#cannabis salve
jelly-bean-jones · 2 years
How to make cannabis salve
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Instructions to Make Custom made Weed Balm (CBD or THC)
To develop and make your own medication… that is the stuff that fantasies are made of, isn't that so?! We like to involve our natural local pot in different ways, however making effective marijuana balm is on the first spot on the list. Pot ointment can assist with diminishing aggravation, relieve skin disturbance, joint torment, and the sky is the limit from there! It likewise is very easy to make your own weed balm, and simple to alter it to suit your necessities.
As weed has become lawful and all the more promptly accessible, individuals are embracing its purposes. Gradually, we are returning to a plant that was our old medication. We're relearning its sensitive insider facts, its different assets. Pot has such a great amount to offer, from upgrading the dirt underneath us to giving fiber and medication. Peter Grin spoon, M.D., notes in a review from Harvard Wellbeing Distributing that patients "report many advantages of CBD, from easing a sleeping disorder, tension, spasticity, and torment to treating possibly hazardous circumstances like epilepsy."
Do weed topical work — and might they at any point get you high?
Weed ointments and analgesics don't enter the circulatory system, so they can't get you high. As a matter of fact, that is one reason certain individuals are bound to attempt topical — they need the restorative advantages of weed yet don't have any desire to get high.
Weed topical can give some alleviation from skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, and, surprisingly, joint agony like joint pain, because of the calming properties of cannabinoids like CBD and THC. The medical advantages of CBD are notable nowadays, and CBD topical are undeniably more normal than those containing THC.
There is little information about the adequacy of marijuana topical, and on the grounds that cannabinoids are hydrophobic, they experience difficulty infiltrating and being consumed by the skin. Since many balms contain other regular fixings or medicinal ointments, a portion of the impacts may not be completely from weed. Yet, while the information might be missing, recounted proof from pot shoppers is overflowing.
Do you have to decarboxylate weed to make a marijuana ointment?
Indeed. Despite the fact that you won't be smoking or eating the marijuana in your ointment, you actually need to decarboxylate it to "enact" the THC or CBD in the spice. The crude weed plant is plentiful in acidic cannabinoids, not impartial ones. While acidic cannabinoids still have medical advantages, there hasn't been a lot of exploration on utilizing them topically at this time.
Decarboxylation basically requires warming up some marijuana in the stove for 30-40 minutes at around 220-245°F (105-120°C), making a point to really take a look at each five or 10 minutes to guarantee the blossoms aren't burned.
Then again, on the grounds that many ointments call for utilizing coconut oil as the base, assuming you have some marijuana implanted coconut oil available you can save yourself this step.
Making Weed balms
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Pot ointments or canna-analgesics and creams are monetarily accessible - some with and some deficient with regards to quality. For monetary and wellbeing reasons, have a go at making your own. It is very simple and doesn't take a lot of time. The following are two different ways on the best way to make weed treatments
You will require prior to beginning, this:
1 oz. marijuana bud or potentially plant decorations. Pick a quieting type of weed if conceivable.
16 oz. coconut oil, apricot piece oil, sweet almond oil or even olive oil
2 Tbsp. shea margarine (discretionary)
2 oz. beeswax              
2 to 10 drops of natural oils (for discretionary fragrance)
To make weed balm, you want to implant oil with marijuana. You can utilize buds and trim from plants. To start with, the pot should be decarboxylated. Heat switches the CBD over completely to an all the more handily ingested, dynamic structure. To decarboxylate weed, first intensity a stove to 240 F. Then, at that point, separate the plant matter and spread it on a baking sheet. At long last, cover it with foil and heat for 45 minutes. Eliminate and cool.
Likewise, grind the pot in a food processor until it is in little pieces or powder. Place the plant matter in a spotless container. Cover with oil.
There are a couple of ways of implanting the oil with the cannabinoids. In the first place, place the shrouded container in a stewing pot loaded up with warm water and steep it for eight hours on the low setting or spot the oil and marijuana in a twofold evaporator and stew for two hours. Then, at that point, strain the injected oil through a fine lattice sifter fixed with cheesecloth. Make a point to wring out the plant make a difference to deliver each drop of oil.
Utilizing the oils
The oil is your medication. You can involve it in its straightforward oil structure or thicken it with beeswax to make an ointment, for instance. To thicken mixed oil, cautiously warm it in a twofold evaporator, adding the beeswax and blending until liquefied.
To test consistency, cool a little piece of the oil-wax combination on a plate. In the event that you favor a thicker balm, add one more half ounce of beeswax. (This recipe depends on a 8:1 oil: wax proportion. You can increment it up to 6:1. Lip salve is a 4:1 proportion.)
Add medicinal balm if utilizing. Mix. From that point onward, empty the warm ointment into clean tins or containers. It will thicken as it cools.
Different choices incorporate adding different spices or oils. Assuming that you are keen on skin ointment, consider adding tea tree oil or calendula oil.
A straightforward method for making home grown oils, for example, is to accumulate your spice and dry it or possibly shrivel it to half dampness content. Place it in a container and cover it with oil, like apricot piece, coconut, sweet almond or jojoba oil. Then, cover the container and set it in the sun for two to about a month. Shake it every day or as frequently as you recall. Strain the oil through cheesecloth and a sifter.
Body Spread/Moisturizer
(This recipe makes a lighter, somewhat less slick item.)
4 oz. shea spread (You can substitute up to half with kokum or mango margarine. Refined and raw shea margarine can be utilized conversely. Raw has a more grounded fragrance.)
2.5 oz. apricot piece, almond or other oil (These can be implanted with pot according to the above directions.)
2 tsp. arrowroot powder
2 to 6 drops natural balms as wanted
Warm the implanted margarine and oil in a twofold evaporator and rush in the arrowroot powder. Then, cool the combination in the refrigerator. Assuming you're utilizing medicinal oils, add them now. Whip with an egg mixer or drenching blender into a rich light salve. At long last, fill holders.
You can fit the treatment to your necessities. Add explicit natural oils for explicit skin or relief from discomfort needs, for instance. I add Arnica chamissonis, Solomon's seal and some of the time St. John's wort to my aggravation ointment. I add calendula, plantain and comfrey to my skin ointment. For joint pain, I add 1 tsp. ground cayenne powder; however get this treatment far from your eyes.
For a lighter moisturizer, try just barely of aloe vera gel and whipping it into the base.
Millennia prior, weed assumed a significant part in private consideration. The Egyptians involved it as a balm. Presently we have the choice of returning to depending on ourselves for basic medication, for individual strengthening.
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stonedblr · 8 months
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Since I’m in more pain than normal today, I thought I’d take this as an opportunity to talk about dragon balm! Made by the company Ceres Garden, this salve is essentially a marriage of tiger balm and topical cbd cream, and comes in a variety of strengths! I go for the super strength that uses both cbd (and cbn and cbg) as well as thc to attack the pain with as many tools as possible, and reccomend it to anyone who thinks they may benefit! The only downside is that it leaves a residue that many may find sensorily unpleasant, thankfully this can be wiped off once the salve begins to help (or wipe it off whenever you like, I’m not the boss of you!) listen to your body and take it easy everyone :)
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How to Use Cannabis Topicals for Relief and Wellness
In the realm of holistic health and wellness, cannabis topicals have emerged as a promising option for individuals seeking natural relief from various ailments and looking to enhance their overall well-being. From balms and salves to lotions, lubricants, and oils, these products offer a versatile and effective way to incorporate the therapeutic properties of cannabis into your daily routine. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the different types of cannabis topicals and how you can use them to promote relief and wellness, with a focus on products from the trusted brand MJ Direct.
Understanding Cannabis Topicals
Before delving into how to use cannabis topicals, it’s essential to understand what they are and how they work. Cannabis topicals are products infused with cannabinoids, such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), that are applied directly to the skin. Unlike other cannabis products that are ingested or inhaled, topicals are absorbed through the skin and interact with cannabinoid receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system.
Types of Cannabis Topicals
Balms & Salves: Balms and salves are thick, creamy substances infused with cannabis extracts and other beneficial ingredients like essential oils and herbs. They are commonly used to alleviate localized pain and inflammation, making them ideal for targeting specific areas of discomfort, such as sore muscles, joints, and skin irritations. MJ Direct offers a range of balms and salves formulated to provide soothing relief and promote relaxation.
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Lotions: Cannabis infused lotions are lightweight and easy to apply, making them a popular choice for daily use. They are often used to moisturize and soothe the skin while providing the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. Lotions from MJ Direct are formulated with high-quality ingredients to nourish and hydrate the skin, making them suitable for all skin types.
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Lubricants & Oils: Cannabis lubricants and oils are designed to enhance sensual experiences and provide relief from discomfort during intimacy. These products are infused with cannabinoids and other natural ingredients that can increase sensitivity, reduce friction, and heighten pleasure. MJ Direct offers a selection of lubricants and oils designed to enhance intimacy and promote overall well-being.
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How to Use Cannabis Topicals
Cleanse the Skin: Before applying cannabis topicals, it’s essential to cleanse the skin thoroughly to remove any dirt, oil, or sweat. This helps ensure maximum absorption and effectiveness of the product.
Apply Generously: Depending on the type of cannabis topical you’re using and the area you’re targeting, apply a generous amount to the skin and massage it gently. For balms and salves, massage the product into the affected area using circular motions until fully absorbed. For lotions, apply liberally and massage into the skin until absorbed. For lubricants and oils, apply a few drops to the desired area and massage gently.
Wait for Absorption: Allow the cannabis topical to absorb into the skin fully before covering the area or applying additional products. This typically takes a few minutes, depending on the consistency of the product and the individual’s skin type.
Reapply as Needed: Depending on the severity of your symptoms and the desired level of relief, you may need to reapply the cannabis topical throughout the day. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosing and frequency of use, and listen to your body’s signals to determine when additional application is necessary.
Benefits of Cannabis Topicals from MJ Direct
Localized Relief: MJ Direct’s cannabis topicals provide targeted relief to specific areas of the body, making them ideal for treating localized pain, inflammation, and discomfort.
High-Quality Formulations: MJ Direct uses premium ingredients and rigorous quality control standards to ensure that their cannabis topicals are of the highest quality and efficacy.
Versatile Application: MJ Direct’s cannabis topicals can be used for a wide range of purposes, from relieving muscle tension and promoting relaxation to enhancing intimacy and improving skin health.
Trusted Brand: With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to customer satisfaction, MJ Direct is a trusted provider of high-quality cannabis products that deliver results.
In conclusion, cannabis topicals from MJ Direct offer a natural and effective way to promote relief and wellness. Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, and inflammation, or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, incorporating balms, salves, lotions, lubricants, or oils into your daily routine can provide numerous benefits. Remember to choose products from reputable brands like MJ Direct and follow proper usage guidelines for optimal results.
Original Source: https://robertjohnson7.livejournal.com/344.html
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bbcultivation · 5 months
B&B Cultivation: Medical Cannabis Maine
B&B Cultivation is a Cannabis Dispensary serving all of Maine State, USA. Offering Both Home Delivery and Local Pickup. We give our customers access to all cannabis vendors and products Maine has to offer in one convenient & easy location.
Supporting Local: The B&B Network
At the core of B&B Cultivation's philosophy is a deep commitment to local businesses. Part of the B&B Network, the company sources all its products and services from local artisans and craft makers in Maine. This not only ensures the highest quality but also fosters a sense of community and supports the local economy. When you choose B&B Cultivation, you’re not just buying a product; you’re becoming a part of Maine’s vibrant local story. Connect to products and services across Maine state from the convenience of home and help support the Maine economy at the local level where it counts!
The Convenience of Home Delivery
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is king, and B&B Cultivation reigns supreme in this realm. Most of their products are available for home delivery, allowing customers to connect with Maine's finest offerings from the comfort of their homes. This service isn't just about ease; it's about bringing the best of Maine directly to your doorstep.They Service the ENTIRE STATE OF MAINE!
We also offer local pickup near you and we Ship all Legally Allowable products across the country!
Check us out today by visiting www.BBCultivation.com
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We have many locations and service the entire state of Maine, USA including all of the following Cities/Towns:
Bridgton, Maine Casco, Maine Raymond, Maine Windham, Maine Westbrook, Maine Portland, Maine Biddeford,, Maine Lewiston, Maine Bangor, Maine Ellsworth, Maine Belfast,, Maine South Portland, Maine Auburn, Maine Biddeford, Maine Scarborough, Maine Sanford, Maine Brunswick, Maine Saco, Maine Westbrook, Maine Augusta, Maine Windham, Maine Gorham , Maine Waterville, Maine York, Maine Falmouth, Maine Kennebunk, Maine Wells, Maine Orono, Maine Standish, Maine Kittery, Maine Lisbon, Maine Brewer, Maine Topsham, Maine Cape Elizabeth, Maine Old Orchard Beach, Maine Yarmouth, Maine Bath, Maine Presque Isle, Maine Freeport , Maine Skowhegan, Maine Ellsworth, Maine Cumberland, Maine Buxton, Maine Gray, Maine Berwick, Maine Waterboro, Maine Winslow, Maine Farmington, Maine Hampden, Maine South Berwick, Maine Old Town, Maine Caribou, Maine Rockland, Maine Belfast, Maine Eliot, Maine Fairfield, Maine Lebanon, Maine Hermon, Maine Oakland, Maine Winthrop, Maine Houlton, Maine Gardiner, Maine Poland, Maine Rumford, Maine Turner, Maine New Gloucester, Maine Paris, Maine Camden, Maine Waldoboro, Maine Bar Harbor, Maine Norway, Maine Sabattus, Maine Harpswell, Maine North Berwick, Maine Bucksport , Maine Warren, Maine Lincoln, Maine Hollis, Maine Madison, Maine Sidney, Maine Glenburn, Maine Jay, Maine Lyman, Maine Vassalboro, Maine China, Maine Dover-Foxcroft, Maine Greene , Maine Arundel, Maine Oxford , Maine Durham, Maine Millinocket, Maine Monmouth, Maine North Yarmouth, Maine Fort Kent , Maine Naples, Maine Pittsfield, Maine Limington, Maine Wilton, Maine Madawaska, Maine Winterport, Maine Orrington, Maine Dexter, Maine Wiscasset, Maine West Gardiner, Maine Casco, Maine Kennebunkport, Maine Rockport, Maine Litchfield, Maine Richmond, Maine Fryeburg, Maine Clinton, Maine Fort Fairfield, Maine Holden, Maine Norridgewock, Maine Belgrade, Maine Limerick, Maine Bowdoin, Maine Newport, Maine Woolwich, Maine Mechanic Falls, Maine Bowdoinham, Maine Alfred, Maine Calais, Maine Milford, Maine Livermore, Maine Boothbay, Maine Farmingdale, Maine Levant, Maine Pittston, Maine Shapleigh, Maine Corinth, Maine Carmel, Maine Bristol, Maine Blue Hill, Maine Chelsea, Maine Minot, Maine Mexico, Maine Thomaston, Maine Benton, Maine Union, Maine Acton, Maine Searsport, Maine Windsor, Maine Readfield, Maine Anson, Maine St. George, Maine
Jefferson, Maine Hallowell, Maine Bethel, Maine Harrison, Maine Buckfield, Maine Hancock, Maine Eddington, Maine Manchester, Maine Deer Isle, Maine Albion, Maine Whitefield, Maine Lincolnville, Maine Leeds, Maine Damariscotta, Maine Dayton, Maine Canaan, Maine West Bath, Maine Milo, Maine Dixfield, Maine Palmyra, Maine Boothbay Harbor, Maine Machias, Maine Van Buren, Maine Sebago, Maine West Paris, Maine Phippsburg, Maine Orland, Maine Mapleton, Maine Unity, Maine Lamoine, Maine Corinna, Maine Wales, Maine Cornish, Maine Livermore, Maine Trenton, 
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dankdeliverydc · 1 year
Understanding Flower, Concentrates, Edibles, Tinctures, Topicals, and Vaping: Dank Delivery DC
Understanding Flower, Concentrates, Edibles, Tinctures, Topicals, and Vaping: The Complete Reference to Cannabis Product Types
As more states legalize cannabis for religious, recreational, and medical uses, cannabis use has increased. We shall investigate the various varieties of cannabis products and their applications in this extensive manual. We'll also mention local options like a recreational weed store and delivery in DC, as well as a recreational dispensary in DC, and cannabis delivery in DC.
Flower, Concentrates, Edibles, Tinctures, Topicals, and Vaping
Flower or buds are the most common form of cannabis, harvested, dried, and cured from the cannabis plant. It can be used to manufacture edibles, tinctures, and topicals in addition to being absorbed in a variety of other ways including smoking and vaping. You can find a variety of options from a recreational weed store and delivery in DC, or a recreational dispensary in DC.
Ice Cream Cake
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Concentrates are cannabis products made by extracting the active compounds from the flower or buds. Concentrates come in various forms, including shatter, wax, budder, and oil, and can be consumed by dabbing, vaporizing, or mixing with flowers. You can easily find these options from a recreational weed store and delivery in DC or a recreational dispensary in DC.
Purple Mimosa
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Food that has been infused with cannabis is referred to as an edible, and examples include brownies, cookies, candies, and chocolates. They are discreet and convenient to consume, and their effects can last for several hours. Edibles can be infused with butter or oil, which is then used to prepare the food product. Just make sure to start with a low dose as its effects can take longer to kick in.
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Cannabis is steeped in alcohol or glycerin to create tinctures, which are liquid extracts of the drug. They are frequently consumed via the sublingual technique, which involves placing the tincture under the tongue for quick bloodstream absorption. Tinctures can also be added to food and drinks or used topically. They are available from a recreational weed store and delivery in DC or a recreational dispensary in DC.
Topicals, including creams, balms, and salves, are cannabis-infused items that are administered directly to the skin. They are frequently used for localized pain relief, inflammation, and skin conditions. Topicals are the best option for people who wish to enjoy cannabis' medicinal advantages without getting high because they do not have the same intoxication effects as other cannabis intake techniques.
Vaping involves inhaling vaporized cannabis oil or flower using a vaporizer. It is a safer method of consumption compared to smoking since it produces fewer harmful toxins. You can find pre-filled cartridges or fill a vaporizer with flower or concentrate from a recreational weed store and delivery in DC or a recreational dispensary in DC.
If You Are looking for the Best recreational dispensary DC then must visit at:-
Dank Delivery DC | Recreational Cannabis DC
Dank Delivery DC
Mr Nice Guys Dc
Green2green Weed
DC Cannabis Bud
Uberleaf DC
Cannabis has a vast range of products to suit every preference, from flower to concentrates, edibles to tinctures, topicals to vaping. By understanding the different product types, consumers can make informed decisions about their cannabis consumption. Remember to consider your desired effects, the method of consumption, and the dosage when choosing a cannabis product. Additionally, make sure to purchase from a reputable source and start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. If you're in the DC area, check out local options like a recreational weed store and delivery in DC, a recreational dispensary in DC, or cannabis delivery in DC.
Questions and Answers:
1. How long do the effects of cannabis edibles last?
- Several effects of cannabis edibles include sedation, exhilaration, and heightened hunger.
Compared to other cannabis consumption methods, the effects may take longer to manifest and may linger for many hours.
2. How does dabbing differ from smoking, and what is it?
- Dabbing involves vaporizing a concentrated cannabis extract and inhaling the vapor. It is considered a more potent and fast-acting method of consumption compared to smoking.
3. What advantages do tinctures have?
- Tinctures offer a discreet and convenient way to consume cannabis without the harmful effects of smoking.
4. Can topicals get you high?
- No, topicals do not produce the psychoactive effects associated with other forms of cannabis consumption since they do not enter the bloodstream.
5. What should I consider when choosing a cannabis product?
- When choosing a cannabis product, consider your desired effects, the method of consumption, and the dosage. It is also important to purchase from a reputable source and to start with a low dosage and gradually increase as needed.
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thecryptidcottage · 1 year
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have you ever heard of last kiss by pearl jam ? well, it describes DOMINICK WOLFE to a tee ! the forty-four year old owner + bartender at wolfe’s den was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know him ? would you say he is more reticent or more dutiful instead ? anyway, he reminds me of of framed report cards hanging up alongside business and liquor licenses , banana pancakes and retro cartoons on the couch on a sunday morning , faded prison tattoos curling out from under long sleeves and stiff collars , a trans flag strung up in the window of a hole-in-the-wall dive bar , and scorching your tongue on your first sip of coffee. maybe you’ll bump into him soon !
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name: dominick wolfe nickname(s): dom gender & pronouns: cis male / he + him orientation: tbd    age: forty-four date of birth: 27 april, 1978 zodiac: ☼ taurus ☽ capricorn ↑ taurus occupation: bartender + owner of wolfe’s den positive traits: responsible + protective + adaptable + compassionate negative traits: taciturn + gruff + stubborn + emotionally unavailable
TW: drugs + alcohol + crime + car accident + injury + death
dom grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, if you will ; growing up low income and with absent parents meant dom got involved in the distribution and sale of illicit drugs from the time he was a young teen and had developed a bit of a name ( and a record ) for himself by the time he hit his twenties ; used the money he made to pay for a flat for himself and his grandmother, the woman who raised him ; she knew what he did and turned a blind eye, only urged that he make sure he stayed safe
fell into darker times after he lost his grandmother ; started drinking more and sleeping less, getting reckless with his job, the protocols in place to keep him from getting caught ; it wasn’t until he met charlotte that dom thought he’d ever see the light again, but she charmed him with a melodic laugh and a smile like sunshine, soothed his sorrows like a salve made just for his soul and dom ? well, dominick wolfe fell in love
dom and charlotte hadn’t been together more than a few months when he got arrested ; nearly a year of careless, thoughtless decisions had finally caught up to him, and even with the help of the best lawyer he could afford, he was twenty-three years old and facing seven years in prison for supplying an illicit drug ( he was lucky all they’d found was the cannabis when they searched his property, else he’d likely still be locked up for a number of charges that fell through )
to dom’s constant discouragement and disbelief, charlotte remained faithful to him for all seven years of his sentence ; she wrote him letters, visited when she could, and he spent every day of that near decade falling just a little more in love with her ; when he was released in the spring of 2009, they moved in together, and less than a year later, they were married and expecting a child
while dom was incarcerated, charlotte was scrimping and saving and managed to land a property with an old, run-down bar on the first floor and a connected flat upstairs in slightly better shape ; over the course of charlotte’s pregnancy, dom renovated them both, and though they both joked that they were insane for it, in the same year they welcomed a baby, the wolfe’s den was officially opened for business 
the bar was a humble success ; there was nothing flashy about the place, but the spot was decent and the drinks were cheap, and they managed to lure in enough regulars to keep their little family afloat so long as they lived modestly ; dom ran the front of house, the bar, and charlotte kept their accounts balanced and bills paid, and eventually the wolfe’s den became a cozy little spot in the community for any wayward wanderer looking for a drink ; and yeah, okay, maybe dom was convinced this was it for him ― happily ever after, one he’d found himself, not that he deserved it
and because he didn’t deserve it, of course it couldn’t last ; dom remembers the night it ended as clearly as if it had been yesterday ― 2013, the last weekend in april, and charlotte had insisted they find a babysitter and do something special to celebrate his thirty-fifth birthday, something more than just a simple night in ; the weather was awful, miserable rain, but charlotte wolfe made her own sunshine and had never before been deterred by the weather, and so off they went to dinner and a movie
they never made it to dinner ; and no matter how many times he’s been asked, dom doesn’t remember how it happened ― he doesn’t know if the other driver hadn’t seen them and risked running the intersection or if they’d simply lost control of their vehicle, it all happened so fast ; when dom woke two days later in a hospital bed, it was to charlotte’s mother holding his baby, tears in her eyes ― charlotte didn’t make it
picking up the pieces was harder than anything dom had ever done before ; the bar stayed closed for weeks while he grieved the love of his life, tried to learn how to be a single parent, how to do it on his own ; he had to hire more help, more people to staff the place so he could be home with his kid ; eventually he fell into a routine, learned how to keep himself and his little one moving forward ; it’s been almost ten years since the the accident and even though some days are harder than others, they always manage
a little over a year ago, dom’s child came out to him as transgender in an unexpectedly heartfelt conversation over reality tv and takeaway one night ; though he’d been a bit surprised at first, he couldn’t say it had been by much, and he was proud to find out he not only had a son, but that his son wanted to be called by a name that reminded him of his mother: charlie ; if dom wept like a baby that night, he and charlie don’t talk about it, but he knows that his dad stands by him no matter what
dom and charlie still live in the flat above wolfe’s den, and he’s doing his best to balance being a business owner, bartender, and single dad ; most days he feels like he’s barely keeping his head above water, keeping it together, but it’s worth it to make sure he’s doing everything he can for charlie ; he’s had a few relationships in the more recent years since losing charlotte, including one with thea mackenzie, a spitfire of an american who found her way into his bar and caught his eye, but whether because of his baggage, his kid, or his inability to open up about any of it, dom’s been unable to find anyone serious to try again with
thanks to a pair of flags dom hung in the front windows of wolfe’s den shortly after charlie came out, one displaying the traditional rainbow and the other a trio of colors for transgender pride, his tiny hole-in-the-wall dive bar is slowly becoming an unintentional and niche spot for notting hill’s queer community to grab a drink ; be warned, though, if you linger at the bar for too long, you might end up getting a dad talk ― unless that’s what you’re looking for, in which case, he does give pretty decent advice
charlie can almost always be found at the bar when his dad’s there unless it’s late ; if he’s not doing his homework at one of the stools where dom can keep an eye on him, he’s polishing glasses or tossing darts or building houses of cards out of coasters ; and, look, dom knows he shouldn’t be raising a kid around a bar, but it’s a hell of a lot better than he had growing up, and besides, charlie never seems to mind ; in fact, dom’s keen to think he enjoys it, leans into the way it makes him feel a little like a rebel
dom has a good heart ; he’s been known to go upstairs into his own kitchen and cook a meal for strangers who are hungry or having a hard time in the bar down below ; he learned how to knit while he was in prison and found that it was a really helpful tool for anger management and stress relief, and you’ll occasionally find him knitting squares somewhere around the bar for blankets he donates to the women & children’s refuge every winter ; if you’re in need of somewhere safe to go, something to eat, someone to talk to... any of it, dom’s your man ― he doesn’t talk about himself much but he’s a damn good listener
regulars at the bar. anyone who comes in often enough to be friends with dom and the crew. it’s a small place and dom makes a point to look after his return patrons, which means heavy pours, discounted drinks, and if you’re really lucky, the master code for the jukebox to get unlimited plays.
parent friends. look, dom has been raising charlie on his own for almost a decade now, and he’s doing his damn best to make sure he does a decent job of it, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t use some advice from time to time, or, at very least, somebody to commiserate with over the struggles of raising a kid ― more than that, a teenager 
employees. the folks who work at the bar are almost like a family to dom, and there’s not a whole hell of a lot he wouldn’t do for them. he trusts them with his business when he’s got to look after his kid, and likewise, he’d bend over backwards to help any one of them out in whatever way he could if they were in a tight spot or struggling.
prison pals. i don’t know if this one’s a long shot or not, but it would be interesting to see somebody dom met when he was locked up. were they friends ? enemies ?  i just think it could be a fun reunion to explore, and the presence of somebody from that part of his life making a reappearance now would certainly stir up some feelings
a friend of charlotte’s. maybe somebody who didn’t know dom personally at first, but knew him through his late wife and made a point to check in on him and charlie periodically after her passing, whether out of personal concern or care for their friend who couldn’t be there for her family anymore. anyway, this one promises a lot of angst. this is probably the person he calls late at night when he can’t stop thinking about her. they’re a lifeline of sorts.
exes. just because dom hasn’t been in a successful relationship since his marriage doesn’t mean he hasn’t tried to move on and meet somebody else. there are a million different reasons why it might not work out when you’re venturing into a relationship with him, of all people, but his intentions are always good. he just... well, he doesn’t really know what he’s doing anymore, okay ? 
something more. this one scares him, because he doesn’t know how to handle the idea that he might be starting to feel something for someone again ; he’s guarded with his heart, even moreso now that he’s got charlie’s to protect, too, but something about this person makes dom want to let down his walls just a little bit, maybe let somebody in. they make him feel safe. maybe it’s still too soon to think about having feelings for somebody else, but it’s been ten years, and charlie deserves more than just him, doesn’t he ? and maybe... maybe he deserves more too
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cannabillie · 2 years
How To Decarboxylate Cannabis With Oven (Step-by-Step Guide)
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The decent news is that it’s rather an easy task to describe cannabis like the ones you buy in dispensaries. Especially the way in which we accomplish it–in your oven! Because the normal idea behind decarboxylating weed is almost always to heat to complete and there does exist evident numerous approaches to decarboxylating weed from home. This comes along with heating it within the stove, just a twin- boiler, or involved in a career slow cooker. Some individuals add more it directly after meals or oil as part of the end preparing food process.
However, these solutions require more practical monitoring or stirring. Also, a lot of people easily lend themselves to accidentally overheating or erratically heating cannabis. Over-heating will destroy lots of the useful cannabinoids, and the causing product can also turn into very lethargic. Inset off, decarbing cannabis in the oven is extremely correct, effective, and nearly biceps- off. The merely easier will be trying one of these badass Nova or Mysterious Butter computerized decarboxylator equipment.
 How To Decarboxylate Cannabis With The Oven
Preset the oven to 250°F. Even understanding or knowing this will help make your place sniff around the strongly of weed for a long time.
Line a baking piece or glass baking dish with parchment paper. The examples below cause it's too simple to accumulate and package everything soon after baking.
Choose your weed of preference. We especially save our cozier, loose, less landscaped homegrown buds for this particular. I also love to build strains most of us grow that consist of both THC and CBD to produce well- balanced and healing oils or quittance. You can obviously accomplish this which has a CBD and a considerable only strain of weed as well. If you're dealing with homegrown cannabis, you might even work with material that for the longest time has been properly dried and remedied first. If you want recommendations on harvesting, jerking, and curing homegrown weed.
Now, decarboxylate the weed at 250°F for 20 half-hour and may apply a certain lower temperature for some longer time for them to save more terpenes (like 230°F for forty-five minutes).
Remember that CBDA is even longer to completely develop the CBD as opposed to the THC decarb procedure. So for anybody who is handling an excessive CBD strain and working to make CBD oil or salve, twin the amount of time at any kind given temperature.
Some men and women cover their baking griddle of cannabis with a second baking piece or a foil or upside down over the top rated, as a way to trap any terpenes or cannabinoids that may well volatilize in the act.
When the moment is done, get rid of the tray from a cookware and enable the cannabis information to totally cool. It should certainly have changed from oriental to light brown.
Switch the decarboxylated cannabis right into a glass air, a considerably tight container which has a small- fitting lid, this sort of as a mason vessel.
Finally, store the vessel of decarbed cannabis through a cool, dark place, like you would to cannabis. Plan to work with your described cannabis to make oil, salve as well as edibles within 3 and a considerable 6 months. 
Risks and Benefits Associated With Cannabis Edibles
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cannabisfakts · 2 days
Discover the best cannabis salve recipes to soothe arthritis pain naturally 🌿✨.
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Cartridge Packaging Boosts the Sales in Crowded Market
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Obviously, you can see the ways when your customers buy things through cart shopping. The use of Cartridge Packaging boosts the sales of your brand. Your packaging solution can help you get high-quality packaging that fits the products in any shape and size. Definitely, add a hanger, a cutout, or an insert to keep your products in place! This packaging loves to support brands and businesses, and our competitive rates are proof. Without any doubt, you can order in small quantities. So, you can put an end to overstocking and lack of storage space. On the other hand, there are various kinds of packaging paperboard, print, cut, fold, and glue every product too.
High-Quality Cartridge Packaging Builds a Great Impression
Undoubtedly, a brand must want more and more customers and build loyalty around itself. Furthermore, your products need attraction and want to inspire trust. Even so, having high-quality materials and Cartridge Packaging helps you to create a great impression. A lot of times, people only see the shelves once or twice before decision of a purchase. Moreover, the packaging is more important and grabs the attention of consumers. What do you think is the most important thing for packaging? Indeed, it’s the top-quality materials and stylish shapes that play a vital role in deciding on the purchase.
Top-Quality Cartridge Boxes Attracts the Most
Subsequently, the material is the first point which takes unbeatable success for your products. White and Kraft paperboard are available in many categories of thickness and work amazingly with Cartridge Boxes. It should be noted that they are high resistance, easy to customize, and simply looks great. Moreover, the experts use the finest materials for top-quality printing. The cutouts, coatings, inserts, and embellishments are a major impact on how your packaging will attract. The qualities of your products stand out in your brand. Above all, the methods of embossing, interior and exterior printing, foiling, and more extras of products will be checked for the procedure of packaging.
Cart Packaging Increases Brand’s Personality
Importantly, your packaging needs to be perfect and attractive. From the advanced techniques of printing to the die-cut and the finishes, every step needs special care. In addition to this, the packaging solution, there is top-class Cart Packaging with different designs and various styles for the different products. On the other hand, your brand’s personality gets a high peak of success and makes professional packaging in the market. At this time to increase the quality and safety of the brand logos and the latest printing styles play an important role? Fine packaging is a facility that covers the full manufacturing process of the products. Many brands cover all types of packaging also.
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CBD Packaging with Multiple Benefits and Products
A steep rise was observing in the demand for products. Because of their multiple benefits in sustaining the well-being of human beings as well as pet animals like cats, dogs, and horses. Cannabis extract from the hemp plant is non-psychoactive. Moreover, it is beneficial for skin metabolic functions, stress release, etc. CBD Packaging is important for edibles like supplements, gummies, soft chews, cannabis protein bars, etc. Other infused products include shampoos for flaunting hair, anti-aging creams, lotions, salves, cigarettes, hand sanitizers, soaps, and body showers. All these products are in huge demand according to their exceptional functionality.
CBD Boxes Speaks the Quality and Worth of Products
Especially, the popularity of cannabis products increases the brand’s personality. To get your product attractive you just need to display your products in packaging. Undoubtedly, CBD Boxes speaks to the quality and worth of the product inside it. These packaging boxes carefully get in stylish colors and designs to enhance the prominence of your products placed on shelves. These products are considered to be premium as extraction. This is a complex procedure. If your brand is a manufacturer of valuable infused products, the packaging store is the right place to take care of your packaging needs.
Small CBD Boxes Prevents Nutrients from Moisture
These packaging boxes are made from food material preventing the products from moisture and environmental damage. These packaging carefully Kraft's printing containers use high-quality cardboard to provide you with secure and durable Small CBD Boxes. Rigid packaging gives your customers a feeling of a luxury touch to your products. You can enough safely hold all kinds of items and protect your delicate products like beard oil, Massage oils, E-Liquids, etc. When oily stock takes from one place to another it is essential to take this stock with great care and security. The oils and serums are made with shockproof stock because these products are usually put in glass containers.
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Exploring the Wide Range of Products Offered by Canadian Online Dispensary
The advent of online dispensaries has revolutionized the way people access and purchase cannabis products. What was once confined to local shops and personal connections is now available at the click of a button, providing a vast array of products to suit various needs and preferences. From traditional buds to innovative edibles and topicals, online dispensaries offer a comprehensive selection that caters to both medical and recreational users. In this blog, we will explore the diverse range of products offered by Canadian online dispensary, highlighting their unique features and benefits.
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1. Cannabis Flower
The most traditional and widely recognized form of cannabis is the flower, also known as buds. Online dispensaries offer a plethora of strains, each with its unique combination of cannabinoids and terpenes, which contribute to their distinct effects and flavors. Strains are generally categorized into three types: Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid.
Sativa: Known for its uplifting and energizing effects, Sativa strains are often chosen for daytime use. They are popular among users seeking creativity, focus, and a boost in energy.
Indica: These strains are favored for their relaxing and sedative effects, making them ideal for evening or nighttime use. Indica strains are commonly used to alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain.
Hybrid: Combining elements of both Sativa and Indica, Hybrid strains offer a balanced experience. They are bred to provide specific effects and can be tailored to meet individual preferences.
2. Edibles
Edibles are a popular choice for those who prefer not to smoke or vaporize cannabis. These products come in various forms, including:
Gummies: One of the most common forms of edibles, gummies are easy to dose and come in a wide range of flavors and potencies.
Chocolates: Infused with cannabis, chocolates offer a delicious and discreet way to consume cannabis. They are available in different types such as milk, dark, and white chocolate.
Baked Goods: From cookies to brownies, baked goods infused with cannabis are a classic favorite. They provide a familiar and enjoyable way to medicate or relax.
Beverages: Cannabis-infused drinks such as teas, coffees, and sodas offer a refreshing alternative to traditional edibles. They are often preferred for their ease of use and gradual onset of effects.
3. Concentrates
For users seeking a more potent and immediate effect, cannabis concentrates are an excellent option. Concentrates are made by extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant, resulting in a highly potent product. Common types of concentrates include:
Shatter: Known for its glass-like texture, shatter is a popular concentrate that is both potent and easy to use.
Wax: With a consistency similar to candle wax, this concentrate is versatile and can be used in various ways, including dabbing and vaping.
Oil: Often used in vape pens and cartridges, cannabis oil is a convenient and discreet way to consume cannabis concentrates.
Live Resin: Made from freshly harvested cannabis that is flash-frozen, live resin preserves the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, offering a robust and flavorful experience.
4. Topicals
For those seeking localized relief without the psychoactive effects, topicals are a perfect choice. Cannabis-infused topicals come in various forms, including:
Lotions and Creams: Applied directly to the skin, these products are used to alleviate pain, inflammation, and skin conditions.
Balms and Salves: These thicker formulations are designed for targeted relief and are often used for muscle and joint pain.
Patches: Transdermal patches provide a steady release of cannabinoids over an extended period, making them ideal for chronic pain management.
5. Tinctures and Oils
Tinctures and oils are liquid cannabis extracts that are typically administered sublingually (under the tongue) for fast absorption. They offer precise dosing and can be used discreetly. Tinctures come in various formulations, including:
CBD Tinctures: These are non-psychoactive and are used for their therapeutic benefits, such as reducing anxiety, inflammation, and pain.
THC Tinctures: These contain the psychoactive component of cannabis and are used for both recreational and medical purposes.
Full-Spectrum Tinctures: These contain a range of cannabinoids and terpenes, providing the "entourage effect" for a more comprehensive therapeutic experience.
6. Pre-Rolls
Pre-rolled joints offer a convenient way to enjoy cannabis without the hassle of rolling. They come in various strains and sizes, allowing users to choose based on their preferences and needs. Pre-rolls are perfect for on-the-go use and for those who may not have the skills or patience to roll their own joints.
7. Vape Products
Vaping has become a popular method of consuming cannabis due to its convenience and discretion. Online dispensaries offer a range of vape products, including:
Vape Pens: These portable devices come pre-filled with cannabis oil and are easy to use. They are available in both disposable and refillable formats.
Vape Cartridges: These are pre-filled with cannabis oil and can be attached to a compatible battery. They offer a variety of strains and potencies.
Dry Herb Vaporizers: These devices allow users to vaporize cannabis flower, providing a cleaner alternative to smoking.
The variety of products offered by online dispensaries ensures that there is something for everyone, whether you are a seasoned cannabis user or a curious newcomer. People can now enjoy edibles online, vape products, Concentrates, and much more. With the convenience of online shopping, detailed product descriptions, and customer reviews, finding the right product to suit your needs has never been easier. As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative and exciting products to emerge, further enhancing the user experience.
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acidic-moon · 1 month
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In this article, we'll learn how to make a cannabis salve recipe at home. But before we get into the details, let's highlight what cannabis salve is. Why it is essential, what it does, and how it exerts its effects on the body. #cannabis #recipe #420
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Day 120.
Just a little salty that trying out variations on a Russian Auer bow hold resulted in me straining my wrist and arm enough that I had to stop way early today. So, for a standard Auer hold my pinky straight-up isn't long enough (it's a half-inch shorter than my left pinky). The way my tendons are connected, the moment I straighten it out, it puts tension on my ring finger and folds my hand inwards. My hand starts working against itself as I get to the tip of the bow.
The thing I'm playing with now is the possibility of doing an Auer hold with three fingers instead of four, having my ring finger rest on the top of the bow and like, finding some way to hold my pinky where it won't keep trying to collapse my entire hand form. This may just not be possible but I felt like it was another avenue I should explore before I commit to figuring out a prosthetic based on the Franco-Belgian hold. But my flexor digitorum or whatever the fuck is Not Happy and I have to go fetch the cannabis salve. I'm going to give it a few more whirls, but... more carefully next time.
Fuck it, I should see what I can dig up about the old German bow hold too so I can say I really did try everything, LOL.
It's funny, too, that if I spend this much of my brain concentrating on my right hand my left hand starts to get sloppy. Sigggggghhhh.
Now I'm imagining trying to explain all this to the Muse and having them immediately go into Teacher Mode, oh no sdfghjksdfghjks-
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stevensaus · 1 month
I originally posted this last year, prior to Ohio's vote about legalizing marijuana, even though lawmakers have since tried to modify it. But given the recent possibility that the DEA will reclassify marijuana at a federal level, there's been a bunch of scaremongering going on with the usual suspects, calling marijuana a "dangerous drug" and saying (at least according to this chiron) that the Biden administration wants us "numb and dumb". NOTE: I do not address below the racist origins of marijuana prohibition; Business Insider does a fine job of that. A discussion occurred on NextDoor when I posted my thoughts about Ohio's marijuana legalization on that site. The short form of my position is this: If you think alcohol should be legal, then you have no reason to oppose marijuana legalization. Some of the concerns were spurious (if you have legal dispensaries, they aren't going to be illegally tainting their product), some were legitimate but not quite relevant (mostly about the smell, which I understand, but we currently have legislation about smoking other substances, and edibles, salves, etc have no smell). But there were some concerns that needed a bit more context and discussion. So I started doing a literature review to answer those questions and concerns as honestly and factually as I could. Read on for what I found. First was a concern about heart disease. And there is something there... sort of. There are some studies that show there seems to be a correlation between high levels of cannabis use and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the researchers did not (or could not in the case of the meta-studies) distinguish between forms of use (although they did separate by gender, which tells me they forgot to ask about types of use). Given there is a strong correlation between smoked tobacco and CVD, I would hope there is research teasing out the difference. I strongly suspect that someone who only uses gummies would not have the same (elevated) risk. Alcohol, it should be noted, ALSO is associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, so again, my original statement that one should not treat cannabis as "worse" than alcohol stands. The physical negative health effects of alcohol are thoroughly studied, with the WHO recently noting that no level of alcohol consumption is actually safe (let alone "good") for our health. Given the increase in alcohol use since the beginning of the pandemic, this perhaps should be a greater concern from a societal point of view. There are also concerns about mental health disorders and cannabis use. A study often cited by anti-cannabis folks is saying is that for those at risk of schizophrenia, it's more likely to be associated with an elevated risk (again, separated by gender). The study does not make any claims about causing disorders among those who are not already at risk to develop the condition. Other research questions the causal link, and notes that it may be more correlational. However, a good point is raised. Other research illustrates that cannabis -- like any drug or medicine or substance we take into our bodies -- has a different impact on people with different pre-existing mental health conditions. For some, it was helpful, for others, remarkably less so. But we should not ignore that alcohol-induced psychosis is also a real thing. There are also studies clearly linking alcohol use to increased dementia risk. Finally, concerns about cannabis use increasing the use of other, "harder" drugs seem to be completely off-base. In real-world observations, the legalization of recreational marijuana did not increase opioid usage, and in fact, decreased it. No substance we take into our bodies is always good or always bad. The same substance may be good for one person, and very bad for another. That goes for alcohol, marijuana, and even for carbs. In response to another person I looked up actual research about crime rates and marijuana legalization:
It took me literally seconds to find an academic study noting that violent crime in Oregon, as well as use of other drugs, decreased after legalization, one showing no effect (either way) noted in Washington or Colorado, another showing a reduction of violent crime in all states with legalization, and this one, which, well, I'll just quote it: "The results imply that an additional dispensary in a neighborhood leads to a reduction of 17 crimes per month per 10,000 residents, which corresponds to roughly a 19 percent decline relative to the average crime rate over the sample period. Reductions in crime are highly localized, with no evidence of spillover benefits to adjacent neighborhoods." That's right, having a dispensary made the neighborhood immediately around it safer. Make your decisions based on facts, rather than fearmongering. Featured Image by cytis from Pixabay
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expresscbd · 3 months
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botanicalsbodyandmind · 3 months
Exploring the Benefits of CBD Products: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol) products have gained significant popularity for their potential health benefits and therapeutic properties. Derived from the hemp plant, CBD is a non-intoxicating compound that is believed to offer a wide range of health and wellness benefits. From oils and tinctures to edibles and topicals, CBD products come in various forms and are used for a variety of purposes. In this article, we'll delve into the world of CBD products, exploring their benefits, uses, and potential applications.
Understanding CBD: What Is It and How Does It Work?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces a "high," CBD is non-intoxicating and does not cause euphoria or impairment. Instead, CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological functions such as mood, sleep, appetite, and pain sensation. By interacting with cannabinoid receptors in the ECS, CBD may help promote balance and homeostasis within the body, leading to potential therapeutic effects.
Benefits of CBD Products
CBD products are believed to offer a wide range of potential health benefits, thanks to their interaction with the ECS and other biological systems in the body. Some of the most commonly reported benefits of CBD products include:
1. Pain relief: CBD has been shown to have analgesic properties, making it a popular choice for managing chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and neuropathic pain.
2. Anxiety and stress relief: CBD may help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress by interacting with serotonin receptors in the brain, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
3. Sleep improvement: CBD has been reported to improve sleep quality and duration in individuals with insomnia and other sleep disorders, possibly due to its calming effects and ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles.
4. Anti-inflammatory effects: CBD has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
5. Neuroprotective properties: Some studies suggest that CBD may have neuroprotective effects, potentially offering benefits for conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Types of CBD Products
CBD products come in various forms to suit different preferences and needs. Some of the most popular types of CBD products include:
1. CBD oils and tinctures: These are liquid extracts of CBD that are typically taken sublingually (under the tongue) for fast absorption and maximum bioavailability.
2. CBD capsules and softgels: These are convenient oral dosage forms of CBD that are swallowed like traditional supplements and provide a precise and consistent dose of CBD.
3. CBD edibles: These include CBD-infused gummies, chocolates, candies, and other food products that offer a tasty and discreet way to consume CBD.
4. CBD topicals: These are creams, lotions, balms, and salves that are applied directly to the skin and are used for localized relief of pain, inflammation, and skin conditions.cbd tea uk
5. CBD vapes and inhalables: These are CBD-infused vape oils, e-liquids, and inhalable concentrates that are inhaled through a vaporizer or vape pen for fast-acting relief.
Considerations When Using CBD Products
While CBD products are generally considered safe and well-tolerated, it's essential to use them responsibly and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your wellness routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications. Additionally, it's crucial to choose high-quality cbd tea from reputable brands that use third-party lab testing to ensure purity, potency, and safety.
CBD products offer a promising avenue for promoting health and wellness naturally. With their potential therapeutic effects and wide range of applications, CBD products have gained popularity among individuals seeking alternative solutions for managing various health conditions. Whether you're looking for pain relief, stress reduction, better sleep, or overall wellness support, cbd pills may offer a natural and effective solution for enhancing your quality of life. However, it's essential to do your research, consult with a healthcare professional, and choose high-quality products to ensure a safe and beneficial CBD experience.
Source Url:-https://sites.google.com/view/bodyandmindbotanicalscom56/home
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 5 months
Cannabis as Medicine: Lifting Moods and Calming Anxiety
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From China to Greece, rulers, healers and regular folk used cannabis to reduce pain and inflammation. There's even evidence it helped people cope with stress and sadness. Today, science is rediscovering some of these old-time cures. Evidence shows cannabis can lift moods and calm anxiety. As views change, cannabis is gaining acceptance as an alternative medicine. With the right guidance, it may improve life for many people. Varieties of Cannabis Plants and Products Cannabis plants contain varying concentrations of active compounds depending on factors like genetics, growing conditions and harvesting times. Marijuana usually contains significant amounts of THC, while industrial hemp produces higher CBD levels. Different strains and cultivation approaches also impact cannabis chemistry. But extracts and derivatives allow people to fine-tune effects. Oils and tinctures made using CO2 or solvent extraction emphasize desired compounds. Refining processes can isolate CBD in crystals or THC in thick resins for use in vaporizers. Edibles like gummies give longer relief by metabolizing cannabinoids in the liver before releasing them into the bloodstream. Derivatives such as shatter provide options for those needing targeted effects. For example, a chronic pain patient might use a THC-rich salve for localized relief during the day, and a high-CBD sublingual spray at night to enable sleep. Having choices optimizes cannabis’s effectiveness. THC Eases Pain and Lifts Moods Best known for its euphoric effects, THC also dulls pain signals and controls nausea. This could really help folks coping with illness or going through treatments like chemotherapy. Plus, by energizing the brain’s pleasure centers, THC may temporarily brighten moods darkened by conditions like depression and PTSD. How Cannabinoids Interact with Mind and Body THC chemically mimics natural ECS signaling molecules involved in making you feel good and relaxed. This allows THC to briefly yet powerfully boost mood. However, messing with the ECS too often might lead it to produce less of its own mood-regulating chemicals over time. CBD also interacts with ECS receptors, but in more subtle ways. By turning down stress signals from the amygdala and other “worry centers”, it seems to ease anxious thoughts and tendencies. But be aware - everyone has a unique endocannabinoid system and psychology, so CBD can affect individuals differently. Maximizing Benefits and Avoiding Harm Cannabis medicine is complicated; it can help but also do damage if used imprudently. Factors like your body chemistry, the dose and delivery method all impact reactions, as do combinations with other drugs. And teenagers should avoid it since their developing brains are more vulnerable. Always start low and slow with cannabis medicines, carefully tracking how you feel. Getting input from a cannabis-savvy doctor is highly recommended when considering it as therapy. Educating yourself on your country’s laws is also a must, because penalties for illegal use remain stiff in many areas. While questions linger, research momentum keeps building behind cannabis. Tapping its full medical potential in a responsible way could lead to better, longer lives for many who struggle with anxiety, chronic pain and other burdensome conditions. With an open yet cautious approach, societies worldwide may someday regard this humble plant as a healing treasure rather than a mere intoxicant. Role of Medical Professionals The role medical professionals play in cannabis medicine is crucial. They bring their medical expertise to guide safe and effective usage – helping patients navigate dosage considerations, possible interactions with different medications and potential risks versus benefits analysis. While not all doctors are using cannabis as a medicine, seeking a consultation with those specializing in this field could be worthwhile. When treating depression, professionals can recommend complementary therapies such as cognitive behavioral disorder. A combined approach may prove highly beneficial. Interactions with Other Drugs While cannabis presents fewer health risks than many substances, it can impact how other drugs work in the body. THC tends to amplify drowsiness and motor impairment caused by depressants like alcohol, opioids and muscle relaxers. Mixing cannabis with stimulants such as cocaine or amphetamines can also dangerously amplify heart rate and blood pressure changes. However, the complexity of the body’s endocannabinoid system makes responses tricky to predict. For instance, evidence suggests patients using blood thinners may need to reduce warfarin doses if also taking CBD, due to interactions that slow its metabolization. Yet combining cannabis and antidepressants might boost efficacy for those with treatment-resistant depression. With guidance from knowledgeable doctors, cannabis can safely complement other therapies. But anyone combining it with other medications should monitor themselves diligently for enhanced, prolonged or unexpected effects. Adjusting doses may become necessary over time. Self-Regulation Strategies Recreational users sometimes develop problematic relationships with cannabis. Dependence can manifest in neurological adaptations and withdrawals when not ingesting it. However, techniques grounded in moderation, self-awareness and lifestyle balance can help avoid uncontrolled use. Setting intake schedules and dosage limits empowers people to employ cannabis deliberately rather than impulsively. Tracking experiences in wellness journals spotlights evolving patterns and personal problem signs like memory issues or worsened mood after overindulging. Staying attentive to priorities like work, relationships and health helps maintain perspective regarding cannabis’ place in life. Engaging in creative pursuits, social connections and physical activity builds natural dopamine levels separate from substance use. Practicing meditation can increase self-regulation and conscious decision-making abilities around consumption habits and risk factors as well. Implementing such lifestyle strategies sustains cannabis as an enhancement instead of a detriment. Getting Started with Cannabis Medicine Deciding whether to try using cannabis as medicine requires careful consideration. Speaking to a doctor versed in this area can provide guidance on key factors like: Evaluating Individual Risks While cannabis presents a favorable safety profile compared to opioids, it does carry addiction risks around 9% on average. Assessing personal and family histories regarding substance misuse can gauge vulnerability. Those with addictive tendencies or psychiatric issues may require extra precautions like low THC varieties, dosage limits and abstinence from cannabis’ smoked form. Establishing Therapeutic Goals Clarifying the core symptoms meant to improve through cannabis therapy keeps expectations realistic. Is the aim to minimize chronic pain, reduce anxiety spikes or improve sleep? Tracking symptoms daily provides baseline data to compare against once starting cannabis treatment. The Future of Medical Cannabis Cannabis remains classified as an illegal Schedule I drug at the federal level in the U.S. This not only stifles research but creates confusion and inequality around access to cannabis therapies depending on state policies. Rescheduling the plant could spur innovation by easing clinical trials and availability issues. Technical challenges surrounding cultivation and cannabinoid delivery also hamper progress. Scientists have yet to fully optimize growing methods for producing targeted cannabinoid yields. And most current ingestion approaches come with drawbacks - smoking brings lung risks while oral administration triggers slow, erratic absorption. Solutions like nanoparticles and transdermal patches seeking to maximize therapeutic effects while limiting risks show early promise. Despite such hurdles, the future is bright for cannabis medicine. Driven by patient needs and emboldened political will, laws and infrastructure supporting research are expanding steadily. With so much yet undiscovered about the plant’s capacities for healing minds and bodies, eras of transformative progress lie ahead. The golden age of cannabis as a life-changing medicine dawns. Summing it Up Cannabis does hold substantial medicinal value that can aid in mood elevation and anxiety relief among other possibilities. However, mindful, well-guided use is essential to harness its potential benefits while mitigating risks. Future research will hopefully paint a clearer picture of the full extent of its medical potential, making way for more refined usage recommendations and therapeutic strategies involving cannabis.   Photo by Richard T on Unsplash Read the full article
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