’s lighting up in Gabriella’s life to be able to deal with it.
It’s almost a week later that he realises he hasn’t heard from you. No calls, no texts, no sleep overs. Bobbi has a way of doing that, taking over his life, drowning out everything else with her chaos. He’s barely had more than a couple of minutes to himself between his shifts with Three Rock and running interference between her and Gabby.
It’s five in the morning when he forces himself out of bed and drags himself down to the beach. It’s the only place he can guarantee you’ll be and the truth is he wants a little one on one time.
You’re already in water by the time he gets there, bobbing by a little way from the shore, your gaze fixed on the horizon as the sun rises. He considers joining you but this is where you get your peace, where you come to take a breath and he doesn’t want to interrupt that moment.
When you step out the water he can’t help but smile. You’ve never been shy about your body and that’s one of the things he loves about you, your confidence, your unflinching ability to know who you are, to never doubt it.
He hands you the towel before you wrap it around yourself and drop down into the sand alongside of him. You nudge his shoulder lightly and he nudges you back.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around.” He finds himself telling you. “My ex-wife… She’s a lot.”
“Oh I know.” You tell him, taking a sip from your water bottle. “I thought I’d give you a little breathing room with everything that was going on between her and Gabby.”  
“I don’t want you to think that I don’t care about you.” Manny tells you as his hand comes to rest upon yours on the sand. “That she comes back into my life and I forget about you.”
“I don’t think that.” You tell him as your fingers entwine with his. “I think that dealing with Roberta takes a lot of time and a lot of energy and that requires mental space so you don’t lose your shit and murder her.”
You’re not wrong, handling Bobbi was a full time occupation when they were married. She thrived on drama, on wreaking havoc on his life. Being with you is a breath of fresh air because he can relax, he’s never waiting for the next bomb to drop.
“You know anyone else would be pissed off but you…” He trails off because he just can’t find the words.
“Did you think I’d be spoiling for a fight?” You ask, tilting your head towards him.“This isn’t about me, it’s about you and Gabby trying to survive Hurricane Roberta, I’m just trying to stay out of the way so you don’t feel like you have to deal with another casualty.”
“She’s already tried to scare you away hasn’t she?” He says studying the expression on your features.
“She’s a bitter woman.” You remark, your fingertips tracing over the stubble of his jaw. “But then again, I would be too if I had run you out of my life.”
“That’s something you could never do.” He tells you, his lips brushing over your pulse point. “Whatever happens between the two of us, I’ll always be in your life. As your friend, your lover…”
“I definitely prefer lover.” You assure him and a blush creeps across his cheeks because the way you’re looking at him reminds him you aren’t wearing a single scrap of clothing underneath that towel.
“Good because I can’t imagine how hard it would be trying to be your friend knowing what’s under here.” He murmurs, his fingertips trailing along the hem of the towel.
“I can’t imagine how hard you might be under those jeans.” You tease as the towel loosens and slips from your body.
“Did I mention how much I’ve missed you over the past week?” Manny murmurs as his body covers yours, guiding you back onto the sand.
“No.” You smile, reaching down between the two of you to unzip his fly. “But maybe you can show me.”
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the-air-nomad · 1 year
Fire lily
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           You were the daughter of one of the world's most ruthless pirates. In his youth, your father had been Fire Lord Azulon's right-hand man and had led the fire nation's navy to victory. He had conquered the most important port cities of the Earth Kingdom. Following a political dispute and an Agni Kai that your father won with great difficulty, he chose to betray the Fire Nation. Many powerful men of the navy joined him and formed the Ruby Claw, a ruthless and greedy crew that generally preyed on fire navy ships and sometimes Earth Kingdom ships. 
          You inherited cunning, intelligence and hatred for the Fire Nation. This very hatred made you start a suicidal fight with more than 50 enemy ships. You led your men to victory but you were seriously wounded and taken prisoner. The 3 remaining ships immediately set off for the Capital to surrender you to the Fire Lord. On the way you lost consciousness due to blood loss. You woke up with a bad headache. You got up from the bed you were sitting on and laughed at the stupidity of those who captured you, what idiots! They didn't even tie your hands! Then you looked at the room you were in and froze. Furs and wood, blue and brown everywhere, those idiots lost you to a crew of water tribes! Now you understood why your father said that without his iron hand the fire nation's navy would not have been able to withstand even some wooden ships.You got out as easily as you could on the deck trying to beat the dizziness and the headache. You didn't get to analyze the ship and the crew very well because the captain appeared in front of you instantly. You got scared and almost hit him in the face but you calmed down quickly. The man was not much taller than you and he looked extremely worried. 
Hakoda: are you ok miss? You were unconscious for 2 days. You were captured by the Fire Nation, do you remember how or why? 
Y/N: 2 days? I feel like I haven't drunk anything in ages! I don't remember for sure how, I think an idiot managed to hit my head on the deck. They probably wanted to organize a beautiful public execution for me. You know, the presence of the Fire Lord, the sages and all that. It would have been a real honor to know that I will be executed by a coward who hides behind his 14-year-old daughter.
 Now both the captain and the crew members who heard your little speech looked at you terrified. You chuckled and grabbed the first bottle of alcohol you could find then drank it all in one gulp. 
Y/n: Oh! where are my manners, if it can be said that I ever had any. I'm Y/N, Y/F/N's daughter. Thank you for saving me from those coal heads. 
Hakoda: I am Hakoda, Chief of the Southern Water Tribe. There is no need to thank us, the enemies of our enemies are our friends. Also, I couldn't have sat and watched you die at the hands of those monsters.
 Y/N: how sweet of you.
 You notice another water tribe ship approaching you. A tall man steps down from the side of the ship and hugs Hakoda. You looked at his arm covered with burns, sighing. You hated the Fire Nation more every day, those bastards deserved every robbery and attack you led against them. Someone had to give them a taste of their own medicine. Your train of thought was interrupted by your new savior who introduced the man as Bato, his best friend. You were invited to dine with them and listen to Bato's stories. It seems that Hakoda had children and that they were traveling with the avatar. So goodbye chances to have a good time with the handsome man next to you. Why are all handsome men taken and you only attract idiots like Zhao?! If that tin head tries to offer you the honor of marrying him one more time, I swear that one of you will die in agony, and it won't be you.
Bato: I don't mean to be rude but are you a firebender? only that the style in which you tie your hair, your name and your clothes are common in the Fire Nation.
 Y/N: good observation, yes I am a firebender. I belong to a noble family but my father betrayed the Fire Nation before I was born. Now I fight the Fire Nation in a less traditional way.
 Bato: how do you mean less traditional? 
Y/N: I'm the captain of the Rubin Claw.
 The two men laughed heartily for a few moments then realized that you were as serious as possible. Hakoda looks at you in absolute terror.
 Hakoda: Don't you think it's a bit dangerous? You could die for La's name! The Fire Nation is ruthless! 
Y/N: oh! Seriously? I didn't know that at all! 
 You point at Bato's arm unimpressed. Hakoda sighs deeply and goes to his mattress to sleep. 
Y/N: not that I don't think he's cute, but what's the deal with him? Does he have a savior complex or am I too irresistible? 
Bato looks at his friend knowingly.You notice that the taller man is lost in his thoughts. You look at him with a raised eyebrow.
 Y/N: Listen Bato, I know I may seem rude and uncaring but I really like your friend. He is different from all the men I have known.
 Bato: why do I have the impression that you only knew pirates and captains of the Fire Nation Navy? 
Y/N: ok ok. You got me. But I was serious when I said that I like him. I want you to be honest, do you think I have a chance with him? I know he has children but you haven't mentioned anything about a wife or girlfriend. 
Bato: His wife died a few years ago in a raid, we don't like to talk about her because her death is still an open wound. 
Y/N: I'm really sorry, good people don't deserve to die or lose their loved ones like this. Please send your condolences to the children, I know what it's like to lose your mother at a young age.
 Bato: I will Y/N, I will. 
You went back to the cabin where you woke up and quickly fell asleep. You were woken shortly after sunrise by some urgent knocks on the door. You opened the door only to see Bato looking panicked. You went out on deck and noticed that the water tribe ships were surrounded by your own ships. You grinned dangerously when you saw Akain, your right hand and also your half brother, coming towards you. 
Y/N: what took you so long to find me son of a rattlesnake?
 Akain: I would have found you sooner if you had stayed on the fire nation ship and we have the same father little viper. 
Akain playfully hits you on the head and Hakoda immediately comes towards you. Your brother looks at the water tribe man amused. You roll your eyes and put the firebender back on his ship telling him to wait for you. You return to the watertribe ship and hug Bato. You notice that Hakoda is trying to convince you to give up being a pirate and you laugh briefly. You pull the captain into a passionate kiss. He is frozen for a few seconds and then he responds to your kiss. 
Akain: so when you told me that you befriended the watertribe captain, did you mean friendship with benefits? 
You break the kiss and pull away from Hakoda blushing furiously. 
Y/N: I'm ashamed that we have the same blood, you mentally retarded idiot! 
You return to your ship and kick your brother because he collapsed from laughing so much. While your ships are moving away you look at Hakoda who seemed to want to swim to you. 
Hakoda: You can't kiss me and walk away like that! 
Y/N: Then come and get me my love! 
You giggle at his disappointed look and at Bato who tries to hold him in place. You hope that you will see each other again someday and that maybe, just maybe, you will be able to continue what you started without your annoying brother bothering you.
Let's say you had a big surprise when you snuck into Boiling Rock to help your brother escape and that Hakoda will not lose you again. This world is far too dangerous for a fire lily like you.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! Don’t forget that the request are open💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want to support my work :  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
this work is for : @mochminnie​  . I hope you like it!
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serenadeofher · 1 year
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Last kiss goodbye
synopsis; your boyfriend/fiancée wants to break up with you right before enlisting in the military but you stand by your point and are willing to wait for him
pairing; seokjin x reader (no specific gender)
genre; angst with a little bit of fluff and a good ending
word count; 1292 words
As if the crazy dream you just had wasn’t enough you woke up covered in cold sweat on your body and a weird feeling. The space beside you in bed is empty.
Did he really just leave without you? Without bidding his last goodbye? No he wouldn’t! Right?
That’s exactly when you hear the door squeak open knowing damn well that old rusty door needs some oil or else it’s going to wake up everyone in this stupid apartment.
The covers still have a slight floraly scent to them although they could be switched again but who are you to judge. Your boyfriend isn’t going to sleep here anymore for quite some while so changing the sheets now would be kind of pointless.
“I thought you left me here all alone” you said as silent as possible. The sleepiness still evident in your voice but what got his attention is the sadness in your trembling voice.
“I just had a dry throat. Went to grab some water from the kitchen.” he chuckles trying to make you feel at ease “I would never just leave you like that” he reassures while sitting down on the bed. “Do you want some?” he offers you the small water bottle in his hand after taking a big gulp himself.
“No thank you”
You take the blanket off of you, toss it to the side and stand up just to move into his open arms. You can’t believe that moving on you won’t be able to cuddle him in the morning anymore, nor will he be there whenever you fall asleep on your books while studying to move you into bed or anytime else. And worst of all he wanted to break up with you yesterday night.
But you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t have a say in all of this and scold him like a little puppy who just came back home fully covered in mud.
“What do you mean you want a break!” your voice is stern yet you try not to be too loud knowing there are two little girls sleeping in the room next to you.
“You know I love you right? And I don’t want to keep you waiting for me. ___ I will be away for almost two years.” the sadness evident in his voice.
You stand up from the chair in front of his old desk where all of your study stuff is spread out and slowly walk towards him with your arms shrugged infront of your chest.
You haven’t been going through tons of shit with this man just for him to break up with you over a stupid military enlistment.
“Uhm excuse you but I’m not going to throw four years of relationship and a whole engagement away just because you have to enlist.” You look at him in disbelieve. “I don’t really know what’s going on in your head but you tell me. Why?”
“___ you are not making this any easier for me. I said if you want we can go on a break. I know this won’t be easy for any of us and the last thing I want is for you to feel somehow bound to me while I’m away. You are still young and the most beautiful girl I’ve seen around here. No one knows what the future holds for us but you are special and one day while I’m away another man is probably going to get to know that side of yours-“
“Stop right there.” you rudely interrupt him “so you are suggesting I’m going to find someone knew while you are away?” tears are welling up in your eyes.
“Okey okey stop. Listen don’t cry. I just don’t want you ti spend those two years waiting just for me to come back and nothing will be the same. I’m scared too, okey? And the last thing I want is for you to regret waiting for me.”
Oh no this is getting too emotional for the both of you.
You move closer to seokjin trying you best not to cry with him. This man is your world. You don’t even know how he could suggest that you don’t want to be with him anymore.
“I don’t want to be with anyone else and I’m going to wait for you! You hear me?”
And on that note, he swept you into his arms and went to bed with you.
You look up to the beautiful man’s face and smile at him. He really got his mothers beauty and on top of that he’s build. What could you ask for other than that.
He smiles back at you.
“Lemme touch your egghead” you chuckle and he joins you. While moving your hand along his shaved head he just lets you. After all you both don’t know when you’ll see each other again. In that instance the door to his room opens with a louder squeak now accompanied by little footsteps.
“Good morning” two little heads popped in through the door with wide smiles on them. Seokjin scooped up his little sisters and gave them lots of kisses while placing them on the bed with you. The younger on now shifting to you and hugging you. You’ve been at his place often enough to be close with his family. They really enjoy having you over especially the kids who quickly accepted you as a part of their family.
“Breakfast is ready” the older sister chimes in to inform the both of you “mom says you should eat to be extra strong when you want to kick butt” she says excitedly while you fix the little ones wild bed-hair into a little ponytail on the top of her head. Seokjin laughs at the silliness of his little sibling and responds “alright we will be there in a second let us change first” and thus the two girls exit the bedroom.
Seokjin turns around towards you after closing his bedroom door behind his sisters. You stand up on top of the bed and the tall handsome men walks towards you and lifts you up. You kling to him like a koala bear would kling to a tree.
Both of you looking deep into each others eyes and sadness evident in both of you. You are really trying not to but tears are starting to well up in your eyes again when thinking about having to send him off.
“___ I love you! Don’t be sad. I will do my best so I can get as many breaks as possible.” he assures you.
“I know I love you too. I just feel like a military wife who has to bid her last goodbye before her husband leaves for war.” you both chuckle at your dramatic ass.
“You know it doesn’t matter how long you’ll take. I will even wait those two years and longer to see you again.” you exclaim and he gives you your last deep kiss for a while.
Inspired by a dream I had.
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collecting-stories · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on 11k! Can I request a soulmate au with Luke from jatp with sharing songs please :)
Oh my gosh thank you!!! Also I’m really excited about this, I haven’t written Luke in like, a while so it’s nice to kind of dust off the JatP! Thanks for requesting!!!
Troubadour - Luke Patterson
Summary: YOU’RE THE VOICE I HEAR INSIDE MY HEAD THE REASON THAT I’M SINGING I NEED TO FIND - not quite but Luke gets a set of chords stuck in his head and it turns out they’re yours.
A/N: I went with this one (but like Sunset Curve in the 90’s style) sharing songs = they keep hearing songs that they can’t find on the internet, finally realizing that they are their soulmate’s own, unpublished songs
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist || Celebrate 11k with me
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“What are you playing?”
Luke stopped mid-hum, fingers stilling on his guitar and looking over at Alex. They’d been taking a break from practice but Luke had been strumming the same few chords for the last couple minutes. It wasn’t unusual behaviour but Luke typically would’ve been writing down lyrics or trying to figure out the next piece of the song. As far as Alex could tell he was just transfixed on those chords and nothing else.
“Uh,” Luke faltered for a minute, racking his brain for the name of the song that had been stuck in his for the last few weeks. “I…I don’t know,” he admitted.
“Do you have anything written yet?” Reggie looked almost hopeful as he asked. He’d been sneaking lyrics into Luke’s notebook lately. They weren’t bad but they also weren’t Sunset Curve by a longshot.
“It’s not mine,” Luke explained, “I spent all day yesterday at the record store on palermo and still can’t find it…”
“Where’d you hear it first?” Alex asked, interest piqued at this bit of information. Luke had an undeniable ear for music. He could know a song just from the opening strum of the guitar or strike of the drums. It was unusual that he didn’t recognise a song he’d been playing over and over again.
“That’s the thing,” Luke admitted, setting his guitar in its stand and getting up to pace around the room. “I don’t really remember. Like I just woke up one morning and it was in my head.”
“And you haven’t heard it anywhere else?” Bobby asked, coming back into the garage with water bottles for the four of them.
“No.” Luke shook his head, getting a little frustrated with the questions but more so just because he felt like he didn’t have any of the answers he wanted. “It just was stuck in my head one day and I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. Look, it’s whatever. Let’s just get back to practice. Reggie wants to go to that show tonight-“
“We can’t miss it, it’s open mic once a month, if it seems like a good crowd, we should think about putting our names down.” Reggie replied, cutting Luke off. He’d been telling them about this venue for a couple weeks now, since he and Bobby had gone down there for a show and seen a flyer about their amateur band nights. Unsigned bands in LA could perform for fairly regular crowds. It was better than anything they’d been doing.
“We won’t miss it,” Bobby said, grabbing his guitar.
The crowd was a good one tonight, not packed but full enough that Luke felt the familiar warmth of being surrounded by eager concert-goers. Alex pushed forward, the other three following him to the edge of the stage. There was a band performing, a group of 20-something guys dressed more like accountants than rockers but their music was good.
As the set finished, Luke turned away from the stage, listening to Bobby talking about how it seemed so far. Trust him to be the most analytical of the four of them. Luke was always all about the music but Bobby had a head for the business side of things too. It didn’t take long to switch out instruments, none of the bands seemed interested in keeping the crowd waiting for too long, not when most of them were just trying to get their names out there.
Luke still had his back turned as the house lights dimmed and the next band came out.
You weren’t normally this nervous about performing but lately you’d had a song stuck in your head and it’d been distracting you from working on your own music. As soon as you sat down to write it was there in the back of your head. You’d had songs kind of, creep up on you before. Words or chords just got stuck until you wrote them out but something about this song told you it wasn’t something you’d dreamed up yourself. It didn’t feel like you at all, more like you were hearing someone else’s song in your ear.
You hadn’t told anyone about it and now you were getting ready to go on with your band, hopeful that you didn’t mess up, trying to combat the song in your head with your own chords.
The crowd had some good energy, seemingly more welcoming than when you had been here the last time. “Hey, thanks for letting us take up some of your time tonight, this song is a new one I’ve been working on. I think I finally got it, I’ll let you guys decide,” the comment was met with some laughs and you smiled, trying to calm your heart from going haywire in your chest, “alright, here we go.”
You started strumming and Luke turned around, his eyes wide as he stared up at you. All he could remember was what Reggie had said on the way over, these were all new bands that didn’t have records, that hadn’t been signed. You said yourself you had just finished the song you were singing, but, Luke knew that song.
“That’s the song,” he said, nudging Alex, “that’s the song!”
“What song?” Alex asked, turning so he could hear him better, “you mean the song you were playing earlier today?”
“yeah; that’s it.”
“How is that possible, Luke, we’ve never seen these guys play before.” Alex reasoned. It didn’t make any sense that Luke would know a song before it even existed in the world, “maybe you’ve just got some chords stuck in your head and it sounds like that.”
“No,” Luke shook his head and looked back up at the stage. It was impossible to really see the crowd, he knew that, he’d been on stage enough times to know that you’re really just looking out at silhouettes. But as he looked up you turned your head and he swore your eyes locked with his. He could feel a pounding in his chest like the nerves he got before a show, sweat beaded on the back of his neck and goosebumps erupted on his skin. It was like his whole body was mirroring yours and you looked like you knew.
He wanted to pull you off stage and ask you how you’d done it. How had he heard that song in his head when it was only just finished, how had the words all seemed so familiar when just that afternoon he couldn’t remember any of them. Luke was stuck in that moment until he felt the house lights come up and he was blinking from the change, turning his head back and forth. He felt like he’d been dreaming, if he pinched himself he almost expected to wake up in the garage again.
“Luke!” Alex grabbed his arm and brought him back down to reality. He was awake after all, “where are you going? The next band is getting ready to play.”
“I have to find that singer…that, I…that’s the song.”
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potionpeddlerpatchy · 7 months
Hello potion seller! How goes your day?
May I have a potion?
My thoughts are once again turning to Osamu Miya this time of year. That handsome bastard…
My day always fares well, dear Traveler, when I am able to interact with people so kind as yourself. And I always do love the company of those that cannot find it within themselves to admit to those begrudging feelings that surround their hearts.
Ah, I can tell by the way you are now looking at me that you haven’t the faintest idea as to what I am speaking of; or perhaps you are feigning ignorance. Either way, you have before me to hopefully get a potion, am I right?
This Tonic of Perception will be what you need. I suggest having this within either within your favourite tea, or even more so, something that is very sweet. For it is a bitter liquid that can be hard to swallow if taken on its own.
Perhaps you could even have it with a sweet from the bakery down the road?
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“Something sweet, huh?” You mumbled to yourself in a begrudging manner as you paced along the cobblestone path that led towards the one place you knew you could find just that.
But truly you were doing anything in your power to avoid entering that littler bakery. It was why, when you feet followed the familiar path, you tried to divert it. To do whatever you could to avoid the alluring smell of fresh bread and cake that always drew you in whenever the days grew shorter and the air colder.
That was why you ended up in that strange peddler’s company. To try and prove to yourself that you meant to finally visit the strange parlour you had been avoiding like it was the plague, and not as a diversion. To not admit to yourself that your feet were falling into old habits, and that your heart follow suit.
But, of course, fate always had something else in mind.
As you wandered about within the peddlers home, your eyes slowly took in all the strange, yet marvelous, vials and trinkets that cluttered the many shelves around you. You read each label, even took a few into your hand out of curiosity, all in pitiful attempt to waste as much time as you could to then allow you excuse of how late it had gotten so you could go home without venturing further down the road.
Yet, despite it all, a vial did catch your eye. You supposed it was the simplicity of it which is why it stood out to you. The bottle, small, but nothing more of note. The liquid was clear, looked just like water. If you did not know better, and truly the thought did cross your mind for a brief moment, you would assume that this peddler just placed water into a vial and was trying to sell it off and a powerful tonic.
“Do you like them?” She asked, when your eyes could not stray from the strange bottle before you.
“Suppose they have my curiosity” You replied with a shrug of your shoulders, finally tearing you eyes away to look upon her – her knowing grin made a frown etch the sides of your lips.
“Not surprised this one called for you,” She mused, “You seemed to be avoiding something.”
“Am I?” You questioned as she plucked the vial from where is stood so proudly before holding it out for you.
“This will help with that, Tonic of Perception is a good brew for those that are adverse to dealing with situations set before them”
“A potion, huh? This looks more like water…” You mumbled, as you examined the vial more closely before a sheepish smile graced your face as you watched the peddler bow her head in slight annoyance.
“I can understand your trepidation” She hummed, a humble smile upon her lips as she gazed at you “But I can assure you I am no fraud hoping for a quick coin from desperate people.”
It was her tone that made you wish to believer her. That and the knowledge that she was more than happy to bequeath the little vial to you free of charge. Truly there was nothing for you to lose should you decide to take her up on her truths and drink it – if it was a dud then you did not waste any money/
But there was something you could lose. If you stepped foot in that shop again you would feel his eyes upon you. You remembered the last time you had a conversation with the baker, Osamu, just before the first rainfall of the spring season. How he teased you over your constant presence in his shop. How your sweet tooth was the only thing keeping him in business. You could not understand why you were so offended, but you were. Perhaps it was the more monotone drawl he used as he teased you that plucked a nerve. All you did know if that if you showed up there again, after the season had changed to autumn, you would be proving him right and yourself a hypocrite.
Not like you wanted to be there all the time. But when the months got colder, the days would be filled more with moonlight that the sun’s rays, you felt the need for a form of comfort; of warmth. And truly the most warm place you had ever felt welcomed was that of your aunt – a confectioner in her own right. But since you had moved away from home, from where you grew up, you had yet to feel that level of warmth again.
Yet when you were in the bakery, that same sense of warmth filled your heart the same way it did when you were but a child. And over the harsh months of winter you found yourself there more and more, just wanting a glimmer of that inner warmth you so craved. You enjoyed his company as well, though eh never said much. But just knowing that his presence was there was enough for you to feel a sense of connection that helped you as you struggled with the day-to-day that life brought.
Perhaps that was why it hurt you so much when he made that jabbing comment?
Whatever it was, it did not matter now. Certainly not at this moment as you stood at the familiar doorstep of the bakery; with a deep inhale, one that you couldn’t not help but have turn into a pleasurable sigh as your lungs filled with the scent of fresh bread, you took another look at the vial you had been clutching tightly since it was given to you.
“Perhaps it will give me courage?” You muttered to yourself uncorked the lid the lid that separated you from it.
The liquid was bitter, almost intolerable, as it brushed your tongue and went down your throat. It caused you to sputter and cough as you did your best to not cause a scene. Though the bitterness soon became the least of your worries as you felt your body lose its strength and your eyes began to roll back until your vision was no more.
Darkness filled you.
But only for a moment. Just as quickly as it cascaded over you light flooded your vision once more. Then, a clear picture of the world around you as your vision grew accustomed to the light. You were in the bakery, surrounded by plenty of bread in all its forms, those cranberry muffins you always loved to eat, and a few tarts that looked mouth watering.
And yet, none of it filled you with that same sense of warmth that you grew so fond of. In fact, where you were was not familiar to you at all. You seemed to be in a kitchen, preparing to bring out all the mouth-watering goods to the display counters.
It was then that it dawned on you, perception, if what she claimed this potion was. If only you remembered that a few moments prior; though you could not further beat yourself over such a mistake given how far your mind had gone. But now, you were in the mind of someone else. Clearly it was Osamu, only he was ever allowed in the kitchens of this place. But that only heighted your confusion. For how could he not feel the same warmth you did when he looked upon his work; you knew him a proud man, one that adored the life he had made for himself.  Yet? It was if something was missing. Something felt incomplete as you continued to be a passenger within his own mind, as you viewed the world from his eyes.
A thud, not loud in nature, but still enough to take your (and his) attention away; to feel the sense of confusion and worry as he made his was from the back of his bakery toward the front entrance. You felt the panic that entered his being as he saw you, laying so helpless upon the ground. You could not help but share in his sense of urgency and consternation as you watched yourself get pulled into the shop.
Then, a tingle was felt through the panic and mayhem. A sense of relief of knowing you were alright, as well as… something else. Almost akin to homeliness as you were privy to him as he watched over you; as you watched his thumb gingerly pet across your cheek.
It was then that you realized that sense of warmth, one that showcased to you within these four walls, did not come him in the form of the bakery as you so thought.
It came from you.
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Oh dear, suppose I should have warned you about what would happen should you decide to drink the potion. Though, I was suspecting that you were going to be sitting down and enjoying a treat to go with it; but I digress, a warning still should have been given.
As well, was not the best move to drink the whole vial – again my fault for not providing you the knowledge needed – as merely a few drops would have sufficed. I’m afraid you will be stuck as a passenger for a little while longer, but no more than three hours at most. Once that time has passed you shall wake with no issue.
Though, I do not envy you the headache you will face.
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bagelbongos · 1 year
here’s a scene of a kelley character study i will never write. based on the game today.
Kelley was anticipating meeting Trinity at some point during the road-trip, an accident or their own doing somehow, so it’s not surprising to see her now, as the buzz around the stadium is dying down, fans slowly finding their way out while the remaining players finish up, jogging to catch Kelley as she walks towards the parking lot. 
Trinity looks—older, shoulders heavier than the last time they saw each other, in April for the friendlies against Ireland, when the reality of the situation likely hadn’t hit her yet; even more different than the last time they had a real conversation, in October when the world still felt tangible, when Kelley was barely able to put any weight on her hip without crying.
For two full years, Kelley took pride in taking care of Trinity the way she should have been looked out for during her entire life, and during that time she was many things: a shoulder to cry on, someone who understood every expectation Trinity was carrying, a fun friend with a safe home, someone who put a way a once in a lifetime chance Trinity created, who led them to unlikely glory; she likes to imagine she’s molded Trinity, even a little bit, that the fire Kelley watches her exude through the screen of her TV was fueled by Kelley’s words and actions and support. These days, she doesn’t trust any of those things to be true.
Even now, she can’t stop fixating on how alike they’ve never stopped being; never giving up on a play, heads down after an unsatisfying result, immediately turning the switch when it’s time to celebrate someone they love. Trinity stops in front of her with a set jaw and guarded eyes, and Kelley gets it; she wouldn’t be happy with a silent treatment either.
“You okay?” Kelley asks; she thinks she’ll never stop caring about Trinity like this.
Trinity shrugs, long nails worrying the plastic of her water bottle. “We tied,” she says.
Kelley nods, blowing a chuckle through her nose at the typical answer; she supposes if Trinity is able to think about everything that’s happened in the past 6 months as something that impacts whether her team gets three points or not, then she’s better than Kelley will ever be, shaking off the dwelling monster and embracing reality as it is.
One way or another, it has to take a toll on her, Kelley knows, even if they haven’t talked about it in exactly as many words; Kelley’s not supposed to know her weaknesses anymore, would maybe be able to get an honest answer out of most of the other girls on the team, but not Trinity, not when Trinity has her blood and sweat in the history of this franchise now, when every impossible move was somehow made to her benefit, when her having a bad time is the difference between the Spirit making the playoffs or finishing up at the bottom of the table.
It’d be comic, how absolutely fucked Trinity is, how the pressure put on her shoulders is more than anyone could take, let alone a girl freshly in her 20s, how there’s no way for her to win this gamble and how unfair it was to ask her to even try it—it’d be comic, if it wasn’t the most tragic thing Kelley’s ever witnessed.
Trinity nods to her feet, the walking boot securing Kelley’s ankle together, and asks, “What’s up with that?”
It’s Kelley’s turn to shrug. “The usual.”
What else, but the slow, public crumbling of her body. What else, but all her hopes and desires becoming somatic bruises. Kelley’s played 15 years of top-level soccer and was fully healthy for one of them, probably the most important of them, the one they got to share. 
Kelley can feel her head start to throb, eyes growing heavier and burning, and she’s about to make up an excuse to disappear swiftly to her car before Trinity speaks.
“Listen, uh” she starts, eyes fully fixated on the ground between them. “Sam rented a boat for Memorial Day. On the Potomac. We’re all heading down there to chill a little bit. Just the girls, no—no coaches or anything.”
When she finally looks up, Kelley realizes this is an invitation, and her heartbeat simultaneously drops and speeds up. She doesn’t want to go back to an empty house, doesn’t want to fly back to New York either, but she can’t—can’t be in the same place as the entire Spirit team ever again, won’t be if she can avoid it; Kelley can’t imagine looking at the faces of players she’s won with while she’s supposed to accept they’ll never play together again, can’t meet the team’s new players when she knows she was supposed to know more than just their first names.
Above it all, she can’t be between them and pretend everything is fine, inside her mind. Can’t fake it for anyone, the fact that she’s been seconds away from imploding for the past 6 months, since August, nearly a year ago.
Trinity must sense her hesitation, because she shifts on her feet, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her jersey.
“It was Ash’s 50th today, so,” Trinity says. “It’d mean a lot for—uh, for her, if you could come. If you want to.”
There’s many things Kelley wants, and none of them involves going to this boat party.
She wants to go back to a time where she didn’t know what it was like to have a team that felt like a family, wants to travel back to 2019 and tell her younger self to not suit up for that first victory tour game; Kelley wants to call Emily and have her say it’s okay to never get over what happened, that nobody’s expecting them to do it anyway, wants to tell Trinity the reason they’re not speaking is on Kelley alone, that she’s done nothing and Kelley’s the fucked up one, that she can’t stand being reminded of how loved she is. 
Kelley wants her sister, and her mom, and she wants to stop being everyone else’s mom, wants to resist the urge to take every anxious generational talent under her wing lest they all end up like this. 
Luckily, she’s saved by the bell.
“Oi, Kel.”
Sam walks towards her with an easy grin and a jet-lagged disposition, buried inside her coat. She pulls Kelley into a genuine hug, and Kelley lets herself be surrounded by the familiar feeling. 
Trinity is staring at them when they break apart, and Kelley is watching Trinity’s face right back, trying to read her. Sam is hanging off her shoulder, and Trinity looks like she just had the realization she isn’t the only one Kelley treated like her own flesh and blood, that Sam came first and Kelley set her up to highest fights, that she’s not that special after all.
(Kelley wants to drop everything and take Trinity home, nurse her until she’s okay again, until nothing of this has been anything but a bad dream; she can’t, here, somewhere Trinity is supposed to be the strongest amongst them all.)
“Hey, Trinity, good game, dude,” Sam says, thick accent always making her sound more cheerful than she is. “Great runs you got.”
Trinity finally shifts her eyes to Sam’s face, morphing her own into something more professional, losing the childish insecurity Kelley sometimes gets to see, and even cherishes it, proof Trinity hasn’t lost her ways. 
“Uh, thanks,” Trinity says, twisting her bottle cap. “Congrats on winning the—the league.”
“Ah, thank you,” Sam says, and then she turns to Kelley. “Let’s go eat dinner? I’m fucking starving.”
The edges of her vision are getting blurry, but Kelley’s holding on, for the two of them more than herself.
“What about Kristie?” she murmurs. 
“We’ll meet her at the hotel, it’s okay,” Sam answers, waving a hand. “Let’s just hang out me and you, like the old times, why not.”
Trinity’s eyes have dropped the façade; Kelley can see they’re posing an impossible question to her, their heart’s deepest request, that Kelley chooses to hang out with them instead, chooses Trinity, makes sure their connection is not severed and they’re still okay. Kelley sympathizes with it, has been on the other end of begging her mentor to make the right choice, nurturing a good relationship instead of taking the easy way out.
Tonight, she just doesn’t have it in herself to answer the call.
Kelley shakes her head slowly, imperceptible to anyone else but to Trinity, and Trinity nods, lowering her face to hide her reaction, not quick enough that Kelley doesn’t catch her eyes watering.
To Sam, Kelley says: “Italian okay?”
“Hell yeah,” Sam celebrates, pulling Kelley closer. Trinity has started to back down, walking backwards towards her dressing room; Kelley can’t look at her, but Sam, oblivious, says, “Hey, can’t wait to see you in Australia, yeah?”
Kelley feels like throwing up.
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yoddream · 2 years
(this is for the fem bisexual readers)
It had been a while since your last pride parade. Between work and the pandemic, you haven’t been able to go the past few years. This year, however, you were going with your friends. You were so excited, but a part of you was a little upset that you would spend it without a partner. You want to enjoy the parade like your friends would, but instead you would be third-wheeling once again. You loved them dearly, but sometimes it felt extra lonely. Unfortunately, this was one of those times.
“C’mon, I wanna get the perfect spot!” your best friend, Melanie, said as she dragged her partner, Brandon, through the crowd. You were trying to keep up, but she was so fast.
“Hey, wait up!” you called out.
Neither of them seemed to hear you though. It didn’t take long for you to find yourself lost in the crowd in a city you didn’t know. Frowning, you couldn’t help but feel sad. It was also the first pride parade you would be attending since getting kicked out. Your parents weren’t as accepting as your friends were, and you’d been living with them since. You really wanted to spend it with them to make up for the feeling of being disowned by your own family.
Feeling determined, you started to make your way through the crowd. You wouldn’t let an accident ruin your day. You did your best to make sure you didn’t hurt anyone as you weaved your way through the people standing on the sidewalk. Suddenly, an arm was thrown out and you were fit in the face. You cried out in pain and clutched at your jaw while you heard someone apologize profusely.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry! I should’ve been way more careful,” a deep voice exclaimed.
“It’s fine, it was an—accident…” you trailed off as you met eyes with probably the most gorgeous person you’ve ever met.
He was tall, with a navy blue haircut that seemed to be a mix of a mohawk and a mullet. There were lines shaved into the sides of his head. He was wearing a tank top that showed his impressive muscles and broad shoulders. He had on light eye makeup that gave him that extra oomph of attractiveness, despite his wide eyes as he stared at you in shock.
“…Hi,” he said breathily.
“Hi. I’m Y/N,” you replied, holding your free hand out.
“I’m Jeno. My pronouns are he/him/his,” he introduced, shaking your hand.
“Mine are she/they. I’m sorry, you’re just really beautiful and it’s making me nervous.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at yourself, but then you winced as your face throbbed.
“Oh shit. Jaem, do you have any cold water bottles?” Jeno called out.
Suddenly, another attractive person popped out of nowhere and handed one to Jeno, who gently pressed it against your skin. “Geez, Jen, did you punch them or something?”
“No, Yeri tickled me and I squirmed. I accidentally hit her in the face as she was walking by,” Jeno explained. “Y/N, this is my best friend, Jaemin. He/they.”
“Oh cool, you’re bisexual too!” Jaemin exclaimed, looking at your shirt.
“You too?”
“Nah, I’m demi, but Jeno here’s also bisexual.”
Jeno smiled. “Are you here alone?”
“No, I came here with my friends but I lost them,” you explained.
“Do you want help looking for them? Or you can hang with us, if you want. I promise we’re good people,” Jaemin assured you.
You couldn’t help but grin. “As long as that’s okay with you guys.”
“Of course! The parade is always fun, but spending it with other people just hits different.”
“And if you make new friends, that’s even better,” Jeno added.
You followed the two of them to a group of people that’s ere standing nearby. They all seemed really nice and didn’t mind the extra person, which you were thankful for. Jeno explained that a few of their friends were marching in the parade with the dance crew they were a part of, and that’s part of the reason why there were so many of his friends there. It was sweet to hear about how Taeyong started the group to help kids in the community feel like they belong while also doing something they love.
The parade started not long after, and you cheered with Jeno and Jaemin as they floats moved along. Jeno caught a keychain that was tossed and handed it to you with a smile, and you couldn’t help but stare in awe at how his eyes disappeared and made him look adorable. How could someone be attractive and cute at the same time?
“Look, there’s the dance crew!” he shouted, pointing to the street.
“Go Jisung!” Jaemin shouted.
You watched as the float drove by, with a few people dancing while the rest waved. Jeno told you that the tallest one dancing was their friend, Jisung, who Jaemin treated like their own child. The kid was extremely talented, and they seemed to be having a blast.
More things were thrown into the crowd, and at one point a drag queen wrapped her feather boa around Jeno’s neck before him in with it to kiss his cheek. You couldn’t help but laugh at the blush that adorned his face, the lipstick print a bright blue against his red skin. In retaliation, he took the red lipstick that was randomly thrown into the crowd, put it on, and kissed your own cheek.
“There, now we match,” he stated.
You couldn’t help but gape at him as he grinned smugly, the lipstick stretched across his lips messily. Without even thinking, you grabbed him by the back of his neck and pressed your lips together before pulling back and throwing out apologies.
“I’m sorry! I should’ve asked you first. Oh my god, we don’t even know each other and I just did that, what the hell is–?”
“Y/N.” When you looked at Jeno, he smiled. “Kiss me again.”
You pulled him in for another kiss, and his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close as your lips moved together sloppily before finding a good rhythm. When he pulled away, you couldn’t help but snort.
“Oh my god, the lipstick,” you said with a giggle.
Jeno couldn’t help but laugh as well as he looked at the red stains on and around your mouth. In the end, you had a blast at the parade. You made a lot of new friends, got their phone numbers, and assured Melanie and Brandon that you weren’t mad about them accidentally leaving you behind. Jeno took you on dates the next few weeks, and then he proceeded to move your things into the spare bedroom in his apartment once he found out about your living situation, even though you spent the night in his bed most nights.
(this was so rushed but i wanted to get it out quickly and i will die on the hill of jeno being bisexual in another universe. happy pride everyone!!! love, a bisexual writing out their dream)
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tvccreator · 1 year
Replaying Subnautica - Have Some Tips
...I should be doing college work, yet here I am. o-o’
Oh, well.
I really love this game. It’s terrifying as all hell, but I love it so much. I haven’t really played through Below Zero due to being a goddamn coward, but I have put nearly 100 hours into OG Subnautica. Here are some little tips for anyone who maybe hasn’t played it in a long time or hasn’t played it at all but wants to later on. Here are Ellie’s Top 10 Tips for New/Returning Gamers Playing Subnautica.
1. Make fins and an oxygen tank as soon as feasibly possible and keep upgrading them when you can. You’re going to want that extra O2, and the fins, while not the best, can be upgraded to either Ultra Glide Fins or Swim Charge Fins - the latter being able to charge your electronic devices and the former being twice as fast as normal fins.
2. Harvest a lot of salt deposits and coral tube samples. While you can use salt to cure your food, I’d recommend saving it and making bleach out of it. While Bladderfish water gives you +20 to your fluid intake, bleach can make two water bottles that give +30 each. It’s a little thing, but one I find handy until you can make the Water Filtration system.
3. Use the vehicles and the Seaglide sparingly. Most of the enemies in Subnautica are attracted to lights, sound, or both, so moving through the water as silently as possible is key. Especially around the damn Reaper Leviathans.
4. Build bases in the different biomes. This one’s a given, but it helps to have a habitat at the ready in most biomes, especially ones that are deeper underwater. It’s a great storage place, you can fix up your vehicles if you have a Moonpool, and you can build things with a Fabricator if you need emergency supplies.
5. BEACONS. Those will be your best friend, so get the Beacon fragments as soon as possible. Believe me, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve lost my way trying to find the damn mushroom forests and, when I finally find it, I lose it almost immediately after. (My most recent escapade to find the mushroom forest ended up with me going right to the giant-ass gun island by accident. That was not fun for my heart when I started hearing Reapers and I immediately thought I had gone into the Dunes.) 
6. You can desensitize yourself to the Reapers’ roars. It’s been too long since I last played, so I have to get used to them again. However, it’s pretty easy to desensitize yourself. Go into a creative world, go build a base in a Reaper-infested area (I used the Crash Zone for mine, but I plan on using the Dunes next) and just sit down and watch the Reapers for a few minutes. The roaring will be really loud, but it will help you warm up to the Reapers so that way you don’t go into “deer in the headlights” mode when you hear one in a survival world.
7. Don’t be afraid to stock up on supplies. You will find that, as you get further into the game, some resources become pretty damn scarce, so make sure you stock up. Most common things to stock up on would be copper, cave sulfur, silver, diamonds, ion cubes (and tablets), nickel, table coral, and most types of growable flora. 
8. To quote Jacksepticeye: “Okay, do not tempt fate! Fate will come back and bite you in your hairy ass!” For God’s sake, if you see a hostile leviathan or any variation of hostile creature, do not approach them. Leave them the hell alone to do whatever they were doing beforehand. If you haven’t seen Jacksepticeye playing Subnautica, then go watch his playthroughs if you want - both the early release and the full playthrough. He tempts fate way too many times.
9. Stasis Rifle + Scanner + Survival Knife = Safety. Almost everyone who has played Subnautica knows this general rule, but I thought I’d still say it. The stasis rifle, when you get it, will be an absolute necessity if you want to go scan the more dangerous creatures of Subnautica, especially the hostile leviathans. Make sure to charge the blast all the way, then get in close as fast as possible if the shot connects and scan that fucker before the stasis field dissipates. Then, if you really need to, use the survival knife in tandem with the stasis rifle to kill the hostile creature if it still poses a threat.
And Number 10. Don’t be upset if you’re afraid. Believe me, that feeling is very normal. It’s alright to be scared of Subnautica, even if you’re not a thalassophobe. It’s supposed to unnerve you; it’s survival horror where you can’t really defend yourself against the threats. That’s the entire point of the game. I love the ocean, but even I’m terrified of going anywhere near the Reaper Leviathans and the Sea Dragons because of the threat they pose. A lot of people will say that there’s nothing to be scared of when you play the game for a long time, and sure, that may be true for some people, but it’s not true for everyone. Don’t be mad at yourself for getting spooked by a crashfish or by backing away when you see a crabsquid. You’re not alone.
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geminiamethyst · 3 months
Skyline Gang: Trial of Darkness. Chapter 9
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 8: click HERE
Chapter 10: click HERE
The rest of the day seemed to have gone relatively well. Everything ran on schedule. The show went exceedingly well again, though it started to lead people asking if a new show was in the works. Time to start brainstorming for another show soon. Having more than one show running might be a bit of a hassle, but if the Gang kept it balanced enough, everything should be fine. The only problem in the Skyline all day was just teenagers trying to harass the staff and some other guests. It led to them being escorted out and given a stern warning. Aside from that, almost everything ran as smoothly as they could.
The only thing that was out of place was Bud’s absence. He was having some trouble in doing his research, leading him to be holed up in his room. Dude was quick to spin the story that he wasn’t feeling well and needed some time off. As much as Dude didn’t want to, he used Bud’s autism as a reason for his sudden sick leave. Thankfully, that was enough. Everyone else in the Gang knew the truth. Dude couldn’t hide it from them. He told them about his discovery in the attic and what Bud was up to. He extremely stressed that no one disturbs him. He knew how Bud was when it came to his work and that he would be more than unhappy if someone distracted him. Something that Dude caught Sprout and Misty trying to do. Twice. Sprout intending to play a prank. Misty…actually Dude didn’t know what she was planning, but probably something similar to what Sprout had in mind.
After hours of not hearing anything, Dude decided to check on Bud. Some fruit and a bottle of cool water should be enough to help with an offering. He knocked as calmly as he could, but Bud didn’t answer. Did something happen to him? No, try not to think like that! Maybe he was wearing a pair of ear defenders or noise cancelling headphones? Dude knocked a little louder, hoping for the best and fearing the worst. His prayers were answered when Bud finally opened the door. A pair of headphones hung from his neck, classical music being heard from them. Did he hear those noises like Dude had and tried to block them out? Clicks and whirs from his small robotic helpers can also be heard from within the red room.
“Thought you could do with a break.” Dude smiled kindly, holding out the food and drink.
“Thank you. Please come in.” Bud sighed, looking incredibly relieved. Did he not give himself time to stop and take a break? Dude didn’t want to think that Bud wasn’t taking any breaks. He hoped that he was. Regardless, he stepped in the bedroom, taking in everything. It was still like how his room was in Pavilion. A few small robots were set to work. Some were scuttling on the floor, going under the bed and chest of draws to clean, while some were flying on the ceiling to clean away the corners. The only thing that was different was Dude’s discovery and the dark aura surrounding it. The artefact was now in a stand. A couple of Bud’s robots were scanning it at a distance. One robot was laying on the desk, completely broken. It was like it was short circuited and smashed itself on the desk. It was impossible to think that Bud would do it himself. Bud’s tablet was on the bed, the screen flashing a little as it collected data from the robots.
“What have you found?” Dude asked, hoping to get some straight answers.
“This is the Sceptre of Shadows. It shouldn’t be here.” Bud immediately became more serious. He sat down on the bed, scooping up his tablet. He gestured for Dude to sit down so that he could share his findings. “Unfortunately I haven’t found that much. The information is extremely limited. I find that unusual and unsettling. Something like this should have more information.”
“That doesn’t sound good. What have you been able to find?” Dude mused, glancing at the screen in front of him and his friend.
“From what I have gathered, there is a myth surrounding it. A rather unsettling myth, and one that doesn’t seem to be that well known internationally.” Bud explained, his face looking grim. With a quick swipe on his tablet he showed an image of a stone carving. It appeared to be broken, making part of the ancient text incomplete. However, there was a carving image of the Sceptre. “I had also found this image of a subscription. It’s partial but from what I’ve been able to translate, it’s warning about a form of “darkness”Darkness”. From other information that I’ve found, it’s supposedly acted as like a tool to stop it from coming. Unfortunately, the source isn’t fully reliable as there are other conflicting details. I’ve contacted several museums and archaeologists, but they know even less about this thing. Not many know about this, and those that do all called it a myth that shouldn’t be remembered.”
“Didn’t you tell them we had it?” Dude asked.
“I didn’t know if I should’ve done that. Not with how little we know about it.” Bud explained, quickly glancing at the Sceptre. His eyes went wide for a brief moment and tapped at his tablet rapidly. The drones that were scanning the Sceptre immediately backed off. They were probably flying too close and Bud didn’t want them to suffer the same fate as their fallen mechanical brother. Dude meanwhile glanced at the Sceptre of Shadows rather coldly. This thing was supposedly a myth and as Bud said, not meant to be here. How or why was it even here in the first place? This didn’t make any sense.
“Where did it come from? Or at least this myth surrounding it?” Dude continued to ask.
“It allegedly came from this jungle.” Bud said, bringing up a map on his tablet. He zoomed in to the relevant area and using the pen tool, he swiped a cross on a small area. “Using all of the data that I’ve collected, I’d estimate that its origins are from this area.”
That’s on the other side of the world. Around South America by the looks of it. This Sceptre took quite the journey. So there was technically a how as to it being here. Someone obviously took it from its resting place, and brought it to the Skyline. The question as to why and now who was still murky. Dawn? Maybe. She had this darkness surrounding her 24/7. If she had that thing then it would explain where her powers came from. But why did she not have it on her? It would make sense for her to have it rather than not. Maybe it was stolen from her? So the previous Skyline Gang could’ve had it, but why hide it in the attic? Why not just return it?
“Could Dawn have put it in the attic somehow? Or maybe the old Skyline Gang?” Dude asked, wanting Bud’s opinion on this matter.
“I took a look at the chest that the Sceptre was in. It seems to me that until you touched it, no one has opened it for a long time. It could be possible that Dawn smuggled it in here somehow through her magic. Or someone else put it there themselves, without the previous Gang’s knowledge.”
Not exactly what Dude wanted to hear, but it was still one nonetheless. However, as Bud was explaining this issue, he didn’t notice how Dude was staring at the Sceptre, colour draining from him. He can hear it all over again. The horrible whispering. It was more intense than before. And it was so awful that it took everything that Dude had to not get up and grab it. He tried desperately to distract himself.
“What if we return it to where it was found? Would that stop this “Darkness” from coming?” Dude asked, shaking his head a little to block out the intrusive sounds. So far nothing bad has happened since Dawn, but who said that something worse won’t come soon? Best to try to resolve this now before everything goes from bad to worst.
“In theory. But I don’t think it’s worth the risk, Dude. Not when we know so little.” Bud sighed after taking a sip of water. He glanced over at Dude and finally saw how abnormal Dude looked. He was shaking his head a little, as if he was poorly attempting to clear a headache. And in all honesty, he looked a little sick. “Are you okay? You look very pale.”
“I think it’s being around that thing that’s doing it.” Dude muttered, gesturing shakily at the Sceptre. Bud took one concerning glance at it, and then back at Dude. This was very strange. Bud had the longest exposure to the Sceptre out of the pair, and yet, Dude seems to be the one that was affected the most by it. There was something else about the scans picked up that he neglected to mention. There was a strange energy that came from the Sceptre. It was abnormal to everything that was logical. Not only that, but there was something negative about it. He didn’t want to draw possible comparisons, but if Dude was right to suspect Dawn’s involvement, the energy might be similar to her magic. The more he thought both it, the worse Dude suddenly looked. He needs to do something quick before it potentially gets from bad to worse.
“Let’s get you outside.” Bud concluded, standing up rather quickly. Dude shakily got to his feet, just as eager to get away from the Sceptre. Bud quickly retired all of his robots to their charging stations manually. He didn’t want to lose another one by accident. Needless to say that once Dude got outside, he felt better almost immediately.
It was a large space. Plenty of room for Rainbow to play in and explore. It was mostly a green area, a quarter of it being patio. There was a large tree that offered plenty of shade. It wasn’t stable enough to build a treehouse (much to Sprout’s disappointment when he found out) but Candi did ask for a swing to be made to play on. On one end of the garden was a vegetable patch, which gloriously grew enough to make everyone happy. It was also fenced off to prevent Rainbow from trying to stick his nose into it. Flower patches and bushes flourished thanks to the tender care that Candi and Pip provided. The garden housed benches to sit on, a barbecue and a dog house for Rainbow. It even had a concrete fire pit for when the Gang wanted to feel like toasting marshmallows and making s’mores. It was all surrounded by a high hedge and fence for privacy. It was perfect to just come outside and relax.
Once Dude had settled on one of the benches, everything felt right with the world for a brief moment. Whatever the Sceptre was doing no longer had an effect on him out here. Bud saw this and immediately started to brainstorm. If Dude was going to be in this kind of trouble, something needed to be done about it. Holding it in some kind of case should do the trick. Maybe something like those storage tubes that Pip uses for her large drawings. It’s just finding the right material to keep it from effecting Dude and possibly anyone else. It does call for some experimenting. And possibly breaking the Skyline’s budget.
“So, do you really think that putting the Sceptre back is a good thing?” Bud questioned once Dude’s colour came back to him.
“I’m willing to take the risk.” Dude replied, face full of determination.
“Do you think that the others will be on board with it?” Bud asked again.
“Even if they aren’t, I’m still going. Alone if I have to.” Dude doubled down on his determination. This thing was dangerous. Even if there is a risk, it was better to return it to its resting place, right?
“You’re not going alone.” Bud suddenly announced. Dude felt his jaw hit the ground when he heard that. Bud wasn’t usually one to get into the great outdoors that often. The closet that he got to nature is the beach and the furthest that he had gone from the Skyline is the nearby town. He wasn’t one to change his routine that much either. Any change that was major to his routine often caused him to have a meltdown. So Bud volunteering to step out of his comfort zone was surprising. And somewhat relieving.
“Thanks Bud.” Dude smiled gratefully. He doesn’t have to be alone in this. Especially if that Sceptre starts to cause him problems and he’s on his own.
“Just one request.” Bud stated, wanting to nip something that was nagging him in the bud.
“What’s that?” Dude asked with a raised eyebrow.
“If things go wrong when we put it back, I’m allowed to say “I told you so”.” Bud offered to compromise.
“You’ve got yourself a deal.” Dude smiled in agreement, reaching out a hand to shake. Bud accepted the gesture, giving a firm hand shake. Dude took a deep breath from this. He felt apprehensive about the Sceptre of Shadows and returning it. Noe that he had a friend going with him, it started to feel a bit less stressful. Of course there were still other things together such as funding for the trip and making sure that they had everything that they need for it. For now, it was best to enjoy this moment of peace while it was there.
Then the peace was interrupted.
“Misty! Where did you get that?!”
Dude stood up rapidly as he heard that. That sounded like Mimi shouting. It sounded like she was in a mix of panic and fury. What was Misty up to now? The alarm bells started ringing louder as the back door swung open with a panicked Candi standing there.
“Dude! Bud! Please help!” She begged before heading back to the chaos on the house.
“Oh no…” Dude muttered, before charging into the house. Bud followed after him, feeling his nerves spike to a hundred within seconds. Misty was causing mischief again…
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lapetitavis · 3 months
I miss my friends and I miss my best friend so much it hurts.
Im pretty sure I’ve ruin things but I’m not sure but regardless sometimes things like this happen. I just miss how much time we used to spend together and the adventures we went on. I miss being able to talk to them about anything and being understood immediately. I savor the music you introduced me to all those years ago in our funny apartment and I think of the books I still have to read. I still have the list of your favorite books to read but I can’t help but see you in each book I try to start and I see a glimpse of you as a child or a teenager. I find myself saving memes or jokes to send to them and remembering my texts stay undelivered in our chat. Maybe I should call and see if I can apologize or maybe this was a miscommunication. But I know you as well as I know myself, if something could be repaired between us you would have already called me. You would have told me in your own way to knock it off and just text me. Most of all I miss having you be my comfort place. I know there’s no judgement with you. I’ve had hard times in the last few months I just wish they were here with me. Instead I’ve been having to be strong alone and be supportive for everyone else. In over two years I haven’t had a donut because I think of super early mornings in the cafe before class or that one fun afternoon of making them from scratch and I miss you too much. Same goes for cheesecake, no matter how fancy or how hungry I am all cheesecake tastes like dirt to me and I can’t have more than a bite.
My other best friend I lost contact with. I guess that’s what happens when you live on the other side of world from each other. What I wouldn’t give to send them a text right now. Their number doesn’t work anymore and their email doesn’t respond either. When we last talked they said they’re busy and on to a big fancy adult job. And it’s been three years and I’m still a kid and they’re a dream I hate seeing at night. I go through their Facebook that they stopped using in 2020 and I wonder why they never logged back in. I look at our tagged photos and simple thinking of those simple days. I also hope you’re okay I know you were always under a lot of pressure and being nervous makes you sick. You hate being sick because you get a sore throat and that’s no fun especially since you hate cooking and it’s even harder to cook soft foods. At the grocery stores I stop sometimes and smile because I see your snacks that I would make sure to stock up on when you would visit. Whenever you are now I hope you finally got a proper water bottle instead of that awful little one from the school that you carried. I know you’re still probably drinking your coffee sludge and honestly I miss how bad it tasted.
All three of us were friends and there were moments when they had asked to hang out and I was too tired or didn’t want to hang out and I’m mad at myself. Those precious memories haunt me now. I just want to be 18/19 and be with my two best friends in Rome again with no worries and all the time in the world. On nights like tonight I listen to our shared playlists on Spotify and cry because these songs used to be background tracks for our antics and now I’m still looking for a piece of them in it.
0 notes