ifbeumont · 2 years
So, the next chapter will be delayed for a bit. Mostly because I’ve been procrastinating a lot, and because I’ve been busy on another if game for my Contemporary Arts class. I’ll be focusing on my other if game for the meantime, but it will definitely be finished before Christmas vacation.
After I finish the other if game, I’ll focus on Cannon Fodder System. I’m really sorry for the delay, Cannon Fodder System is only a hobby of mine so it’s not my main focus for now. That’s partly why I’m refusing to accept donations since my progress is really slow.
Anyway, are you guys interested in playing the other if game? It’s on DashingDon too, but it’ll only be as long as one chapter in Cannon Fodder System. Some background info on the theme: it’s supposed to show diversity and inclusivity in the Filipino community (I’m from the Philippines hehehe). Because it’s mainly about Filipino culture, there will be some stuff that non-Filipinos will not understand, so I’m asking if you guys would be interested in playing it.
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ifbeumont · 2 years
Cannon Fodder System (WIP)
Since you were born as a child, your life could only be considered 'normal.' You went to school, graduated with a mediocre degree, and got a job with a salary that could sustain your lifestyle. After getting a job, you worked hard enough to not get fired, unlike Peggy from the IT department who got overworked to death. This life was simple and satisfactory for you until you were 30 years old.
Say, what would you do if you got hit by a truck and died?
And then got connected to a system that would transmigrate you into different worlds and give you missions?
And these worlds were stupid novels only someone with eight-grade syndrome could enjoy?
Oh, this was your life now.
Hello, everyone! After a couple of months of procrastination, I’ve finally finished the first chapter of my current WIP (and a few thousands of words of the second chapter). I’m not going to post this on the CoG forum for the meantime until I finish the first three chapters.
I’m only posting this for now, along with the prologue and the first chapter of the game, to see if my game is actually as enjoyable as I want it to be haha. Seriously though, I want to see if you guys are interested in a game like this.
‘Cannon Fodder System’ is basically a parody of various Chinese novel tropes so readers who aren’t familiar with Chinese novels might not find it enjoyable. There’s a ‘Glossary of Terms’, however, for those who can’t understand some terms.
It’s a quick transmigration story, wherein the reader dies and gets connected to a system. The system gives the reader missions and transmigrates them into different worlds. For every world where they are transmigrated to, they have a different identity and appearance. The reader can control their names and appearance, however.
Currently, I’m planning there to have three different worlds. There will be five chapters for every world, so the plot will be very fast-paced and many time-skips will occur.
If you guys have comments or critiques about the game, you should tell them to me on my ‘Ask me Anything’.
Demo Link: https://dashingdon.com/play/beumont/cannon-fodder-system/mygame/
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ifbeumont · 2 years
July 20 Update
Hello, everyone! Finally, after a lot of procrastination, I was able to finish Chapter 2.
In Chapter 2, you can:
Butt heads with your step-brother over a TV drama role
Engage in family drama, with a dash of blackmailing and secret spies
Enjoy individual scenes with the ROs
For this update, I did the following:
Added Chapter 2
Fixed A LOT of grammar mistakes (Seriously, when I think about how I completely missed them at first, I want to cry T_T)
Changed the ‘Nonchalant’ stats into ‘Calm’ since it sounds nicer that way
Erased the ‘Roleplayer’ and ‘Transmigrator’ stats since I couldn’t find any use to it
Made Daphne have red hair instead of ginger
I hope you guys enjoy Chapter 2! If you guys are confused about why there isn’t a proper description post for the demo, I’ll only make it once I finish Chapter 3 and post this demo on the CoG forum since some parts of the demo can be changed (also because I’m lazy hehe).
Demo link: https://dashingdon.com/play/beumont/cannon-fodder-system/mygame/
If you guys see a bug, don’t hesitate to reach out to me in my asks! I just found out that I’ve misunderstood how to use *choice and *fake_choice and promptly fixed it on the new update, so there may or may not be something wrong with my code haha.
(SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT for the following, don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled about the romance system)
So, Chapter 2 marks the start of scenes with the ROs. Every chapter from now on in World 1 will have scenes with the ROs. There will be 2 ways of romancing the ROs: shy or bold, which corresponds to the Calm and Anxious stats. You can also choose whether or not you are aware of your feelings for your chosen RO, which can be done at any point in the relationship. Anyway, I hope the romance scenes didn’t seem too cringy (especially Victor’s, seriously, at that point, I was laughing while writing his scene haha).
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ifbeumont · 2 years
On a scale of 1 to 10 how resistant are the ROs to an MC giving them puppy dog eyes :?
Sorry for the late answer! I've been busy with school recently so I'm only now catching up on the asks.
Adonis: 4 (He falls for MC's puppy eyes at times, but he'll be pretty resistant if what the MC is asking is too much.)
Olivia: 2 (She's the type of lover who easily falls for MC's puppy eyes. Although not as excessive as Victor, she's definitely pretty doting.)
Daphne: 6 (She can resist the MC's puppy eyes pretty well. If she's on a good day, however, she'll fall for it.)
Victor: 1 (He cannot resist the MC's puppy eyes at all. If MC asks for something, he'll definitely give it without any hesitation. He's basically the doting male lead trope in novels haha)
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ifbeumont · 2 years
Please spoil us about the RO's
I don't think I can take the mystery ... I love them to much already
On another note ... Do you have a patreon or another way to support you?
Okay, I've decided to spoil the thing about the ROs now haha. But first, I'll answer your question.
On another note ... Do you have a patreon or another way to support you?
Nope, I'm only planning to open a patreon if I get to 10 chapters, but for now, there's no way to support me financially. It's still too early in the writing process, so I really don't want to accept any money.
Okay, now for the spoilers. If you don't want to be spoiled about the mysteries behind the ROs, then don't read further down. I really don't recommend spoiling yourself, since it'll ruin World 2 for you. Just don't blame me if you regret it haha
So, all of the 4 ROs are transmigrators transmigrating in the same worlds as you. It's pretty stereotypical for quick transmigration novels, so it's probably obvious if you've read chinese novels before. Anyways, please don't spoil the other readers about this. I won't be accepting any questions about the true identities of the ROs, until we get to the part in the story where their identities are exposed.
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ifbeumont · 2 years
When we romance Adonis and finally sleep with him can we make a reference regarding the raise talk on the 1st chapter? "Hey we slept together, where's my promise raised?" Just to be petty
Once the MC and Adonis get together, there would definitely be an off-hand mention about the raise talk. I'm not sure if I'll include the tidbit about them sleeping each other, though. I'm now okay with fade-to-black scenes, but I'm not sure if I can fit it in the plot since everything has to be wrapped up by Chapter 5.
Let's just see what happens in the future hehe
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ifbeumont · 2 years
please please please write us a scene where Adonis is jealous of Victor
the angst 😈
and maybe mc could notice the jelly boi and even encourage the “flirt” they have with victor to annoy Adonis even more 👀
This will definitely happen in later chapters, maybe Chapter 4 or 5. Ngl it makes me excited just thinking about it. Imagine Adonis realizing that MC has a 2nd backer 💀
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ifbeumont · 2 years
Is the Mc gonna be punished for flirting with more than one Ro? And are they gonna ever acknowledge that? The most drama would probably be (Daphne x Olivia) and (Victor x Adonis) for a love triangle, so could you please give a taste of a jealousy scenario between them were they know they are rivals in the crushing fase? <3
Is the Mc gonna be punished for flirting with more than one Ro? And are they gonna ever acknowledge that?
Honestly, I haven't thought that far ahead but...
The most drama would probably be (Daphne x Olivia) and (Victor x Adonis) for a love triangle, so could you please give a taste of a jealousy scenario between them were they know they are rivals in the crushing fase? <3
Okay, the love triangle idea seems fun, I'll definitely add some jealousy scenes if the MC were to flirt with two ROs. I'll make it impossible that MC can flirt with more than two ROs though so it makes thing easier.
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ifbeumont · 2 years
this is it... THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR!! I love the genre so much!!
Questions: 1) Will this book have multiple transmigrations or is it only the movie star world?
2) Following up from question 1 will this be a standalone book?
Questions: 1) Will this book have multiple transmigrations or is it only the movie star world?
Yup, it will have multiple transmigrations, making it part of the quick transmigration genre. There will be three worlds in total, which will contain five chapters each.
2) Following up from question 1 will this be a standalone book?
Yup, it will be a standalone book. I don't really on making a sequel since I've already made an outline of the plot at this point.
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ifbeumont · 2 years
literally love the demo ajdjskckwoxoso can’t wait to make Adonis fall in love with my MC 🤸‍♀️
I'm glad you liked the demo! Is it me or does everyone love Adonis? My cousin who was the first one to play the demo fell in love with Adonis in the first scene with him haha
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ifbeumont · 2 years
Just finished Chapter 2!
I just finished Chapter 2! Honestly, I would have finished it earlier if I actually followed my writing schedule (I’m sorry, I get lazy sometimes T_T). If I’m correct, it’s the longest chapter I’ve ever written. Currently, it’s at 39k+ (excluding code) words now.
I only need to proofread it, along with Chapter 1 since I want to change up a few details, so Chapter 2 will probably be up in less than a week. See you in the next update!
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ifbeumont · 2 years
How would the ROs react to seeing someone else flirt with the MC during the crushing stage?
Adonis: He would interrupt the conversation and proceed to pretend to be MC's boyfriend. Then, he would just use the excuse that he was the MC's backer, and so they have the obligation to be loyal to him.
Olivia: She would be very irritated but wouldn't do anything about the flirting, since she feels that the MC are their own person and she doesn't have the right to do anything about others' romantic interactions with them if they aren't even together.
Daphne: She would pretend to not care about it and go 'how does this have anything to do with me?' but would be openly glaring at the person flirting with the MC.
Victor: He wouldn't show a reaction and it would seem like he didn't care about it at all. Secretly, however, he would order his assistant to do a thorough background check on that person. If he finds something disparaging, he would subtly mention this information around the MC in order to dissuade them from forming a relationship with said person. Even if the person was actually good, he would take decisive actions to separate them from the MC by forcing them to leave the country.
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ifbeumont · 2 years
No, it isn't bad if the MC changes the plot by more than 30% or even 100%. In fact, the plot will deviate by its own in the future chapters, making it possible to reach 100%.
(Within Lord God's rules, of course)
Also you said that we'll meet the ROs again when mission is completed, what would exactly happen?
Are they going to be in different jobs in the second world?
Does the relationship between MC and RO will restart again?
Does any of their appearance or names change?
Also, what's the age rating for this IF? I know Adonis joked about sleeping with MC multiple times, but is there any way it's gonna come true? Or is it strictly SFW excluding the violence, drugs, and death?
Sorry for the loads of questions on different asks, dear author
I am just a little bit too excited about your IF, it reminds me of "Cheating Men Must Die" or "Goddess system thing" (I forgot the name again)
Not really haha, but since the protagonist is the centerpiece of the novel/world, if the protagonist's fate at the end of World 1 is completely the opposite of their original fate (where they have a happy ending and all), the plot can be considered to be changed by 100%. Even though the MC can't kill the protagonist directly, they still have different ways to make the protagonist suffer or even die indirectly from their actions.
If you go full callous route, the MC can definitely go apeshit though. I already have some ideas on how to make the protagonist suffer in the end haha.
Also you said that we'll meet the ROs again when mission is completed, what would exactly happen?
This is a spoiler question, unfortunately. You'll get to meet the ROs officially after World 2, however.
Does the relationship between MC and RO will restart again?
For this question, I'll just say that the answer is yes and no haha.
Does any of their appearance or names change?
If you're referring to the ROs, their appearance and name will change. Rest assured, they're still the ROs you got introduced to. They're just a little bit different.
Also, what's the age rating for this IF? I know Adonis joked about sleeping with MC multiple times, but is there any way it's gonna come true? Or is it strictly SFW excluding the violence, drugs, and death?
It will be strictly SFW as I'm still a minor haha. Even if I was over 18, I don't think I'll be able to feel comfortable enough to write NSFW even if it was just fade-to-black.
Sorry for the loads of questions on different asks, dear author I am just a little bit too excited about your IF, it reminds me of "Cheating Men Must Die" or "Goddess system thing" (I forgot the name again)
I'm okay with the questions! In fact, I like being asked questions about the game since I've been very excited about my future plans for it. I'm glad you're excited about the game, I am too!
For those who are still confused about who the ROs really are, since I really don't want to directly spoil how it'll go, I'll just say the situation will end up like most romance in quick transmigration novels. If you know, you know.
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ifbeumont · 2 years
I'm not sure if this was intentional but after the MC leaves their parents house isn't the following text supposed to be:
One thing you were confused though was that this definitely didn't happen in the original plot. The original $!{name} failed to get the role because ${mc_his} acting skills were inferior to Narcissus's, not because ${mc_he} was forced to back out by ${mc_his} parents. Since Narcissus blackmailed Father Oberon and showed his nefarious intentions, he must've felt very threatened by you.
Instead of:
One thing you were confused though was that this definitely didn't happen in the original plot. The original $!{name} failed to get the role because his acting skills were inferior to Narcissus's, not because he was forced to back out by his parents. Since Narcissus blackmailed Father Oberon and showed his nefarious intentions, he must've felt very threatened by you.
If it was intentional I'm sorry and please disregard this message! 😅
Oops, looks like I messed up on that one. Thanks for pointing it out! I'll fix it on the next update since I don't want to mess things up for the ones who are playing the demo now.
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ifbeumont · 2 years
Do any of the ROs know that the MC is a transmigrator? If so, who is the first to find out and how do they find out?? (Also thank you so much for creating this game ^^ I love it and am looking forward to seeing what else you have planned) ❤️
Do any of the ROs know that the MC is a transmigrator? If so, who is the first to find out and how do they find out??
That's a secret hehe, I tried to drop some hints on some places, but they're definitely a tad bit subtle.
Also thank you so much for creating this game ^^ I love it and am looking forward to seeing what else you have planned
Thank you so much for the support!! Also, I received other supportive asks too, so I'm just thanking you all in this one ask. I don't want to spam post too much hehe
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ifbeumont · 2 years
At this point I'm pretty sure that the RO's (or at least Adonis) are also transmigratiors
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