#cane storage basket
joynagarermoa · 2 years
Some Fascinating Information About Bamboo
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Buying bamboo baskets online can now double as a decorative object, much like a cane laundry basket. Let's learn more about bamboo items and gather some useful knowledge. https://online-joynagar-sweets.mystrikingly.com/blog/some-fascinating-information-about-bamboo
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eyesxxyou · 3 months
𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖆 🏴‍☠️🐚
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| vi. six | over the hill, between the palm trees
🐚・・・pirate!Hobie x mute!siren!reader.
𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱: mentions of death. mentions of running away. hobie crying. mentions of Hobie and reader not talking.
↳ ❝ dis life we got, it's too short fo’ you to ‘old on to dis rage ❞
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The chatter of the market made Hobie remember how much he missed being surrounded by people. Oh, how much he loved humanity. The merchant men trying to make a decent living for their families, selling clothing made by their wives, and fruits and vegetables cultivated from their farms by their children. It was harvest season and everyone presented their very best.
He and his crew had made their way to land for more supplies. It would be a brief visit. A single night and they’d be off at sea again. Spending weeks upon weeks out at sea meant that just the idea of being on solid land excited everyone. The entire ship buzzed with the news for days. Life at sea was often boring and draining. Sea sickness of the mind set in and soon one was ready to toss themselves off the ship to escape the monotony. It was easy to get excited over something as small as standing on something other than wood.
Two young children rushed past him, their bare feet stirring up dirt as they ran and let joyous laughter escape their fruit-filled mouths, markings of a happy childhood. They ran to an older woman who he presumed was their mother who held their hands and walked them through the market. For a moment, he mistook her for his mother. The same silhouette, the same scolding face, she even wrapped her head the same way. But he knew better.
Hobie lowered his head and kicked a rock in front of him before turning around to go find the oranges he was looking for. You had eaten all of them, sneaking them in the night and eating them alone in the storage room where you slept. You did not come back to Hobie's door. He never tripped over your curled up body again.
You and Hobie did not speak for the last 4 days you were out at sea. It was a rather difficult task–avoiding each other. There were only so many places the two of you could be at once that didn’t happen to be where the other was. For once, you turned your pearly gaze from him every time he entered the same space as you and he ignored you as if you weren’t even there.
Did he feel bad? In an odd sort of way. But that song was sacred and triggered something within him, something primal. You had no business even knowing it, much less letting it rattle in your throat. But maybe he shouldn’t have snapped at you so harshly. There was no use in apologizing though, he figured. Your wound was healing. Your bandage (now managed by Gwen) was no longer spotted with blood in the mornings. You’d be gone soon and at this rate, you’d be more than happy to leave.
Hobie walked through the market he knew well in his youth. No one seemed the recognize him. He had changed so much over the years from a hardened life at sea. He was grateful for it. Didn’t need anyone asking him where he went, where he’s been, bringing up the unfortunate fate of his mother. A tragedy that still seemed to linger around the island. Hobie heard mothers scolding their children about going near the water. “Ya don’ wanna end up like tha’ poor woman.”
He rounded the corner only to bump into a small woman, knocking her basket to the ground.
“Oh, ‘m sorry.” Hobie rushed to pick up her things and place them back into her basket. The lady stood there, staring at him. She was old, petite, with a wooden cane and graying hair peeking out of her headwrap. “‘Obie?”
Hobie hadn’t heard that voice in many years, since he ran away from this small island and became a pirate. It was a bit fraile now, but just as recognizable.“‘untie?”
His Aunt Maya had taken him in when he was just a boy after his mother walked into that ocean and never came out. She was not blood related but she was family all the same. It was a shame that he had left her but he could not bear to remain on this island anymore longer.
He stood up with her basket, towering over her small fragile frame. “‘untie, I didn't tink–”
“Dat I still be ‘live, huh?” She smiled with the coy playfulness she always seemed to display. She lightly slapped him on the arm. “Look a’cha. All big ‘n strong now. Wha’ happen to da wee lil’ boy I cared fo’?” She looked him up and down, examining him. She felt his arms and stomach and clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “You no’ eatin’ ‘enough, ‘Obie. Why don'cha gimme a hand and take dis stuff back ‘ome? I’ll make us some tea.” She turned and began to walk and with an obedience he hadn’t had in a long time, he followed.
Maya still lived in the very same place he remembered, on a hill tucked between palm trees ripened with coconuts. She grabbed him for stability as they hiked the hill together in silence and made their way to her home. 
The door was still partially broken. It got stuck easily. Hobie immediately went ahead of her and barged the door open for her as he did when he was young. He held it open, watched as she waddled passed him with her cane, setting it down beside the door. “Now, put dat down ‘n gimme some love, boy.”
He put the basket down beside the door and gave her a long, warm hug. So small, he could have picked her up off the ground if he wanted to, she hugged him back as if he were her very own. She raised him the same way. It contained all the love and acceptance of being hugged by a mother. Hobie would not insult her by calling her a surrogate, she was far more.
When he released her, she waddled away to start a fire. “No ‘untie. Lemme do i’. You sit down.” Maya shooed him dismissively with her hand and grabbed some wood from the corner. “Don' treat me like ‘m old. I been doin’ jus fine wit’cha gone. Si’ down.”
The words sent a pang through his chest. He had left her with her so much as a proper goodbye and fled in the night to board a random ship to take him to sea. He was young and stupid. He never thought of how that would have affected her. He lowered his head almost in shame. “‘m sorry, ‘untie.” It was a shameful thing what he did, leaving her so unceremoniously.
She shuffled about with her small fire. “Don't ‘pologize. Ya did wha'cha had t’. I though’ you was dead fo’ a while bu’, I had faith that you was okay. You always been a survivor.” She placed a pot of water over the fire and fanned her hand over the smoke to keep it out of her face.
Maya wasn't mad at him though she had every right to be. She mourned him for many years and with time she learned to understand his decision. He was young and he was scared in a world without his mother, what was he supposed to do? Stay? Let the memories haunt him? Pass his mother's home on the way to the market and mourn for the rest of his life? He needed to leave to free himself.
“Yer no’ mad?” He asked softly, looking at her with a disgraceful frown, brows furrowing.
Maya shook her head. Her lips  “‘m no’ mad. But I hafta wonder wha’cha come back fo’. I expected to neva see ya ‘gain.” She came and sat with him while the water took its time to boil. It was just as it was before, as if he never left, as if his departure had been all but a blip in time.
Hobie thought of what to say for a long while. “I jus’ missed ya.” This island was not the closest to them when he decided they needed more supplies. He went out of his way to come to this one. Against all odds, he missed home. “‘m a cap’tn of a ship and I came here for supplies…”
“‘N t’ see if I was still here,” she finished. Hobie nodded slowly. He felt like a child again, fingers fiddling and tugging at each other. “An’ t’see if you was still here,” he echoed.
There was silence. Hobie took his time looking around the home he had spent such a brief part of his childhood. Nothing had changed, everything was just the same. His eyes lingered on the unfinished basket in the corner, his mother's. The basket that would never be finished.
“Ya still got this ting?” Hobie got up and went over to it. He picked it up with a grunt and felt the brittle fragility of it in his hands, like it would wither to dust if he held it too hard. He pressed it close to him as if he’d be able to feel the lingering presence of his mother on it. Her fingers fiddling with the straw and weaving it with such meticulous care.
Maya sighed softly to herself and shook her head. “How could I eva get rid of i’? It means so much t’ya. ’M surprised ya didn' take it wit’cha when ya left.”
“Had t’travel ligh’.” Hobie murmured distantly. He was back in front of that fire with his mother, working diligently on this very basket. The very last thing her nimble hands touched.
He remembered it so clearly. Falling asleep in her arms and waking up to a distant melody. He mother was gone, nothing left of her but the basket and her headwrap. He tugged at it, hanging from the belt around his waist. He carried it around with him, always.
The water was boiling over now, Hobie nodded to it and Maya got up to tend to it. “Take i’ wit’cha. Was made fo’ ya afterall.” She took the water off the fire and got some hibiscus to let it steep.
Hobie looked at this basket and thought of you. Your destroyed basket, the fear in your eyes, the anger in his voice, the broken lantern. He wanted to yell again. He wanted to destroy the godforsaken basket like he destroyed yours, he wanted to toss it into the fire. He wanted to cry. He wanted to burn. There was rage in his eyes, it exuded from him like a wave. His hand tightened against the basket. Maya could feel it.
“Da anger you got ‘Obie, you need to le’ i’ go.” She hummed with a voice meant to soothe. “‘T do ya no good. ‘T will ’old ya back. Dis life we got, it's too short fo’ you to ‘old on to dis rage.” Maya poured the tea into a small cup and shuffled over to Hobie, frozen where he was with tears streaking his dark cheeks. She took the basket from his hands and replaced it with the tea cup.
With gentle hands, Maya reached up and wiped his cheeks. “Fo'give. Yourself and whatever took ‘er from ya. Le’ ya self live. Do ya some good.” She lightly patted his cheek and took him by the arm. “Now come sit ‘n drink ya tea. ‘M sure ya can' stay long.”
So Hobie sat with Maya and spoke to her of his many adventures at sea, carefully working around the very real siren he was housing on his very own ship in fear that she may simply pass away due to the excitement of it all. He enjoyed the small taste of home and almost wept again with the emotion of it all.
He stayed for hours, until the sun began to set over the horizon. “I can't stay, ‘untie.” It broke his heart to leave her but Maya seemed quite fine with him going. She made her peace with the way things are. Hobie had to learn to do the same. He lived in too much regret, lingered in the past. He couldn't let go. But he could learn to.
“I know ya can' but come ‘n visit more of’en, boy.” She reached out and pinched his cheek endearingly. “Take tha’ basket wit’cha. She would've wan’ed ya t’ ‘ave i’.”
He took the basket with him as he left, holding it in his arms with the tenderness something so old and sacred deserved. Walking down the path back towards the harbor, he looked over the horizon painted in broad strokes of peach and tangerine.
And in the distance, over the hill, between the palm trees, he could see his mother's old home sitting over the horizon.
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𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱: @lovelyygirl8 @humungus-mythology-geek @shutingstar @pixieofthesun @hobiesbf
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Vintage wicker/cane briefcase/storage basket by Offtowander
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merakimix · 5 days
Meraki Mix Round Cane Bamboo Multipurpose Basket
Elevate your gifting and storage with the Meraki Mix Round Cane Bamboo Basket. This versatile, medium-sized basket combines functionality with natural charm, making it perfect for various uses:
Elegant Design: Round shape with a natural brown color, adding a touch of sophistication to any setting.
Durable Craftsmanship: Made from high-quality Cane wicker bamboo basket, ensuring long-lasting durability and strength.
Versatile Usage: Ideal for hampers, chocolate gifts, fruit displays, or wedding gift packing.
Eco-Friendly: Crafted from sustainable materials, reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility.
Whether you're packing a thoughtful gift or organizing your space, this multipurpose basket combines style and practicality for any occasion.
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newsator · 1 month
A Complete Guide to Choosing the Best Walker for Mobility
As we age or face mobility challenges, maintaining independence becomes crucial. Walkers are a popular solution for enhancing mobility, providing support, and reducing the risk of falls. In this article, we will explore the different types of walkers, how to choose the right one for your needs, and tips for safe usage. By the end, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision about this essential mobility aid.
Types of Walkers
Standard Walkers
Standard  walkers are basic models with four legs and no wheels, ideal for those needing maximum stability. They require the user to lift the walker and move it forward with each step, making them suitable for indoor use on flat surfaces.
Two-Wheeled Walkers
Two-wheeled walkers offer a balance between stability and ease of movement. With wheels on the front legs, these walkers provide smoother mobility while still offering support. They are well-suited for those who need some assistance but don't require the full support of a standard walker.
Rollators (Four-Wheeled Walkers)
Rollators come with four wheels, handbrakes, and often a built-in seat for resting. These are ideal for outdoor use and for those with more mobility but who still need some support. Rollators are highly maneuverable but require good hand control for effective braking.
Hemi Walkers
Hemi walkers are designed for individuals with limited use of one side of their body. They are more stable than a cane but more compact than traditional walkers, making them ideal for those recovering from a stroke or other conditions affecting one side.
Choosing the Right Walker for Your Needs
Weight Capacity and Stability
When selecting a walker, consider your weight and the walker's capacity. It's important to choose a model that provides reliable support without compromising stability.
Height Adjustability
Proper height is crucial for comfort and posture. Look for walkers that offer easy height adjustments to ensure they match your natural arm position when walking.
Foldability and Portability
If you travel frequently or have limited storage space, a foldable walker is a practical choice. These models are easy to collapse and store in a car trunk or small closet.
Walker Features and Accessories
Handgrips and Padding
Comfortable handgrips and padding can make a significant difference, especially for prolonged use. Some models offer ergonomic grips that reduce hand strain.
Walker Baskets and Pouches
Accessories like baskets, trays, or pouches can make it easier to carry items like groceries or personal belongings, adding convenience to your mobility aid.
Brakes and Wheels
For rollators, functional brakes are essential. Ensure the walker's wheels are sturdy and can handle the surfaces you frequently navigate, whether indoors or outdoors.
Health Benefits of Using Walkers
Improved Mobility and Balance
Walkers provide enhanced stability, allowing users to maintain better balance and control while walking, which is particularly beneficial for seniors.
Reduced Fall Risk
By offering reliable support, walkers can reduce the likelihood of falls, helping users maintain confidence in their daily movements.
Enhanced Independence
A walker can give users the freedom to move independently, improving overall quality of life by enabling more social interactions and outdoor activities.
How to Properly Use a Walker
Step-by-Step Guide for Safe Use
Stand upright with the walker in front of you.
Move the walker forward a short distance.
Step into the walker with your weaker leg first, followed by the stronger leg.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Avoid pushing the walker too far ahead or leaning too heavily, as this can cause instability. It's also crucial to maintain an upright posture.
Adjusting the Walker for Proper Fit
Ensure the walker's height is set so that your elbows bend slightly when gripping the handles. This provides optimal comfort and control.
Maintenance and Care for Walkers
Cleaning and Sanitizing
Regular cleaning is essential for both hygiene and the longevity of your walker. Wipe down surfaces and sanitize handgrips frequently.
Inspecting for Wear and Tear
Check for signs of wear, such as loose bolts, worn-out grips, or squeaky wheels. Address these issues promptly to ensure safety.
When to Replace Your Walker
If you notice any structural damage or if the walker no longer feels stable, it's time to consider a replacement.
Expert Insights on Mobility and Walkers
Physiotherapists often recommend walkers as part of a broader mobility plan, emphasizing that proper usage and fit are key to maximizing benefits. Testimonials from users frequently highlight the enhanced confidence and freedom they experience with the right walker.
Future Developments in Walker Technology
The future of walkers includes smart features like sensors that monitor usage patterns, advanced braking systems, and lightweight, foldable designs. Innovations in materials and design aim to make walkers more comfortable and adaptable.
Practical Tips for Choosing the Right Walker
Consulting a Medical Professional
Always seek advice from a healthcare provider before selecting a walker to ensure it suits your specific mobility needs.
Trying Before Buying
If possible, test different models to find one that feels comfortable and suits your mobility requirements.
Comparing Models and Brands
Do thorough research and compare features, customer reviews, and warranties to make an informed choice.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the best walker for seniors? The best walker depends on the user's needs. Rollators are ideal for those who need mobility and flexibility, while standard walkers provide maximum stability.
How often should I replace my walker? You should replace your walker when it shows signs of wear, such as unstable frames, damaged grips, or worn-out wheels.
Can I use a walker on stairs? Walkers are generally not safe for use on stairs. Consider using a stair lift or alternative mobility aid designed for stair navigation.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Choosing the right walker is essential for maintaining mobility and independence. With the variety of options available, it's important to consider your specific needs, consult a professional, and ensure the walker is comfortable and easy to use. Investing in a well-suited walker can greatly enhance your quality of life and provide the support you need to stay active.
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scottjackson9 · 4 months
Take Your DIY Skills to the Next Level with Our Selection of Basket Kits Available Online in the USA!
Welcome to the beautiful world of basket making! Whether you're a seasoned crafter looking to elevate your DIY skills or a newbie eager to explore a new hobby, creating beautiful baskets can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. In this blog post, we'll delve into basket-making, share some valuable tips for success, walk you through an essential basket-making guide, and inspire you with creative ideas to personalize your creations. So grab your materials and let's get weaving! Basket Making Kits For Sale Online USA
The Art of Basket Making
Basket making is an ancient craft that has stood the test of time. It dates back to early civilizations when baskets were essential tools for storage and transportation. What makes basket-making so unique is its blend of creativity and functionality. From simple woven designs to intricate patterns, each basket tells a unique story through its materials and construction.
One of the joys of basket making is the opportunity to work with natural materials like rattan, reed, or willow. The tactile experience of weaving these elements together creates a deep connection to nature and tradition. As you hone your skills in this art form, you'll discover the endless possibilities for expressing your style and vision through each handmade creation.
Whether you're crafting a sturdy market tote or a delicate gift basket, every stitch and weave contributes to the overall design and functionality of the finished piece. Embrace the meditative process of creating something by hand that serves both aesthetic and practical purposes – that's the essence of the art of basket making.
Tips for Successful Basket Making
Starting with suitable materials is essential for successful basket making. Choose high-quality reeds or cane that are flexible and easy to work with. Before diving into your project, soak your materials in warm water to make them more pliable.
Another tip for successful basket-making is to pay attention to your weaving technique. Ensure you keep an even tension throughout your weaving process, creating a sturdy and uniform basket structure. Practice different weaving patterns to add variety and interest to your designs.
Remember the finishing touches! Trim any excess material neatly, and consider adding embellishments like colorful ribbons or decorative beads for a personalized touch. Experiment with different handles or shapes to make each basket unique.
Patience is vital when it comes to basket making. Take your time with each step, from measuring and cutting the materials to weaving and finishing the edges. Enjoy the creative process as you craft beautiful handmade baskets tailored just for you!
Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Basic Basket
Basket making is a centuries-old craft, with each basket telling its own unique story. If you're looking to try your hand at this timeless art form, a basic basket-making kit is the perfect place to start.
To begin, gather your materials - typically reed or cane for weaving and sturdy wire or rope for the frame. Next, soak your reed in water to make it more pliable before starting to weave.
Start by creating a solid base using the thicker pieces of reed or cane. Then, gradually build up the sides of your basket by weaving thinner strands around the edges.
Remember to keep the tension consistent as you continue weaving to ensure a uniform look. Once you've reached your desired height, finish with a neat border and trim any excess reed.
Voila! You now have a basic handmade basket ready for all sorts of uses - from holding fruit on your kitchen counter to organizing small items on your desk. Happy crafting!
Personalizing Your Baskets: Creative Ideas and Inspiration
When it comes to basket making, the possibilities for personalization are endless. One way to add a unique touch is by selecting different colors and textures of materials. Mix and match various weaving patterns or add beads, ribbons, or small trinkets.
Consider incorporating natural elements like dried flowers, pine cones, or feathers into your design for a rustic look. Try painting your basket with bold geometric patterns or stenciled designs for a more modern twist. Be bold, think outside the box, and let your creativity shine through in every detail.
Personalizing your baskets also means considering their purpose - whether for storage, gift-giving, or simply decoration. Tailor your design choices to suit the intended use and recipient's taste. Adding personalized tags or labels can further enhance the charm of your creations.
Remember, each basket you make reflects your style and imagination. Embrace the opportunity to infuse personality into every weave and stitch!
Final Thoughts: Why You Should Try a Basket-Making Kit Today!
Basketmaking is a timeless craft that allows you to unleash your creativity and create beautiful, functional pieces. With basket-making kits for sale online in the USA, getting started on your DIY journey has always been challenging.
By investing in a basket-making kit, you will not only need all the materials but also follow step-by-step instructions and guidance that will help you hone your skills. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced crafter looking to take your skills to the next level, these kits offer something for everyone.
So why wait? Embrace the art of basket making today and discover the joy of creating handmade treasures that will be cherished for years. Get yourself a basket-making kit and unlock endless possibilities for crafting unique baskets tailored to your style and preferences. Happy crafting!
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The Essential Guide to Walker Equipment: Enhancing Mobility
Walker equipment has become a cornerstone in aiding mobility for individuals with varying levels of physical ability. Whether recovering from surgery, managing chronic conditions, or simply needing a bit of extra support, walkers and their accessories can significantly enhance quality of life.
This comprehensive guide explores the different types of Best walker NZ-wide, their features, and essential accessories to help you make informed choices.
Types of Walkers
Standard Walkers:
Description: Basic walkers with a simple, sturdy frame, often made of lightweight aluminium.
Features: Typically have four non-wheeled legs for maximum stability.
Best For: Individuals who need significant support and stability.
Two-Wheeled Walkers:
Description: Walkers with wheels on the front two legs.
Features: Easier to push than standard walkers, suitable for indoor use.
Best For: Those who need support but can still lift the back legs of the walker.
Four-Wheeled Walkers (Rollators):
Description: Walkers with four wheels, brakes, and often a seat.
Features: Highly mobile, with added convenience of a seat and sometimes a storage pouch.
Best For: Individuals with more mobility equipment services who need less support but require a place to rest.
Hemi Walkers:
Description: One-sided walkers designed for users with limited dexterity on one side.
Features: Combines elements of a cane and a walker.
Best For: Stroke patients or those with unilateral weakness.
Knee Walkers:
Description: Walkers designed to support the knee while allowing the user to propel with the other leg.
Features: Equipped with a cushioned platform for the knee and handlebars for steering.
Best For: Individuals recovering from foot or ankle injuries.
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Key Features to Consider
Adjustability: Ensure the walker’s height can be adjusted to match the user’s height, promoting proper posture.
Weight Capacity: Check the walker NZ weight limit to ensure it can safely support the user.
Portability: Look for foldable models that are easy to transport and store.
Brakes: Essential for rollators to prevent accidents, especially when using the seat.
Comfort: Padded handles and ergonomic design can reduce strain on the hands and wrists.
Essential Walker Accessories
Walker Glides and Tennis Balls:
Purpose: Enhance movement on smooth surfaces and reduce noise.
Description: Attach to the walker’s rear legs to help it glide smoothly over floors.
Walker Bags and Baskets:
Purpose: Provide a convenient way to carry personal items.
Description: Attach to the front or sides of the walker for easy access to belongings.
Walker Trays:
Purpose: Allow users to transport food, drinks, or other items.
Description: Removable trays that can be placed on the walker’s frame.
Hand Grips and Cushions:
Purpose: Improve comfort and reduce pressure on the hands.
Description: Foam or gel grips that slip over the walker’s handles.
Walker Skis:
Purpose: Enhance the walker’s ability to move over rough surfaces.
Description: Attachments for the rear legs that act like skis.
Cup Holders:
Purpose: Allow users to carry beverages safely.
Description: Clip-on holders that fit most walker frames.
Choosing the Right Walker Equipment
Selecting the right walker and accessories involves considering the specific needs and preferences of the user. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:
Consult a Healthcare Professional: Always seek advice from a doctor or physical therapist to understand the user’s specific mobility needs.
Test Different Models: If possible, try out different mobility equipment & services to find the most comfortable and practical option.
Consider the Environment: Think about where the walker will be used most frequently—indoors, outdoors, or both—and choose accordingly.
Budget: Determine your budget, but remember that investing in a high-quality walker can pay off in terms of durability and comfort.
Final Words
Walker equipment plays a vital role in enhancing mobility and independence for many individuals. By understanding the various types of walkers, their key features, and the essential accessories available, you can make informed decisions that best suit your needs or those of a loved one. Whether it’s for temporary recovery or long-term use, the right walker NZ can make a significant difference in daily life, providing support, confidence, and freedom to move with ease.
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boudreauxh · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage MIDCENTURY cane wicker small square basket - boho decor storage.
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mmemink · 5 months
Innovative Ribbon Basket Designs: From Traditional to Modern with MME.MINK
The humble basket has been a cornerstone of crafts and utility for centuries. Today, MME.MINK reimagines this classic item with a blend of tradition and modern flair, offering ribbon baskets that cater to a plethora of styles and needs. Whether you seek the quaint charm of the Carlton Straw Petite or the chic sophistication of the Monaco Cane Bag, our collection is a tribute to innovation in design. Let's explore how you can bring this artisanal trend into your home and lifestyle.
The Evolution of the Ribbon Basket
Ribbon baskets are not just for picnics or quaint country markets anymore. MME.MINK has elevated this artisan craft to high fashion status. By intertwining ribbons with a variety of materials, we've transformed a traditional vessel into a stylish accessory. These versatile creations are as at home in a luxe city apartment as they are on a sunny seaside escape.
MME.MINK's Ribbon Basket Collection
The Carlton Straw Petite: This charming piece is a nod to the classic picnic basket, with a twist of elegance. Its compact size makes it ideal for a sophisticated lunch in the park or as a statement piece for brunch with friends.
The Monaco Cane Bag: A marvel of craftsmanship, the Monaco Cane Bag offers a contemporary take on the ribbon basket, combining the rustic appeal of cane with the finesse of ribbon weaving. This basket is the epitome of modern luxury, perfect for those who appreciate a blend of traditional techniques and current trends.
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Why Choose a Ribbon Basket?
Ribbon baskets are not just beautiful, they're practical. They offer storage solutions that add beauty to functionality, turning clutter into decor. With a ribbon basket, you can keep your space tidy while also enhancing your home's aesthetic.
Shopping for Ribbon Baskets Online
At MME.MINK, we understand that time is precious. That's why we've made it simple to buy ribbon baskets online. Browse our selection from the comfort of your home, and find the perfect piece to fit your style and needs. Shopping for a ribbon basket online with MME.MINK is not just a purchase; it's an experience.
Innovative ribbon basket designs represent a fusion of history and contemporary style. With MME.MINK's Carlton Straw Petite and Monaco Cane Bag, you're not just buying a product; you're bringing a story into your home. These baskets aren't just containers; they're conversation starters, they're art pieces, they're MME.MINK. Shop our collection today and find the ribbon basket that speaks to you.
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n1thaya · 5 months
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Governor Francis Nicholson's rivercane doubleweave storage basket with lid, dyed red and black, ca. 1725. 
Basketry was used as an important common practice in Cherokee culture, reflecting both craftsmanship and artistry through intricate weaving designs and usage of dyed materials. They were often used within exchange practices, in which trade baskets represented “a sacred container which holds the meal of life” and embodies women as sustainers of not only households, but also society. During settler contact, Cherokee trade baskets were used as exchange gifts among the wealthy Euro-American settlers, demonstrating a continuation of Cherokee tradition, an allowance within the constraints of colonial cultural suppression. For instance, this basket portrays those of Governor Francis Nicholson, who carried two doubleweaves with him on his last voyage to London. Historically, cane basketry and the doubleweave have been techniques used since the Late Woodland Period (600-900 CE). Dark brown and red colouring has also been found in the oldest Cherokee baskets and early nineteenth century baskets likewise, as seen in the square-and-cross and the triangular pattern on Nicholson’s basket.
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chocolatewoods · 6 months
Hamptons Style Buffet & Hutch for Modern Living
In the realm of interior design, the Hamptons style has transcended trends to become a timeless classic. Its blend of coastal charm, relaxed elegance, and timeless appeal makes it a favourite choice for modern living spaces. One of the signature elements of Hamptons style that perfectly embodies this aesthetic is the buffet and hutch. Let's delve into why a Custom-made Hamptons Style Buffet & Hutch Sydney is the perfect addition to contemporary homes, offering both functionality and exquisite design.
First and foremost, the Hamptons style is all about creating a sense of relaxed luxury. It captures the essence of coastal living, with a colour palette inspired by the beach and sea – think soft whites, serene blues, sandy neutrals, and touches of natural textures like rattan and timber. A buffet and hutch designed in the Hamptons style embodies these elements effortlessly, bringing a breezy and inviting atmosphere to any room.
One of the key features of a Hamptons-style buffet and hutch is its versatility and functionality. In modern living spaces where open-plan layouts are prevalent, a buffet and hutch serve as a stylish storage solution that seamlessly integrates into the overall design scheme. The buffet provides ample storage for dinnerware, linens, and other essentials, while the hutch offers a display area for decorative items, glassware, and treasured heirlooms.
The clean lines and understated elegance of a Hamptons-style buffet and hutch make them suitable for a variety of interior styles, from coastal and traditional to contemporary and eclectic. Their timeless appeal means they can easily adapt to evolving design trends, making them a worthwhile investment for your home.
When it comes to materials, Hamptons-style buffet and hutch designs often feature quality craftsmanship and natural materials that add warmth and character to a space. Solid wood construction, particularly in oak or whitewashed finishes, is a hallmark of this style. Rattan or cane detailing on doors or drawers adds a touch of texture and visual interest, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.
Another aspect that makes a Hamptons-style buffet and hutch ideal for modern living is their ability to create a focal point in a room. Whether placed in a dining area, living room, or kitchen, these pieces command attention with their graceful silhouette and sophisticated design elements. They can be styled with curated decor items such as coastal artwork, ceramic vases, and woven baskets to enhance Hampton's vibe and personalize the space.
Functionality is paramount in modern living, and a Hamptons-style buffet and hutch excels in this aspect. The combination of closed storage in the buffet section and open shelving in the hutch section allows for easy organization and accessibility. You can store everyday essentials within reach while showcasing decorative pieces that reflect your personal style.
In terms of placement, a Hamptons-style buffet and hutch can work wonders in various areas of the home. In the dining room, it serves as a stylish storage and serving station during meals, while in the living room, it can house media components, books, and collectables. In the kitchen, it provides additional storage for cookware, utensils, and pantry items, keeping the space clutter-free and organized.
The beauty of incorporating a Made-to-order White Painted MDF Buffet & Hutch into your modern living space lies in its ability to blend functionality with aesthetic appeal seamlessly. It offers practical storage solutions while enhancing the overall ambience with its coastal-inspired charm and timeless elegance. Whether you're looking to refresh your existing decor or embark on a new design journey, a Hamptons-style buffet and hutch is sure to elevate your home to new heights of style and sophistication.
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assamkraft · 11 months
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Illuminate your home with the eco-friendly elegance of our Bamboo Storage Baskets from Aman Art Bamboo Handicrafts. Let your treasures find their special abode this Diwali!
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A mattress turned on its side blocks the closet, a bean bag over it and a pile of clothes over the bean bag
A pair of blue crocs lay in front of the door, also next to the door there's a wooden elevated pet feeder, and a rectangular pet food bin, on its lid assorted medications for the aging pooch can be seen sitting inside a small cardboard box
A green yoga mat that's been shortened to fit just right to not interfere with the door rests on the floor. Perpendicular to the end closest to the door is a green anti-slip fridge mat. The purpose of these would not be clear to the casual observer
In the center of the far end of the room stands a small wardrobe, a prominent hand-me-down of many that border on bold-faced thievery. From the top of it peek out a newly acquired cordatum plant and a dusty yellow andon lamp which has been modified into a candleholder and promptly neglected. Attached to the wardrobe's right side hangs a white shelf, on it a cutlery basket full of art supplies and a row of notebooks held up by a pair of black metal bookends. To the left of the wardrobe looms a blue pilates ball, under it another beanbag, under it a boxed electric piano on its stand. The far end of the room also features a set of blue blackout curtains commissioned to a family friend over a decade ago
The blue bed's on the left side of the room. It has no blankets, yet there's at least 4 large pillows on it at any given time. The wall's bare on that side of the bedroom aside from the peeling wallpaper that was clumsily glued on after a smelly painting accident. Next to the head of the bed and way above the dog feeder is a wooden wall-mounted coat rack on which hang three different types of hats, a headset and a purple metal cane
The space not occupied by the previous items is equally divided between a sizeable gray dog bed and a corner desk facing the wrong way, lest whoever attempts to sit gets stuck on the cramped space. The desk is home to two laptops and a red screen elevated with a transparent storage box and a some polyethylene cubes taped together, a tomato timer attached with velcro to its base. A thin blue office chair barely pops up from behind the desk. Whatever can be seen from the tiled floor is sporadically blotted out with carefully placed velcro and non-slip bath stickers
A brown foldable table meekly slots in between the dog bed and the desk. An ornate wooden box that could almost be mistaken for a treasure chest occupies half of its surface, a white storage basket and a plastic cookie jar repurposed as a pencil holder take up the other half
An old black floor lamp that's been sloppily rewired to work with modern light-bulbs brightens the outer right corner of the room with dim warm light, right where the closet ends.
On the outside sliding door of the closet hang four white boards, two corkboards, and an event calendar, all full of lists, folded cheat sheets, sticky notes, magnets, and pins. A drawing of a goofy looking alpaca sticks lopsided on the white board of the middle
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habereindiadigital · 1 year
Cane vs. Wicker: Understanding the Differences in Storage Basket
When it comes to choosing storage baskets, two popular options that often come to mind are cane and wicker baskets. These natural materials offer a rustic and charming aesthetic while serving as functional storage solutions
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daisylife123 · 1 year
Wicker BB Oval basket
Super strong, functional and adds nature to your home! Oval basket in full cane vines with side grooves for easy carry
Handcrafted willow wicker basket made with full cane vines in a strong and functional design to store and organise aesthetically!
Add nature to your homes as you organise with ease. Store bottles, other knick knacks and keep at sight for easy access or make special gift hampers for exclusive gifting. These baskets are easy to use, maintain, look good and add a warm vibe to the space. Willow wicker is strong and lasts almost forever!
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Product Details:
Includes - 1 basket
Basket Sizes -
Length : 46 cm (18")
Breadth : 33 cm (13") 
Height : 13 cm (5") 
Utility - Laundry basket, Storage, Gift hampers
Material - Handwoven completely out of natural Indian wicker from willow tree.
Care - Wipe with clean dry cloth. Store in a cool, dry space. Can also soak in water to wash and dry in sun.
Packaging - Packaged in a re-usable cloth/ paper, jute tag string, recycled corrugated label and shipped in biodegradable cardboard box. 
Shipping & Returns - Shipped within 1-2 days of order. 10-day return policy. Read more - https://www.daisylife.in/pages/returns-exchange
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Rattan Storage Baskets: Practical and Stylish Organizational Solutions
Rattan storage basket
A rattan storage basket is a type of basket made from rattan, a durable and flexible material derived from the rattan palm plant. Rattan is known for its strength and natural beauty, making it a popular choice for various furniture and decor items.
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Rattan storage baskets are often used for organizing and storing various items in homes, offices, and other spaces. They come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from small baskets for storing accessories or stationery to larger ones for holding blankets, toys, or laundry. Rattan baskets can have handles or lids for easy transportation and to keep the contents protected.
These baskets are valued for their aesthetic appeal, as they add a touch of warmth and texture to any interior decor. They are commonly used in bohemian, coastal, or tropical-themed spaces, but can also complement a wide range of design styles.
Woven rattan storage basket is not limited to indoor use; they can also be utilized in outdoor spaces such as patios or porches. However, it's crucial to protect them from prolonged exposure to the elements to maintain their longevity.
Rattan storage baskets are not only functional but also serve as attractive decorative elements in a space. Rattan, as a material, adds a natural and earthy vibe to any room, making it a popular choice for those who appreciate a rustic or tropical aesthetic.
One of the key advantages of rattan storage baskets is their durability. Rattan is a strong and flexible material, making the baskets sturdy and capable of withstanding regular use. Whether you need to store books, magazines, toys, or even firewood, rattan baskets can handle the weight and keep your items organized.
The natural texture and color of rattan add warmth and character to a room. The interwoven pattern of the rattan strands creates an interesting visual appeal that can enhance the overall design scheme. Whether you have a modern, eclectic, or traditional interior, rattan storage baskets can easily blend in or become a focal point, depending on your arrangement and styling.
Another advantage of rattan storage baskets is their versatility. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and designs, allowing you to choose the perfect basket for your specific storage needs. Smaller rattan baskets with handles are ideal for organizing smaller items like keys, remote controls, or office supplies. Medium-sized baskets can hold toiletries in the bathroom, magazines in the living room, or even serve as plant holders. Larger rattan baskets can be used for storing blankets, pillows, or even as laundry hampers.
Maintenance of rattan storage baskets is relatively simple. Regular dusting and wiping with a soft cloth will help keep them clean and free from debris. If they become stained, you can use a mild soap solution and a soft brush to gently clean the affected areas. It's important to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools that can damage the rattan. Additionally, placing a rattan basket away from direct sunlight or excessive moisture will help preserve its color and prevent any potential damage.
In summary, rattan storage baskets offer a practical storage solution while adding a touch of natural elegance to any space. Their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal make them a popular choice for organizing and beautifying various rooms, whether it's the living room, bedroom, bathroom, or office.
With proper care, a rattan storage basket can serve you well for years to come. Check out Wholesale Cane Baskets Category!
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