#can't wait until I disappear from active management for three weeks and come back to hellfires but we'll deal with that then lol
Sorry i've been a bit absent from the management side of this blog (posts are queued and go out without my direct management), it's finals week and I'm very stressed lol, there's some asks in my ask box that are important topics that I want to dedicate the necessary time to respond to and I just haven't been able to yet. If you're one of the people who sent in an ask, just know that I'm not ignoring you, I promise I will answer when I'm not cramming for my O-chem final in a few days.
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teriwrites · 8 months
about me: a writeblr re-re-re-introduction
Hello! My old pinned post is officially over a year old and makes me cringe whenever I'm on my blog, so it's time to freshen things up again!
I'm Teri, I'm smack dab in the middle of my 20s and figuring out life. My writing is pretty exclusively original stuff, a lot of novels and a lot of fantasy, but I play around with various genres in short stories. Sort of a jack-of-all-trades in regards to hobbies - aside from writing, there's anything from baking to drawing with my ancient art tablet to cross-stitch to playing music to rambling around the patch of woods near my house to watching long-form D&D let's plays.
my goals
I recognize that every time I post something like this, it's with the intention of finally becoming as active on writeblr as I was during the pandemic. I also recognize I've never quite managed that.
So here are some more general goals to get me through 2024:
Finish my 2nd draft of Beyond Alder Creek
Write as cringey and brutally honest as I never allowed myself to as a teenager.
Speaking of, a large reading/writing goal of mine is to go back through every NaNo draft I've ever written (I've participated since 2011). So aside from just reading that and likely turning it into a whole spectacle on here for people's amusement, generally just survive reading through the writing from 8th grade. Stay tuned for more on that in the coming weeks lol
Finally, I have a general goal every year of reaching 100K words, between writing and editing and the like, but I'd happily be a little looser with that goal if it meant getting through others.
And now, without further ado:
my writing
Before I get specifically into WIPs, a general overview of the kind of writing you can expect from me:
As I said, I'm a fantasy nerd. I love worldbuilding, both on a large scale (nations and cultures and political relationships) and a small scale (a magic shop in an otherwise contemporary setting).
There's not a lot of romance in my writing, but there Are a lot of transformational relationships and codependency. Friendships, siblings, guardians, general ride-or-dies.
Thought experiments. I've been trying to catch and indulge more in my 'wait, what if?' ideas. Sometimes, that's fun little snippets of silly ideas, sometimes it's a majorly emotionally heavy scene for a story I'll never write. Sometimes, it's coming up with ideas to 'combine genres'. It's all about expanding the range.
Beyond Alder Creek /// draft 2 /// tag: bac
Winnie Pewitt has never believed in the fae. That is, until her little brother disappears, and she stumbles upon a faerie ring on the edge of town. Inside, a man seemingly carved from gold suggests that he knows who took the boy. With everyone else around their hometown accepting her brother's fate as certainty, Winnie takes it upon herself to craft the perfect deal and enter the realm of the fae with her new companion in tow.
The Lies in the Legend /// draft 1 /// tag: litl
The fictional autobiography of an elven noblewoman who rose rapidly in station and influence from an unremarkable youth to a diplomatic powerhouse. Spanning centuries during the prime of her life, Lady Ghislaine Agassi charts the course of her career and reputation, and highlights the dangers of making myths out of our idols.
*Though these are my primary WIPs, I have a page that covers various other WIPs and projects that I've brought up over the past few years.
I think that about covers everything! As always, I can't make any promises about how the year will wind up and where it takes us. But I will say, I've actually been writing recently, and yk I'm just gonna ride that high.
And for fun, here's some random facts about me:
fun facts
I have degrees in psychology and music!
I've lived across three continents, but currently live in upstate New York for whatever reason lol
The animals I've ridden on the back of include: horse, pony, elephant, and ostrich. The horse was my least favorite. By far.
I got diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a couple months after Covid landed stateside (in May 2020) and am Always ready to talk someone's ear off about it.
The first story I ever wrote was on PowerPoint and was about war breaking out between humans and aliens that had taken refuge on Earth after their planet was destroyed. I was 8. There was a Lot of Clipart involved.
I've never been published, but I once secretly planned out, wrote, edited, and self-printed a couple copies of a novel about my best friends and our college apartment. They received it for Christmas last year and loved it (or at least were kind enough to tell me they did)!
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jointimeandspace · 3 years
This story was based on such a beautiful drawing by JvdB_art on Twitter. Source at the end.
You Have Me Forever
Three weeks was how long it had been since you went into a coma. Three quiet, painful weeks. Alcina missed your laughter, your feet pattering on the carpet, and the way you'd scream with joy when you were playing with her girls. The only sounds coming from the castle was the rain hitting the window panes; the large stacks of firewood crackling in the hearth. Alcina felt guilty, something that hasn't happened to her in a long time.
She sat at the large bay window that was in her room looking out at the village below. She hadn't eaten. Her pale skin was more cracked than it had usually been and a constant flow of tears wouldn't stop running from her eyes. "Why does everything have to be so difficult?" she said to herself. She looked over to you on her bed. No sign of movement from you yet. She leaned back on the wall with an exasperated sigh. She'd give anything for you to wake up. With Alcina's large size, it usually came with a few problems. One night, when you and her were making love, she drank from you. "Not a terrible way to go out," you always thought, and you had already done it many times before. However, Alcina took a bit much than she normally had and you passed out. She expected you to wake up after a couple of hours of night's sleep; when you didn't come down for breakfast or lunch that next day, panic set in. Nothing would stir you so she sent for Mother Miranda. She was relieved when Miranda said you were still alive, but she didn't know how long it would be until you woke up. Upon her inspection and running tests, she found out you had diabetes. During your activities, you sugar became low. You hadn't told Alcina, which was a foolish gesture on your part; you had been showing signs of low sugar but chose to ignore them.
Alcina stared into the fire as her memories went back to those first 3 days prior to the incident. Everytime she tried to forget, the memory came back stronger and more vivid than ever.
"Did you know about this Alcina? It's not like you to be so careless with your...pets."
"No, most reverent Mother. I didn't! Why she didn't tell me I don't know."
Alcina at the time did not know (and after all, how could she), that while in your coma, you un(f)ortunately could still here everything. You wanted to spring from the bed and protect your mistress, but you were helpless.
Mother Miranda turned back to you and walked toward your side of the bed. You couldn't see, but you could hear the condescending tone in her voice, and only imagined that a mix of malice and amusement ran across her face. She had Alcina under her thumb. Miranda knew all the right and wrong ways to push her buttons, and Alcina knew this, especially when it came to people she loved.
"Oh, Alcina! I'm so disappointed! You should've know what disease ailed her when you drank from her for the first time. Or have your senses started to fail you? Maybe I need to run a few more tests on you; get you back to tip-top shape. I can't let my favorite child falter, now can I? You'll let me know if her condition worsens."
Alcina took in a shuddering breath, trying to compose herself. She dared herself to not look weak in front of Miranda.
"Of course, Mother. Thank you!"
With that, Miranda shut the door and you two were alone again. She waited until the front door closed, and then she fell to her knees and wept. To hear her crying and not being able to move to comfort her was terrifying and heartbreaking. You were determined to make it through no matter what.
Alcina came out of her daydream when Daniela appeared with a bottle of Sanguine Virginis in hand.
"Mama? Please eat! You don't want to get sick....you'll start turning."
Alcina looked back out the window. With a flick of her wrist, she signaled Daniela to set the bottle down. Daniela, always the intuitive one, went to sit beside her.
"Mama, it's not your fault. Certain ailments are hard to pick up sometimes. You'd have to have the same type of blood over and over again for at least a few years before you figure out which ailment is which. We've had so many types that even I can't differentiate plain from diseased. Staleness, though... we can always tell for sure," she chuckled. "Don't beat yourself up."
Alcina brought her hand to Daniela's cheek. Her baby was always there to comfort her whenever she needed. No wonder she took an interest in you. You always reminded her so much of Daniela.
"Thank you, darling! Go be with your sisters. I think they're looking for you."
Daniela nodded as she gave her mama a kiss and then disappeared in a smattering of flies. Alcina got up and moved to the bed so she could be near to you; she distanced herself for too long.
You looked liked Sleeping Beauty to her, waiting to be kissed. She got down on her knees to have a better look at you and took your hand.
"Oh, draga mea, why didn't you tell me? I would've been so careful."
You felt her kiss your hand- that was new! You couldn't feel any touch for awhile. Now, it felt like your entire body loosening up as if you were being thawed out. You slowly moved your toes and could feel the sheets hitting them. Your body was waking up. You were about to try to speak, but Alcina's voice rang out once more.
"Please, draga! Come back to me. I'll never be so careless again. Mother is right! I should've known, as long as I've been drinking blood. I always push, and push others until I break them. I told myself I'd be careful with you, and now here I am, praying for you to wake." Alcina sobbed, "I love you so much and don't want to lose you!"
She laid her head down on your arm as you felt the tears run down your fingers. Before you knew it, you opened your eyes and looked around the room. It was dark except for the fireplace. You rotated your head a bit and lifted your right arm. You felt stiff and tired, but you were determined to touch her- to comfort her. You looked down at Alcina, whispering silent prayers in your hand. To see her so soft, so vulnerable, and scared, was enough to shatter your soul. You reached over and ran your fingers through her hair. She stopped and looked at you, the light returning to her eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere! You have me forever. And I promise, none of this was your fault. I should have told you, but I didn't want to burden you with my issues. They've always been manageable, but I guess I should've listened to my body before we started that night. I neglected to take care of myself. Plus, I didn't tell you because I was afraid you wouldn't want me anymore; that I wasn't clean enough..."
Alcina silenced you with a deep kiss. How you missed her touch, her eyes, the pleasure that you two shared together. She kissed your face, your neck, hands and fingers. She was so happy to have her darling back. She brought your hand up to her face once more, kissing it and breathing in your sent. "Thank you, sweetheart," she said.
"Thank you for coming back to me. You too, shall always have me forever. And never, will I ever, not want you. You'll always be divine to me. My most precious little one."
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, slight angst in the beginning but not really, fluff
i owe you guys an apology. i’m not very active on tumblr as of posting. i’m sorry about that. school has been hard on me and i’ve been very stressed. i’ll try to do better in the future :)
listen to the music masterlist
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Armin was discharged from the hospital only a day after the accident. The doctor said there was nothing extraordinary to worry about. But of course, even with this information, Eren still made a fuss. That much was clear when he walked through the door with Armin's arm slung over his shoulder.
"I didn't break my leg, Eren. I don't need to use you as a crutch," Armin grumbled as the two walked into the kitchen from the garage. He reached back to shut the door with his free hand.
Eren rolled his eyes. "Well, excuse me for supporting you in these trying times."
"I don't need your support," they scoffed. He unwrapped his arm and made his way across the room.
Eren gave him the finger, rather aggressively. The gesture wasn't reciprocated since the blond already disappeared into the hallway.
Sucking on a freeze pop, you leaned back against the cool countertop. "Welcome home, lovely. Have fun?"
Eren sighed loudly as he walked toward the freezer and got a popsicle for himself. He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the top of the wrapper off into the trash.
He said sarcastically, "Oh, absolutely I did." He paused and shook his head disapprovingly. "He's a lot bitchier when it's us two. How's it been here?"
You shrugged. "So, so. Pretty quiet."
He nodded and pushed up the pineapple-flavored ice. "Thought so. Jean's gone today, obviously. Is Mikasa here?"
You huffed softly at the mention of her. "I haven't seen her since breakfast. She's been upstairs all day."
He frowned. "Oh, I see. Armin told me about the kiss, by the way. At first, I was gonna make fun of you for passing out but now that just seems cruel."
"You think?" You laughed lightly and rested both arms on the counter.
The sound that followed from him was more of an exhale than a laugh. "Listen, Y/n, even if she's avoiding you right now, I know she'll come around. Just wait and see."
"You're right," you mumbled, sticking the freeze pop in your mouth again. Armin basically said the same thing. Eren sent you a quick smile and patted your shoulder before leaving through the hallway.
You swallowed the remaining ice and threw away the wrapper. Noticing the bin was full, you took the trash to the bigger bin outside. Maybe doing some chores would distract you from Mikasa for a while.
Plus, today was the only day that allowed you to do so. Practices for the band's upcoming performance were every day until the date of it. You'd be rehearsing 24/7 since it was scheduled on such short notice.
It was going to be at a middle school some of your friends went to. The DJ they booked before flaked and your manager was kind enough to offer your talents.
Jean was meeting with Hannes and the school administrators to work out some extra kinks before the practices began.
The only day there wasn't a rehearsal was on Eren's birthday. You all decided it'd be best to take the day off to celebrate and set up for the party that would be happening later in the night.
The day passed easily as you got caught up on chores that weren't done over the past few days. The house was messier than you liked it although it hadn't been long at all since the previous clean-through. However, it had been a hectic week.
Speaking of hectic, when Zeke was there, he sure made himself at home. That much was clear when you made it to the living room portion of the basement.
Eren probably couldn't find time to clean up yet. Either that or he was just lazy because at that moment he was more focused on a pinball machine than the state of his living space.
His brother's suitcases were lying open by the couch. To be honest, you didn't love the idea of a criminal's possessions lying around your home. So, you decided that throwing them in a storage closet was the best option. 
When you finished tidying up, you started a game on the pinball machine next to Eren's.
His birthday was in three days. The house looked a lot better than it did when you started, which was perfect for throwing a party. You could only hope it would stay that way.
After a few hours of playing games with him, Jean came down the stairs to let you know he was back from the school. He left when he saw neither of you were interested in what he had to say.
Once it got dark outside, you left Eren to his own devices and went to your own room to chill out some more.
Unfortunately, when you flopped down on your bed, Mikasa started to consume your thoughts again. In an effort to fight them, you turned on a show to distract yourself.
For the slow hours you spent staring at the screen, you couldn't focus, not once. No matter how hard you trained your eyes on the screen, you still thought about her.
Sighing, you got out of bed and walked to your bedroom door. You were careful of the creaking hinges, it was around midnight. Everyone would either be asleep or close to sleeping.
Except for Armin. You had no idea what he did at night but you knew better than to ask. However, he was probably pretty tired from the time spent at the hospital. So, there was a solid chance he actually was asleep.
You crept outside, checking that the front door didn't make too much noise. Your car was parked in the driveway since there was never room in the garage. The gravel underneath your feet made noise as you walked toward it. You pushed yourself onto the hood and leaned back against the windshield.
Drawing in a long breath, you stared up at the sky. You needed to calm down and clear your mind. This would help, as it usually did.
Even if it was a little chilly, it was warm for a night in March, especially this late.
The stress that bubbled inside you simmered down the longer you watched the thin clouds dim the stars.
Any negative thoughts you had about the situation with Mikasa or the previous days seemed to disappear the longer your focus was on the sky.
Gravel crunched and you snapped your gaze toward the noise. Sitting up, you were surprised by what you saw.
Mikasa froze when she realized she'd been caught. She held a white blanket in her arms and still had one foot on the porch steps.
"Hi," she greeted quietly.
"Hey." Your breaths were a tad ragged from the initial scare.
She came closer to the car. "What are you doing out here so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing." You took the blanket from her arms and she pushed herself up to sit beside you.
"The door to your room was open when I came downstairs for a drink. I thought you'd be out here."
"Oh." She knew you better than you thought.
She spread the blanket over both of your laps and leaned down on the hood of the car.
She looked at the sky but your eyes were still on her. "Why did you come out here?"
After a moment of silence, her gaze finally shifted to you. "I wanted to apologize. Ignoring you was immature. Plus, I remember how you used to come out here when you were upset. Above all else, I wanted to make sure you were alright." A blush coated her cheeks when she finished talking.
You took note of that and couldn't help but blush yourself. "I'm okay. I understand why you'd ignore me, though. If you didn't want it, that was probably your only option since we have to see each other so much."
Her brows furrowed and she sat up again. "What? Y/n, did you think I didn't want to kiss you?"
You blinked stupidly. "Well, yeah."
She laughed. "You can be so ridiculous sometimes. I've always wanted to kiss you like that. I'm just not great at expressing it."
Even more heat rushed to your face. You gawked at her and she looked down at her feet. Many things were running wild in your head. For some reason, though, there was one thing that was so prominent in your mind once you remembered it.
Out of all the questions you could have asked, this one came out rather bluntly. "What did you mean in your letter? What should I know?"
Her eyes widened, she didn't expect you to ask about that yet, and quite frankly, neither did you. Nonetheless, she answered anyway. "If only you knew. That's what I wrote. That's easy to answer now. If only you knew how long I've loved you."
She turned her face and made direct eye contact with you. She seemed to know the next question on your mind. "You never knew it but I've been in love with you since high school."
That can't be right. This is a dream. You're dreaming, Y/n. What the actual fuck?
"Are you sure? Then why did you ask Jean out when we were seniors? Why did you break it off with me mere weeks before?" Your mind was racing and it translated into sentences quickly spilling from your lips.
She still looked straight at you. Her facade of confidence was making you nervous. "I'm sure. Back then, I was so afraid of what I felt for you. Pretending the feelings weren't real and projecting them onto Jean seemed like my easiest option. For years I convinced myself I loved him. But it was never him. It was always you. I felt so awful when I realized what I was doing."
And just like that, the facade fell. Her words were no longer held confidence. She was afraid of how you'd react. She had little idea that you were ready to be just as vulnerable as her.
"When did you realize?"
Looking up at the dark sky, she pushed a stray tuft of hair away from her face. She continued, sighing softly before she spoke, "When I saw him that night with Marco, I was relieved that I didn't have to be with him anymore. When I tried to figure out why that was, I could only think about you. Every feeling that scared me before came back. I got so scared that I left. But, even then, they never went away."
You were having some trouble believing that this was actually happening. Mikasa loved you back this entire time. If she hadn't kissed you before, you would've thought this was only possible in your dreams.
However, things were actually starting to make sense. That whole time it was your fault. Every night of those two years you spent wondering about what you could have done to make her stay. It turns out you did enough. You were the reason she left. 
But maybe you were the reason she came back as well. You could recall something Jean had told you a day before she came home.
"Why did you come back? You needed to do something?"
She looked back at you again. "I've just done it," she said.
Before you could process her words, she was leaning closer to you. Her lips were so close to brushing yours but she paused before they could fully touch. "Can I?" she whispered.
"You don't even have to ask."
When she kissed you, you felt everything. Her feelings, your feelings. The world was minuscule compared to you two. Anything else meant nothing at that moment.
It was the first time in a long time that you felt fully complete. You were a puzzle and she was the missing piece. It was like before, only this time, you knew for sure what you wanted.
Pulling away, you managed an, "I love you too, Mikasa." 
There were no other words that would feel so good to finally say out loud.
Everything was clear. You understood. 
Now more than ever, you wanted to be with her.
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posted: 9/26/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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serensama · 7 years
I'm really in love with the prompt of MC being in highschool (because I'm in highschool ) so I wanted you to do a post how the RFA + v and saeran react to MC being in highschool her dad was a rock star and her mom is a model but left home because they were abusive and my can't see her twin brother and sister and her other siblings and mc is an upcoming rock star and actress.... I know this is a lot but thank you 💖
Alright so before you all read this I had spoken to the lovely @micaela-turtle-02 and confirmed that I could break up the prompt as I did because this was just a little too much for each person to deal with and I couldn’t do the prompt any justice. So under the cut are short HC’s for each RFA member and how they help this high schooler to cope! My apologies for making you wait so long my dear, it’s been a crazy ride so far! TRIGGER WARNING: includes mention of abuse, suicidal thoughts, neglectful parents, homelessness.  
Yoosung:Coping with famous parents
-      TellsMC to come over to his house so she can hang out with his family and not bealone.
-      Hismother could ‘mother’ enough for more than 10 families.
-      Shedoesn’t accept his offer for a very long time, she’s embarrassed and doesn’twant to be a burden.
-      Shedoesn’t want to seem like a charity case.
-      Butwhen she does… she hates that it took her so long to do so. It was the familyshe had always dreamed of, parents who were there, siblings who looked up totheir parents instead of the eldest child. A proper family unit.
-      Whenher parents came back after a trip to an empty house, they wonder where theirchildren are. When they continue to disappear after school they ask after them…and they are furious. They find out where they’ve been going and they’re incensedthat they’ve let their private lives be known to other people who could selltheir story. What would the media do to all of them?
-      MrsKim heard the root of their concerns and was on the war path. Screaming andyelling at the famous people who had so rudely barged into her home.
-      Yoosunghugged MC whilst entertaining her siblings to keep them from hearing theirparents fighting. If all of this trouble resulted in MC being able to smile, itwould have all been worth it.
Zen: Copingwith leaving home
-      Henoticed that she became more withdrawn, that she’s losing weight and is somehowalways the first at school and always had an excuse to stay behind.
-      Soone day, he stays back too.
-      Zensaw that she helped the lunch lady and in turn, was allowed to eat the scrapsof food.
-      Afterthat she ran to the library and studied and when it finally closed she ran tothe locker rooms. She took the towels and lay them out on top of the benchesand went to sleep on them.
-      Shewas living at school, she was homeless.
-      Heknew that she must have been having showers and washing her clothes at the sametime so no one would realise that she needed help. So no one would notice.
-      Buthe did.
-      Thenext day he offered her lunch and they talked; he quickly finds out that she iskind and funny and is genuinely asking if she would like to stay at his house-and not just out of pity. He once had a family at home, it’s sometimes tooquiet just on his own.
-      Afterthree days of staying at his house (each day with Zen finding an excuse for herto stay) she finally asks how long he had known she was homeless and he justsmiles and shares his dinner with her before replying,
“What are you talking about, MC? You’re home.”
Jaehee:Coping with burgeoning fame
-      Shecouldn’t believe that she was going to school with this girl! A pop star and amodel?!
-      …but… she was always so quiet and all alone…
-      Everyonewas too nervous and star struck to talk to her! Besides what would they have incommon to talk about?
-      Untilone day Jaehee saw MC look longingly at a group of friends just talking andeating together.
-      She’slonely.
-      Itmust be lonely all by yourself day in and day out, with only people fawningover you but never wanting to know the real you.
-      Whenshe finally talked to MC, the star was so happy- she beamed from ear to ear!
-      Shewas all too quick to reveal that she hated the whole fame thing, to besurrounded by people but to have no one able to see her or listen to her…
-      “Well,I can see you, I hear you! You’re not alone, not now.”
Jumin:Coping with High School
-      Shewas at the top of their class…
-      Butshe was slipping.
-      MChad removed herself from club activities and stopped saying yes to socialisingwith her friends… As Class President, it was his job to be concerned over hisfellow students. Even without the Principal muttering to him about it incessantly.
-      Throughhis advanced investigative skills (ie he followed her), he finds her alone inone of the private study rooms.
-      “MC…what is happening with you?”“What do you mean?“Your studies…”“Oh, that.”
-      Hedidn’t expect her to be so forthright, then again she didn’t expect him tocare. She tells him the truth, that she’s just burnt out, that she just didn’tcare anymore.
-      Andsurprisingly, he understands.
-      Heworks himself to the bone to please his father, foregoing any of his dreams tocontinue on with the family business (she nodded along to his words, herparents want her to succeed in business and not “show business” as she had soonce desperately dreamed).
-      Juminresigned himself into helping her continue doing what it was she loved butstill balance and excel in all that was expected of her. They can’t sayanything about her lead role in the play distracting her from her studies whenshe has the highest grades in school.
-      Wheneverhe would start to see her falter or stress too much- he sits her down andbreathes with her, and they spend the period or sometimes the whole day together,just breathing.
Saeyoung:Coping with not seeing their siblings
-      MCwas crying in class again- she thinks she’s so quiet and her breathing so eventhat no one could ever tell, but he can. He can practically taste the salt ofher tears.
-      Sherefused to pay attention in class and continues to look wistfully into herphone.
-      Itis only by chance that he sees that she’s staring at a photo on her screen, itlooked like her with her younger siblings.
-      Afterclass, he hung back and simply said that the twins were cute when everyone elsewas out of earshot.
-      MClooked at him and burst out crying.
-      Saeyoungpanicked thinking he had broken the girl, gingerly comforting her as best as hecould. Through her sobs, he managed to piece together that she had successfullygotten herself emancipated but her parents refused to let her visit hersiblings.
-      Thethought made him irrationally angry- the idea of anyone keeping Saeran awayfrom him… he wouldn’t know what he would do in her situation. Nodding tohimself he told her to sit tight and to keep her head down- he’d think ofsomething to help her.
-      Twoweeks later both children are put into their Aunt’s custody, who was horrifiedand appalled know of the dire situation at home and petitioned with the courtsto have them all live with her.
-      Saeyoungnever wanted it to be found out that it was him who sent disturbing evidence toher Aunt and child services.
-      Oncethe dust settled she invited him to lunch so he could meet them all.
-      Hesat with her as they watch over her younger brother and sister she pounced onhim and wrapped her arms around him. Whether he liked it or not, she knew itwas him- and she was grateful.
Saeran:Coping with abusive parents
-      Itwasn’t hard to see the cuts and bruises.
-      Notwhen he was so used to covering them up himself.
-      Atfirst, he had wanted to believe that she was just a klutz… until he had seenher father pick her up from school. The iron clad grip he had on her wrist wasenough to leave indentations to her bones- so it was no surprise that on thenext day she wore long sleeves; but not long enough to hide the new purple and yellowbruises on her wrist.
-      Heasked her to follow him and she did, not seeing the harm into following him.
-      Saerantook off his shirt and of course MC freaked the hell out.
-      “Thisone,” he said pointing to one scar, “was from my mother- she was angry that I atea cookie before dinner you see. This one was from my father, because I was tooscared to look at him in the eye.”
-      Shetouched his scars and showed him her own, both crying bitterly at their jointpain.
-      Heasked her to stay with him, his own deadbeat parents long gone from thepicture, it was just him and his brother now.
-      Sheagreed, what else did she have to lose at this point?
-      Ofcourse, it wasn’t long before her father found her. He asked around and soonfound out she was boarding with two brothers- the slut, he called out to her in front the Saeran’s house. Come out, get your ass home, stop whoringyourself out to two boys to keep a roof over your damn head!
-      WhilstSaeyoung kept MC calm, Saeran kept her father’s mouth shut. With his fist. Lodgedin his face.
-      Herfather tried their best to charge the teen with assault and battery only to becountered with MC’s confession that Saeran was only protecting her from beingabused- again.
-      Thecharges were quickly dropped against Saeran, but he refused to allow MC to dropher case against her father.
-      “Idon’t care if they send me to jail MC- I’m not above getting the boys in thecell block to teach an abusive father a lesson. Don’t give up the fight, notyet. Because I’m still fighting for you, so you keep fighting too, okay?”
 V: Copingwith not coping with anything
-      Hewas taking random pictures, as he was wont to do, and he took one of MC justsitting on her own in the corner of the yard- she just looked so sad.
-      Hecouldn’t help it, he couldn’t stop taking pictures of the sad girl. Couldn’tstop observing her.
-      Shedidn’t seem quite…. There. Her mind often wandered and she spent a lot of timedazing off or looking listlessly out of the window during class.
-      Thenone day as he returned to the classroom because he forgot something, he saw heremptying her locker… and then filling it back up… only to empty it back intoher bag.
-      Shewas shaking. Crying. Absolutely lost.
-      Hecould no longer watch any longer.
-      Hewalked over to her and helped her pack her belongings back into her locker andlead her to a nearby park.  
-      Andthey sat there. For what felt like hours… couldhave been hours… in silence.
-      Asthe sun began to set she simply whispered, “I wanted to die. School’s too hard.My family… my family hate me and I’m just… useless. My friends don’t noticeanything. Don’t care. Don’t see. I’m just… are they even my friends? I… I justwanted to die.”
-      Shelooked up to see V’s shock and what she thinks is pity in his eyes. “You don’t have to pity me-”“It’s not pity,” he interrupts, a kind but apprehensive smile on his face. “It’sconcern. It’s worry.”
“You don’t even know me-”“Now I do-”“You don’t care-”“I do.” “No one would even really notice. No one did!”“… I did.”
-      Heheld her until she stopped crying- she didn’t even know when she had begun, buthe stayed with her until the tears ran dry.
-      Heaccompanied her to the doctor and to the counsellor she was referred to.
-      Shenever missed an appointment- and neither did he. He’d always be waiting for herwhen she finished.
-      Vtook pictures of her everyday as a montage of her recovery. There was onephoto, where she’s finally smiling, her first real smile in… forever… and shehas that up in her locker. Still full of her belongings and ready to keepfighting.
-      However,he doesn’t know that she’s taken a photo of him too. She keeps it under herbooks, right at the bottom- so if she ever gets that bad again- the last thingshe’ll see is his smiling face and remember, that she’s not alone.
-      “Thankyou, for seeing me.”          “Ahh MC, you shine so brightly- I couldn’t look away.”
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