#can't wait to work on his remastered form
midnight197 · 1 year
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I recently finished Cassette Beasts! It's an amazing Game (despite the technically issues it has on Switch) and of course I had to make my own OC!
Skiver is actually a Character, I have since quite a while now but it has been used for several ideas at this point. Now I think, it found it's perfect place. Below the cut, I'll show some old Designs of this lil guy!
Skiver is an Air-Type Monster with an affinity to Poison. It's also a huge Glass-Canon with high Speed and Attack but low Defense and mediocre HP.
It can also be remastered to a Monster named Orbat, which I have yet to design. As well as it's Ranger xD but one at a time xD
I recreated the Summary Screen of the Game as well as the Tape :3 Really like the Sticker of Skiver on it tbh xD
If anyone is interested, I could offer the Template free to use for other Peoples CB-OCs!
Hope you guys like it!
Below the cut you can see some of his older designs!
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This was the first Design I made of Skiver 6 years ago (2017)! Back then he was meant to be a Character for an RP that got discontinued after a while xD His name was R-180 or Radar xD
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This was the second design of him! This is from 2019! I renamed im to Vleiffle, which was the idea of a Friend back then! He was meant to be a Monster-Companion for a MMO-Class in my Original Story CyberGhost back then! Cyberghost kinda got scrapped tho after a while xD
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This was the last Version I made of Skiver later in 2019! I tried to turn Vleiffle into a Digimon and rename it to Vleifflemon. It kinda fit but I had no use for him for so long, so I scrapped the idea again xD Since then he was kinda catching dust until Cassette Beasts came along xD
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questforgalas · 2 years
Mission: Sit Tight and Wait
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**remastered July 2023, updated version here**
Summary: While Obi-Wan and Rex are rescued off Kadavo, Cody and the 212th can't do anything but sit and wait
Words: 2.9K
On AO3
Notes: Lol at the title, I had no idea what to put. This one got away from me, but I'm really happy with it. It made me happy cry at the end, so hopefully you enjoy this little journey too. There are so many side scenes from The Clone Wars that I wish we could see on screen, so here's my self indulgent remedy.
Warnings: Fluff, minor angst (uncertainty and flashes of anger), slavery mentioned, mentions of captivity, Cody's perspective, Jesse, Wolffe, and Fives make appearances, brothers comforting each other, banter between brothers, swearing in Mandoa, Cody almost loses his cool on Yoda, Obi-Wan's influence on the 212th, brothers concerned for their brother, mentions of alcohol
Mando'a Key: Osik: Shit Vod: Brother Ori'vod: big brother
The Negotiator was never quiet. No matter the time of day, there was always some kind of ruckus that Cody could hear. Sabacc games, mess hall conversations, troopers doing their rounds, enthusiastic retellings of the latest battles. That last one was always Cody’s favorite as he listened to his brothers gradually one-up each other. Somehow a simple smash-and-grab would involve 12 tanks, 8 droidekas, and 3 platoons of commandos that his brothers each took down single-handedly. Normally the quietest part of the ship was the bridge filled with the quiet beeps and taps of navigation systems and radars. The only time Cody found himself up there was when he was needed for a briefing with General Kenobi or required to attend a meeting. Otherwise, he preferred to spend his time elsewhere in the ship - most often in the makeshift fitness center where he could work off his restless energy or remind his brothers why he was named Commander.
He happened to be up on the bridge finalizing reports when he heard the holotable beep with an incoming message from the Jedi council. Cody hit the receiver and General Yoda’s small blue form flickered in front of him. The warning in his gut told Cody he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear, but he was wrong. It was so much worse. The council just received a message from General Skywalker and Commander Tano from Zygerria, the former slavery empire. Cody was there when General Kenobi was briefed on his joint mission to locate the missing Togruta colonists and saw his general off just 2 rotations ago. While the 212th waited for Kenobi’s return, they remained in the Shili system with the Resolute incase the separatists decided to return to the unoccupied planet while the colonists were missing. It wasn’t surprising to Cody that they hadn’t heard from Kenobi yet, but as Yoda continued relaying his message, Cody felt the very strong urge to plant a permanent tracker on his general and, in this instance, his little brother because while Skywalker and Tano made it off Zygerria of their own will, Kenobi and Rex had been transported to Kadavo, the Zygerrian’s processing center, at least a rotation ago. Cody’s blood wasn’t cold - it was pure ice running through his veins. 
He knew he was supposed to respond to the elder Jedi. Just an acknowledgment that he heard the message. Anything, really. Instead, Cody just stared. How was he supposed to respond to his general and little brother being taken captive on a slave planet? This wasn’t exactly a scenario that was covered in the simulations the Kaminoans setup for them. Figuring the blinding rage Cody wanted to respond with wouldn’t be considered appropriate, he dug deep and found it in himself to act something like a commander of the GAR.
“Understood, sir. We can be on our way within the hour and in the Kadavo system at 0500 tomorrow.” The Kadavo system was located in Wild Space and one of the furthest points from the Negotiator’s current position. As efficient as the 212th was, they still wouldn’t be able to get there in less than 12 hours. “That’s 12 hours more that Rex and Obi-Wan are at the hands of that scum,” Cody thought to himself. Them being in that center for even just 12 seconds more made Cody feel sick, but it was the best he could do.
“Negative Commander. Remain you will. Closer the 104th are and aid Skywalker and padawan Tano they will. Remain you must,” Yoda responded.
For the second time during this call, Cody found himself speechless. Obi-Wan Kenobi, their general, and Rex, his little brother, are currently captives, and the 212th are expected to just sit here. Cody blinked. He blinked again. Surely, this was General Yoda’s sick idea of a joke, right? But as Cody stared, the general didn’t correct himself, and Cody had to accept that he and his men were actually expected to sit tight and wait. He was confident that he’d rather face off against 3 hungry rancors than report this to the boys.
“Understood, sir,” Cody nearly spat. His professionalism was hanging on by a thread. “Have the 501st been informed?”
“Aware they are.”
“Understood.” With that, Yoda’s figure flickered out, and the soft taps and beeps of the bridge’s systems bombarded Cody’s ears. Slowly, his gaze shifted out the viewport to the Resolute sailing next to them. It was then that a thought more terrifying than the information he just received hit him. With no Skywalker, Tano, or Rex on board that star ship, who in the Maker was keeping an eye on Fives?
Once Cody was able to collect himself, he got the task of informing the boys out of the way as quickly as he could. When he was finished relaying the information over the ship wide comms, Cody swore he could feel how still every one of his brothers went. If he hadn’t glanced up and around, he could’ve been convinced none of his brothers on the bridge were breathing. He saw in their eyes the same emotional storm that had been swirling in him since he received the orders: anger, fear, helplessness. But his tasks weren’t complete just yet. He was a commander, but he was also a big brother, and there was a ship just next to them going through the same Maker made hell without someone in command to guide them. Jesse was capable, but the lieutenant still looked at Rex with the adoration of a shiny so Cody could only guess what the energy on the Resolute was like. He was glad he made the call as soon as Jesse’s form appeared in front of him – there wasn’t an emotional storm brewing in his eyes. There was just pure, unhinged rage.
“This is osik, Cody, and you know it.”
“Jesse, I see you’ve heard the news,” Cody hoped some light banter would bring Jesse’s rage down to a simmer.
“It was bad enough we were told to stay here, systems away while our general, commander, and captain go undercover on a slaver planet, but this? Did you hear General Skywalker and Commander Tano were captives on Zygerria?” Cody hadn’t heard that, but it seemed like Jesse was more than willing to fill him in.
“Skywalker was forced to be the Queen’s arm candy. And Ahsoka? Sat in a cage hanging over the city for a rotation.” That last sentence he said as if he was spitting venom out of his mouth, which Cody didn’t blame him for. Red flashed before his eyes, and she wasn’t even his commander. If Jesse was referring to Ahsoka by her first name over official channels, Cody knew he was hanging on by a thread.
“And now Rex is in a processing center being forced to do who knows what, and I just. I just don’t know what to do Cody. I know Wolffe and his boys will get them out of there, but sitting here doing nothing? I’m sure it’s no surprise to you that the boys aren’t taking it well.” Jesse mumbled that last part with a side glance. An image of the 501st standing off screen glowering jumped into Cody’s head.
“How many times have you had to stop Fives from jumping into a ship?”
That earned Cody a soft chuckle from the Lieutenant. “I considered locking him in the brig before I even reported the news just to keep him somewhat controlled.” Jesse went quiet, looking down at what Cody assumed was their holotable on the Resolute’s bridge. He let out a deep sigh, and Cody saw his shoulders slump. No, more like sink as if he just took on the weight of Kadavo itself.
“Cody, what if…what if they’re not in…”
“Stop it right there, trooper,” Cody cutoff Jesse’s train of thought knowing exactly where he was going because it was the same one that kept ringing through Cody’s mind. What if they aren’t in time.
“If this were General Plo Koon and the 104th were in our shoes, they’d trust us to get him out of there. We have to do the same. Our brothers would never let us down. Besides, you know that Wolffe has a soft spot for Rex. There’s no way he's not getting him out of there.”
Cody relaxed a little more when he heard Jesse let out another soft chuckle.
“Thanks ori’vod. I can’t imagine the 212th is taking this too well either.”
“We’ve seen General Kenobi get through the impossible. We all believe we’ll see him on the Negotiator soon enough,” Cody responded honestly. Even though he felt the restlessness of his troops, he knew it was out of frustration of sitting and doing nothing and not in lack of belief in their general. Chaos would freeze over before any of them lost faith in their Jedi.
“Alright, well I better go check to make sure Fives hasn’t recruited a bunch of shinies to do something reckless like prank call General Yoda,” Jesse runs a hand down his face, but he doesn’t look as weighed down as he did moments ago. Cody chalks that up for a win.
“I’ll keep this channel open in case you need anything.”
“You’re going to stand by that holotable until you hear from them, aren’t you?”
“And you won’t be doing the same?” Cody quipped back.
A sly smirk appeared on Jesse’s lips, “Rex wouldn’t expect anything less. Osik, I already miss his eye rolls. We need him back soon.”
“He will be. The Wolffepack know how to pull off a rescue better than anyone in the GAR”
“Thanks again, Cody. Let me know if you hear anything”
“Same to you, Jesse.” Cody shut off the call, and then he was faced with what he considered one of his hardest missions to date: sit tight and wait.
That was 5 hours ago. Well, 4 hours, 35 minutes, and 29 seconds, but who was counting? Just as Jesse guessed, Cody hadn’t moved more than a foot from the holotable this whole time. Sometimes he caught himself staring at the machine as if that alone could make this rescue go faster. He noticed that the beeps and taps of the bridge’s systems had reduced over the hours, and he had a feeling it was a subconscious effort by his brothers to stop driving themselves insane by jumping at every beep that came through. At first, the 212th made a good effort to keep themselves busy and not seem like they were being driven mad by lack of information. But Cody noticed the subtle ticks. Over the hours, comm links became increasingly more interesting as his brothers frequently checked to make sure theirs were active and ready to receive. Any beep in the room would cause every head to shoot down and check if it was their comm notifying them of an incoming message.
The bridge, normally quiet and barely populated, had become the most popular place on the ship. At first, his brothers tried to play it off with half-cocked excuses. Cody found the amount of “maintenance reports” that needed to be filed over the last 5 hours amusing. But soon his brothers didn’t bother to hide their restless energy, and it felt like more than half of the 212th were sitting or standing on the bridge now. Some were engaged in hushed conversation, but the majority were channeling their energy into quiet, busy tasks. About an hour ago, someone brought up a couple cans of their sunburst orange paint, and many troopers were adding touchups to their armor. Cody couldn’t help his fond smile at the thought that his brothers found comfort in the task that Obi-Wan often expressed as his favorite bonding activity for his troops. It wasn’t a strange sight to see Obi-Wan sitting in the mess with shinies, offering his steady hand to paint some of the finer details. As Cody looked around, he thought he saw some Jedi symbols being added to helmets and vambraces. Thinking about Obi-Wan’s bashful reaction to the not so subtle tributes had Cody chuckling to himself. “Skywalker’s never going to let him hear the end of it”. In fact, Cody knew that the 501st were going to get an earful from their general if he returned to no tributes and Obi-Wan had a battalion covered in customized armor.
4 hours, 55 minutes, 48 seconds. That’s when the beep came in. Cody had been staring at the table for so long he didn’t process that it was in fact the holotable that was interrupting his thoughts at first. *Beep*. The most alert troopers’ heads immediately shot up. *Beep*. Troopers that had been sitting were now scrambling to stand up. *Beep*. Cody finally registered the incoming message signal. In the split second it took for Cody to hit accept, he noticed it wasn’t coming from the Jedi council. It was coming from CC-3636. It took the longest 2 seconds of Cody’s life for Wolffe to flicker into focus. The first thing Cody noticed was that Wolffe was breathing hard, as if he had just finished running before making the call. The second thing he noticed was the lack of scuffing on Wolffe’s armor. “That’s good, that means it was a relatively clean mission.” The last thing Cody caught was that Wolffe still had his helmet on which told him that he was very much rushing from whatever he was doing previously to make this call.
“We’ve got them.” Three simple words, but they held enough power to push the collective relieved breath the room was holding. “We’ve got them Cody. We just left the atmosphere, and I have to run to the briefing. But I wanted to tell you. Sinker’s calling Jesse as we speak.”
“Th-thank you, Wolffe. Thank you.” There wasn’t much else Cody could say. Wolffe gave him a curt nod and the call cut off. Cody could hear his heart in his ears. One beat. Two beats. Three beats. The room erupted. Command structure was forgotten as a room of troopers celebrated the news that their Jedi and their brother were saved. Cody was lifted up by someone, Jetsetter he thinks, and unceremoniously thrown in a circle in one of the biggest hugs he’s ever received. Sunburst paint was being thrown in the air. Chants of “Wolffepack! Wolffepack!” echoed throughout the room. Cody was shocked his mouth hadn’t split with how wide he was smiling. Just moments later, the holotable started beeping again. The Resolute was calling.
“Sounds like you heard the good news,” Fives openly laughs as the noise of the Negotiator no doubt goes through to their end.
“I can say the same about you all,” Cody jokes as he hears “Break out the spotchka!” in the background.
“Sinker said they’ll be jumping into hyperspace shortly, and we should see them by 1000 tomorrow,” Fives informs him.
“Thanks Fives. Did he say how they are? Wolffe had to run to the briefing.”
There was a small tendril of fear behind Cody’s question. Obi-Wan and Rex were only captives for 36 hours, but who knows what the Zygerrians conjured up for their processing facility. He studied Fives face as he waited for his answer. Thankfully, nothing dark crossed over his features.
“Definitely beaten up. Going to spend the hyperspace trip in the med bay. But physically fine. I’m sure some ghosts will be coming with them, though.”
“We’ll be there to help fight them when they appear,” Cody said instantly. He knew Obi-Wan had his Jedi ways of dealing with the traumas of war, but there was no way he was letting his little brother take his usual stoic approach after this one. He was thankful for Fives’ tendency to ignore Rex’s personal space because he knew the ARC will do the same.
“I can’t believe I’m looking forward to Rex chewing me out,” Fives chuckled to himself.
“Better to have him around to chew you out than not have him around at all,” Cody said.
“Cheers to that vod. I’m going to make sure Jesse doesn’t over do the spotchka, and by over do I mean not share with me. See you on the next one,” Fives gave a casual salute to Cody before cutting off.
“Hey Commander! X-Ray found some Correlian whiskey in the mess. We’re cracking it open!”
“Be right there vod. Tell them to save some for me.”
Cody looked around the bridge. The majority of the 212th had moved out of the room during his call with Fives. He guessed they headed to the mess in search of something worthy of a celebration, and it sounds like they were successful. Sunburst orange was smattered all across the now nearly empty bridge, and Cody smiled to himself. He hoped getting paint off of radar screens wasn’t too much of a nightmare, but that was something for future Cody and some shinies to figure out. Something told him Obi-Wan wouldn’t mind the new décor, but Cody wanted as few headaches as possible to be around when their general returned.
When they returned. Not if. Not maybe. When. Of all the wins the 212th collected, this one was by far Cody’s favorite.
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
My Personal Top 10 KH Music Ranking That Nobody Asked For, because really, I could talk about music all day. So, here we are! :D
(1-5 are songs that overwrote some part of my brain chemistry. 6-10 are amazing and still give me happy brain syndrome upon listening to.)
1. "Nachtflügel" - KH3
Objectively incredible feat of musical composition that should go down in history- that piano work is ridiculous. I don't even know what to say, really. Went into a trance-like state while listening to this for the first time. If this was able to usurp "Enter the Void" for me, you know this is good. When that beautiful, soaring melody comes in around 0:40, you just wanna cry. When that lower, mournful motion comes in around 2:10 mark, just... godly. It's like flying but with darkened angel wings; don't know how else to describe it- menacing but free. I'm bad with describing how music makes me feel, because it's often just so MUCH. Very dynamic, excellent, showstopping, etc. Can't wait for Shimomura to ascend to musician heaven in a chariot of fire.
2. "Enter the Void" BBS
When I first heard this I was filled with such unparalleled levels of energy that I can't communicate effectively. The rhythm from the drums and horns is something primal that you feel in your soul. Feels so heroic. I am going to war /positive. When the strings hit around a minute in, I feel like I'm flying. Around 1:50 in, when the orchestra comes in after that brief break, I legitimately almost cried from the euphoria, haha.
3. "Forze Dell'Oscurita" - BBS/KH3
That intro is just godlike. Not much more to say. Spiritually froth at the mouth with all the Xehanort-related motifs present here. Both versions are awesome AF, with me maaaybe picking the KH3 version if I had to, purely because of that flute trill at the beginning, and those horns.
4. "Musique pour la tristesse de Xion" - 358/2 Days
Beautiful mixture of Riku and Kairi's theme. When it gets to Kairi's leitmotif, the melody is so dreamy and ethereal- absolutely gorgeous.
5. "The 13th Reflection" - KH2
So hype. That's it. So hype. Grandiose and beautiful both in original forms and remastered version. I go bonkers. It's got that Final Fantasy percussive pattern I love.
6. "Enter the Darkness" - BBS Version
The usage of Ventus', Roxas', and ESPECIALLY how Sora's leitmotifs come into the melody are excellently executed and exhilarating. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the addition of the electric guitar in the KH3 version, but the original hits in its own way that the other version didn't. And shout-out to that part of "Unbreakable Chains" with Sora's leitmotif but super jazzy and darker in tone. Love that.
The cutscene where this track first started playing in DDD is forever tattooed in my mind, because the visual and musical transition into the fight was magnificent. It's got Destati, it's got Ansem KH1 fight theme. It's good shit.
7. "L'Eminenza Oscura I" - DDD or KH3 version. Both rock.
"You can try."
("You can't protect ANYTHING." Damn Ansem, chill out, Riku's just sixteen. Stop capitalizing on his insecurities.)
8. "Sacred Distance" - DDD
The usage of a mournful, trailed off version of Dearly Beloved's piano is so poignant for this ost, as encountering this track after finding out "Dearly Beloved's" significance to Sora and Riku's connection and seeing Sora's dangerous position in the plot at TWTNW signifies that the broken down parts of Dearly Beloved's melody littered throughout the song is no coincidence. It gives the stark feeling something is wrong/missing. I look like that "Patrick Bateman listening to music with his eyes closed" meme while listening to this track. That violin part...
9. "Treasured Memories" - KH1
In the words of someone who overheard my playlist: "That sounds like something I'd play while depressed to stay depressed." It's been immortalized in my mind since. It also reminds me somewhat of the City Ruins piece from NieR: Automata. Very serene and melancholic.
10. "Lazy Afternoons" - CoM version
I loved this version with the leading harmonica so much I didn't care for the KH2 version nearly as much as a result. Y'know that part of Ratatouille where Ego eats the dish and he gets mentally zapped back to his childhood? That's what this song felt like.
Honorable Mentions:
a. "Forze Del Male" - KH1 Version
It just can't be beat. That opening is on par with FFIX's "The Dark Messenger" in terms of memorable villain organ theme intros, for me.
b. "My Heart's Descent" - DDD
My favorite version of the "Dive into the Heart" melodies. Feels dreamlike (lol, wonder why) and so very Important in a way beyond my petty understanding.
c. "The Eye of Darkness"
Cool combat rendition of "Dive into the Heart."
d. "It Began With a Letter" - KH1
So soft. Feels like home.
e. "Keyblade Cycle" - DDD
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molagboop · 2 years
What do you plan to showcase next? The details of what you’re sharing is amazing!!! I can’t wait for your analysis of the hyper suit.
I've taken screenshots of muzby and sakai that I haven't done anything with yet. I have a bit of prep work to do before I take on muzby, because that subject is bit more broad than the average creature. Not quite as loaded as Corpius was: that one came with a lot of baggage by virtue of sharing obvious similarities with the experiment, but muzby is also related to another creature (three I think; one of those is an almost obscure X-form), and there are background assets I need to get shots of too.
I need to replay Metroid Dread before I do anything with Sakai because I was going to say a thing about it, and then I found something that contradicted that thing, so I need to check my work to make sure I'm not pulling anything too far out of left field.
I also have about a billion different shots of Raven Beak, but almost none of them are the kind of shot that I take for the express purpose of a showcase. I need to organize them into groups based on criteria such as "this is a shot of his head at an angle" and "this is a shot of his arm cannon at an angle".
I also need to figure out how I'd do a post for him and other sapient NPCs. There's so much to cover there that it couldn't be confined to one post, and I don't know how possible it is to find the Chozo Soldier reference that started this with the greater Tumblr search bar, so I need to consider that as well. "What good is an artist's reference if they can't find it" and all. It's a matter of formatting, and I have a few options:
Make a post, hit the image limit, post it, save a reblog of that post to drafts and delete the posted version, rinse and repeat with consecutive reblogs until it's done.
Publish it in fragments like Experiment Z-57, but with each issue covering different regions of the model.
Wing it??
Also relevant to this point, I made a post a while back about Quiet Robe's more obscure features, but I'll need to remaster that post on top of covering the expected bases because I managed to rip him in a way that provided me with better quality textures. Haven't quite put that one to bed just yet, but all the different variations of Samus' suit are definitely on the list! There's so much to talk about there. I haven't ripped the morph ball yet, and I can't remember how much the actual physical model of the ball changes from suit to suit, so it'll be fun to figure out whether or not I'll have to extract like six different morph balls.
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doubleddenden · 7 years
Okay, so I wanna talk about something something. Mainly the music.
Okay so you know how in SM they just reused themes, even Cynthia's from back in DP? If you're worried about that happening, YOU ARE IN FOR A PLEASANT SURPRISE.
All the music for RR and it's Leaders are remade. Even Lysandre and the RSE bois. Cyrus and Ghetsis also have remade or remastered themes, and the latter is super imposing. You'd expect him to be the big bad but naw naw naw. It's Giovanni. Crime Daddy has his own theme song. After 20 years.
And it is amazing.
Other than that, I also listened to the Ultra Dorks theme and it's pretty cool. Not quite ground breaking imo but it fits them and it works awesome.
The one piece I'm most hyped for, however, is Necrozma's theme.
There's this really odd quality to it thst i cant quite figure out. I super enjoyed Solgaleo and Lunala's theme, but somehow this feels less imposing as a monster and more like... an amazing, heart pumping, final battle between friends. It's strangely nostalgic in a way that doesn't make sense. It doesn't pay much homage to anything and is completely unique. However, I feel the kinship between my partner and I as we fight Necrozma.
Not just standard Necrozma either, nor it's mascot forms, but it's true form.
Possibly visual spoilers but people have been saying recently that there's a face hidden in the combined logos of USUM. There's also a lesser talked about leak of a golden Pokemon with 4 wings.
I think that is Necrozma's true form. And I can't wait to catch it if it's the same Pokemon that this theme goes with.
Edit: Mantine surf was already kinda given to us in a trailer but it is officially a club HIT now. That's the theme I want playing when I walk in the room.
Let's also talk about two more leaks:
poison boy evolves into a poison dragon upon learning dragon pulse, apparently. I sorely want one for my team since it's a fast special attacker supposedly, but my fear is that you'll have to wait til post game for it. I can live with that I guess.
There's another one that is most likely a new mythical Pokemon. I forget what it's called, but imagine if you made Lucario a pure electric bobcat and gave it Electivire arms. That's what it looks like. Honestly it sucks that it's mythical because it looks cool enough and honestly normal enough to be wild on its own or at least a mascot for gen 8 like Lucario and Zoroark were.
Anyway, the only other noteworthy spoilers are a Kanto gym simulator and confirmation of no new Alolan forms as of yet.
I'm so damn excited for these games that I can barely contain myself
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